3 minute read

A Reading For You

by Annie Gebel

Hey, y’all, it’s summer! So often readings can feel big and heavy and packed full of important details to scrutinize. Let’s get a little crazy and have some fun with this one! These cards are from the Work Your Light oracle deck, by Rebecca Campbell. The soft and beautiful artwork was done by Danielle Noel. And the messages are all about the light that you have in you and how you can let it shine - which seems perfect for this summer reading!


Choose a card, based on an intuitive nudge, the picture, or even the words on it. If more than one calls to you, that’s okay! Let’s see what sunshiney messages the cards will reveal today.

Card 2 DANCE WITH LIFE Do something to change your energy.

Card 3 AWAKENING Energetic upgrades. A new way of being. Integration.

This card pulls from the teachings of several ancient lineages, all of which talk about beauty. You are being asked to recognize beauty all around you and within you. Take an extra minute in the mirror (yes, maybe a full 60 seconds) just to look into your own eyes and appreciate your beauty. Make a practice of rubbing your own feet or that of your x children, friends, or partners and appreciating the profound beauty of how these little toes work together with all the muscles, bones, and whatever else is in our feet to support us day in and day out. Buy some flowers. Walk through a park. Really see the world around you through the lens of beauty. Create beauty too. Clean and simplify. Rearrange and move things around on your walls and shelves. Pick up trash along the street or in the parking lot. Sew something, paint something, build something! These are the offerings that truly make magic in the world - appreciating beauty through, seeing it, doing it, and being it. b Sometimes we get stuck in the drudgery of habit, repetition, and schedules. These things can be helpful, even essential, in life but they can also be boring or feel limiting sometimes. If you’re feeling stuck, dance! Change something, move your energy in a different way, dance! Think about taking a dance class or simply wiggle it just a little bit down the grocery store aisles. Put on a great playlist as you get ready in the morning and maybe kick up your heels before settling down to be all serious at work. Or at the next picnic or park day, pump, pump it up! I mean…turn up the jams! You’re definitely not the only one who needs a change of pace. Essential drudgery will be there when the song ends, but for a few minutes, throw your arms in the air like you just don’t care! You know what can be great about summer? Doing nothing. I know that we can’t all laze the days away, but usually people try to put their feet up at least a little bit in the summer sun…and that’s a perfect way to let all the energetic changes you’re feeling or have felt to settle in and be integrated into your system. x I don’t know about you, but it’s been a long year for me, and there are a lot of changes in my world and in ‘the’ world to process. This card is saying it’s time to do just that. Now, be prepared that oftentimes when we fully process change and feel ‘like a new person,’ we can experience a bit of an awakening where we don’t want to conduct business as usual the way we used to. That’s great. It’s good. Yes, it can be a little scary, and it’s completely normal. We can’t live one way and one way only for all of time. There will be new ways to be - and right now you’re awakening into a new way of your own. So, soak up some vitamin D and watch the stars at night and simply BE. There’s nothing you need to DO right now. Be.

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