2 minute read

Where do I find people to sell leads to?

How to Capture People’s Attention Like the Great Houdini!

David Blaine and David Copperfield might be the most famous magicians today, but they may not be remembered in 100 years like the Great Houdini. And it has nothing to do with magic, but everything to do with publicity.

The Great Houdini is a world-renowned illusionist who has entertained audiences all around the globe with his amazing feats of magical engineering. He's even been known to rebrand himself on occasion, just like everyone else!

I’ll walk out on a ledge and say Houdini became the world’s most famous magician not because of his magic act, but because he mastered the art of PR.

Magicians and publicists at the top of their game possess similar skill sets. They must know how to tell a story and sell the invisible. Both need a hook to lure you in and they must differentiate their act (or product) from competitors. No magician did this PR act better than Houdini, from the 19th century until even today.

Houdini created his name by courting controversy and engaging in publicity stunts that still work today. He turned it into a global brand without any of the technology we have today!


Bottom Line: It turns out we’re more likely to remember facts when they're wrapped in a story.

Stanford's Graduate School of Business found that people are much better at retaining information if it has been delivered empathically and with emotion, rather than coldly through simple speech or text alone- which makes sense because our brains release dopamine as a natural reward system for engagement!

Psychologist Jerome Bruner found we are 22 times more likely to remember a fact when it has been wrapped in a story. Stanford’s Graduate School of Business found that when people listened to sales pitches, either containing facts and figures or a story, only 5% recalled a statistic, but a whopping 63% remembered the stories.

Where do I find people to sell leads to?

There are a few different ways that you can go about finding people involved in MLM (multi-level marketing) or network marketing.

One of the easiest ways is to use social media sites like Facebook, TikTok, YouTube and LinkedIn.

Here are two short videos of me prospecting online… it’s so easy to find people who want what I have - I can hardly believe it.


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