2 minute read

You can email a stranger and make big money

I do it all day long. When my clients buy leads from me – I give them this sample text message that get 7 positive replies (on average) to every 100 leads they purchase from me.

My clients love it and I get 3-5 new referrals every week!!

It's hard to keep a secret, especially when it's this juicy!

Thursday is the best day to prospect. Wednesday is the secondbest day.

If you're looking for a successful day of prospecting, Thursday is the day to do it. Wednesday comes in a close second. Why are these days the best for success? Well, Thursdays are known for being open and optimistic days. This means that people are more likely to be receptive to new opportunities that come their way. Wednesdays, on the other hand, are known for being productive days. This means that people are more likely to act on things that they're interested in. So, if you're looking to make some progress with your prospecting, aim for either of these two days. You're sure to see your success!


Here’s how …

It's no secret that email marketing has been the most popular form of digital advertising for decades. A recent study by HubSpot found it was almost 40 times better at acquiring new clients than Facebook and Twitter!


It’s true what they say: "If you can't beat ‘em, join ‘em''. This means taking advantage while your competitors are sleeping--or busy doing something else.

Let’s summarize in a nutshell …

Use method #1 and become a Lead Flipper or Marketing Consultant. Sell leads and buy them from any of or all the companies listed here. Or use method #2 and Become a BizOpp Lead Affiliate marketer for any of or all the companies listed here. (Personally, I like to use both methods!)

https://www.homebusinessleadcenter.com/affiliate.php Start earning money by referring downline members, friends, family, and anyone else to place orders on HomeBusinessLeadCenter.com You will get paid via PayPal or receive on-site credit (whichever you choose) for each order placed as the result of your referral.

https://www.mlmleads.com/affiliate - as an Affiliate, you earn 15% of all sales that you refer to the site. You can get paid via PayPal, leads or web traffic - it's your choice. Owner just sold company.

https://www.customleads.net/contact-us.htm - Custom Leads pays you for your referrals on their weight loss leads, aged leads, and area code leads. Some MLM’s sell weight loss programs.


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