1 minute read
Rinse and repeat your way to success
https://orderbizleads.firstpromoter.com/ - This website pays you $25 per person, per month on each order you refer to the free website. This is popular because they offer a “Refer 3 and your leads are free” plan so clients stay on the auto renew platform for many months and you get paid repeatedly.
https://leadpower.net/join-affiliate - Lead Power generates over 100,000 fresh MLM leads monthly. That means you’ll never run out of fresh leads to sell. (Good owner!) The downside is the minimum commission paid is $250. All commissions will accrue until the threshold is met.
https://apacheleads.com/ - This company has been around for 19 years. You can buy leads from them for as little as $.63 each. They offer US Leads and a 10% overage of leads to cover any bad leads. https://3leadsaday.firstpromoter.com/ - 3 Leads A Day will give you a free website that you can give away 30 free leads to networkers (on a trial basis) and then pay you $10 per person, per month on every subscription you sell month in and month out. (Example: 100 subscriptions = $1,000 a month) Listen, I’m a regular guy. 50 years old, bald, big smile, Dad bod, five kids, a house, two turtles. I am a husband, father, and entrepreneur.
I’ve been richly blessed to have been a Market Consultant for over 25 years. I really want you to know that you can build a nice income and lifestyle for yourself and your family if you take what I have shared here with you and apply it. Rinse and repeat your way to success! God bless you and your loved ones! To Your Health and Success,
Bob Schwartz, Jr.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean NOT on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5)