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NOV/DEC 2018


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Hottest Wellness Trend & Next Billion Dollar Industry www.EarnWithHemp.com See Next Page


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JOIN FOR FREE! CBD OIL HEALTH REVOLUTION! Let Us Show You How to Make Money From Home Mailing Postcards!

Join our Rock Star Team and earn MONEY in the multi-billion dollar health and wellness industry. You just follow our SYSTEM and let it go to work for you! Cannabidiol (CBD) is an extract from the hemp plant. It has AMAZING benefits. YOU can take advantage of the coming MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR market for CBD products and make MONEY with our POSTCARD MAILING SYSTEM! While we don’t make income claims, our Welcome Kit will show you how it really is possible to make as much as $14K a month (or more!) using our system. Here’s the honest truth about us…. ¨ You’ll Never have to “sell” or stock any products! ¨ You’ll Never have to attend any meetings! ¨ You’ll Never have to explain the program to anyone! ¨ You’ll Never have to bother family & friends! ¨ You’ll Never have to make any recruiting phone calls! ALL YOU DO IS USE OUR MAILING SYSTEM. Changing The Future Outcome (CTFO) is a GREAT solution for changing YOUR future. Best of all, we’ll continue to give you FREE postcards to promote your business every month! This is one of the easiest home-based businesses. Our system does the work for you. Become an active affiliate in CTFO, and we’ll give you 250 FREE postcards and names to get you started. UNLIMITED INCOME POTENTIAL: Get paid WEEKLY on product purchases down through 7 or more levels in a 3x21 forced matrix! Later, get paid on unlimited levels! There’s no limit. No, we won’t make any promises or income projections, but just look at your earning potential below when you fill in just 7 levels with people ordering ONE monthly product. You start getting paid with the very first person you bring in who is active. You can do this! Everybody wants our products!

Refer 3 and fill in 5 levels and you could earn up to $361.50 a Month ~ Car Payment! Refer 3 and fill in 6 levels and you could earn up to $4006.50 a Month ~ NICE House Payment! Refer 3 and fill in 7 levels and you could earn up to $14,941.50 a Month ~ Time Freedom! Above calculations are for illustration purposes only! Based on referred members on autoship at 50CV and filled in matrix. There are no guarantees regarding income in the CTFO opportunity.

GET STARTED TODAY! More than 20,000 people already have! Many of them are creating EXTRA INCOME from the comfort of home! Others are finally seeing RELIEF from various issues. The testimonies we get are amazing! We don’t make ANY medical claims for CBD or the CTFO products, but you only need to turn on your TV or Google “CBD oil” to learn of the incredible power of this substance. And, although hemp is similar to marijuana, it is 100% legal in all 50 US states and Canada. Our products are “THC free” and have NO psychoactive effects like marijuana. Our hemp is organic, pesticide free, and non-GMO – all grown right here in the USA. Want to join for FREE? Just return the coupon below. The Welcome Kit includes all the information you need to get started.


√ Yes, please enroll me in CTFO and rush me a FREE Welcome Kit, along with my coupon to

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Dr. R. H. Pritchard ~ PO Box 340040 ~ Columbus, OH 43234-0040 God Bless America! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com


Confessions of a Postcard Millionaire! How an Under Paid, Over Worked MLM “Junkie” from Small Town Texas Discovered the “Hidden Code”, creates a Recruiting Machine, Builds Second Income and oes “Good” Downline Over 11,317 in 18 Months All By Mail! Average Joe D Voted #1 Mail Order Recruiting System in America! Order Your “FREE” 24 Hour Cash Machine Info Pkt Today! Create Your Own Bail - Out Plan Today!

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NOV/DEC 2018 Issue 6/Vol 14 Publisher Bob Schwartz & Company National Marketing Director Mike Kentrolis Associate Publisher Wolf Enterprises Kyle Schmalhofer Creative Director Maria Cummings-Miller National Marketing Director Mike Brody Print Manager Arl Haas Display Advertising: 1-717-426-2438 HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com Home Business Advertiser® is published bimonthly by Bob Schwartz & Company. All material within is copyright protected by the publisher. All submissions are handled with care; we assume no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Although all advertisers are believed to be honest and truthful, the publisher accepts no responsibility or liability for the conduct of the advertisers in this publication. The publisher recommends consulting legal counsel before entering into any business relationship. Please notify the publisher if any misconduct is detected. IMPORTANT CONSUMER DISCLOSURE The term “advertorial” is a combination of “advertisement” and “editorial” written in an editorial format as an independent news story, when in fact the advertisement may promote a particular product or interest. Advertorials are only illustrative of what might be achievable and that they should not be taken literally.

Home Business Advertiser® 15 Village Square, Marietta, PA 17547 717-426-2438 www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com 2017 All Rights Reserved All © advertisers are responsible for content of their own ads. Thank you for advertising! 6

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www.PresidentialFoundersWanted.com Ever wanted to be more than “Weekly Salary + Commission and More” for those that qualify. just another distributor in a If interested call (830) 377-7341. We will answer any company? If you have the questions you have and we’ll send you an Informational pdf! ability of building a team, we For more info: are looking for Key Leaders to www.PresidentialFoundersWanted.com become part of our Advisory (Be sure to check out the Top Links and the “P.S.” on the bottom) FYI, one of the many perks with this position is that Committee to participate in you have the ability to give out Free Intro Packs that shaping the company. are mailed at No cost to you! You will be rewarded handsomely. We’re A 25 plus Year Old Retail Co. An 80% Re- Order Rate we have Added A Networking/ Discount Club Division Growing Like Crazy.

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Are you looking for a simple, honest and ethical way to make an EXTRA $500.00 - $10,000.00 per month from home? If so, then join Life Force International and start making money in the Multi-Billion Dollar Nutritional Industry. Absolutely, No Selling! By far, the Easiest Home Business. If you can mail postcards, you can do this. I’m so confident that you can succeed, I am willing to use my own money to get you started. Here is how I can help you TODAY. I’LL GIVE YOU A FREE START –UP KIT I’LL GIVE YOU 250 FREE POSTCARDS & 250 FREE NAMES I’LL EVEN GIVE YOU FREE POSTCARDS EVERY SINGLE MONTH

Our program is working right now for others who are turning their financial dreams into reality. Everything is being done by mail. We’ve developed a postcard mailing system that does the work for you. Here is the honest truth about this opportunity…...     

You will Never have to sell any products! You will Never have to attend any boring meetings! You will Never have to stock any products! You will Never have to explain the program to anyone! You will Never have to bother family & friends!

ALL YOU DO IS MAIL OUR POSTCARDS: Best of all, the postcards are FREE to you. The most remarkable thing about this opportunity is that anyone can make money. You simply mail your free postcards and we will do the rest for you. Each postcard you mail will have your ID number, so you can get credit for each signup. Get paid on everyone on your team, regardless of who placed them under you. Imagine getting paid on thousands of team members every single month, and you only referred just a handful.

3 POWERFUL REASONS TO JOIN OUR TEAM! #1. FREE Start-up Kit: Your Start-Up Kit will include a coupon to request your 250 FREE postcards and 250 FREE names. No other Home-Based business has a system like ours to help you succeed. Many people are joining our TEAM because of our postcard system. #2. Unlimited Income: Would an extra $500 to $10,000 a month change your life? Earn 5% commission on all members placed on your 1st level, a whopping 40% on your 2nd, and a 10% on your 3rd. The huge payout on the first 3 levels, helps you make money fast. The top earners are making over $20,000 a month. Get paid up to 5 times a month without leaving your home. Make Money With Just A Few Members!

12 People = $375.00/Month ~ Car Payment! 30 People = $1,025.00/Month ~ House Payment! 120 People = $4,450.00/Month ~ Quit Your Job! Based on $100 bonus volume per member!

#3. FREE Postcards Every Month: I will give you up to 1,000 FREE postcards every month. That’s $89.00 worth of postcards that I am giving you each month to help you succeed. Your Start-Up Kit has a coupon to request additional FREE postcards. The sooner you join our team, the sooner you can start making money. SECURE YOUR POSITION: If you are serious about making money from home, then you need to join our Life Force TEAM today. To get started, just complete the coupon below and return it us as soon as possible. “Within 6 months, my monthly check was bigger than my Air Force retirement check after 20 years of service.” — D. Evans


New Team Member Start-Up Kit!

The Perfect Company: Life Force International is a debt free nutritional company located in Chula Vista, California. Life Force offers a simple, affordable and __Yes, enroll me in Life Force and rush me the FREE profitable opportunity for anyone who is interested in Start-Up Kit along with my coupon to request my 250 FREE postcards and 250 FREE names. making money from home. Listen to our 24 hour Program Overview, by dialing 909-200-2880. Name:______________________________________________________ LIFE CHANGING PRODUCT: Have you had your veggies today? Most of us Address:____________________________________________________ barely eat one serving of greens a day and so we miss out on getting City/State/Zip: _______________________________________________ valuable antioxidants. TrueGreens helps you conveniently address this Phone #:___________-___________-_____________ (required) challenge with 30 organic and natuEmail (optional) _________________________________________ ral-source ingredients including Referred by Frantz Pierre grasses, grains, fruits, vegetables, probiotics, enzymes, and more. It is like a “salad bar” in a jar! Return this page to: TrueGreens can also be mixed into your favorite drink or blended into your smoothies, making it easNEW DIMENSIONS 50K TEAM ier to eat more vegetables daily. P.O. BOX 969 ~ GRAYSON, GA 30017 God Bless America! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com


ARE YOU READY TO OWN YOUR LIFE? We are about to start accepting a limited number of applications into our Founder's Team during our pre-launch event. If you have what it takes and are ready to help us change the world, visit www.OwnInternational.com to get the full details!

#OWNyourlife 16

God Bless America! To Advertise: 717-426-2438

God Bless America! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com


Home Business Advertiser

by Gerald Peters

The Money Flow Imagine if you will a well. An old fashion well, you know the kind where you would lower a bucket into to retrieve water. On the ground in front of the well you notice three empty buckets. You notice each bucket is labeled. One of the buckets is labeled “necessities” …a second bucket is labeled “savings” …and the third is labeled “investing.”

Necessities = Bills Savings = Protection Investing = Increase There’s a sign on the Well that challenges you to try your hand at a game. It’s a simple game that everyone is invited to play. To win, you have to fill all three buckets to the brim with water from the Well. If you do fill all three buckets you win. Sounds easy, right? The prize for winning, you become wealthy! You are financially free. You know longer have to worry about money. You can retire comfortably and fill your days with activities that make you happy. You can surround yourself with things that bring you joy. Your life will be filled with good food, comfortable clothing, and safe warm shelter. You will be free of excessive physical labor in exchange for money. It seems to be an easy challenge, but there are two problems: The Well will give you only so much water (income) within a given time period. If you look closely at the buckets you notice the one labeled “necessities”, has a hole in it. This is 18

no small hole either; it’s a sizable hole at the bottom of the bucket. I’m using a metaphor here, of course. You probably guessed the well represents your source of income. The water you pull out of the well represents your monthly and yearly income. The amount of water you can pull out of the well (money) determines how much water you can put into each of the three buckets. Tip – Pay you first! Minimum of 20%-30% of your gross income paid directly to you. The necessities bucket, with the hole in the bottom, represents the money you must spend to enjoy the quality of the life you want. This bucket is sub-titled “bills” because it includes all the debt and obligations you have accumulated in your life. The savings bucket represents the money you absolutely can’t afford to lose. This bucket is sub-titled “protection” because this bucket is your protection in worst case situation. And finally, the investing bucket represents your future wealth. This bucket sub-titled “increase”. The purpose of this bucket is to increase your money.

the best part is, you can start the game immediately. You can start right where you are today. From Bob Schwartz: Gerald Peters is a husband, father, author, trainer, real-estate investor and all around “maximum impact” type of thinker. He has been on the cover of Home Business Advertiser and has been featured in True Wealth Magazine, and Home Business Connection. I highly recommend you sending $5 for his book “The Money Flow” (Regularly $27) BEFORE it’s next printing. Here’s the address: Downline Building Network PO Box 8147 Huntsville, TX 77340


The game the Well invites you to play is simple. If you manage to fill all three buckets, you win-i.e. you’re RICH! You become financially independent. You will have a richer, fuller and more abundant life then your peers. But be warned most people who play this game will lose. So, can you win this game? You can, if you play it smart. And you can win it relatively quickly (5-7 years) if you use my system. And God Bless America! To Advertise: 717-426-2438


HOW TO MAKE $UPER $TACK$ OF CA$H WITH THE CRYPTOCURRENCY TIDAL WAVE! Dear Friend…if not now – soon! I am so excited to share this life-changing opportunity with you! For the last couple of years I have been busy researching and discovering everything I could about the amazing cryptocurrency phenomenon that is sweeping across America and the whole world. Although there are many others, Bitcoin is still the most talked about digital currency. If you had invested just $100.00 in Bitcoin a few years ago, today you would be a millionaire. I know that sounds crazy... but it’s true! Today there are about 1,800 different cryptocurreneies in the marketplace. Experts say that some of them could produce super results as great as or even better than Bitcoin. The problem is the risk factor. Some of the new start-ups could make you and I rich beyond our wildest dreams. Many others are likely to achieve little or no gain, and some will crash and burn. What can be done to separate the rising stars from all of the risky wannabe’s? Here is my answer: I have created the new INDEPENDENT CRYPTOCURRENCY GROUP (ICG). Our mission is to provide extremely valuable information to group members. Knowledge is power. The more you learn, the more you can earn. Although I may be best known aa an author, direct response marketer, copywriter and coach, all of the really big money I have made for myself and my customers has come from recognizing and taking advantage of hot new trends. Here are some examples: Several years ago I was a major player in the self-publishing revolution. I also helped launch the 900# Pay-Per-Call breakthrough. Extremely successfully until the pornographers took over that industry. And then came the Internet. During the early years of web marketing, Alan R. Bechtold, T. J. Rohleder and I had the best-selling web programs. The three of us and many hundreds of our customers made huge sums of money. I’m now convinced that the crypto phenomenon will be the best opportunity ever! Here is just a few examples of bold profit moves from recent offerings:  5,050% gains in Litecoin  6,100% gains in MAXCOIN  12,130% gains in Fastcoin

 5,175% gains in ASCH  9,100 %gains in Ethereum  36,000% gains in Ripple

 55,680% gains in NoLimitCoin  11,325% gains in Decred  70,000% gains in Cryponite

Do you see what I see? There is huge opportunity here! There are two powerful ways you could be richly rewarded by coming into my group. (1) Help me build membership. I'll pay you $150.00 for every new member you help us obtain. I'll also show you how you can receive up to $1,650.00 in commissions. Your profits can multiply last, and all of the payments are in U.S. dollars As a sweet bonus, I’ll give you some cryptocurrency FREE on every transaction. (2) Only when you feel ready to invest yourself (and that can be investing as little as $100.00 or less), you will have expert opinions on currencies that bring life changing results. Our goal is to discover select information that can bring buy low/sell high success. I have prepared a big information packet I want you to have. It includes a print version of recent teleseminars that have received rave reviews and brought new members to our group. It also gives you a brief history of the cryptocurrency revolution, plus a very special discount offer if you join us. I only ask you for $5.00 for the info packet to cover printing, postage and handling. No other obligation. You don’t want to miss this!

YES RUSS! Rush me your ICG Information packet. Enclosed is $5.00 (check, cash or money order) NAME:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP:______________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________________Email:_____________________________________


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Home Business Advertiser

NETWORK MARKETING and MLM TRAINING TIPS by Coach Ron Malezis I’ve been very fortunate to have had tremendous success in network marketing, and I have used it to build teams of over 100,000 distributors, and not just in one company. I have done this in three different companies over a 30 year period. I have seen and witnessed thousands of people having tremendous success in network marketing, and I have also seen firsthand thousands of people that have failed. The most common denominator for why people have failed is they have quit. They quit themselves and they quit the business; in other words, they have given up. If you can stick with this business and focus on the areas that will make you a better person, a smarter distributor, and a better leader, then you will have success. Success is not just the financial success — you’ll be a much better person as well. I have heard every excuse for why this business doesn’t work, but remember they’re just excuses and all they are is someone justifying their actions. There are thousands of reasons why this business can work. There was a study done over 100 years ago on why people succeeded and why people failed. Here is a list of the most common excuses used for failure: 20

1. I don’t have enough time.

Social media and the internet have changed the way we communicate, and this has also affected how network marketing works. In the past, we called friends and family to invite them over or schedule a one-on-one appointment for a presentation or to show more products.

2. I don’t know the right people. 3. I don’t have an education. 4. I have to support my family. 5. I don’t have enough money. This was done as a study guide for Think and Grow Rich, the all-time best-selling book ever written on success. What’s amazing today, one hundred years later, is that people still use the same excuses. That’s never going to change. People always have a reason why they will fail or don’t succeed. Why network marketing? Network marketing is a business opportunity that requires very little capital and that is available to the masses, whether you have an education or not — it makes no difference. In network marketing, the leadership within companies provides complete training. Getting outside training is also a good thing. Companies hire trainers to come in and help with their company, and it doesn’t mean they don’t know how to do that job. It just means that someone from the outside sometimes has more influence on their people. Network marketing is a game of numbers. Remember that the law of large numbers will never fail you.

We still do pretty much the same things because the only way you can recruit new distributors is by showing them the business opportunity and showing them how the product works; however, we now have a lot of different methods of getting our information to them. These methods are more efficient and less timeconsuming, as well as more effective. Currently, over one billion people are using some form of social media worldwide: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and many other forms. This has been the biggest single significant change in network marketing over the past 50 years. Network marketing is a business of communications, and all that has happened is it’s easier to communicate with people, to get your message across, than ever before.

Contact Ron Malezis: Visit www.LeadPower.net Call 423-536-6240 Skype: ronmalezis1

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Finally, You Can Receive The Money That You Actually Want! No More Red Tape and Being Given The Runaround By The Big Shot Bankers! The “20,000 a Month Club” Can Supply You With Up To $20,000 and More Every Month, Come Rain or Shine! Starting Today Your Financial Problems Are Things of The Past! You Are About To Live a Life Of Prosperity, You Are Approved!

FINANCIAL SUCCESS CAN FINALLY BE YOURS! At Last! This Amazing Secret is Available To The General Public For The First Time! This is a Limited Offer, While Supplies Last! This Money Generating Secret Program is Offered To You Now, But I Don’t Know For How Much Longer. The Big Shot Bankers are Getting Together To Ban This Priceless Report Forever! They Don’t Want You to Ever Get Your Hands On This Life Changing Opportunity! They Would Much Rather Keep You In The Dark! The Bankers Act Like They Don’t Want To Lend You Money In The First Place, and Then Having You Jumping Through Hoops With Endless Red Tape In Order To Allow You The Rare Chance To Borrow The Cash You Really Want. The Closed Fist Bankers Believe That When You Borrow Money, You Should always Have To Pay The Money Back With Interest! So That They Can Continue To Live The High Life Off The Backs Of Hard Working Americans Like You and Me! Well, My Friend, This Is Our Final Chance. We Must Unite Now, Stand Together and Shout With One Voice “Those Days Of Repaying Loans Are Over Forever!” Plus, “I Can Get Loans With Ease With out The Help of The Blood Sucking Bankers!” This May Very Well Be Our Last Chance To Gain Financial Freedom! The Wolves Are At The Door! I Advise You To Arm Yourself Now, With The Knowledge You’ll Need To Defend Yourself Against Poverty Forever! Act Now! You Will Never Have to Live Like a Poor Person! Once You Have This Information In Your Hands The Battle Will Soon Be Over For You! No One Will Be Able To Stop You From Getting Your $20,000 Loans Over and Over and Over! Even If Bankers Are Successful In Their Efforts To Ban This Report That’s OK As Long As You Know The Contacts and The Steps Involved In Actually Getting Your $20,000 Gifts. They Can’t Ever Take That Away From You! Act Today Before It’s Too Late! Those Fortunate People That Have The Foresight To Invest In Themselves Today and Arm Themselves With The Knowledge That This Wealth Building Report Has To Offer Will Be Rewarded Many Times Over. All Others Will Be Doomed to Remain in Their Present Situation To Suffer The Consequences Of Their Failure To Make Prudent Life Changing Decisions.

THE $20,000 GIFT PROGRAM IS ORGANIZED TO PROVIDE FAST AND EASY GIFTS! You are invited to join the World’s Hottest, Most Unique and Rewarding Association. It is not often that we disclose guarded secrets to the general public, but with the lagging economy being in the state of concern like it is. People have indicated that there is a desperate need for fast and easy cash without all of the red tape and the bother of dealing with stingy bankers. We are here to help you succeed! Many sharp people like you needed fairly large sums of cash really fast, but didn’t want to worry about having to repay the loan. We organized the “20,000 A Month Club” to solve this problem. These loan packages are called Self Liquidating Loans, In which you can receive as many as you want over and over, with absolutely no repayment requirements as long as you promise to use the money wisely and limit yourself to no more than $20,000 A Month for the first six months as a new member. After Your Six months probation period is over, you may request as many loan packages as you like. We organized for the primary purpose of helping to provide each member with at least $20,000 a month for you to use any way you like. Buy a new car, pay up all your bills, take a vacation, buy a boat or home for you and your family, travel the world. The money is completely yours to spend like you want as long as you promise to put the money to good use. Can you put $20,000 or more to good use? Naturally, you are wondering how such an organization could be so financially endowed as to be able to give away $20,000 a month to each member every month. The secret is working together as one interdependent unit. We all will prosper because we support each other as needed. Every member in the program will receive $20,000 every month rain or shine no one is left out! This program works. Our members are established to help each other, the members are dedicated and willing to share for the common good of all. We all pitch in to help our old and new members succeed. This is a team effort!

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By Bob Schwartz, Jr.


GET PAID When People Pay Their Monthly Bills

It’s a fact that everyone pays monthly utility bills like electric, gas, cell phone, T.V., Internet, and more. No matter what your financial situation may be, these essential services are needed, wanted and can never be paid off, ever! So when a global company that is open in 25+ countries worldwide and has been open for 25+ years with an A+ Better Businesss Bureau rating says you can benefit from this industry would you want to hear more about it? What if this same company said they’d pay you generously for helping others get paid when they pay their monthly essential bills, and refer others would you want to know even more? Shane Douglas did, and it’s paid off in an incredible way for him. It’s been several years since this Idaho native living in a small town of just 1,500 people started his home-based business helping people achieve their financial goals and showing them how they too can get paid every time they pay their monthly bills.


“I was tired of hearing all the promises from other companies that say you can become wealthy over night only to find out you have to sell and teach others how to sell products that are either overpriced or only appeal to a small percentage of the population” says Shane. “Our company is different: We only offer services that people pay on a monthly basis already like gas, electricity, TV, internet, cell phones, home security and more. In addition I just simply show others how to get paid every month for services they were going to use anyway and then teach others to do the same.” Shane explains that the recent deregulation of Energy providers around the country has opened up a significant opportunity for more people to choose who they get their services with, people like to know they have a choice, Shane says. This, in turn, creates more opportunity for entrepreneurs to grow their business with our company.

Shane Douglas, one of the home-based business industry’s top income earners and trainers, is looking to mentor the right motivated individual this year to achieve success with his premier home based business model. VISIT


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by Bob Schwartz


“In this declining economy, home-based businesses are on the rise. People want to supplement their income and possibly replace their incomes while working from home. So the opportunity to get paid every single month when someone turns on their lights, heats their home, uses their cellphone, watches TV, logs onto the Internet or arms their security system is a no-brainer,” he says. The way Shane has grown to be one of the top income earners and trainers in this business is by providing an easy to follow system. He explains people can get the same services from the same major service providers, but get paid. Then, according to Shane, all he does is direct them to his online store, which is included in the companies start up business package. “Our system can be 100% automated for you,” he explains. “Simply direct potential customers to your online store

that the company provides for you, and they can sign up for any of these services with many of the major companies that are available in their area. When they sign up on your online store, you receive a residual commission every month when they pay their bills. It’s that simple.” The key to his success, he says, is that he doesn’t complicate his business; he just goes out and shares the company’s program and his personal story. ”Before you join some company that makes pie in the sky promises, ask yourself one simple question. Would people I know buy this product / service even if I wasn’t involved with this company and making money? If the answer is NO then, you should be prepared to be in sales and the team you’re going to build should be prepared to be sales people. Because no matter how much money they say you can earn

it won’t matter if you or your team of business partners can’t sell. This is where we are different, as I said before we only provide essential services that people need, want and can’t be paid off. “This is an incredible business model with the right services behind it,” says Shane “It might not be flashy —it’s utilities after all—but it is simple to just share the story. Everyone can relate because everyone pays these bills because they have to,” he says. “I’ve been fortunate to have had major success with this company by taking action and so has my team. We’ve expanded all over the world by sharing this simple concept with others. Shane is looking to mentor the right motivated individual this year to the same level of success that he has accomplished, Would you like it to be you?

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“It depends On WHO’s it’s in!!”

HANDS By Don McClendon

A basketball in my hands is worth about $19. A basketball in Michael Jordan ‘s hands is wort h about $33 million. A baseball in my hands is wort h about $6. A baseball in Mark McGuire’s hands is worth $19 million. A tennis racket is useless in my hands. A tennis racket in Venus Williams’ hands is a championship winning. A rod in my hands will keep away a wild animal. A rod in Moses’ hands will part the mighty sea. A sling shot in my hands is a kid‘s toy. A sling shot in David’s hand is a mighty weapon. Nails in my hands might produce a birdhouse. Nails in Jesus Christ’s hands will produce salvatio n for the entire world. As you see now it depends whose hands it‘s in. So an opportunity is only an opportunity depending on whose hands its in. So now this message is in your hands. What will YOU do with it?

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Readers Are


Success Stories MAR/APR 2017


by Nicole Lynn Schwartz


with Your Write a New Life Story ess! sin Own Travel Bu just 20 hours per week

son earns $1,000 to $9,700 How “Sistah” Vickie Thomp new people? Do you love to travel and meet more time or Have you ever wished you had Can you afford money for a family vacation? desire? If you’re the kind of lifestyle you truly relate to like most people, you can probably and you the heart of some of these questions, Thompson. should hear about “Sistah” Vickie therapist and Sistah Vickie is a massage VA. Beach, Virginia from holistic health coach classes and She frequently teaches wellness passionate about seminars and has always been . She especially her work and her community many years, she enjoys sharing with others. For various nonhas been actively involved with her talents and profit organizations, sharing that support, wisdom, especially with groups and children. uplift, and encourage women




per sale working

entrepreneur Suffocating in an unfulfilled hole… her career and Though certain aspects of a couple of years lifestyle were very fulfilling, in a challenging ago, Sistah Vickie found herself were taking a spot. She felt as if life and work at her massage toll on her; countless hours dimly lit room therapy practice - spent in a in “hibernation.” left her feeling like she was worked more Even though she sometimes felt like she than 60 hours a week, she never and she had had a consistent, steady income, debt looming a massive, five-figure credit card felt like “life was over her. To Sistah Vickie, it just she never got to passing [her] by.” She says her wellness spend any time with her children, and fewer, and classes were becoming fewer


being “deep in the she describes her situation as unfulfilled entrepreneur hole.” just one vacation Sistah Vickie would try to take her income tax for wait would She year. every trip with her teen refund check, and then take a She loved to daughter and two dear friends. do it more often. vacation and wished she could was diagnosed friends Then, one of her dear health coach, with breast cancer. Being a holistic the experience Sistah Vickie journeyed through spiritually. The with her friend, nutritionally and vacation that sisterly group postponed their refund for tax her year, and Sistah Vickie saved be able to travel the day when they would all never came. together again. Sadly, that day (see next page...)

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Dear Friend, How would you like to make $15,000 or more every month by mailing only 2 letters??!!! Imagine going to the mailbox, dropping only two letters in the mail, and enjoying an unbelievable amount of daily income that could even make a doctor or lawyer green with envy!! And the best part is that you only mail two letters ONE time!! That’s it!! After that you can relax and sit back and prepare for the massive daily truckload of money that will soon come crashing down on your doorstep!!! By using our simple and top-notch formula, you can receive an endless supply of money on a daily basis. Your friends will think you hit the Lotto Jackpot!!! You can be well on your way to making well over $150,000 a year while doing very little amount of actual work!! We are Janice and Ed Horton, and we will give you the two letters that we personally used to make $15,000 in one month!! This is the easiest and most unbelievable moneymaker in the world today!! What could be easier than dropping two letters in the mailbox on the way to the store??!! That’s it!! You won’t be required to talk to anyone or send anyone $5 to be put on their mailing list, guaranteed!!! This program can be operated by anyone. The only thing you’ll need to put this plan into action is a mailbox on the corner!! If you decide to take action today, you’ll be able to quit your 9 to 5 job and tell your boss what to do with it!! You’ll never have to worry about the next batch of bills ever again!! Whether you feel like working or not, the money will not stop flowing into your bank account!!! Absolutely anybody can use the two special letters that we have prepared to pull in several hundreds or even thousands of dollars a day!! As long as you can easily find a mailbox to drop your two special letters into, you can start to enjoy a lifestyle that is fit for a king!! We have already prepared the two letters for you so you won’t have to come up with anything on your own!! This is a real and 100% honest way of making more money in one day than most people make all month long!! Nothing could be easier!!! Does the thought of an unlimited cash on a daily basis interest you? Would you like to be your own boss and work only when you want to, and be able to quit your present job within a few short days? You’ll stop worrying about money or always having to hide from bill collectors. The possibility of moving into your new million-dollar home in the hills will be within your reach. And, all of your friends will turn green with envy when they see your new rich and famous lifestyle! We will GIVE YOU THE TWO LETTERS so you can be well on your way to all of this!!! This program is easy to operate; a 10 year old could learn how to do it in about 5 minutes! It requires no employees, office space, or overhead!!! All you have to do is mail the letters (which we will give you) to the special contacts that I will provide to you! In a few days the money will start rolling in everyday! You will soon have the kind of money you have been dreaming of! NO MORE WORK INVOLVED ON YOUR PART!! This program is the ultimate program that finally gives the average person like you and us, a real and honest chance to get rich!! This program has nothing whatever to do with chain letters, picking stocks, real estate, commission mailings, MLM, or any other type of worthless investments. WE WILL SEND YOU THE TWO SPECIAL LETTERS!!! If you decide today to take control of your own financial future, then we are ready to rush our TWO special letters to you right away without delay!! Once you receive the TWO letters, mail them immediately and within a few short days you can begin to retire from working for other people forever!!! You can operate this amazing and unbelievable wealth building system from the comfort and privacy of your home and without talking to anybody!! You won’t need any special equipment or any training to get on the fast track to a lifestyle that can make you the “talk of the town”!!! If you decide to send for our two special letters today, you can prepare for the big expensive sports car or that brand new diamond ring for your spouse. You can start that big tidal wave of cash in motion within just a few minutes after receiving our package!!! You’ll never have to make copies of the letters and you will only have to mail them ONE TIME!!! Take action right now and send for our two-letter program!! Supplies are limited so you have to act fast. The “Two Letter” system can be yours for only $35.00 and it is backed by our huge and no nonsense money back GUARANTEE!! When you receive the two letters, mail them out immediately. If you don’t generate at least $500 a day or $15,000 in first month, you can return our system to us and we will pay you DOUBLE your money back!!! We can offer this remarkable guarantee to you because we are very sure and confident that you will strike it rich using our very own and unique money making system.

MAIL THIS SPECIAL RESERVATION FORM TODAY!!! OK Janice - OK Ed, I definitely want to make $15,000 a month by only mailing two letters!!! I understand that I am fully protected by your ironclad guarantee and I can receive DOUBLE my money back if I mail the two letters and I don’t make $15,000 a month. I know I’m going to make money; here is my $35.00, delivery included. or ___ here is an extra $10.00 for Rush processing and Rush Shipping. For a total of $45.00. I understand that the two letters is all I need to make $15,000 a month, and I’ll NEVER be asked to send more money! ☐ Money Order ☐ Check ☐ Other Name________________________________ Address___________________________________________ Send Order to: HORTCO Publications City_______________________ State _______ Zip________________ Email_________________________ PO Box 2011-HBA • Chicago, IL 60690-2011

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ERIC AND PENNY VANGOMBOS Went From Not Knowing Anyone International To

Having A Global Team of 247,000 in 32 Countries,

Working From Home!

Penny Lopez VanGombos started her fulltime career in network marketing in 1997, when she found herself jobless and homeless, living in a barn on an ostrich farm in rural Oklahoma with three babies and a six-year old. It all happened after Penny took in two children because their biological father was killed in a car accident. Battling the courts for over a year to keep the babies protected from the environment of abuse they had come from left Penny’s family financially decimated. When a judge finally awarded full custody to Penny’s family and allowed her to adopt the babies, it came with a stipulation. Penny had to leave the state and start over with a new identity because of all the drug and criminal connections involved. How could anyone survive in a new state, with no job or home, and without being able to use their social security number for employment? Agreeing to the judge’s orders, Penny had only one place to go. She loaded up her two biological children and two newly adopted children and left the town she had grown up in, leaving her friends and career behind. Her parents had recently relocated to a farm in Oklahoma. So, with only $100 to her name, Penny moved into the only housing available at the farm, a room in the barn. Her husband made the decision not to join them until a year or so later. Prior to relocating, Penny had been a top investment broker and financial advisor as well as a marketing trainer. It was here 36

that she not only practiced but she taught “Needs Based Marketing.” I never sell anyone anything. It is a successful formula that she still teaches today. Ironically, her first real encounter with MLM was when she was “tricked,” as Penny says, into attending a networking marketing event. Not only did she find herself at the event but was unexpectedly called upon, because of her professional training experience, to give a canned sales training in place of the key speaker who had cancelled at the last minute. Bob: Penny, what is “needs based marketing”, and how do you use it when presenting a business opportunity? Penny: In my corporate job, I taught my team to develop relationships, learn about customers’ goals, and find solutions to meet their needs. That’s “needs-basedmarketing.” A need for an opportunity is no different than a need for a product. As I carry on conversations, I listen for a need I can help meet. I am real and sincere when I do this. Many networkers go into it with the mission of convincing others that their product or opportunity is right for them. That’s why so many individuals say, “Network marketing didn’t work for me.” They never saw a need for the product or the opportunity to begin with. In Penny’s corporate world, she had taught that if you wanted to succeed, you had to find someone who has succeeded with

integrity, then you can to learn from them. As fate would have it, Penny eventually met top network marketing earners, Mark & Holli Stevens, and she was very impressed with their story. Mark started his first corporate company at the age of 16 and became a millionaire before he even graduated from high school. Mark and his wife were the type of people Penny was always looking to align with. At one point, they exchanged phone numbers. In that barn, months later, Penny called Mark Stevens. She shared her story and circumstances. She told him that she couldn’t use her social security number or identity, but she knew if she could find a good network marketing company, she could join it under a business name and tax ID. Mark sympathized and told her he would keep an eye out. Soon afterwards, Penny joined a startup company founded by a group of disgruntled top leaders who had left another company. This was Penny’s first full-time MLM endeavor, and she invested her heart and soul into it, believing it would get her and her children out of that barn. Penny earned herself a whopping $30,000 in commissions, but sadly, she never saw a single commission check. She was only aligned with that company a little over 90 days. Penny says tearfully as she recalls that devastating experience 18 years ago, “Most

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would give up at that point, but I had no choice but to succeed.” She states, “The truth is, you will succeed if you just make adjustments and never quit.” A few weeks after the disappointing news, Penny called Mark Stevens again. Mark invited her to join him and Holli in praying for something. He felt he was being led to open a network marketing company, one that would impact lives everywhere. But, he didn’t want to run ahead in his own power. He wanted to make sure this was God’s will, and not just his fleshly desire, so he asked Penny to pray daily that God would shut the door if it was not HIS WILL. Within a few months, Mark and Holli Stevens

Mark and Holli Stevens

“Years ago, when Trevo began it’s GLOBAL search, for the most nutrient dense plants, herbs and fruits, we determined that we would never allow this product to simply become another “me too” product rather we dedicated our energies to finding and obtaining nutrients that have the power to not only sustain life, but even protect mankind from disease and prolonging his longevity, nutrients that scientists are beginning to REALIZE actually hold the secrets of WELLNESS” - Mark A. Stevens (President/CEO) TREVO LLC USA launched their first network marketing company and Penny and her mother joined as their founding distributors. Penny recalls the day she turned in their handwritten application. She says, “I handed it to Mark and informed him that this was the application of multi-million-dollar earners and top producers.” Penny says there is

power in believing you can do something and expressing it to someone else who can hold you accountable for making it happen. From that day on, Penny and her mother were honored year after year as the company’s top producers, top earners, and top enrollers. They became million dollar earners and even won a luxury car.

familiar with MLM, because his mother had been successful in a couple of companies, and he had joined a few just because of his love of the products.

Bob: Penny, how does someone market the dream of success when they are broke or even homeless? Penny: That’s a really good question, Bob. This is where so many people fail. They let their current circumstances control their destiny. Yes, I was homeless and on welfare, but I didn’t want to stay that way! I wanted to do everything I could to have a mortgage again. I was driving a mini-van with the passenger door duct taped on and the spare tire strapped to the roof! I was humiliated when people stared, but I turned that humiliation into motivation and I smiled at them and shouted out the window, “I am a success!” I learned, and I teach others, to tell someone else’s success story until they have their own. If someone else achieved it, they can too. Within the first year in the company Penny was able to purchase a 60-acre ranch just up the street from her parents. It was then that her husband at the time joined her and the kids in Oklahoma. But, even when she was earning $38,000 a month, her husband could not acknowledge her success. By the time Penny met Eric, she was a single mom of four adult children, she had eight grandbabies, and she was a top income earner in the industry. Eric had taken the traditional approach to life. He pursued a good education, secured a professional job, and continued to advance in his career. By all accounts, he was very successful, but he found himself on the typical treadmill of life that so many do.

Our Family on the Ranch

Though Eric and Penny didn’t seem to have much in common from the outset, they shared a common interest in their faith, natural products and supplements. Eric was

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Penny’s Home Office After Eric & Penny married, he left corporate America and joined her fulltime in Trévo, LLC, which was launched in 2010 by Penny’s good friends and mentors, Mark and Holli Stevens. Their marketing team today is over 232,000 strong and spans 34 countries. Penny and Eric agree that their unique life experiences have combined perfectly to help them excel in Trévo. Looking back, Penny says she can clearly see how their union was all part of God’s divine plan. When Eric asked about his decision to leave all of his hard work and accomplishments behind, Eric says, “I have a doctorate, and she has a high school diploma, but I was leaving the house before the sun was up, fighting traffic, working hard all day, and returning after sundown. Meanwhile, Penny was literally earning millions working out on the patio or down by the lake! Now we work together, and I too get to work by the lake with my fishing pole.” Bob: Eric, it must have been frightening to walk away from Corporate America and the security of a retirement plan. Eric: It really wasn’t. Corporate America isn’t what it used to be. It’s very hard to find job stability, loyalty, and a retirement plan today. I watched people lose their jobs in offices where I worked because of the company relocating or because the company could hire someone less experienced for less pay. And 401Ks aren’t the great contribution to retirements that they used to be. I looked at Trévo’s leadership pool bonus, and I saw that Trévo is already paying out bonuses to leaders between $20,000 and $60,000 per month! That’s a lot better than any 401K or profit sharing I’ve ever seen. 37


Eric and his cattle Since Trévo’s opening in 2010, the company has marketed one exclusive product, their namesake, Trévo, which is a cellular restoration system in a delicious liquid formula. It is a proprietary blend of over 174 premium nutraceuticals including 36 organic vegetables and exotic healing fruits. Penny explains that it’s not just a fantastic preventative supplement, but also a powerful way to restore, renew, and revive cellular health.

Eric says the most rewarding part of their business is “seeing how individuals’ health and lives have been completely transformed.” He says much of their business takes place in third world countries, where poverty and malnutrition leave many people utterly hopeless. He is moved to tears when he hears the stories of how

these people’s lives have been completely turned around because of Trévo. Not only have these individuals discovered newfound health, but the commissions earned from Trévo classify them as millionaires in their countries. And, if that’s not enough, Trévo also has a very generous charity bonus that gives real purpose to every top leader’s efforts.

2018. RP3 by Trévo, a male performance, sexual energy, and complete men’s health formula, launched in May 2018. And, three more HUGE new product releases are set for later this year.

Bob: What is the charity pool bonus and how does it work? Penny: In our leadership pool bonus program, Trévo pays out 15% of their monthly reorder revenue in bonuses. And, when a leader reaches the Black Diamond level, they also receive a charity bonus equal to the amount of their Black Diamond level bonus. The charity bonus is payable directly to the charity of their choice, in their name, so they also receive the tax deduction. Eric says Trévo is like a sleeping giant awakening in America this year. Consumers are beginning to understand the incredible health benefits of consuming a water-soluble hemp oil like Sync by Trévo. Moreover, there is a great demand for an effective yet safe & healthy male performance enhancer with no side effects like RP3 by Trévo. And of course, the namesake product, which works synergistically with their other products to optimize effectiveness is sure to remain one of their most desired products.

With their international business wellestablished, Trévo’s focus this year is on the development of the U.S. market, and with that they are introducing a new line of innovative, life-changing products like Sync by Trévo, which is a water-soluble, fullspectrum hemp oil (a 100% bioavailable pure active cannabidiol) launched in April

The VanGombos’ are looking to partner with leaders who want to help develop Trévo’s marketing opportunity in the USA. If you join with the VanGombos’, you will be partnering directly with founders of Trévo, who are enrolled directly to the company and are multi-million-dollar earners in the industry. You’ll be joining at the ground floor level in the U.S. while being fully supported in building internationally with a solid, debtfree company that is currently doing just under $10 million in reorders monthly.

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Our bodies are mostly water. Our Brains are 80% water, Cells are 90% water, and our blood is 85% water. It does not take a doctorate to figure out that if you put something into your body that is not water soluble, then your body will have trouble absorbing it. The national consensus is that only about 10% of non soluble vitamins are absorbed by the body. Once our water soluble hemp oil, Sync by Trévo is micronized and put through our new generation proprietary technology, it simply passes through the gastrointestinal system intact for a quick entry & 100% absorption into the blood-stream.


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If you’re ready to get that sexual energy back and boost your love life into high gear, RP3 by Trévo can fuel your drive naturally and powerfully, putting a smile on both you and your partner’s face! Men experience a reduction in testosterone and other hormones as they age resulting in lower libido, less stamina, decreased energy, and increased body fat as they age, which not only affects intimacy, but confidence as well. And no matter what age, having a flag at half-mast can effect confidence and happiness in any man. While pharmaceuticals claim to address the failure to launch, RP3 by Trévo, an all-natural proprietary botanical product, does just that without the side effects common with modern drugs.

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Income Disclosure: The potential earnings portrayed here are not necessarily representative of the income, if any, a Trévo Life and Health Coach can or will earn through participation in the Trévo Compensation Plan.

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First of all, let me assure you this has NOTHING to do with mail order, gifting programs, chain letters and this is NOT another one of those envelope-stuffing scams! This is a 100% legitimate opportunity to make up to $100 to $750 or more in extra income simply mailing letters from home! Could you use an extra $200, $500, even $750 or more? If you can spare an hour or more a day you can easily earn a real income working from home! Doing this simple mail work, you can make all the money you need and then some!




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By Dr. Dick Pritchard

Dr. Dick’s Downline Building by Mail:

Why DIRECT MAIL is Still KING in 2019

The back and forth discussions are endless. The Internet is 21st Century technology. It’s faster, cheaper, worldwide, etc. All that misses the point. Direct mail, print ads, email solo ads, banner ads… are all just MEDIA. Too often, we confuse the MEDIA with the MESSAGE. And what is the “message” for ANY mode of advertising? We want those who receive that message to DO SOMETHING: buy a product, join a network marketing program, listen to a sizzle call, call the company to order, or all of the above. So the primary purpose of any marketing material we put on any media is to get the recipient to TAKE ACTION of some kind. Does it really matter what media we use, then? Well, yes and no. You see, IF the prospect takes the desired action, then the next question is: does whatever Step 2 is produce the result we want? If we get a prospect to a website, does it convert them into a product buyer, active network member, etc.? If Step 2 is a long form sales letter, does it work better on a printed page or on a website?

My answer is, I believe it works better on a printed page. When you close a website window, it’s almost always gone forever. Yes, you can dig through your browsing history and find it if you’re really determined, but that usually doesn’t happen. On the other hand, if the prospect is holding a few written pages in their hand, they may set it aside and come back to it later. It’s still sitting there on the desk or wherever they open mail. The message is still fresh when they go back to read it for a second time. 42

I’ve seen MANY marketers try to just use postcards for the purpose of driving traffic to a website (usually one that is poorly designed to convert visitors into BUYERS). A good percentage of the people they mail to DO NOT HAVE OR WANT Internet. As a longtime direct mailer, I continue to be surprised at the large number of people in the USA who fall into that category. They don’t have computers or smart phones – and they don’t WANT them. But, like those who ARE online, they usually want better health and more money. So if the only option you offer is “go to my website,” you lose a large percentage of those who tend to be on mailing lists. Even high priced, scrubbed, NCOA’d, deceased removed, etc. mailing lists still have a significant percentage of people who are NOT ONLINE. If you want to marketing online exclusively, you’re probably better off doing solo or banner ads to send people to a capture page or GOOD marketing site. Running print ads or mailing postcards or flyers to do that will lose a significant percentage of the target audience.

Postcards are cheaper to mail and, more important, EASIER to mail. Most people who come to you want something that is SIMPLE and doesn’t require a lot of time or expense. Postcards are ideal for that. They are ideal for BEGINNERS who “don’t know how to get started” (MOST of the people who come into a network marketing opportunity for the first time fall into this category). Having said that, the latest app, gizmo, or technology isn’t always the best way to CONNECT to a prospect. Face-to-face is best. Phone is second. For those who can’t or won’t do either of those, direct mail is third. And that’s why I’m still using direct mail in 2018. You can contact Dr. Dick at Dr. R. H. Pritchard, PO Box 340040, Columbus, OH 43234. Also see his book at BabyBoomerRockStar.com, his YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/c/DrDickPritchard and his ad on page 3.

As for mail, the next question is, postcards or letters/flyers? Letters clearly convert better because you can put more information in a letter than on a postcard. But they cost more to mail. If you use letters, prepare to have challenges with downline mailers who want to make cheap, bad copies. Best to have an automated system that allows them to BUY mailings to good lists. Again, this will cost more, but if you want a letter system to work, it’s a necessity. God Bless America! To Advertise: 717-426-2438

Get Your Share Of Our Court System’s $24 Billion Dollar Bank Accounts! Earn Up To $25,000 Per Month By Taking Advantage of our Court Judicial System! Get Huge Checks Mailed To You Every Week Just For Tapping Into This Virtually Unknown Cash Stream! Dear Friend, Did you know that by filling out a few simple forms and mailing a few letters that you could be on your way to receiving a hefty check for up to $25,000 or more that you never must pay back?! And, by taking advantage of our judicial system, that you can start receiving huge checks in the mail, thanks to the work of our City, State, and Federal Court Systems? This may sound amazing, but it’s true! You don't need a law degree to start pulling in the six-figure incomes lawyers make. We'll show you how to start, build, and successfully operate a super-high income, wealth-building home business from any city or town anywhere in the United States. Regardless of your age, sex, present income or educational background, you can be tapping into millions of dollars in public record bank accounts, once you know how. GET YOUR SHARE OF OUR COURT SYSTEM'S HIDDEN CASH! Imagine sitting at home and getting a check for up to $10,000 by completing a few forms and mailing a few letters. This is the most incredibly easy money-making program you've ever seen in your life. In just a few hours you could start a chain reaction – which could result in up to $10,000 ... $20,000 ... even $30,000 dollars or more being sent to you in only a few weeks - without having a face-to-face meeting with anyone! COPY ME AND GET RICH! Just read a few pages of information, write a few simple letters (we'll show you how) and mail a few simple forms (which we will provide) and then sit back and let the money roll in, like clockwork! The work required is minimal and can be easily handled in a few hours a month. With our amazing makeeasy-money-at-home system, you could be on your way to up to $100,000 a year or more income, year after year, for the rest of your life. NO PERSONAL SELLING REQUIRED! This is a brilliant and useful idea whose time has come. You're using our judicial system - in your favor - to collect money that's virtually hidden from the public. Once you learn the secret of how to access this money, you'll be amazed at how it works. There are billions of dollars out there - that you can access - and big fat checks can be sent directly to your bank account- or wherever you choose. This is a 100% legitimate operation and requires no investment, no experience, no employees, no office and no stress. You have never seen anything as wonderful as this amazing wealth building system. I absolutely Guarantee your success! START CASHING IN TODAY AND MAKE PLENTY OF BIG MONEY FAST!

We'll provide, absolutely everything you need to get started immediately. Work at home and let the system do the rest. We'll even give you the simple forms you'll need to get the cash flowing - right into your personal bank account if you prefer - starting today. Nothing anywhere could be more amazing than this! This program is like an instant FREE Money Gift! This program will show you how to get started, from scratch, and begin making more money than you could ever make at a "regular" job. You could make more money with this program in six months than you could make working for someone else in five years! We'll show you how you could collect up to $5,000.00 in a matter of days. And the best part about it is - it can't end! If our judicial system exists, you can continue to collect huge fees! DO YOU WANT QUICK CASH? Is this the kind of opportunity you've been looking for? To find out, answer these questions. • Would you like to be in business for yourself? • Does the thought of easily making up to $10,000.00 per week appeal to you? • Would you like to work at home, at your own pace? • Does the idea of having a business with unlimited earning potential appeal to you? • Would you like to travel and make money, even while you're away on vacation? • Have you been searching for financial freedom? • Are you willing to work one or two hours a day? • Would you like to quit your present job? • Can you deal with the respect and power that comes with an amazing, certified, proven to work for you, wealth system? If you can honestly answer “yes" to these questions, then let's get started! Your future has just gotten a lot brighter! WE'LL SEND YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO START GETTING CHECKS RIGHT AWAY! Send for the complete Court Cash Wealth System today. With it, you'll receive everything you need to get started immediately. We'll send you all the official forms, checklists, letters, phone numbers, and all the other information you'll need. The Court Cash Wealth System will help you begin making big money now, right from your own home or apartment. No special equipment is needed. You won't need a computer. You won't even need a typewriter. Our system will show you how to get started immediately, part-time or full-time, right off your own kitchen table.

GET STARTED TODAY This is your chance to start your own legitimate high-income business, from scratch. This is a business that could take care of you for the rest of your life. Order this program today and you'll see how easy it is to make thousands of dollars right from the comfort and privacy of your own home. You'll be sent every single item you need to get started today. The complete program should answer any questions you may have. SPECIAL FREE DOUBLE BONUS OFFER We are extremely confident that this incredible money-making plan will help you succeed in a way you have never imagined. However, we may only want to help you make quick cash, we also want to show you how to multiply your profits dramatically as they come in. So, if you order this program within the next 7 days only, we will also send you —free with your order— our copyrightedGovernmentRefundProcessor system. With this system, you can add an additional income of as much as $5,000 a week or more simply by processing government refunds. It's simple and we'll include everything you need to get started FREE with your purchase. And there's even more! I will also include my special underground report - THE $100,000 OPPORTUNITY MOST PEOPLE MISS which reveals another virtually SECRET method of making a HUGE CASH INCOME from home! I will reveal private corporations that want to send you checks for unto $1000. $2,000 even as much as $10,000 or more every month just for following a simple protocol! Combine this with the other 2 methods and your income will shoot through the roof in no time! If Your desire is to make a ton of cash, this is for you! I 100% GUARANTEE YOU WILL POCKET
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True bovine colostrum (the only colostrum not species specific) is up to 100 to 1000 times more potent then our mother’s Colostrum). It is delivered by a mother cow within the first 6 hours of birthing and is the most nutrient dense substance known to science. Its benefit to human health is huge. With over 700 constituent parts, this amazing Superfood of Nature powerfully nourishes all of our body systems allowing them to reboot, repair, strengthen and function closer to the original design as intended. When we feed our cells with this high-octane fuel they perform at their optimum potential. Not all Colostrum is the same... Be sure it’s 100% Wholefood 6 hour Colostrum with nothing removed but the water (most take well after 6 hours, remove the fat then spray with a fat lipid and sometimes adds “things” to this perfect food) For the Only 3rd party certified to be True 6-hour Wholefood Colostrum (with documentation), we only recommend Colostrum from Anovite, for a very informative and short video visit: www.The6HourMiracle.com If you want to give this product a try and be able to get them for less with their Discount Membership plus an additional 10 to 30% back to use on future products and an opportunity to 44 even earn some then check out: www.WhyAnovite.com

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Work At Home and Earn A Real Income Mailing Our Special Cash Notification Forms!



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“Biblical Keys to Network Marketing!” by Paul Mason The Holy Bible is the eternal guide book for success in every facet of life, the network marketing industry being no exception. And, for true success and blessing, both temporal and eternal, one must put the eternal first. In fact, Jesus Christ, gave us the model for networking. He recruited 12 men, taught them the principles and sent them out to recruit others with the world’s most valuable

message (God’s Salvation) that promises blessing for this life and the life to come. A product so costly that no one can afford the price, which He himself purchased at Calvary, and now offers without cost, as a free gift, to all who will accept it. Seems strange that multitudes reject the greatest offer of all time. (Eternal Life).

Finally, after 60 years of experience in the industry and in their 63rd year together, 85 year old Paul and 83 year old,loving wife Eunice, just had to share this amazing opportunity with all serious income seekers, having researched 100”s of companies over the years feel we have found the “Real Deal”. Read about amazing offer below, from our sponsor!


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Why waste time chasing new start-ups or empty promises, with no proven record of success, when you can join an established 20 year old international company that has been declared the number 1 home business opportunity, by a third party professional research company, during a 3 ½ year study of the top 10 similar companies in the world! Experience: • The best products available! • The top pay plan of all plans! • Free professional websites! • Alternative post card system! • Free help from our Pro Staff! • And, much, much more! Call, or send the coupon below, today!

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Sorry to say, we live in a materialistic world and even many MLM companies are structured to benefit the greedy, rather than the needy. Seems that most who are pursuing the many opportunities being offered are primarily interested in the earning potential (Does it have the potential to make me rich?” It has been said that if we help others get what they need we will have no lack of the things we need. Those who covet riches, to consume upon their own lust, will fall into temptation and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men (and women) into ruin and destruction. (1 Timothy 6:9) Anyone who thinks they must have more material “things” to be successful, is believing a lie! Any time a person is more interested in selling a product than ministering to some ones need, that person is only serving their own selfish desires. “The liberal soul shall be blessed and he that blesses will himself be blessed.” (Proverbs 11:25) Multi-level marketing requires two basic ingredients, according to the Biblical definition; first, service to God, and second, service to others. The wisest man who ever lived (second only to Christ) and learned many lessons the hard way said,”He who loves money will never be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with it’s income.” (Ecclesiastes 5:10) Remember the “law of the harvest”.(Galatians 6:7) We reap only after we sow. We reap what we so. We reap more than we sow, whether good or evil. (What goes around comes around). We must sow only good seed, into good ground and carefully tend and nourish the resulting crop all the way to fruition. “Let us not become weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9)

1 life, soon past. Only what’s done for Christ will last

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The Biblical principles of networking apply to every-one, but especially those who profess faith in its author, Jesus Christ. Saint Matthew, in his gospel, records the words of Christ, “ Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all (needful) things will be added unto you.” (Matt.6:33) But we, as mortals, are so short sighted, just like the rich man in Luke’s gospel who stored up riches only for his own benefit. God called him a fool because he had no regard, or time, for God, for others, or any preparation for eternity. The apostle Paul wrote, “If in this life only we have hope, we are of all men most miserable”, and three of the gospel writers sound the warning, “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”

Paul, and wife Eunice, of 63 years, reside in New Mexico. Paul has 60 years experience in MLM. “I think I have just about seen it all,” he says. The Lord has blessed the Mason’s with three daughters and two sons, all married to their original spouses from 20 to 35 years. They have 12 living grand children (one deceased). Paul and Eunice are “sort of ” retired, spending most of their time in church work, gardening, and visiting their extended families. Spare time is very limited, but Paul still finds time for some MLM activities. Feel free to communicate with him by email: healthbliss@comcast.net

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How to make a

MILLION DOLLARS Entrepreneurship is the art of finding profitable solutions to problems. Every successful entrepreneur or business person has been able to identify a problem and come up with a solution to it before someone else did. Here are the 5 Rules for Entrepreneurial Success. 1. Find a Need and Fill It Human needs and wants are unlimited. Therefore, the opportunities for entrepreneurship and financial success are unlimited as well. The only constraint on the business opportunities available to you are the limits you place on your imagination. 2. Find a Problem and Solve It Wherever there is a widespread and unsolved customer problem, there is an opportunity for you to start and build a successful business. Once upon a time, before photocopies, the only way to type multiple copies of a letter was with carbon paper placed between sheets of stationery. But a single mistake would require the typist to go through and erase the mistakes on every single copy. This was enormously clumsy and time-consuming. Then a secretary working for a small company in Minneapolis began mixing flour with nail varnish in order to “white out” the mistake she was making in her typing. Soon, people in other offices began asking for it. The demand became so great that she quit her job and began 50

working full-time manufacturing what she called “Liquid Paper.”

working for your customer.

A few years later, the Gillette Corporation came along and bought her out for $47 million cash.

5. Bootstrap Your Way to Success

The REAL Secret to Business Success A Powerful and Practical “Mini-MBA” That Will Transform Your Results A proven system to create or jumpstart your business so it becomes a powerful, profitable source of income for you and your family! Jumpstart Your Business 3. Unlimited Opportunities There are problems everywhere. Your job is to find one of these problems and solve it better than it has been solved in the past. Find a problem that everyone has and see if you can’t come up with a solution for it. Find a way to supply a product or service better, cheaper, faster, or easier. Use your imagination. 4. Focus on the Customer

Once you have come up with a problem or idea, resolve to invest your time, talent, and energy instead of your money to get started. Most great personal fortunes in the United States were started with an idea and with the sale of personal services. Most great fortunes were started by people with no money, resources, or backing. They were started by individuals who came up with an idea and who then put their whole heart into producing a product or service that someone else would buy. Action Exercise Look for business opportunities everywhere, develop, an entrepreneurial mindset, and continually be open and curious about the needs not satisfied and problems not solved. One idea is all you need to make your first million. To Making a Million, Brian Tracy

The key to success in business is to focus on the customer. Become obsessed with Brian Tracy’s FREE Newsletters your customer. Become fixated on your customer’s wants, needs, and desires. When you subscribe, you’ll receive Think of your customer all the time. Brian Tracy’s Goal Setting Success Guide Think of what your customer is willing — absolutely free! to pay for. Think about your customer’s www.briantracy.com/newsletter problems. See yourself as if you were God Bless America! To Advertise: 717-426-2438


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From Desk of Gerald Peters, Owner of Downline Building Network (DBN) Free Money Making Downline for Life! Let My Company Help Build YOUR Downline! Dear Opportunity Seeker, My Name is Gerald Peters, I am the Owner of the DBN. On the other side of this page is my promotional flyer. I developed this system after years of pain and frustration trying to build a business from home. I’ve joined at least 20 different network marketing companies and countless different mail order schemes throughout the years. What usually happened was that I spent tons of money, with little if any return on my investment. Sound like a familiar story? If so, I honestly think I can help you. After years of frustration, I made it my goal in life to create a mail order based marketing system that would work for anyone, regardless of age, experience or financial situation. My company and marketing system were designed to help the “little guy” actually make money. With our system you can generate as much $680 a month in residual income, with as few as 20 active people in your downline. You can earn up to $1,960 with a downline of only 84 active members! If you fill a matrix you can even start another one and repeat the process as many times as you like, receiving countless checks! The DBN marketing system removes all obstacles that might otherwise stand in your way to building a large and profitable downline by mail. Low on funds? That’s no problem, you can get started for as little as $30 a month. Don’t know how to properly and effectively promote by mail? No problem, we have a simple postcard (and optional flyer) promotional system. Follow-ups are handled by my office and we place anyone who responds to your postcards into your downline. If you can stick a stamp you can make money with DBN! Not sure who to send the postcards too or can’t afford leads? No problem, your monthly product cost includes opportunity seeker leads on peel-in-stick labels. You will receive leads each month as your product purchase, plus, my office sends you FREE Marketing Postcards each month to use for your own promotional mailing with the leads! DBN mails out over 10,000 + promotional postcards and flyers each month. We place those who respond (preenrollees) under our newest members virtually guaranteeing your success. Did I mention you don’t have to spend a dime until you have 3 pre-enrollees enrolled under you. Say Good Bye to Lotions, Potions, and Pills! Explain this to me, how do overpriced products help you build your business? They Don’t! Products don’t build downlines, simple and easily duplicated marketing systems do. I have 1,000’s in my downline, within 3 companies to prove it! No more sneaky tricks that many companies play on their distributors. My favorite one is being charged $2 to receive a check that you earned! You made the company money when you purchased their product, then you brought them additional business, which generated even more money for them and they charge you a fee to pay you. It’s almost laughable if you think about it. Don’t get me started with BV and CC just another way company owners fleece the pockets of their distributors. What good is the car bonus or high 5th level commissions? The company knows the average distributor will NEVER sponsor enough people to earn car bonuses or 5th level compensation. If you’re sick of the tricks, lies and deceptions and just want an honest, simple yet highly effective and extremely profitable way to make money, you have found a home. I am very proud of the fact that just about anyone can join, begin mailing postcards and within a few weeks, start receiving fast start bonuses. The company we promote pays out 70% over 3 levels in a 4x3 forced matrix structure, this puts money in the pockets of the “little guys” who sponsor less than 20 people. You can earn up to $680 with as few as 20 people! Those are numbers to get excited about! If you’re a real go-getter or heavy hitter and fill your matrix with 84 people (as much $1,960 monthly) you receive free re-entry into new matrix creating a 2nd pay check. You can do this over and over. Fill out the application on the other side this page and mail it to my office and we will rush you out a welcome packet with everything you need to get started. I can’t wait to work with you and help you to build a solid and reliable 2nd income from home! Feel free to call my office and speak with me. If you get my voice mail leave your # and I will return your call ASAP.


Gerald Peters Owner, Downline Building Network 1-936-661-7786

God Bless America! To Advertise: 717-426-2438

Free Money Making Downline for Life! Let My Company Help Build YOUR Downline!

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Pre-Enroll in my Downline Building Network today and we will place (3) people in YOUR downline potentially putting you in PROFIT your first month! We Will Place 3 pre-enrollees under you before spend a Dime!! If you have NEVER made money in Network Marketing/MLM let my company help you change that! This system was designed for part-timers who have never made a $500 - $5,000 monthly check in network marketing.

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Pre-Enroll Today! I understand I send NO MONEY! My only cost to participate in the income opportunity is when I officially activate my position in the downline. Then I only pay as low as $30 mo. product purchase. I am not required to activate until you have (3) people in my pre-enrolled downline. (Please Only Fill this Out if You Plan to Activate Downlines Fill Fast!) I’ve enclosed a Check/Cash/MO/CC for $20 I am Very Serious about having you help build my downline! Place me in your national magazine ad co-op for 4 months, send me 60 “HOT” leads, 60 promotional postcards (Optional Fast Track I ) Extremely fast way to build your downline! I’ve enclosed a Check/Cash/Mo/CC for $40. Place me in your national magazine ad co-op for 6 months, send me 100 “HOT” leads, 100 promotional postcards, 64 pg manual, 1hr. audio CD + live call. (Optional Fast Track II) Absolutely EXPLODE your downline!


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A Penny’s

Let’s be honest, Network Marketing is for everyone but just about everyone has failed at it. Why is that? Because that is life! Network Marketing is no different than any other business you own, you have to put a lot work in to it to succeed. Sometimes circumstances cause a business to fail, such as the economy, bad timing, poor business management, bad business decisions or even lack of business ethics. I find this to be true with most of the reasons with why many fail in network marketing. Infact, very little had anything to do with the economy, company or product it mostly had to do with poor business management, bad business decision and lack of business ethics. These all fall on not the owner of the network marketing company but YOU the distributor. You see, you just became the CEO of YOUR OWN HOME-BASED BUSINESS. You write your own business plan, set your own hours, manage your budget and execute what it takes to make your company profitable or not. What happens is very few TAKE OWNERSHIP. They wait to be told each move to make, how to make it and expect to succeed. In Network Marketing we are given the titles “Independent Distributors” for a reason. To show we are “Independent” to build our business and organization in a manner that meets our own desires. We are Independent of dictation of others and in control of our own ideas and thinking. We are Independent of a set income and can make any amount of income we desire and are willing to work towards. So, why do so many fail in Network Marketing? It’s not because they don’t have the Right Company, Right Product, Right System, or even Right upline support. It is simply the right perspective of what their role is as the CEO of their OWN HOME BASED BUSINESS. I have had many people ask me what I do daily that I can teach them, so they 60

can be successful. They are thinking it is some magic system I am working. But my answer, always shocks them. I say, if you are full time, at the beginning, wake up every day as if you are going to a corporate job. Go into your office and put in the hours that you would if you were working. During these hours only PROSPECT, EXPOSE YOUR BUSINESS & PRODUCT and CLOSE! Do nothing else! This isn’t the hours to be reading books to help you achieve success or watching YouTube videos of other leaders telling you how they did it. That is in your off hours. This is the time you are working and DOING IT! You must also be disciplined. I had to teach my grown kids, family and friends that although I am home I am not free to just hang out during the day unless it is a preplanned day off. I WORK! I can’t have my grandkids dropped off and left with me because their parents needed a break for the day or they had to go to work, Hey I am working too! I can’t just run to town and shop for the day because my friend wants to get out of the house. I have certain goals that have to be met for the day. Now, I have learned how to make my calls by the pool or while at the lake. I can work my business from anywhere. I don’t need to be physically in my office. The beach is great as long as the wind is not to strong and the noise isn’t too loud! I am not saying you have to be in the same home office space every day. What I am saying is your hours daily must be very disciplined no matter where you will be working from.

be driven by adrenaline. You will be able to see the residual income and the dream becoming a reality! No longer will you fail but you will have your own story to tell! Penny VanGombos is a Professional Sales & Marketing Coach as well as a MLM Industry Multi-Million Dollar Earner. She and her husband, Eric have an International Organizations in 30+ Countries and have over ¼ million distributors in their organization. As a trainer and motivational speaker, Penny touches thousands of lives in a unique way of making you laugh beyond tears while sharing a message of “Living a Life Beyond Limits”. She has achieved awards in Network Marketing as Top Enroller, Highest Earner and Top Producer not to mention earning diamonds and luxury cars! If you are interested in a coaching or mentoring session with Penny or would like to schedule her to talk on a conference call, or speak at a conference, Contact her at PennyVanGCoaching.com

There comes a time when “time freedom” sets in. But that does not happen until after the residual income is constant. Just like any CEO you must work hard to get a new company up and running and sometimes the first year, it is working around the clock to just make it profitable. But as long as you keep your eyes on the outcome ahead every minute of your hard work and energy spent will God Bless America! To Advertise: 717-426-2438



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7 Touches – Basic Marketing Principle in Action It is a basic marketing principle that it takes seven “touches” before someone will internalize and/or act upon your call to action.

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SELFRELIANCE: > The Key to SELFRESPECT. “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” - Eleanor Roosevelt The average person is capable of independence and self-reliance, yet comparatively few people ever develop their ability to stand alone. It is so much easier to lean, to trail, to follow somebody else, to let others do the thinking and the planning and the work. One of the worst faults of the typical person is that (if they do not possess commanding talents in some particular direction) they usually do not think it worthwhile to make the most of what they have.

Do not think that, just because you are not a born leader, you are a born follower. A lack of great commanding qualities of leadership is no reason why you should not cultivate what you have. We never know what resources or possibilities of strength are ours until we put our powers to the test. Many a person has proved themselves a great leader who did not seem to be so naturally — who showed at first very little evidence of self-reliance. Leaders do not copy. They do not reflect the opinion of the majority. They think. They create. They make their own program and carry it out. How few people stand for anything in particular! The majority are merely so many individuals in the census; they help make a little larger crowd; but how few of us stand above or beyond our fellow citizens and are self-sufficient!

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Almost everybody you see is leaning on something or somebody. Some lean on their money, some on their friends; some depend upon their clothes, their pedigree, their social standing; but how seldom do we see someone who stands fair and square on their own feet; who goes through life on their own merits, and is selfreliant and resourceful. In later life we never quite forgive those who have allowed us to lean upon them, for we know that it has deprived us of our birthright. A child is not satisfied when a parent shows them how to do a certain thing. But watch the joy on a child’s face when by actually doing it they have conquered the thing themselves. This new sense of conquest is an added power that has increased their self-confidence and self-respect.



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by Dennis Jackson

8 TestosteroneBoosting Foods Eating for higher T Testosterone is a male sex hormone that affects more than just sex drive. The hormone is also responsible for bone and muscle health, sperm production, and hair growth. You can lose testosterone as you age, as well as from chronic illnesses. Hypogonadism, also called low testosterone or low T, is often medically treated to prevent future health problems. Along with your doctor’s recommendations, you may consider potential testosteroneboosting foods as a natural complement to low T treatments. Two nutrients that are especially important to your diet are vitamin D and zinc. 1. TUNA Tuna is rich in vitamin D, which has been linked to longer life and testosterone production. It’s also a heart-healthy, protein-rich food that’s low in calories. Whether you choose canned or fresh, eating this fish can be a natural way of boosting testosterone. A serving of tuna fulfills your daily vitamin D needs. If you aren’t a tuna fan, you may consider other fishy sources of vitamin D, such as salmon or sardines. Remember that moderation is key. Aim for a max of two to three servings a week to minimize your intake of mercury, which is found in seafood. Shop online for canned tuna, salmon, or sardines. 2. LOW-FAT MILK WITH VITAMIN D Milk is a great source of protein and calcium. Children and women are encouraged to drink milk for better bone health, but milk can keep men’s bones

strong too. The vitamin D content may also keep testosterone levels in check. Make sure you choose milk that’s fortified with vitamin D. Choose low-fat or skim versions. They have the same nutrients as whole milk without all of the saturated fat. Find low-fat milk fortified with vitamin D online. 3. EGG YOLKS Egg yolks are another rich source of vitamin D. While cholesterol has a bad reputation, egg yolk contains more nutrients than egg whites. The cholesterol of egg yolks may even help low T. As long as you don’t have any preexisting cholesterol issues, you can safely eat one egg per day. 4. FORTIFIED CEREALS Eggs aren’t the only breakfast food that can help low T. This is especially good news if you have to watch your blood cholesterol. Certain brands of cereals are fortified with vitamin D, not to mention other hearthealthy nutrients. Consider incorporating them into your breakfast routine to jumpstart your day and your testosterone levels. 5. OYSTERS Zinc is an essential nutrient during puberty, and its effects can keep male hormones in check throughout adulthood. Men who have low T benefit from increasing their zinc intake if they also have zinc deficiencies. Oysters are good sources of this mineral. 6. SHELLFISH An occasional serving of crab or lobster may do your testosterone levels some good. This is thanks in part to the zinc

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content in these seafood favorites. According to the National Institutes of Health, Alaskan king crab has 43 percent of your daily value of zinc in just a 3-ounce serving. 7. BEEF There are real health concerns about the overconsumption of red meat. Not only do some cuts have more fat than poultry, but eating too much is also linked to certain cancers, such as colon cancer. Still, some cuts of beef have nutrients that can boost testosterone. Beef liver is an exceptional source of vitamin D, while ground beef and chuck roast contain zinc. To keep animal fats in check, choose only lean cuts of beef and avoid eating it every day. 8. BEANS When it comes to male hormone health, beans may offer more benefits than you think. White, kidney, and black beans are all considered sources of vitamin D and zinc. Baked beans also offer these nutrients, but you’ll need additional sources in your daily diet. Healthy diet changes may help with low T, but they’re not cures for hypogonadism. A doctor must confirm that you have low testosterone through a physical exam and blood test. If you’re diagnosed with low T, you may be prescribed testosterone hormone replacements such as: TABLETS OR PILLS - SKIN PATCHES TOPICAL GEL - INJECTIONS 70





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