Home Business Advertiser - April - May 2022

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APR/MAY 2022


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God BlessDeposit You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438 1 Easily $40,000+ Every Month and Very Often Over $10,000 in a Single Day!

See Next Page for Details ...



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Yes, You Can Buy CBD Oil Almost Anywhere Now. But It’s NOT All The Same.

Raphael Mechoulam (the “Father of CBD research”) says the acid form of CBD (CBDa), which is the form found in the live hemp plant, is “1000 times more potent than CBD.” Takeda, Misawa, and Watanabe (Drug Metab Dispos, 2008) found that CBDa is a potent COX-2 inhibitor – even more so than the THC found in marijuana. (COX-2 is the enzyme primarily responsible for pain and inflammation in the human body.) There is actually NO CBD in the live hemp plant – only CBDa. Here’s the problem: CBDa is unstable, so hemp processing transforms CBDa into CBD, which is an “oily” alkaloid – not easily absorbed into your water based system. You want a way to get CBDa into your body to do its work without having it revert back to CBD. Our company has found that way. If we add just a few drops of a special oxygenated oil (10xPure) to our oils, it stabilizes the CBDa and allows it to be more easily absorbed into your body. We can even ADD more CBDa to our oils, and the 10xPure keeps it from transforming. You get up to TEN TIMES the absorption with 10xPure. 10xPure oil is PATENTED and its use with CBD oil is EXCLUSIVE to our company. No other company has this or ever will have it! When we actually TEST our 10xPure Gold CBD oil versus competitor products, here’s what we see: while the measured amount of CBD is similar, we have as much as 600 times the CBDa preserved in our 10xPure Gold oils – even after one full YEAR on the shelf! Join Our Team TODAY! More than 50,000 people already have! Many are creating EXTRA INCOME from home! Others are finally seeing RELIEF from various issues. No medical claims, but the testimonies we get are amazing! Hemp CBD is 100% legal in all 50 US states. Our products are “THC free” and have NO psychoactive effects. Our hemp is organic, pesticide free, and non-GMO – all grown right here in the USA. More than 50 products to choose from – immune health, CBD oils, skin care, hair growth, pet care, weight management, a proprietary glutathione precursor, mood booster with CBGa, and CBDa coffee. The more you SHOP, the more you SAVE. The more you SHARE, the more you can EARN! See how you MAKE MONEY by referring other people to your FREE website:


The postcard system we created is amazing. And now, we’ve added even more postal mail options for our team. Skeptical? Just watch the videos on our website. Unlike many prescription drugs, CBDa has NO side effects. Plus, our 10xPure Gold oils are competitively priced – even compared to most other CBD oils! Want to join for FREE online? Just go to RockStarCBDA.com, or return the coupon below by mail. Welcome Kit includes everything you need to get started.

√ Yes, please enroll me in CTFO and rush me a FREE Welcome Kit, along with my coupon to request my 250 FREE postcards and 250 FREE names on peel & stick labels. (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY or use a return address label) 03/22

NAME ____________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________ CITY ____________________________________________ STATE ________ ZIP ______________ Phone (REQUIRED) (_____)________________ email (REQUIRED) ___________________________

Return coupon to:

Income At Home ~ 597 High St Unit 510 ~ Worthington, OH 43085-5044 God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438



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Get Paid Paid Get Up to to 55 Times Times Up a Month! a Month!

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NEW MEMBER MEMBER WELCOME WELCOME KIT KIT REQUEST! REQUEST! NEW __Yes, enroll enroll me me in in Life Life Force Force && rush rush me me aa FREE FREE Welcome Welcome Kit, Kit, along along with with my my coupon coupon to to request request __Yes, my 250 FREE postcards and 250 FREE names on peel & stick labels. my 250 FREE postcards and 250 FREE names on peel & stick labels. NAME: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ PHONE______________________ PHONE______________________ NAME: ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________________________ CITY: _________________________________________________STATE:________ _________________________________________________STATE:________ ZIP:______________ ZIP:______________ CITY: Referredby byFrantz FrantzPierre Pierre Referred

Return this page to: New Dimensions 50K Team P.O. Box 969 ~ Grayson, GA 30017 God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438

Referred by Frantz Pierre

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APR/MAY 2022 Issue 2/Vol 18 Publisher Bob Schwartz & Company Associate Publisher Wolf Enterprises Creative Director Maria Cummings-Miller National Marketing Director Jennifer Schwartz

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CLOSING APR 14, 2022

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Display Advertising: 1-717-426-2438 HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com Home Business Advertiser® is published bi-monthly by Bob Schwartz & Company. All material within is copyright protected by the publisher. All submissions are handled with care; we assume no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Although all advertisers are believed to be honest and truthful, the publisher accepts no responsibility or liability for the conduct of the advertisers in this publication. The publisher recommends consulting legal counsel before entering into any business relationship. Please notify the publisher if any misconduct is detected. IMPORTANT CONSUMER DISCLOSURE The term “advertorial” is a combination of “advertisement” and “editorial” written in an editorial format as an independent news story, when in fact the advertisement may promote a particular product or interest. Advertorials are only illustrative of what might be achievable and that they should not be taken literally.

Home Business Advertiser® 6461 Cherry Street East Petersburg, PA 17520 717-426-2438 www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com © 2021 All Rights Reserved

All advertisers are responsible for content of their own ads. Thank you for advertising! 6

S t ar t Your Own Hom e Based Business In 2022!

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God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438


APR/MAY 2022


To Advertise: 717-426-2438

Home Business Advertiser

S t ar t Your Own Home Based Business In 2022!

www.BThe1.com www.BT

Did you know we can INSERT your postcard in the next mailing of Home Business Advertiser Magazine for as little as $.10 each? Easily Deposit $40,000+ Every Month and Very Often Over $10,000 in a Single Day! See Next Page for Details ...

What is a Postcard? A postcard is a rectangular mailer sent without an envelope. Sending a postcard is an extremely affordable way to communicate when you’re using the U.S Postal Service—regular postcards cost only $0.36 to mail first class. Or, you can have your pre-printed postcards inserted in the next issue of this magazine for only $.10 each. (Example: 5,000 postcards = $500 inserted and mailed directly to our readers)

Do postcards work for marketing? The truth is that postcard marketing really does work. In fact, it’s even more effective than some of the most popular digital channels and has a higher return on investment too. 12

What makes a good marketing postcard? The central focus of a promotional postcard needs to be on the action that a company wants potential customers to take upon receipt of the postcard. Make it a clear and concise action that motivates readers to follow through on that action as quickly as possible.

How do I make a postcard for marketing? • • • • • • •

Keep it simple. Craft a great headline. Use high-quality imagery. Personalize with data. Promote a compelling offer. Have a single, clear call to action. Track and attribute the results.

There are 100’s of printers online who can design and print your postcard for you. You can Google “postcard printers” or try GotPrint.com, PrintFounders. com, VistaPrint.com or NextDayFlyers.com

How can I get my postcards inserted in this magazine?

Call Bob Schwartz at

717-426-2438 or contact him online at


Where can I get postcards designed and printed? Together We Win! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com

Why Gold & Silver? Why Now?

The US Dollar has been declining in value since 1913. In 1965, $1 and an •ounce Gold & Silver Eagles of Silver held equivalent value. You could walk Direct into the local Ford • Dealer Pricing dealer and buy a brand new Ford •Mustang Rare/Limited for $2500 or 2500Coins ounces of Silver.

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In 2019, do you think you could buy a brand new Ford Mustang for $2500? Probably not, but it might get you a new set of tires. However, if you brought in those same 2500 ounces of silver you could actually buy two brand new Ford Mustangs.

Call: 253-248-4000 13


Together We Win! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com

Earn Up to $300 to $1000 A Day #1 FASTEST RECRUITING SYSTEM… Our FREE Product Give Away System Makes YOU A RECRUITING MACHINE! Your First Bottle of Product Is FREE Then We’ll Send FREE Bottles To Everyone You Know and Everyone They Know!

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PLEASE NOTE: Our marketing team will pay for the first bottle of exclusive nutritional product for everyone who joins our team. By joining our team there is a minimum (one bottle) monthly auto-delivery requirement to stay active and qualified for commissions. There is a one-time $19 sign-up fee with the company we work with, American Dream Nutrition, LLC, this sets up your personalized website and back office management system, and includes our custom Powerline building software system. This is how you build wealth! We offer a turn-key system that everyone can do! Join our team today! Commissions paid 3 times weekly! God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438


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God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438


Home Business Advertiser

It’s Never About The Money… PART 3

It’s Always About Renewing Your Mind… There are four main types of personalities when it comes to money: The Driver - Money Represents Success! You crave for others, specifically friends and family to see you as competent or wise. You fear your friends and family will see you as incompetent if you can’t handle your money, or life in general. The Analytic - Money Represents Security or Independence! You crave complete control of your life… no chaos, no dependence from your spouse, family, or friends. You fear lack of control of your life, or the chaos of being dominated by anyone else. The Amiable - Money Represents Love! You crave affection, you may call it intimacy with your spouse, family, and friends. You fear a loss of affection or intimacy from your spouse family and friends. The Expressive - Money Represents Acceptance! You crave respect, trust and confidence from your spouse, family, and friends! You fear rejection from those you love, respect and trust. Depending on your stage of life, or the financial trauma you have experienced, you will perceive money in one or more of these ways, and they will cause financial anxiety. When you think back to the gut wrenching feeling you get when financial anxiety comes on, it is caused because you are taking your eyes off the Lord and allowing whoever or whatever triggered your financial trauma to control your emotions. It’s not easy, but this is when you need to pause and pray! 1st Tim 1:7 tells us” God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.” Take time to just pause and seek peace in the mist of your storm. Let’s look at Philippines 4:6-8 one 18 more time.

Philippines 4:6-8 (NLT) - 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. 8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. As my story continued and I learned all I’ve written in these three articles, I can’t say I learned quick. We went on to filed for bankruptcy, and our family life was a mess. However, Paige, my wife saw her writing career take off, and that opened some new doors. Since 2000, Paige has written over 30 books, with four becoming best sellers. Here is what I finally learned… A lifetime of chasing the corporate dream, success, financial freedom, personal power, my past demons of worthlessness, and pride, my emotional intimacy insecurities, cost me dearly. My relationship with my wife was strained to beyond breaking point. Three of our son’s turned their back on the Lord, two went to prison, one ended up on life support, and now has a heart monitor in his chest. I went bankrupt for a second time, and settled with the Securities & Exchange Commission in 2013 for my part of the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme. Then in January 2018, the Lord opened my eyes to a very powerful truth…

This is why I say… It’s never about the money, it’s always about renewing your mind! Troy has emerged as a leading authority in the area of developing purpose-inspired commuication. Startup entrepreneurs to multi-national corporations have adopted his breakthrough methodology and frameworks to protect their teams’ integrity and to deliver real difference to the people serve. Troy’s creed is “Living An Epic Adventure” - in work or life; follow your passion, and live your purpose. When Troy isn’t working with clients, he is a speaker, communication auditor, and radio host. He is a founding show host and News Director of the Home Business Radio Network. A founding member, of the Association of Network Marketing Professionals, current Board Member of the Social Networking Association, and sets on numerous Boards of both for-profit and non-profit organizations. He is the former interim-COO of Isodiol International, a pioneering group of companies focused on the advancement of cannabis globally. He is the former EVP of ProSTEP Inc, the original and category creator of the technology-based communications commonly used in business today.

I had NEVER honored the Lord with the best part of my life, my money, my relationships, my time, or my love. Since 2018, when I made this commitment, I stopped feeling any financial anxiety.

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God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438


Home Business Advertiser

Mike Paul - Online Marketing Consultant’

“You just have to be realistic and ” get a regular job That’s what I heard almost a decade ago from someone I consider the smartest man I know. See, he believed my business model would never work. That I couldn’t have the best of all worlds. I wanted total control of my time so that I could be with my wife and kids whenever I wanted to. I wanted multiple times what my sorry 9-5 job was paying while working much much less. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the idea. I love my Dad, always will. We have an amazing relationship and he’s still my go-to when I need advice. But I still stop and think... What if I took his advice back then? Where would I be today? Do YOU have anyone who’s told you anything like that? Maybe a friend, a family member? Do you want to prove them utterly wrong? Here’s where things changed for me... I was missing the right tool to build an ACTIVE list fast. When I found it... my entire business changed. So, today I’m making an introduction. I’m introducing YOU to the only tool you will ever need to drive motivated traffic 3x faster while building a lucrative online biz that churns the big buckaroos! And sometime soon, People will start to talk about you. They’ll start talking and asking questions like - “He’s not waking up as early anymore to go to work...”, says 20 your neighbor.

“Why’s she taking all those vacations?...”, says your brother-in-law “What the hell is he exactly doing now for work?...”, says an old co-worker... “Gosh, she seems so happy now...”, says EVERYONE... These are the exact questions I heard through the grapevine after my online business took off! And it can happen for you too. Follow this direct link to see how simple this really is.

https://virtualbizprofits.com You’ll first see the potential of this program, ... but don’t be distracted from your main intent. It will say that you can make 3x more leads, 3x more money, and 3x quicker working part-time from home. That’s cool, but for now, imagine a few thousand per month in a relatively short period of time - that’s totally doable, right? Just know your main task is to Drive Hungry Traffic to this offer (or any other offer) - THAT’S IT!

P.S. It’s okay to build an email list the old way. You know, dangle just any squeeze page in front of folks in exchange for a free report or something like that. You may even get some leads to start coming in. It can be really exciting at first. But after a while, if you don’t have any sales, how do you feel? You’re left WONDERING if you should keep on. You think to yourself, “Am I close to making a sale?” If I stop, what am I throwing away? Often marketers stop growing their list Even after hundreds, maybe thousands who never buy. What gives? You need the RIGHT traffic going to your offer.



And as you see how easy it is to grow your lead-list virally, momentum will kick in. This ‘momentum’ is what will help you grow an email list that soars your chances of online success... Get the RIGHT Traffic. See it for yourself here.

https://virtualbizprofits.com All the best, Mike

Together We Win! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com

God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438



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Call Bob 717-426-2438

God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438



Together We Win! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com

The Miracle of Crowdfunding

THE AMAZING CASH MONEY TSUNAMI! Russ von Hoelscher here. I want to share with you the best way to receive money that you never re-pay. Crowdfunding is not your typical business or network marketing opportunity. Like so many other good people you may have lost money with these so-called “opportunities”. Most likely not your fault. Most often, the only people who make money with some of these, are the guys who created them. Crowdfunding is already a 780 Billion Dollar Industry and it’s getting bigger and better everyday. Nearly 100 sites are processing requests and funding many thousands of individuals, families, groups, and businesses. For the past several months I have been researching crowdfunding and how I can use my marketing talents to help many men and women achieve financial success in this amazing industry. I’m now ready to help you.

Two of the most popular forms of Crowdfunding are donationbased and reward-based. Many sites use these two types of platforms. Donation-Based works well for folks who have problems – big problems and small problems caused by personal trouble, injury, fire, storms, or just because money is needed to improve living conditions, etc… It’s all about “People helping People”. Reward-Based crowdfunding is based on getting help for a project or products. We sweeten our appeal by offering some type of gift as a reward to those who give us money. We can help you with DonationBased sites and Reward-Based sites. Now, we have also created an exciting and profitable way for you to quickly start making money with the power or crowdfunding. We call it “Group Based Crowdfunding”. Best of all, its how you can make money for yourself, but not by yourself. You’ll


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Q. How long have you been a part of the home based business industry?

Q. What do you mean by likeminded people?

I been fortunate to be part of this industry for nearly 30 years.

Likeminded people are simply people that want a better future for their families and are actually willing to work for it.

Q. What has your 30 years taught you about the industry? I’ve got the opportunity to see the industry evolve from an industry essentially that was all about being a salesperson and just selling everything under the sun. To an industry that now has evolved to helping people create financial leverage in their life. Q, Creating financial leverage you don’t hear that term often? Creating financial leverage in a Home Based Business if you are with the CORRECT company is about bringing likeminded people together to work together to better their families lives 32 and financial future.

They aren’t people looking for a handout, lottery ticket or promises of do nothing get everything mentality. Q. What made you decide to join the industry? I joined the industry for 5 reasons 1) I wanted to be in control of my own future. 2) I didn’t want someone else to decide what my value was. 3) I was motivated to spend more quality time with my family.

You could chase your own dreams and be in control. 5) The lowcost entry made it available to anyone with a dream and the desire to pursue it. Q. With all the current situations not only in America but worldwide how do you think all this will effect the Home Based Business industry? It’s the first time in my 30 year career I’m thinking how could this not be the moment everyone isn’t looking for a different way? Rising gas prices, Rising Grocery Bills, Rising Inflation, Mask Mandates, Government restrictions, Travel restrictions and a rise in home schooling of children.

All these situations cry out its time to work from home! I think we have all discovered that at any moment 4) I wanted to be the example for someone else’s decisions (mandates) my children that you didn’t have to Together We settle by working for others dreams. canWin! notwww.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com only change our lives in

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Shane Douglas -

Top Industry Earner

Interview with one of the most successful home based business builders in the industry. From a town of just 1,500 people in Idaho. He has built one of the largest Teams world wide in the industry all from home and online. a moment but can restrict them without any say from us. Having control on your financial path allows you to be in a better spot than the masses that are now reliant on other peoples decisions or choices, that may or may not be to our benefit! No question this year homebased business will become the preferred choice of Americans to help change their course. Q. What are your goals for this year, now that you have achieved financial leverage for you and your family. I’ve always enjoyed the process of helping someone achieve financial leverage in their life. Mostly because people would have never chosen me to be someone to do something great with their team. So I’m always seeking out the diamonds in the rough like I was. Individuals that

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have that deep desire like I had to achieve success. Many times it’s not the people that have a great resume from the past. It’s that individual that has decided enough is enough I’m ready for a change and willing to put forth the effort to have success. My goal this year is to mentor and help 10 new individuals from scratch build something that they can be proud of and can benefit from for years to come!

My system provides all the support, mentoring and training a person can handle NO QUESTION! Shane’s Business model can be viewed at www.BThe1.com


Just Mail Our Simple, High Response Postcards from Home and Put up to $2,000 or More in Your Pocket Every Single Month! by Bob Schwartz, Jr.

If you can put a stamp on a postcard and drop it in the mailbox, or send a text message or an email, you can make REAL MONEY in this one-of-a-kind program! It’s 100% True! The combination of our amazingly high response postcard as well as our email and text messaging system and powerful residual income pay program does all the work for you. Everything has been tested and it’s proven to work as it has for others before you. Nothing is left to chance. This is the quickest way to a plug and play income you’ll ever find! Our product is our 5 leads a day program. Once you sign up, you’ll get 5 super fresh business opportunity leads every single day. Each lead comes with mailing address, email, and phone number. You can use them to work any other program you are involved in or use them for this one! Our highly aggressive pay plan puts $25 in your pocket in REPEATING MONTHLY INCOME for every single person who signs up from a postcard that you mailed! When you think about it, this money can pile up very quickly! 34

With as little as 14 signs up, you’ll receive repeating monthly payouts of $350 and with only 81 signs ups you’ll be collecting monthly checks for $2,025 each and every month! And all you must do to make this happen is mail out the simple high response postcards we have already tested that work like a charm. This is truly a no hassle, no headache way to start collecting repeating monthly cash payouts like you won’t believe. We’ve used our years of marketing experience to create this one-of-a-kind program. Everything has been tested and double checked, this program is locked and loaded and ready for you to cash in! I’m sure you have seen other so-called money-making plans before and I’m sure you may have been let down by some of them. This program has nothing in common with anything you’ve seen before because this program was created by marketing experts with the experience and knowledge to create systems that really work.

From there our unique marketing funnel will do the rest and load up all your new recruits under you, which adds $25 a month to your income every time we do! You see, the key is tying together the high response postcard and direct marketing system with the monthly payout, residual cash program – this combination puts you in the very best position to start cashing in and build up a long-term steady income over time.

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If you prefer, you can just send a simple text message or email to your daily leads! Together We Win! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com

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Example Postcard: Every important point has been market tested and proven to create the desired outcome you want, money making success. Our high response postcards lead prospects directly into our portal where the entire program is laid out in simple to understand language. Our system does all the heavy lifting (aka selling) for you! All you must do is generate the leads by mailing the postcards; or send a text message or an email, the system will do the rest. Once you get started it literally comes down to this: the more you mail, the more you make! That’s it! It’s all a simple numbers game and you can dial up your desired monthly income by simply mailing out more postcards until you reach your monthly income goal! The next step is the one that puts you on the guaranteed route to money making success. Simply go to OrderBizLeads.com and sign up today. We will send your quick start money making info. out right away so you can start cashing in using the amazing money-making system.

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How This 33 Year Old Went From Working as a “Human Guinea Pig” to Afford a Wedding Ring to

MAKING OVER $21,000,000 ONLINE TODAY, Thousands of

Regular Folks All Over the World Are Using His Obscure Method to


John Crestani had done everything right: Went to a prestigious college… Found a good job in the big city… Worked long hours and extra shifts for years in order to prove himself… Yet for some reason, he just couldn’t catch a break. His “good” salary was barely covering food, rent, bills, and gas… So when he decided to marry his longtime girlfriend, he didn’t have enough money for a ring - let alone a wedding, kids,and everything that was about to come. He Resorted to Being a “Human Test Subject” and Got Paid to Take Untested,Dangerous Drugs. He was sick all the time, poisoned by all these experimental medicines. But even worse than that, he couldn’t turn to anyone for help because he was too embarrassed to admit what he was doing.

famous internet millionaire, and persuaded him to share his #1 method for making money online.

John Recently Started Sharing His System With Other Folks Looking to Make Money And Their Results Are Mind Blowing!

He went home, replicated everything his new friend just taught him, and hoped for the best. By the end of that year, he earned $388,677.00 - more than 5X his salary in 9-5 job: Next year, he made over $900K. In his third year, he cracked the $1M mark. And today he makes MILLIONS of dollars, by simply repeating this same process his millionaire friend shared with him years ago.

I joined John’s Facebook group as a part of my research and soon enough my homepage turned into a gallery of his students’ success stories. Every single day, I would log in and see nothing but earning screenshots and glowing testimonials stretching as far as the eye can see.

But that’s not even the best part.

After one particular study, he got so sick he was throwing up for days. He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror - pale skin, swollen face, droopy eyelids - and he realized that enough was enough. That’s the day he made a promise to himself that he was going to turn things around and create a new life for himself and his girlfriend. What happened next would be hard to believe - if it wasn’t true. One Unlikely Introduction Changed His Life Forever. A story has it that John sneaked into an event for successful entrepreneurs, ambushed a 36

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People making their first paycheck:

Building full-time income:

And even becoming millionaires:

How Would You Like to Discover John’s System for FREE? John Crestani is hosting a 100% FREE online training where he’ll be sharing the exact 3-step process his students are using to make up to $1000’s +. The last time he hosted a training like this, hundreds of people ended up making their first paychecks online… Including Frank, Anna, David, Keenan, Seth & Hernan who

ALL earned over $918.89 almost right after they watched the training. If you’d like to attend, all you need to do is click below & enter your name and email address and you’ll get a FREE VIP pass.




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Excerpt from Chapter One of the book,

The Ancient Path of the Heart What are ancient paths? Ancient paths are paths that have existed for years even centuries and they have become uncommon, not popular & even forgotten. It is a path that has been laid from the foundations of the earth since the beginning of time by the Lord. The Lord wants to remind us, through revelation, insight & unpack keys and mysteries concerning his ancient paths. Matt 7:13 from the amplified version speaks of the narrow & wide paths. The narrow gate is formed by pressure & constriction. Many people do not find this narrow path. This is a scripture that is in correlation to the ancient paths of the heart. In the realm of the spirit of the Lord that there are several ancient paths. But the specific ancient path the Lord wanted to speak about is, The Ancient Path of The Heart. Let’s look at II Chronicle 16. Read the full chapter to get the full context of this chapter. What can we learn from this chapter & the mistakes made?


The first is King Asa took all the silver & gold out of the treasury of the house of the Lord & gave them to the King of Assyria as payment & reward to enter a treaty with him to go up against Israel. Second, he relied upon the strength of men instead of relying on the Lord to help him. He did not remember all his past victories. But instead, he tried to resolve a conflict in his own strength. Third, was that AFTER the prophet came to him, he had an opportunity to repent, but he did not. Instead, he got angry at the prophet by throwing him in jail and went even further and began to assault the people of Judah. Lastly, when he became ill, he still would not seek the Lord, but he relied on physcians. (II Chron 16:12) King Asa had a hardened heart and he ended up passing away. II Chronicles16:9, our key verse states, “The eyes of the Lord run to & fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are blameless towards him.

In this verse we get a picture of the Lord defining an aspect of the heart. A Blameless Heart. What is a blameless heart? It is a heart that is loyal & devoted. Can you see & imagine how the eyes of the Lord search, runs, looks throughout the entire earth? How he looks intently, deliberately, with vigor, like he is eager to find something he lost? Looking in every corner, crack. The lengths to which the Lord goes to find those with a blameless heart. For the Lord to search and look throughout the entire earth speaks to the rarity of having a blameless heart. What happens when the Lord finds those who have a blameless heart? What happens when the Lord finds you? For more info on how to obtain this book, or audio version please contact: For a free 15 minute consultation on the heart of your business and more info on the book, please contact vwilliams@dimensionaltalentstream.com

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By Dr. Dick Pritchard

Dr. Dick’s Downline Building by Mail:

How to Make Postal Mail Interactive If you have been following this column for any period of time, you know that I am a proponent of postal mail for building a network marketing business. We use postcards, flyers, returnable print ads, and long copy lead generation letters to do that. We mail to names and addresses we get from various mailing list vendors. Most of the time, that’s all we have – a name and a mailing address. No email, no phone. That makes postal mail kind of a oneway street. We toss our mail into the wind and hope some of it comes back, whether through a visit to a website or a return response by mail. Now, network marketing is a RELATIONSHIP business. Back in the days when long distance phone calls were expensive, we had what we called PEN PALS – a friend we would keep in touch with by writing letters back and forth. That interaction was very slow and did not really measure up to a true relationship. Why? Well, because unless you had previously met your Pen Pal in person, you could not really get a feel for them through the written word alone. Some people don’t express themselves very well in writing. (That’s why the most dreaded homework assignment you could get in high school was “For tomorrow, write a 500 word essay on [fill in the blank].) In order to build a meaningful relationship (especially a business partnership), you need to actually SPEAK to your prospect – by phone if you can’t meet in person. So today’s 40

question is, how can I get people to call me when I send them postal mail so I can talk to them? Some mailers just slap an 800 number on their piece that goes to a phone bank and have a group of professional telemarketers do the “close” for them. This is not only expensive, but it is a major TURN-OFF for most people. Who likes being telemarketed? Who likes being pressured to join and buy? Nobody. Certainly not me! And who want to be overwhelmed with calls from tire kickers? Not me. Here is a better way that we’re working on. First, the postcard, flyer, info pack, etc. has a phone number to call for a “special message.” This message is a recording that not only piques their interest, but also PRE-QUALIFIES them for the opportunity. For example, we tell them they MUST have a smartphone or some way of getting Internet access. That eliminates those who have little hope of working a business that is largely web-based. You can also use dollar thresholds… do you have at least $500 to invest in your business? Are you able to devote at least 8 hours a week to building a business? etc.

means one leader can handle most of the calls themselves. As the group grows, other leaders can pitch in and help. Here’s the kicker: the ones who DO call are the ones YOU WANT TO SPEAK TO – with few exceptions. They were not afraid to pick up the phone and listen, and even to leave a message asking for that human interaction. If you want success in network marketing, sooner or later you must end up ON THE PHONE with your people. I could sugar coat it for you, but I won’t do that. If you are not willing to have simple conversations with people, they are not only unlikely to join your business, they are unlikely to succeed with it. You want them to know on DAY ONE that “talking to people” is part of the deal. And that’s how you make postal mail interactive. You can contact Dr. Dick at Dr. R. H. Pritchard, PO Box 510, Worthington, OH 43085. Also see his book at BabyBoomerRockStar.com, his YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/c/DrDickPritchard and his ad on page 3.

At the END of the recording, you invite and even encourage those who “passed the test” for qualification to leave a message with their name, phone and location. I can tell you from personal experience that very few people will leave a message at the end of the recording and ask you to call them. That

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“Biblical Keys to Network Marketing!” by Paul Mason The Holy Bible is the eternal guide book for success in every facet of life, the network marketing industry being no exception. And, for true success and blessing, both temporal and eternal, one must put the eternal first. In fact, Jesus Christ, gave us the model for networking. He recruited 12 men, taught them the principles and sent them out to recruit others with the world’s most valuable message (God’s Salvation) that promises blessing for this life and the life to come. A product so costly that no one can afford the price, which He himself purchased at Calvary, and now offers without cost, as a free gift, to all who will accept it. Seems strange that multitudes reject the greatest offer of all time. (Eternal Life).

The Biblical principles of networking apply to every-one, but especially those who profess faith in its author, Jesus Christ. Saint Matthew, in his gospel, records the words of Christ, “ Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all (needful) things will be added unto you.” (Matt.6:33) But we, as mortals, are so short sighted, just like the rich man in Luke’s gospel who stored up riches only for his own benefit. God called him a fool because he had no regard, or time, for God, for others, or any preparation for eternity. The apostle Paul wrote, “If in this life only we have hope, we are of all men most miserable”, and three of the gospel writers sound the warning, “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”

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Sorry to say, we live in a materialistic world and even many MLM companies are structured to benefit the greedy, rather than the needy. Seems that most who are pursuing the many opportunities being offered are primarily interested in the earning potential (Does it have the potential to make me rich?” It has been said that if we help others get what they need we will have no lack of the things we need. Those who covet riches, to consume upon their own lust, will fall into temptation and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men (and women) into ruin and destruction. (1 Timothy 6:9) Anyone who thinks they must have more material “things” to be successful, is believing a lie! Any time a person is more interested in selling a product than ministering to some ones need, that person is only serving their own selfish desires. “The liberal soul shall be blessed and he that blesses will himself be blessed.” (Proverbs 11:25) Multi-level marketing requires two basic ingredients, according to the Biblical definition; first, service to God, and second, service to others. The wisest man who ever lived (second only to Christ) and learned many lessons the hard way said,”He who loves money will never be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with it’s income.” (Ecclesiastes 5:10) Remember the “law of the harvest”.(Galatians 6:7) We reap only after we sow. We reap what we so. We reap more than we sow, whether good or evil. (What goes around comes around). We must sow only good seed, into good ground and carefully tend and nourish the resulting crop all the way to fruition. “Let us not become weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9) Only one life, will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last. 47

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