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DEC 2021/JAN 2022


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"This system gave me my freedom. I managed to ‘fire my boss’ and now work full-time from home online." - Cynthia Minnaar "I signed up not knowing anything, and within a few weeks I started getting not 1, not 2... but 5 CHECKS each month from this system. It was CRAZY for my wife and I." - Russell Brunson

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Most Weight Loss Products “Work” for About 5% of Those Who Try Them.

Not ours. We actually tested it with more than 50 people before product launch. In the first 2 weeks, more than 92% of them LOST 6 pounds or more. Our company CEO, a self-described lifelong “fattie”, has lost more than 40 pounds using Shape N Burn Plus, the newest wellness and weight control product on the market. Yes, we’ve all made jokes about being overweight for decades. But now, it’s no longer a laughing matter. You see… we are seeing an EPIDEMIC of OBESITY. More than 70% of Americans are either overweight or obese. Being overweight is not a joke. That “beer belly” is a recipe for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. At one time, weight loss was mostly a matter of “getting into swimsuit shape” for the summer or “wanting to look good.” Today, weight loss is about LIFE AND DEATH. Did you know that obesity causes 2.8 MILLION deaths per year in the USA alone? And that the World Health Organization says obesity has TRIPLED since 1975 worldwide? Shape N Burn Plus contains 14 herbs and nutrients, including Caralluma Fimbriata, Theobromine, Black Cacao Powder, Beta PEA (Phenylethylamine), Rhodiola, Ginseng, Citrus Aurantium, Natural Caffeine, Guarana, L-Theanine, Cinnamon, Black Pepper, Coconut Oil, and Trace Minerals. The combination of these ingredients may bring increased energy, reduced appetite, a fat-burning metabolism, better mental clarity and weight reduction. Our “Little Green Pills” can improve lots of things for you. They can also make BIG GREEN MONEY for you! Of course, our wholesale buyers’ club has more than 50 products to choose from – immune health, PATENTED and EXCLUSIVE CBD oils, skin care, hair growth, pet care, weight management, a proprietary glutathione precursor, mood booster with CBGa, and coffee. The more you SHOP, the more you SAVE. The more you SHARE, the more you can EARN! Join Our Rock Star Team TODAY! More than 50,000 people already have! Many are creating EXTRA INCOME from home! Our team monthly sales have been as much as $100,000 or more! The postcard system we created is amazing. And now, we’ve added even more postal mail options for our team. Skeptical? Just go to RockStarSNB.com to see what it’s all about, or return the coupon below by mail. Our Welcome Kit includes everything you need to get started right away. Ö Yes, please enroll me in CTFO and rush me a FREE Welcome Kit, along with my coupon to request my 250 FREE postcards and 250 FREE names on peel & stick labels. Add $5 CASH ONLY Shipping & Handling for a FREE SNB sample! (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY or use a return address label) NAME _____________________________________________________________________


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DEC 2021/JAN 2022 Issue 6/Vol 17 Publisher Bob Schwartz & Company Associate Publisher Wolf Enterprises Creative Director Maria Cummings-Miller National Marketing Director Jennifer Schwartz


CLOSING DEC. 10, 2021

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Display Advertising: 1-717-426-2438 HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com Home Business Advertiser® is published bi-monthly by Bob Schwartz & Company. All material within is copyright protected by the publisher. All submissions are handled with care; we assume no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Although all advertisers are believed to be honest and truthful, the publisher accepts no responsibility or liability for the conduct of the advertisers in this publication. The publisher recommends consulting legal counsel before entering into any business relationship. Please notify the publisher if any misconduct is detected. IMPORTANT CONSUMER DISCLOSURE The term “advertorial” is a combination of “advertisement” and “editorial” written in an editorial format as an independent news story, when in fact the advertisement may promote a particular product or interest. Advertorials are only illustrative of what might be achievable and that they should not be taken literally.

Home Business Advertiser® 6461 Cherry Street East Petersburg, PA 17520 717-426-2438 www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com © 2021 All Rights Reserved

All advertisers are responsible for content of their own ads. Thank you for advertising! 6

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God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438

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We are helping people all over the country make Easy Cash Money while they just sit on their behind following our simple easy instructions. In fact, with our system - YOU CAN make HUNDREDS of Dollars an Hour over and over again LIKE MAGIC, and you will never have to leave the comfort and safety of your own home ever! Thousands of people just like you scrambled to get their hands on our easy cash money formula and paid upward of $495 for our complete and total system. Today, the few who read this ad carefully can grab our $495 easy cash money system for Only $25 Delivered to Your Door! Yes, we’ll cover all shipping and handling to get our incredible program delivered right into your greedy little hands... But you must act fast because copies are limited. In fact, this is not marketing pitch or sales ploy - because you truly may never see this ad ever again. ACT NOW and Plug Yourself Into Easy Cold Hard Cash Lazieness! OK Sheri and Matt, I actually don’t believe a word of this BS ad! But, on the off chance that I’m wrong and you actually can teach me how to make $895 a Day, this might be my LAST CHANCE to grab your Easy Money System, expecially at this insane low price of Only $25 Delivered... Let’s Get Started!

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SEP/OCT 2018


To Advertise: 717-426-2438

Home Business Advertiser

See Pages 20 - 21

Did you know we can INSERT your postcard in the next mailing of Home Business Advertiser Magazine for as little as $.10 each? What is a Postcard? A postcard is a rectangular mailer sent without an envelope. Sending a postcard is an extremely affordable way to communicate when you’re using the U.S Postal Service—regular postcards cost only $0.36 to mail first class. Or, you can have your pre-printed postcards inserted in the next issue of this magazine for only $.10 each. (Example: 5,000 postcards = $500 inserted and mailed directly to our readers)

Do postcards work for marketing? The truth is that postcard marketing really does work. In fact, it’s even more effective than some of the most popular digital channels and has a higher return on investment too. 12

What makes a good marketing postcard? The central focus of a promotional postcard needs to be on the action that a company wants potential customers to take upon receipt of the postcard. Make it a clear and concise action that motivates readers to follow through on that action as quickly as possible.

How do I make a postcard for marketing? • • • • • • •

Keep it simple. Craft a great headline. Use high-quality imagery. Personalize with data. Promote a compelling offer. Have a single, clear call to action. Track and attribute the results.

There are 100’s of printers online who can design and print your postcard for you. You can Google “postcard printers” or try GotPrint.com, PrintFounders. com, VistaPrint.com or NextDayFlyers.com

How can I get my postcards inserted in this magazine?

Call Bob Schwartz at

717-426-2438 or contact him online at


Where can I get postcards designed and printed? Together We Win! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com

Seize the Moment… Get positioned now with an exciting new company! If you’ve been searching for the perfect opportunity and company… or you have been let down by company after company, let us help you bring back your hopes, dreams and desires… and turn them into a reality. Build a rock-solid residual income based on the results of the products! All-In-One liquid nutraceutical with essential vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and superfruit antioxidants that provides superior absorption over hard to swallow pills. Highly effective line of nutraceutical products to support brain health, sports & fitness, energy, weight loss and immune support. People love the products and reorder each month. Powerful state of the art, hybrid compensation plan that’s fun and extremely lucrative. You can get paid from two compensation plans at the same time.

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God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438



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© 2021 Bob Schwartz and Company God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438



Together We Win! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com

Home Business Advertiser

It’s Never About The Money… Part 1

It’s Always About Renewing Your Mind… I want to make it clear I am not the best Christian… I’m more like the guy; you look at out your window and say… He needs Jesus! As an entrepreneur and someone who has been in the direct sales industry for over 40 years, I have studied myself and tens of thousands of others and come to the following conclusion: B+T=F (What we BELIEVE drives what we THINK. What we THINK drives what we FEEL! Be that Anxiety, or anything in your life! But there is more… What we FEEL drives how we ACT. How we ACT drives our RESULTS!) So, if you are not earning the money, because you are not recruiting or closing the sales, then it’s time you start digging deeper into what you truly believe. If we BELIEVE a false THOUGHT about our abilities, then we will ACT incorrectly when we are connecting with others, which will drive the wrong RESULTS with our money. So for the next few minutes I want to write about renewing our minds aka changing our way of thinking about who we are and our abilities. In Philippians 4:6-8 - 6 (NLT) Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. 8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things 18 that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Anxiety is defined as apprehensive uneasiness or nervousness over some anticipated event. Financial anxiety is when we take that definition and apply it to our real or perceived money wows! Totally opposite of what we just read. In many situations, I have witnessed folks put so much stress on themselves to make a sale or recruit because their spouse or family think they made a blunder starting a home-based business, that they come across begging for a close… even on social media. For me, anxiety is defined as that gutwrenching uneasy, nervous, fearful, and distraught feeling I get deep in my gut. And right after that gut-wrenching feeling, comes the emotions of shame, bitterness, anger, unworthiness, panic, and some I can’t even name… I just know I want to puke, can’t eat, and don’t want to talk to any human being period! I don’t want to risk hearing “I told you so, you should have listened…” The question is why do we feel these emotions so strongly about what other folks think about how we want to earn money… or is it really about the money? Here is the deal, we can have all the money we will ever need, or believe we are headed straight towards bankruptcy hell, no matter what directions we are heading we can all agree anxiety or SUCKS and can stop us in our tracks. So, for now study your B+T=F, so you can change your F+A=R. Next month we will dive deeper.

to develop cultures which deliver a true difference in all they do. Troy has emerged as a leading authority in the area of developing purpose-inspired commuication. Startup entrepreneurs to multi-national corporations have adopted his breakthrough methodology and frameworks to protect their teams’ integrity and to deliver real difference to the people serve. Troy’s creed is “Living An Epic Adventure” - in work or life; follow your passion, and live your purpose. When Troy isn’t working with clients, he is a speaker, communication auditor, and radio host. He is a founding show host and News Director of the Home Business Radio Network. A founding member, of the Association of Network Marketing Professionals, current Board Member of the Social Networking Association, and sets on numerous Boards of both for-profit and non-profit organizations. He is the former interim-COO of Isodiol International, a pioneering group of companies focused on the advancement of cannabis globally. He is the former EVP of ProSTEP Inc, the original and category creator of the technology-based communications commonly used in business today.

Named One of the most influential voices in the main-street business community by critics and proponents alike, Troy Dooly is Co-Founder and Beachside CEO of the global advisory, Deep South Companies Inc, a mastermind, whose Together We Win! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com sole focus is to help guide organizations

This is possibly the largest, safest and most lucrative venture in the history of our industry. This is possibly the largest, safest and most lucrative venture in the history of our industry.

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I have enjoyed the amazing world of online income, affiliate marketing and network Mymany name is Mandy Elliott marketing for years, since before the I have enjoyed the amazing world of online income, arrival of the internet! I am constantly affiliate marketingkey and question network marketing for many years, since before the arrival of the internet!

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God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438


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Work or Pleasure?

Leonard Grant Finds Both With My Legendary Business “I do what I want, when I want, and I decide how much money I want to make each day. Exactly how is this possible, particularly the part about deciding how much money I’ll make? Hi, I’m Leonard Grant! I’m about to reveal to you the head surgery that crippled my entire right side, caused me to lose my speech, forced me into foreclosure and turn me into a WORLD TRAVELING 3-5 DAYS A WEEK working MILLIONAIRE. The good news is you don’t have to have an accident like mine to get the same EASY, WEALTHY, LIFESTYLE. In fact, it’s easier if you don’t!!!

The Whole Truth! But first, let me tell you how I got there….in late January 2011 I was driving home from my friend’s birthday party. It was late at night and I WAS EXHAUSTED FROM WORKING SO MUCH. My life was an endless workday and much of it was the same mind numbing tasks day in and day out. I was about 10 minutes into the drive, when I felt a mind-numbing pain inside my head. I got home and immediately took two Advil. But the pain persisted through the weekend. I had had enough and felt there was something wrong. Immediately I called my doctor and scheduled an appointment. I remember him referring me to the Neurologist who ran several tests on my head. To make a long story short the Neurologist told me that I had a cyst in my head and that I needed to have surgery immediately.

A Day I Will Never Forget!

February 8th, 2011 is a day I will NEVER forget. I remember going to the hospital approximately 7:15am, changing into the surgery garb and shortly thereafter I had the surgery. The next thing I remember is I woke up in a recovery room. I woke up screaming in agonizing pain. My speech was GONE, so badly in fact, that the nurses had rushed me to have a CT scan done. The only thing they were 100% clear on was that I would NEVER be able to speak the way I was used to…. EVER AGAIN. Now I’m not talking about most head injuries, where over a period you’d recover. My speech was GONE. My entire right side was completely numb. My right-side MUSCLES felt as if they were COMPLETELY ripped out and it appears, I would never be able to WRITE, TYPE or even pick up ANYTHING again with my right hand. I essentially had ONE-ARM! To make matters worse it was my dominate arm that was destroyed. During my recovery (about 2 months after the surgery) I felt this sharp pain inside my chest. I’m strong and before the initial surgery I had not been hospitalized before. But this pain was sharp and I could barely move.

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I rushed to the emergency room and the doctor told me that God was on my side. Had I not gone to the emergency room I probably would have died. You see I had blood clots in my right leg, right lung and pneumonia. Holy Cow!!! I laid in the hospital bed DEFEATED, not sure where my life would go wondering if I even wanted to live to find out. Between the speech, occupational and physical therapies I had to endure, being on Coumadin (blood thinners) for the rest of my life and being confined to an oversized sofa, all I could really do was text or surf the web from my iPhone. I was in a dark place and had pretty much lost all hope!

My Confession…

I was down on my luck and couldn’t continue living like this. Then I was checking my e-mail when a friend, Joe from Philadelphia e-mail had caught my attention. I was looking for something; anything I could do from home that didn’t require me talking on the phone. Mind you I only have about 85% of my speech back. I immediately visited his website and did my due diligence before even e-mailing Joe. Once I had heard enough it was time for me to e-mail him. He said since you have some extra time I thought you might like this…THIS could be your light at the end of the tunnel.

“My Perfect Dream Income”

• I want to work WHERE I want, so I can work from • • • •

home or while traveling. I want to work WHEN I want, so I can work when my schedule allows it and I don’t have to wake up early and sit in traffic. I want to work with WHOM I want, so I don’t have to put up with bosses or annoying co-workers. I want to work HOW I want, because I couldn’t work a manual job that takes a toll on me physically. I want there to be a WHY to my work, so I can enjoy what I do and feel good about it.

After Reading Over My List Of “Wants” I Added A Few Practical Requirements

• It must NOT require a storefront, inventory, employees, • • • •

accounting, or in-person selling. It must NOT require any special training, college degrees, licenses, or computer skills. It MUST provide me with an income that will allow me to pay the bills and help support my family, with a little "fun" money left over. It MUST allow me to make this income in 1 hour a day (or less), so I can have more free time for myself and my family. I DO NOT have to talk to prospects. Someone from the company talk to ALL my prospects…. answer all questions and then direct them where to send my checks.

I Was Pleasantly Surprised….

I recalled Joe had revealed a simple (yet powerful) system for generating money at will. I was stunned that more people didn’t think of it. So, I eagerly jump at the opportunity to gain this valuable knowledge and said YES to his generous proposition. So, I listened and watch very closely all the materials in the back office, until I learned from A to Z how this financial system was generating thousands of dollars EVERY SINGLE DAY for average people. I was amazed! I’ll always be grateful to Joe for teaching me his fast and easy money-making secrets.”

Suddenly, It Started Making Money for Me!

At first it was unbelievable… Since doing this, my cash profits have exploded. The call center handles numerous calls for me each week! On one day, they received as many as 37 e-mails from people who responded to my ads. I paid $100 for an e-mail campaign to a small list of 2,125 prospects. Within 3 days I had 69 responses (people that opted-in to my autoresponder systems) from people who had visited my website wanting to get more information about my amazing system. Within the next 5 days I got 2 people that e-mailed me that they wanted to get started. One member joined at the $1,500 Level and another two at the $3,500 Level. That’s a gross profit of $5,000 in 2-3 days and off one ad that I paid $100 for. And my automated systems are “dripping” on the others that have not yet joined. I will show you how to have similar results too. “Basically, we don’t sell anything, its transferring information. We don’t have to do any cold calling – ALL calls are handled for us by our personal marketing representatives. “I can show you how to generate an extra $2,000$3,500 a week on a shoestring budget or I can show you how to be more aggressive and generate $20,000$30,000 a month or more. Some of the tools I’ve made available to my members to bring in such fantastic results are advertising with emails, SMS text messaging, magazine ads (such as this one) and solo ads for e-mail marketing to opt-in list. The above ads direct potential participants to a website. The websites do most of the sorting for you thereby weeding out the “time wasters” and putting you in front of serious prospects that want to really and truly once and for all generate cash. Note: I pay various vendors to create these tools and pass them on to you at cost and in most cases FREE to you. The support here is enormous. We provide informational materials, webinars (recorded), marketing websites and systems that allow you to decide how much cash you want to make daily. “My systems are the result of so many successful members on my team. “If you can send an e-mail, you can and will achieve success with this business.” Keep this in mind; “systems” are duplicatable, people aren’t. I’ve been experiencing a tremendous amount of success doing this business and I can help you to do the same. I attribute that to my proprietary marketing systems that are bringing in cash profits almost weekly. On a typical day, I take the 30-second commute from my bedroom to my office. I have control over my days. If I want to work all day (normally 3 hours tops), then that’s what I do. If I’d rather spend time with my family, then that’s what I do. I approach each day with the thought, “If you find a business that you really like, you’ll never have to work again.” I’ve found a business for generating cash

that I love and have fun all day long with a system I could do just about anywhere – even while on vacation. To Your Success, Leonard Grant

www.OurToolsRock.com 22

God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438



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The Miracle of Crowdfunding

THE AMAZING CASH MONEY TSUNAMI! Russ von Hoelscher here. I want to share with you the best way to receive money that you never re-pay. Crowdfunding is not your typical business or network marketing opportunity. Like so many other good people you may have lost money with these so-called “opportunities”. Most likely not your fault. Most often, the only people who make money with some of these, are the guys who created them. Crowdfunding is already a 780 Billion Dollar Industry and it’s getting bigger and better everyday. Nearly 100 sites are processing requests and funding many thousands of individuals, families, groups, and businesses. For the past several months I have been researching crowdfunding and how I can use my marketing talents to help many men and women achieve financial success in this amazing industry. I’m now ready to help you.

Two of the most popular forms of Crowdfunding are donationbased and reward-based. Many sites use these two types of platforms. Donation-Based works well for folks who have problems – big problems and small problems caused by personal trouble, injury, fire, storms, or just because money is needed to improve living conditions, etc… It’s all about “People helping People”. Reward-Based crowdfunding is based on getting help for a project or products. We sweeten our appeal by offering some type of gift as a reward to those who give us money. We can help you with DonationBased sites and Reward-Based sites. Now, we have also created an exciting and profitable way for you to quickly start making money with the power or crowdfunding. We call it “Group Based Crowdfunding”. Best of all, its how you can make money for yourself, but not by yourself. You’ll

find all the exciting information in our new reports. Act now, and you will receive both reports…”Million Dollar Crowdfunding Secrets”. That proves average men and women are receiving large sums of money, and so can you. You also receive the “Group Based Crowdfunding Cash” report, that can let you start making money quickly.

Yes, I want both of your special reports, “Million Dollar Crowdfunding Secrets” and also “Group Based Crowdfunding Cash” I have enclosed $2.00 cash (or 4 Forever Stamps) to cover postage/handling. Please rush everything to me by First Class Mail. NAME:_______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP:______________________________________PHONE:_________________________ MAIL TO: HOELSCHER MARKETING GROUP, 1145 NORTH 2ND STREET, EL CAJON, CA 92021

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Just Mail Our Simple, High Response Postcards from Home and Put up to $2,000 or More in Your Pocket Every Single Month! by Bob Schwartz, Jr.

If you can put a stamp on a postcard and drop it in the mailbox, or send a text message or an email, you can make REAL MONEY in this one-of-a-kind program! It’s 100% True! The combination of our amazingly high response postcard as well as our email and text messaging system and powerful residual income pay program does all the work for you. Everything has been tested and it’s proven to work as it has for others before you. Nothing is left to chance. This is the quickest way to a plug and play income you’ll ever find! Our product is our 5 leads a day program. Once you sign up, you’ll get 5 super fresh business opportunity leads every single day. Each lead comes with mailing address, email, and phone number. You can use them to work any other program you are involved in or use them for this one! Our highly aggressive pay plan puts $25 in your pocket in REPEATING MONTHLY INCOME for every single person who signs up from a postcard that you mailed! When you think about it, this money can pile up very quickly! 28

With as little as 14 signs up, you’ll receive repeating monthly payouts of $350 and with only 81 signs ups you’ll be collecting monthly checks for $2,025 each and every month! And all you must do to make this happen is mail out the simple high response postcards we have already tested that work like a charm. This is truly a no hassle, no headache way to start collecting repeating monthly cash payouts like you won’t believe. We’ve used our years of marketing experience to create this one-of-a-kind program. Everything has been tested and double checked, this program is locked and loaded and ready for you to cash in! I’m sure you have seen other so-called money-making plans before and I’m sure you may have been let down by some of them. This program has nothing in common with anything you’ve seen before because this program was created by marketing experts with the experience and knowledge to create systems that really work.

From there our unique marketing funnel will do the rest and load up all your new recruits under you, which adds $25 a month to your income every time we do! You see, the key is tying together the high response postcard and direct marketing system with the monthly payout, residual cash program – this combination puts you in the very best position to start cashing in and build up a long-term steady income over time.

Become a Marketing Coach It’s like owning your own lead generation company!

If you prefer, you can just send a simple text message or email to your daily leads, like this: Together We Win! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com

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Example Postcard: Every important point has been market tested and proven to create the desired outcome you want, money making success. Our high response postcards lead prospects directly into our portal where the entire program is laid out in simple to understand language. Our system does all the heavy lifting (aka selling) for you! All you must do is generate the leads by mailing the postcards; or send a text message or an email, the system will do the rest. Once you get started it literally comes down to this: the more you mail, the more you make! That’s it! It’s all a simple numbers game and you can dial up your desired monthly income by simply mailing out more postcards until you reach your monthly income goal! The next step is the one that puts you on the guaranteed route to money making success. Simply go to OrderBizLeads.com and sign up today. We will send your quick start money making info. out right away so you can start cashing in using the amazing money-making system.

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By Dr. Dick Pritchard

Dr. Dick’s Downline Building by Mail:

My LAST Fight This column is not about mail. It’s about FIGHTING. When I was about 15 years old, I got into my first fight. My high school track team was visiting our archrival school for a meet. The thing I remember most about the kids from that school is, they were MEAN. Maybe it was because they grew up in a hardscrabble mill town, but so did we. I was walking out of our locker room when he jumped me. Before I knew it, I was on the ground, and he was on top of me, flailing away at my upheld arms trying to protect my face and head. He caught me completely by surprise. I didn’t know my attacker or why he picked me to jump on. It was over almost as fast as it started. Nobody “won.” He just got up and left. Later, the coach asked me why I didn’t fight back. I said, “Coach, he caught me by surprise. I didn’t know what to do.” And that old football and track coach said these words to me: “Son, sometimes you just have to stand up and fight back.” At the time, they didn’t make that much of an impression. I’ve never been one to go looking for fights, and I never had another one. Fast forward 50 years. I got another surprise when the company I worked for laid me off. No notice, one month’s severance pay. I didn’t know it at the time, but the owners were selling the company, and they wanted to cut high-salaried employees from the payroll. It was “just business” – as the Mafia hitman tells you right before he whacks you. 32

My situation in a nutshell: I had just lost about $18,000 a month in income. My wife had joint custody of our stepson, so we couldn’t move. The nearest job market for my skill set was an hour and a half away, and that option was for a job at maybe half of what I had been making with a 3-hour drive every day. I could apply for Social Security in a few months, and I had half my military retirement (my ex-wife gets the other half). My 401-K fund did have some money in it, but not enough to retire on. I owned a condo and a timeshare that I couldn’t sell. My aging mother-in-law lived with us; she owned the house jointly with my wife. My wife was working, but we were down on the ground and taking blows to the head. My “financial advisor” from the 401K plan suggested we sell the house and combine the proceeds with my 401-K money to create an annuity, and maybe we could all live on that plus my wife’s salary. MOST PEOPLE would have taken that advice. MOST PEOPLE resign themselves to “fixed income poverty” in their later years. But I remembered what my coach had told me long ago: STAND UP AND FIGHT.

the family. My business failed once and came close to failing a second time. Learning the “real truth” about postal mail was a lesson all its own. Postcards, letters, mailing lists, nixies, postal rate increases, printers (don’t get me started), ads, YouTube videos, etc. It seemed like there was another challenge every single day. Yes, there were many times I wanted to quit. But I kept telling myself: You can either LAY DOWN AND DIE, or you can STAND UP AND FIGHT. I chose door number two. We aren’t “rich” yet. But we still own the house. Our credit cards are paid off every month. We even survived the great pandemic of 2020+ (will it ever end?). I’m not the only person who has faced this. Every man or woman who has ONLY ONE SOURCE of income will face it sooner or later. My mission: to save the ones I can, and to warn the ones I can’t save. STAND UP AND FIGHT, people. You can contact Dr. Dick at Dr. R. H. Pritchard, PO Box 510, Worthington, OH 43085. Also see his book at BabyBoomerRockStar.com, his YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/c/DrDickPritchard and his ad on page 3.

And that is what I decided to do. The 401-K would tide us over for a couple of years. With some background in network marketing, I decided I would promote my company by mail. The last ten years has been an incredible journey. It’s had its ups and downs. There were financial and health challenges. There were deaths in Together We Win! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com

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Larry consults with network marketers who want to take their business to the next level. Larry gets results! He has conducted training for 40 millionaires, and over 400 six-figure industry earners in the network marketing industry! Larry was asked to become the Director of Field Development and National Sales Trainer for a now multi-billion dollar network marketing company and consulted to many other companies in the industry as well. He’s spoken to live groups of over 3,000 people on the concept of DAILY METHODS of OPERATION to grow a successful business quickly.

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“Biblical Keys to Network Marketing!” by Paul Mason The Holy Bible is the eternal guide book for success in every facet of life, the network marketing industry being no exception. And, for true success and blessing, both temporal and eternal, one must put the eternal first. In fact, Jesus Christ, gave us the model for networking. He recruited 12 men, taught them the principles and sent them out to recruit others with the world’s most valuable message (God’s Salvation) that promises blessing for this life and the life to come. A product so costly that no one can afford the price, which He himself purchased at Calvary, and now offers without cost, as a free gift, to all who will accept it. Seems strange that multitudes reject the greatest offer of all time. (Eternal Life).

The Biblical principles of networking apply to every-one, but especially those who profess faith in its author, Jesus Christ. Saint Matthew, in his gospel, records the words of Christ, “ Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all (needful) things will be added unto you.” (Matt.6:33) But we, as mortals, are so short sighted, just like the rich man in Luke’s gospel who stored up riches only for his own benefit. God called him a fool because he had no regard, or time, for God, for others, or any preparation for eternity. The apostle Paul wrote, “If in this life only we have hope, we are of all men most miserable”, and three of the gospel writers sound the warning, “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”

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Sorry to say, we live in a materialistic world and even many MLM companies are structured to benefit the greedy, rather than the needy. Seems that most who are pursuing the many opportunities being offered are primarily interested in the earning potential (Does it have the potential to make me rich?” It has been said that if we help others get what they need we will have no lack of the things we need. Those who covet riches, to consume upon their own lust, will fall into temptation and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men (and women) into ruin and destruction. (1 Timothy 6:9) Anyone who thinks they must have more material “things” to be successful, is believing a lie! Any time a person is more interested in selling a product than ministering to some ones need, that person is only serving their own selfish desires. “The liberal soul shall be blessed and he that blesses will himself be blessed.” (Proverbs 11:25) Multi-level marketing requires two basic ingredients, according to the Biblical definition; first, service to God, and second, service to others. The wisest man who ever lived (second only to Christ) and learned many lessons the hard way said,”He who loves money will never be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with it’s income.” (Ecclesiastes 5:10) Remember the “law of the harvest”.(Galatians 6:7) We reap only after we sow. We reap what we so. We reap more than we sow, whether good or evil. (What goes around comes around). We must sow only good seed, into good ground and carefully tend and nourish the resulting crop all the way to fruition. “Let us not become weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9) Only one life, will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.

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We will go to work having one of our staff writers develop a 600-word story that includes your picture or a picture of your product. Because this kind of story conveys such huge exposure with maximum credibility, you will begin to instantly build your brand while simultaneously generating a tsunami of fresh new leads. Imagine a flood of new clients contacting you because they saw your (or your company’s) success story in Home Business Advertiser and they want to be a part of that success.

And believe it or not, it gets even better than that! You get unlimited reprint rights plus marketing and distribution rights to the entire story. You can copy it and send it out in future mailings to potential clients or new prospects and have instant turnkey, thirdparty credibility built right into your brand new product promotion. We will, of course, let you read the story before we print it and if need be we will include one set of revisions for free. But you need to understand something: this is a time-sensitive offer that we are only going to run for a limited time. The time and space needed for the full production

of this offer is extremely limited so now is the time to take advantage of this. All of this is included in our Deluxe Success Story Feature Promotional Package for a one-time fee of just $795. Compared to the cost of advertising this is a steal, but once you include the credibility and prestige extended by Home Business Advertiser, the long-term marketability, and continued exposure given by your unrestricted reprint and marketing rights it makes this offer a once in a lifetime opportunity. Most large PR firms would charge 3 times this amount just to produce a ONE TIME fully restricted deal like this one. Don’t put this off. It is and will be a limited time offer. Just pick up the phone and call Bob at (717) 426-2438 and let us help take you and your offer to the next level today! DEC 2021/JAN 2022 JUN/JUL 2021

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by C. Wittensoldner

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REVEALED: The ‘Get Rich Formula’ Everyone Has Been Searching For! PENNSYLVANIA - In today’s online marketplace the name of the game is traffic. Let’s just be honest, you can have the greatest offer in the world at a price that’s an absolute steal, but if no one sees it you’re not going to make any money. Conversely, your offer can be just ‘ho-hum’ and your price could be too high and yet given the massive numbers of eyeballs that can see your offer in a matter of hours, you still stand to have a successful campaign...IF you can generate the traffic that can make a difference. Obviously, coupling a GREAT offer with a TON of traffic is the magical formula for ‘getting rich!’ - it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. In researching the facts for this piece, I came across some very interesting things. 90.1% of the US population has internet access and 97% of them are online daily. That is over 390 million users every day and its gone up over 200% in the last 5 years. How much money do you think you could make with your offer if could harness even 1% of those users and get them to look at your offer? The problem for many would be marketing tycoons has been HOW? The distance between getting those folks from the screens and keyboards in their homes to looking at your online offer has been a journey riddled with speculation, lack of knowledge, empty promises and often ends up with empty pockets. 52

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Together We Win! www.HomeBusinessAdvertiser.com

We will print and mail your 8x11" flyer to thousands of qualified opportunity buyers for just pennies on the dollar! No more worrying about the high cost of postage, printing or the labor involved. We mail only to people who have pre-qualified themselves by responding to our ads placed each month in publications such as USA TODAY, HOME BUSINESS MAGAZINE, HOME BUSINESS ADVERTISER, SHORE TO SHORE, WORLDWIDE DISCOUNT ADVERTISER, INTRODUCTION TO MAILORDER, ETC. just to name a few. Our ads target people who are interested in home business, mail order, MLM, and network marketing opportunities. These people have recently responded within the last 0-45 days and are the most responsive opportunity seekers available anywhere! We also mail to highly selected mail order dealers and MLM heavy hitters! Your flyer will be mailed cooperatively with only a few nonconflicting offers. Our daily mailings produce immediate results, and your satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied, your flyer will be mailed again...for FREE!

As you probably know, the most important part of your mailing is the quality of names you mail to. Our names are opportunity buyers, pre-qualified by ads placed each month in most of the top MLM and mail order magazines and card decks. When it comes to quality names, you get what you pay for. Cheap names are cheap for a reason. They are a waste of your hard-earned money and effort. Our names may cost a bit more than others, but we can assure that you will receive the freshest, most responsive leads in the industry. When placing your order, you will have two lists to choose from: our 0-7 Day Hotline or our 10-45 Day Platinum Buyers. The only difference between the two lists is how recently the prospects responded to our ads: within 7 days or within 45 days, We highly recommend testing both lists to determine which will return the most profitable responses to your offer. If you want to be one of the first to contact each prospect, our 0-7 Day Hotline List is for you. This list often outpulls the 10-45 Day Platinum List, however, many Platinum List buyers report excellent results. Both lists may outpull any other list you’ll ever use, so don’t worry about making a bad decision. We generate thousands of new, RED-HOT names each month so there is never any duplicates or undeliverable. Long-time customers write to tell us their offers are consistently pulling 7%; 9% and even 12% response rate using our leads.

Testing both lists will allow you to find out which is more profitable for your particular offer. Print and Mail will save you money, time and effort, allowing your offer to quickly be seen by literally thousands of prospects through our co-op mailings. Many long-time customers experience profitable results with our lists because there are no other offers included in their mailings. Again, testing a combination of both lists has proven most effective.

When you order within the next 7 days, you’ll receive our FREE dealership which directly pays you 50% commissions on every order you sell. Just return this flyer with your name and address in the #2 Dealer Box below. Your 50% commissions come directly to you. We handle all the orders and shipping for you. No selling, no phone work and NO hassles. You’ll also receive our MLM/Mail Order Explosion Kit which reveals all the confidential ‚ÄúHow- ToSecrets‚Äù of MLM and Mail Order. You’ll learn: * How to get thousands of dollars in FREE advertising, plus all the FREE postage, printing and envelopes you could ever use. * How to sign up 1,000s of people into any opportunity almost effortlessly and make more money each month than most people make in an entire year. * Discover the WHOLE truth about how to succeed in MLM, mail order, direct mail, mailing lists, advertising, internet, etc. You’ll love these genius techniques! * How to easily build a $3,600 A MONTH residual income in 45 days or less. * How to profit over $11,450 a day within your first 30 days of placing a full page ad. * How to begin earning over $500 A DAY within 21 days of mailing out this flyer. * Where to get a NEW credit file and/or social security number, legally and by mail. * How to get a small loan up to $25,000 for your business within one week, all funded by the government. Also get a $30,000 line of credit for your business with NO CREDIT CHECK, NO INCOME CHECK AND NO COLLATERAL! GUARANTEED! Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Name of your Opportunity: Cash Check Money Order All checks verified through CHECK-RITE If ordering Print and Mail, check here if you want this ad (flyer) printed and mailed to your selected circulation. We’ll insert your info into the Dealer #2 Box. If ordering a mailing list, check here if you will be mailing this flyer to the prospects.

Box #1 INNERSOURCE MARKETING SOLUTIONS Mail this entire page, your 8x11” flyer (if ordering Print and Mail) and half of the payment to INNERSOURCE MARKETING SOLUTIONS. Add $5.00 forS/H. Include a copy of Dealer Payment for verification. INNERSOURCE MARKETING SOLUTIONS 430 East 162nd Street, Suite #463 South Holland, Illinois 60473 Box #2 Dealer Mail half the payment directly to this person Ayotunde Adekale POB 1204 Dolton, IL 60419

Simply select the amount of print and mail circulation and/or opportunity buyers names you want. Fill out the order form below and send HALF the payment to INNERSOURCE MARKETING SOLUTIONS (Box#1) and the OTHER HALF of the payment to the Dealer (Box #2. We will immediately process your order and rush ship the info-packed kit to you. It will answer all your questions and give you everything you need to begin your own home-based business. You will also receive a fresh, crisp copy of this flyer with the Dealer Box #2 blank for your imprint.

> 500 more names or 3,500 or more print and mail. You’ll also get our powerful report: “How To Triple Your Direct Mail Responses...GUARANTEED!” > 1,000 names and get 50% off your next mailing list order! > 5,000 or more Print and Mail and get an extra 2,500 circulation FREE! > 10,000 or more Print and Mail and get an extra 5,000 circulation FREE! > 20,000 or more Print and Mail and get an extra 10,000 circulation FREE! > The full 40,000 Print and Mail and get a 2nd side FREE plus 50% off your next Print and Mail order.

Circle your choices on the form below












































100 Names



250 Names



500 Names



1000 Names






250 Names



500 Names



1000 Names



© 2007 Innersource Marketing Solutions

God Bless You! To Advertise: 717-426-2438



“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given” - Isaiah 9:6

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