Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine, July - August 2012 Issue

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Pet Scene









Dogs u Cats u Birds u Reptiles u Horses u Exotics






July–August 2012

Dedicated To Las Vegas Pets And The People Who Love Them

Canine Distemper Virus The Importance of Vaccinating Your Pet

Pet Travel Tips 5 Things To Consider When Selecting

Pet-Friendly Fabrics Fish – Friends with Fins Selecting A Pet Fish Salt Water Aquariums

K-9 Nose Work®

NEW Fun And Growing Sport In Las Vegas

Money Saving



They’re good for your health!

If you don’t train ‘em, don’t blame ‘em… From pom poms to timber wolves,

Mark Gibson has been, is, and will continue to be Las Vegas’ Best Dog Trainer. Free Evaluation

in home or in kennel training.


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Pet Scene








contents PAGE 6 & 7


Dogs ◆ Cats ◆ Birds ◆ Reptiles ◆ Horses ◆ Exotics

Dedicated To Las Vegas Pets And The People Who Love Them

Selecting a Pet Fish Saltwater Aquariums

July–August 2012 Publisher

SHASTA Media Connection, LLC

Contributing Writers Ted Burghardt, DVM Linda Fredericks Greg Harris Gail Mayhugh Veronica Selco

PAGE 9 Pet Travel Tips Suitcase Checklist

PAGE 10 & 11



Stacy Rombach Jayne Brass Geri Rombach

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine is published bi-monthly by Shasta Media Connection, LLC. All rights reserved. Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine assumes no responsibility or endorsement of the products or services advertised or featured. No portion of the Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the Publisher.

They’re Good For Your Health

PAGE 16 Pet-Friendly Fabrics 5 Things to Consider

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine is distributed throughout the Las Vegas area at pet stores, animal shelters, grooming salons, veterinary clinics, health food stores and pet events with no cover price. We welcome reader correspondence. Please send all letters, inquiries, photos, pet stories and correspondence:

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine 5785 W. Tropicana Ave., Suite 5 Las Vegas, NV 89103 (702) 367-4997

PAGE 20 & 21 K-9 Nose Work® NEW Fun & Growing Sport

PAGE 26 Canine Distemper Importance of Vaccinating


Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine is the way to reach pet lovers in Las Vegas and Henderson!

(702) 367-4997

Pet Loss Support Group Pet Bereavement & Grief Loss

(702) 735-5544 Call 24 Hours Divorced & Widowed Adjustment, Inc. 34+ Years of Community Service Providing free, weekly, on-going support group programs. Non-profit 501-C-3 Organization

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012


July 4th …a time to celebrate our nation’s birthday with fireworks, concerts, pool parties and backyard barbecues. It’s a time for parades and patriotic music. We remember our history, reflect on our present, and look to the future. Along with the patriotic music we’d like to have the words to another song fill your minds and hearts.

The song is “The Greatest Love of All” and the opening lyrics are: I believe the children are our future, Teach them well and let them lead the way, Show them all the beauty they possess inside, Give them a sense of pride to make it easier, Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be.* Teaching them well can be a difficult task. Keeping children entertained during summer can be challenging for parents, grandparents, and caregivers. It takes time to create meaningful and educational activities that will entertain and involve them. We believe that taking time to educate our children about pets and animals is time well spent. Children are our future. They are the future pet owners, rescue and shelter directors, employees, and volunteers. They will shape the pet policies and activities in the future. We’ve listed a few resources on page 15 to help you. We invite you to share your experiences and resources on our facebook page.

Wishing you a Happy July 4th and a fun-filled summer! Follow us on facebook

Your Friends at Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine

* “The Greatest Love of All” is a song written by Michael Masser and Linda Creed and originally recorded by George Benson. The song was later popularized by Whitney Houston.

Angel Tails Mobile Dog Grooming Where Dogs Have a Heavenly Experience

Debora Toro Owner - Groomer

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Complimentary Urn & Matted Presentation with Paw Print, Fur Clipping and a Molded Paw Imprint.

Sheri Allen, Owner-Operator

l Individual Cremation l Serving The Entire Las Vegas Valley l 4 Crematories In Peaceful Country Setting l Pick Up Service Included l We Use Positive ID Tags

Veterinarian Recommended

We offer a SAFE, GENTLE and LOVING experience for your pet.


We come to you in our beautiful climate controlled mobile grooming trailer with all the comforts of home.

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All the Love, Hugs and Kisses are Free! H


Our Pets… A Part of The Family

$5 Off Grooming For Newly Adopted Dogs H (within 1st month with proof of adoption)

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012

Family Owned & Operated Since 1995

Largest Urn Selection In Las Vegas

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Major Credit Cards Accepted



throughout Las Vegas & Henderson LAS VEGAS PET SCENE MAGAZINE is now at every Albertsons grocery store throughout Las Vegas, Henderson & Boulder City. Look for us in the free magazine racks near the front entrance/exit. You can also pick up a copy at: • Veterinarian Hospitals • Local Pet Stores • CC/Henderson Libraries • Glazier’s Market

• Animal Shelters & Rescues • Pet Hotels, Groomers • Restaurants • Advertiser’s Locations Subscriptions Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine is published bi-monthly. If you prefer a copy to be mailed to you, rates are: $10 for 1 year (6 Issues). Send advance payment to: Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine, 5785 W. Tropicana Ave. #5, Las Vegas, NV 89103.


Therapy Dogs Inc., Sharing Smiles and Joy


herapy Dogs Inc. is a national organization with its corporate office located in Cheyenne, WY. Currently we have 13,000 members with 15,000 dogs in the field throughout the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Territories.


t is a goal of Therapy Dogs Inc. to provide registration, support, and insurance for members who are involved in volunteer animal assisted activities. These activities include, but are not limited to, visits to hospitals, special needs centers, schools, and nursing homes. Our objective is to form a network of caring individuals who are willing to share their special animals in order to bring happiness and cheer to people, young and old alike.

Please visit our website for more information and how to become a member:

og D r u o Y p Kee

! G N U YO

H Watch the weight

Obesity leads to disease. Feed high-quality dog food (less filler) but measure portions and limit treats.

H Daily exercise

Regular activity boosts mental & physical health. Take your dog for a brisk 20-30 minute walk once or twice a day.

H Routine veterinary care

Annual check-ups are a must for senior dogs. Remember dental care!

H Mental stimulation Brains need exercise too. Yes, you can teach old dogs new tricks! Try interactive toys and feeders – like balls that dispense food one piece at a time.

H Love and attention Dogs need interaction with people they love. Keep taking senior dogs to the park; they still benefit from socalizing.

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012



Our Friends with Fins Fish are ideal pets for people who are getting their first pet and they’re an excellent choice as a “starter pet” for children. Fish are popular because they are fun and fascinating to watch. Many people who start out with a small fish bowl and a single fish move up to large freshwater or saltwater aquariums.

There are over 115.5 million households in the U.S. that have pets, and 12.6 million of those households have fish. However, the number of pet fish per household is an average of 12.5 fish per household.* *Ownership statistics are gathered from APPA’s 2011-2012 National Pet Owners Survey.

The best fish for children & beginners are fish that require little care and are hardy. Size is important if you have a small tank. The following are good choices for beginners & children:

etta Fish! We love our B

1. Platy (3”): The platy is considered one of the top beginner fish. They come in a variety of colors such as red, blue, and gold; they’re active and friendly. 2. Swordtail (5”): The swordtail loves to swim and requires plenty of room to move about. They enjoy plants in their bowl to frolic in. 3. Guppy (2-1/2”): Guppies are peaceful and get along with most other fish. They’re very adaptable and able to live in a variety of tank conditions.

PARENTS: Fish provide children with all the benefits of having a pet. They’re great pets but because they are small, relatively inexpensive and aren’t like typical petting animals they sometimes get ignored once the initial novelty wears off. It is extremely important to help your child take responsibility for caring for their pet fish.

4. Zebra and Leopard (2”): Zebras and Leopard danios are hardy, attractive, and fun to watch. They’re good first fish for beginners because they also can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. 5. Tetra (1”): Tetras are also a popular fish for kids. Tetras as passive and get along with zebras & leopards. 6. Betta Fish (2-3”): The betta fish is probably the second most popular fish for children.They are bright, colorful, curious, and playful.

Although goldfish are the #1 most popular pet fish, are they the best choice for children? Before buying a goldfish for your child take the time to find out more about them. Goldfish can reach a length of 6 to 12 inches. They will outgrow even the largest fish bowl. Bowls usually do not have any filtering system so the water is still and the goldfish will suffer from poor water quality and lack of oxygen. Minimum recommended tank size is 20 to 30 gallons with a filtering system. Typically goldfish live 15 to 20 years. It’s a long-term commitment. What will you do with your pet goldfish when it outgrows its smaller accommodations? Part of being a responsible pet owner is making the best choices possible for yourself, your child(ren), and for the pet you choose. Choose wisely and responsibly!

Additional Resources: • •

Want to Adopt a Tortoise? Improving the lives of wild and desert tortoises through education. A non-profit organization since 1982.

What You Should Know • To adopt a tortoise from Tortoise Group, you must live in southern Nevada. • Tortoises for adoption are not wild but legally acquired, former pets. • Only one tortoise, an adult male, is allowed in each household. • We adopt to the adults who live where the tortoise will live. • Tortoises of all sizes must live outside. A fenced back yard of about 1000 square feet is needed. For example an area equal to 20 x 50 feet. We no longer adopt to homes with unfenced ponds or pools. • Attention Teachers: proper conditions for tortoises are not available in the classroom but we do adopt to schools with secure yards.

What You Will Need To Do • Make your yard safe and escape proof. To learn about the preparations, pick up a free copy of our booklet, Desert Tortoises: Adoption and Care, from any veterinarian’s office in the Las Vegas area or public library in Clark County or Pahrump. Or, visit our website • Have or create a dry area-- no irrigation-- that is at least 15’ x 15’ where you will dig a burrow. You may need to change your irrigation pattern to create the dry area. • Provide growing food: a patch of grass, dandelions (if possible), and several of the ornamentals and native plants we suggest. • Feed the tortoise MegaDiet tortoise chow, available from Tortoise Group.

• The fee for adoption is $50.

Before you start any preparations, call Tortoise Group. We will come to your yard and make sure that you get started in the right way. 702-739-7113 • 6

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012

Creating a

Saltwater Aquarium With information and patience you can create a beautiful aquarium that clownfish and other saltwater fish and coral can live in for years. Before setting up your aquarium research the following:

Size of aquarium: Even though you may have found a small fish, it needs room to grow and to roam about. A clownfish can be happy in a 10 gallon tank, but a 20 or 29 gallon tank will allow you to add more creatures in the future, giving you a beautiful piece of the ocean in your home. Some fish need a 75 gallon, or even a 125 gallon! For example, Tangs love to swim long distances. Types of water & Salt:

To avoid nuisance algaes growing in your tank, it is recommended to get Reverse Osmosis De-Ionized water. You can buy this water at the fish store where you found your saltwater pet, or at your supermarket. You can also use distilled water. Do not use tap water. It contains elements that are detrimental to your saltwater tank. Your saltwater tank needs pure water to keep your fish healthy. Use Marine salt. It is readily available where pet supplies are sold. Instant Ocean is very popular and easy to find.

Filtration Systems: Filtration can vary quite a bit. Blue Reef Aquatics prefers natural methods of filtration, which involves the use of “live sand” and “live rock.” Putting 2 to 3” of aragonite sand in your aquarium will create a great natural way of DE-nitrifying your tank, which keeps the nitrates down. Also live rock 1 to 1.5 lbs per gallon is recommended. The live rock will be filled with tiny creatures, feather dusters, worms and more that all help eat the waste that occurs in your tank, keeping your system clean and healthy. Before adding fish: It takes time for a saltwater tank to be ready for new fish or other creatures. After your tank is set up you are ready for the next step – breeding bacteria. Before adding fish or other creatures to your aquarium you need to make sure your tank has bacteria. Ammonia levels will rise in the tank over the period of a week or 10 days and then will drop suddenly. Use an ammonia test

The movie, Finding Nemo, (2003) caused increased sales in clownfish because children wanted their very own Nemo. The 3D version of Finding Nemo is coming out in September and is sure to create another surge of requests for Nemo. Do your research - before buying a Nemo for your child find out about clownfish, other saltwater fish, and saltwater aquariums.

kit to check levels. Nitrites will rise quickly over a period of another few days. Use Nitrates test to check levels. When both your Ammonia and Nitrites tests read 0, it is safe to add fish.

Adding new fish or creatures: Adding fish or creatures

to your tank increases the biological load in your tank. By adding fish slowly, the tank, the water, and natural filtration will adjust for the additions. The beneficial bacteria in your tank will increase to handle the new load and not create a sudden ammonia spike in your tank.

Setting up a saltwater aquarium is complicated and takes time and patience. Visit your local fish store, check online resources, and read as much as you can about saltwater aquariums. You can create a beautiful piece of the ocean for your home or office - a piece of the ocean suitable for Nemo!

Article & photos provided by: Greg Harris – Blue Reef Aquatics • 5960 Losee Road • North Las Vegas, NV 89081 • 702- 252-7333 •

Free Classes Everyday! A Place That Beaders Call Home We can teach you how to make beautiful jewelry for yourself, your critters, or as gifts.

Call and sign up for your free class today!!

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One coupon per customer. Expires 8-31-12.

Come Bead With Us! 4750 W. Sahara Avenue, Ste 13 (702) 259-6100 Las Vegas, NV 89102


• Rescued from being euthanized or abandoned • Are examined by a veterinarian • Spayed or Neutered

Upcoming Events at Tivoli Village Adoption Fair with Free Dog Training

July 1st • July 22nd • August 5th

From 11am- 2pm (Inside by the Dog House)

Ottis Male Pit Bull, 1-1/2 years old, a fun dog who would be great with a runner or hiker. He is chipped, has all his shots and is neutered. Add’l training comes with Ottis. Fee of $250.

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012


Lifelong resident of Clark County Committed to serving the local community with fairness in the legal system Well-rounded legal experience Lifetime member of UNLV’s Alumni Association

In addition to building and maintaining her private law practice, Ms. Jefferson volunteers her time generously to professional and community organizations. She has served as a Small Claims Referee for the Las Vegas Justice Court for the past three years and is also a lifetime member of UNLV’s Alumni Association and a member of the Asian and Urban Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Jefferson also uses her expertise to provide free seminars for numerous community and social organizations on topics including domestic violence, how to run a small business, and what it takes to become a lawyer for collegebound students. She has a passionate commitment to helping our youth make better choices and avoid entering the adult legal system. Ms. Jefferson inherits her ironclad work ethic from her parents. Her father was a career military officer who rose to the rank of Chief Master Sergeant, the highest rank attainable by an enlisted man. He transferred to Nellis AFB in 1982 and retired after faithfully serving his country for 26 years. Since leaving the military, Ms. Jefferson’s father has been employed in the Nevada Gaming Industry. Her mother, a native of South Vietnam, worked in civil service for over 15 years in the federal government and has worked for the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Ms. Jefferson has two daughters, Tianna and Taylor who enjoy volleyball and academics and is married to retired Assemblyman Morse Arberry, Jr.

Weighing both sides of an issue with fairness and justice. 8

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012

Pet Travel Tips Pets are important family members, and many of us bring them on vacation with us. But traveling with pets can be challenging and involves a good amount of planning ahead. Be sure to do your research in advance of the trip, so you’re sure to find a warm welcome at your destination, with no unexpected surprises.

Make sure your pet is Suited for travel

Pets who are aggressive or fearful are not good candidates for travel. Elderly or sick animals might not endure travel as well as they used to. Your veterinarian will be able to advise you. If your pet is not good with travel, you should consider a reliable pet-sitter.

Choose a Pet-Friendly Destination

Planning a pet-friendly vacation means your pet is going to be spending the majority of the time out and about with you. Not every destination is suitable to bring a pet. Many national parks and beaches ban pets. Make sure there are pet-friendly activities that you both will enjoy!

Find a Hotel that is pet-friendly

Many hotels will gladly accept pets but keep in mind that some charge fees or require a security deposit. Others have weight limits or breed restrictions. Never leave your dog alone. Even the most well-trained pet can cause damage, bark continuously when left unsupervised in an unfamiliar place.

SUITCASE CHECKLIST • Health Documentation • Leash • Bed & Blanket • Food, Snacks, Water & Bowls • First Aid Kit • Toys • Crate • Grooming Tools • Waste Pick Up Bags

Tag your pet

Put a tag on your pet’s collar that includes your name, address, phone number and rabies vaccination. Along with tags, many owners choose to get their pets microchipped so if they do get lost, local shelters can find the animal in a national database.

Secure Your Pet

Keep your pet safe in a well-ventilated crate or carrier that is large enough for him to stand, sit, lie down and turn around in. You can also use a pet harness specifically made for dogs. Seatbelts for people are dangerous for dogs.

H Never leave your animal alone in a parked vehicle. On a hot day, even with the windows open, a parked automobile can become a furnace and heatstroke can develop. H Don’t allow your pet to ride with his head outside the window. He could be injured by flying objects, and his eyes are exposed to dirt, rocks, dust and other debris. H Always provide frequent bathroom and exercise breaks H Have water available. The stress of traveling and your pet’s excitement may cause increased thirst.

Have Fun!

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012



they’re good for your

health! ~ By Linda Fredericks


ince the first issue of Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine hit the newsstands back in September of 2011, a recurring theme has threaded its way through the feature stories, articles, photographs and book reviews. That recurring theme, if you haven’t already guessed, illuminates the powerful benefits that are bestowed on us by our loving, loyal and beautiful pets. From dogs and cats to horses, donkeys, birds, fish, rabbits and reptiles, the research is clear: having a pet improves our lives in quality and longevity. Actual studies at UCLA found that pet ownership corresponds to better health and fewer medical visits. Research has also shown that pet owners are generally healthier and happier than non-pet owners. Studies further reveal that just looking at animals can reduce anxiety in times of stress. For example, the simple act of looking at fish swimming in a tank can induce feelings of calmness and relaxation. This may be why many doctors have aquariums in their offices. In Kathy Schreur’s article, “Giving an Animal a Second Chance”, (May-June 2012 Issue) she posed five important questions we can ask ourselves with regard to pet ownership. All of these provided a win-win for both the pet and the owner and further suggested that ‘fostering pets’ is a way to rescue abandoned animals; it provides a temporary loving home until a permanent loving home can be found. This act of kindness toward an animal is beneficial to our health, feels good and benefits all those involved. The article, “They Live Among Us” about the feral cats who wander the neighborhoods of Las Vegas caused me to become more aware of the cats that roam my own neighborhood seemingly without a home. It helped remind me that my own cat, Squeaky, was once a feral cat that we began to feed and care for when she showed up at our door step. Geri Rombach’s book review, “Animals and the Kids Who Love Them; Extraordinary True Stories of Hope, Healing and Compassion”, (May-June 2012 Issue) is yet another testament to the powerful sense of well-being that is derived from having a loving pet.


Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012

Teachers can also attest to the positive impact having classroom pets like fish, turtles, hamsters, hermit crabs or horny toads can be for young children. It gives kids a sense of responsibility to care for the pets and helps them to learn about these specific animals. Students observe first-hand how animals respond to human interaction. It creates interest and caring for pets as a natural part of learning. In the article, “Donkey Fever”, (May-June 2012) Joan Dunkle says, ‘donkeys are like big dogs, clever and curious with great personalities’. The photographs of the donkeys at the Donkey Rescue Adoption Center clearly indicate their fun personalities. Pets like dogs, donkeys and horses get us outside, walking and riding, which has a direct impact on our health and exercise habits. Pets also require us to participate in soothing meditative activities like petting and brushing them which helps us to lower our heart rate, blood pressure and stress levels.

• Pets Help to Lower Blood Pressure • Pets Help to Reduce Stress • Pets Help to Prevent Heart Disease • Pets Help to Fight Depression

Our pets learn to understand what we say. At our house we have to spell the words ‘walk’ and ‘cookie’ so our dogs don’t get too rambunctious when we are about to take them for their walk or give them a doggie treat. Some breeds are said to understand up to 300 words. Birds are also very smart and can understand what is being said. Some bird species can even mimic human speech. Animals seem to have an uncanny sense of our moods based on subtle cues like body language, tone of voice and demeanor. They help us to keep our own behavior in check. We can observe the reactions of our pets when our voices are raised in excitement or anger. My dogs hide behind the couch during football and basketball season when we cheer and clap for our favorite teams. Pets are sensitive and help us to become more sensitive as well. Some dogs have been trained to sense shifts in diseases or the aura that precedes an epileptic seizure and can warn their person or guide them to safety. Such helper dogs are trained to also spot “freezing” in Parkinson patients and with a touch of their nose can miraculously unfreeze a foot or hand. Dogs have also been trained to detect low blood sugar in diabetic patients and give a signal to correct their blood sugar before a serious reaction can occur. Cats are ideal pets for older people because they are low maintenance. They don’t need formal exercise and they confine their bathroom routine to a single area. Some cats have been trained to actually use a toilet bowl, now that’s genius if you ask me. Cats offer protection against certain physical conditions. Having a cat or adopting one shortly after a child is born can reduce the risk of developing animal allergies, asthma, and possibly other illnesses as well. And everyone who has ever sat with a cat cuddled on their lap, knows how soothing the touch of a cat can be.

Pets are remarkable for their capacity to love us unconditionally. They bring us good cheer, humor and companionship on a daily basis. My dogs run out to greet me and do the happy dance everyday when I pull into the driveway. Pets improve every aspect of our lives, from their examples of love, optimism, compassion and goofiness, they are good for our health. Pets make us more human. I appreciate how reading all of the Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazines this past year has made me more aware of the wonderful benefits I enjoy from having pets.

All previous issues of the Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine are available online:

Pets & en Childr • They can be safe recipients of secrets and private thoughts. Children often talk to their pets, like they do their stuffed animals. • They provide lessons about life; reproduction, birth, illnesses, accidents, death, and bereavement. • They can help develop responsible behavior in the children who care for them. • They provide a connection to nature. • They can teach respect for all living things.

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012


Save a Life – Adopt a Pet Adopt • Foster • Sponsor • Volunteer • Donate • Educate

Everyone can do something, large or small, to help save a life. Luke is a a two year old Staffordshire Terrier mix and is looking for his FURever home. Luke loves people and he knows how to sit and stay. His favorite things are to go for walks, chase balls and play in the pool. Luke is a good listener and a loyal companion.


Southern Nevada Bully Breed Rescue

Buddy Boy is a 10 yr. old male mini that is good with other dogs and children. He is neutered, house trained, up to date on his shots and micro-chipped. He needed extensive dental work when he came into the club which was done. He loves to be cuddled. He loves everyone he meets and is very well behaved. He acts much younger than his age and would be a wonderful addition to anyone’s home.


Buddy B

Las Vegas Hot-Diggity Dachshund Club & Rescue

Astro is very, very shy at first. It took him a week to come out and warm up. He loves to run, hence the name! Loves to be chased and loves to play with string! He does not like to be picked up, will not sleep in the bed with you or sit in your lap. So, don’t expect a lazy lap cat. He is a champ at catching bugs… SO FUNNY!


Heaven Can Wait Animal Society • 702-227-5555 12

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012

Charlie (2yr) & Carter (1yr) have had a very hard life considering they are very young. They are both shy, but have found they are BFF at their foster home. They are both quiet boys but loving, they need to find their Angel that will allow them to be them. Almost a year in their foster home, our hearts go out to them, they need their own home. They get along with dogs, other cats and bunnies. Help these 2 babies!

Charlie r& Carte

Rebecca is a beautiful, 2 yr. old Basset Hound/Bulldog mix. She loves people and playing with other dogs who are equal to her energy but won’t try to overpower her. She does chase cats a little too much to be an ideal match for anyone with felines. She’s a beautiful girl-super smart and learns fast-and has been waiting far too long for a forever home.


Paws 4 Love Pet Rescue 702-560-8622 •

Las Vegas Basset Rescue Contact Kathleen Delaney at 702-232-8480 •

Gentle, inquisitive Ace roams the yards searching for flowers and tender shoots to eat. Social and curious, he loves to “help” in the yard, is interesting to watch, and hibernates from late October to March! Tortoises have lots of personality, get rt along well with other ale Dese pets, and children find Adult M ailable them fascinating. oises Av

Cactus (A636328) is a 2 year old black female domestic short hair who has been waiting for a home since March 24. She is cuddly and loves to have her nose rubbed and ears scratched. She would make a purr-fect pet for someone looking for a snuggle buddy. Call 702-384-3333 x 131

Bosco comes to us from a neighboring state where he was living outdoors & getting into trouble chasing horses, chickens and the neighbor’s cat. He was just having fun -the neighbors weren’t amused. Bosco is loving life indoors & loves, loves, loves being a part of the family. Bosco is about 8 years old, good-natured, and gets along great with other dogs and cats too. He loves to swim, carry around toys, and fetch tennis balls.

I am a 7 year old Cocker Spaniel. My parents abandoned me in a yard when they moved to a new home. When I was checked by Those Left Behind Foundation, it was discovered that I have Cushings. Now this is a little scary but all it means is I get infections easy. It doesn’t cause me any pain, I just need extra love.


Tortoise Group 702-739-7113


Golden Retriever Rescue Southern Nevada • (702) 598-GOLD


The Animal Foundation


Those Left Behind Foundation • 702-630-8523

“Our goal is to provide an environment that empowers you to teach life-long skills and keep your dog active and well-behaved.”

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Please visit our website for details on our wide range of services and classes.

Over 7,000 SF of indoor, climate controlled/ air-conditioned traning space with paw-friendly flooring.

Stay Cool r! This Summe

702.396.8501 4161 N. Rancho Dr. # 120 • Las Vegas, NV 89130

SUMMER SAFETY TIPS Never Leave Pets in Cars – Even a 5 to 10 minute trip means that temperatures could exceed 120 degrees in a car with closed windows.

Exercise Early – Be sure to walk your pet early in the morning. The hot sun can heat up roads and cause paw pads to blister. Bring water for both you & your dog! Dogs Can’t Sweat – The only way for a dog to cool down is to pant. Don’t leave your pet out in the yard for too long and always make sure they have access to fresh water. To help your pet cool off, moisten their belly and chest with cool water and let it evaporate.


65,000 Pet Lovers Help Build a NO KILL Pet Sanctuary & Canine Retirement Ranch Donate $10 Today,

ask your friends to do the same tomorrow.

Change A Homeless Pet’s Future; Donate Today! Help build a safe,no kill haven for pets to live out their lives. FED. EIN #88-0487028; 501c3 Animal Welfare • Donations tax deductible in accordance to law.

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012


! s d Enter the Contest & Win! Ki 1. What is the most popular pet fish? 2. How can you protect your dog from Canine Distemper Virus? Submit by 8-31-12. (Hint: Answers in this issue!)

KIDS Scene

E-mail your answers and you will be entered to win!

2 lucky kids will WIN A FUN EVENT at the Las Vegas Mini Gran Prix!

pizza, drinks, game tokens

& ride tickets for 5 Guests ($100 value) Finger Lickin’ Ribs – Now Being Served! 1401 N. Rainbow Blvd - Las Vegas, NV 89108

(702) 259-7000 - The Best Birthday Party Place In Town!


Harley’s Fan Club from Storytime at Borders, Barnes & Noble and schools… Harley will be appearing in a MOVIE…

The Popovich Pet Theater And The Voice of The Fabled American West

This Chaplin-esque Western Comedy stars world renowned juggler and animal trainer Gregory Popovich and a cast of over 35 pets rescued from animal shelters. Fun and family-oriented!

Harley had a fantastic time working on the movie and once it premieres, we would love to invite all of you to attend. You can visit his website at for updates on the movie’s progress. there! Ho pe to see yo u


Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012


Registered Therapy Dog

Tell me, I will forget. Show me, I may remember. ~ Chinese proverb Involve me, I will understand.

Activities For Children Websites:

Great website with interactive puzzles, quizzes, and other learning activities!

Download the Nevada SPCA Humane Education Workbook – a good 24-page resource for children!

Interactive website – strengthening the bond between children & pets.


Roos N More Zoo • Roos N More Zoo Days – July 2nd, 15th, 28th Las Vegas Zoo

Check out the following:

Public libraries and the Reading with Rover program


he joy of fostering comes from the look on the kitten’s face when it realizes you are mommy and climbs up close to you and nuzzles in your ear. The purr is so wonderful that you just cannot help smile and hold them closer. Even though all the running and playing, teaching them proper manners and social skills are great, the best part is when an adopter is chosen by one of your foster kitties. You cry with tears of joy as you know that your foster kitten found someone, their own family, who will cherish and love them the same way you have been, for the rest of their life! Foster: Darci

Oliver was the biggest of his litter and

most dominant in my home. He enjoyed playing with sparkle balls. When he was done, he always put them in the water or food bowl for me to find either in the morning or after work. Oliver came up on the bed with a ball one night at bedtime. I threw the ball wondering if he would bring it back and to my delight and surprise he did! This was the start...fetch every night or while I was cleaning litter boxes or anytime for Oliver. He also did very nice artwork for me when he got a hold of the toilet paper roll. No, he doesn’t unravel it like most, he bites it! Big chunks in the middle would be taken out... Oliver’s adopter says that he still wants to play fetch day and night, and she still finds his sparkle balls in the water or food bowl and she loves his artwork! Foster: Ann Marie


Stories From Foster Parents


have fostered Sebastian for almost a month and am so happy I opened my home to him. He is a tough kitty who will stand his ground when faced with a 110 lb goofy lab. He is my first kitty foster and literally has made himself at home with us. We have found him not just on the bed, but on the pillows sound asleep with not a care in the world. And although I know he is staying temporarily with us, I find comfort knowing that we will be able to place him in a home, suitable for him because we know his personality better. Believe me, he’ll let you know when he is not happy or needs attention. He is entertaining, loving and adorable. I will continue fostering knowing that these animals will have a better chance at finding a home. Foster: Gina

o, first thing in the morning I always take my dog Tabasca into the kitten’s room to play and get them socialized with a dog. On this particular morning the kittens were extremely playful. Usually I lay on my stomach to let them crawl all over me. On this day, Tabasca decided to do exactly the same. Of course the kittens started to climb on her too. Then Caco, the most adventurous kitten of the bunch, decided to grab on tight. Tabasca jumped up in surprise, Caco dug her claws in, in fear, and off Tabasca ran, with Tiny Caco bouncing around like a ball, trying to keep her hold on to Tabasca back. It all happened so fast, but I must have laughed for at least a half hour. Caco still rides Tabasca’s back, but now they both understand how it works and it usually takes only a second or two to start to play. Foster: Nicolle


very morning before work I have breakfast with the foster kitties. Typically the younger ones run around and play with their toys. Kallie, who is older, tends to sit calmly beside me waiting patiently for her head scratches and then finally gets the final licks of milk in the empty cereal bowl. Foster: Mark•


t night, when we are ready to sit down and relax, it becomes play time for the foster kittens. I sit down on the floor, closer to their level and the kittens find it fun to climb all over me and I become a human cat tree. I wiggle my toes, they do the hunched side jump and then pounce. A few of the kittens enjoy nuzzling and grabbing onto my beard. After quite some time of energetic playing, climbing and pouncing, they love to settle down in my arms and on my shoulders for snuggle time. It makes a great ending to a stressful day! Foster: Mark

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012



Fabrics By Gail Mayhugh

5 THINGS TO LOOK FOR WHEN SELECTING PET-FRIENDLY FABRICS FOR YOUR HOME. If you’re like most pet owners, you let them sit with you on your sofa. So to help keep your sanity when it comes to fabrics, here are five things to consider for easy to keep, good looking and longer lasting fabrics. 1. LEATHER Leather can stand up to most pets. It’s easy to clean and the hair doesn’t cling. But on the down side, their nails can scratch and leave holes. So if leather is your thing, I’d use distressed bomber style leather.

2. Microfiber My personal favorite, also know as ultra suede. It’s easy to maintain as you can clean it with soap and water, the hair comes off with a lint brush and their nails don’t catch in the fabric. It’s also a great long lasting wear fabric.

3. Crypton Crypton is a super stain, water and bacteria-resistant fabric. It’s a solution that is engineered right into the fabric, encapsulating every fiber. This fabric is highly used on commercial seating, so you won’t find it in any furniture stores just yet. But if you’re re-upholstering, I’d call a designer and search it out. It can be stiffer than normal fabrics, but more and more are being made that are softer to the touch, especially in ultra suede. Water actually runs right off the fabric, so cleaning is a breeze.

4. Double rub What the heck is double rub? A double rub test is a durability test meant to simulate a person getting into and out of a chair and assessing how the upholstered fabric holds up to wearing against another fabric. The higher the number, the better it wears. This is extremely important 16

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012

in commercial fabric, but every fabric on the market has gone through this testing. Now understand most furniture store sales people will not know about this. For those pieces that come in one fabric, they’ll have no way of knowing since it’s shipped that way from the manufacturer. But some of the upper-end furniture stores can find out. If you’re re-upholstering make sure to ask your designer what this number is. Here are some guidelines: 15,000 – 20,000 is light to general residential use. 25,000 is heavy-duty residential use. 30,000 + is commercial use. Don’t be afraid to use a commercial fabric in your home, I do it all the time. It may cost a little more but I find it lasts longer.

5. Open Weaves These fabrics can be nightmares for pet owners. Hair weaves its way into the fabric and sometimes is impossible to get out without tweezers. Lint rollers and vacuuming get most out, but not all of the hairs. Your pet’s nails can easily get caught, causing possible injury to them and snags for you.

Take your time when selecting fabric for your upholstery to make sure you are making the right choice for your pet-friendly home. Gail Mayhugh, the owner of GMJ Interiors has been designing in Las Vegas for over 20 years. She also has a web site, where she shares Las Vegas pet happenings and resources.

Tile & Grout Cleaning

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Pet Odor Removal

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012


Las Vegas Pets H


Bella & Zeus



Boxer XO


She’s 12 years old!

Hee mang!

Luke with his puppy, Kahlua

Tiny Bryner

Smooth Fox Terrier, 3 months

Mary with PomPom on his 1st Birthday! Monkey Bone



6 months ago, she was found wandering in a neighborhood - skin & bones. Now she is a happy, spoiled pit!

Verdel & Roxy @ Boby Shower!

Sasha Amaranto



Show Off Your Pet!

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012


Buddha & Bambi

“Our wedding day wouldn’t have been complete without our Bulldogs” Yash & Kajal

Monthly Meetings: The first Tuesday of the month 7 PM. Community Meeting Room @ Desert Toyota, Scion – 6300 W. Sahara Ave.

Training For All Breeds & Mixed Breeds Vegas Valley Dog Obedience Club

(Licensed By The American Kennel Club) CLUB FOUNDED IN 1964

We offer: Obedience Training A


Puppy through Advanced Levels


pr ofi


rg a

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tii on

The fun of you learning how to train your dog and the close bond this will create!

OBEDIENCE CLASSES: Three sessions per year – 6 week classes

January – April – September REGISTRATION: First Thursday of January, April and September at 7:00 pm.

Anthem Pet Sitting The BEST your pet can get!

Furry, feathery or scaly ~ I love your pets as much as you do!

Lori Wise


WHERE: Mendoza Elementary School

2000 S. Sloan Lane

CLASS PRICE: $95 per dog (subject to change) H Ask about Senior & Military Price

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Call for your FREE consultation today! • Pets are happier and experience less stress at home. • With familiar sights, sounds and smells, your pets can relax and follow their regular schedule. • Diet and exercise routines are uninterrupted. • In-home professional pet care provides added peace of mind. • Your pets will be spoiled, pampered, and cared for as if they were my own.

An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language. ~ Martin Buber

HELPING ANIMALS IN LAS VEGAS HELPING ANIMALS IN NEVADA These Facebook Pages were created solely for local animal rescues & shelters to post their upcoming events, needs of any kind, and their adoptables – plus animal lost & found from local residents. Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012

PROOF OF SHOTS REQUIRED! Please do not bring dogs to registration.

CLASS DAY/TIME: 1st class will be held Thursday after registration 7:00 to 8:30 pm All following classes are from 7:30 to 8:30 pm

LOCATION: Dog Fancier’s Park (Behind Horseman’s Park) 5800 E. Flamingo Rd.

Bring this ad to registration and receive

$10 OFF Our 6-Week Fall 2012 Training Session! Monthly Meetings: The first Tuesday of the month 7 PM. Community Meeting Room @ Desert Toyota, Scion – 6300 W. Sahara Ave.

For More Information Visit Our Website or Call 368-0656 (recording) 19

Nose Work K9 Nose Work® is a FUN new and rapidly growing sport that is now available in Las Vegas! BY VERONICA SELCO Inspired by their work with detection dogs, professional handlers Jill Marie O’Brien, Amy Herot and Ron Gaunt founded K9 Nose Work® and made the sport available for companion dogs. Designed for FUN and without the stress or responsibility of detecting illegal or life threatening substances, K9 Nose Work® is a low impact, yet physically and mentally stimulating activity that dogs love! A great advantage of this sport is that it suits every kind of dog, and the activity requires no previous skill from the handler… anyone can do it!

to play K9 Nose Work®.

One box is designated as a reward box and used to hide the dog’s reward, which is determined as being of high value by the dog. In most cases we start out with smelly food, but we will sometimes use a toy if that is what the dog prefers.

Training begins in a controlled environment, indoors in a small group setting, where one dog is worked at a time, making it possible for nearly ALL dogs to participate: puppies, seniors, shy, reactive, sport and dogs with disabilities. The safety precautions allows the reactive dog to participate in a group class and channel it’s energy, while also encouraging a shy or fearful dog to develop hunt drive without being inhibited by other dogs.

Using positive and motivational techniques to encourage the dog to get his reward from the box and creating an environment that is FUN helps the dog tap into his hunting instinct. The search area is a “NO OBEDIENCE ZONE”. The dog is encouraged to be independent and retrieves his reward from the boxes. Additional reinforcement is offered by giving the dog more food or playing with the toy when his head is in the box. The dog and owner play as a team and the owner learns to read the dog’s body language to indicate when the dog is approaching his reward.

Getting Started

Dogs experience their world through their noses and rely on their olfactory senses to gather information about people, animals and objects. In training, we use the dog’s sense of smell and natural desire to hunt

Compassionate Pet Cremation, LLC


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Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012



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• • • • •

Communication Stimulation Motivation Focus Confidence Building

James & Trinity

It’s a great way for your dog to have fun, build confidence, and burn lots of mental and physical energy! A lot of dogs learn the game really fast, but some require a little more encouragement, in which case a search area is set up to support the dog so he always experiences success. The hides are made increasingly more challenging, yet always achievable by adding more boxes, creating puzzles, expanding the search area, using elevation, adding more props and moving to areas with more distraction over time. K9 Nose Work® is a FUN and easy activity and requires no special equipment, except for a few boxes of varying sizes. It can be done indoors or out, anytime of the year. We find that many dogs seem to move more freely in a harness, but they can also search with a flat collar.


K9 Nose Work® Dog offers owners a FUN and healthy outlet to

channel their dog’s energy. Additionally, shelters across the country are adding K9 Nose Work® to their enrichment programs and are finding it to be a great method for building confidence in dogs and burning lots of energy. It is a great sport for deepening the relationship with your dog as you learn how they experience the world.

FURTHER TRAINING AND COMPETITION Those that choose to further their training use the three target odors found in K9 Nose Work® Trials - Birch, Anise and Clove and also train in four elements – Container, Interior Area, Exterior Building and Vehicle Search.

An Action-Packed Mystery with Thrills and Suspense

- Clark Issacs, Accomplished Critic


by Sue Laing

Available in Paperback Discover it at,,Barnes & Noble, and fine bookstores everywhere. Also available on the Kindle & Nook. ISBN: 978-160844-926-2

To learn more about K9 Nose Work® please visit: Veronica Selco, MSW, ANWI, AMCP Masters in Social Work, Associate Nose Work Instructor, Animal Massage & Care Provider. Owner of Happy Holistic Hounds, Founder of Bully AmbassaDogs, Founder of K9 Nose Work® Program of Little Friends Foundation. For classes and seminars in K9 Nose Work, Fitness and Animal Welfare visit:

They’re doing something that no human can do!

When newly retired police detective Michael Pearce reluctantly agrees to his beloved sister Mattie’s request that he come to her home and help her with a murder investigation, he has no idea how far this strange trip will take him. At first Michael is irritated by Mattie’s insistence that he delay his long anticipated fishing vacation to help her dear friend Jenny get to the bottom of the mysterious accident that befell her beloved adopted daughter, Beth, and Beth’s youngest son, Daniel. However, Michael soon finds himself drawn into the case; the local police department has ruled the case a murder-suicide, but Beth’s estranged husband’s insistence on a hasty cremation makes Mattie and Jenny suspicious, and Michael begins to agree with their assessment.

“One of the outstanding features of this book is the manner in which Sue Laing is able to set the stage for your suspicions. As a reader, you have been thinking all along that the perpetrator is one person and then she pulls the rug out from under you. No, it was not that person at all! There are many characters introduced but their place fits nicely. The book is highly recommended and is a five-star performance.”

Shari & Tito

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Reduce your pet’s carbon pawprint! Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012

T H E U S A H 21

Experience The Difference Between Finding You A House And A Home.

These little dogs are my “babies”! We “rescued and adopted” our 14 year old Maltese, Button, when she was 8 years old. We got Lacee, our Bishon Frise, as a puppy and she is now 9 years old.

They are both so precious and keep us laughing at their playful antics.

We know Lacee has kept Button young!

Sheri Myers, CRS

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The Mortgage Debt Relief Act which was enacted in 2007 allowing taxpayers to exclude income from the discharge of debt on their principal residence will expire in December 2012.


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This is one of the ‘Short Sale’ homes that I listed & closed. At Windermere, we take great pride in our ‘Short Sale’ process that has proven so successful in today’s market.


If you or someone you know may benefit from these programs, please let me know. I am here to help. Just give me a call and I am happy to visit with you about the many aspects of our Real Estate market today!

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Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012


eading Dogs & The Women Who Love Them truly is a “kick off your shoes, curl up with a good book, and be inspired and entertained experience. It is a collection of heartwarming true stories about women and the incredible connections and bond between them and their canine BFF’s (Best Friends Forever). Some will make you laugh; some will make you cry; some will inspire you. The authors, Allen and Linda Anderson, have written many books about the amazing animal human connection and the profound effect of animals upon humans. They state in their introduction that this book is about the change that occurs when dogs and women transform each other’s lives by offering expanded viewpoints of what is possible. One story under the category Embracing Life is called Judy and McDuff: Soul on a Spiritual Mission. This is a story about a unique dog with an incredible mission in life. The story summarizes the experiences of McDuff, a stubborn, hilarious Scottish terrier therapy dog. Judy McFadden’s book, Life with McDuff – Lessons Learned from a Therapy Dog, expands on her experiences with this incredible canine. Judy shares moments of pride and frustration that everyone who has or had a dog can identify with. Read about Judy and McDuff and their experiences with therapy work, with the Reading with Rover Program at the Henderson Libraries, and their work at Opportunity Village’s Project PRIDE. Judy lives in Henderson, NV. She speaks to audiences promoting awareness of the benefits of therapy dogs and animal-assisted programs like Therapy Dogs International and Reading to Rover.

For more information about the books, authors, and Angel Animals: •

Visit our booth at the Las Vegas Woman’s Expo on August 10th (see ad on page 10 for information) and sign up for a drawing for one of these books and a gift basket of doggy treats!

Adopt A Rescue Pet

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80lbs, or needing de-shedding. ($10 add’l fee for dematting, shaving or dogs over 80lbs)

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Chemical free natural shampoos & conditioners are our standard at no add’l charge. Keeping your pet safe while you travel, we have dog boarding indoor/outdoor kenneling too; $15 per dog, per night; no size limitation. Long-term boarding packages available, so call ahead and make your reservations.

(702) 452-1963 OPEN 7 Days A Week 2225 N. Nellis, Ste C, (Between Carey & Lake Mead) * Appointments Recommended / Rabies Vaccination Required * Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012



k k k

Rescues & Shelters



k k



k 24

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012

Coyote Attacks – Las Vegas/Henderson – submitted by one of our readers

Coyote attacks on dogs are more common than you think. With the urbanization of America, coyotes are not only found in rural areas – they are also living amongst urban residents across the country, hungry and looking for food. On June 7, 2012, Chip “Boo” went outside to go to the bathroom. The yard had two 6ft black walls and a 3 ft gated/ screened area with doggy door. In broad daylight, he was taken. His owner was home but heard nothing. The home is located in a gated housing community in Henderson with rabbits and drainage ditches in the area. His owners hope it to bring Awareness to take serious precautions from any predators. Items noted below are what they learned after losing their beloved boy to the unimaginable.

Chip “Boo”

7/06/1999 – 6/07/2012

Install a fence: A backyard fence will prevent coyotes from entering your yard. The fence should be at least 6 feet high in order to thwart a jumping coyote. Coyotes like to dig, so install vinyl lattice 2 to 3 feet below ground to prevent any tunneling. Add a Coyote Roller to your fence: A coyote roller attaches to the top of your existing fence. The Coyote Roller prevents a coyote from latching its paws to the top of fence by spinning the animal off, making it lose its footing. In the park: Keep your dog on a leash at the park. If you choose to let your pet off its leash or go to an off-leash dog park, keep a close eye on your dog. Use caution at night and day: From dusk until dawn, keep your dog indoors. When dog needs to relieve himself during these hours, take him outside with you, on a short leash. Coyotes hunt for food during nighttime hours and will attack a dog given the opportunity. If you must take your dog on a nighttime walk, use a very short leash - coyotes fear human contact and will probably leave your dog alone if he is closely tied to you. Leave no food in your yard: Always in search of a reliable food source, once a coyote discovers your backyard has the goodies, he’ll be back. Eliminate any source of food in your yard.

Copyright 2011 Megan Fine

Tips ing p e e K For ol o C t Pe r u o Y

• • • • •

Heat stroke can happen in as little as 10 minutes Avoid vigorous exercise & walking during the heat of the day Do not leave your pets in your car Keep fresh cool water available at all times Keep your dog in a shaded area

• Provide a “kiddy” pool for your dogs to cool off in

Copyright 2011 Megan Fine

A Prayer for Horses

I am calling on the Arch Angel of Peace for wild horses. I pray for their freedom; Let them run free. This is their birthright. I ask for peace on earth For the wild horses of our land. Protect them. Let them know only a home at peace. I pray that out of the goodness of mankind, All horses will be full and free, Running alongside the desert mountains.

Copyright 2011 Megan Fine Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012


Pet Health

CANINE Distemper Virus By: Ted Burghardt, DVM Town Center Animal Hospital 3565 S. Town Center Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89135

My first experience with Distemper Virus occurred when I was a junior in veterinary school during an internship in Las Vegas. The patient was a beautiful, young Weimaraner named Sage. She had the typical lesions associated with the disease: thickened pads on her feet and nose (hyperkeratosis), upper respiratory signs (discharge from eyes and nose, coughing), and gastrointestinal signs (vomiting, diarrhea). She also presented with neurologic abnormalities in the form of shaking and uncontrollable tremors. Despite how sick she was Sage always wagged her tail when she had visitors in isolation, a true inspiration to remember when life seems tough or unfair. Many infected dogs have such a grave prognosis that euthanasia is sometimes the most humane option for some owners. Thankfully, Sage was lucky to have received medical care early in the course of her disease and she was able to overcome the disease and go on to live a normal, happy life. The clinical signs of this disease can resemble other diseases, most notably rabies, so it is important to run tests first to diagnose this infection. There are different ways to test for CDV including assessing tissue samples, cerebrospinal fluid from the spinal cord, and blood tests (PCR amplification of DNA, and real-time PCR). Some of these samples can only be collected after the animal is deceased. Some tests are better than others because a recent CDV vaccination can cause a positive result for CDV on some tests even though the dog is not infected. Real-time PCR has been shown to be effective in differentiating between true CDV infections versus interference from recent vaccination. In any case, differentiating this infection from rabies and other diseases is of the utmost importance. Why should you vaccinate your dog? Even if your dog does not have much interaction with other dogs, the virus can be harbored in other wildlife and a visit from a coyote or other critter to your backyard could put your dog at risk. Most viruses do not have specific treatments, including 26

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July–August 2012

CDV, so once infected the only treatment available at this time are supportive care (IV fluids, antibiotics, pain control, antiemetics). The best way to keep your dog safe from CDV is to follow recommended vaccination protocols. The distemper vaccine usually comes as a combination injection with parvovirus, adenovirus and parainfluenza virus vaccines, and occasionally includes other vaccines in the same injection as well. By vaccinating your dog you also decrease the chance of the virus being passed on to other dogs, which is why this vaccination is often required by boarding facilities, even though it is not required by law. The debates surrounding appropriate vaccination protocol are endless, for example; should vaccinations be given every year or every three years? One solution to avoid vaccination is to have a titer test performed. A titer test measures the amount of immunity the animal has remaining from the last vaccination, and if that level remains high enough CDV vaccinations can be skipped for that year.

There is a wealth of information available on the internet regarding this and similar subjects, some sources being more reliable than others. For more information on CDV please visit the American Veterinary Medical Association website:

Here is a photo of Sage and her story if you are interested.


Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) is similar to the human measles virus and can affect the skin, immune system and neurologic system in dogs. It is not as common as it once was and outbreaks have diminished significantly because of the effective practice of vaccinating animals against this disease. Vaccinating your dog to protect it against distemper not only helps protect him, but also inhibits his ability to continue spreading it to the rest of the dog population. This highly contagious disease is spread by aerosolized particles and by direct contact with an infected animal. Due to its highly contagious nature infected animals have to be isolated once they are diagnosed.

Pet Tips for a Fun and Safe July 4th Holiday! 1. 2. 3.



6. 7.

8. 9.

Never take your pet to a firework display. Never leave your pet in a hot car. Your pet can die in just a few minutes from heat stroke. During the firework display don’t leave your pet in the yard or leave windows or doors with screens open. They may try to escape when terrified. Keep your pets at home, inside, in a sheltered, quiet area. If you are planning a barbeque, keep your pet away from food scraps and alcohol. Always supervise your pet around swimming pools and lakes. While attending the firework festivities, keep your pet in a quiet, cool, well-ventilated room with a radio or TV playing softly in the background. Make sure it is not a room with windows since they may escape. A crate works well too. Make sure your pet has identification tags or a microchip so he/she may be returned to you promptly if lost. If you are leaving town, make sure your pet-sitter is aware of your pet’s possible anxiety during the Fourth of July and give him/her directions accordingly. After the Fourth of July, be aware of possible firework debris when walking your dog. Finally, be aware that people may continue using their leftover fireworks in the days following the Fourth of July.

By following the tips above you and your pet can have a safe and happy Fourth of July holiday!

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