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The dog days of summer are upon us and the heat is ON! Unfortunately, our Las Vegas summers can make it difficult to keep our dogs entertained and exercised. Walking and romping around in the park is great in the early morning hours, but the escalating heat can make it nearly impossible to enjoy any other outdoor activities with them. Thankfully, the recipe for summertime fun is an easy one and it only takes 3 ingredients – you, your dog, and WATER!

Backyard water-fun is a great solution for those of us who do not have a swimming pool. You can enjoy hours of fun by using items that you already have. A garden hose, spray nozzle, sprinkler, and a kiddy-pool are great starters for creating your own backyard splash pad. Simply fill up the pool and place your sprinkler so it is spraying in and around the pool. You can even add a large waterproof tarp under the pool to increase the size of your watery play area. Try throwing your dog’s favorite toys in the pool or even squirt them across the yard with your spray nozzle. Adding some homemade frozen ice-toys can add to the fun. You can freeze water balloons to create large, round ice-cubes. After removing the balloon, toss the ice cubes in the pool and watch your pup try to retrieve them. He will undoubtedly enjoy the challenge until they magically melt and disappear altogether! With a little imagination and creativity, you will undoubtedly come up with new games to enjoy in your backyard water park.

Alternatively, if you do have access to a swimming pool, the invigorating submersion in cool, refreshing water is just the ticket for summertime relief. If your dog has never been swimming before, it is important to know that not all dogs know how to swim. While they usually pick it up quickly, some may need more assistance than others. With a little help and encouragement, your dog will soon realize how fun and refreshing swimming can be.

If this is your dog’s first attempt at swimming in a swimming pool, it is important that you introduce him to the water slowly and gently. He will remember his first attempt as either being very scary or great fun. With that in mind, you should never throw or force your dog into the water. Let him feel the water on his feet on the first step of the pool and then gently coax him onto the second step. If your pup trembles and clearly wants NOTHING to do with this new terrifying activity, do not force him. The trust your dog has in you is something to be protected. Do not jeopardize that trust by making him do something that he is not ready to do. Try sitting on the steps and throwing a few floating toys in the water near you. Encourage him to play with the toys on the first step. Some dogs need several introductions to swimming pools before they feel confident and comfortable. If your dog seems willing and ready to go from the first pool step to the next deeper step, then it may be time for swimming!

To help your dog learn to swim, place your hands on his sides and hold him in the water so his rear end is up and his body is parallel with the top of the water. As you move through the water, beware of his toenails that will be flailing around as he tries to get his paws moving. He should look like he is running through the water as he tries to master the art of swimming. As his skills improve, slowly guide him around the shallow end of the pool and help him swim back to the steps. Reward his swimming accomplishment with lots of praise and encouragement! By gradually increasing the distance he needs to swim to the steps, your dog will gain confidence and will be more able to swim without assistance. If your dog seems to need some additional flotation, you can try using a canine life vest. The extra buoyancy may be just enough to keep him afloat and increase his confidence. As your pup begins to get more proficient at swimming, you should be able to eliminate the life vest altogether.

If your dog is feeling a little skittish about the swimming pool and you are looking for another dog-friendly water activity, you might consider visiting a splash-pad water park. There are several water parks available in the Las Vegas area that are specifically designed for dogs.

The Bark Park at Heritage Park in Henderson may be a great choice for tons of water fun! Only dogs are allowed to play in the water and enjoy the jumping sprays and ground sprays, but their splash pad facilities allow dogs to enjoy water fun with other dogs. Their splash pad is located at 350 S. Racetrack Rd. Another great option for summertime water activities is Lake Las Vegas Water Sports. They offer dog-friendly water activities including the rental of paddle-boards, pedal boats, and kayaks. Located at 20 Costa Di Lago, Suite 130 in Henderson, Lake Las Vegas Water Sports offers a variety of exciting dog-friendly water activities within the beautiful setting of Lake Las Vegas.

No matter which splash-time activity you choose, do not forget your usual summertime pet care. You and your pup should take frequent breaks for fresh water and a rest in the shade. Do not let your dog overly exert himself and take precautions to prevent him from getting sunburned. The skin around their nose, eyes, and ears are the most susceptible to sunburn. Your veterinarian may be able to recommend a sunscreen for those sensitive areas. After swimming or playing in the water, it is always a good idea to give your dog a good rinse off or even a quick bath. Towel dry him thoroughly, paying special attention to the inside and outside of his ears.

Training For All Breeds & Mixed Breeds

Vegas Valley Dog Obedience Club

(Approved By The American Kennel Club)

Club Founded In 1964

We offer: Obedience Training

Puppy through Advanced Levels


The fun of you learning how to train your dog and the close bond this will create!


Three sessions per year – 6 week classes

January – April – September


September 7th at 7:00 pm


Please do not bring dogs to registration.

WHERE: Cynthia Cunningham Elementary School – 4145 Jimmy Durante Blvd.

CLASS PRICE: $100 per dog (cash, check or PayPal) (subject to change) H Ask about Senior & Military Price


September 14th to October 19th

First Class at 7:00 to 8:30 pm

All following classes are from 7:30 to 8:30 pm

CLASS LOCATION: Dog Fancier’s Park - Area 2 (Behind Horseman’s Park) 5800 E. Flamingo Rd.


Monthly Meetings:

The first Tuesday of the month 7 PM. (Please do not bring dogs to meeting) 1600 E Desert Inn Rd. Room 240


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