1 minute read


By Linda

Some dogs have been trained to sense shifts in diseases or the aura that precedes an epileptic seizure and can warn their person or guide them to safety. Such helper dogs are trained to also spot “freezing” in Parkinson patients and with a touch of their nose can miraculously unfreeze a foot or hand. Dogs have also been trained to detect low blood sugar in diabetic patients and give a signal to correct their blood sugar before a serious reaction can occur.

Cats are ideal pets for older people because they are low maintenance. They don’t need formal exercise and they confine their bathroom routine to a single area. Cats offer protection against certain physical conditions. Having a cat or adopting one shortly after a child is born can reduce the risk of developing animal allergies, asthma, and possibly other illnesses as well. And everyone who has ever sat with a cat cuddled on their lap, knows how soothing the touch of a cat can be.

Pets are remarkable for their capacity to love us unconditionally. They bring us good cheer, humor and companionship on a daily basis. My dogs run out to greet me and do the happy dance every day when I pull into the driveway. Pets improve every aspect of our lives. They model love, optimism, compassion and goofiness. Pets are good for our health. Pets make us more human.

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