Paperwork Process All paperwork must be received within five days of contract acceptance. This includes new listings, sales and leases.
1: Log onto the RealSmart Agent Panel at • Select the Transactions type on the lefthand menu
2: Enter Your Transaction. Once created, you have two different options to submit your paperwork. Browse and upload directly into the transaction, or drag and drop.
• Click the Create button
Hint: If you don’t have your own method of uploading paperwork, like a scanner at home, keep in mind that our office has the scan-to-email feature from the copier.
Need Help Creating a Listing? Select the Education icon, then click on RealSmart Agent Videos.
Hint: To view training videos, select the Education tab then choose RealSmart Agent Videos.
To Email Your Paperwork Each transaction has an email address to receive the transaction paperwork. You can view the email address of a specific transaction from the transaction summary page (displayed as “Shareable Email”). All documents emailed to this address will automatically be added to the transaction document inbox.