#226 AUGUST 2019

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Experiencing Fair Week: An American Tradition T

On the cover: Josh Miller, who takes part in 4H, shows his calf at the Sykesville Ag and Youth Fair and Piper Mumford, age 3, proudly displays a winning Dayton Fair ribbon. The side photos reflect Punxsutawney's pride in its summertime events, as well as its sense of homage to its past.

By Molly Shepler for Hometown magazine o many families and individuals in small towns like Punxsutawney, summer means fair and festival time. Ever since the first fair was held in York, Pennsylvania, in 1765, “fair season” has been a treasured part of summer to so many people. This tradition has become especially valued in small, local communities where special events occupy the fairgrounds and town squares from the early spring months until late summer. In the Punxsutawney community, events such as the Past

Each year when fair season rolls around, the fairgrounds become filled with vendors, tractors, animals, equipment, performers and excited children, teens, parents and grandparents as they take in the experience of being part of one of America’s finest and oldest traditions. Popcorn and lemonade, funnel cakes and deep-fried Oreos, carousels and Ferris wheels and even demolition derbies are among the foods and attractions which can be found at almost any fair. Kids and farming families show their prized pigs, sheep, cows, and goats, presenting the animals they worked hard to

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The annual Dayton Fair offers fun and entertainment every August. At the fair last summer, Trent and Kenzie Stadtmiller brought home the Grand Champion titles for their market swine and lamb, respectively. Photo By Tawnya Huff

to Present Machinery Association’s Antique Tractor Show are hosted at the Sykesville fairgrounds as early as May each year. Every first week of July, members of the Punxsutawney area attend the Groundhog Festival held in Barclay Square to celebrate the community and the summer season. Attending the state, county or local fairs and festivals is practically a required summer activity for many people every year; in our area, the Sykesville, Dayton, and Indiana County Fairs are among those which will occur during the remainder of the summer of 2019. The Sykesville Ag and Youth Fair will be from August 4-10, the Dayton Fair will be from August 11-17, and the Indiana County Fair will be from August 2531.

raise, which have become ready to be sold at auction. Children and parents eat fair treats and play brightly lit carnival games. They walk along the dirt paths of the fairgrounds to explore the tents and buildings where local business owners or small shop vendors sell their products and display their creations. Each day, the hot, sunny daytime dwindles into the late hours of the evening as the moon and the stars appear over the fairgrounds, still alive and bustling with activity late into the night. For so many people, fair season is not to be missed! What better way to enjoy some quality family time while viewing the agricultural accomplishments of local farms, snacking on deep-fried food and enjoying this national tradition?

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2 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226

My earliest memory of fair season is going to the Sykesville Ag and Youth Fair; even then, I knew there was something exciting about fair week. I always enjoyed seeing all of the animals in each of the livestock barns, especially the horses. As I grew older, my favorite thing to do at the fair was to enter crafts or drawings that would be judged and displayed in one of the larger buildings. All through elementary and middle school, I entered my drawings and other creations I had made in school or at home, always anticipating the start of the week when I would get to see whether I had won a prize. My brother always enjoyed going to watch the derby events or the tractor pulling events, and he still likes to look at the tractors that are entered and put on display. For each of the past few summers, I have also gone to the Dayton Fair where I’ve listened to live music, and one year, I watched from the grandstand as Christian artist David Crowder performed. Every year, so many people are drawn to the excitement which exists at the fairgrounds during fair week. For my family, going to the fair has almost always been a requirement for our summer; I can’t remember a time when we haven’t attended at least one. Going to local fairs is not only a great way to show support for farms, 4-H members and local businesses, but it also provides an opportunity for families to enjoy time together in an exciting environment that has been part of American society for many generations and nearly three centuries. If you don’t normally attend the local fairs, consider giving it a try, and see for yourself what all the excitement is about! •••

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Many area youth participate in the 4H program by raising livestock and then showing them at local fairs. Josh Miller is proud of his hard work. Photo by Maria Zuffuto.

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Some day we will vote at elections! Oh! dear, how this troubles the men! For they think under women’s direction They will never hold office again.

In the early 1900s, the issue of “women’s right to vote” was discussed and debated in Punxsutawney, as well as across the country. Post cards, posters, rallies and marches were part of the campaign. In 1913, elected to the Punxsutawney School Board as the first woman to win an election in Punxsutawney, Mrs. J.P. (Margaret) Wilson was active in support of “the right of suffrage.”

Punxsutawney “Firsts” Among Women in Area History


By S. Thomas Curry of Hometown magazine

he struggle to win the right to vote for women was a national movement over a long period of years. A decades-long campaign for an amendment to the U. S. Constitution began in the mid-19th century on a state-by-state basis. The effort by women was often called women’s suffrage or “right of the franchise.” In 1878, Susan B. Anthony offered a “suffrage amendment” to the U.S. Constitution, and there was a lot of talking about a woman’s vote. It was not until 1919 that the U.S. Congress passed the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, with the amendment being sent on to the individual states for ratification. Pennsylvania ratified the amendment on June 24, 1919. In August 1920, the amendment was signed into law. The question of women’s suffrage was addressed in Punxsutawney with a debate held in the Jefferson Theatre in early April of 1912. Three women and one man participated in the arguments for “the right of franchise” or a negative position on the “granting of votes to women.” In reporting the event, the headline in The Punxsutawney Spirit was “A Victory for Woman’s Suffrage Scored at Theatre.” The debate, that followed an hour-long concert by the Citizen’s Band, was held “before an audience shamefully small,” stated the Spirit in its opening sentence in the report. Mrs. J.P. (Margaret) Wilson opened the de-

bate in favor of women’s suffrage. Her biggest point was that “women would bring to the government of the people an essential quality which it now lacked, humanity.” In a negative position, Miss Gertrude Rosenthal argued that granting of votes to women would “unfeminize the sex.” Mrs. Wilson was active in debates on the local scene for “the free and unrestricted right of suffrage to women.” (Spirit, March 30, 1912) Those who argued for it generally commented about the quality of life issues that women would care about in a maledominated social and political world. Those


people opposing the right to vote (mostly men) warned about the “unmaking of the home that would follow.” The voting and campaigning would take women away from their duties as wives and mothers, becoming a menace to the home, men’s employment and to all business, was the argument against “women’s suffrage.” In March of 1913, the Spirit ran a contest for poems about the suffrage question. A position against suffrage was apparent in a poem by a Punxsutawney man, expressed in these words: “For woman’s right I pant,” screamed she; “Oppressed, I pant for liberty,” But still my brain the vision haunts, A pair of pants is what she wants.

A poem entered by a female expressed a pro-suffrage view:

On the Spirit editorial page of September 30, 1913, a quote appeared, credited to Alice Hill Chittenden, president of the New York Anti-Suffrage Association, “Women are entirely out of their natural element in public life by reason of their tendency to emotionalism.” Editor W.O. Smith commented: “But does this disqualify her for the ballot? We have many emotional males also, as is plainly demonstrated in every election contest.” During the Fall general election of 1913, one of the two candidates for the open position of school director in Punxsutawney was Mrs. J.P. Wilson. She had won a spot on the fall ballot by topping all the other candidates during the earlier primary election. While many candidates had won their positions on the ballot of the general election in the same manner, it was the proclamation in the daily newspaper that gave this note some significance. In her winning the primary, the news writer made this note of record, “Punxsutawney had for the first time in its history a woman winning an elective office.” This act, in making local history, was at a time in U.S. history when women had not yet won the right to vote. Her being a candidate for elective office, and winning the election, did not show as much prejudice against a woman as could be expected. (Remember, only men could vote.) During her campaign as candidate for school director in Punxsutawney, Mrs. Wilson also felt her candidacy was important as a woman on the school board because of the - Continued on next page

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Margaret Wilson was also a leader of the “playground movement” in Punxsutawney to create a public playground. She led a campaign to purchase land between Mahoning Creek and Liberty Street, west of South Penn Street (1910). The land is seen in an 1895 drawing when it was called “The Island.” In the right hand corner is the “swinging bridge” at South Penn Street, used for foot traffic to connect East End residents with downtown Punxsutawney. (Hometown file photo)

Punxsutawney “Firsts” Continued from previous page

interest stirring about the proposed John A. Weber Manual Training and Domestic Science School. [It was the Weber School on North Jefferson Street near the high school.] The school was a plan discussed by Mr. and Mrs. John A. Weber in their married life, and was given life upon the death of Mrs. Weber in August 1913. Her will left a major portion of her estate to “found an educational institution for the Punxsutawney Children.” Mrs. Margaret Wilson had stated her position in an open letter to the voters of the borough: “...children need more qualities in their school boards than men alone can supply ... Men’s minds are trained in their own work, which is not often in the home or particularly connected with children, while women as teachers and mothers gain special knowledge in regard to children and their needs.” (Spirit, October 30, 1913) She expressed a great concern for the students who did not expect to go to college, claiming that only seven percent of the students entering the public schools go to college. She encouraged a curriculum that provided education for “lifework” for the greater majority of students. Especially was

The mill race (small stream) running through the four acres of land was filled in and land was prepared for Punxsutawney’s first public playground, considered “the largest playground in western Pennsylvania.” Right center, in a 1920 photo, is a South Penn Street steel bridge, completed in 1913. (Photo courtesy Punxsutawney Area Historical & Genealogical Society.

) the training for girls in “domestic science.” And for boys, it was “manual training.” Another concern of Mrs. Wilson, what she would refer to as “my hobby,” was play-

appeal to voters, she implored, “Can you see any connection between the loss of the oldtime “recess” and school-yard playground which we enjoyed and the fact that today seventy per cent of all school children suffer some physical handicap more or less serious?” Mrs. J.P. Wilson won the seat on the Punxsutawney School Board in the election of November, 1913, topping all candidates for school director with 501 votes out of 915 cast. Mrs. Wilson was sworn in as a new member on the school board on December 1, 1914. (Votes only by men, as American women didn’t vote until the November election of 1920. The last state to ratify the 19th amendment was In the early 1900s, the Punxsutawney Playground was de- Tennessee on August 18, 1920.) signed with a baseball field, basketball courts, tennis courts, While it might be logical that swinging ladders, sand piles, wading pools and other “playground paraphernalia.” Miss Elizabeth Frooks was hired in women of Punxsutawney would 1913 as the first playground supervisor in Punxsutawney. be overjoyed by the fact they had Seen in the photo are girls at the Punxsutawney Playground won the right to vote, there didn’t doing a Maypole dance in May 1915. (Photo a copy from 1916 seem to be much excitement in edition of The Punxsutawney Spirit.) August of 1920, with only a couple of months before the general grounds, public playgrounds, school playelection to be held on November 2. grounds, any kind of playgrounds. In her Gradually, the significance of that election

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4 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226

for U.S. President, and other state offices, became more recognized by those voters registered among the eight political parties listed on the ballot. In the “greatest vote in history” the vote would be split among Republican, Democratic, Socialist, Prohibition, Industrialist, Labor and Single Tax parties. For the first time, the women of Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania and across the country, would exercise “their right to vote.” Political rallies were held for the first time for women to learn how to vote on the ballot. For Punxsutawney, the first rally of its kind was on October 28, 1920, with a reminder that women would be “a decided force in this and in succeeding elections.” Women were reminded, in order “to exercise the right of suffrage” they had to register to vote on the dates of August 30, 31 and September 1. In Punxsutawney, 2,200 women were entitled to vote. To speed up the registration, the Jefferson County commissioners announced that any adult of a family, male or female and 21 years of age or over, “could register all other members of the family entitled to suffrage” - his or her mother, wife, daughter or sister. Another announcement from the county commissioners was well received by the women. Although a woman must be 21 years of age or over in order to register to vote, she did not need to tell her age when registering. Registration and a tax of 38 cents, representing the county occupation tax, was all that was necessary to entitle women of voting age “to suffrage” at the election. The tax needed to be paid by October 1. The registration of women in Punxsutawney on three days passed all expectations, with nearly 1,700, a surprise to those who believed women were not interested in this privilege. On a rainy Tuesday, November 2, 1920, “women were out bright and early at the polling places in their very important capacity as voters,” The Punxsutawney Spirit reported in its evening edition of the daily newspaper. In its observation and evaluation

- Continued on page 6

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Diana "Dee Dee" Moore, owner of NAPA Midtown Auto Parts in Punxsutawney named the 2019 NAPA/ASE Parts Specialist of the Year

iana Moore didn't even realize she'd been nominated by NAPA Altoona for this year's award until she received a phone call congratulating her on

Diana Moore proudly accepts her NAPA/ASE Parts Specialist of the Year award from Dan Askey. Moore climbed the ranks at the store and has been recognized for her achievements.

the achievement. "It was a very nice surprise," she said. This isn't the only achievement for Moore over the last year. March 31 marked her 19th anniversary with NAPA. The next day, April 1, she took ownership of Groundhog Auto Parts where she has worked since 1999 and it was renamed Midtown Auto Parts.

The Road from Part-Time Employee to Store Owner Moore started at NAPA working a few hours a day a couple of days a week while she was raising her two young sons. At the time she was also serving in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. She joined the National Guard after graduating from high school and served for 21 years, receiving several awards and commendations as well as reaching the rank of Sergeant in the 128th Brigade Support Battalion. During her service, Moore also attended and graduated from DuBois Business College with a degree in accounting and business administration. As her children got older, Moore transitioned to fulltime employment at NAPA in 2004 working the counter and expertly serving customers. Five years later Moore was promoted to store manager. She said

store ownership had always been a goal. "The owners, Brian and Juanita Smith, had joked with me about their 'five year retirement plan' and then last year Brian asked if I was serious about buying the store," she recalled. "He has been a great mentor to me. That helped prepare me for this opportunity." Moore took advantage of NAPA's Growth Capital program and was able to purchase the same Punxsutawney NAPA store where she started as a part-time employee 19 years earlier. Now, NAPA Five Star is in her sights. As a store owner Moore said her biggest challenge has been time management. She said, "I still want to give my full attention to my customers which means taking care of my owner responsibilities after hours." A Commitment to Training, Customer Service, and Community During every stage of her career Moore has been dedicated to learning. She has completed over 100 online courses, attended supplier and NAPA Autotech classes, and also achieved the ASE P2 certification. Moore and her team provide customers with professional, knowledgeable, "NAPA Know How" service often going the extra mile to get them what they

need quickly. In addition to a commitment to customer service and training, the individual selected as Parts Specialist of the year must also demonstrate superior parts knowledge and business practices as well as support the community in which he or she works. Moore and her team have been active in the community participating in the Relay for Life and supporting events including the Footprints for Hope 5K run/walk and Hoops for Hope basketball game, all fundraisers that support the American Cancer Society's fight against cancer. NAPA AUTO PARTS President Dan Askey said, "Diana Dee Dee' Moore is an outstanding woman who clearly has achieved high marks for her service to our country and high accomplishment within NAPA and her community. She is an accomplished parts professional most deserving of this honor and the 20th individual to be recognized with this prestigious national award first presented in 1999. Congratulations to Dee Dee Moore, the 2019 NAPA/ASE Parts Specialist of the Year!" Visit NAPAconnect.com for more news, bulletins, informers, and videos. •••

Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226 – 5

The George C. Brown Community Pool was opened in July 1929 near the playground area. In 1934, the field area was named Harmon Field. It was used for Punxsutawney High School football games and track meets until August 1964. A new high school was opened in September 1959 “on the hill” and a football stadium was built behind it. (Hometown file photos.)

Punxsutawney “Firsts”

tention to its booming success in industry and business, and as the Weather Capital of the World During its peak of growth in the decade between 1900 and 1910, with the completion of many new building projects and the establishment of new industries on its lands, some local women were meeting in 1907 to establish a “public playground” for the children of Punxsutawney and surrounding area. The town was enjoying its newly landscaped Public Park completed in 1904 (Bar-

ment to the Punxsutawney area. At the Pantall Hotel on June 6, 1907, the club members proposed purchasing a section of land near Continued from page 4 the creek and parallel to Liberty Street, a litof the voting experience by women it shared, tle over a block from the beautifully land“Each and every one knew just how she was scaped and tranquil Public Square. going to vote and had learned all there was Mrs. Wilson was elected chairmen of the to learn about marking a ballot before she Punxsutawney Playground Association that visited the polling place. The average time was organized to develop the vision of a spent in the booth for the women was a triwell-planned “campus” on the grounds that fle greater than that of the men. It was their would include shade trees, baseball park, first opportunity to vote and there was no evtennis courts and a swimming hole as acidence of indecision or misundercessories to the children’s play standing.” area and equipment. Margaret Wilson was also one of When the nearly four acres the leading citizens to organize a of land was prepared, the site committee to create a public playwas considered “the largest ground on land between Liberty playground in western PennStreet and Mahoning Creek that sylvania” and “a monument would later become known as Harthat will endure forever to mon Field. those residents of the PunxFor those who knew her, she was sutawney area who live in the credited as the one who started the present day....” playground movement in PunxA “playground architect” English cottage-style Adrian Hospital at the Adrian Mines (Delancey) sutawney. It was her effort that se- The was opened in 1889 on a hilltop where “sunlight and pure air are bountiful was employed to lay out the cured the funds to purchase the and the scenery is grand.” The first nurse at the miner’s hospital in Delancey plot with a baseball field to land along the Mahoning Creek was Mrs. T.R. (Elizabeth) Williams. (Hometown file photo) equal the old East End Park and funds to buy equipment for The clay Square) but there was no “public that was sold and closed when a new indusPlayground, as it was initially called before playground” in town. None of the three eltry moved in there. After the baseball diait was named Harmon Field in 1934. ementary school buildings had playgrounds mond was completed, a “basketball ground” The “playground movement” had its influand the new high school building that was would follow. ence in cities and towns in the early 1900s. opened in 1907 on North Jefferson Street did “Baskets have already been secured and Before 1910, Punxsutawney was promotnot provide adequate space for one. posts will be donated...” was the announceing itself as a promising, new, “little city.” The members of the Irving Club were the ment about the plans. Finally, there were One of the reasons for Punxsutawney’s 1909 local women to take the lead in bringing the added “swings, tennis courts, sand piles, Old Home Week was to draw the world’s atprogressive spirit of the playground moveswinging ladders, and a thousand other lit-

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6 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226

tle paraphernalia calculated to make the playground a delight for every resident of Punxsutawney, clear through the seven ages.” (Spirit, March 22, 1911) By the summer of 1913, the Punxsutawney Playground Association had hired a qualified “Playground Supervisor.” Miss Elizabeth G. Frooks of New Jersey, and a Columbia University graduate in a special course in “playground work,” was hired as Punxsutawney’s first playground supervisor. She was recommended by the Playground Association of America for her experience “to teach athletics, special games for girls and young children, dramatics, industrial work, pageantry folk dancing, physical training and story telling.” The local association would announce that there were no restrictions as to whom can play there and everything would be free, no charge for the use of the equipment or to participate in the different games. The new Playground became a popular place for children and young people. Joining Mrs. Wilson in the movement to establish Punxsutawney’s first public playground was Mrs. T.R. (Elizabeth) Williams. Her husband, Dr. T.R. Williams, was the first superintendent of the Adrian Hospital when it opened in 1889 at the Adrian Mines. While treating a patient in Adrian, Dr. Williams suffered an eye infection. He went to a hospital in New York City where the eye was removed. When the Adrian Hospital was ready to be opened and needed a “matron,” he brought his nurse at the New York hospital to the mines and hired her to be the first nurse in the Adrian Hospital located at Delancey (the Adrian Mines). Within a few years, the doctor and the nurse were married. Another interesting note, the new Mrs. Williams recommended to the Adrian Hospital trustees the hiring of an additional nurse for the hospital. Nellie Russell, a young lady with whom she had trained in the Long Island Hospital, graduated and was hired as the second nurse for the Adrian Hospital. Miss Russell later married Dr. W.S. Blaisdell. The focus on “firsts” among women in Punxsutawney area history provides an opportunity for even more stories for Hometown readers. •••


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Making a Difference in the Name of Faith: How Punxsutawney Residents are Spreading Hope in Major City Streets


By Molly Shepler for Hometown magazine n March of 2019, Rod Keller of Punxsutawney went on a day trip that would introduce him to an entirely new kind of ministry, one previously unfamiliar to him. It would transform his perspective on the drug and homelessness crisis which ex-

Rod Keller grilling hotdogs for hungry people on the streets of Harrisburg. Photo courtesy of Lisa Keller.

ists in all parts of the nation, but especially in the crowded major city streets of the United States. After learning from a friend about a small group of Christians involved in what they call “street ministry” and being encouraged to join, Rod chose to go on a trip with these fellow missionaries right into the heart of the Pennsylvania state capitol: Harrisburg. For Rod and his wife, Lisa Keller, mission work is not new, as they have been travelling to Guatemala for the past thirteen years to provide humanitarian aid to the impoverished people who live there, even starting their own mission team and leading it for the past five years. Yet, walking into the streets of Harrisburg with the seemingly-simple goal of reaching as many people as possible—most of whom are struggling with homelessness, addictions, mental illnesses, or a combination of the three—was a dauntingly different kind of task for them both. “It’s a different kind of mission, in a good

way though,” described Lisa Keller. Different, yet transformative, it would certainly be. On the morning of June 15, Rod and Lisa left their house in Punxsutawney around 7 o’clock in the morning to begin their first trip together with the mission team. They arrived in Harrisburg around noon after carpooling with other members of the team. The events which followed and the people they met that day would be nothing short of memorable to them and valuable to those they served. The Harrisburg Street Missions, as it is often referred to by those involved, is a mission group based primarily at the River Church of Juniata County in Mifflintown, PA. The members collect donations, including food, clothing, small personal hygiene items, candy and other miscellaneous yet useful articles to take and distribute to the struggling people on the streets of both Harrisburg and Philadelphia. Their goal is to provide a sense of hope to those whose lives are often likely filled with anything but hope. After arriving in Harrisburg around lunchtime, the team’s day began. Their first stop was at a women’s addiction recovery house where the team delivered supplies and donations. There, they met Leslie, the woman who runs the home. Leslie herself had been an addict, and she proudly proclaims that the reason she lives today is because of the hope she experienced through her newfound Christian faith. She now uses her story and the strength she has found through her faith and her soberness to care for other women who are struggling through the same trials she once did. An observation both Rod and Lisa made during their trip was the fact that several members of the mission team they worked with had once been addicts themselves, sometimes, in the past, even struggling to survive. Now, recovering from their addictions and passionate to share their hope and their faith, these team members are eager to help those in the same situations they themselves once suffered. Their testimonies are powerful, and they use them as success stories to show the struggling people they meet that their lives do not have to be confined to addiction, fear and suffering forever. One thing that amazed Rod and Lisa right from the time they arrived in the city was

the established relationship they could see to them a helping hand, and they offered the mission team members already had services to individuals in need of drug rewith many of the people they were there to habilitation. Rod and Lisa said it was not help. Within minutes of arriving, people uncommon for members of the team to began coming out of their homes to greet the mission workers. “It was like they knew, ‘this group is coming to do good things,’” Lisa remembers. People immediately were asking for prayers and for help, many of them suffering from addictions and longing for an opportunity to begin the road to recovery. After leaving the recovery house, the team travelled to a street in the middle The Donation Table, filled with snacks, water, Bibles, and other donaof Harrisburg where tions. Photo courtesy of Lisa Keller. some of them set up small grills to cook hotdogs, which were give their phone numbers to these strangers free to anyone passing by who wanted to and tell them, “If you ever want to get take one. The rest of the team members clean, you call me and I will come pick you took to the streets, walking up and down, up and get you to recovery.” But most imalong busy roads and through both car and portantly, the team members extended hope foot traffic, seeking out individuals who through their faith and prayer. Although needed and would accept their help and there were services, items, food and kindhope. They provided food and other dona- ness provided by the members of the team tions to those they met, thereby extending - Continued on next page

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Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226 – 7

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8 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226

Making a Difference

they spread love to those they meet. Rod and Lisa expressed that to be the most impactful part of their interactions Continued from previous page with the people they met: “Just show love... to the people they met, their priority was to If you don’t do anything else, if you have mention Jesus. They wanted to be sure they nothing else to say, just show love.” In a shared their faith with these people, giving world and in an environment full of addicaway Bibles—both in English and Spanish tion, fear, violence, threats, hunger, chaos translations, appropriate for the cultural diand helplessness, a kind word or a moment versity of this area in Harrisburg—and askof time spent to pray, laugh, or just to talk shows these people that not only does there exist goodness in others, but there exists goodness in them. These people may come to realize that there is hope for them to be happy and successful in their futures because of the efforts of this mission team. “These people are probably exposed to violence daily,” said Lisa when trying to describe the image of seeing these people, many of them obviously addicted or without a dependable way to care for themselves or their families every day. Showing them love and a bit of hope or joy amid their chaotic situations can be uplifting and even life-giving. In the future, the Street Missions team plans to take more trips to Harrisburg and to Philadelphia starting in August and in the folRod and Lisa Keller pictured with Leslie. Photo courtesy lowing months. Rod and Lisa are of Lisa Keller. hoping to plan a trip in which they will be able to invite any locals ing struggling individuals if they wanted to from Punxsutawney and the surrounding have a relationship with Jesus Christ. areas to join the Street Missions team in Rod described this part of the mission: “I September. In the meantime, there are would say, ‘Do you know that Jesus is callmany ways the community may support ing you? He wants you to draw closer to this incredible mission; any group, church, Him. He had a plan and purpose for your or organization can sponsor a trip simply life before you were born. Do you want to by donating the funds needed to purchase know what it is?” Then he would offer to the hotdogs, Bibles, bags and other necespray with them over any struggles, decisary supplies given to the people the team sions or major obstacles they may be facserves. On their trip in June, Rod and Lisa ing in their lives, and many, many people themselves took approximately forty were often receptive to the offer of prayer. purses for women and forty backpacks for Other members of the team would remind men, all packed with essential items, suppeople that following Jesus leads to inner plies and food meant to provide comfort peace, and still others would even tell the and a sense of security to the people they individuals they met that they would hire met. As the colder weather approaches in them and provide job security to them, all the Autumn and Winter months, donations in hopes of giving them a new start and an of warm clothing including coats, gloves, opportunity for them to get their lives on socks, hats and scarves are encouraged as the right track again. the homeless often must go without such After a long and spiritually-filling day, the necessities in harsh weather. team left the city around 5 o’clock that Inspiring is the work of this mission team evening, and the Kellers arrived home by to those in our hometown Punxsutawney ten that night. The attitudes of their minds who recognize the drug crisis that exists and hearts towards the people they met had even in small towns and in homes closer to been changed by their experience. Their us than we may think. One does not need to time in Harrisburg exposed them to the travel to Harrisburg to witness the devasnew, yet deep and painful knowledge of the tation that may occur within a family or in suffering felt among so many people living a single life due to an addiction or an illin Harrisburg and in so many major cities. ness, whether it be physical or mental. In The Kellers are certain they will return all situations and in all places, a valuable with the mission team to meet, help and enand inspiring attribute of the Keller family courage as many more people as they can and of the Street Missions team based at in both Harrisburg and in Philadelphia in the River Church of Juniata County in Mifthe future. They are enthusiastic to imflintown is their willingness to be vulneramerse themselves in this new kind of misble enough to offer their attention, sion work, and they encourage people from resources, love and care to those who have their local area to consider joining them as not necessarily done anything to deserve it. well. Their dedication to those who struggle is The work the Street Missions team has truly inspiring; they are an encouragement done and continues to do in Harrisburg is to all to be the helping hand, the friend and extraordinary; they share donations of the hope to someone in one’s own commufood, clothing and other necessary items nity who needs the faith to believe that they with so many people in need, building recan overcome their own troubles and adlationships and saving people along the dictions, learning to lead better, safer, way. The Kellers have witnessed the healthier and happier lives. strength of these people and have become inspired by the friendships they have with ••• one another. The team shares hope, and

How to Combat Summer Brain Drain Through Reading B

rain drain is a common problem among students during the long summer months spent outside the classroom. For an easier transition back to school in the fall, your family can use the summer to get kids — and the entire family — hooked on books. It may be simpler than it sounds, as reading to and with children at a young age has the potential to form a life-long habit. What’s more, experts say that personalized books can offer children a greater motivation to read while helping them to build

certain skills more effectively. “Personalized books are proving to be particularly well-suited material for engaging readers of all ages while building their vocabulary and improving reading proficiency,” says Dr. Natascha Crandall, a researcher and educational consultant for children’s media. Indeed, research compiled by National Literacy Trust demonstrates that personalized books can help children perceive themselves as readers, boost vocabulary recall, improve reading comprehension

and give children increased opportunities to see their gender, ethnicity and cultural background represented in literature. For the summer months ahead, keep young minds active and engaged with the following personalized books for kids: • Recommended for ages 0-8, “The Little Boy or Girl Who Lost Their Name” tells a story based on the letters of a child’s name, so a kid named Charlie might meet a chameleon, hippo, aardvark, robot, lobster, imp and elephant. The story is as unique as the child’s name. • A personalized search-and-find extravaganza, “Where Are You…” includes fun challenges where children can explore alternate universes — and spot different versions of themselves in the pages of the book. Recommended for ages 5 and up, and full of vibrant colors, characters and

detail, kids will get lost in the illustrations for hours. • Great bedtime reading can bring sweet dreams. Personalized from cover to cover, “Bedtime for You” is written in rhyme and each book is 9 inches by 9 inches – ideal for little hands To learn more about personalized books and to create your own for your children, visit wonderbly.com. “Parents play a pivotal role in building their children’s reading proficiency,” says Dr. Crandall. “The summer is the perfect time to provide children with the type of books that will foster a lifelong love of reading and give them a leg up in the classroom in the fall.” (StatePoint) •••




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11-12 MajoR LEaGuE SoFTBaLL aLL-STaRS (front l. to r.) Laci Poole, Avary Powell, Brynn Hicks, Maddi Kriebel, Brooke Farmery, Bryn Hergert, Milaydi Hilliard, Emily McMahan. (back) Makenna Gula, coach Mike McMahan, Zoey Hoover, coach Jack Heckendorn, Emmalee Heckendorn, Mgr Darrin Kriebel, Brooke Young. Photo by Melissa Powell.

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Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226 – 9



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8-10 MiNoR BaSEBaLL aLL STaRS Garrett Jacobson, Lucas Silverstein, Zak Windsor, Max Presloid, Scout Ryen, Zachary States, Parker Adams, Mason Noerr, Jack Janocha, Rooney Kunselman, Teeg Hetrick, Nolan Stahlman. Coaches Josh Noerr, Paul Hetrick, Matt ryen. Photo by Erik Kurtz.

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11-12 MajoR BoyS aLL-STaRS (front l. to r.) Derek Gresock, Logan Baun, Lucas Mennitti, Zaden Gould, Jaden Greenblatt; (2nd row) Evan Presloid, Garrett Small, Brady Weaver, Parker Stahlman, Bryce Bergreen, Max Burkett, Breydon Trithart; (back) Coach Eric Baun, Coach DJ Gould, Coach Brian Burkett. Photo by Erik Kurtz.

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10 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226


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jR LiTTLE LEaGE aLL STaRS (front l. to r.) Zach Presloid, Cooper Hallman, Gage Gresock, Josh Tyger, Ty Limrick, Jake Sikora; (back) Donny Bender, Easton Gula, Kyle Poling, Carter Savage, Quinton Voelkel, Jared Meeks. Photo by Jim Sloniger.

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8-10 MiNoR SoFTBaLL aLL STaRS (l. to r.) Coach Kevin Toven, Sara Gotwald, Maggie Guidice, Mady Wachob, Ava Fleming, Alyse Powell, Alexis Covatch, Mgr. Brian Hallman, Lindee Reed, Emma Young, Jacelyn Keibler, Chloe Silverstein, Olivia Toven, Brinley Hallman and Coach Krysta Hallman. Photo by Reflective Edge Photography Nikki Perrin.


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Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226 – 11

Dr. w.S. Blaisdell and his wife, the former nellie russell, purchased the Jenks Homestead from Lucius waterman robinson, the Superintendent of the rochester & Pittsburgh Coal and Iron Company, in 1898. After modernizing the home, they lived in it for about twenty years before selling it to Dr. Frank D. Pringle, who was associated with Dr. Blaisdell and became the superintendent of the Adrian Hospital. (Photo courtesy of S.J. Sharp.)

Talented Surgeon Cared for Local Coal Miners and Contributed to the Industry


By The Coal Memorial Committee for Hometown magazine he 1949 Punxsutawney Centennial book, written for the celebration, includes profiles of the medical professionals who served Punxsutawney, as well as the rest of Jefferson County. The section begins with a quote from Benjamin Franklin, “If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth the reading, or do things worth the writing.” This history contains a description of Doctor Walter Stilson Blaisdell which begins more as caricature than a pro-

file. The writer of the piece, S. Meigs Beyers, describes his memory of Dr. Blaisdell as “a chubby, robust type of man, who rode in a little two wheeled cart drawn by a rapidly moving little black horse through the mud up over the hill between Punxsutawney and Walston.” The item continues briefly describing Dr. W.S. Blaisdell as having an enviable reputation as a good surgeon and an outstanding man in traumatic surgery, fractures and wounds. Doctor Blaisdell was one of the many men who came to the Punxsutawney Area during the Coal Boom Era, who contributed to the

Pizza Town

community in many ways. With the passing pling, and while attempting to do so my left of time his presence has almost passed into hand caught between the bumpers which the land of the forgotten, except for what crushed it to such an extent that it was was written about him in the local newspa- deemed necessary to amputate the index finpers of the day. ger. After the accident had happened, I went Dr. W.S. Blaisdell was born at McComb, to the doctor nearby where Dr. Blaisdell Illinois, May 21, 1866, the only child of Dr. gave it the necessary treatments and it was Warren O. and Ella Stilson Blaisdell. He was then for the first time that I was under the innine years old when his mother died. His ed- fluence of ether which lasted about two ucation included the Abbot preparatory hours. After coming to again I went up to the school located at Farmington, Maine, and boiler house, ate my dinner and came home the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He feeling no pain until that night when it began graduated from the College of Physicians in good style and kept it up for four or five and Surgeons in 1890. During his first year days.” in his profession he practiced at the City Dr. Blaisdell also served community resiHospital of Baltimore, Maryland. He then dents. Zola Griffiths, of Reynoldsville, who took a position as the official surgeon of a while visiting her grandmother at Punxcorporation in the West Indies, which lasted sutawney in March 1893, slipped and fell on only four months. He was caught in a the cellar stairs and broke her arm in two mutiny by the enslaved workers on the is- places. Dr. Blaisdell attended to her arm. land. He and two companions managed to A diphtheria epidemic threatened the Punxescape from the sutawney Dr. walter Stilson Blaisdell came to area in April island in a comPunxsutawney to be the assistant respany boat. 1896. At ident physician at the Adrian Hospital. Dr. Blaisdell He spent the rest of his life working to Wa l s t o n ’s improve the community. His children, Italian came to the enruth Blaisdell Hamill and ralph Blais- clave, known Punxsutawney dell, continued his philanthropy area to fill the “shanty through their generous contributions as position of asand support of the Adrian Hospital and town” there the community. His granddaughter, had sistant to the been ruth Hamill Smith continued the fam- three deaths resident physiily tradition and was named Punxcian at the sutawney’s woman of the Year in and thirteen Adrian Hospital were ill with 1959. (Photo courtesy of PAHGS.) and took up resdiphtheria. It idence at the Pantall Hotel. He purchased the was the most seriously affected community practice of Dr. D.G. Hubbard, who was the in the area. Dr. Blaisdell was appointed by first mine physician at the Walston mines. the State Board of Health as the ‘person in Dr. Blaisdell provided care for the miners charge’ to keep the disease from spreading and residents of the Walston and residents of to the rest of the community. Clayville and Punxsutawney. With Dr. Blaisdell’s work at the Adrian One of his first Walston patients in Febru- Hospital and practice at Walston it was more ary of 1892 was a young man, Joseph convenient for him to continue to reside in Lymph, who wrote about out his experience Punxsutawney and commuted to Walston. in his diary. “I was running a 25 ton, loaded Commuting in the 1890s was by horse and coal flat down the siding of the brake, buggy. It was also to his advantage because jumped off and ran ahead to make the cou- Continued on page 14

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New Technology Revolutionizes Customer Experience At McDonald’s of Punxsutawney

Renovation Creates Dozens of New Jobs for Local Residents • Expanded McCafé counter • Dozens of new employment opportunities for local workers

Punxsutawney's McDonald's recently went through some renovations and improvements. The success was celebrated with a ribbon cutting. left to right: owner/operator eugene Puskash cutting the ribbon with Punxsy McDonald's General Manager Angie Davis, Chamber board members Katie Laska, Bob Cardamone, Larry Chenoga, Jessica Church from the Punxsy Memorial Library, and Kim neigh. (submitted photo)


unxsutawney residents have surely noticed the dramatic renovations that took place at McDonald’s of Punxsutawney, 102 North Findley Street. And when the restaurant re-opened its doors with a ribbon-cutting at 11 am on Monday, July 8, Owner/Operator Gene Puskash debuted a new level of choice, engagement, service and family fun. The redesigned restaurant will evolve how customers order, how they pay and how they’re served. Representatives from Punxsutawney’s Memorial Library and Chamber of Commerce were on hand during the grand re-opening festivities. “This is an exciting time for McDonald’s


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and we’re proud to be making long-term investments in a new experience, look and feel for McDonald’s,” said Puskash. “I’m working hard to make the restaurant even more comfortable, convenient and fun for all of our guests.”

With the significant construction investment, the transformed restaurant features: • Modernized dining room with globally inspired décor and new furniture • Digital self-order kiosks and menu boards • Remodeled counter that allows for table service • Mobile Order and Pay technology

Puskash emphasized that the restaurant’s new technology has created greater need for customer service personnel. He hopes to add at least 24 local residents to the restaurant’s crew in the next few weeks. Interested workers should stop by the restaurant or apply online. “McDonald’s of Punxsutawney is growing and we’re looking for additional crew members who want to grow with us,” Puskash explained. “I offer flexible scheduling, competitive pay, employee meals and terrific scholarships for all employees who want to continue their education.” The construction project is part of a joint effort between McDonald’s and franchisees that will invest $6 billion to modernize most U.S. restaurants by 2020. In Pennsylvania, $266 million will be invested to upgrade 360 restaurants across the state. For those looking to order at their own pace, new digital self-order kiosks make ordering and paying for a meal easy. Kiosks empower guests to browse the menu, find new options and tailor their meals just the way they want. Guests’ orders are delivered to tables by McDonald’s crew members, allowing customers to relax and enjoy a more custom dining experience. Mobile Order & Pay technology now allows McDonald’s customers to use the company’s App to select their favorite McDonald’s items, check in at the restaurant,

pay online, then enjoy a meal inside the restaurant or on the go with Drive Thru or Curbside Pickup.

About McDonald’s McDonald’s USA, LLC, is the leading foodservice provider in the United States serving a variety of wholesome foods made from quality ingredients to more than 26 million customers every day. Nearly 90 percent of McDonald’s 14,000 U.S. restaurants are independently owned and operated by local businessmen and women. Customers can log online for free at any of the more than 12,000 participating WiFi enabled McDonald’s U.S. restaurants. For more information, follow us on Twitter at @McDonalds and Facebook at @McDonaldsUS for updates on our business, promotions and products. •••

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Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226 – 13

Talented Surgeon

Punxsutawney area. The first was an announcement that Dr. Frank D. Pringle, who came to Punxsutawney in August 1904, and Continued from page 12 Dr. Blaisdell had formed a partnership and at that time as he was courting Miss Nellie would provide services under the name of Russell, whom he married in 1898. Prior to Blaisdell & Pringle. And, the second anher marriage she was the Matron at the nouncement was that Dr. W.S. Blaisdell and Adrian Hospital. She was the second woman others had formed the Anita Coal Mining to hold this position which today would be Company and purchased the Anita mines. the equivalent of Head Nurse or Chief of the These, were previously operated by the Nursing Staff. Shortly thereafter the BlaisBerwind White Coal mining company. The dell’s took up residence in the former Jenks transfer included all the mines, lands and Homestead, recently vacated by Lucius W. coal rights, houses, barns, storage and all the Robinson, the general manager of the buildings and machinery used in operating Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal and Iron Comthe plant. pany, who had moved his family to Dr. Blaisdell experienced success with the Rochester New York. Blaisdell converted Anita Coal Mining Company and began extending his interest in coal in January 1907 when he purchased the farm of H.F. McCullough in Canoe Township. The farm was located adjacent to the village of Smyerstown near Rossiter and was connected to land already owned by Blaisdell and others. In August of that year it was announced that Dr. W.S. Blaisdell, the The original william Long Farm, most recently known as the Cunning- manager of the Punxham farm, was the next home of the Blaisdell family. Under Blaisdell’s sutawney Coal Minownership, it was given the name of “north Hill Farm.” The wedding of ing Company, would ruth Blaisdell and robert Hamill took place in this house. Dr. Pringle purchased this property and became involved in agriculture and maintained be shipping coal from a herd of Guernsey cattle. (Photo courtesy of S.J. Sharp.) the new Frances mine by October. The the property into a modern residence. On highlights of the improvements in the SmyDecember 9, 1902 the Blaisdell’s hosted the erstown area included additional housing, a wedding of Dr. Albert W. Clark and Miss large public hall, access to the railroad via Harriet G. Doran, who had replaced Nellie the Blaisdell branch of the Buffalo, Blaisdell as the Matron at the Hospital. The Rochester and Pittsburg Railway, and a post Clarks moved to the new town of Ernest in office for the town. Indiana County where Dr. Clark would serve Dr. W.S. Blaisdell, one of the organizers of as the mine physician. the Punxsutawney National Bank, was The April 5, 1905 issue of the Punxelected vice president of that institution at sutawney Spirit noted two significant their annual meeting on December 21, 1910. changes in Dr. Blaisdell’s interests in the Dr. Blaisdell replaced John A. Weber, de-


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ceased, the original vice president of the bank. By this time in his life, Blaisdell had retired from the practice of medicine and was devoting his time to the coal mining industry. In selecting Blaisdell as the vice president, the board noted that the Punxsutawney Coal Company owned plants near Rossiter and at Anita and Horatio. These mines were advantageously located and had more than ten million tons of coal in reserve indicating that their mining operations were likely to be among those of longest duration in the Punxsutawney area. They also noted that Blaisdell’s financial skill and extensive business connections would be of great value to the bank. When he retired from medical practice the Blaisdell’s sold the Jenks Homestead to Dr. Frank D. Pringle and purchased the original Long Farm on the hill south of Punxsutawney and the T.R. Williams home on Union Street. They named the farm the “North Hill Farm. The esteem which the community held Dr. W.S. Blaisdell was reflected in the Primary Election in 1924. The race in the 37th District, then consisting of Jefferson and Indiana Counties, was to elect the successor to Senator Joseph O. Clark, of Indiana. The individuals on the Republican primary ticked were W. S. Blaisdell, Lee S. North, and J. H. Gould, of Punxsutawney, and Henry I. Wilson, Big Run. The race was the closest of all the spring primaries and ended with Blaisdell winning Jefferson County and North winning in Indiana County. Blaisdell received 350 more votes than North. North was not pleased with the results of this election chose to run for the senatorial position as the candidate of the Prohibition Party in the fall General Election. That fall the candidates for State Senator on the ballot were: Walter S. Blaisdell, Republican, Wm. M. Carter, Democrat, Charles Allen Socialist, Lee S. North, Prohibition. Of the 33,264 votes cast 14,616 were for North and 13,978 were for Blaisdell, a margin 652 of votes. Although Blaisdell again won in Jefferson County, he lost in Indiana County. Analysis by the Indiana

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14 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226

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Weekly Messenger of November 6, 1924, attributed the surprise outcome of the election to the many Republicans in Indiana County who deserted the party nominee and supported North, who had been endorsed by the County Grange, the Mahoning Sunday School Association and other organizations which took an active part in the support of North. After Dr. Blaisdell’s experience with politics, he continued his mining interests until about 1925 when his health failed. He died in his Union Street home on April 26, 1927, having spent 35 years working in and about Punxsutawney. The obituary published in the Punxsutawney Spirit on April 27th stated: “The deceased was held in high esteem in this city and was well known over the entire state. His large business interests, his connections with the many clubs and lodges, his charity and interest in politics had made him a figure in Pennsylvania. Brusk, full of energy and the joy of living, he had won the love of all closely acquainted with him. His bruskness hid a heart as big as all out doors and his kindness to the poor, while not generally known, probably exceeded that of most men in this community. Owning the Anita Suppply Co. Store in the West End as an adjunct to his mining business, more goods were hauled from that store to the poor in mining towns around Punxsutawney than were sold over the counter. Dr. Blaisdell will be sorely missed in this community.” Clearly Dr. Walter Stilson Blaisdell spent his life doing things worth the writing. This article has been prepared by the Coal Memorial Committee of the Punxsutawney Area Historical & Genealogical Society, Inc. Comments on this article may be directed to PAHGS, P.O. Box 286, Punxsutawney, PA 15767. The Coal Memorial Committee will be sponsoring a “RACE to the Face” Saturday, July 27. Registration forms are available on-line at punxsyhistory.org and at the Lattimer House, 400 West Mahoning during regular hours. The annual Dedication of Memorial Tiles at the Coal Memorial Site will be Sunday September 2 at 4:00 p.m. •••

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Indiana. Band Night on Tuesday. n Aug. 31: Hunter-Trapper Education Class, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Oliver Township Fire Hall. Register for class at www.pgc.state.pa.us. n Aug. 31: Unite in concert, 1 p.m., DuBois. Christian music festival. n Tickets are on sale for the BLINGO designer purse & cash bingo to benefit the Weather Discovery Center on Sept. 21, 1 to 4 p.m., at the Eagles. To see photos of the purses, go to the Weather Center’s Facebook page & for more information, go to weatherdiscovery.org or call 814-938-1000. n There is a Car Cruise every Friday evening from May – September at the SSCD parking lot. n The Citizens Band of Punxsutawney practices at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays at the First English Lutheran Church. Go to www.punxypa.com/band for information. n The Jefferson County History Center is featuring a Stones N’ Bones exhibit, regarding geology & fossils in PA, a Gone but Not Forgotten art exhibit and a Living on the Land exhibit. Visit jchconline.org for information. n If you’d like to volunteer at the Jackson Theater, call the Punxsutawney Area Community Center at 814-9381008. n The First Church of God offers a Celebrate Recovery program. Contact the church or visit its Facebook page for more information. n Jeff Tech offers several Adult Education classes. Visit www.jefftech.info for information on what courses are available and starting dates. n The First United Methodist Church holds a prayer service at 7 p.m. Thursdays. n The Punxsutawney Memorial Li-


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n Aug. 6: First Tuesday Community Meal, 5 p.m., at Punxsutawney Presbyterian Church. Free & open to the public. Aug. 6: National Night Out, 5 to 9 p.m., hosted by Punxsutawney Borough Police Dept., at Barclay Square. n Aug. 7: Clear Creek State Park Sustainability Fair. For more information, go to www.dcnr.pa.gov. n Aug. 9: Community Meal, 5 p.m., at First United Methodist Church. Free & open to the public. n Aug. 7-10: Power Up VBS, 6 to 8 p.m., at One Life Church, Punxsutawney. For ages three - fifth grade. Contact the church for more information. n Aug. 8: Music in the Park at Barclay Square. Jane West & Jack Martin, 5:30 to 7 p.m. BnB Acoustic, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Bring a lawn chair. n Aug. 10: 7th Annual Woofstock, 1 to 4 p.m., at Barclay Square. Presented by Willow Run Sanctuary & Adoptions. n Aug. 11-17: Dayton Fair, Dayton, PA. Food, music & fun! n Aug. 12-15: History Day Camp at the Punxsutawney Area Historical & Genealogical Society. Call 814-938-2555 or email punxsyhistory@outlook.com for registration information. n Aug. 15: Music in the Park at Barclay Square. Barstool Boys, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Bring a lawn chair. n Aug. 19: Coping With Loss Support Group, 7 p.m., at First Church of God. Call 814-938-6670 for information. n Aug. 20: Blood Drive, 12:30 to 6 p.m., at SSCD Church. Benefits the American Red Cross. n Aug. 24: Miles for Smiles Family Fun Run, at the Little League fields & Mahoning Shadow Trail. 7 a.m. registration. Benefits Smile Train. n Aug. 25-31: 157th Annual Indiana County Fair, at Mack Park Fairgrounds,

OR • FULL C O OL All ads run in


By the staff of Hometown magazine rom the staff of Hometown magazine and the Community Calendar at Punxsutawney.com, here is a list of events coming up in our area: n Aug. 1: Music in the Park at Barclay Square. Train Wreck, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., Sharptones, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Bring a lawn chair. n Aug. 2, 3 & 4: 80 th Annual SSCD Lawn Festival. Open 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, 5:30 to 10 p.m. Saturday, and 12:30 to 10 p.m. Sunday. Food & fun for the whole family! n Aug. 2 & 3: Grange’s Helping Hands free clothing at Grange Church of God. Friday, noon to 4 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. n Aug. 2: Church in the Park movie, at dusk at Barclay Square, showing “Christopher Robin.” Bring a lawn chair or blanket. n Aug. 3: Jefferson County Relay for Life, noon to 10 p.m., Brookville Town Square. n Aug. 3 & 4: Hazen Flea Market open, at the Warsaw Township Fire Dept. grounds. n Aug. 3: Peachy Saturday, various locations in Smicksburg. n Aug. 3: Annual Awaken Concert, 5 to 10 p.m., at American Legion Stage, Taylor Memorial Park, Brockway. n Aug. 4: Church in the Park worship service, 10:30 a.m., at Barclay Square. A joint project of the Punxsutawney Area Ministerial Association. n Aug. 5-10: Sykesville Ag & Youth Fair. Activities & fun for the whole family! n Aug. 5-24: August Afternoons, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Weather Discovery Center. Admission $7 per person, children under 2 free admission.



Hometown Community Happenings

brary offers several programs, including computer classes, Teen Club, ‘Tween Group, Book Club for adults, adult coloring and activities for children. n The Punxsutawney Area Community Center offers several programs. Check the website or call 814-938-1008 for program availability. n Sept. 20-22: The 51st Annual Newman Used Book Sale at St. Thomas More University Parish in Indiana, PA will be held September 20-22. Sale times are: Friday, September 20th from 49pm, Saturday, September 21st from 9am-7pm, and Sunday, September 22nd from 11am-4pm. Over 100,000 books divided into 39 categories, DVD’s, CD’s, records, and a Children’s room that also includes games and puzzles are available. Most hard-back books are $1 and soft backs are 50 cents. Sunday is “bag” day, where you can buy our black and gold tote bag for $6 and fill the bag full of books for free! New Special Collections Room will feature local authors, antique books, and special/collectible books, records, magazines, etc. Here items are individually priced. •••


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Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226 – 15

Earning a College Degree and When to Choose a Major


arning a college degree can appear daunting, and for first-generation students, knowing what to do each step of the way can be scary. One large decision is selecting a major. The myth is that a major defines your career path for life. Further, parents push for their son/daughter to select a major quickly out

of fear that college could extend longer than four years. Never let the fear of identifying a major stop the momentum to the most important thing, completing a degree. Let’s start with average salaries by degree level as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (national data). Everyone knows someone unemployed who has a college degree. On the flip side, everyone knows a person with a high school diploma who has earned great wealth. In making decisions, however, we should look more towards the average rather than those rare exceptions. Data collected in 2018 proves that people with a HS diploma are unemployed at twice the rate of people with a college degree. The data is also clear that having a bachelor’s degree results in $468 on average more per week in income vs. a HS diploma (or about $24,000 per year). The point is not to prioritize college over training programs that create skilled employees in many different trades, but to encourage people with some college credits to return and

(‘From Our Past,’ researched by S. Thomas Curry, features items of interest from past editions of Punxsutawney and area newspapers.) July 5, 1899 — Quoits, croquet, ball, and I am sorry to say, cards, occupy the time of many these days of idleness, some playing one, some another of these games. Some amusement is necessary and helpful, but it ought always to be innocent in itself and keep one out of bad company and bad influences. Cards does not do this. (Punxsutawney Spirit) July 17, 1895 — Escaping gas was detected along the curbing in front of H.L. Robinson & Bro.’s establishment, and this morning Clark Robinson tried to locate the leak with a lighted match. There was more gas than Mr. Robinson thought there was, and an explosion followed which lifted the sidewalk. (Punxsutawney News) July 18 1888 — C. Gallis, an Italian gentleman, formerly employed at Walston, has opened a foreign banking establishment for Italians, Hungarians and Germans, in this place. Having a very large acquaintance with the miners and being able to speak various languages, will give him a decided advantage. (Punxsutawney Spirit) July 22, 1869 — THE CIRCUS. - The show in the public square has come and gone, but it’s inseparable incidents still linger. Those who were so fortunate (or unfortunate) as to be in town yesterday, are not likely soon to forget the incidents which characterized the day’s proceedings. As early as 10 o’clock in the morning King Rye had incited his subjects to open rebel-

lion against all law and order. At noon the inebriated element grew beligerent (sic), and it became necessary for the officers of the law to interfere. Three arrests were made by Constable Altman. (Punxsutawney Plaindealer) [Note: “King Rye” is a reference to rye whiskey, a popular whiskey blend in the 19th century.] July 22, 1885 — A number of our citizens are contemplating the necessity of organizing a law and order society for the purpose of checking the growing habit of the Italians and Hungarians, and Americans with Italian and Hungarian instincts, congregating in town and making themselves odious to every law-abiding and well-meaning citizen by their drunkenness, profanity and fighting. If a proper effort is made these low bred dogs (the four-legged tribe will pardon us for the comparison) will be compelled to do their drinking, fighting and blaspheming where our people will not be unwilling spectators. (Punxsutawney Spirit) August 10, 1887 — The contractors of the Clearfield & Jefferson Railroad, will make an effort to have the rails laid as far as the Summit by September 1st. One more bridge will be built on the line of the railroad after the completion of the one across Canoe Creek; and that one will be across the Mahoning Creek below Clayville. (Punxsutawney News) [Note: The railroad line was where is now the Mahoning Shadow Trail through Cloe and Punxsutawney to Horatio. Canoe Creek is in Cloe.] •••

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finish that degree. An unfinished college degree in unlikely to provide an increased salary nor additional value to an employer. Finishing the associate’s or bachelor’s degree is important. The benefits to earning a degree are clear, so let’s move onto college majors. A five-minute internet search yields a tremendous amount of information on why selecting a major is not overly important. First, a “major” in not the same thing as a “career.” True, you need to major in nursing if you want to become a nurse, and the same is true for other specific majors that lead to a specialized work credential. Many job postings, however, do not list a specific college major. The employer is looking for the credential that identifies the applicant as having developed all the learning skills that accompany degree completion, such as the ability to work in teams, communicate effectively, research and evaluate information, understand basic human interrelationships, problem solve, etc. These learned outcomes are a part of the liberal studies program students take, regardless of their major. Combined with hard work, an earned degree means you have achieved these skills and can be of value to an employer. If you are one of the over 5,000 people in Jefferson County that have “some college credits” but have not earned a college degree, it is time to finish that degree and start exploring your options. Many options are available to aid in your degree completion including face-to-face classes, online classes, CLEP testing (to earn credits for knowledge you already have), and supportive faculty/staff ready to assist in your advancement. Just remember, don’t get held up on the major and lose sight of the real goal, a completed college degree. •••



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16 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226


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Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226 – 17

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DAUGUST AYTON FAIR 12-18, 2019 4:30 p.m., Community Pet Show, Free Stage 5 p.m., judging Draft Horse & Halfinger Multiple Hitches, Horse Arena 6:30 p.m., Mini Horse Fun Show, Horse Arena SaTuRDay, auGuST 10 judging Shepherd's Lead Line Con9 a.m., judging, Main Exhibit Building test, Entries, Judging departments 10-22. 7 p.m., POWER PULLING PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS LuCaS oiL PRo SuNDay, auGuST 11 PuLLiNG LEaGuE aLoNG WiTH 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., Receiving all LiveDayToN FaiR oPEN CLaSSES. 1. stock Limited Pro/Super Farm Tractors; 2. 1 p.m., Horse and Pony Pulling ConSuper Stock 4x4 Trucks; 3. Limited Pro test 2 p.m., all 4-H/FFa animals, open class Stock Diesel 4x4 Trucks; 4. Pro Stock 4x4 Trucks; 5. 8000# Open Street Diesel livestock, dairy and horses must be on 4x4 Trucks; 6. 10,500# Open Farm Tracgrounds tor 2 p.m. (approx.), Steer weigh-in 7 p.m., Community Church Service 8 p.m., CRoWNiNG DayToN FaiR THuRSDay, auGuST 15 QuEEN Elderton State Bank Day Mon-Sat, August 13-18, $10 Stamp reMilitary/Veterans Appreciation Day quired for All Grandstand Shows BeginGolden Agers Day/Grange Day ning After 3 p.m. Grandstand Opens For Ages 62 and older, active military and Evening Shows At 5 P.M. veterans get FREE admission to GROUNDS ONLY. Must purchase $10 stamp to enter evening grandstand acMoNDay, auGuST 12 tivities, to ride, or for any other activity. 8 a.m., judging of Light Horses & 9 a.m., judging Light Horses - PerPony Halter, Showmanship, Horse formance Classes, judging Dairy CatArena tle, 4-H/FFa & open Show 9 a.m., judging on Foot Carcass Noon, HaRNESS RaCiNG, Grandstand Noon, ultrasound Goats 6:30 p.m., junior Livestock auction 1 p.m., ultrasound Swine 7 p.m., oFF-RoaD VEHiCLE DRaG 1 p.m., FaiR oFFiCiaLLy oPENS RaCiNG, 3 p.m., aMuSEMENT RiDES oPEN 5 p.m., judging Light Horse Game Show FRiDay, auGuST 16 6:30 p.m., judging on Foot Carcass 9 a.m., judging Light Horse youth 7 p.m., WE aRE MESSENGERS Chris- Show, tian Concert, ($5 extra to stand on track) 10 a.m., Premier Showman Contest 1-3 p.m., 4-H and Vocational aG Contest TuESDay, auGuST 13 2 p.m., animal Dress up Contest Senator Joe Pittman Day 8 a.m., judging Swine Showmanship 5 p.m., Horse Costume Class 6 p.m., Freestyle Performance To judging Market Swine 4-H/FFa & Music open Show, Livestock Show complex. KiDS' PoWER WHEELS DERBy, in Breeding swine will follow market front of Grandstand classes. 7:30 p.m., DEMoLiTioN DERBy, 9 a.m., judging Draft Horse & Grandstand Halflinger Halter, Horse Arena. open Draft Horse & Halfinger Riding classes to follow SaTuRDay, auGuST 17 5:30 p.m., judging Draft Horse & Bradigan's Inc. Day Halflinger Cart, Horse Arena 9 a.m., Equine Fun Show, Horse 7 p.m., TRiBuTE BaNDS featuring Old arena '97 and Bon Journey, Grandstand aG olympics (formerly Family Day Events) Sketching Contest, Report to fair office WEDNESDay, auGuST 14 2 p.m., Woodcarving auction S&T Bank Day 8 a.m., judging Market Sheep Show- 4 p.m., Hog Calling Contest, Free Stage manship, Livestock Show Complex. 7 p.m., RaFTER Z RoDEo, Grandstand judging Market Sheep & Breeding Fireworks by STaRFiRE to follow Sheep to follow. rodeo 9 a.m., judging Draft & Haflinger Midnight, Release of Livestock Exyouth classes except hitch classes, hibits Horse Arena 10 a.m. (approx.) judging Goat Showmanship 4-H/FFa & open Show, Dairy SuNDay, auGuST 18 Arena, Market Goat Classes and Dairy 8 a.m. - Noon, Release 4-H/FFa LiveBreeding Goat Classes to follow stock and Main Exhibit Building EnNoon, HaRNESS RaCiNG, Grandstand tries 1 p.m., open Draft & Halflinger obstacle classes, Horse Arena Schedule Subject to change. 3 p.m., judging Beef Showmanship, Not responsible for 4-H/FFa typographical errors. 4-H/FFa & open Market Steer and www.daytonfair.org. Beef Breeding classes to follow FRiDay, auGuST 9 Noon - 7 p.m., Receiving Main Exhibit Building Entries (non-livestock) Dept. 10-22

18 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226


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Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226 – 19


Eudora Farms Petting Zoo & Camel Rides Circus Incredible Rock N Roll Pet Store Kids Show Bartlebaugh Amusements

COMMUNITY STAGE ENTERTAINMENT ALL WEEK Monday: Elvis Lee Entertainment Tuesday: Spruce Creek Wednesday: Sharptones Thursday: Tango - Jam and Jr. Friday: Quarterstick Saturday Afternoon: Magic Mike DJ Saturday Evening: The Moore Brothers SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 1-8 p.m., Arts and Crafts and Animal Entries Accepted 1p.m., Antique Tractor Pull

MONDAY, AUGUST 5 5 p.m., Rides Open 6 p.m., Baked Goods Auction 6:30 & 8:30 p.m., Rock N Roll Pet Store Kids Show 7-10 p.m., Elvis Lee Entertainment Elvis Tribute 7 p.m., Crazy 8 Race & Pit Crew Competition 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., Circus Incredible Eudora Farms Petting Zoo & Camel Ride

TUESDAY, AUGUST 6 9 a.m., Horse Show 5 p.m., Rides Open 6:30 p.m., Livestock Show 6:30 & 8:30 p.m., Rock N Roll Pet Store Kids Show 7-10 p.m., Spruce Creek - Classic Country & Vintage Rock n Roll

7:30 p.m., 4 Wheeler, Motorcycle and Side by Side Drag Racing 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., Circus Incredible Eudora Farms Petting Zoo & Camel Rides

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 9 a.m., Horse Show 5 p.m., Rides Open 6:30 & 8:30 p.m., Rock N Roll Pet Store Kids Show 7-10 p.m., The Sharptones - Music of the 50s & 60s 7 p.m., Enduro Auto Racing 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., Circus Incredible Eudora Farms Petting Zoo & Camel Rides THURSDAY, AUGUST 8 9 a.m., Horse Show 5 p.m., Rides Open 6:30 & 8:30 p.m., Rock N Roll Pet Store Kids Show 7-10 p.m., Tango - Jam and Jr. - Acoustic Variety 7 p.m., Cheerleading Exhibition 7 p.m., Full Pull Productions USA East Truck & Tractor Pull 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., Circus Incredible Eudora Farms Petting Zoo & Camel Rides

FRIDAY, AUGUST 9 5 p.m., Rides Open 6:30 & 8:30 p.m., Rock N Roll Pet Store Kids Show 7-10:30 p.m., Quarterstick - Classic Rock 7 p.m., Compact Car Demolition Derby 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., Circus Incredible Eudora Farms Petting Zoo & Camel Rides

20 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August 2019 - Issue #226

SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 Family Day Discount - Admission $6.00 until 3pm 9 a.m., Horse Show 12-3 p.m., DuBois Dream Team Autographs & Meet the Players 12-5 p.m., Rides Open (Rides open again at 6) 1 p.m., Kid’s Bike & Wagon Decorating Contest and Parade 12-5 p.m., Magic Mike’s DJ/Karaoke Party 2, 4:30, 6:30 & 8:30 p.m., Rock N Roll Pet Store Kids Show 3:30, 7:30, 9:30 p.m., Circus Incredible 6 p.m., Mud Bog Mania 6 p.m., Rides Re-Open 7-10 p.m., The Moore Brothers - Musical Variety Eudora Farms Petting Zoo & Camel Rides

ADMISSION FEES: $9.00 Daily Admission includes music entertainment, track events, carnival rides, parking, exhibits, petting zoo and daily shows. Children ages 2 and under admitted free, unless they want to ride, then admission is $9.00. Family Day Discount – On Saturday, August 10th admission will be $6.00 until 3 p.m.

Fair Week Pass – Week-long passes will be sold for $30.00 and can be purchased on Sunday, August 4th, from 1-8 p.m. in the Fair Office. Passes include parking, music entertainment, track events, exhibits, petting zoo and daily show. Passes do not include carnival rides. Those with a week pass who wish to ride must bring their pass to the Fair Office to obtain a ride band for $4.00 each day they would like to ride. Schedule subject to change.

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