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2 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262

Cary, mom to 15-month-old twin boys, “You never know how interesting twins are until you have them.” Few can attest to or comprehend the shock that accompanies the ultrasound tech’s exclamation of “congratulations! You’re having twins!” The surprise, the fear (of the unknown), the overwhelming idea of the beginning of not just one but two new lives. Financial concerns (twice the diapers; twice the formula; twice the car seats, cribs, high chairs, and other necessary baby gear), logistical concerns (will they share a nursery or be separate? Will the current family vehicle accommodate two infant carriers?) and health concerns, because twins notoriously carry a risk of lower birthweight and being born prematurely.
Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 – 3 FORSERVICESDENTALYOURWHOLEFAMILY 938-4210106W.Mahoning St., Punxsutawney Jon JOHNSTONJ. DMD PDA MEMBER NEWACCEPTINGPATIENTS On the cover: Summer fun days are here! The sights and sounds of fairs and festivals offer treats for our senses. Get out and about and enjoy your days! ‘Punxsutawney Hometown’ magazine © Copyright 2022 — All Rights Reserved. Schedule your advertising in our next edition! We reach 100% of the local and area homes and businesses! - Concentrated Circulation8,100+ copies of Punxsutawney Home town magazine are direct-mailed to homes in Punxsutawney and sur rounding towns and areas, giving our advertisers nearly 100% coverage . . . we deliver to every home and business! (As always — our circulation is veri fied — mailing and printing statements available.) Proud,PunxsutawneyBoostingourHometown! We are the Punxsutawney-ownedonly media! All material submitted becomes the property of Punxsutawney Hometown magazine. Mary Roberts......................(814) 952-3668 Tracey Young (814) 938-9084 hometown@punxsutawneymagazine.comOurbusinessmailingaddress: 129 Aspen Rd., Punxsutawney, PA 15767 With our office located in: Railroad Building, Suite 100 N. Penn St., Punxsutawney, PA 15767 Yearly Subscriptions: $37 — First Class www.punxsutawneymagazine.comMailPublisher Mary L. Roberts Advertising Mary L. Roberts Tracey Young Art Director Melissa Salsgiver Hometown Writers James Lauffer, Editor S. Thomas Curry Shirley Sharp Mary Ellen Pollock-Raneri Marty Armstrong Dr. Gloria Kerr Danielle Merrow here is a small town in northeast Ohio that lies about halfway between Akron and Cleveland named Twinsburg. The town was founded in 1818 when identical twin brothers (so identical, in fact, that only their closest friends could tell them apart) Moses and Aaron Wilcox of Killingworth, Connecticut, purchased 4,000 acres of land. “The twins offered 6 acres of land for a public square and $20.00 toward starting the first school if the residents would change the settlement’s name from Millsville to differentisdecadebirthsfortheseThat(,registeredtodaypairsbicentennialtwinsburg).(”Twins’Daybeganduringthetown’scelebrationin1976with30oftwinsinattendanceandcontinuesattractingaround2,000pairsoftwins.Infact,accordingtotheGuinnessBookofWorldnamestheTwinsDaysFestivalas“LargestAnnualGatheringofTwinsinWorld,”andsincethattimehasbecomeannualcelebration,alwaysheldontheweekendofAugust.AccordingtotheCDC,thebirthrateoftwins2020was31.1per1,000birthsintheUSyear112,437twinbirthsoccurred,butnumbersareexperiencingadeclinethefirsttimeinadecade.Whilenationalstatisticsshowthattwinhavebeendecliningoverthepast(,thePunxsutawneyareahometoitsshareoftwins,allwithastorytoshare.SaysAmanda
Amanda Cary had a very healthy, very uneventful twin pregnancy. She delivered her boys, Rowan and Rylan, in April 2021.
By Danielle Merrow for Hometown magazine Twins Rule!
While this is not always the case, it is often a concern. And sometimes twin births come with completely unrelated, completely unforeseen circumstances.
- Continued on next page office trips, and one ultrasound, she was sent to UPMC Mercy. During the two days she spent there, they did a battery of tests and scans that confirmed Cary had a 19.3cm tumor on her left adrenal gland and it needed to be removed immediately. A week later, Cary left her 7-year-old, 5year-old, and 5-week-old twins to go have surgery and entered the hospital for a stay of what was originally predicted to be 3 days.Three days turned into an incredibly difficult 2 weeks for the whole family. Cary’s surgical team removed her adrenal gland as well as her left kidney, and tore her pancreas. The tear in Cary’s pancreas required 3 drain tubes to be placed in her abdomen. She was not allowed to eat anything by mouth for a week following the surgery. Right before discharge, pathology came back and confirmed the family’s worst fears: cancer. Adrenal cancer is very rare and very aggressive. It is almost never caught before it spreads. Typically,by the time the tumor is big enough to be detected, it has already spread. Cary’s, however, grew to 19cm without spreading.
“I thank my twins daily,” Cary says, “because without their pregnancy hormones I do not know that the tumor would have grown that big that fast and it would have spread.” As of July 12, 2022, Cary reports that she remains cancer free. She says, “I’m so thankful to be healthy and be the mama my kids need me to be!”
The day after returning home, however, Cary says she started spiking fevers. After four weeks, multiple ER and doctor’s
Cheyenne Shaffer has 3-year-old twin boys and a 7-year-old daughter. There are twins in her husband’s family, though not in hers. “My husband and I decided we wanted to have another baby when our daughter was around 4,” Shaffer recalls. The Shaffer twins, Clate (left) and Colt (right), share the special bond that all twins know. (submitted photo)
National Twins’ Day is August 7
Twin mom Amanda Cary underwent life-saving surgery for cancer on her adrenal gland just weeks after giving birth to her twin boys, Rowan (in blue) and Rylan (in green). She was not allowed to lift her babies after surgery and relied on her husband to lay them on her for snuggle time. (submitted photo)
Flexible Day & Evening Hours Call for Appt. 938-5753 222 Hudock Rd. Punx’y If you can’t get to me, I’ll come to you. Titles • Transfers • T-Plates Accounting & Payroll Services LuAnn Grube Licensed Notary & Accountant Have A Fun Time At The Festival Mon.www.yodersfurniturellc.comtoSat.10a.m.to5p.m.,ClosedSun. 57 Bottle Rd. 814-427-2720Punxsutawney Paid For By Brian Smith BRIANREPRESENTATIVESMITH Enjoy the Fun at inFestivalsthePunx’y!

Despite the trials of her pregnancy, however, Shaffer carried her two boys to 34 weeks and 4 days. “Twin A,” Case, was born first at 6 pounds 14 ounces, and “Twin B, Clate, followed at 6 pounds 9 ounces. Case and Clate are fraternal twins. The boys spent five days in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) having their blood sugars monitored after birth as a result of their mom’s blood sugar issues during pregnancy, but are otherwise normal, healthy 3-year-old boys. “The most rewarding part of being a twin mom is watching them grow and the bond they have. What one doesn’t think of, the other does. They help each other problemsolve (sometimes that can be a bad thing). I think it’s amazing how they have been best friends since the day they were born,” ShafferTwenty-year-oldsays.
Twins dating twins, Elick and Meghan on the left, and Maddy and Ethan on the right, create unique – and exceptional – memories. (submitted photo)
Meghan goes on to say, “it’s amazing because we always have someone to hang out with. We have so many memories together from the past two years; it’s crazy to think about but I think I can speak for all of us when I say we wouldn’t want to have it any other Twenty-eight-year-oldway!”
4 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 $26 admission includes sheets for all regular games. Regular games pay $100. • Doors open at 4 p.m. • Early birds start at 6 p.m. • Reg. games start at 6:30 p.m. BINGO PLAYED AT: Big Run Event Center 202 Thompson St., Big Run, PA 814-427-2881 Food & Beverages can be purchased JACKPOT PAYOUT: WINNER TAKES ALL 1st & 3rd Wed. Every MonthHONEYBADGERSEEOURFACEBOOK PAGE FOR MORE DETAILS BIG RUN FIRE COM PANY AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS • LIFE www.jacqueperry.com938-7110 JACQUE PERRY I NSURANCE 31 Universal PunxsutawneyDr. NeedCALLInsurance?USFORAQUOTE. • FRESH MEATS • BAKERYDELICIOUSITEMS • FRESH PRODUCE • AMAZING SERVICE 53 Taylor St., Brookville OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon.-Sat. 8 am - 8 pm Sunday 8 am - 7 pm www.hometownmarket.biz849-8395 everydayQualityProductsatlowprices! We’ll even help you to the car! Thurs. - Fri. Noon to 8 pm, Sat. 10 am to 6 pm, Sun. Noon to 5 pm LLC New Line of Ariat, Carolina & Double H Clothing for Men & Women, Work & Hunting Boots by Rocky, Wolverine, Georgia, Danner, Red Wing & Muck Military Discount with Military ID 814-845-7853 3802 Gipsy Rd. Gipsy, PA 15741 • Dept. of Education Licensed Preschool • NAEYC Accredited • Keystone STAR 4 child care for infants through school age • Free PA Pre-K counts for 3 & 4 year olds 218 Lane Ave., Punxsutawney 8 1 4 -938- 0 244 Route 310, Elk Run PunxsutawneyAve. DROP ANCHOR AT THE NEW ANCHOR INN The Area’s Favorite Family Restaurant FEATURINGITALIANAMERICANCUISINE 938-8060 BANQUETAVAILABLEFACILITIES Sunday 11 am - 7 pm • Closed Mon. Tuesday - Thursday 11 am - 9 pm Friday - Saturday 11 am - 10 pm
Nowadays, Meghan feels differently. “Any time someone asks me what it’s like [being a twin], I always tell them it’s like having a forever best friend. I wouldn’t change it for the world!” In fact, the girls are so close that even their boyfriends match! Meghan and Maddie have been dating 21-year old twin brothers, Ethan and Elick, for the past two years. Maddy says, “I never thought we would ever be this cheesy [to date twins] but it can be a lot of fun. You always have someone to go do something with, and you’re all automatically really close and can joke around. The amount of memories we all have together is exceptional.”
Identical twins Parris (Kernich) Kopas and Maddison (Kernich) Amper offer a mirror image. (submitted photo) Hometown magazine is delivered to 100% of Punx’y and area homes!
“Twins don’t always look alike, but they are best friends” – Noah (left) and Ethan (right) Merrow. (submitted photo) Continued from previous page Twin’s Rule!
identical twins Meghan and Maddy Brooks are best friends who do everything together. Maddy says, “Having a twin sister is like having a builtin best friend. Relatives are normally close in general, but I think having a twin sister is unbeatable.” Meghan, on the other hand, reveals that she didn’t always feel that way. “If I’m being honest,” she begins, “when I was younger, I hated being a twin. I think it was the concept of having to share everything. But as I just turned 20 [the twins celebrated their 20th birthday on July 12], I’ve realized I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
- Continued on page 7
“We tried for a while and I wasn’t getting pregnant.” Shaffer’s ob/gyn had recommended she see an endocrinology fertility specialist because she is a Type 1 diabetic.Shaffer underwent testing to find out she had essentially no chance of getting pregnant again without fertility treatments. The Schaffers decided to wait and not have the fertility treatments “and three months later I found out I was pregnant with twins!” she says. Shaffer’s pregnancy made managing her diabetes more difficult, placing her in the “high risk” category. “My first pregnancy was high risk because of diabetes,” Shaffer explains. “But with twins and diabetes they had to watch me even more closely. I ended up in the ICU for a few days when I was pregnant with the boys because I was in early DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis). I have an insulin pump all of the time, unfortunately,” she says Upon discovering she was pregnant, Shaffer’s husband had a feeling twins were on the horizon, but Cheyenne was still surprised to learn they were expecting two babies. “When we went to the ultrasound, the technician doing it told us a riddle to tell us we were having twins. I started crying; I was excited, but also scared because I understood that being pregnant as a diabetic is a risk.”
identical twins, Parris (Kerich) Kopas and Maddison (Kernich) Amper, grew up in Punxsutawney, the first twins in their family. They grew up best friends and have remained close as they grew into married women; both call Pittsburgh home now, and they live about 15minutes from each other. The best part of being a twin, according to them, is that “I always have a best friend around; from the time we were born, we have truly been inseparable and absolute best friends.”
Maddison says there are more benefits than drawbacks to being a twin, though she admits it can get a little bit frustrating when people can’t tell them apart and, she says, “when Parris would steal my clothes!”Growing up, the girls enjoyed dressing alike. They say their parents raised them to be individuals, allowing each to pursue her own strengths and allowing them each to be her individual self, but also making sure the girls were treated as two parts of

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Associate’s Degree—Public Health and Community Nutrition
Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 – 5
Transfer Credits (Complete That Degree)
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Do you have credits but never 昀nished a degree? IUP o昀ers six bachelor ’s degrees and an associate’s degree that can be completed entirely online for new or transfer students. Students looking to complete one of these degrees are able to enroll in online classes as well as take advantage of face-to-face classes o昀ered on the IUP Punxsutawney Campus. Students may also utilize the local campus for study space, computer lab access, assistance with navigating IUP support services, and even a place for fast internet service. Now is the time to complete that degree!
The SKILLUP™ PA initiative is being led by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry and PA Careerlink®. There are thousands of learning modules for learners to improve their credentials and skills. There are also many modules for employers to utilize in enhancing the training and skills of their employees. IUP Punxsutawney has partnered with Workforce Solutions for North Central PA and can help identify modules to couple with or without college courses and career plans. Finally, IUP Punxsutawney can assist with a location to access fast broadband and a quiet place to focus as you skill up!

- Continued on page 8
Members of an unidentified family gather in the former Mitchell Park section of Jefferson Park in 1908. (photo courtesy PAHGS) By the Coal Memorial Committee for Hometown magazine Parks & Excursions: Memories of Mitchell Park
ummer is the time for gatherings in the park. When the railroads arrived in the Punxsutawney area, their pri mary purpose was the transport of coal and coke from the local mines to markets in Buf falo and Philadelphia. Passengers first used the local railroads to commute from one town to another along the railroad line. The next use was to travel for recreational purposes. Among the earliest groups to take advantage of the opportunity to travel to and from other communities along a railroad line were local baseball teams, organized in almost every community after the Civil War. Railroads fa cilitated the formation of local baseball leagues. Teams traveled on the regularly scheduled passenger trains to neighboring towns, played a game or two of baseball, and were able to be home the same day. Later, when fans accompanied the team to games, special cars were added to the train and at times special trains were run to accommodate the need of the team. Managers of the railroads viewed providing transportation for recreational purposes as a way to help offset losses incurred in running empty cars over the rails. Railroad companies began investing in the development of recre ational parks along their railroads. These parks catered to church groups, veterans’ or ganizations, unions, and fraternal orders by providing places where large groups could gather for social activities. Many of the parks were located in wooded areas near streams or lakes and provided places for picnics, games, and usually contained a dance pavilion. The railroads offered special excursions to visit these parks. An item in the Punxsutawney News, of July 10, 1889, announced the ladies of the Pres byterian Church were sponsoring an excur sion to Rhododendron Park and Bellwood on July 11th for $1.50. Two hundred and fifty people from the Punxsutawney boarded the Pennsylvania Railroad passenger train and participated in this excursion. The long days of summer provided a perfect time for ex tended day trips on Sundays, the only day of the week that most workers had free for leisure activities. On July 13 of the same year, the B. R. & P. Railroad sponsored an excursion to the park established at the Kinzua Bridge, where trav elers could enjoy their picnic lunch, walk trails through the forest, view the marvelous engineering which created the bridge, and re turn home to Punxsutawney the same day. The trip was enjoyed by 119 local residents. In September that year, the B. R. & P. Rail road offered a two-day excursion to the Mam moth International Fair and Exposition at Buffalo, New York. Passengers from Punx sutawney, for a fare of $4.00, could visit the fair, remain overnight in Buffalo, then visit Niagara Falls the next day before returning homeIn1891, Harry Myers and Leah Sink, took the excursion to Kinzua on June 27th. They failed to show up in time for the return trip. On June 28th when they returned to Punx sutawney, they announced they had been married at Bradford. In the years that fol lowed, many a young couple took advantage of excursions to wed. By May of 1900, the B. R. & P. Railroad was offering longer excursions. Advertise ments offered round trips for “Land Seeker” to Northwestern Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Colorado, Indian Territory, New Mexico, Arkansas, Missouri, Montana, and North and South Dakota. Tickets for these excursions permitted stop-overs at any point west of St. Paul or the Missouri River and were good for 30 days. They were avail able through authorized agents including L.C. McGaw, Punxsutawney. The railroads made it possible for Punxsutawney residents to re locate to the Punxsutawney“West.”andClayville, seeing the ad vantage of having a recreational park in the area, began working in 1896 with the railroad companies and the Jefferson Traction Com pany to develop a recreational park along Elk Run. They secured eleven acres of woodland in the borough along Elk Run located a mile from the Public Square. The site was easily accessible by both the B.R. & P and the Penn sylvania & Northwestern railroads and the Jefferson Traction Company’s trolley line. A committee was appointed to develop the park by clearing underbrush, creating places for gatherings and picnics, and constructing a dance pavilion. Local groups were quick to book reservations for events at Mitchell Park.
6 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262

• • •
This story has been a deeply personal and relatable one for me to write, and this topic holds a special place in my heart, because observing the bond between twins has been a part of my life from my earliest memories. As the daughter of a twin, I watched the relationship between my dad and his brother and always admired the closeness they shared, the similarities in their mannerisms (that I’m not sure, to this day, they’re even conscious of), and the way every story my dad ever told us about his childhood included his built-in best friend.Iloved those stories, even though it should be just another fact of life that when Dad starts telling stories about growing up, his partner in crime is going to play a part. I don’t remember how old I was when I decided I thought it would be pretty cool if, someday, I had twins of my own. In 2014, my husband and I and our then 2-year-old son returned home from a beach vacation realizing that it was time to see the doctor about a potential pregnancy. Within two weeks, it was confirmed that we would be welcoming twins.Asmuch as I had always hoped for twins, and as many times as my dad told all five of us kids that “twins skip a generation” (I was never sure how true that was and was always 50 percent terrified and 50 percent hopeful that it might be true), I was still thrown for a loop when it was confirmed. We drove from our home in Erie county to Punxsutawney the day the twins were confirmed to inform our families in person. I don’t think we spoke a word the whole drive, aside from, “Twins. Holy cow, twins.” Our families were excited for us. My brothers said, “We already know you’re pregnant. Why drive two hours to tell us?” When we showed them the two separate ultrasounds, I think they were almost as shocked as we were. And my dad? He congratulated us with big hugs, then made a very hasty escape to put his boots on and hustle out to tell his brother, who was working outside, that the Brooks twin legacy will continue. I think our twins must have been 2- or 3-
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His twin Noah adds that it’s impossible to imagine what life would be like if he wasn’t a twin. I used to ask each twin parent I met, “What’s the secret?” Overwhelmingly and unanimously, the answer was, “There isn’t one.” What I’ve come to realize is, while it’s true, there isn’t one secret to surviving twins, there is one important thing for parents of twins to remember: Your best IS enough. Parenting twins is challenging, but it’s also rewarding beyond belief in every way. Even on the most challenging day, at the end of the day, showing up and doing your best for your children (whether you have singletons, twins, triplets, or quadruplets) is as much as anyone can ask for. At least, that’s my unprofessional opinion.
And now a note from your writer
Continued from page 4 Twin’s Rule! a whole. “We would wear the same thing but I would always wear purple when Parris would wear pink. We would do our hair similarly, but one would wear pigtails and the other would wear braids, etc. We loved looking alike and letting people know we were twins, but we put our own spin on it!” Maddison says. According to Maddison, one thing Parris and she wish more people understood about twins is this: “Although we were and will always be ‘the twins,’ we do have our own identities and separate lives. Don’t get me wrong I love my sister to death and love being a twin but even at the age of 28 we’re still often grouped as one!”“We are truly best friends,” they say. “Do we fight? Yes. Do we disagree? Yes. But no matter what, we are always there for each other and are so blessed to have one another!”
years-old when we were visiting my parents one weekend. They were playing together, but also separately, and doing what toddlers do best: getting into everything. My dad was observing quietly from his chair, taking in the scene before him when he said, “You know, guys, this gives me a whole different perspective on what our mom and dad must have gone through with Red and me.” Our twins are seven years old now, and as different as any two people could be, both in looks and personality – similarly to their Gramps and their great-uncle Red. But the one thing they have in common is their love for one another. Each boy has his own circle of friends that they like to be with at school, and they are in separate classrooms. But every
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report I’ve gotten from school staff is that once the recess bell rings, our boys find each other immediately to play together. They play well together at home too. They plan “adventures,” build forts and hideouts and, for the most part, get along really well. When they’re sitting (which, if I’m honest, isn’t often) near one another, they will unconsciously reach for one another: pinkies intertwined, legs tangled together, one with his head in his brother’s lap. No matter what, at the end of the day, they are best friends without question. Seven-year-old Ethan Merrow puts it best when he says, “Sometimes twins don’t even look alike but they’re still twins and best friends. And that’s what’s important.”

Parks & Excursions As a public park, space for events was pro vided free of charge. All types of community organizations reserved space in the park to hold events: family reunions, veterans’ en campments, and picnics of church-related groups, mine union, and social clubs. The railroads and the trolley offered reduced rates for persons traveling to events at the park. The success of Mitchell Park led to the de velopment of other parks along the railroad and trolley line, including Highland Park in McCalmont Township, and Wishaw Park in Winslow Township. In August 14, 1905, the Borough of Punx sutawney authorized the chartering of a cor poration to manage Mitchell Park. The trustees of Mitchell Park, Inc., were: H.L. Young, W.C. Torrence, E.N. Wehrle, H.R. Steele, J.L. Shields, D.M. McQuown, W.O. Smith, Henry M. Mundorff, T.C. Zeitler, G.H. Torrence, James H. Maize, W. A. Johnson, John H. Kennedy, and Joseph J. Young, whose responsibility became to maintain and protect a public park for innocent amusement, recreation, and social enjoyment for the citi zens of the Punxsutawney and Clayville Bor oughs.Mitchell Park’s easy accessibility via rail and trolley, and its “woodsy” nature, provided natural cover for opportunists. One group of opportunists included Ham Man Brown; Pittsburg Red, an octogenarian grocery grab ber; Blind Sycamore; Spike, the Spectacle Man; and 17 Innocents Abroad. One night, on their travels they lifted ten hams and about $65 worth of groceries from John Rum barger’s Grocery Store, which was located Front Street and Ridge Avenue and retired to Mitchell Park. The next day as they were en joying a picnic, the local police arrived. They objected to the intrusion on their picnic. Chief of Police Palmer enforced his demand for sur render by discharging his revolver. The bullet came so close that it struck a ham in the hands of Spectacle Man, whereupon the gang capit ulated. Chief Palmer and Constable Baugh man corralled the bunch and took them to the county jail at Brookville. They were con victed and sentenced to the penitentiary and workhouse for terms of from one to three years.While in jail at Brookville and after their conviction members of the gang sent mes sages to Grocer Rumbarger, assuring him that they would not forget him. When they got out of the penitentiary, they planned to return the favor. They kept their word. As each member of the gang was released from prison, he made a trip to Punxsutawney to check on the status of the grocer. This did not go unnoticed by the local police force. Finally, when Ham Man Brown was released, the gang congre gated outside Punxsutawney to carry out their promise to Rumbarger. However, Mr. Rum barger’s store was no longer located at the corner of Front Street and Ridge Avenue. The opportunists needed to find him in order to harassPolicemanhim. Wall and John Rumbarger were standing outside his new grocery store on North Findley Street when they noticed a lame man, carrying a cane, and limping when anyone was looking and begging passing people for alms. Upon seeing Brown, Rumbarger remarked loudly, “There is the man who robbed my store three years ago.” Policeman Wall casually replied, “Well, I guess I will just seize him and put him back into the lockup.” Upon hearing this Ham Man Brown quick ened his step, and the cane hit the pavement every other step and by the time he passed the B.R. & P. Station going east, the cane barely hit every third step. With Policeman Wall close on his tail, by the time Ham Man Brown reached the yard office, he was going so fast he no longer needed the cane and threw it away.There was no doubt in the minds of Ham Man Brown, Pittsburg Red, the Blind Sycamore, Spectacle Man and the innocents abroad that they were being carefully watched, so they left town. The cost of park maintenance was becoming an impossible burden for the Trustees of the Mitchell Park Corporation. The Trustees re alized someone needed to be in charge of the park. The park had been overrun by cattle and had otherwise been abused and neglected. Mitchell Park, which had been a place of recreation where fond memories of good times had been created, had become a public nuisance.InJanuary 1906, The Mitchell Park Trustees entered into an agreement with the Jefferson Amusement Company of Charleroi, which had acquired permission to establish amuse ment facilities at Highland Park and on a seven-acre tract directly south of the original Mitchell Park. These new facilities would be equipped with up-to-date equipment includ ing a roller coaster, merry-go-round, and other attractions. They entered into an agree ment with Mitchell Park, which gave them access to the eleven acres of woodland. By this agreement the Jefferson Amusement Company agreed to: Keep said Park in good condition, prohibit and prevent the sale or use of malt brewed or various liquors thereon, the occupancy thereof by gamblers, gambling devices or games, or loafers, and in general be responsi ble that said Mitchell Park is used for no im moral or objectionable purposes whatever. Permit the general public to have full right to use said Mitchell Park free of charge for pic nics and outings of a public or private nature and all gatherings in which the public is in terested, so long as they are not for immoral or objectionable purposes. To clean up and improve the topography of said Mitchell Park, care for and protect same from trespasses or immoral, objectionable, and undesirable uses, erect seats and tables for the free use of the public, and keep said Park in good condition at all times during the term of the agreement, or any renewal thereof.Thatsee that no buildings be erected on said Mitchell Park, nor any changes made in the water or water courses therein or thereon, nor any trees cut down, except in all such cases the right to do so is first obtained in writing from the Park Committee and such changes are approved by them or their successors. The Jefferson Amusement Company could erect swings and other similar amusements, and stands for sale of food and refreshments, all of which the general public might wish to enjoy and pay for while on the grounds. And, the Amusement Company would pro tect the trees and not allow horses to be hitched to the same or to remain on the grounds of Mitchell Park. By 1908 the world of transportation had rev olutionized, as automobiles were becoming the preferred mode of transportation. Passen ger ridership on trains and the trolley went into a sharp decline and in 1927 the trolley
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8 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 Dr. Nathan STEBBINSC. Caring for the EYES of your family Mon. 8-6 • Tues. 8-5:30 • Wed. 8-7:30 Thur. 8-2 • Fri 8-5 • Sat. by Appt. 200 S. Findley St. Downtown Punxsutawney • Contact Specialist • Ocular Disease • Developmental Vision • Emergencies • Diabetic Eye Care • Infant Eye Care • Pediatrics • Special Needs Patients Full Service Optical & Complete Line of Contact Lens Options for the Enitre Family MOSTACCEPTEDINSURANCES 938-5920 Continued from page 6
Call for details! Sign Up Today! Picnic Lunch &
FITNESS CLASS Wednesdays at 11 am with Fitness Instructor Carole BINGO with Kim from Embassy at Hillsdale Thurs., Aug. 4 at 12:30 pm PA MEDI Counseling Thursday, August 11 at 11 am with Lisa Gazda HYMN SING with Kay Young Thursday, August 18 at 11 am DAYS TO CELEBRATE Aug. 2: Ice Cream Sandwich Day Aug. 15: National Lemon Meringue Pie Day Aug. 29: More Herbs, Less Salt Day Aug. 31: Eat Outside Day JUST FOR FUN Putt Putt Golf: Wed., Aug. 3 at 12:30 pm Cornhole: Wed., Aug. 17 at 12:30 pm Fast Draw Game: Tues., Aug. 23 at 12:30 pm Card Party: Tues., Aug. 30 at 12:30 pm DIME BINGO Thurs., Aug. 4, 11, & 25 at 11 am Thurs., Aug. 18 at 12:30 pm
TECHNOLOGY CLASS at 12:30 pm Wed., Aug. 10 & Wed., Aug. 24 JOIN US FOR BANANA SPLIT DAY Thursday, Aug. 25th Only $1.50! Tues., Aug 9th with Music by DJ Randy at 10:30 am Wiener am 2 pm
Roast 10
BREAKFAST Mondays from 9:30 - 11 am Aug. 1: Blueberry Pancakes & Sausage Aug. 8: French Toast & Sausage Aug. 15: Bacon, Eggs & Toast Aug. 22: Choc. Chip Pancakes & Sausage Aug 29: Biscuits & Sausage Gravy CRAFTS - Mondays at 11 am Aug. 1: Sewing with Marlene Aug. 8: Painting with Betty BINGO Tuesdays at 11 am (Except Tues., Aug. 9th)

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magazine I Back Porch Memories
t’s funny. While most kids were out swimming or playing ball in the sum mertime, I was home with my mom on our back porch. That cement patio was my mother’s office in the sum mertime, and it also was my dad’s relaxation compound. There was a big vine that grew all around it. Lucy started it from a small cut ting, and she was so proud of her green thumb. The roof of the porch was made from dark green and white aluminum slats, and the roof was held up with several metal poles that stuck out of the cement floor. The vine twisted about those poles and formed a natural, beautiful wall on three sides of our patio. It kept out the rain and the wind in the summertime. In the wintertime, although the leaves fell off, the clusters of thick ropey branches kept out the snow. My mother and I would sit on that porch on a warm summer day as we rocked together on the metal glider that was shaded by Mom’s vine.Most of the time, Lucy and I would study recipes together from those red cardboard boxes where she kept her collection. Well, I liked to look at the illustrations that went with them – then, I perused the recipe. My mother and I would plan what we would bake together, and we would dream about how amazing and tasty our recipe might turn out.Iremember one summer day, I asked her to make these pinwheel cookies that were chocolate and vanilla because I liked the lit tle sketch of the ballerina beside the recipe. I wanted to be that ballerina so badly. So, Lucy made the cookies for me. I was so happy. My girlfriend and I sat there on the porch cement, playing with our Barbie dolls and munching on those cookies right after they came out of the oven. It was a perfect day. The back porch was also her private “precanning” room. I can still picture Mom, who sat with a brown paper bag and a large stain less-steel bowl in her lap, and a kitchen wash basin at her feet as she cleaned green beans. The beans had to be snapped and broken into three or four uniform pieces before they could go from the bag to the metal bowl. The snappings and scrubby beans went into the wash basin on the floor. Lucy always had a process for everything, and we had to follow it.Yes, we sure cleaned a lot of our vegetables out there on the porch. Mom set up tables to help the garden tomatoes or peppers ripen. Sometimes, when we got our peaches, she set them out on a table to get soft before she made preserves or pies. We cored and peeled apples on the porch, pitted the peaches, roasted peppers on a little grill by the side of the patio, and washed the fresh bib lettuce in tubs – right there on our back porch. “Mary, sweep the porch,” Mom com manded each morning. I can still see her standing there as she made sure I swept every crumb of debris from the green painted cement with her old corn broom. Eventually, we evolved from plain old cement to this shiny indoor-outdoor car peting that Lucy laid from corner to corner on the patio, using two-sided sticky tape. After that marvelous invention came out, we used a vacuum more than a broom. Now, the porch was not all work. Some times it was a place to entertain neighbors and family, or sometimes it was my summer playhouse. I remember setting up my shiny black Barbie carrying case out there as my girlfriends and I played with our dolls. We spread out all our homemade outfits (that Lucy sewed, of course) and exchanged or dressed our dolls with hats and shoes and lovely knitted, sewn, or crocheted clothing. The porch was where we ate Popsicles and ice cream too. It was my father’s favorite spot to relax in his heavy metal armchair that looked like it was basket woven. I can still picture him sitting there, by the entrance to the back door with our doggy on his lap. Sometimes in the late spring during the final days of school, I crossed the backyard after getting off the school bus and he would greet me as I sauntered onto the back porch. “Well, did you pass?” Daddy would ask and chuckle at his joke about my school days. “Yea, Dad,” I responded with a giggle, and I would show him my report card from the last day of class. Daddy usually smiled that big “Mike Smile,” (as my mom called his grin) and shook his head in an approving manner. Then, he would ask me his favorite question that always made me giggle even more. “Mary, do you think the rain will hurt the rhubarb,” Daddy tried to be serious when he asked this time-worn question, but eventu ally, he laughed out loud. We both did. I miss the magic of those summer days on the porch with my folks. Simple things like snapping beans, coring apples, or sweeping the leaves from the cement – tasks, which were once a tedious chore, all seem so pre cious to me now. My memories are so thick – just like Mom’s lush vines that once cov ered that simple patio. And those memories remain there for me to recall and enjoy any time I want. All I have to do is take a moment and close my eyes. I am there again – out on the back porch with Mom and Dad.
By Mary Ellen Pollock-Raneri for Hometown service was discontinued. By 1947, when the Punxsutawney celebrated its Centennial, rail road and trolley excursions for summer events at Mitchell Park had faded into mem ories of days gone by. This article has been prepared by the Coal Memorial Committee of the Punxsutawney Area Historical & Genealogical Society. Re sources used in preparing his article are from PAHGS, Punxsutawney News @ Newspa, and the Library of Congress. Di rect comments to PAHGS, P.O. Box 286, Punxsutawney, PA 15767. A Dedication for the 2022 Memorial Tile additions to the Punxsutawney Area Coal Memorial will take place on Sunday, September 4, 2022. Indi viduals desiring to honor a coal or coal re lated industry worker in 2023, are encouraged to purchase their tile by June 30, 2023. A Coal Memorial tile may honor per sons who worked in any aspect of the coal in dustry, including railroads and ancillary services. Additional information and forms may be found online at www.punxsyhis or may be requested by an email to:, or calling (814) 938-2555 and leaving a message.
Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 – 9 408 N. Main St., Punxsutawney LOOKING TO BOOK A PRIVATE EVENT? (EVEN ON THE DAYS WE'RE CLOSED) PLEASE CONTACT DAGGI AT 814-771-0095 FOR MORE INFORMATION Monday: Closed Tuesday: 11:30-8 Wednesday: 11:30-9 Thursday: 11:30-8 Friday: 11:30-9 Saturday: 11:30-6 Sunday: Closed "After Hours Menu"available after regular kitchen hours Join us forDinner!and/orLunch RESTAURANTSUMMERNEWHOURS! Join us for Lunchor Dinner! Welcome!Everyone You don't have to be a Member to enjoy our delicious lunches or dinners Mulberry Healthcare and Rehabilitation along with our new owners Bonamour Health Group would like to invite the community to attend our open house! OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, August 30 from 3-6 p.m. Join Us For MUSIC, FOOD, AND FUN FELLOWSHIP 411 1/2 W. Mahoning St., 814-938-6020Punxsutawney Continued from previous page Parks & Excursions
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10 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 BEsTwONDERFuLFORwIsHEsAFEsTIvAL! QUATROCHEJOHN&EILEEN WE OFFER: • Latest in technologycommunications • On-site training • system design • Implementation telecommunciationsof systems. • 24/7 service and support • Digital & Hybrid Systems • VoIP Systems • Auto Attendant/Voice Mail Systems • PBX1321SystemsMcLaughlin Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA 412-221-310015241-3101X222www.a-teck.comROBERT rfritz@a-teck.comFRITZTorequesta quote, live demo, or network assessment, contact us at Your Source for SystemsTelecommunicationsToshibainWesternPA A-TECK has one simple goal - to work with customers in solving their communications needs. That means studying how your com pany communicates and finding ways to make your communications more productive. That leaves you and your staff to focus on your business, not worrying about your com pany's phone system. HOWARD andALLEMANGHANNAREALTYWellConnectedLocallyOwned Happy to support the SSCD Lawn Festival. 814-938-9667 can see the breath of fresh air that has trickled on to the festival grounds for the 2022 season. Bingo will continue to be inside and air conditioned, but with the added bonus of food runners taking orders and delivering right to your seat while playing.Frank’s Star Lunch will be serving up their classic hot dogs and hamburgers while Pam Defelice will be situated alongside Frank with her everfamous lemonade and fried dough. And we can’t forget the “Pooch House,” which will be serving the famous pigs in a blanket, haluski, and all the classics. SSCD Celebrates 82nd Lawn Festival Join the Fun from Aug. 5-7 he 82nd SSCD Lawn Festival will kick off August 5th and run through August 7th, 2022. This year the festival committee has packed every moment with exciting events, new games, traditional festival foods, and a wider variety of entertainment. Cochairs strongeryear.preparedcommitteethingssomeareReneeBargerstockWhitneyandDoverspikeexcitedtoshareoftheexcitingthehasforthisFromasocialmedia presence with the new Facebook page and the Social Media account on Instagram, to the beautiful new logo that will make its appearance throughout the festival, you T - Continued on next page LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED DaddyHomeoftheBig 814-618-5653207HamptonA ve., Punx’y ORDER ONLINE AT Closed Mon. • Tue. - Thurs. 10:30-8, Fri. & Sat. 10:30-9 • Sun.11-8 Great Food Games Prizes Cash Raffle Alumni Social AugustEntertainment5-6-7

314 N. Findley St., Punx’y located at 1538 Young Road, Punx’y Call or Text Rich Brown at 814-591-0819 for inquiries or questions Peacefulwww.rdbrownmemorials.com814.938.2100PetsCremationServices Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 – 11 GO WITH THE PROS Why Call FM Cleaning? Carpet is the single biggest investment in your home. Treat it with respect!•Carpets • Upholstery • Tile & Grout • Wood • Oriental Rugs • Floors • Duct Cleaning Call For A Free Estimate FM CLEANINGSERVICES 814-427-5255 or toll free 1-800-525-5283 We promise you good old fashion service, a commitment to quality at affordable prices with a 100% guarantee! Punxsutawneywww.marioncenterbank.comMEMBERFDIC814.938.0271BigRun814.427.2051 Proud Supporter of the SS.C.D. LAWN FESTIVAL Hot sausage and meatballs were generously provided by Lil’s Restaurant. The Catholic Daughters of America will continue their strong tradition of cake and ice cream as the festival evolved from an ice cream social 82 years ago. Friday evening the festival will wrap up its first night with the “Second Annual Movie on the Lawn” starting at 9 p.m. The Religious Education program at SSCD will sponsor this free movie for all families and kids in our community. The featured movie’s title will be released closer to the event. Prior to the movie’s start, movie screeners can stock up on popcorn and snow cones on the festival grounds at Adrienne Hess’s Popcorn stand.Live entertainment Friday will feature Heather Olson and the Silver Eagle band, beginning around 6 p.m. The festival will also feature all the exciting new booth games from last year’s festival, but with a few additional surprises. Each night will have a 50/50 drawing, along with rip tickets sold by the Knights of Columbus. Saturday kicks off the day early with extra events. This year committee members Ann and Matt Kopenhaver have brought back the volleyball tournament while honoring Ann’s grandmother Rachel Starry. Saturday at 3 p.m. participants can begin registering and practicing for the Rachel Starry Memorial Volleyball Tournament by the Pavillion on the School Campus. The volleyball tournament will be capped at ten teams so be sure to register early. Information can be found at the Festival’s Facebook page, along with registration forms. The Festival will also host a home run derby for kids ages 5 to 18 at the Walston Ballfields. Registration begins at 11 a.m. with the first age category hitting at noon. Registration also includes a voucher for the player to eat for free that evening of the festival. This event has been generously sponsored by Burke and Sons Windows. Prizes will be awarded that evening at 6:30 p.m. on the festival grounds. Registration forms are available in the church office, online by Continued from previous page SSCD Lawn Festival - Continued on next page Regular Summer Hours: Tuesday-Friday 11 to 7 Saturday 11 to HAMBURGERS3HOTDOGSFRESHCUTFRIESMUCHMORE! Frank’s STAR LUNCH814-618-5816EnjoytheFestival!265 N. Findley St. Suite B Punx’y SPECIAL HOURS: Closing 2 pm Friday, Aug. 5, Closed Sat. Aug. 6 Come see us at the SSCD Lawn Festival August 5-6-7 Great Food Games Prizes Cash Raffle Alumni Social AugustEntertainment5-6-7 313 Martha St., Punxsutawney Mon. - Fri. 7-5:30; Sat. 7-2ENJOY THE SSCD LAWN FESTIVAL! 814-938-3850

12 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262
Continued from previous page SSCD Lawn Festival downloading the form off the Facebook page, or by contacting either Brice or WhitneySaturdayBargerstock.doesn’tjust stop at those two events! The Festival will also host a road rally, where all vehicles are welcome to register and go on a scavenger hunt Saturday afternoon. Participants will be given a task card and will earn chances towards a prize drawn at the end of the event. Event participants will be able to earn double points by checking in on Social Media and tagging the Lawn Festival as they complete the tasks on the card. Festival Grounds will open after the 4:30 p.m. Mass, and the Citizens Band will hit the stage followed by musical artists White Shadow and a featured guest.Wait there’s more – the excitement doesn’t stop there! Sunday will be equally as busy when the grounds open after the 10 a.m. Mass, along with a revitalized Health and Wellness Fair hosted by the Church’s Health Ministry. Kristy Petroff has been hard at work coordinating vendors who will be featured in the Church’s Gymnasium from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. sharing information, giveaways, and resources locally available to the Festival visitors. At the same time, children are welcome to attend a Children’s Liturgy story and activity with Ann Kopenhaver, SSCD’s new Religious Education Director and Kerri Presloid, SS Cosmas and Damien’s Preschool Program Director. Parents can take their kids to the activity and then browse the vendors at the Health and Wellness Fair. Sunday will also feature the Classic Car Cruise-In. Cars can register for the voting, and the first 50 cars who register will receive a dashboard plaque donated by Bob Pascuzzo of Bob’s Sales and Service. Winners will be announced at 5 p.m. in the areas of “Children’s Choice” and “CrowdStartingFavorite.”at3p.m., kids can register for our second annual Hoop Shoot Contest in
Enjoy the SSCD LawnKimJeffFestival!andCurtis McClearyMachines,BusinessInc. Digital Color • Multifunctional Fax • Copiers • Printers BRUCE MCCLEARY Sales - Service (814) 797-5733 Fax (814) 797-2158 Box 430, Knox, PA 16232 Great Food Games Prizes Cash Raffle Alumni Social AugustEntertainment5-6-7 - Continued on next page H&H Supply, Inc. 938-4489 Rt. 36, Punx’y 3 Plumbing 3 Heating 3 Electrical 3 Ventilating 3 Hardware Supplies CHECK US OUT:
JacquePerry CALLInsurance?USFORAQUOTE.

Several weekend-long events will also take place including the Saint Clare Fraternity’s (Secular Franciscan Order) giant basket auction. Anne Pensey of the Franciscan Order, anticipates that 20 baskets will be ready and on display to raffle off. The Children’s Art Show will also be featured along the side wall of the Auditorium. Festival attendees will be able to buy votes and vote for their favorite artwork all weekend long. Prizes will be drawn at 7 p.m. Sunday evening. All artwork can be turned in to the church office anytime prior to the start of the festival and Friday evening at the voting booth on the grounds. Artwork will be displayed all weekend, and artists may pick up their works Sunday prior to the close of the festival. For more information on any of these events please visit the Facebook page at••• schedule Page events visit the Facebook page at
Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 – 13 C RIS DUSH Paid for by friends of Cris Dush STATE SENATOR ENJOY THE SSCD LAWN FESTIVAL PA 25TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT SCREEN PROMOTIONALEMBROIDERYPRINTING•BANNERSPENNANTS•CHENILLEPRODUCTS Now offering LASER ENGRAVING and WIDE PRINTING!FORMAT 109 W. Main St. Big Run, PA 15715 / 814.427.2066 / 800.527.2066 / 814-618-5083 SANDWICHES • APPETIZERS • WINGS NEW HOURS: Mon. & Tues. 4 pm to 2 am Wed. thru Sun. 12 pm to 2 am Kitchen open daily til 9 pm 108 N. Findley St., Punxsutawney CallTAKE-OUTSWELCOMEtoreserveour back room for parties.126 W. Mahoning St. Downtown Punxsutawney Roseman’s Flowers for all Occasions! FLORIST & GIFTS Souvenirs Gift Certificates AvailableGifts ArrangementsCustom 938-7364 Enjoy the SSCD Festival! 132 West Mahoning St. Mon.-938-3077Fri9to7,Sat.9to 2’sStillCloseBy. • Michael Horner, R. Ph. • Kim Horner, R. Ph. • Jennifer Moore, R. Ph. • Joe Presloid, R. Ph. • Matt Kunselman, R. Ph. 200 Prushnok Dr. 618-5957 DRIVE UP WINDOW Mon.- Thur 8 to 6, Fri 8-4 2 LOCATIONS:PUNXSUTAWNEY With five pharmacists ready to serve you: SHANNON'S CATERING 433 Sykes Street Ext., DuBois • www.shannonscateringonline.com894-5508 choose our full menu or separate items Great Food Games Prizes Cash Raffle Alumni Social AugustEntertainment5-6-7 588 W. Mahoning St. Punxsutawney Let us take care of your vehicle We offer a full line of Auto Repairs WE'VE GOT TIRES! CARULLI AUTO SALES & SERVICE 938 9584 Continued from previous page SSCD Lawn Festival the Gymnasium, generously sponsored by the Crazy Horse Saloon and Grille. Students in varying age categories can register for the event starting at 3 p.m. with the event beginning at 4 p.m. Preregistration is available at the church office or online or by downloading the registration form on the Festival’s FacebookEntertainmentpage.
14 of this issue For more information on any of these
lineup for Sunday includes Polka Mike, a Children’s Talent show at 3 p.m., a barbershop quartet, and then closing the evening out with The Sharptones prior to the 10 p.m. drawing of the grand prizes.
of events on

14 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 announces Fall Registration Saturday, August 27, 2022 9 a.m. - Noon at Punxsy Studio and 1:30-3:30 p.m. at DuBois Studio CLASSES BEGIN ON SEPT. 13 To register call As an independent insurance agency, we give you up to 8 quotes with one phone call! SHIELDS INSURANCE ENJOY THE FESTIVALS! AUTO LIFE HOME BUSINESS THE BEST PROTECTION FOR THE BEST PRICE! 221 W. Mahoning St., Punxsutawney 814-938-5291www.shieldsinsurance.comIngham&Sons Automotive Services 22368 Rt. 119 IndianaPunx’yHill 814-938-4291 Serving the area since 1976 Imported & DomesticRepairedCars ENJOY THE FESTIVAL! Alex J. Park Owner, Funeral SupervisorDirector William C. Deeley Funeral Director Douglas A. Deeley Funeral Director 33 Hillcrest Dr., Punxsutawney (814) 938-5400 "Serving the community we live in." ENJOY THE FESTIVAL! 814-938-1776 314 W. Mahoning St. Punxsutawney • Workers Compensation • Wills & Estates • Real Estate • Accident & Injury Claims • Social Security Disability NicholasATTORNEYGianvitoATLAW Have Fun at the SSCD Lawn Festival! ENJOY THE FESTIVAL! 939-7660 Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5 Sat. behind8:30-12Mahoning Valley Milling Co. Just off Indiana St., Punxsy CallBrianHorner State Inspection • Alignments Custom Pipe & Exhaust Bending Locally Owned & Operated PA8019 fire commercialfireextinguisherssuppressionsystemskitchenexhaustsystems JAWCo(814)938-8600Fire,Inc. SSCD Lawn Festival Schedule August 5-6-7 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 • 5:30 pm, Festival Begins • 6 pm, Kids Art Show Voting Begins Voting Ends Sunday at 6 pm Winners Announced on Sunday at 7 pm • 6:30-9:30 pm, Heather Olson & The Silver Eagle Band • 9 pm, Movie on the Lawn Movie to be Announced, bring your own chairs and/or blankets SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 • 10 am, Homerun Derby Registration (at Walston Field) Prizes Announced at 6:30 pm • 11 am, Chicken BBQ Opens (at Pavilion) • 12 pm, Road Rally Registration Opens (at Pavilion) Returns at 7 pm, Prizes Awarded • 3 pm, Volleyball Registration and Open Play Tournament Starts at 4 pm Winners Announced at 3 pm on Sunday • 4:30 pm, Mass • 5:30 pm, Grounds Open • 6-7:30 pm, Citizens Band • 7:30-10 pm, White Shadow and guest SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 • 8 am, Mass • 10 am, Mass • 11 am, Grounds Open • 11 am-3 pm, Polka Mike • 11 am, Children’s Liturgy: Story and •Craft 11 am, Health Ministry Booth Opens • 12 pm, Car Cruise Registration Opens Voting Begins at 1 pm, Car Cruise Crowd Fa vorite announcement at 5 pm • 3-5:30 pm, Children’s Talent Show • 3 pm, Hoop Shoot Registration Starts at 4 pm, Winners Announced at 6 pm • 6-9:30 pm, Sharptones • 10 pm, All Major Prize Drawings Announced • • • For more information on any of these events please visit the Facebook page at Great Food Games Prizes Cash Raffle Alumni Social AugustEntertainment5-6-7 Enjoy the Local Festivals!

entire experience is an illusion, fake, and not real. Yet, Bryan and Karla create an atmosphere of tension and anticipation that attracts the audience, holds their attention, and prepares them to see God’s plan from a newBryan,perspective.Karla,and their two daughters make their home in Georgia.Together as a family they travel as often as possible to share theGospel with as many people as possible. Together, they get personal satisfaction from partnering with ministries and building lifelong relationships. It is not unusual for them to do a show for a few hundred on one night and a show for several thousand a few daysMarklater.your calendar, gather your guests, and join us as we experience the awe and wonder our God has in store for this exciting evening. Tickets are FREE and include hors d’oeuvres, dinner, a ministry program, and the show. An offering will be taken to fund operational ministry expenses in Jefferson, Elk, and Clearfield counties. Reservations are required as seating is limited. Venue doors open at 4:45 PM
• • • he Punxsutawney Area Hospital is excited to announce its participation in the national nursing recognition program called the DAISY Foundation. The DAISY – an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System – Foundation was formed in November 1999 by the family of J. Patrick Barnes who died at age 33 of complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). The nursing care Patrick received when hospitalized profoundly touched his family. Today, DAISY proudly honors nurses wherever they practice, in whatever role they serve, and throughout their careers –from nursing students through lifetimes of career achievement.
The mission of the DAISY Foundation is to express gratitude to nurses and recognize them for the extraordinary, T Punxsutawney Area Hospital staff members celebrate the hospital’s bringing the DAISY Foundation to the healthcare facility: front row (l-r) Susan Heitzenrater, Gisela Gach, and Amy Behrendt; back row (l-r): Brooke Henninger, Sue Rayback, Stephanie Sandy, Deanna Beveridge, Mandy Caylor, and Katie Donald. (submitted photo)
DAISY Foundation Honors Compassionate HospitalPunxsutawneyNursesAreaParticipates in Recognition Program Family Dentistry Welcome!PatientsNew Amy Peace Gigliotti, DMD ronald j. walker III, DMD 938-8554 938-5800 203 CLEARFIELD AVE., PUNX’Y Something to Smile About Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. 7:30 a.m. - Noon Indiana Street, Punx’y LESAOWNERWALKER Rt. 119 South (Bottom of Indiana Hill, Punx’y) Sun. 8-8 •Mon.-Sat. 7-8 •Closed Tues. HOURS SUBJECT TO CHANGE GREAT FOOD SERVICE • PARKING DR. IAN CASTEEL NOW X-raysNEWACCEPTINGPATIENTS (on your first visit) Highmark, UPMC, Medicare, Access & More Mon., Wed., & Fri. 8:30-1 & 2:30-7; Closed Tuesday & Thursday 410 East Mahoning 938-4400St. Our job is to keep your spine in line for a healthierbetter,you! Casteel Chiropractic please call 814-938-9206 if interested in attending
Bryan Drake Show Set for October he Bryan Drake Show will visit the Ballmauro in Reynoldsville on Saturday, October 22. The show begins at 5:30 p.m. The Show is driven by one clear and overriding passion: to share the Gospel with this generation. Bryan and Karla Drake have performed for hundreds of thousands of people over the past 10 years. They have witnessed the amazing grace of God firsthand as thousands of people at their shows have surrendered their lives to follow Jesus. Their unique mix of comedy, mentalism, and illusions has mesmerized audiences all across the United States and around the world. The Bryan Drake Show gives Bryan and Karla a bizarre and unique platform to live out their calling. Bryan’s quick wit and dry sense of humor combined with Karla’s attention to detail quickly puts the audience at ease while totally blowing their minds! A combination of crowd interactive illusions and mentalism causes the audience to quickly realize that what they see and are led to believe is not always reality. The message is clear that the T compassionate, skillful care they provide patients and families. By honoring compassionate nurses, DAISY reinforces the importance of compassion in healthcare. Any nurse that works for Punxsutawney Area Hospital is eligible to be nominated for this prestigious award. Nomination forms can be found in various locations at the hospital, are given to patients upon discharge, and the electronic form can be found on The nomination forms will be reviewed three times a year for consideration. Each nominee will remain unnamed during the review process. The review will be completed by an internal committee of the hospital for consideration. The DAISY foundation has created a specific set of guidelines to follow to determine what qualifies a nurse for a DAISY award. “We are thrilled to formally highlight and honor the members of our nursing team at PAH with this distinguished recognition,” states Paula Spack, Vice President of Patient Care Services. Nominations can be submitted at any time; there is no cutoff date for consideration. DAISY recipients receive a pin, a “Healer’s Touch” sculpture, reduced prices for educational advancement opportunities, access to seminars and journals, and discounts for various conferences for the entire length of their career.
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Plyler“C Siblings Learn Life Lessons Raising Pigs for Dayton Fair are involved with the breeding, birthing (far rowing), and raising of pigs for 4H and show at the Dayton Fair. Mark and Elena have been involved with 4H for five years, be ginning as Clover Buds – so long that nei ther of them has many memories of life before raising breeds and raises all their own pigs under the name “Platinum Showpigs,” so the pigs that the children show at the fair are ones that have come from the lines their fam ily have bred and raised. Heidi explains that the sows are bred for two litters a year in order to keep the pigs fertile. “Breeding season happens in October for February litters, and then again in May for September litters, so I guess that’s what you could consider our ‘slow’ time,” she says. Heidi goes on to explain that there is a process involved; each sow is specifically matched with the boar that is going to give them the best ge netics for showing at the Day tonYoungFair.Mark and Elena are in volved with 4H only as far as showing right now, as they are still a bit young for other activ ities within the organization, but they already display many of the leadership qualities that the youth organization emphasizes. “They’re always helping other kids at the fair,” their mom observes. “If another kid has a pig who’s being stubborn, or if one gets loose from the pen, or if one needs help to bathe them, Mark and Elena are there to help – the kids love helping others. This year is a big year for Elena. At 8 years old, she is eligible for a banner if her pig wins, and she is also able to participate in the livestock sale and sell her project. Laci has been a member of 4H for the past eight years and has bannered with their homebred pigs. Fair week is always chaotic for the family: occasionally a pig is slightly underweight and needs to be fed a little extra to meet qualifications for show. Additionally, warmer temperatures mean the children have to keep them comfortable with plenty Pigs make the best friends! Mark Plyler snuggles with one of the Platinum Showpigs. (submitted photo)
- Continued on next page PUNXSY OPEN 5 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT FEED EVERYONE WITHOUT HEATING UP THE KITCHEN! BREAKFAST BUNDLES $3McMuffinSausage + Hash Brown 2 for $5 SausagewithMcMuffinEgg • $3 - Double Cheeseburger + Small Fries • $3 - McChicken + Small Fries • $3 - 4 pc Chicken McNuggets + Small Fries • $6 - 2 McChickens and Basket of Fries • $7 - 2 Double Cheeseburgers & Basket of Fries • $8 - 20 pc Chicken McNuggets + Basket of Fries • $16.99 - Big Mac Pack (2 Big Macs, 2 cheeseburgers, 2 Medium Fries, 10 pc Chicken McNuggets) BIG P814.257.8213814.427.2051RUNDAYTONUNXSUTAWNEY814.938.0271
hildren always hang onto things tighter than their parents think they will,” is a line from E.B. White’s classic novel “Charlotte’s Web,” in which Wilbur the pig was rescued by young Fern when she realized that he would be put to death as the runt of his litter. Throughout the story, Wilbur becomes a strong, healthy pig and proves that physical attributes are not the sum of one’s value. The relationships the pig built with Fern, Charlotte the spider, and the other farm animals proved that what’s on the inside matters more. “No pig ever had truer friends, and he realized that friendship is one of the most satisfying things in the world,” White writes. The Plyler family of Brookville is a reallife example of how easy it is to build a re lationship with their swine. Says mother Heidi Plyler, “These pigs honestly think they’re dogs. They love to snuggle and have their bellies scratched; they even kick their legs like dogs. When you sit down on the ground you’d better look out because if you’re not paying attention you could end up with a 400-pound sow in your lap! It’s not uncommon for me to find pigs in my house; I’ll be in the kitchen and turn around to find a pig behind me.” Heidi recalls one particularly heartwarm ing anecdote from several years ago when the family was moving into the Plyler home stead: “We were unloading the trucks and when we looked up, everything was quiet: no kids in sight, and no pigs either.” After searching for a while, the lost children were located in one of the flower beds. The preg nant gilts were stretched out, sound asleep with one kid on top of each, also sleeping. They knew they were at their forever home. The Plyler family (dad, Mark; mom, Heidi; and their children, Mark, 10, and Elena, 8) along with 16-year-old Laci Poole (a family friend so close she’s considered a “niece,”)
16 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262
Laci (far right) poses with Elena and Mark at the 2021 Dayton Fair after being awarded the "Reserve Champion" banner. (submitted photo)
By Danielle Merrow for Hometown magazine

ers. And farming is in their blood; after all, both Heidi and her husband, Mark, have strong Wetheandwhenalwaysfamilydoes.becauseHeiditakesswineshowbrokeTalmage)friendssomewiththantimemoredid.portunitieshavesurecouplebackgrounds.agriculturalThehasmadetheirchildrenthesameoptheyMarkhadhands-onwithswineHeidi,butthehelpofdevoted(likeKaylatheyintothesideoftheindustry.“Itavillage”oftensays,ittruly“Wehavefriendsthatshowupasowisduethatmeansworldtous.canalwayscount
Continued from previous page Plyler Siblings Learn
on Kristi to make the 2-hour drive in, and Alisha and Kylee will always drop whatever they are doing to run over.”ThePlyler children both look forward to seeing the new piglets being born. Immedi ately after birth, the pigs go into a drying agent that cleans them; Little Mark loves watching this process and seeing the babies come out perfectly clean. Elena says that after anticipating and preparing for the piglets’ birth, her favorite part is getting to meet them. Laci helps at the piglets’ birth too and particularly loves catching them as they areOfborn.course, amid all the reasons why the Plyler family love their work in farrowing and raising their pigs, there are diffi cult parts of the job that go beyond trudging to the barn in a snowstorm. “I like to tell people, along with all the fun we have we’ve had our fair share of heartbreak too,” Heidi points out. “The kids once walked into the barn after a sow deliv ered a full litter of piglets overnight, without our help, and 7 of the 10 piglets had passed. They’ve witnessed mis carriages. They have had piglets who were born healthy but became sick and held them as they passed. It’s a huge lesson about death – how someone can be here one minute and gone the next.” Since the Plyler family raises pigs to butcher in addition to their show pigs, an other conversation Heidi says she frequently has is about how the family can eat the ani mals they have raised from babies. “At the end of the day, people still have to eat,” lit tle Mark Plyler reasons. “Our pigs are loved and respected and cared for. Yes, it’s hard. We cry. But we also know they’re serving a Laci oversees a new litter of piglets during feeding. (submitted photo)
While the family forms strong bonds with all of their animals, their life on the farm has come with some lifelong lessons attached. “The kids have learned that life is not all about them, and they carry a great amount of responsibility,” their mom says. “They are fully aware that when a mama pig is due, it’s all hands on deck. Every one pitches in to help.” Day-to-day, Mark and Elena are expected to help in the barn for both morning and evening feedings. “It doesn’t mat ter how sick you are or how much snow is on the ground, those pigs need to eat twice a day and their pens must be cleaned out and sani tized,” their mom says. Despite all the work in volved, they love life on the farm and want to continue their involve ment. “We’ve asked them,” Heidi says, “Is it too much work? Would you like to sell the pigs to have a little more free dom, and just buy show pigs for fair season?
While they are still young and have a lot of years to decide, Heidi speculates that both children will most likely carry on the agri cultural lifestyle in some form as they grow older. In addition to raising their pigs, the Plyler’s have horses as well and are avid rid Mark and Elena Plyler both say one of their favorite parts of the birth of new piglets is putting them in the drying agent to clean them after birth. (submitted photo)
And that conversation usually leads to tears. They want to know why we would even suggest such a thing.”
Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 – 17 of baths (also important for showing, but usually the pigs don’t mind much, as Heidi remarks that most people don’t give pigs enough credit for being very clean animals) and occasional drinks of Gatorade to keep their electrolytes up. And sometimes, for any number of reasons, the pigs just are not in the mood to cooperate. The family chuckles together at a memory of one such instance during fair week, when young Mark was entering the arena to show his pig. “The pig just stopped,” Heidi re calls. “Mark couldn’t get her to budge, and he was looking at me for help. And then we realized that the pig was peeing … and it was going in Mark’s boot!” Still, fair week is a time they all anticipate all year long. Ten-year-old Mark looks forward to seeing all of the other animals at the fair and getting to pet them. Eight-year-old Elena’s favorite part of fair week is the preparations. “My favorite thing is training my pig for fair!” she exclaims. At age sixteen, Laci anticipates seeing the up-and-coming kids who are just starting out, and watching them navigate their first few fair seasons.
- Continued on page 23

18 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 Dr. Nathan C. FULLStebbinsSERVICE OPTICAL Caring for the EYES of your family COMPLETE LINE OF CONTACTS ALL TYPES OF FRAMES 200 S. FINDLEY (814)PUNXSUTAWNEYST.,938-5920 Most Insurances Accepted Mon. 8-6 • Tues. 8-5:30 Wed. 8-7:30 • Thur. 8-2 Fri 8-5 • Sat. by Appt. DELANEYHONDA 724-717-1500 Very Smart. Honda Generators! 115 Lenz Rd. Indiana, PA | EU2200i Companion| EU2200i Camo Come join us for a week of atentertainmentfamilytheGroundhogFestival!Jeff&KimCurtis DOWNTOWN PUNXSY OPEN 5 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT TRY ONE OF OUR... Strawberry Watermelon & Tropical Mango slushies, or Frozen Coke, Blue Raspberry, & Fanta Wild Cherry - Continued on page 20 Punxsutawney Groundhog FestivalAugust 14-20 at Yoder’s Antique Mall, 14342 Rt. 36 Punxsutawney ollowing scheduling changes that postponed the annual Groundhog Festival from its normal June dates to mid-August, the countdown is now on for the 14,offforwithvendors15767.36Antiquenewtradition55-years-runningtoresumeinitslocationatYoder’sMall,14342Rt.Punxsutawney,PAFoodandgoodswillbepresent,liveentertainmenteveryfancy.ThefestivalwillkickonSunday,Augustwithmusicbysouthern gospel group CrossOver Quartet, which will perform two separate shows in the afternoon. Wonderzone Traveling Children’s Museum and Dinosaur exhibit is returning from last year, and evening entertainment will be Bill Haley Junior and the Comets performing two shows, at 6:00 and 7:30. Monday, August 15, Wonderzone Traveling Children’s Museum and Dinosaur exhibit will present two shows. Magician and balloon artist Billy Heh will return from last year to perform a 35-minute show and then circulate throughout the festivities. At By Danielle Merrow for Hometown magazine F Groundhog Festival to Kick Off August 14 6:00 and 7:30, the Eagles tribute band 7 Bridges from Nashville, Tennessee, will take theOnstage.Monday through Saturday, each day from 10 a.m to noon will begin with Magic Mike’s Inflatables – an activity free to children during this time. In the afternoon, there will be a charge, so get to Magic Mike’s early! Tuesday, August 16, Wonderzone Traveling Children’s Museum and Dinosaur exhibit will present two shows. Magician and balloon artist Billy Heh will perform and be available throughout the festival. Country band Saddle Up will play at 6:00 and 7:30. Wednesday, August 17, Wonderzone Traveling Children’s Museum and Dinosaur exhibit will present two shows. Magician and balloon artist Billy Heh will return from last year to perform a 35-minute show and then circulate afterward. Eighties tribute / rock band Velveeta, of State College is slated to perform at 6:00 and 7:30. Thursday, August 18, Wonderzone Traveling Children’s Museum and Dinosaur exhibit will present two shows. At noon, 939-7660
CallBrianHorner State Inspection • Alignments Custom Pipe & Exhaust Bending OperatedOwnedLocally& Enjoy the GroundhogPunxsutawneyFestival!
Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5 Sat. behind8:30-12Mahoning Milling Co. off Indiana St., Punx’y

Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 – 19 MAHONING PHYSICAL THERAPY MEDICAL CENTER TWOLICKPHYSICALMAHONINGTHERAPYVALLEYP.T. Office Hours By Appointment Marion Center 724-397-9100 Clymer 724-254-1010 MEDICARE CERTIFIED AQUATIC THERAPY WELDINGACMEMACHINE&CO. ENJOY THE FESTIVAL! 46 Anchor Inn Rd., Punxsutawney 814-938-6702 PowderedMetalBearings ENJOY ALL THE LOCAL FAIRS AND FESTIVALS! 700 Martha St., Punx’y 814-938-7411 Now Accepting Applications for ALL SHIFTS A hometown bank you can count on . . . both today and in the future! Follow us on social media! BIG 814.257.8213D814.427.2051RUNAYTON 814.938.0271PUNXSUTAWNEY QUALITY MANUFACTURING & EMERGENCY REPAIRS 754 S. Main St. Ext., Punx’y 814-938-9763 HAVE FUN AT ALL THE LOCAL FESTIVALS AND FAIRS! Serving the Mining, Crane, Aggregate, Heavy Industrial, Recycling, and Oil & Gas Industries NOW HIRING: Field Service Technicians, 1st & 2nd shift Machinists - off shift differential and 4-10s for 2nd shift, and 2nd Shift Shop Lead Apply within or email resume to - Continued on next page Groundhog Festival Schedule August 14-20 • DAILY 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., Magic Mike Bounce Inflatables - Free kids activity (after noon there will be a charge) SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 • 12 & 1:30 p.m., CrossOver Quartertet • 3 & 4:30 p.m., Wonderzone Chil dren’s Museum / Dinosaur Exhibit • 6 p.m. & 7:30 p.m., Bill Haley, Jr. and the CometsMONDAY, AUGUST 15 • 12:30 p.m., Billy Heh Magic • 1:30 & 3:30 p.m., Wonderzones Children’s Museum / Dinosaur Exhibit • 2:30 p.m., Billy Heh Balloons • 6 & 7:30 p.m., 7 Bridges Eagles Tribute Band TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 • 12:30 & 3 p.m., Wonderzone Chil dren’s Museum / Dinosaur Exhibit • 1:30 & 4 p.m., Billy Heh Magic • 6 & 7:30 p.m., Saddle Up WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17 • 12:30 & 2:30 p.m., Billy Heh Magic • 1:30 & 3:30 p.m., Wonderzone Children’s Museum / Dinosaur Exhibit • 6 & 7:30 p.m., THURSDAY,VelveetaAUGUST 18 • 12 p.m, Sack / Hula Hoop Relay Race • 1:30 & 5:30 p.m., Ridiculous Nicholas Stage Shows and strolling throughout the day Punxsutawney Groundhog FestivalAugust 14-20 at Yoder’s Antique Mall, 14342 Rt. 36 Punxsutawney

Punxsutawney Groundhog FestivalAugust
• 2:30 & 4:30 p.m., Wonderzone Chil dren’s Museum / Dinosaur Exhibit 7 & 8:30 p.m., Jess Zimmerman Band FRIDAY, AUGUST 19 12 p.m., Ninja Obstacle Course • 1:30, 3:30 & 5:30 p.m., Wonderzone Children’s Museum / Dinosaur Exhibit 2:30 & 4:30 p.m., Ridiculous Nicholas Stage Shows and strolling throughout the day 7 & 8:30 p.m., Uptown Band
SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 12 & 1:30, Kenton Stitch Band 2 & 4 p.m., Wonderzone Children’s Museum / Dinosaur Exhibit • 3 & 5 p.m., Ridiculous Nicholas Stage Shows and strolling through out the day • 7 & 8:30 p.m., Rick K Road Trip For up-to-date and complete punxsutawneygroundhogfestival.cominfo:orFacebook@PxyGroundhogFestival••• 19 Festival Schedule 14-20 at Yoder’s Antique Mall, 14342 Rt. 36 Punxsutawney
20 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 PLAY HERE… WE PAY HERE! HOURS: Monday-Saturday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. • Sunday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. TRIMMINGPUNX’Y938-6768TREESERVICE&STUMPREMOVAL&REMOVAL Chamber of Commerce member FULLY INSURED 104 Dunlap Ave., Punxsutawney CALL OUR “LUCKY 814-948-7777NUMBER” 447 Shawna Road, Rt. 219 Northern www.freedomchryslerjeepdodge.comCambria FREEDOM Bad Credit, Slow Credit, No Credit, Good Credit, We love to say, “YES, You’re Approved!” If We Don’t Have It... We GetCanIt! John Kness, Agent Mon-Fri 8:30-5, Sat 9-12 407 S. Main Street, 814-371-6756DuBois Nancy C. Gotwald, Agent Mon-Sat by Appointment only 2725 Rt. 36 N, 814-938-7311Punxsutawney • AUTO • HOME • FARM • LIFE • HEALTH • FLOOD • RECREATIONAL TOYS • COMMERCIAL • WORKERS COMPENSATION • & MORE Our family protecting yours, since 1932 Enjoy the Local Fairs & Festivals! Bill Hawk, OwnerPA# 017948 HAWKCONSTRUCTION ● ConstructionNew ● Additions ● General Remodeling ● Ditchwich & Bobcat Services ● Roofing, Siding, Soffit/Fascia 814.938.2565 • 814.590.3459 814-938- 1000 201 N. Findley PunxsutawneySt. weatherdiscovery.orgfor current hours & admission visitBecome a TORNADO! Make a THUNDERSTORM! & do lots of other cool stuff! Continued from page 18 Groundhog Festival sack / hula hoop relay races will be held for children. Stilts performer Ridiculous Nicholas will present a stage performance and stroll throughout the festival. Live music will be played by the Jess Zimmerman Band at 6:00 and 7:30. Friday, August 19, Wonderzone Traveling Children’s Museum and Dinosaur exhibit will present two shows. At noon, a Ninja Obstacle Course will be available for those who want to test their daring! Stilts performer Ridiculous Nicholas will perform once on stage and stroll the festival. Variety band Uptown Band will hit the stage at 7:00 and 8:30 to close out the night. Saturday, August 20, Wonderzone Traveling Children’s Museum and Dinosaur exhibit will present two shows. Ridiculous Nicholas will perform one show in stilts and stroll the festival in the morning and evening. Kenton Stitch will provide country music entertainment (with a touch of pop and contemporary) in two shows in the afternoon. The festival will close out with music by Rick K Roadtrip; the band has previously performed under the name Rick K and the Allnighters.•• •
Continued from page

The Groundhog Club is hosting Sundays with Phil from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the sec ond & fourth Sundays of the month through the summer at the visitors’ center at Gobbler’s Knob.
n The Punx’y Salvation Army is holding Club 3:16 on Wednesdays at 3:45 p.m. Call 938-5530 to register your child or for more in formation. n Through Aug. 31: Youth Ocean Reading Challenge at Punx’y Memorial Library. Com plete 2 BINGOs and win a new book. For chil dren ages 18 months to 10 years old.
n Aug. 10: It’s Elementary 1 & 2 Oceans of Possibilities Summer Reading Closing Party, 11 a.m., at Punx’y Memorial Library. For those that turned in reading logs or regis tered for the program. n Aug. 11: In-B-Tweens & Teen Club Oceans of Possibilities Summer Reading Closing Party, 11 a.m., for those that turned in reading logs or registered for the program.
n Free Summer Meals for Children ages 18 and under, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays at the Punx’y Area High School cafeteria. Adult meals, $4. Ends Aug. 17.
n Weather Discovery Center: Summer Hours: Tuesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. n The Big Run Fire Co. holds Honey Badger Bingo every first and third Wednes day of the month at the Big Run Event Center. Doors open at 4 p.m., early bird games start at 6 p.m. and regular games start at 6:30 p.m. Food & beverages available.
F - Continued on next page
n Aug. 8: Wee-Read Oceans of Possibili ties Summer Reading Closing Party, 11 a.m., at Punx’y Memorial Library. For those that turned in reading logs or registered for the program. n Aug. 9: Pre-K Rocks! Oceans of Possibilities Summer Reading Closing Party, 11 a.m., at Punx’y Memorial Library. For those that turned in reading logs or registered for the program.
DARLENE STUCHELL • Tax Practitioner • Electronic Filing • Notary Public • Bookkeeping & Accounting TEMPORARYAVAILABLETAGS We Offer Year-round Service Please call for an appointment 938-7070 Fax: 939-7070 76HarvestLane,Punx’y Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 – 21 LOCALLYOWNED&OPERATED.YOURMONEYSTAYSHERE!•Parts•Paint•Hoses•&muchmore 110 SOUTH GILPIN STREET • PUNXSUTAWNEY MIDTOWN938-6363 AUTO PARTS countrypunxsutawneyclub BOOK YOUR PARTY OR EVENT FOR 2022! ASK ABOUT OUR SOCIAL MEMBERSHIPSCLUB Call Daggi at the clubhouseor cell at 814-771-0095 for more info on private events. WELCOME!EVERYONE 814-938-8243 N. Main St., Punx’y For updates www.punxsycc.comvisit, 724-397-8838 or toll free 800-705-8838 6791 Rt. 119, S. of Marion Center Supplies for: Plumbing • Heating Well Water • Electrical Your HometownSmallAttitudeCompany WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED, INCLUDING HARD TO FIND ITEMS, TO DO IT YOURSELF! YOUR HEATING HEADQUARTERS Furnace & Boiler Parts for Trane, Reznor, Burnham, Beckett, Air Ease, American Standard, Rheem, Miller & More • Oil Nozzles & Filters • Duct, Duct Fittings & Registers Family Owned Since 1909 324 INDIANA ST. 938-8850PUNXSY MON.-FRI. 8-5 SATURDAY 8-3 WE’VE GOT GUNS & AMMO! Propane, Live Bait, Fishing Supplies Lawn & &LimestoneSupplies,GardenMulches,Gravel,Riverstone a local company serving local people since 1877 . . . 647COMPANYINSURANCEMUTUALPATRONSFIREPHILADELPHIAST.INDIANA,PA15701724-465-4922 toll free www.patronsmutualpa.com1-800-326-0084 SEALINGPERRY814-952-4522TIGERPERRY FREE ESTIMATES Over 20 Years Experience COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Hot Asphalt Patching and HotLazerSealcoatingLinePaintingTackCrackFilling HometownHappeningsCommunity rom the staff of Hometown magazine and the Community Calendar at Punx, here is a list of events coming up in our area: At press time, Coron avirus restrictions and mask requirements were changing. Please check with the host organi zation’s website or Facebook page for up-todate information. n Pirates Contest Winner! The Pirates beat the Marlins 3-2 on July 12. Shelly Niver of Big Run entered 5 total points to be the tie breaker winner. She wishes to redeem her gift card from Punxsy Shop and Save. Congratulations, Shelly. Please play to win this month.
n Through Sept. 22: Summer Reading Challenge at Punx’y Memorial Library. Com plete 2 BINGOs and win a new book. For those age 18 and over. n Aug. 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29: Adult Coloring Club, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., at Punx’y Memorial Library. Bring your own supplies or borrow some from the library. For those over age 18. n Aug. 2: National Night Out, 5-8 p.m., at Barclay Square. n Aug. 4: Music in the Park, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Barclay Square, featuring “Sharp tones.” Bring a lawn chair. n Aug. 5, 6 & 7: SSCD Lawn Festival, food, fun & games for the entire family. n Aug. 5-7: “Stuff the Bus” at Punx’y Wal mart to benefit the local Salvation Army. School supplies are needed. Collection bins will be inside the store. n Aug. 5 & 6: Grange’s Helping Hands free clothing. Friday, noon to 4 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Grange Church of God. n Aug. 6 & 7: Hazen Flea Market, 7 a.m.3 p.m., Warsaw Township Fire Co.’s grounds. n Aug. 6: PA Hunter-Trapper Education, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Oliver Township Fire Hall. Visit the PA Game Commission website for registration. n Aug. 6, 10, 20 & 24: Book donations ac cepted from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Punx’y Memorial Library. Limit 2 boxes/bags per per son.
n Aug. 6: Peachy Saturday, various loca tions around Smicksburg. n Aug. 6: 2nd Annual Community Pool Day, 3-6 p.m., at George C. Brown Commu nity Pool. Free admission & pizza. Sponsored by the First United Methodist Church. n Aug. 6: Chicken BBQ, opens at 4 p.m., Rossiter Vol. Fire Co. n Aug. 7: Farmer’s Market, noon to 4 p.m., at Barclay Square. n Aug. 8-26: PA Lottery Scratch-Off Bas ket Raffle at Punx’y Memorial Library. Draw ing for the winner will be held at noon Aug. 26, with proceeds benefiting the library.
n Aug. 11: Catastrophic Book Club, 5:30 p.m., at Punx’y Memorial Library. This month’s book is “The Stolen Marriage.” This book club is for adults. n Aug. 11: Music in the Park, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Barclay Square, featuring “Vagabonds.” Bring a lawn chair. n Aug. 13: Food Sale, 5:30 p.m., at Parkview School, Anita. n Aug. 14: Farmer’s Market, noon to 4 p.m., at Barclay Square. n Aug. 15-20: Dayton Fair. Food & enter tainment for the whole family. n Aug. 17: Drive-Through Community Dinner, 5 to 6 p.m., at Punx’y Presbyterian Church. Enter the alley off East Mahoning St beside the Pantall and drive toward Union St. Meals will be handed to the driver. The meal will include an entrée to heat at home and a dessert. n Aug. 18: Music in the Park, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Barclay Square, featuring “Anything Goes Again.” Bring a lawn chair. n Aug. 20 & 21: Coolspring Power Mu seum open. There is an admission charge. n Aug. 20: PA Hunter-Trapper Education, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Brockway Sportsmen’s Club Pavilion. Visit the PA Game Commission web site for registration. n Aug. 21: Farmer’s Market, noon to 4 p.m., at Barclay Square. n Aug. 21: George C. Brown Community Pool last day. Dog Day, 6 to 8 p.m. Rain date, Monday night. n Aug. 22: First Day of School in Punx sutawney Area School District. Watch for chil dren and buses. n Aug. 25: Music in the Park, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Barclay Square, featuring “Moore Brothers.” Bring a lawn chair. n Aug. 25-Sept. 3: 159th Indiana County Fair. Food, fun & entertainment for the whole
The Perry Township Vol. Fire Co. holds an All You Can Eat breakfast on the 2nd Sunday of every month at the fire hall, 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Adults, $8.

• • • Continued from previous page Hometown Community 119 South, Punx’y (Next to Dairy Queen) 938-2570 Please call ahead during this time for Hours & Days. Full Menu • New Menu Catering • Six Packs to Go Remodeled Dining Room Oil and Lube Express West Main St., Brookville Our Average Oil Change Only Takes 10 Minutes! No Appointment Necessary Open 8 to 5 Mon.-Fri.; 8 to Noon Sat. 814-849-4712 punxsutawne y country club punxsutawne y country club 50% OFF NEW MEMBERSHIP50% OFF NEW MEMBERSHIP Golf Membership Benefits • Tournaments, unlimited golf 7 days a week, 4 hour rounds • Includes social membership, with no food or beverage minimums • Full use of Clubhouse, access to dining room and bar • No initiation fee *Only available to New Members. Active members of the Punxsutawney Country Club for the years 2019-2022 are not considered new members and are ineligible for the Step Plan Join under any of the existing base rates and see step plan below. JOIN UNDER ANY OF THESE 2022 ANNUAL BASE RATES FAMILY $3,570 SENIOR $1,825 ADULT $2,020 WOMEN’S $1,650 ADULT 35-40 $1,515 ADULT UNDER 35 $870 NON- RESIDENT $1,110 ADDITIONAL OFFERS outsideASSOCIATE12airmi. from PCC $720 SPECIAL JUNIORS age 18-22 $275 JUNIORS $175 KIDS 14 & UNDER FREE PAHS GOLF TEAM $100 SOCIAL $10 single $15 Couple Qualify for the following Step Plan outlined below: Step 1 50% of base rate 1st year Step 2 66.6% of base rate 2nd year Step 3 83.2% of base rate 3rd year Step 4 Dues go to full base rate 408 N. Main St., Punx’y Call Dan for 938-9760Details Get On The BallGet On The Ball Sales, Service & Rentals • WATER CONDITIONER • IRON FILTERS • REVERSE OSMOSIS • UV LIGHTS • SALT 814-365-5995ESTIMATESFREEMayport, PA 16240 www.evanswatercare.comPunxsutawney, PA 814-933-4009814-933-4005 Fully Insured estimateCallforafree#PA062730 C J MC J M PLUMBING,HEATING&AIRCONDITIONING Punxsutawney Hometown magazine ONLINE ALL THE www.punxsutawneymagazine.comTIME...
Timeline for grant Grant applications must be received not later than by August 25, 2022. One Bonus Grant of up to $500 will be awarded by September 1, 2022. Activity to be conducted between Sep tember 15 and November 15, 2022. Show or present the result of the project during Home for the Holidays Weekend. Final report is due not later than December 15, 2022. Application / program requirements n Official designation of nonprofit status from IRS. n Involvement of a minimum of 10 tweens (ages 11-14) in the activity / program. n Engagement of participants for not less than 10 hours. (Example: two hours per week
22 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 The Ultimate Retirement CommunityOne & Two Bedroom Luxury Apartments “55 & Older” Call now for your tour and to experience the luxury you Deserve! 407 East Mahoning Street Punxsutawney • (814) 938-5474 • NOW OFFERING STANDING SEAMS! • manufacturer,Buydirectfromthenomiddleman! CONTRACTORSDELIVERIESWELCOMEAVAILABLE 814-427-2921 • 40 Year Warranty • 21 Colors 444 Rt. 410, Punx’y Manufacturer of Roofing & Accessories family. High School Band Night, Aug. 30, 7 p.m. n Aug. 27: PA Hunter-Trapper Education, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., at Marion Center Park Hall. Visit the PA Game Commission website for registration. n Aug. 27: Community Block Party, 1-8 p.m., at Barclay Square, sponsored by Unity Rises Association of Punx’y. Bring lawn chairs, a grill if you need, and food to share.
TCommunity Foundation Announces Bonus Grant for a five-week period.)
n Aug. 27 & 28: Ringgold Vol. Fire Co.’s Annual Firemen’s Weekend. Includes a Craft & Vendor fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and a Chicken BBQ at 11 a.m. Sat urday. For vendor information, visit the fire company’s Facebook page.
n Aug. 28: Farmer’s Market, noon to 4 p.m., at Barclay Square. n Aug. 30: Open House, 3-6 p.m., at Mul berry Healthcare & Rehabilitation, featuring music, food, and fun fellowship for everyone. Sponsored by Mulberry’s new owners, Bonamour Health Group. n is hosting the Great Out doors Hiking Trails Photo Contest in Jeffer son, Elk, Forest, Clarion, and Cameron counties. Contest runs through August. See for more information. n Jeff Tech offers adult education courses. Check their website for courses and other in formation. • • • he Punxsutawney Area Community Foundation, Inc. announces a request for proposal from nonprofit or public or ganizations to host an activity for tweens (ages 11-14) to take place between September 15 and November 15, 2022. Application forms are available online at or may be re quested by calling (814) 938-2493. Purpose of grant The activity shall engage tweens in a group activity where they interact with adults and their peers to complete an activity and present the results of their activity to the public at a community event. The activity must take place in the geo graphic area served by the Punxsutawney Area School District; engage the participants in a STEM (Science, Technology, English, or Mathematics) activity; and result in a group project which may be shared in some manner with the community. Grant eligibility Organizations eligible to apply for a 2022 Bonus Grant are 501(c)3 non-profits and pub lic entities. Funds provided by the Bonus Grant must be used to directly support the par ticipation of the tweens in the project. Funds may not be used to offset ongoing administra tive costs or staff salaries.
n Make a presentation or display the project during Home for the Holidays Weekend. n An evaluation of the program by partici pants which answers the following questions is required to be submitted with the project final report. (Did you enjoy this program/ac tivity? What is one thing you learned during the program / activity? Would you attend an other program/activity of this kind?) n A one-page final report, with pictures, on the project is required not later than December 15, 2022. (Note: Organization applying for the Bonus grant will be responsible for securing all required parental waivers, including those for use of photographs of participants.) n Grant funding may not be used to offset ongoing administrative expenses. n Proposals demonstrating the mobilizing of funds to enhance the project from other sources will receive higher consideration. A letter of commitment to provide additional funds must be attached to the grant application.

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Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 – 23
Proudly Serving Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield, Elk, Jefferson, McKean, and Potter Counties Area Transportation Authority of North Central PA 44 Transportation Center Johnsonburg, PA 15845 e are back and ready to entertain! You may have seen us prancing down the street in the DuBois Fire man’s Parade – the Magical World of Danc ing Horses, voted “Best Entertainment for 2021”! We open this season with some new presentations.Youwillsitin
On the Now Apply Online for reduced fares for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities (PWD), and Medical Assistance Transportation (MATP) with PA FMR (Find My Ride) APPLY. You may be eligible for reduced fares. Apply today and see if you qualify.
• •
Apply Today
WMagical World of Dancing Horses Returns to Region Horses. We are a small theater and seats sell out fast so order your tickets early . Those of you joining us for dinner can expect the same delicious offering from Farmer’s Inn in Sigel, Pennsylvania. Luscious pulled pork and fried chicken accompanied by all the accouter ments. You don’t want to miss this year’s cel ebration.Tickets can be purchased online at http://www. or over the phone at (814) 246-8221. • Continued from page 17 Plyler Siblings Learn purpose. And we know the quality of the meat we are eating. We know that when they go, it is in the most humane and pain-free way imaginable. When an animal leaves here to be butchered, we know it’s been a minimum of 21 days antibiotic free if it’s been ill.” Yet despite all the hours of sweat and tears, the long sleepless nights with a birthing sow, frustrating hours of training, and nights in the barn on air mattresses, the Plylers would n’t have it any other way. And if E.B. White’s words hold any weight, the Plylers’ lives should be well ful filled for years to come, because according to “Charlotte’s Web,” “Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch.”
awe of the dancing horses pre sented under lights, and you will not want to miss Barney, our resident goof off. We love America, and this year we present a celebra tion of our nation. We are going to jump start the holidays so come prepared to be spooked with Thriller and the dreads of Halloween. We couldn’t get Santa Clause this early in the year, but he sent the Grinch and his miniature helpers with their ponies. We have a surprise guest appear ing, a long-eared friend – a special presenta tion. This year for the first time we have the “Singing Ponies,” and you won’t want to miss their antics. Of course, as always, we present our beauti ful dancing horses in new and inventive ways. Back with us this year is Chuck Feighner and his dancing palomino. Jeff Wilson returns this year with his stunning Morgans. This year we will introduce two younger equine dancers just entering the show world, one the son of one of our Drum Horse pinto mares, the other a stunning Champagne colored Friesian. We continue to grow. Wear something warm and come join us September 23 and 24 for the fun and imagi nation of the Magical World of Dancing
• • • BUY TICKETS www.imagine-dancinghorses.comNOW!Contact#:814-246-8221 or Facebook/ Pam Buterbaugh Fri - Sat Shows 7 pm Sat. Evening Dinner 5:30-6:30 pm Beaver Run Equestrian Dance Theatre 3460 Rt. 410 Punx’y Family Entertainment Music and Costumes Catered Dinner and THE DANCINGFAMOUSHORSES Magical World Dancingof Horses Dinner Show PerfectDateNight Experience the DreamExperience the Dream September23&24,2022

24 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 • Schaeffer's Oil Products • McFeeter Shavings • Custom Combine Service • B&W Hitch Dealer • Truck Accessories • Metal Fab Bulk & Bagged... CHEMICALSFERTILIZER,SEED,&PESTICIDESGearhartsCOUNTRYMARKET814-257-0127102S.StateSt.DaytonPA16222Monday-Saturday7am-8pm Kristopher Graham Owner 814-257-8307 125 West Main Street, Dayton, PA DELIVER!WE KEVIN NEAL Auction Service Kevin Neal, Owner PA LICENSE #AU006046 814-275-2087 • knauctionservice@gmail.com814-590-8231 AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCATION OR AUC TION HOUSE IN NEW BETHLEHEM 1204 Olean Trail New Bethlehem, PA ESTATES • EQUIPMENTCONSIGNMENTANTIQUES•FARMS•CLEAN-OUTSBUSINESSLIQUIDATIONANDMORE COMPASSION • DIGNITY • RESPECT 125 East Main Street, Dayton, Pa. 16222 Joshua Chapman Starr - Supervisor Jennifer Bauer Eroh - Owner 448 White Oak Rd., Rural Valley 724-783-2449 36 MONTH/100,000 MILE PARTS AND LABOR NATIONWIDE WARRANTY 6 MONTHS SAME AS CASH WITH APPROVED CREDIT by All BuildingYourSupplies LUMBERBROCIOUSCOMPANY814-365-5111PromptDelivery STOP BY OUR LOCATION AT 50 JR Resources Dr., Ringgold, PA Lumber • Plywood Doors • SidingFlooringWindows&Roofing SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 • Noon, Antique Tractor Pull & Factory FieldSUNStockDAY, AUGUST 14 • 7 p.m., Vespers - Dan Schall Ministries • 8 p.m., Crowning of Fair Queen MONDAY, AUGUST 15 • 1 p.m., FAIR OFFICIALLY OPENS • 3 p.m., Equestrian Show • 5 p.m., Light Horse Game Show • 6 p.m., Amusement Rides Open • 7 p.m., CROWDER (Christian music) TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 • MINI FUN SHOW following horse events at 12:30 p.m. • 5 p.m., Amusement Rides Open • 7 p.m., Kids Motorcycle & ATV Show WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17 • Noon, Harness Racing • 4:30 p.m., Community Pet Show • 5 p.m., Amusement Rides Open • 5 p.m., Mini Horse Fun Show • 7 p.m., Power Pulling Production Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League and Dayton Fair Open Classes THURSDAY, AUGUST 18 • Noon, Harness Racing • 5 p.m., Amusement Rides Open • 6:30 p.m., Junior Livestock Auction • 7 p.m., Off-Road Vehicle Drag Racing FRIDAY, AUGUST 19 • 9 a.m., Judging Light Horse Youth Show • 10 a.m., Premier Showman Contest • Noon, Amusement Rides Open • 1-3 p.m., 4-H and Vocational AG Contest • 2 p.m., Animal Dress Up Contest • 5 p.m., Horse Costume Class • 7 p.m., Demolition Derby SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 • 9 a.m., Equine Fun Show • Noon, Amusement Rides Open • 2 p.m., Woodcarving and Glass Blowers Auctions • 4 p.m., Hog Calling Contest • 7 p.m., Mud Bog followed by Fireworks by Starfire For up-to-date and complete www.daytonfair.orginfo: 814-249-7200 Hello, Punxsutawney! Alan and Mellissa Rupp, owners 25 years in the business, You will not find more reliable service! Charles E. Boyer, Supervisor/Funeral Director Brian K. Myers, Funeral Director Rural Valley, 724-783-7331PA Traditional • Cremation Pre-Planning • Monuments Funeral Home, Inc. The Great Dayton Fair August 15-202022 Schedule

4. Clip and forward the coupon to: ‘Pirates Giveaway,’ c/o Hometown magazine, 129 Aspen Road, Punx sutawney, PA 15767. PLEASE MARK YOUR TEAM PICK & TOTAL POINTS ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE ENVE LOPE.
Pirates vs. Giants Wed., Aug. 13 • 9:05 p.m.
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Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 – 25
GIVEAWAY RULES 1. Complete the coupon on this page. 2. Guess the winning team and the total number of points you think will be scored in the Pirates vs. Giants Game and enter the guesses in the spaces provided on the coupon.
5. All entries must be received by 4 p.m. Saturday, August 16. 6. No purchase necessary to participate. All entries must be original magazine coupon (no photocopies).
7. In the event two or more contestants correctly pick the winning team and total number of points, one winner will be randomly selected and awarded the winning prize. In event two or more contestants tie for closest to the total score, one winner will be randomly selected to win the $20 certificate. Each issue we will give one $20 certificate.8.Hometown magazine retains the right to make any final decisions regarding the contest, and by submitting an entry, contestants agree to abide by the rules of the con test.
Hometown magazine ‘Pirates Giveaway’: Complete, Clip, Drop off or Mail to: Pirates Baseball Contest c/o Hometown magazine, 129 Aspen Road, Punxsutawney, PA 15767 PhoneZipAddressName Coupon for Game of Wed., Aug. 13 Step 1: Guess the Winning Team: __ Pirates vs. __ Giants Step 2: Guess the Total Points that will be Scored in that Game: Total Points Step 3: Should I win, I would like to redeem my merchandise certificate at: (List business from this page) TO QUALIFY FOR THECONTESTYOU MUSTMARK YOUR TEAM PICK &TOTAL POINTS ON THEOUTSIDE OF THEENVELOPE.ONLY ONEENTRY PER ENVELOPE. 588 W. Mahoning St. Punxsutawney Let us take care of your vehicle We offer a full line of Auto Repairs WE'VE GOT TIRES! CARULLI AUTO SALES & SERVICE 938 9584 Have GREATaFestival 814-618-5653207HamptonA ve., Punx’y ORDER ONLINE AT Closed Mon. • Tue. - Thurs. 10:30-8, Fri. & Sat. 10:30-9 • Sun.11-8 LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED DaddyHomeoftheBig 119 South, Punx’y (Next to Dairy Queen) 938-2570 Please call ahead during this time for Hours & Days. • Full Menu • Catering • Six Packs to Go PUNXSY Fresh Bakery, Deli & Fruits We Sell Only U.S.D.A. Choice Beef, Pork, Lamb and Veal Groundhog938-2821Plaza,Punx’yFULLSERVICESUPERMARKETTotalDiscountFoods INSIDECURBSIDE,DELIVERY,PICKUPORINDRIVE-THRU ORDERNOW! At participating McDonald’s. Delivery prices may be higher than at restaurants. Delivery and service fees may apply. © 2020 McDonald’s With McDonald’sMcDelivery,comesto you DOWNTOWNPUNX’Y OPEN 5 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT Family Owned Since 1909 324 INDIANA ST. 938-8850PUNXSY MON.-FRI. 8-5 SATURDAY 8-3 WE’VE GOT GUNS & AMMO! Propane, Live Bait, Fishing Supplies Lawn & &LimestoneSupplies,GardenMulches,Gravel,Riverstone • Party Trays • Meat & Cheese • Fresh & Lean Meat • Our Own Old-Fashioned Sugar-Cured Hickory Smoked Semi-Boneless Ham 653-2147 Owned & Operated by Ted Palumbo & Sons Hours: Mon-Wed 8 to 5; Thurs 8 to 6 Fri 8 to 8; Sat 8 to Noon Located 1 1/4 mile East of Reynoldsville on 4th St. or 6 miles West of DuBois on Wayne Road Package Deals Large Selection Available MeatTed’sMarket Visit our website:’sStillCloseBy. 132 West Mahoning St. Mon.-938-3077Fri9to7,Sat.9to 2 • Michael Horner, R. Ph. • Kim Horner, R. Ph. • Jennifer Moore, R. Ph. • Joe Presloid, R. Ph. • Matt Kunselman, R. Ph. 200 Prushnok Dr. 618 5957 DRIVE UP WINDOW TO BETTER SERVE YOU Mon.- Thur 8 to 6, Fri 8-4 2 LOCATIONS:PUNXSUTAWNEYWithfivepharmacistsreadytoserveyou:Send us your story ideas. Email to: orpunxsutawneymagazine.comhometown@call/text:814-952-3668It’sallaboutYOU! PunxsutawneyHometown 814-618-5083 SANDWICHES • APPETIZERS • WINGS NEW HOURS: Mon. & Tues. 4 pm to 2 am Wed. thru Sun. 12 pm to 2 am Kitchen open daily til 9 pm 108 N. Findley St., Punxsutawney CallTAKE-OUTSWELCOMEtoreserveour back room for parties. Pick us if you win and choose your gift card from any advertiser in hometown this month!

u Candace R. Rishell formerly of Rossiter August 23, 1954 - July 11, 2022 She was born in Punxsutawney to Sylvia M. (Blystone) Burkett and Harold “Smokey” Burkett. She was married to the late Richard R. Rishell, who preceded her in death on April 6, 2022. She was an artist who enjoyed painting and making crafts. Candace enjoyed cooking and was a fun-loving, happy person who loved spending time with her family and friends. She loved animals, especially her cat, Precious, and her dog, Brownie. Candace was a former member of the CB club.She is survived by her children, Jon Rishell, David Buzzard, Barry Rice, Penny Miller, and Chrissy Haubrick, and other family members. Deeley Funeral Home, (
u Betty Jane Mlechick of NovemberformerlyPunxsutawney,ofReynoldsville24,1932-June 24, 2022
26 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 Jeffrey Lundy & Jay P. Lundy Law Firm ofLaw Firm of LUNDY & LUNDYLUNDY & LUNDY Punxsutawney • 938-8110 • Over 50 Years of Combined Estate Experience • Buying or selling a home, farm or land • Closings, title searches, title insurance • Right of ways • Property disputes • Subdivisions • Coal, Oil and Gas Carpet SpecialistsUpholstery&of Indiana RESIDENTIALwww.servicemasterclean.com724-465-7008TollFree1-888-440-7008&COMMERCIAL•CarpetCleaning•JanitorialandConstructionCleanup•GeneralHousecleaning•WetFurnitureCleaning30 East Main St., Brookville #1 Hotline 1-800-927-6167 or www.brookvillegmdealer.com814-849-8313 Asphalt Paving s Grading Line Painting s Topsoil & Compost s Sealcoating Chip Sealing s Crack Filling FREE Phone:Estimates!849-8838 or Toll-Free (877) www.jeffersonpaving.com4-Paving Quality, Integrity and Professionalism... Making life smoother. PA # 012900
u Lois R. Grube of Punxsutawney July 26, 1928 - June 26, 2022 After graduating from the Big Run High School, she Lois worked as a Bell Telephone operator in Philadelphia and Punxsutawney until her marriage to Robert D. Grube. Following her husband’s death in 1977, she became the owner of BFG Electroplating, Inc. and the Grube Apartments and worked in the family businesses until her retirement. Lois was a member of the First Methodist Church, Punxsutawney. She will be remembered for her love of family, extraordinary cooking abilities, sense of humor, and feistiness –persevering through years of rheumatoid arthritis.Survivors include son, Jeffrey (Ruth) Grube; daughter, Minta (Frank) Marie; five grandchildren, Matthew Marie, Todd Marie, Michael (Courtney) Grube, Alan Marie and fiancé Courtni Bowers, and Melissa (Kyle) Means; and three great grandchildren, Mackenzie Means, Benjamin Grube, and Samantha Means. In addition to her husband and parents, David H. and Myrtle N. (Sloppy) Reiter, she was preceded in death by six brothers: Lloyd, Robert, Harold, Lavelle, Charles, and Clifton Reiter; one sister Lucille Munro; and one great-grandson, John Grube. Deeley Funeral Home, ( u Victoria L. “Vicki” Slater of MayPunxsutawney30,1951-June 30, 2022 Vicki was a graduate of the Punxsutawney High School, Class of 1969. She was a member of Saints Cosmas and Damian Roman Catholic Church of Punxsutawney.Vickiloved cooking family dinners, going to casinos, bingo, reading, Sunday game days with her family and watching her grandson Colin playShebaseball.wasaformer manager at Murphy’s Mart and Ames and retired as a manager from Big Lots. In addition to her husband, George W. Slater, Vicki is survived by two sons, Kevin Slater and Keith Slater; grandson Colin Slater; brother, Tony (Betty) Test; sister, Diane (Scott) Reddman; two sisters-in-law, Donna Test and Marilyn Test; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, Agatha C. (Freceone) and Sylvester A. Test, and two brothers, Alex and James Test. Deeley Funeral Home, (
u Continued on next page John Kness, Agent Mon-Fri 8:30-5, Sat 9-12 407 S. Main Street, 814-371-6756DuBois Nancy C. Gotwald, Agent Mon-Sat by Appointment only 2725 Rt. 36 N, 814-938-7311Punxsutawney • AUTO • HOME • FARM • LIFE • HEALTH • FLOOD • RECREATIONAL TOYS • COMMERCIAL • WORKERS COMPENSATION • & MORE Our family protecting yours, since 1932 SSSEPTICERVICELLCSEPTICERVICELLCKKen’sen’sOFFICE:814.618.5669CELL:814.952.4894• Septic Tank Service • Portable Sinks & Restrooms • RV Holding Tanks Serviced 590 Spruce Alley Under OwnershipNewandManagement On-Line services available for Gift Shop & Genealogy FIND US AT: EMAIL: 400 W. Mahoning St., Punx’y 814-938-2555 Punxsutawney Area Historical & Genealogical Society, Inc. Native American & Early Settler Exhibit, Groundhog Museum,Tibby Library, Winslow Genealogical Suite,Tibby Library and Gift Shop at Lattimer House HOURS: Thurs., Fri. & Sat 10-4 • Sun. Noon-4 *Advance appointments are required for Genealogy Research*
Betty liked sitting on her porch watching the birds and other wildlife. She enjoyed shopping with her daughter, spending time with family, especially her grandchildren, and listening to certain radio stations and watching certain TV channels. Betty was a remarkable woman who would do anything for anyone. She is survived by a daughter, Diane Helt, and Jim Reed; three sons, Joseph Mlechick Jr,, James Mlechick, and Kenneth Mlechick; three granddaughters; three grandsons; numerous, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and cousins. She was preceded in death by her parents, Feor and Susanne (Vadsey) Bernardo; a grandson, Paul Bair Jr.; and numerous sisters and three brothers. McCabe Funeral Home, (
Amanda graduated in 1998 from Cambridge High School in Ohio, where she played clarinet in the marching band. She moved to Punxsutawney with her husband, Matt, in 2006. She was very excited to be in the process of moving back toAmandaCambridge.enjoyed life. She was an avid reader, enjoyed Star Wars, and her Baby Yoda collection. Amanda liked attending yard sales, flea markets, thrift stores –anywhere she could find a good deal. Most of all Amanda loved her family. She adored her two daughters and would spend countless hours creating memories with them. She is survived by her parents, Richard Dugan and Pamela Ritchey; her husband Matt Pearce; two daughters, Christina and Kayla Pearce; two sisters, Jessica Ritchey and Stephanie (James) Dickerson; a brother, David (Brittney) Knight; a sister-in-law, Valerie (Chris) Powell; two brothers-in-law, John Pearce and Michael (Brittany) Pearce; a bonus sister, Audi Guignet; two bonus daughters, Hailey Wilson and Sophia Guignet; and numerous nieces, nephews, extended family. She was preceded in death by her father and mother-in-law, Joseph and Lois Pearce; a brother-in-law, Timothy Pearce; and a nephew, Nehemiah Dickerson. McCabe Funeral Home, (
Amanda Jane Pearce of formerlyPunxsutawney,ofCambridge, Ohio July 7, 1981 - June 23, 2022

July 15, 1869 — For your interest, if you want Milk Crocks, Stove-pipe Casing, Flower Pots, Apple Butter Jars, or Self-labeling Jars, call on, or send to the POTTERY of JOS. M. SWISHER, Frostburg, Jefferson Co., Pa. (Punxsutawney Plaindealer)
August 2, 1893 — The Hotel Whitney was for mally opened on Thursday evening, July 27 last week. Mr. E. E. Shaffer, proprietor. A large num ber of people from Altoona, Tyrone, DuBois and Reynoldsville, were present, besides many from this immediate locality. The Reynoldsville brass band furnished music on the balcony of the hotel. The Hotel Whitney, though not among the largest of our hotels, is first class in all respects. (Punx sutawney News) [Note: The Whitney Hotel in downtown Punx sutawney was the building now occupied by Roseman’s Florist business and apartments.]
August 12, 1885 — The concert to be given for the benefit of the Public Square will be on the 22nd. The Saturday open air concerts continue to be a source of pleasure to the uptown residents. (Punxsutawney Spirit) August 13, 1868 — In 1840 PUNX SUTAWNEY was a small village with 15 or 20 dwellings, on a branch of Mahoning Creek, about 18 miles southeast from Brookville. It is now a thriving town of considerable note, and those buildings of twenty years ago have given place to fine dwellings and handsome and com modious churches, with numerous stores, hotels and shops, rendering it the prettiest town in the county, and the largest with the exception of Brookville. Dr. John W. Jenks, of Punxsutawney, dec’d, was one of the first commissioners of Jef ferson County. (Punxsutawney Plaindealer) July 8, 1869 — The first International Hip pocomique, the great New York circus and one of the best and most legitimate shows traveling, will pitch their tent at Punxsutawney in the Public Park, on Wednesday, July 21st, afternoon and evening. We can assure our readers they have a rich treat in store. Admission 50 cents. We will take it for granted that everybody and their friends will be in town to witness “the gay and lofty tumbling.” (The Punxsutawney Plain dealer) June 15, 1896 The hay on the public square was sold at auc tion last Saturday, and was knocked down to George Long, of West Mahoning Street at $11.25, he being the highest bidder. (Punx sutawney News) July 20, 1887 — Blasting stumps on the new branch road is rather dangerous business. Pieces of stumps fly around regardless of the safety of property. Wm. Bloses’s house was shattered by a piece of a stump and a barn had a hole broken in the roof by a falling stump. (Punxsutawney News)[Note: The “new branch” was the railroad line that is now the Mahoning Shadow Trail through Punxsutawney to Horatio.]•••
Continued from previous page
u Emery Martin Secosky
June Adair States of MayPunxsutawney2,1940-July 11, 2022 June was raised by her beloved Grandmother Sarah McGee. She was proud to have worked until the age of 81 until her retirement from Punxsutawney Walmart. June thought the world of her Walmart family and loved them dearly. She enjoyed cooking, crocheting, and going out to eat with her friends at Joe’s and Gimmicks. The family would like to thank the nurses and staff on the third and fourth floors of Penn Highlands, Brookville. They showed such kindness and compassion and took care of her when no one else would. She is survived by her daughter, Patty (Don) Winebark; two granddaughters, Erin (Chris) Arnold and Brittany (Phil) Thomas; two great-grandchildren, Austin Lee Arnold and Lillian Adair Thomas; three sisters, Robin (Bob) McIlvaine, Cathy (John) Lightcap, and Muriel Brauns; and a brother, Danny McGee. She was preceded in death by her parents, Roland Adair and Opal (Fuller) McGee; stepmother, Janet McGee; her husband of 46 years, Ronald D. States; and an infant son. McCabe Funeral Home, (
u If you have a loved one who has passed away and would like to publish the obituary in Hometown Magazine, please contact us at or call (814) 952-3668.
Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 – 27 GRICE GUN SHOP paid for USED GUNS 216 Reed St., CLEARFIELD 814-765-9273 CASH NO MILITARY OR OBSOLETE PUNXSUTAWNEY www.punxsutawneycommunitycenter.orgAREA220N.JeffersonSt.814938-1008COMMUNITYCENTERWEEKLYMOVIESFACILITYRENTALSCOMMUNITYFITNESSCENTER • Home & Industry • Reverse Osmosis • Salt Delivery Service • FREE Water Analysis • Culligan Preferred Credit 114 Horatio St., Punx’y 938-2240 or 1-800-828-4267 ServiceRentalSales Resources for over 10 years. She married the love of her life, Malvern “Mal” Sutter, on November 19, 1983. She adored her family, especially her grandchildren. She was a full-time Grammy, having been in their lives since they were born. Leanna enjoyed crafts, Vacation Bible School, painting, and spending time at the beach. She is survived by her husband of 39 years, Malvern “Mal” Sutter; two sons, Malvern “JR” (Jocelyn) Sutter, Ryan (Shelby) Sutter; four grandchildren, Keaton, Michael, Payton, and Maleanna; a sister, Tina (Bill) Barkley; sisters-in-law, Kay Fleming, Mitzi (Bruce) Wolfgang, and Tami Sutter; and numerous nieces and nephews.Shewas preceded in death by her parents, Hayes “Tiny” and Violet “Penny” (Lilly) Fleming; a brother, Hayes “Punkin” Fleming; sister, Madge Rishel; and motherin-law and father-in-law, Lee and Barb Sutter. McCabe Funeral Home, (
August 1, 1906 — Edwin W. Robinson is re modeling and rehabilitating the old Mitchell homestead and transforming it into a handsome modern dwelling. The out-side course of brick was removed and is being replaced by Bradford pressed brick. (Punxsutawney Spirit) [Note: The “remodeled” red brick house at 400 West Mahoning Street is now the Lattimer House of the Punxsutawney Area Historical & Genealogical Society.]
December 20, 1929 - July 15, 2022 Emery is survived by his loving wife of 71 years, Margaret (Harhai) Secosky; daughters, Susan Pilon, Julie Secosky, Paulette Blystone; sons, Rick Secosky and Emery S. Secosky; seven grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and nieces and nephews.Hewas preceded in death by his parents, Steve and Anna Secosky, and by three sisters and four Emerybrothers.wasa veteran who served his country as an Army/Air Force Staff Sergeant. He retired as a welder from ITE Imperial in South Greensburg. An avid outdoorsman who loved to hunt and fish, Emery also was a Fish Deputy for the Pennsylvania Fish Commission for many years.Emery took pride in raising his family and working the land they lived on to provide for them. He was very mechanically minded and could fix practically anything. He was a man of his word and a handshake was all he needed. Until we see you again, “Take ’er Easy, Blackie!” Emery and his wife, Margaret, were acknowledged in the October 2021 issue of Hometown magazine for celebrating 70 years of marriage. Emery’s celebration of life service will be on July 28, 2022, their 71st wedding anniversary. u Leanna Sutter of AprilRossiter1,1963 - July 17, 2022 Leanna was a 1981 graduate of Jeff Tech. She attended Grace United Methodist Church. Leanna was a caregiver for Fayette (“From Our Past,” researched by S. Thomas Curry, features items of interest from past editions of Punxsutawney and area newspapers.)
u Please visit the websites of the funeral homes listed to view the complete obituary, sign their guestbooks, plant a tree, and offer your condolences.
u Eileen B. Smith of JuneFordham18,1947 - July 19, 2022, Eileen’s parents were Clair and Helen (Piper) Schrock from Punxsutawney.Shewasamember of the First United Methodist Church, Punxsutawney. She graduated from Punxsutawney Area High School in 1965. Eileen enjoyed quilting, making homemade Christmas and birthday cards, and making necklaces and bracelets from beads. She loved spending time with her family, especially her two grandchildren. She is survived by her husband of 54 years, Geary Smith, Fordham; a daughter, Antoinette E. Thomassy; a son, Matthew J. Smith, and wife, Lauren; two grandchildren, Colton J. and Alison N. Smith; a close niece, who she thought highly of, Rebecca (Nathan) Kimmerle; two great- nieces, Addy and Mary Kimmerle; a brother, Frederick (Amy) Schrock; two sisters, Claire (Carl) Barnett and Sandra (George) Kaza; special friends, Renee Kimmerle, Reiko Smith, Kristen Goulish and husband, Donald, Barb and Bill Postlewaite; brothers-in-law, Charles E. Smith, Donald D. Smith, Paul L. Smith and wife Vivian; a sister-in-law, Susan Humble, and husband, Ron; and many nieces and nephews. McCabe Funeral Home, (

28 – Punxsutawney Hometown – August Festival Edition 2022 - Issue #262 Providing Families the Best Care at Their Worst Time Andrew R. Philliber, Supervisor / Funeral Director Lisa J. Waldron, Supervisor Andrew R. Philliber, Funeral Director 114 Maple Ave., 814-938-0400Punxsutawney McCabe FUNERAL HOME INC. 831 Market St., 814-277-9911Mahaffey Waldron FUNERAL HOME