2 minute read
National Library Week
Continued from previous page economic vitality of communities by providing internet and technology access, literacy skills, and support for job seekers, small businesses, and entrepreneurs. Your Punxsutawney Memorial Library supports our community with services such as free computer use to library card holders, access to free Wi-Fi, and online access to PA Job Resource which includes, PA CareerLink, PA Workforce Statistics, PA Career Guide, Education Planner, and Occupational Outlook Handbook (Bureau of Labor and Statistics). We also, on our website, offer help with computer-related skills through GCFLearnFree.org. From Microsoft Office and email to reading, math, and more, this program offers more than 180 topics, including more than 2,000 lessons, 800+ videos, and 55+ interactive games – completely free.
If you haven’t checked out your Punxsutawney Memorial Library lately, you’re missing the full story. Stop by for a visit to celebrate with us during National Library Week, April 23-29. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and use the hashtag #NationalLibraryWeek to join the online celebration.
For more information, visit your library’s website at www.punxsutawneylibrary.org. For a complete list of all our programs and events at the library, subscribe to our monthly email. A link to do so is on the homepage of our website.
Happy Reading!
Modern Mining Methods
Continued from page 17 warning signs or streamers in a timely manner, and allowed the continuous mining machine operator to travel and work under unsupported roof. Joseph G. Guzzo, Jr., is being honored by all of those who loved Joe.
Coal mining, mine safety and mine production have greatly improved since 1860. Today a continuous mining machine can produce as much as five tons of coal in a minute, which is more than a miner of the 1920s produced in an entire day. The coal produced can be transported out of the mine by continuous haulage machines, eliminating the need for coal cars within the mine. Miners are protected by the machinery, which has enhanced safety features. However, there are times when all the safety policies may not protect a miner. Investigations reveal the why and identify ways to continue to improve mine safety.
This article has been prepared by the Coal Memorial Committee of the Punxsutawney Area Historical & Genealogical Society. Resources used in preparing his article are from PAHGS, Punxsutawney News @ Newspapers.com., and the Library of Congress. Direct comments to PAHGS, P.O. Box 286, Punxsutawney, PA 15767. A dedication for the 2023 memorial tile additions to the Punxsutawney Area Coal Memorial will take place on Sunday, September 3, 2023. Individuals desiring to honor a coal or coal-related industry worker in 2023, are encouraged to purchase their tile by June 30, 2023. A Coal Memorial tile may honor persons who worked in any aspect of the coal industry, including railroads and ancillary services. Additional information and forms may be found online at www.punxsyhistory.org or may be requested by an email to punxsyhistory@outlook.com, or calling (814) 938-2555 and leaving a message
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