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22nd Annual Plow Day by Past to Present Machinery Association
By Danielle Merrow for Hometown magazine
On Saturday, April 22, 2023, the Past to Present Machinery Association will host its 22nd Annual Plow Day at 1689 Kramer Road in Henderson Township at the farm of Fred Reed, known as Windfall Run Farm. Reed and Larry Shepler are co-chairmen of the PPMA. The purpose of the event, according to sharp plow,” Shepler notes. Spectators are welcome, and can be transported to the fields on a hay wagon to observe.
The Chuck Wagon food truck will be on the grounds.

On average, 15-20 tractors participate each year, and garden tractors are also welcome. Shepler recalls one garden tractor making the journey from California a few years ago. Fred Reed adds that in the beginning, there were only five or six tractors in attendance, and one year while affiliated with an online tractor club, there were over a hundred garden tractors in attendance!
In 2020, Plow Day was held with a much smaller group of tractors, respecting the distancing guidelines at the time. It is a relief, they note, to be able to gather again for this tradition. Plowing will take place rain, snow, or shine.
Shepler, is to give local farmers an opportunity to teach beginners, or to make experienced plowers more successful. This event is for fun – it’s not a contest, Shepler adds. Plowers of all levels of experience are welcome to come and learn more, plow together, and have fun.

Participants must be members of the Past to Present Machinery Association. The membership fee is $10, which can be paid the day of the event. Plows may also be provided for anyone who doesn’t have their own. Plowers are encouraged to bring their own equipment if they have it, though, in order to ensure the plows are sharp enough. “A lot of people don’t know you need a
The history of Plow Day (or “Plough Monday”) is difficult to trace, but has roots in parts of Europe – England, specifically –and is still celebrated in some places on the first Monday after Epiphany: the Twelfth Night. The event was marked by a blessing of the plows by the Christian Church, with the farmers returning to the fields following the unpaid Christmas holiday (https://nationaltoday.com/ploughmonday/).
Plowing fields signifies the beginning of the process to ready fields for the growing season – a sure sign spring has arrived.

“Farming is a shrinking profession – that’s why we do this – to encourage the next generations to continue producing real meat, real dairy,” Shepler concludes.
The PPMA will also host an antique tractor show featuring Case equipment Memorial Day weekend, May 26, 27, and 28 featuring Case.