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Run or Walk for Someone Special Set for April 16
The 44th Run or Walk for Someone
Special returns to its usual time of the year. The event will take place on April 16, 2023, at The Town Hall in Sykesville, Pa.
All monies raised at this event are used to provide children and adults with special needs, who reside in Jefferson and Clearfield Counties, with four summer camps. The first camp is planned for the beginning of June for Punxsutawney residents, followed by the DuBois camp and Brookville/ Brockway camp, and ending with the Autism camp the last week in June. Without the support of the Run or Walk, these camps would not be possible. Not only does the Run or Walk support four camps, but it also helps to support two Recreation and Respite Clubs in Punxsutawney and DuBois. The clubs provide recreation and respite for individuals 18 or older with intellectual or developmental disabilities. For these individuals to have a place to socialize is often referred to as a dream come true. The need for these clubs evolved due to a lack of activities and socialization provided for these individuals once they graduate from high school.

Those interested in details about our Run or Walk can visit the Facebook page of the Arc of Jefferson and Clearfield Counties or visit the group’s website (www.jcarc.org) to print a registration form and also donate early through the Firstgiving.org link, which is on the web- site as well. Pre-registration must be completed by Friday, April 14, at midnight. You can also print a registration form and bring it to the check in station the day of the Run or Walk along with the money collected.
Registration begins at the Sykesville Town Hall at 1:30 p.m., and the race begins at 3 p.m. Anyone wishing to participate has the option to run or walk two miles or run five miles. We are also excited about the Stroll and Roll race. This is a short race for those who cannot participate in the longer walk or run. And it’s great for those with wheelchairs, walkers, and strollers.

Trophies and ribbons will be rewarded to finishers in a variety of age groups with prizes given to the top money collectors. The event will also have games, food, prizes, and many great silent auction items.
The Arc would like to thank all the local businesses for their donations and continued support over the years. It is really amazing how wonderful this community is at supporting the Run or Walk. The numerous volunteers who donate so much of their time to make this event happen must also be acknowledged.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call Bill Cuba Jr. (814) 5916800 or Pat Mowrey (814) 591-0949. They would be happy to hear from you. You can also email the Arc at carlajcarc@gmail.com

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(“From Our Past,” researched by S. Thomas Curry, features items of interest from past editions of Punxsutawney and area newspapers.)

March 22, 1905 — An Artisto printing lamp and cabinet, the latest improvement for developing photographs, was added to the equipment of Frampton’s art studio last week. By the use of this device pictures can be taken and developed at night or on dark days as well as during the most favorable weather. The lamp is 110 volt power. The cabinet will accommodate 60 photographs at one time.
(Punxsutawney Spirit)
March 27, 1889 — A climb up one of the highest hills overlooking Punxsutawney will give one a pretty good idea of how much our town is spreading out. Many new buildings in the course of erection dot the vicinity here and there. (Punxsutawney News)

Note: In 1889, one of the hills overlooking Punxsutawney might have been at the top of Woodland Avenue in the East End. It was known as Corey’s Roundtop.
March 29, 1942 — Gasoline dealers in Punxsutawney have not yet decided on a uniform schedule under the new rationing system. Most stations are open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. week days, and closed all day Sunday. A few are closing for a part day during the week and keeping open a half day on Sunday.
(Punxsutawney Spirit)
Note: Gas rationing was one of many ration limits in the United States during World War II.
April 6, 1887 — Geo M. Graf is having the old Gillespie homestead in Clayville fixed up and expects to move there with his family.
(Valley News)
Note: The house is at 809 West Mahoning Street, adjacent to West End Tire Co., and was built before 1860 when the area was then Clayville. According to Punxsutawney area history, the house was the location of one of the “stations” of the Underground Railroad in this section before the Civil War. Also, the first Roman Catholic Mass was held in the Gillespie house in 1869.
April 13, 1898 — Punxsutawney has nine millinery stores, each of which has the prettiest bonnets, and newest and loveliest novelties in their line. This is certainly the place to come to buy your spring hat. It will pay the ladies for twenty miles around to come to Punxsutawney for millinery goods. (Punxsutawney Spirit)
April 23, 1890 — While we were sitting in our office last Monday night, meditating upon the vicissitudes of life, we had the pleasure of a visit from the McCartney-McFee orchestra and string band. Seating themselves they began to discourse some very sweet music. We were glad the boys came. The band consisted of three guitars, banjo, harmonica and two triangles. (Punxsutawney News)
Note: A dictionary definition for “the vicissitudes of life” is the editor’s reflection of unwelcome and difficult times one goes through in daily life.

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