Groundhog Edition 2015

Page 1

The World’s Greatest Small Town Celebration!

‘PUNxsUtawNey hometowN’ maGaziNe © Copyright 2015 – All Rights Reserved

Hometown Publications office: 201 North Penn Street mailing address:129 Aspen Road, Punxsutawney, PA 15767 Mary Roberts - Publisher (814) 938-0312 Melissa Salsgiver - Art Director Tracey Young - Advertising Representative

Groundhog Day and Cover Photos by:

JessiCa UPteGraPh

Manufacturers and Packers of Specialty Food Products Since 1990

Groundhog Club Inner Circle members Tom Uberti, The Big Windmaker and Jason Grusky, Big Chill

Happy Groundhog Day!

We’re glad you decided to join us for the

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129th GroUNDhoG Day

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24 HRS.

Cookies! Cupcakes! Souvenirs! Oreo Stacking Contest

See Store for Details

This Souvenir Guide will provide you with the information you need as you make the trek to Gobbler’s Knob, participate in the events located Downtown, and find your way throughout our community. If you need information or help, please look for our volunteers wearing the “I’m Phil’s

Happy GroundHoG day

U.S.D.A. ChoiCe MeAtS FreSh BAkeD GooDS Low PriCeS!!!

Groundhog Plaza, Punx’y



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2 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ February 2015 ◆ Issue #172 Gift baskets, wine-making supplies, books a9 gift CeRtifiCateS

15% Off any PurchaSE


Enjoy the Groundhog Festivities


vineyards & winery

EyE Of thE ShadOw winE


200 S. Findley St. Downtown Punxsutawney

Friend” bright colored armbands. Any one of them will be happy to assist you. You can also visit the large information/celebration tent in the town square for assistance. See page 20 for tent hours. The most important thing is to have FUN!

thur., jan. 29 thru tuES., fEb. 3

4 lOcatiOnS tO SErvE yOu: The Shop aT The Winery open Daily 12-5 • (814) 257-8797 1998 Hemlock Acres Rd., Smicksburg The CounTry CupboarD, SmiCkSburg inDiana mall • piTTSburgh millS


Dr. JON J. JOhNStON Chief Healthman Photo courtesy The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, Inc.

Happy GroundHoG day from

Jon J. JOhNStON DMD PDA member

106 W. Mahoning St. Punxsutawney


Goin’ to the Knob When Punxsutawney Phil greets his faithful from atop his maple stump on Feb. 2, thousands of people, who have been shivering through the night, will hold high hopes he will not see his shadow. If your plans include being one of the thousands who awaits Phil’s shadow prognostication, you first will need to do your homework. Advance planning is essential for an enjoyable morning on Gobbler’s Knob. Here is our:

“Survival Guide to Groundhog Day and Gobbler’s Knob.” Festivities celebrating the 129th annual Trek to Gobbler’s Knob for Phil’s Prognostication begin in the early morning hours. The morning features live entertainment, music, fireworks, and fun with the Groundhog Club Inner Circle prior to Phil’s emergence from his stump at approximately 7:25 a.m. The party at the Knob, however, starts at 3 a.m. Plan to be there early! Admission to the Knob is free.

tire. It’s the middle of winter, in the middle of the night, in the middle of the woods. Dress accordingly! Know the local weather forecast before getting Phil’s forecast. Wear boots — rubber boots if you have them. The Knob can get icy, slick and muddy. Also, a hat and warm mittens are a must, and hand warmers are a plus! It is recommended NOT to bring small children to the Knob! There is no room for chairs. It is standing room only. A large bonfire is ongoing at the Knob. No other provisions for inclement weather or shelter are available, however, so come prepared.

treKKiNG uP to the KNoB For the brave — and stout — of heart, you can hike up to Gobbler’s Knob. The walk up Woodland Ave. is approximately 1.5 miles, but it’s uphill the entire way. It is a strenuous jaunt, especially in inclement weather. Many, however, have found it a great way — weather permitting — to avoid the wait for the buses. Beginning at 3 a.m. there is one-way traffic to Gobbler’s Knob begins near Walmart, but — even then —you will not be able to drive to the Knob.Traffic will be redirected back to town before reaching Gobbler’s Knob.

No BacKPacKS or BaGS Security is tight at Gobbler’s Knob. To avoid any attention, leave your backpacks, bags, etc. at home. Of course, no alcohol will be tolerated. Police will be looking for offenders. BriNG a camera Gobbler’s Knob is a fun place! Preserve the memories with a few photos. The fireworks show is impressive . . . exploding and thundering right over the Knob! A wide-eyed Phil, too, awakened by the fireworks, is eager to pose for photographs following the ceremony.

taKiNG the BuS to the KNoB Visitors can walk to Gobbler’s Knob (1.5 miles from Barclay Square) or take a Knob bus. Buses to Gobbler's Knob will beginning at 3 a.m. until 6:30 a.m. from the following locations: Barclay Square, E. Mahoning St., Downtown Punxsutawney (GPS coordinates: 40.943653, -78.969015 Parking available on the streets and in public parking lots downtown. Punxsy Plaza, 545 W. Mahoning St., Punxsutawney (GPS Coordinates: 40.94148, -78.983664). Parking available in the Punxsy Plaza lot. This is the suggested parking lot for charter buses. walmart, 21920 Route 119, Punxsutawney (GPS coordinates: 40.929646, -78.982713). Parking available in the Walmart lot.

after the ProGNoSticatioN After Phil makes his prognostication . . . it’s time to board the bus for the ride Downtown or to the respective parking areas. Be patient! Thousands of people will want to board the buses. Visit with Phil and the Groundhog Club Inner Circle members before fighting the crowd boarding the

BuS to ParKiNG or DowNtowN after Phil’S ProGNoSticatioN After the prognostication, the buses from the Knob will transport visitors back downtown. You can choose to get off the bus downtown to eat or visit the events or go to your car or you can stay on the bus to go back to Walmart. Visitors who parked at Punxsy Plaza will remain on the bus to take them back to that lot. If you stay downtown to eat or visit the events, shuttle buses will be available from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. and will run a loop from McDonald’s to Punxsy Plaza to Walmart every 15 minutes or so.The shuttle buses will pick up in front of McDonald’s. The PA State Police will be present, searching bags, and providing security.

haNDicaPPeD ParKiNG - imPortaNt! Parking is available at the Punxsy Plaza parking lot.We will have a handicapped accessible bus available for transportation. It will run the same route and times as the Knob Buses. Contact or 814-618-5591 for any questions. ticKet PriceS/ticKet BoothS Ticket Booths for the Knob buses will open at 2 a.m. Ticket prices for the buses to the Knob are $5 per person, 12 years of age and under ride for free. There will be two ticket booths at Barclay Square, four ticket booths at Punxsy Plaza and two ticket booths at Walmart.

BreaKfaSt, SouveNirS, feStivitieS Warming up over breakfast at one of the many Punx’y restaurants, clubs or social halls is first on the agenda following Phil’s prognostication. After enjoying breakfast, the local souvenir shows are a must for those wishing to purchase a piece of Phil. Festivities will be held Friday, January 30th thru Sunday, February 2nd. Check this edition for all the events and find the most current information about Punxsutawney and Groundhog Day on the

DreSS warmly Read this again . . . dress warmly! “Looked-forward-to visits” to Gobbler’s Knob have resulted in undesirable experiences due to the lack of proper at-

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JAN. 31, 2015 l

1:00 p.m.

Photo courtesy The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, Inc.

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Punxsutawney Phil’s

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buses. Weather permitting, walking to Downtown via Woodland Ave. following the ceremony can be fun and stimulating.

oNe-way traffic At 3 a.m. there is one-way traffic to Gobbler’s Knob. One-way traffic begins near Walmart, but — even then —you will not be able to drive to the Knob. Traffic will be redirected back to town before reaching Gobbler’s Knob. Unless, you have the appropriate handicapped placards.

Amish Quilt & Craft


Call for an appointment 938-7045 B3

83 Hillcrest Drive, Suite 100, Punxsutawney, PA

February 2015 ◆ Issue #172 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ 3

Welcome To The Pharmacy That’s Still Close By. Past Groundhog Club President Sam Light and Punx'y Phil.

With five • pharmacists • ready to • serve you: •

Michael Horner, R. Ph. Kim Horner, R. Ph. Jennifer Moore, R. Ph. Joe Presloid, R. Ph. • Matt Kunselman, R. Ph.

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RAilS To TRAilS DAnCE Featuring

To Wire Down The G4

Saturday, January 31

Groundhog Club Inner Circle members Co-Handlers - John Griffiths, Ron Ploucha and Punx'y Phil

at The Punxsutawney Eagles Club 9pm - 1am Advance tickets: $8

(available at Gimmicks, Punx’y Area Community Center, Chamber)


Tickets at the door: $10

Kyle Lingenfelter, MD FACS

Michael Mumau, CLU Financial Representative


GenerAL SurGiCAL CAre. Please call for details.


r.D. Brown Memorials All Cemetery Needs F3 314 N. Findley St.,Punx’y 938-2100

(FAX) 814-938-4158 81 Hillcrest Dr., Punx’y Suite 2600

Happy Candlemas Day

For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day So far will the snow swirl ‘til May. . . Germans were said to have adopted the Candlemas tradition from the Romans. They concluded that if the sun made an appearance on Candlemas Day, an animal, the hedgehog, would cast a shadow, thus predicting six more weeks of inclement weather, or a “second winter.” Pennsylvania’s earliest settlers were Germans. They found groundhogs aplenty throughout the state. They determined that the groundhog, resembling the European hedgehog, was a most intelligent and sensible animal and therefore decided that if the sun appeared on February 2nd, so wise an animal as the groundhog would see its shadow and hurry back into its underground home for another six weeks of winter. With history and tradition as the basis, a group of gentlemen in Punxsutawney began Groundhog Day with a groundhog named Phil. So what is the connection between Candlemas Day and a groundhog awakening from hibernation? While it is linked to the spiritual awakening associated with Candlemas Day, perhaps Punx’y Phil would tell us that — just as we get cabin fever in February — he gets “burrow fever.” He loves to get an early look at the weather outside. Punxsutawney Phil saw the country through five wars, a journey to the moon, visited the White House, and starred in his own major motion picture. Yet despite his travels and accomplishments, the century-old Groundhog continues to delight millions with his hometown mystique, charm and shadow-casting magic each Feb. 2nd in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania!

To learn more . . . sPONsOrs

Punxsutawney Rotary Club • Jon Johnston DMD, PC

Benefits Mahoning Shadow Trail

Providing all aspects of

The mystique which surrounds the emergence of Punx’y Phil each Feb. 2 is based on centuries-old traditions. If Phil sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of winter weather. If there is no shadow, spring is just around the corner. The tradition has endured for 129 years in Punxsutawney . . . and for good reasons. It has a club that — each year — pushes Punxsutawney and its Groundhog legend onto an accepting public. More important, Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney is a safehold of magic that borders on the mystical . . . Punxsutawney, Gobbler’s Knob, Shadow Casting . . . and Phil.

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Kathy Bouch Realtor

Cell: 814-590-1390 Office: 814-938-3031 Fax: 814-938-2108

F5 E-Mail:

4 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ February 2015 ◆ Issue #172

and Winery

Celebrate Groundhog Day with Us!

Shadow Vineyard and Winery will be located at 106 W. Mahoning Street, next to the Chamber Office and Souvenir Shop. F5 We will be setup for Friday 1/30/15 5 - 8 p.m. Limited Tasting with Saturday 1/31/15 12 - 8 p.m. 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. 8 Different Wines for Sunday 2/1/15 7 - 11 a.m. Sale and Accessories. Monday 2/2/15

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GroundhoG day Celebration tent and information Station

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Located in Barclay Square (Park) Downtown Punxsutawney. Saturday, January 31St 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Vendors in the Park, Barclay Square. Come enjoy craft vendors, great food, and specialty items! 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Phil’s Friends Cut-Out Competition, Barclay Square.Wooden groundhog cut-outs are placed throughout Barclay Square. These cut-outs were decorated and designed by local artists! 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Chain Saw Carver, Barclay Square. Randy Rupert of Wizards Workshop will carve logs into beautiful sculptures. His work is available for purchase.

enjoy a free painting class! First 30 people to pre-register will have a guaranteed space. Contact: Fun for all ages! 5 p.m. Photo Scavenger Hunt, Barclay Square. Do you enjoy a challenge? Come participate in the scavenger hunt as a single or a group of two. Prizes awarded to the winners.A camera is required for this scavenger hunt! 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Groundhog day Corn Hole tournament. Celebration Tent, Barclay Square.Twelve-team, single-elimination tournament. Entry is free! Please preregister! Spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Pre-register by calling (814) 618-5591 or e-mail 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Phil’s Karaoke, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. Come enjoy karaoke with DJ Mad Maxx! Free souvenir for all those that participate!

8 a.m. - 10 a.m. Groundhog day Painting, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. Come enjoy a free painting class! First 30 people to pre-register will have a guaranteed space. Contact: Fun for all ages!

Sunday, FeBruary 1St

9 a.m. Phil Phind, Barclay Square. Scavenger hunt for Phil’s friends ages 12 and younger.

8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Vendors in the Park, Barclay Square. Come enjoy craft vendors, great food, and specialty items!

10 a.m. Best Groundhog day & Best Winter Wear dog Competition, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. Pre-register by calling the GHC at (814) 6185591 or arrive at 9:30 a.m. to register in person.The outfit / costume competition will be judged by three Inner Circle members! Winners will be awarded prizes! For more information, e-mail

8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Phil’s Friends Cut-Out Competition, Barclay Square. Wooden groundhog cut-outs are placed throughout Barclay Square.These cut-outs were decorated and designed by local artists!

10 a.m., Willow run Sanctuary, Celebration Tent. Come learn about the local animal sanctuary! 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Groundhog Bingo, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. Come enjoy a free game of Bingo with prizes! Remember, it’s just for fun! 11 a.m., 2 p.m. Phantastic Phil Walking tour, Barclay Square. Enjoy a guided walking tour of more than a dozen Phantastic Phil sculptures with information about the project, trivia, and “insider” tidbits. The tour starts at Phil’s Burrow and lasts about 45 minutes. It’s free! Noon. Scavenger Hunt, Barclay Square. Do you enjoy a challenge? Come participate in the scavenger hunt as a single or a group of two. Prizes awarded to the winners. 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Miss Ohio, Mackenzie Bart, Ventriloquist, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. Miss Ohio was born and raised in a community not far from Punxsy! Come see her great performance! She will do a Q&A Session and sign autographs! 2 p.m. Phantastic Phil Walking tour, Barclay Square, Enjoy a guided walking tour of more than a dozen Phantastic Phil sculptures with information about the project, trivia, and “insider” tidbits.The tour starts at Phil’s Burrow and lasts about 45 minutes. It’s free! 2 p.m. top Hat decorating Contest, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. First, second, and third places in each age group (8-12 years old, 5-7 years old, 4 years old and younger). Limited adult help permitted. Free event – top hats, and supplies will be provided. 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. S’more Making, Barclay Square. Free! Come enjoy delicious s’mores. 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Groundhog day Painting, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. Come

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Expedite and Trailer Load Services Call for a Rate!

8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Groundhog Club Headquarters, 200 W. Mahoning St. Suite 1. Come see the displays of historical and rare Groundhog Club and Punxsutawney Phil items.

Brian A. Smith - President

8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Chain Saw Carver, Barclay Square. Randy Rupert of Wizards Workshop will carve logs into beautiful sculptures. His work is available for purchase.

(814) 939-8999

9 a.m. - 11 a.m., Suzanne Hershey Harpist, CelebrationTent, Barclay Square. Free Harp Performance of classical music by composers such as Bach, Handel, Debussy, Grandjany (who started the harp department at Juilliard), Pachelbel, Purcell, etc. 10 a.m., Scavenger Hunt, Barclay Square. Do you enjoy a challenge? Come participate in the scavenger hunt as a single or a group of two. Prizes awarded to the winners. Remember, it’s just for fun! 11 a.m., Phantastic Phil Walking tour, Barclay Square. Enjoy a guided walking tour of more than a dozen Phantastic Phil sculptures with information about the project, trivia, and “insider” tidbits. Tour starts at Phil’s Burrow and lasts about 45 minutes. It’s free! 11:30 a.m., dennie Huber, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. Don’t miss Dennie Huber’s magical spectacle for all ages!

2311 Rt. 310, Reynoldsville

Fax: (814) 939-8990 Cell: (814) 591-5244 e-mail:

gRoundHog day gReetings

Have a Safe & Fun Groundhog Weekend!

Noon, Photo Scavenger Hunt, Barclay Square. Do you enjoy a challenge? Come participate in the scavenger hunt as a single or a group of two. Prizes awarded to the winners.A camera is required for this scavenger hunt! Noon, Groundhog Jog 4 Mile run/Walk, 106 East Union Street, Registration Fee: $20 Bring your family! If you pre-register, you will receive a race day T-shirt! Contact information: Michelle Muckian, (724) 674-1598 or e-mail Noon, Storyteller Joe Wos, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. His one-man show, “Once Upon a Toon,” combines his passion for storytelling and drawing cartoons.

— continued on page 10


Sheriff A1 Carl Gotwald Sr.


FEMCO • Walston Club • BFG Manufacturing Services


Happy Groundhog Day!

Historical and D5 Genealogical Society, Inc. Bennis House 401 W. Mahoning St. 1-4 p.m. Thurs. - Sun.

Exhibits & Displays


Lattimer House 400 W. Mahoning St. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday & Saturday 1-4 p.m. Fri. & Sun.

GroundhoG week hours

Fri., Jan. 30 • 1-4 • Sat., Jan. 31 • 10-4 Sun., Feb. 1 • 10-4 • Monday, Feb. 2 • 8-4 Childrens story walk all weekend HAYRIDES Sunday Feb 1 • 1, 2, 3 Monday Feb 2 • 1, 2, 3 Serving hot cocoa and cookies

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February 2015 ◆ Issue #172 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ 5






e Walston Club

Rt. 536 to Frostburg: • Darlene Stuchell, Registered Tax Return Preparer (Hamilton-Porter Area) • Martino’s Auto Service

36 Deeley Funeral Home


The New Anchor Inn

Elk Run Fire Company Punxsutawney Municipal Airport

f Gr a




. Ex

to Big Run: Peace Kitchens • Standard Pennant • Star Iron • Marion Center Bank • Troyer’s Saw Shop to DuBois: Obsessive Apparel • Christ the King Manor • Hampton Inn • Jim Stellabuto’s Everything Under Foot • Senator Scarnati (Brockway) • Miller Brothers Furn. (Falls Creek)

STA/Krise Bus t.


k El R un Av e

High atop the hills overlooking Punxsutawney, the world-famous Weather Prognosticating Groundhog emerges from his winter hibernation on Gobbler's Knob every February 2nd, Groundhog Day. If Phil sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of frightful winter weather. If there is no shadow, spring is near.


Dr. Alzuhaili

Jenks Hill Elementary School

R.D. Brown Memorials National Guard Armory

sA ve.

H&H Supply

Punxsutawney Hometown magazine (B&P Railroad Building)

Burleigh Appraisals


Laska’s Pizza

St e or m

ca Sy

er b

6 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ February 2015 ◆ Issue #172


Huey Brothers (Glen Campbell)


. Ex ve .

event areas food & dining Businesses & services shopping and souvenirs Municipalities, schools & Churches

Map key


an A

W oo d


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m Alt



© January 2015, All Rights Reserved.

Bus to parkinG or downtown after pHil’s proGnostiCation After the prognostication, the buses from the Knob will transport visitors back downtown. You can choose to get off the bus downtown to eat or visit the events or go to your car or you can stay on the bus to go back to Walmart. Visitors who parked at Punxsy Plaza will remain on the bus to take them back to that lot. If you stay downtown to eat or visit the events, shuttle buses will be available from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. and will run a loop from McDonald’s to Punxsy Plaza to Walmart every 15 minutes or so. The shuttle buses will pick up in front of McDonald’s. The PA State Police will be present, searching bags, and providing security.


Cloe Lumber and Supply

This map produced by: Punxsutawney Hometown magazine, Suite 100 Railroad Building, North Penn St., Punxsutawney, PA, 15767






Hetager Drilling

Take 119 South: • Indiana County Aging Services Mahoning Hills Social Center on Rt. 119 • Indiana County Tourist Bureau (Indiana) • Mahoning Physical Therapy (Marion Center & Clymer) • Dean’s Dairy • Springhill Shelties (370 Big W. Drive) • Krevel Supply Landscape Center (Clymer) • H2O Restoration, Inc. (Indiana) • Patrons Mutual Fire Insurance Company (Indiana)



S t n a ia In d


4-Way Stop

Park & Drive



y Hil


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Pasquale’s Italian Deli


E ld

Hi l


Indiana First Bank

Christian & Missionary Alliance Church

yd er





n n n n n

Burke & Sons Window Specialists

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Neal’s Septic Tank Service





e nc



Pizza Hut

Dunkel Roofing Co.



Walmart Supercenter



Universal Well Services

• Windgate Vineyards • Greentree Lumber



DOWNTOWN EVENT LOCATIONS Mahoning Valley Milling Company



Punx’y Phil’s Family Restaurant



Laurel Lake Camp & Retreat Center (Lodge Road Rossiter)

a. Barclay square - Celebration tent and information B. phil’s souvenir shop - everything phil C. punxsutawney Community Center - Craft sale Groundhog day the movie, autograph session d. punxsutawney weather discovery Center e. Groundhog Club Headquarters f. Historical society and Hayride tours G. iup academy of Culinary arts - ice sculptures

Home of the Monster Sandwich

Ingham & Sons Automotive Services

Woodland Avenue United Methodist Church


Advanced Disposal Waste & Recycling Services

Harmon Field Playground

World’s Largest Groundhog

Take Rt 210 to Smicksburg:

Punxsutawney Civic Center: • Phil’s Burrow • Memorial Library • Police Department • Fire Station • Council Chambers

First Baptist Church

McCabe Funeral Home

Jacque Perry Insurance

d n

Frank ‘n Steins

o W

Punxsutawney Industrial Park

Parking Lot

Shadow Vineyard and Winery


Michael Mumau, CLU


Stello Foods

Valley Tire Company

James Johnston Trucking Tipple Rd., Punx’y

The Pool Guys

Dr. Nathan Stebbins Optometrist

et y Stre Libert


ProForm Powdered Metals

Lundy & Lundy - Attorneys at Law


. 6s


Mulberry Square Elder Care & Rehabilitation Center

Presbyterian Church

. St

Punxsutawney Historical & Genealogical Society


Hot Spot Family Tanning Salon

Lisa Kephart Massage Therapy



S&T Bank

Patsy’s Park

IUP Academy of Culinary Arts

Miller Brothers Furniture

. St on rs fe ef S.J

Shields Insurance Agency

Obsessive Apparel



CNB Bank



ML Screen Printing n St.


Pizza Town

Rebuck’s South Side Service

Fairlady and Co.

Dinsmore Lithographer Printing Service

Barclay Square

Pantall Hotel Building


g St.

Yoder’s Quilt Auction


P&N Coal Co.

Dr. Jon Johnston



Gigliotti Chiropractic

Mayor Richard Alexander

Roseman’s Florist & Gifts

in lp Gi S.




Rumor’s Tavern, Inc. First Commonwealth Bank


W. Ma

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Trailhead Gallery

Marion Center Bank

Margiotti Bridge

Kathy Bouch Powell & Associates



The Medicine Shoppe



Nic’s Tobacco Outlet


Punxsy Pizza

l ind

Groundhog Club Headquarters

treet Pine S


N. F

Dark Star Tattoo

Make-A-Wish Foundation™ Nick Gianvito Attorney at Law

Grace Place

Lowmaster & Warden Appliances Sales & Service

Groundhog Lube & Oil

Fezell’s County Market

n so

The Medicine Shoppe

Kiwanis Club Breakfast


First English Lutheran Church

Gigliotti, Walker & Stossel Family Dentistry

Rt. 36 S. to: • Hawk Construction • Bob’s Army and Navy Store (Clearfield) • Grice Gun Shop (Clearfield) • Freedom Chrysler Jeep Dodge (Northern Cambria)

S&T Bank

Hometown Pharmacy


B.P.O. #301 Elks Lodge


Primary Healthcare Network

Fox’s Pizza Den


First United Methodist Church

Saints Cosmas & Damian Church & School

Mahoning Riverside Manor Personal Care Home

Richard L. Fait Funeral Home

Area Transportation Authority

Jefferson County EMS Service

U.S. Army Reserve

F.O. Eagles 1231 Rails to Trails Dance Weather Discovery Center

e. Av

Rails to Trails

Tres Amigos Mexican Restaurant


Indiana University of PA - Punx’y Campus




SS. Peter & Paul Byzantine Catholic Church


Bizousky Family Practice Bizquick Care

Punx’y Chamber of Commerce/ Souvenir Shop

Nicholas Lorenzo Attorney At Law


West End Elementary School

Nick’s Corner Lunch

e dg Ri

Monkey Steps

Punxsutawney Community Center & Jackson Theater

Housing Authority of Jefferson County



nd A tla Sco

Wellington Heights

Pennsylvania State Police

First Church of God



Bell Township Elementary School

Auxiliary Parking & Shuttle to Punxsy Plaza

Punxsutawney Area Hospital

Shadow Vineyard and Winery


Punxsutawney Area High School



to Reynoldsville: • Double M Ceramics • Bernard Snyder Coroner of Jefferson County • Fastrak • 310 Lawn & Garden • Lindsey Water • Ted’s Meat Market

Punxsutawney Area Middle School

Dr. Kyle Lingenfelter Grace United Methodist Church


Acme Machine

Jen k



takinG tHe Bus to tHe knoB Visitors can walk to Gobbler’s Knob (1.5 miles from Barclay Square) or take a Knob bus. Buses to Gobbler's Knob will beginning at 3 a.m. until 6:30 a.m. from the following locations: Barclay square, E. Mahoning  St., Downtown Punxsutawney  (GPS coordinates: 40.943653, -78.969015 Parking available on the  streets and in public parking lots downtown. punxsy plaza, 545 W. Mahoning St., Punxsutawney  (GPS Coordinates: 40.94148, -78.983664). Parking available in the  Punxsy Plaza lot. This is the suggested parking lot for charter buses. walmart, 21920 Route 119, Punxsutawney  (GPS coordinates: 40.929646, -78.982713). Parking available  in the Walmart lot.

1 Take Rt. 36 North to: • Sheriff Carl Gotwald Sr. • Jefferson County Development • Double Diamond Deer Ranch (Cook Forest) • #1 Brookville Chevy-Buick D.E. Limited Family Partnership • Grandma’s Kitchen • Jim VanSteenberg (Jefferson Co. Treasurer) • Jefferson County Republican Party Office Kengersky Insurance • Smith Hauling Agency


Groundhog Club Headquarters la n d

A v e.







February 2015 ◆ Issue #172 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ 7

When you’re ready to get back in the game:

In rehab, we know that everyone has different goals. So no matter what your goal is: we’re here with an expert team and a commitment to provide the best treatment. Our rehab team knows how important it is to listen and work together to assure that Punxsutawney Area Hospital you are getting back in the game, back to work, or maybe getting a stronger back. Ask B3 your doctor about Punxsutawney Area Hospital Rehab, or call us at 938-1809. Mike Groman, DPT

Physical Therapy

we’re here.

Enjoy Enjoy your your TimE TimE in in

PunxsuTawnEy HaPPy HaPPy GroundHoG GroundHoG day! day! G5

Compliments of

mayor mayor ricHard ricHard alExandEr alExandEr

Schedule of Events friday, January 30th 8 p.m. - Midnight, doors open at 7:30 p.m. inner Circle’s Groundhog Ball featuring rudy and the Professionals, punxsutawney country club, n. Main St. This formal event includes hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar.Ticket Price: $30. Must be 21 years and older to attend.

Saturday, January 31St


8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Vendors in the Park, Barclay Square. Come enjoy craft vendors, great food, and specialty items!

SErviCE & Towing

8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Phil’s friends Cut-Out Competition, Barclay Square. Wooden groundhog cut-outs are placed throughout Barclay Square.These cut-outs were decorated and designed by local artists!

SouTH SidE 24 Hour Towing

Car and Truck Repair Rt. 436, Punx’y (Margiotti Bridge)


938-9914 Dennis Rebuck, Nights - Res. 938-3577



Come See Our Ceramic Groundhogs Call for hours & class times.

653-2 792

333 W. Main St., Reynoldsville Michele Wachob, Owner with Roxie and Cindy Hoover, Assistant Groomer


Spring Hills Shelties Dog & Cat Boarding & Grooming

Just Minutes from Town - 370 Big W. Dr., Punx’y


“Committed to Caring for Your Pets as Though They Are Our




3 3 3 3

Plumbing Heating Electrical Hardware Supplies


Happy  GrOUndHOG  day!

route 36, Punxsutawney

814 -938-4489

8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Groundhog Club headquarters, 200 W. Mahoning St. Suite 1. Come see the displays of historical and rare Groundhog Club and Punxsutawney Phil items.

tivity: Make a Groundhog Snow Measuring Stick $5. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Open house at the Punxsy Museum, punxsutawney area Historical & genealogical Society, 400/401 W. Mahoning St. Bennis House has three floors of historical displays including Native American and early Punxsy life. Lattimer House has a Groundhog Museum and Story Walk activities for children.The latest displays are “Mahoning Streetscapes” from the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. We also provide genealogical help for those researching family history in the Punxsutawney Area. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central fire department Craft Show, central Fire department, Barclay Square. Groundhog souvenirs, crafts and T-shirts, fireman T-shirts and patches. 10:30 a.m., Story time and Crafts for Kids, punxsutawney Memorial Library, 301 e. Mahoning St. Sponsored by The Theatre Arts Guild. Ideal for pre-K and elementary students. No admission charge. Donations appreciated! 11 a.m. Phantastic Phil Walking tour, Barclay Square, Enjoy a guided walking tour of more than a dozen Phantastic Phil sculptures with information about the project, trivia, and “insider” tidbits.The tour starts at Phil’s Burrow and lasts about 45 minutes. It’s free!

8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Chain Saw Carver, Barclay Square. Randy Rupert of Wizards Workshop will carve logs into beautiful sculptures. His work is available for purchase.

11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Groundhog Bingo, celebration tent, Barclay Square. Come enjoy a free game of Bingo with prizes! Remember, it’s just for fun!

8 a.m. - 10 a.m. Groundhog day Painting, celebration tent, Barclay Square. Come enjoy a free painting class! First 30 people to pre-register will have a guaranteed space. Contact: Fun for all ages!

11 a.m., 2 p.m. Phantastic Phil Walking tour, Barclay Square. Enjoy a guided walking tour of more than a dozen Phantastic Phil sculptures with information about the project, trivia, and “insider” tidbits. The tour starts at Phil’s Burrow and lasts about 45 minutes. It’s free!

8 a.m. roseman’s florist, 126 W Mahoning St. Great gifts and Punxsutawney items!

11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Kids Korner, punxsy community center, 220 n. Jefferson St.This is a free event for all kids! Come enjoy weather- and Groundhog Day-related crafts and activities.

8 a.m. - 6.p.m., yoder’s antique Mall, 14342 Route 36. Largest antique mall in the area over 100 dealers! 9 a.m. Phil Phind, Barclay Square. Scavenger hunt for Phil’s friends ages 12 and younger. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Punxsutawney Phil’s Official Souvenir Shop, 102 West Mahoning St.“Official” Groundhog Souvenirs. Special Groundhog Day Hours! 10 a.m. Best Groundhog day & Best Winter Wear dog Competition, celebration tent, Barclay Square. Pre-register by calling the GHC at (814) 618-5591 or arrive at 9:30 a.m. to register in person.The outfit / costume competition will be judged by three Inner Circle members! Winners will be awarded prizes! For more information, e-mail

11:30 a.m., Story time and Crafts for Kids, punxsutawney Memorial Library, 301 e. Mahoning St. Sponsored by The Theatre Arts Guild. Ideal for pre-K and elementary students. No admission charge. Donations appreciated! Noon. Scavenger hunt, Barclay Square. Do you enjoy a challenge? Come participate in the scavenger hunt as a single or a group of two. Prizes awarded to the winners. Noon - 8 p.m. Shadow Vineyard and Winery, 110 W. Mahoning St. Set up for a limited tasting, eight different wines for sale and accessories. Noon. hog Ball dodge Ball tournament, punxsutawney community center, 220 n. Jefferson St.

10 a.m. Crowning of Little Mr. & Miss Groundhog, punxsutawney Weather discovery center, 201 n. Findley St. Come see the crowning of Little Mr. & Miss Groundhog.

1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Miss Ohio, Mackenzie Bart, Ventriloquist, celebration tent, Barclay Square. Miss Ohio was born and raised in a community not far from Punxsy! Come see her great performance! She will do a Q&A Session and sign autographs!

10 a.m., Willow run Sanctuary, celebration tent. Come learn about the local animal sanctuary!

1 p.m. amish Quilt & Crafts auction, united Methodist church, 201 Woodland ave.Authentic Amish handcrafted quilts.

10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Punxsutawney art association inc. art Show, punxsutawney christian School, 216 north Jefferson St.This is the 15th year that PAAI has provided an art exhibit featuring local artists, free cookies and cocoa, and an opportunity to meet PAAI’s very own groundhog,“Vincent Van Hogh.”

1:00 p.m. Story time and Crafts for Kids, punxsutawney Memorial Library, 301 e. Mahoning St. Sponsored by The Theatre Arts Guild. Ideal for pre-K and elementary students. No admission charge. Donations appreciated!

10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Punxsutawney Weather discovery Center, punxsutawney Weather discovery center, 201 n. Findley St. Admission $5, children 2 & younger free.Visit to “become” a tornado, to “make a thunderstorm,” to be a TV weather forecaster, and much more! Optional ac-

g e n e r a l

2 p.m. Phantastic Phil Walking tour, Barclay Square, Enjoy a guided walking tour of more than a dozen Phantastic Phil sculptures with information about the project, trivia, and “insider” tidbits. The tour starts at Phil’s Burrow and lasts about 45 minutes. It’s free! — continued on next page

S P O n S O r S

Paul Beatty Jewelers • CRW Home Center • Marion Center Bank • Mulberry Square Elder Care & Rehabilitation Center


8 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ February 2015 ◆ Issue #172

Quality Roofing Since 1896.


938-9520 u Punxsutawney See “Goliath” – World’s Largest Whitetail Deer Mounted in Our “Buck Barn” • Visit our “deer” family • Wildlife Oriented Gift Shop • Covered walkway • Handicap accessible

GAF Master Elite Contractor

Rt. 36 South of Cook Forest State Park



Open Daily, Mid May to Mid Nov. 10 am to dusk

Happy GroundHoG day! Tom Dunkel Shingle Shaker Photo courtesy The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, Inc.

Schedule of eventS — continued from previous page SATURDAY JANUARY 31ST CONTiNUeD 2 p.m. Top Hat Decorating Contest, celebration tent, Barclay square. First, second, and third places in each age group (8-12 years old, 5-7 years old, 4 years old and younger). Limited adult help permitted. Free event – top hats, and supplies will be provided. 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. S’more Making, Barclay square. Free! Come enjoy delicious s’mores. 2:00 p.m. Story Time and Crafts for Kids, punxsutawney memorial Library, 301 e. mahoning st. Sponsored by The Theatre Arts Guild. Ideal for pre-K and elementary students. No admission charge. Donations appreciated! 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Groundhog Day Painting, celebration tent, Barclay square. Come enjoy a free painting class! First 30 people to pre-register will have a guaranteed space. Contact: Fun for all ages! 5 p.m. Photo Scavenger Hunt, Barclay square. Do you enjoy a challenge? Come participate in the scavenger hunt as a single or a group of two. Prizes awarded to the winners. A camera is required for this scavenger hunt! 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Groundhog Day Corn Hole Tournament. celebration tent, Barclay square.Twelve-team, single-elimination tournament. Entry is free! Please pre-register! Spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Pre-register by calling (814) 618-5591 or e-mail 6 p.m. 11th Annual Chili & Wing Cook- Off, gobbler’s Knob, 1548 Woodland ave ext. For More information, call 814-249-1086. 6:30 p.m. Annual Groundhog Club Banquet, punxsutawney area High school, 500 n. findley st. Sponsored by the Inner Circle of the Groundhog Club.Admission by ticket only. Call (814) 618-5591. 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Phil’s Karaoke, celebration tent, Barclay square. Come enjoy karaoke with DJ Mad Maxx! Free souvenir for all those that participate! 9 p.m. - Midnight. Punxsutawney Rails to Trails Groundhog Day Dance, punxsutawney eagles,238 e. mahoning st. Featuring Down to the Wire. Advance ticket $8; donation at the door $10. Proceeds benefit the Mahoning Shadow Trail. 10:00 - Midnight. Dueling Pianos, punxsutawney elks Lodge # 301, 205 n. findley st. Reserved seating section tickets: $3 per ticket. Reserved seating space is limited! Must be at least 21 years of age to attend.Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling the GHC at (814) 618-5591. Groundhog Souvenirs. 110 W. mahoning st. Made by local crafters. Downtown next to Hair Trends – hats scarves,T-shirts, ornaments, handpainted china, pottery, food items, and much more!

SUNDAY, FeBRUARY 1ST 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Vendors in the Park, Barclay square. Come enjoy craft vendors, great food, and specialty items! 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Phil’s Friends Cut-Out Competition, Barclay square. Wooden groundhog cut-outs are placed throughout Barclay Square.These cut-outs were decorated and designed by local artists!

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Proud to be Punxsutawney Phil’s neighbor


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call 724-463-7505 or go to


8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Groundhog Club Headquarters, 200 W. mahoning st. suite 1. Come see the displays of historical and rare Groundhog Club and Punxsutawney Phil items.

Happy GroundHoG day!

8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Chain Saw Carver, Barclay square. Randy Rupert of Wizards Workshop will carve logs into beautiful sculptures. His work is available for purchase. 8 a.m., Roseman’s Florist, 126 W mahoning st.There will be a variety of local artists who specialize in unique artisan groundhog items set up here! 9 a.m. - 11 a.m., Suzanne Hershey Harpist, celebration tent, Barclay square. Free Harp Performance of classical music by composers such as Bach, Handel, Debussy, Grandjany (who started the harp department at Juilliard), Pachelbel, Purcell, etc.


9 a.m. - Midnight or later, Punxsutawney Phil’s Official Souvenir Shop, 102, West mahoning st. “Official” Groundhog Souvenirs. Special Groundhog Day Hours!

James “Moon” VanSteenberg

Jefferson Co unty Treasurer

10 a.m., Scavenger Hunt, Barclay square. Do you enjoy a challenge? Come participate in the scavenger hunt as a single or a group of two. Prizes awarded to the winners. Remember, it’s just for fun! 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Punxsutawney Art Association inc Art Show, punxsutawney christian school, 216 north Jefferson st. This is the 15th year PAAI has provided an art exhibit featuring local artists, free cookies and cocoa, and an opportunity to meet PAAI’s very own groundhog,“Vincent Van Hogh.” 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Open House at the Punxsy Museum, punxsutawney area Historical & genealogical society, 400/401 W. mahoning st. Bennis House has three floors of historical displays, including Native American and early Punxsy life. Lattimer House has a Groundhog Museum and Story Walk activities for children.The latest displays are “Mahoning Streetscapes” from the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. We also provide genealogical help for those researching family history in the Punxsutawney Area. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Punxsutawney Weather Discovery Center, punxsutawney Weather discovery center, 201 n. findley st. Admission $5, children 2 and younger free.Visit to “become” a tornado, to “make a thunderstorm,” to be a TV weather forecaster, and much more! Optional activity: Make a Groundhog Snow Measuring Stick $5. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., Central Fire Department Craft Show, central fire department, Barclay square. Groundhog souvenirs, crafts and T-shirts, fireman T-shirts & patches. 11 a.m., Phantastic Phil Walking Tour, Barclay square. Enjoy a guided walking tour of more than a dozen Phantastic Phil sculptures with information about the project, trivia, and “insider” tidbits. Tour starts at Phil’s Burrow and lasts about 45 minutes. It’s free! 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Kid’s Korner, punxsutawney community center, 216 north Jefferson street.This is a free event for all kids! Come enjoy weatherand Groundhog Day-related crafts and activities. 11 a.m. - 8 p.m., Shadow Vineyard and Winery, 110 W. mahoning st. Set up for a limited tasting, eight different wines for sale and accessories. 11 a.m. - Midnight, Concession Stand, punxsutawney community center, 220 n. Jefferson st. Stop by and get some delicious goodies! 11 a.m. - 7 p.m., Nomadic Trading Company, 400 n. Walnut st., A large shopping experience comprised of 40 stores, including artisans, craftsman, and antique traders. Hot food, drinks, souvenirs and more all waiting for you while you shop for vintage souvenirs. — continued on page 15

g e n e r a l

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As a member of JCEMS you are provided with care from one of the most advanced emergency medical services in Jefferson County today.

Have a Safe & Happy Groundhog Day!




Developers anD proDucers of natural gas 1406 N. Main St., Punx’y

814-938-0800 Happy Groundhog Day!

S P O n S O r S

Drs. Smatlak, Gigliotti, Walker, & Stossel • H&R Block • Deeley Funeral Home, Inc. • Edward Jones • Nicholas Gianvito, Attorney at Law


february 2015 ◆ Issue #172 ◆ punxsutawney Hometown’s groundhog Day edition ◆ 9



GREEn TREE LUMBER Plus Newly Added

Greentree Hardware & Country Supply

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The Pool Guys POOLS • SPAS • ACCESSORIES Service & Installation

Post & Beam Structures Sheds & Pole Buildings Log Furniture SmickSburg, PennSylvania


126 Elm Road Punxsutawney




LORENZO Attorney at Law

Over 40 Years Experience • Accidents • Wills & Estates • Real Estate

119 Roberts St., Punx’y



Wishing everyone a funfilled Groundhog Day!

Groundhog Day Greetings!

SunDay, FeBruary 1St COntInueD Joe, with his quick wit and lightning-speed drawings of original stories, classic fables, and folk tales, never fails to amaze and entertain during “Once Upon a Toon.” 1 p.m., Seth Knorr, Clean and Funny Comedian, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. Good, Clean Family Fun! Free show!

3:30 p.m., Dennie Huber, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. Don’t miss Dennie Huber’s magical spectacle for all ages! 4 p.m., Storyteller Joe Wos, CelebrationTent, Barclay Square. His one-man show, “Once Upon a Toon,” combines his passion for storytelling and drawing cartoons. Joe, with his quick wit and lightning-speed drawings of original stories, classic fables and folk tales, never fails to amaze and entertain during “Once Upon a Toon.” 5 p.m., Phil Phind, Barclay Square. Scavenger hunt for Phil’s friends ages 12 and younger. 4:30 p.m., Storyteller Joe Wos, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. His one-man show,“Once Upon a Toon,” combines his passion for storytelling and drawing cartoons. Joe, with his quick wit and lightning-speed drawings of original stories, classic fables and folk tales, never fails to amaze and entertain during “Once Upon a Toon.” 5 p.m., Phil Phind, Barclay Square. Scavenger hunt for Phil’s friends ages 12 and younger. 6 p.m., Gobbler’s Knob Got talent, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. $300 cash prize and Inner Circle Section passes for Groundhog Day! Click here for more info!

Bernard P.


Snyder Coroner of Jefferson County Groundhog Day Activities

FUN FOR ALL AGES! SAT., JAN. 31 • OpeN 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.

10 a.m. - Crowning of Little Mr. & Miss Groundhog, in lobby

SUN., Feb. 1 • OpeN 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.

MOnDay, FeBruary 2nD 8 a.m., Storyteller Joe Wos, CelebrationTent, Barclay Square. His one-man show, “Once Upon a Toon,” combines his passion for storytelling and drawing cartoons. Joe, with his quick wit and lightning-speed drawings of original stories, classic fables and folk tales, never fails to amaze and entertain during “Once Upon a Toon.”


Happy Groundhog Day! Promoting and Preserving Independence and Healthy Living for Older Adults Today - Tomorrow - Always

8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Phil’s Friends Cut-Out Competition, Barclay Square. Wooden groundhog cut-outs are placed throughout Barclay Square. These cutouts were decorated and designed by local artists! 8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Chain Saw Carver, Barclay Square. Randy Rupert of Wizards Workshop will carve logs into beautiful sculptures. His work is available for purchase. 8:30 a.m., Dennie Huber Magician, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. Don’t miss Dennie Huber’s magical spectacle for all ages! 9 a.m., Scavenger Hunt, Barclay Square. Do you enjoy a challenge? Come and participate in the scavenger hunt as a single or a group of two. Prizes awarded to the winners. Remember, it’s just for fun! 9:30 a.m., Phil Phind, Barclay Square. Scavenger hunt for Phil’s friends ages12 and younger. 9:30 a.m., Storyteller Joe Wos, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. His one-man show,“Once Upon a Toon,” combines his passion for storytelling and drawing cartoons. Joe, with his quick wit and lightning-speed drawings of original stories, classic fables and folk tales, never fails to amaze and entertain during “Once Upon a Toon.” 10 a.m., Photo Scavenger Hunt, Barclay Square. Do you enjoy a challenge? Come and participate in the scavenger hunt as a single or a group of two. Prizes awarded to the winners.A camera is required for this scavenger hunt! 11 a.m., Phil 101, Celebration Tent Barclay Square. Come and learn everything and anything about Punxsutawney Phil and groundhogs. 11 a.m., Phantastic Phil Walking tour, Barclay Square. Enjoy a guided walking tour of more than a dozen Phantastic Phil sculptures with information about the project, trivia, and “insider” tidbits.Tour starts at Phil’s Burrow and lasts about 45 minutes. It’s free! 1 p.m., Dennie Huber Magician, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. Don’t miss Dennie Huber’s magical spectacle for all ages! Noon, autograph Signing Session, Celebration Tent, Barclay Square. Come, meet, and get the autographs of the members of the Inner Circle! Schedule subject to change. Not responsible for typographical or scheduling errors. Schedule as of 01-9-15.


Gigliotti Chiropractic

Kiwanis Club of Punxsutawney

Happy Groundhog Day!

See you at the Knob!

Really Will Save You Money!


Dr. David V. Gigliotti Thunder Conductor Photo courtesy of The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, Inc.


217 W. Mahoning St., PUNX’Y E5

Enjoy all the Groundhog Day Festivities!

800-349-2814 ZZZ LQ¿UVWEDQN FRP

Department of Development 814-849-3047 A1

30 East Main St., Brookville

#1 Hotline 1-800-927-6167 or 814-849-8313

Have a

GREAT Groundhog Day!

J2 Member FDIC


Lindsey Water Company

Breakfast Monday, Feb. 2nd 5 a.m. - ?

Jefferson County Housing Authority Social Hall

201 north Jefferson Street F4 $


per person



Children 12 & under

Elks Lodge

205 North Findley St., Punx’y

Fri. Jan. 30: Reg. Dinner 4:30-8 pm Sat. Jan 31: Dualing Pianos Upstairs 10 pm - Midnight, Tickets available F4 thru Groundhog Club & Website Sun. Feb 1: Inner Circle Superbowl Party starting at 8 pm. Watch the “Ball Drop” at Midnight outside Mon. Feb 2: Breakfast 7-11 am

Happy Groundhog Day!

2006 rt. 310, reynoldsville

10 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ February 2015 ◆ Issue #172


Join Us For Some Great Food!

• BottLed Water • offiCe Coffee





Senator Joseph Scarnati



The Medicine Shoppe • Jacque Perry Insurance, Inc. • J.R. Resources

MON., Feb. 2 • OpeN 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. All three days – Make a souvenir Groundhog Snow Measuring Stick! (optional activity $5 per person)

Groundhog Day Breakfast 8:30 to 11 a.m. $3, public welcome No reservation needed.

8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Vendors in the Park, Barclay Square. Come enjoy craft vendors, great food, and specialty items!

1 p.m. - Induction of newest member into Meteorologist Hall of Fame, in lobby

Weather Discovery Center Admission: $5 per person, children 2 & under FREE F4 201 N. FINDLEY ST., PUNX’Y 938-1000

Where Everyday is a Celebration • FITNESS CLASS - every Wednesday at 1pm • FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS 2nd Wednesday of the month 10 am - 12 Noon • BREAKFAST - Mondays 9:30-11 am (except holidays)

TenT and InformaTIon STaTIon

2 p.m., Phantastic Phil Walking tour, Barclay Square. Enjoy a guided walking tour of more than a dozen Phantastic Phil sculptures with information about the project, trivia, and “insider” tidbits.Tour starts at Phil’s Burrow and lasts about 45 minutes. It’s free!

410 W. Mahoning St., Punx’y


— continued from page 5


19298 Rt. 119 Hwy North, Punx’y 724-286-3099 open weekdays: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday thru Thursday 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Friday


Hrs: Sun. 11am - 11 pm; 563 W. Mahoning St. Mon. - Thurs. 9 am - 11 pm Punxsy, PA 15767 Fri. & Sat. 9 am to Midnight




8 p.m. - 4 p.m., Caterina’s Cafe, At the ATA Building across from the Weather Discovery Center, Specialty drinks, delicious food, fabulous desserts. 11 a.m. - Midnight, Concession Stand, Punxsutawney Community Center, 220 N. Jefferson St., Stop by and get some delicious goodies! 11 a.m., Laska’s Pizza, 405 N. Main St., Specialty Pizzas, Stromboli’s, Calzone, The Famous Regulars with Pepperoni, Salads, Gluten-free options! (814) 938-4647.Visit our Phantastic Phil. Noon - 8 p.m., Food Court, Punxsutawney Community Center, 220 N. Jefferson St., Stop by and get some delicious goodies! Noon - 3 p.m., Mary’s Place restaurant & Catering, 17080 St. 36 South, Just Two Miles from Downtown Punxsutawney, SPECIAL OFFER! All-You-Can-Eat Pasta Only $ 7.99 (with this add), Call (814) 938-2962 or visit

Seated left to right Groundhog Club Inner Circle Members: Dave Gigliotti (Thunder Conductor), Bill Deeley (President) holding Phil, Butch Philliber (Iceman), back row A.J. Dereume (Rainmaker), Jason Grusky (Big Chill) Courtney Katherine Photography

Food and dining

Saturday, January 31


8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Vendors in the Park, Barclay Square, Come enjoy craft vendors, great food, and specialty items! 8 p.m. - 4 p.m., Caterina’s Cafe, at the ATA Building across from the Weather Discovery Center, Specialty drinks, delicious food, fabulous desserts. 11 a.m., Laska’s Pizza, 405 N. Main St., Specialty Pizzas, Stromboli’s, Calzone, The Famous Regulars with Pepperoni, Salads, Gluten-free options! (814) 938-4647.Visit our Phantastic Phil. 5 p.m. - 9 p.m., Mary’s Place restaurant & Catering, 17080 St. 36 South, Just Two Miles from Downtown Punxsutawney, SPECIAL OFFER! All-You-Can-Eat Fish Feast Only $7.99 (with this add), Call (814) 9382962 or visit

Sunday, FeBruary 1St 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Vendors in the Park, Barclay Square, Come enjoy craft vendors, great food, and specialty items!


Monday, FeBruary 2nd 12 a.m. - ?, Concession Stand, Punxsutawney Community Center, 220 N. Jefferson St., Stop by and get some delicious goodies! 3 a.m. - ?, Caterina’s Cafe, At the ATA Building across from Weather Discovery Center, Specialty drinks, delicious food, fabulous desserts. 5 a.m. - ?, all you Can eat Sausage and Pancake Breakfast, Jefferson County Housing Authority Social Hall, 201 N. Jefferson St., Sponsored by Kiwanis Club of Punxsutawney, $5 per person, $3 for children 12 years old and younger. 6 a.m. - ?, Groundhog day Pancake Breakfast, Salvation Army, 229 W. Mahoning St., $5 Adults, $3 Ages 4-11, Children 3 and under are free. All you can eat! 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., Groundhog Luncheon, First English Lutheran Church, Corner of Pine & Gilpin St., Featuring soup, sandwiches, desserts! 8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Vendors in the Park, Barclay Square, Come enjoy craft vendors, great food, and specialty items! 8:30 to 11 a.m., Groundhog day breakfast, at Mahoning Hills Social Center, 19298 Rt. 119 Hwy North, Punxsutawney. $3, public welcome. No reservation needed. 724-286-3099. 11 a.m., Laska’s Pizza, 405 N. Main St., Specialty Pizzas, Stromboli’s, Calzone, The Famous Regulars with Pepperoni, Salads, Gluten-free options! (814) 938-4647.Visit our Phantastic Phil.

SPONSORS HaPPy GroundHoG day


Italian Deli, Restaurant & Catering

Happy Groundhog Day! Rt. 119 South

(Bottom of Indiana Hill, Punx’y)

GReat Food SeRvice • PaRkinG

Saturday, Jan. 31 6 am to Close Sunday, Feb. 1 7 am to Close Monday, Feb 2 5 am to Close B9

119 South, Punx’y (Next to Dairy Queen)

W. Mahoning St., Punxsy Plaza call for take-Out or free Delivery


Hours: Sun.-Thurs. 11 to 11 Fri & Sat 11 to Midnight

Nick & Barb Gresock

Stop in for some of our delicious sandwiches and something to quench your thirst!

265 N. Findley St. Punx’y

Mon.-Sat. 11-7; Fri. 11-10


F.O. Eagles 1231 Punxsutawney

238 E. Mahoning St., Punx’y

938-9976 Sat., Jan., 31st railS tO trailS Dance to Wire Down the

9pm - 1am

Benefits Mahoning Shadow trail

Sun., Feb. 2nd

BreakFaSt BUFFet 8/person 7 a.m. to Sell Out $


Great Daily specials! Rt. 36 N Stanton


Playing friday & saturday nights 9 pm to 1 am sunday afternoon 2 pm to 6 pm

WingStreet® Wings Walmart Plaza Rt. 119 North Punx’y

Proper ID required

(814) 938-2414


Pancake Breakfast Mon. feb. 2nd • 7 am to 10 am $6.00 per person (Benefits cheerforce allstars)

901 W. Mahoning st., Punxsutawney



HaPPy GroundHoG day


Big Mac extra Value Meal Breakfast Burritos $ 99 $ 00


Generous Portions, Homemade Italian Dinners, Soups, Subs & Salads, A variety of Fresh Dough Pizzas, Calzones & Strombolis, Bread Bowls

Take advanTage of Pizza Town’s daily & seasonal sPecials

CorNer LuNCh

Back this year by Popular Demand!

from all of us at


Happy Groundhog Day!

Pizza Pizza Town Town family dining and friendly Pric


Mon, Tues 6:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. B2 Wed, Thurs & Fri 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sat 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. • Sun 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Shields Insurance Agency • Community First Bank • Smith Hauling, Inc. Open 7 Days a Week!


Servinegnu F u ll M All Dahyog Grounyd! Da



Downtown Punxsutawney OPeN all Night SuNDaY, Feb. 1 (breakFaSt StartS at 4 a.m. ON mONDaY, Feb. 2)

HaPPy GroundHoG day!



207 Hampton Ave. Punx’y

February 2015 ◆ Issue #172 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ 11

Shopping And SouvenirS

Mark & Bobbi Young


11 a.m.- 7 p.m., Nomadic Trading Company, 400 N.Walnut St., a large shopping experience comprised of 40 stores, including arti8 a.m.- 8 p.m. Vendors in the park, Barclay Square. Come enjoy sans, craftsman, and antique traders. Hot food, drinks, souvenirs and craft vendors, great food, and specialty items! more all waiting for you while you shop for vintage souvenirs. 8 a.m. Roseman’s Florist, 126 W. Mahoning St. Great gifts and 1 p.m.- 9 p.m., Annual Craft Show ’n’ Sale, Punxsutawney ComPunxsutawney items! munity Center, 220 N. Jefferson St., Come enjoy this great craft show with all types of vendors! 8 a.m.- 6.p.m., yoder’s Antique Mall, 14342 Route 36, largest antique mall in the area over 100 dealers! Groundhog Souvenirs, 110 W. Mahoning St., Made by local crafters. Downtown next to hair trends, hats, scarves, T-shirts, orna9 a.m.- 8 p.m. punxsutawney phil’s official Souvenir ments, hand painted china, pottery, food items, and much more! Shop, 102 West Mahoning St. “Official” Groundhog Souvenirs. Special Groundhog Day Hours! MoNdAy ShoppiNG

Groundhog Souvenirs! Hosting Well Known Local Artists Selling Groundhog Merchandise 126 West Mahoning St Downtown Punx’y


10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Central Fire department Craft Show, Central Fire Department, Barclay Square . Groundhog souvenirs, crafts & T-shirts, fireman T-shirts & patches.



Noon- 8 p.m. Shadow Vineyard and Winery, 110 W. Mahoning St. Set up for a limited Tasting, 8 Different Wines for sale and accessories.

Const ruction J4

● New Construction ● Ditchwich & Bobcat Services ● Roofing, Siding,Soffit/Fascia ● General Remodeling ● Additions

1 p.m. Amish Quilt & Crafts Auction, United Methodist Church, 201 Woodland Ave. authentic amish handcrafted quilts.

814.938.2565 814.590.3459

Groundhog Souvenirs. 110 W. Mahoning St. Made by local crafters. Downtown next to Hair Trends, hats, scarves, T-shirts, ornaments, hand painted china, pottery, food items, and much more!

Bill Hawk, Owner

PA# 017948

8 a.m.- 8 p.m. Vendors in the park, Barclay Square. Come enjoy craft vendors, great food, and specialty items! 8 a.m. Roseman’s Florist, 126 W. Mahoning St. Great gifts and Punxsutawney items! 8 a.m.- 6.p.m., yoder’s Antique Mall, 14342 Route 36, largest antique mall in the area over 100 dealers! 9 a.m.- 8 p.m. punxsutawney phil’s official Souvenir Shop, 102 West Mahoning St. “Official” Groundhog Souvenirs. Special Groundhog Day Hours! 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Central Fire department Craft Show, Central Fire Department, Barclay Square. Groundhog souvenirs, crafts & Tshirts, fireman T-shirts & patches. Noon- 8 p.m. Shadow Vineyard and Winery, 110 W. Mahoning St. Set up for a limited Tasting, 8 Different Wines for sale and accessories. 1 p.m. Amish Quilt & Crafts Auction, United Methodist Church, 201 Woodland Ave. authentic amish handcrafted quilts. Groundhog Souvenirs. 110 W. Mahoning St. Made by local crafters. Downtown next to hair trends, hats, scarves, T-shirts, ornaments, hand painted china, pottery, food items, and much more!


SuNdAy ShoppiNG 8 a.m.- 8 p.m., Vendors in the park, Barclay Square. Come enjoy craft vendors, great food, and specialty items! 8 a.m., Roseman’s Florist, 126 W. Mahoning St., There will be a variety of local artists who specialize in unique artisan groundhog items set up here! The right equipment for every job

Be sure to stop in our punx’y shops!

9 a.m.- Midnight or later, punxsutawney phil’s official Souvenir Shop, 102 W. Mahoning St., “Official” Groundhog Souvenirs. Special Groundhog Day Hours! 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. , Central Fire department Craft Show, Central Fire Department, Barclay Square, Groundhog souvenirs, crafts & T-shirts, fireman T-shirts & patches.

Steven M. Smith, President


11 a.m.- 8 p.m., Shadow Vineyard and Winery, 110 W. Mahoning St. Set up for a limited tasting, eight different wines for sale and accessories.

g e n e r a l

S P O n S O r S

Dunkel roofing Co., inc. • acme Machine & Welding Co., llC. • l.G. Hetager Drilling, inc. • Brookville equipment Corp. • Smith, Nale, & Company inc.

Personal • Consistent • Friendly • Knowledgeable

lOCal & reGiONal arTiSTS We seLL unique gifts

Prescriptions OTCs • Gifts • Delivery PA LOTTERY

Full Line of Vitamins & Minerals

Fenton Phil Bead

3D Groundhog T-Shirts

Gift Cards • Gift Wrapping • We Ship!

Full sized gift shop - including Yankee Candles, Home Decor, Cards, Event Gifts

Now Open in 2 Locations! 527 E. Mahoning St. PUNXSUTAWNEY 814-618-5248


Open Every Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 10-6

100 W. Mahoning St., Downtown Punx’y (Next Door To The Official Souvenier Shop) Call FOr HOurS 814-938-1255 F5

Recognized as a PennsyLvania WiLds aRtisan tRaiL RetaiLeR


36 E. Long Ave. DuBois 814-618-5248

Thurs. & Fri. 11-6 Sat. 10-5

203 N. Hampton Ave. Groundhog Plaza

938-9150 Fax 938-9151

Mens, Womens & Kids Clothes Backpacks, purses, Belts, headBands, shoes & much more!

FREE & Convenient Parking HOURS: M-F 9-7, SAt 9-3 ClOSed SUNdAyS

See our Groundhog Gift Items, Groundhog T-shirts, Wine Glasses, Coffee Mugs, Scarfs, Blankets and More. Stop and get everything you need before going to the Knob.

We have Handwarmers, Drinks, Snacks, Gloves, Hats, Medicines. G4

Discover why we are Your Place of Choice for your first year of IUP study!


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Commuters save $13,750 in first year housing and dining costs!

Contact 814/938-6711 or visit 1012 Winslow Street for more information!

12 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog day edition ◆ February 2015 ◆ Issue #172


collect your autographs from members of the

groundhog club

members of the INNer cIrcle wIll be avaIlable to sIgN your copy of the grouNdhog day souveNIr edItIoN 2015 oN moNday, february 2 startINg at NooN at the celebratIoN teNt - barclay square

Tom Dunkel

bill Deeley

a. J. Dereume

Jeff Grube

Jason Grusky

Jon JohnsTon

ron Ploucha

John Prushnok

bob roberTs


Sky Painter


Shingle Shaker


Big Chill

Coal Front

Inner Circle photos © All rights reserved. Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, Punxsutawney, PA

Chief Healthman

His Protector

Dave GiGlioTTi

John GriffiThs

Jeff lunDy

buTch Philliber

Thunder Conductor

Fair Weatherman

keiTh shielDs




Tom uberTi

The Big Windmaker

autograph page

Hampton Avenue 814.938.1101 • Mahoning 814.938.1125 • • MEMBER FDIC G4 & D5

February 2015 ◆ Issue #172 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ 13


self GuIded Tours

Call Brad 814-541-4983

if you wisH to explore our town on your own, Here are some of tHe attractions we tHink you sHould see.

1696 Big Run Prescottville Rd., Reynoldsville J2


Hetager Drilling Since 1952 1857 Woodland Ave., Ext. Punxsutawney, PA 15767

800-337-4553 Fax: 814-938-8833

G9 • Monitoring Wells • exploration Drilling • Air rotary - Air Coring • Diamond Core Drilling • reverse Circulation • Coal - Clay - Minerals

gobbler’s knob – See the site where Punxsutawney Phil makes his annual Groundhog Day prediction. Follow the paw prints up Woodland Avenue to the Knob. pHil’s burrow – When Phil isn’t making his prediction the other 364 days of the year, he can be found in his natural-habitat burrow with a few of his friends. The burrow has an outside window that allows you to see Phil any day of the year during daylight hours. The borrow is located at the Civic Center Complex, Barclay Square, Downtown Punx’y. barclay square – This beautifully preserved historic town square was named for the founding father of the town, Rev. David Barclay, who donated the land for public use in 1822. The stone memorial bandstand located in the center of the park was dedicated in 1932 as a memorial to veterans. pun xs utawn eyHistorical & genealogical society – Explore Punxsutawney’s history or research your own roots at the Punxsutawney Historical Society’s two well-preserved historic homes — the Bennis and Lattimer Houses. Phone: (814) 938-2555, 401 West Mahoning Street.



pHantastic pHil’s public art – Thirty-two imaginatively decorated, larger-than-life Punxsutawney Phils can be found on nearly every street corner throughout the town. Pick up a map to each of the sculptures at the Chamber of Commerce office (located in the center of Downtown)

Wellington HeigHts Happy Groundhog Day!

or see the locations on-line at Historic Homes – On West Mahoning and East Mahoning Streets are many wellpreserved examples of the early mansions of Punxsutawney. sHopping districts – Browse the shops of Punxsutawney, from the downtown to the East End, West End, and Walmart Plaza. In addition, pick up a guide to the area Antique & Gift Shops at the Chamber of Commerce (located in the center of Downtown Punx’y). punxsutawney weatHer discovery center – Come explore and be entertained by the science and folklore of weather prediction! The Discovery Center, located in a 1914 Federal-style building (the town’s former post office), is open with exhibits including Phil’s Burrow, the Weather Lore Landscape and the new Tornado Twisty Slide! Admission: $4 per person, children under the age of two are admitted free. 201 N. Findley St. p u n x s u taw n e y groundHog club Headquarters – This location has historical and rare Groundhog Club and Punxsutawney Phil items. It’s a must see location when visiting Punxsutawney! 200 West Mahoning St.

richard l.

fait funeral home


It’s time to enjoy our community It’s time to enjoy our community and our groundhogs. and our groundhogs.


Happy Groundhog Day! Groundhog Day! 21920 Rt. 119 Punxsutawney, PA

(814) 938-3500 D8

You’re In ...You’re Out WE DO IT RIGHT!

GroundhoG Instant Lube and oil

NO AppOINTmENT NEcESSARy fOR OIL chANGES State and motorcycle Inspection & mechanic Work by Appointment

Winter Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to noon


Personal Care Home One Park Avenue, Punx’y




“We Serve As We Would Be Served. . . Because We Care”

Rt 36 South in Cloe, 2 Miles South of Punx’y

117 North Jefferson St., Punx’y



FCB Member FDIC.




14 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ February 2015 ◆ Issue #172

Schedule of eventS — continued from PAGe 9 SUNDAY, FebrUArY 1St CONtINUeD 11:30 a.m., Dennie Huber, celebration tent, Barclay Square. Don’t miss Dennie Huber’s magical spectacle for all ages! Noon, Photo Scavenger Hunt, Barclay Square. Do you enjoy a challenge? Come participate in the scavenger hunt as a single or a group of two. Prizes awarded to the winners. A camera is required for this scavenger hunt! Noon, Groundhog Jog 4 Mile run/Walk, 106 east union Street, Registration Fee: $20 Bring your family! If you pre-register, you will receive a race day T-shirt! Contact information: Michelle Muckian, (724) 674-1598 or e-mail Noon - 8 p.m., Food Court, Punxsutawney community center, 220 n. Jefferson St. Stop by and get some delicious goodies! Noon, Storyteller Joe Wos, celebration tent, Barclay Square. His oneman show,“Once Upon a Toon,” combines his passion for storytelling and drawing cartoons. Joe, with his quick wit and lightning-speed drawings of original stories, classic fables, and folk tales, never fails to amaze and entertain during “Once Upon a Toon.” 1 p.m., Seth Knorr, Clean and Funny Comedian, celebration tent, Barclay Square. Good, Clean Family Fun! Free show! 1 p.m., Meteorologists Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, Punxsutawney Weather discovery center, 201 n. findley St. Come and see the newest inductee of the Meteorologist Hall of Fame. 1 p.m. - 9 p.m., Annual Craft Show ’n’ Sale, Punxsutawney community center, 220 n. Jefferson St. Come enjoy this great craft show with all types of vendors! 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., Hayride town tour, Punxsutawney Area Historical & Genealogical Society, 400/401 W. mahoning St. Come enjoy a hayride town tour with refreshments to follow! It’s free! 2 p.m., Hayride town tour, Punxsutawney Area Historical & Genealogical Society, 400/401 W. mahoning St. Come enjoy a hayride town tour with refreshments to follow! It’s free! 2 p.m., Phantastic Phil Walking tour, Barclay Square. Enjoy a guided walking tour of more than a dozen Phantastic Phil sculptures with information about the project, trivia, and “insider” tidbits. Tour starts at Phil’s Burrow and lasts about 45 minutes. It’s free! 3 p.m., Hayride town tour, Punxsutawney Area Historical & Genealogical Society, 400/401 W. mahoning St. Come enjoy a hayride town tour with refreshments to follow! It’s free! 3:30 p.m., Dennie Huber, celebration tent, Barclay Square. Don’t miss Dennie Huber’s magical spectacle for all ages! 4 p.m. - 6 p.m., Members Only reception, Punxsutawney eagles, 238 e. mahoning St. Must be a member of the Groundhog Club to attend. Join online at or at the door. Members must request a ticket prior to the event by e-mailing 4 p.m., Storyteller Joe Wos, celebration tent, Barclay Square. His oneman show,“Once Upon a Toon,” combines his passion for storytelling and drawing cartoons. Joe, with his quick wit and lightning-speed drawings of original stories, classic fables and folk tales, never fails to amaze and entertain during “Once Upon a Toon.”

5 p.m., Phil Phind, Barclay Square. Scavenger hunt for Phil’s friends ages 12 and younger. 4:30 p.m., Storyteller Joe Wos, celebration tent, Barclay Square. His one-man show,“Once Upon a Toon,” combines his passion for storytelling and drawing cartoons. Joe, with his quick wit and lightning-speed drawings of original stories, classic fables and folk tales, never fails to amaze and entertain during “Once Upon a Toon.” 5 p.m., Phil Phind, Barclay Square. Scavenger hunt for Phil’s friends ages 12 and younger. 5 p.m., Movie “Groundhog Day, Punxsutawney community center, 220 n. Jefferson St. Free to the public. 6 p.m., Gobbler’s Knob Got talent, celebration tent, Barclay Square. $300 cash prize and Inner Circle Section passes for Groundhog Day! Click here for more info! 7 p.m., Superbowl extravaganza, Punxsutawney elks Lodge # 301, 205 n. findley St. 10 p.m. - 6 a.m., Crash Pad, Punxsutawney community center, 220 n. Jefferson St. Bring your sleeping bag and pillow. $8 per person. 11 p.m., Movie “Groundhog Day, Punxsutawney community center, 220 n. Jefferson St. Free to the public. 11:45 p.m. - Midnight, Shadow Summit, outside the Weather center and elks Lodge. Come count down the official start of Groundhog Day, February 2nd, as an illuminated fiberglass “Phil” is raised to the summit! Free!

Nic’s Tobacco Outlet

The Place to Shop for Tobacco The Biggest Selection Plenty of Deals and the best prices on...

Cigarettes • Snuff • Cigars Chewing & Smoking Tobacco Pipes & Accessories B5 Electronic Cigarettes Also: PA Lottery Visit our humidor Phone Cards filled with imported Zippo Lighters hand rolled cigars Gift Items 926 West Mahoning St. • 938-0922 Mon-Sat 8-9; Sun 9-7

Proform Powdered metals, Inc. Specializing in: • Powdered Metal Bearings

Groundhog Souvenirs, 110 W. mahoning St. Made by local crafters. Downtown next to Hair Trends, hats, scarves, T-shirts, ornaments, handpainted china, pottery, food items, and much more!


HIRING NOW Apply in person

12 a.m. - ?, Concession Stand, Punxsutawney community center, 220 n. Jefferson St. Stop by and get some delicious goodies!

700 Martha Street Punx’y

3 a.m. - 8 a.m., Groundhog Day! Phil’s Prognostication!, Gobbler’s Knob. Join us for Phil’s Prognostication, stage show, and fireworks show! 5 a.m. – ?, All You Can eat Sausage and Pancake breakfast, Jefferson county Housing Authority Social Hall, 201 n. Jefferson St. Sponsored by: Kiwanis Club of Punxsutawney – $5 per person, $3 for children 12 years old and younger. 6 a.m., Groundhog Day Pancake breakfast, Salvation Army 229 W. mahoning St. $5 Adults, $3 Ages 4-11, Children 3 and under are free.All you can eat! 7 a.m. - 5 p.m., Punxsutawney Phil’s Official Souvenir Shop, 102 West mahoning St. “Official” Groundhog Souvenirs. Special Groundhog Day Hours!



Family Dentistry 203 CLEARFIELD AVE., PUNX’Y

7 a.m. - 11 a.m., Shadow Vineyard and Winery, 110 W. mahoning St. Set up for a limited tasting, eight different wines for sale and accessories.

938-8554 938-5800

7 a.m. - 2 p.m. , Annual Craft Show ’n’ Sale, Punxsutawney community center, 220 n. Jefferson St. Come enjoy this great craft show with all types of vendors!

New Patients Welcome!

7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Punxsutawney Weather Discovery Center, Punxsutawney Weather discovery center, 201 n. findley St.Admission $5, children 2 and younger free.Visit to “become” a tornado, to “make a thunderstorm,” to be a TV weather forecaster, and much more! Optional activity: Make a Groundhog Snow Measuring Stick $5.

Amy Peace Gigliotti, DMD ronald j. walker III, DMD Michele Stossel, DMD

— continued on PAGe 18

g e n e r a l


S P O n S O r S

Lindsey Water Company • United Electric Cooperative, Inc. • Indiana First Bank • D.E. Limited Family Partnership • Miller Brothers Furniture

Sale Ends Saturday, February 7, 2015

BoB’S Army & NAvy Store

Downtown Clearfield, PA •


814-765-4652 or 800-838-2627 (BoBS) Store Hours:Mon. 9-7; Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Sat. 9-5; Fri. 9-9; Sorry Closed Sun.

Bob’s will be open Sunday Feb. 1st From 10:00am to 4:00 pm

F4 February 2015 ◆ Issue #172 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ 15

Phantastic Phils public art project Presented to you by The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club and NW PA’s Great Outdoors Visitor Bureau Public art has joined hand and paw to bring an exciting new attraction to Punxsutawney, also known as "the home of the groundhog." "Phantastic Phils!" promotes community pride and solidifies this small western Pennsylvania town's reputation as "Weather Capital of the World" by placing 32 bigger-thanlife fiberglass groundhogs on the streets and near businesses throughout the community. The groundhogs are imaginatively decorated by local and regional artists, making each a unique work of art that will be on display for years to come. The fiberglass models were manufactured in the Philadelphia area. Local artist Victoria Dicken created the drawings used by the factory to produce the Phantastic Phils mold. Dicken used as her starting point the friendly Punxsutawney Phil image created by popular Pittsburgh-area artist Rick Weiss, with Weiss' enthusiastic permission.

"oh the places we will go"

N40° 57.082 W78° 58.668 Artists: PAHS Art Club. Sponsor: PAHS Art Club. Located on the sidewalk in front of the Punxsutawney Area High School on N. Findley St.

"breakfast sounds good" N40° 57.006 W78° 57.787 Artist: Yvette Carrano. Sponsored by: Gimmicks Restaurant. Located at Gimmicks Restaurant along Route 119 North in Punxsutawney.

Mahoning Riverside Manor Personal Care Home

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"phil your piggy bank"

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"phil’d with love"

N40° 56.565 W78° 58.683 Artist: Robin McIlvaine. Sponsored by: Marion Center National Bank. Located at the bank at 514 West Mahoning Street.

N40° 56.524 W78° 58.626 Artist: Chuck Dill. Sponsored by: Mulberry Square Elder Care and Rehabilitation. Located at 411 1/2 W. Mahoning St. on Mulberry Alley.

"there’s work to be done"

"philatelic phil"

N40° 56.826 W78° 58.054 Artist: Victoria Dicken. Sponsored by: S&T Bank. Located at the Hampton Avenue branch of S&T.

N40° 56.718 W78° 58.330 Artist: Kelly Porada. Sponsored by: Ragley's True Value Hardware. Located across from the hardware on N. Findley St. in downtown Punxsutawney.

N40° 56.660 W78° 57.787 Artist: Alan Bryne. Sponsored by: the Employees of the Punxsutawney Post Office. Located on East Mahoning Street in the East End of Punxsutawney in front of the Post Office.

"freedom phil"

"phil a house with love"

"it’s springtime for phantastic phyllis"

N40° 56.647 W78° 58.104 Artists: Nance Finley and Jeff Marshall. Sponsored by: the Groundhog Festival Committee. Located along East Mahoning Street at the front of Barclay Square in the downtown area.

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"ponksutenink phil"

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N40° 56.715 W78° 58.230 Artist: Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer & Adam Shaffer. Sponsored by: The Jefferson County Housing Authority Located on North Jefferson Street (across from the Community Center).

N40° 56.626 W78° 58.269 Artist: Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer. Sponsored by: Gene Puskash, owner of McDonald's of Punxsutawney. Located in downtown Punxsutawney.

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16 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ February 2015 ◆ Issue #172

N40° 56.656 W78° 58.070 Artists: Nance Finley and Jeff Marshall. Sponsored by: Cookie Depp's Grandkids. Located along E. Mahoning St. beside the Civic Complex building in the downtown area.

"through the eyes of pizzaria phil" N40° 56.875 W78° 59.730 Artist: Kelly Porada, Chef's Hat, Sharon Perry Reesman. Sponsored by: Laska's Pizza. Located along N. Main St. (Rte 36 North).

"presby macphil"

N40° 56.575 W78° 58.214 Artist: Jeff Marshall. Sponsored by: the friends of Phil of The Presbyterian Church of Punxsutawney in honor and recognition of the Scottish heritage of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)Located on Union Street, one block south of Mahoning Street.

Laska’s Pizza — eat in or take out —

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“luCky Number”


"fireman phil"


Phantastic Phils Public art Project continued

Find these Phils and more online is a community website for the greater Punxsutawney area - a project of the Punxsutawney Area Chamber of Commerce

"the wizard of weather"

N40° 56.672 W78° 58.304 Artist: Victoria Dicken (metal hat by John C. Smelko) Sponsored by: NW Pennsylvania's Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau Located at the Punxsutawney Weather Discovery Center, 201 North Findley Street in the Downtown.

"Phil my PrescriPtion Please"

"a garden Philled with memories"

N40° 56.552 W78° 58.380 Artist: Whitney Griffith. Sponsored by: the Gigliotti Family, formerly Stewart's Drug Store, located on W. Mahoning St. near Gigliotti Chriropractic.

N40° 56.792 W78° 59.026 Artist: Raphael Pantalone. Sponsored by: The Original Sarah L. Defelice Pizza House, located at 611 4th (Myrtle) Avenue.

N40° 56.596 W78° 58.323 Artist: Brenda Nicklas. Sponsored by: Roseman's Florist and Gifts. Located in downtown Punxsutawney.

"you can bank on Phil"

"the sPirit of Punxsutawney" N40° 56.625 W78° 58.983

"a Philnomenal Place"

N40° 55.636 W78° 59.002 Artist: Bob Simcic. Sponsored by: Indiana First Bank. Located at the bank on US Route 119, just south of downtown Punxsutawney.

"start to finish" N40° 57.244 W78° 58.500 Artist: Sandy Zambory. Sponsored by: the Punxsutawney Area Middle School Student Government 20042005 Located on the patio at the Middle School.

Artist: Sandy Zambory, Original design: Rick Weiss. Sponsored by: the Punxsutawney Spirit Newspaper. Located at the corner of Pine and Sycamore Streets in front of The Spirit office.

"Postcards from Phil"

N40° 56.576 W78° 58.551 Artist: Rich Boniker. Sponsored by: Punxsutawney Rotary Club. Located at the Lattimer House of the Punxsutawney Historical Society, 400 West Mahoning Street.

"get your Phil of roses"

"Philtuminous: the heritage hog"

N40° 56.592 W78° 58.312 Original Artist: Megan Fetzer. Redesign: Jeff Marshall. Sponsored by: Miller Brothers Furniture. Located on West Mahoning Street in downtown Punxsutawney.

"Possi-Phil-ity" N40° 56.736 W78° 59.370 Artist: Nance Finley. Sponsored by: IUP-Punxsutawney.Located at the campus off Center Street in the West End of Punxsutawney.


"Phil’d with memories of shannon"

Artist: Kelly Porada. Sponsored by: the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club. Located just off of Barclay Square in the heart of Punxsutawney.

N40° 56.408 W78° 59.568 Artist: Sandy Zambory. Sponsored by: Dad, Mom, Sherry, and Conor Located at Steve's Greenhouse and Florist, Cleveland Street, Punxsutawney.

"Phil’d with service"

"mary a. Philson undercover"

N40° 56.644 W78° 58.157 Artist: Joy Myers. Sponsored by: Don and Candi Powell. Located in front of ERA Powell & Associates Real Estate along E. Mahoning St. in the downtown area.

Artist: Alan Bryne. Future site at Cobblestone Hotel & Suites. Located at 188 Alliance Drive, Punxsutawney.

N40° 56.933 W78° 58.083 Original artist: Rhonda Mauk. Sponsored by: Jeanne Curtis (School Librarian). Located at Jenks Hill Elementary School at 200 Jenks Ave. Recreated December 2008. Artist: Jeff Marshall. (Photo courtesy of the Punxsutawney Spirit)

"look at the view"

"it’s a wonderPhil world"

"grow uP great Phil"

N40° 56.634 W78° 58.202 Artist: Raphael Pantelone Sponsored by: Johnston Furniture. Located in downtown Punxsutawney.

N40° 56.442 W78° 58.442 Artist: the children of Punxsutawney with help from Megan Fetzer Sponsored by: the Punxsutawney Women's Club Located in Patsy's Park, a playplace for children on Church Street.

N40° 56.671 W78° 58.169 Artist: Robin McIlvaine. Sponsored by: PNC Bank. Located at 200 East Mahoning St., Punxsutawney. Phantastic Phil photos © Punxsutawney Chamber of Commerce


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February 2015 ◆ Issue #172 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ 17

Happy Groundhog Day from

Jefferson County republiCan party


Joe Scarnati - Senator Paul corbin - CommiSSioner Jim mcintyre - CommiSSioner bernard Snyder - Coroner diane maihle Kiehl - regiSter & reCorder carl Gotwald, Sr. - Sheriff Jim “moon” VanSteenberG - treaSurer maxine Zimmerman - County auditor roGer richardS - County auditor

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Schedule of eventS

Don’t miss Dennie Huber’s magical spectacle for all ages! 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., Groundhog Luncheon, first english Lutheran church, corner of pine & gilpin Sts. Featuring soup, sandwiches, desserts!

— continued from page 15 Monday, February 2nd Continued 8 a.m., Storyteller Joe Wos, celebration tent, Barclay Square. His oneman show,“Once Upon a Toon,” combines his passion for storytelling and drawing cartoons. Joe, with his quick wit and lightning-speed drawings of original stories, classic fables and folk tales, never fails to amaze and entertain during “Once Upon a Toon.” 8 a.m., Metal art display & Competition, Barclay Square. Stop and see the local students from Jeff Tech create metal art with a Groundhog Day or weather-related theme! One piece of art will be selected as first place! 8 a.m. - 6.p.m., yoder’s antique Mall, 14342 route 36. Largest antique mall in the area over 100 dealers! 8 a.m. -1 p.m., nomadic trading Company, 400 n. Walnut St., A large shopping experience comprised of 40 stores, including artisans, craftsman, and antique traders. Hot food, drinks, souvenirs and more all waiting for you while you shop for vintage souvenirs.


8 a.m. - 4 p.m., open House at the Punxsy Museum, punxsutawney area Historical & genealogical Society, 400/401 W. mahoning St. Bennis House has three floors of historical displays, including Native American and early Punxsy life. Lattimer House has a Groundhog Museum and Story Walk activities for children.The latest displays are “Mahoning Streetscapes” from the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s.We also provide genealogical help for those researching family history in the Punxsutawney Area. 8 a.m., roseman’s Florist, 126 W mahoning St.There will be a variety of local artists who specialize in unique artisan groundhog items set up here!

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8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Groundhog Club Headquarters, 200 W. mahoning St. Suite 1. Come see the displays of historical and rare Groundhog Club and Punxsutawney Phil items. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., Punxsutawney art association, inc art Show, punxsutawney christian School, 216 north Jefferson Street.This is the 15th year PAAI has provided an art exhibit featuring local artists, free cookies and cocoa, and an opportunity to meet PAAI’s very own groundhog, “Vincent Van Hogh.” 8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Vendors in the Park, Barclay Square. Come enjoy craft vendors, great food, and specialty items! 8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Phil’s Friends Cut-out Competition, Barclay Square. Wooden groundhog cut-outs are placed throughout Barclay Square.These cut-outs were decorated and designed by local artists!

Walston Club Happy Groundhog Day From Walston Club Enjoy All The Festivities! 2509 Walston Rd., Punx’y



8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Chain Saw Carver, Barclay Square. Randy Rupert of Wizards Workshop will carve logs into beautiful sculptures. His work is available for purchase. 8 a.m. - Noon, Central Fire department Craft Show, central fire department, Barclay. Groundhog souvenirs, crafts and T-shirts, fireman Tshirts and patches. 8:30 to 11 a.m., Groundhog day breakfast, at mahoning Hills Social center, 19298 rt. 119 Hwy north, punxsutawney. $3, public welcome. No reservation needed. 724-286-3099. 8:30 a.m., dennie Huber Magician, celebration tent, Barclay Square.

9 a.m., Scavenger Hunt, Barclay Square. Do you enjoy a challenge? Come and participate in the scavenger hunt as a single or a group of two. Prizes awarded to the winners. Remember, it’s just for fun! 9 a.m. - 11 a.m., Phil’s birthday Party, punxsy community center. Do you have a Groundhog Day birthday? Bring valid proof and receive a small gift, cake, and punch. 9:30 a.m., Phil Phind, Barclay Square. Scavenger hunt for Phil’s friends ages12 and younger. 9:30 a.m., Storyteller Joe Wos, celebration tent, Barclay Square. His one-man show, “Once Upon a Toon,” combines his passion for storytelling and drawing cartoons. Joe, with his quick wit and lightning-speed drawings of original stories, classic fables and folk tales, never fails to amaze and entertain during “Once Upon a Toon.” 10 a.m., Photo Scavenger Hunt, Barclay Square. Do you enjoy a challenge? Come and participate in the scavenger hunt as a single or a group of two. Prizes awarded to the winners. A camera is required for this scavenger hunt! 10 a.m. - Noon, Groundhog day Weddings, civic center, Barclay Square. Stop by and watch couples get married or renew their vows on Groundhog Day! All weddings were scheduled in advance; no walk-ins available. 10 a.m., ‘Groundhog day’ Movie, punxsutawney community center, 220 n. Jefferson St. Free to the Public! 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., oreo Stacking Contest, punxsy county market, 201 n. Hampton ave.Three age groups: Under 6, 7-9, 10-12. No fee! One prize for each age group! 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., decorate a Groundhog Cookie, punxsy county market, 201 n. Hampton ave. $1 a cookie! Come and enjoy decorating cookies fresh from the bakery! 11 a.m., Phil 101, celebration tent Barclay Square. Come and learn everything and anything about Punxsutawney Phil and groundhogs. 11 a.m., Phantastic Phil Walking tour, Barclay Square. Enjoy a guided walking tour of more than a dozen Phantastic Phil sculptures with information about the project, trivia, and “insider” tidbits.Tour starts at Phil’s Burrow and lasts about 45 minutes. It’s free! 11: 30 a.m. - 2 p.m., Kids Korner, punxsy community center, 220 n. Jefferson St. This is a free event for all kids! Come and enjoy weather- and Groundhog Day-related crafts and activities. 1 p.m., dennie Huber Magician, celebration tent, Barclay Square. Don’t miss Dennie Huber’s magical spectacle for all ages! Noon, autograph Signing Session, celebration tent, Barclay Square. Come, meet & get the autographs of the members of the Inner Circle! 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., Hayride town tour, punxsutawney area Historical & genealogical Society, 400/401 W. mahoning St. Come and enjoy a hayride town tour with refreshments to follow! It’s free! Groundhog Souvenirs, 110 W. mahoning St. Made by local crafters. Downtown next to Hair Trends – hats, scarves,T-shirts, ornaments, hand painted china, pottery, food items, and much more!

g e n e r a l

Schedule subject to change. not responsible for typographical or scheduling errors. Schedule as of 01-9-15.

S P O n S O r S

Punxsy Kiwanis Club • Ragley's True Value Hardware • Burke & Sons, Inc. • Community Action, Inc. • Pizza Town

GeT Your coPY TodAY..."GroundhoG

The True STorY of PunxSuTAwneY Phil


Hometown Magazine Office — 201 N. Penn Street in the B&P Railroad Building • 938-0312 • 938-9141

or Mail a Check or Money Order for $5.95 + $2.75 Shipping = $8.70 to:

Hometown Magazine 129 Aspen Rd., Punxsutawney, PA 15767 email

or Look for it at Local Businesses

18 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ February 2015 ◆ Issue #172

The PerfecT GroundhoG dAY Souvenir!

Available at: Punxsy Hometown Pharmacy Fezell's County Market Punxy Phil’s Restaurant Punxsutawney Phil's Souvenir Shop inside the Chamber of Commerce The Punxsutawney Historical Society

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Photo courtesy The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, Inc.

• Yes, Punxsutawney Phil is the OnLY true weatherforecasting Groundhog. The others are just imposters.

CHristine’s tanninG tanninG salon, salon, inC. inC. CHristine’s

• There has been only one Punxsutawney Phil. Punxsutawney Phil gets his longevity from drinking “groundhog punch” (a secret recipe). One sip, which is administered every September at the Groundhog Picnic, gives him seven more years of longevity.


indiana street, Punx’y

• On February 2, Phil comes out of his burrow on Gobbler’s Knob to predict the weather for the rest of the winter in front of thousands of faithful followers, who travel to Punxsutawney from all over the world.

Gift Certificates available

Happy Groundhog Day!

"Serving the community we live in."

• According to legend, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter weather. If he does not see his shadow, there will be an early spring.

alex J. Park

Owner, Funeral Director Supervisor

• No, the members of the Inner Circle do not make Punxsutawney Phil’s forecasts in advance. After Phil emerges from his burrow on February 2, he speaks to the Groundhog Club President in Groundhogese. His proclamation is then translated for the world. • The celebration of Groundhog Day began with the Germans, Pennsylvania’s earliest settlers. They brought with them the legend of Candlemas Day, which states “For as the sun shines on Candlemas day, so far will the snow swirl in May…” The settlers found that groundhogs were plentiful and were the most intelligent and sensible animals to carry on the legend of Candlemas Day.


William C. Deeley, Funeral Director Douglas A. Deeley, Funeral Director

33 Hillcrest Dr., Punxsutawney

Fair Weatherman Jeff Lundy reads Phil's shadow prognostication with President Bill Deeley.

(814) 938-5400 A3

• Punxsutawney marked its first Groundhog Day in the late 1800s. The first official trek to Gobbler’s Knob was recorded on February 2, 1887. In 2015 it will be the 129th prediction. • So the story goes, Punxsutawney Phil was named after King Phillip. Prior to being called Phil, he was called Br’er Groundhog.

Have a Safe & fun grOundHOg day!

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February 2015 ◆ Issue #172 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ 19

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Co-Handler Ron Ploucha and Punx'y Phil


fridAy, JAnUAry 30th 8 p.m. - Midnight, doors open at 7:30 p.m. inner Circle’s Groundhog Ball featuring rudy and the professionals, Punxsutawney Country Club, N. Main St. This formal event includes hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. Ticket Price: $30. Must be 21 years and older to attend.



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hAVe QUeStionS? inforMaTion TenT inforMaTion aT barclay square booTH aT THe Knob

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FREE PaRking

January 31st through february 2nd in town lots and streets are free with the exception of the pantall hotel lot. parking will also be available at the walmart on route 119 south of punxsutawney, and at the punxsy plaza on route 36 on the west side of town.

SUndAy, feBrUAry 1St 1 p.m., Meteorologists hall of fame induction Ceremony, Punxsutawney Weather Discovery Center, 201 N. Findley St. Come and see the newest inductee of the Meteorologist Hall of Fame. 4 p.m. - 6 p.m., Members only reception, Punxsutawney Eagles, 238 E. Mahoning St. Must be a member of the Groundhog Club to attend. Join online at or at the door. Members must request a ticket prior to the event by e-mailing MondAy, feBrUAry 2nd 3 a.m. - 8 a.m., Groundhog day! phil’s prognostication!, Gobbler’s Knob. Join us for Phil’s Prognostication, stage show, and fireworks show! 11 a.m., phil 101, Celebration Tent Barclay Square. Come and learn everything and anything about Punxsutawney Phil and groundhogs. Also around town throughout the entire weekend and at his burrow.

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SAtUrdAy, JAnUAry 31St 10 a.m. Crowning of little Mr. & Miss Groundhog, Punxsutawney Weather Discovery Center, 201 N. Findley St. Come see the crowning of Little Mr. & Miss Groundhog.


20 ◆ Punxsutawney Hometown’s Groundhog Day Edition ◆ February 2015 ◆ Issue #172

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