#153 July 2013

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It’s Summertime!

The Fourth of July and the Story of Punch and Judy On the cover: Ava & Liam Covert, children of Patrick and Tara Covert of Big Run

Photo by Courtney Katherine Photography

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By S. Thomas Curry of Hometown magazine t’s summertime! And while some readers may approach their summertime fun in the way the Jaimies sang it in their 1950s doo-wop “Summertime” tune: It’s time to head straight for them hills, It’s time to live and have some thrills. It’s summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime. Others, perhaps, are thinking of the popular 1930s “Summertime” tune of George Gershwin and the lyrics: Summertime, and the livin’ is easy. The beautiful flowers, the abundance of sunny days and the comfort of shade could inspire one for simpler activities and easy summer livin’ in Punxsutawney. Hometown magazine offers in this writing a couple of stories for relaxed reading, reminiscing and reflection from events of the past.

When fireworks first became popular and colorful aerial displays for celebrations at the turn of the century, Punxsutawney newspapers began describing the 4th of July celebrations around the Public Park.

The 4th of July Consider the celebration of July 4th, the time in Punxsutawney when now the emphasis is the annual Punxsutawney Groundhog Festival held in Barclay Square the “week of July 4th.” For many years in communities across the nation and in Punx’y, too, historic Independence Day celebrations of the “birthday of our country” consisted of evening programs of music, special acts, picnics, and family games capped off by a spectacular fireworks display. They were advertised as “An Old Fashioned Fourth.” The word for the grandness of the day was “The Eagle Will Scream.” In the Punxsutawney area after the Civil War, residents would engage their patriotism to remember the Battle of Gettysburg, where local young men fought with the 105th PA volunteer infantry during the days of July 1, 2 and 3, and when Captain E. H. Little of Punxsutawney was killed in the action and others wounded. In 1885, the gas-light years of Punxsutawney’s progress, the St. Elmo Hotel (where the Pantall Hotel is now) announced its plans for an elaborate cele-

bration. A good square meal would be provided for 25 cents. Amusements included sack races, wheelbarrow races, and climbing grease poles. With coal fields opening up, people moving in and out of town, several hotels, churches, and many new general and specialty shops opening their doors, the St. Elmo hotel owner was eager to show off the town. Excursion trains would be arranged to run from nearby towns. A Cornet Band would add music from a spot in front of the hotel. All day and evening the people would be treated to “the grandest pyrotechnical display witnessed outside the major cities.” Fireworks were common for celebrating the day, as were revolvers and shotguns. The Fourth of July celebration in 1887 was reported to have passed without incident, except for a disturbance at the Mahoning Brewery located in the Southside across Mahoning Creek. Some “foreigners” had met in a grove at the brewery, with their beer, to celebrate. Of the incident, the newspaper commented, “the drinking of beer in the manner done on this occasion is in violation of


the law and is an insult to a civilized community.” The boisterous crowd effected the day in a way that many of the “drinking places” in town were forced to close. In 1890, during another July 4th celebration, thousands of people were reported in town for a fireworks display at the “public square.” In that celebration, all the fireworks had caught fire with “rockets, roman candles, fiz wheels” shooting everywhere. The crowd that gathered ran hither and thither to escape the hot items from the explosion. It was reported that no one was hurt. There was no explanation as to the cause of the explosion. Two weeks after the incident the newspaper mentioned that a Jakey Levenson, a messenger boy in the Pantall Hotel, had found an “unexploded bomb” and had placed it on the fence, which surrounded the park and put a match to it. The explosion split the fence rail and struck the young man on the face, shoulder and sides. Seventy-five years later, Walter Pantall shared his memory of the day, completing the history of the 1890 accident. He re- Continued on page 4


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Coal Miners Love of Music Influences Life in Punx’y Area

By PRIDE for Hometown magazine he immigrants came to work in the Punxsutawney area coal mines and brought with them their celebrations and their love of music. People from Eastern Europe, Italy, Wales and Scandinavia brought new rhythms to the music our area. Their music ranged from formal hymns sung in church, to the exuberant music that accompanied ethnic dances. The polska of the Scandinavians, the polka of the eastern Europeans, schottische of the Germanic people from Austria and Hungary, the saltarello of the Italians, the Sicilian’s tarantella, and the hora of the Hebrews, have all had an influence on the culture of the Punxsutawney area. Music and dance were a traditional part of old-country feast days, baptisms, and christenings, coming of age and marriage celebrations. The residents of the Punx’y and surrounding communities, unaccustomed to these traditions, tended to think that the immigrants were somewhat excessive in their celebrations. That opinion was reflected in news items of the day. Some of the young people of Young township built a platform in the woods on the property of Valentine Snyder and had a dance one night last week. In our opinion the woods is not the proper place for holding dances, and we are surprised that Mr. Snyder should give them permission to erect a platform for that purpose on his lands. Or, if they did it without his knowledge and consent, it is a wonder he doesn’t call them to account for it. — Punxsutawney Spirit, June 28, 1886. A couple of Hungarian babies were christened at Adrian last Sunday, and as a consequence high carnival was held over the event. On average it takes about twenty kegs of beer to christen a Hungarian baby and to do it any near right. All the friends of the little newcomer consider it their solemn duty to get as drunk as boiled owls, and they are not in the habit of shirking their duties. They are exceedingly conscientious when there is any beer in it. — Punxsutawney Spirit, Febru-


and a dance. They erected a large platform and hired a string band for the enjoyment of those wishing to dance. By 1892 Punxsutawney’s opinion about the music and dance of the immigrant was changing. On May 10th of that year the Spirit reported: An Italian band with two violins and a harp discoursed music on our streets yesterday for several hours. And may we never be more be quoted as authority on matters musical if it wasn’t good. The kids gathered around them

like flies around a molasses barrel, and the older people all assumed a listening attitude and drank in the sweet, harmonious sounds with eager ears. And when they played a jig or a hornpipe the whole town danced. That is, their nerves were keeping time with the music, and many could not restrain their legs. There is a sweet, seductive power about music that almost compels you to dance. It produces a muscular excitement that can find vent in no other way. What a dreary old world this would be if it were not for music.

Miners found they could make extra money by playing in a band. Sometimes they were successful. Other times they were not. The writer for the Spirit, August 21, 1889 issue reported on an unsuccessful attempt at an Italian Band: The funniest brass band that the average Punxsutawney boy ever saw, appeared on our streets on Monday. It was what might be called a double back action, labor saving brass band, and was operated by a single Italian. He wore a high, pyramid shaped brass hat. On the top was a lyre, and around the hat dangled twenty-six bells, arranged according to size—the smallest ones at the top and the largest at the bottom. These the man jingled by shaking his head like a fellow afflicted with St. Vitus’ dance. In his hands he held an accordion, from which he - Continued on page 6

ary 6, 1889.

There were three weddings in our aristocratic foreign circles last Monday. One of the brides — rather a neat looking Polish maid — wore a long white veil and a wreath of roses while on her way to and from the Hymeneal altar, from Punxsutawney to Clayville. After the ceremony a dance was held, and all through the long, hot day, they danced to inspiring music and drank to the health of the bride. — Punxsutawney Spirit July 3, 1890.

One of the first social organizations in a coal town was a band. Within a year of the opening of Adrian and before their church was built, they had a band. On Decoration Day 1888, the Adrian brass band played in Punxsutawney. Although the band had only been in existence a few weeks, it made remarkably good music. Adrian residents, of all nationalities, quickly added American holidays to their traditional feast days. In 1888, they made extensive preparations to celebrate Independence Day. In their enthusiasm to make their first Fourth of July celebration a success, they planned a parade, contests with prizes punxsutawney Hometown – July 2013 - Issue #153 – 3

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It’s Summertime! Continued from page 2 called it was Clarence Beddow who lit the wrong end of a rocket at that July 4th display in the park. That incident “set off the entire evening’s supply of potential pyrotechnics, and gave a pretty good imitation of the burning of Rome.” (February 5, 1964, Punxsutawney Spirit)

Punch and Judy For many years now, the Groundhog Festival has been providing a variety of entertaining acts during its celebration week for the national holiday. Before our “modern” appetite for entert a i n m e n t , extraordinary performers had been doing acts in or near the park. Some older residents might remember the For many years, puppets circus trapeze and marionettes have been artists who per- crowd-pleasers as enterformed in the tainment. The Punch and Judy routine was among 1940s on their the earliest puppet show apparatus set up acts that children enjoyed on the Memorial in the Punx’y area with the Bandstand. Oth- visit of J. H. Sharp, a popupuppeteer and ventriloers may recall lar quist. from the mid1930s, when the “Human Corkscrew” stopped in town and appeared in Barclay Square with two performances. That featured attraction was a gentleman who turned a front and a back somersault while inside a sugar barrel, with a lighted cigarette kept in his mouth. He was well known for his contortionist stunts. Nearly 150 years ago there was another popular act performed in small towns in this section of Pennsylvania, Punxsutawney included. Beginning in the mid 1860s, one of the most popular “exhibitions of talent” was a Civil War veteran, James H. Sharp. Always saying “he would rather please the children than be President,” he entertained young and

old, but mostly the children. During the Civil War he learned the art as to how to carve wood from another soldier, who was of German descent, and went on to carve hand puppets. He became known as Professor Sharp and traveled about the countryside in a black, closed wagon. He would appear during the summertime in the towns outside the cities, performing his puppet acts in country stores, blacksmith shops, barns and school houses. One visit to the Punx’y area was in late August 1889. An announcement to area residents stated, “J. H. Sharp, the popular entertainer” would give shows in Hudson, Bells Mills and Big Run for a weekend of magical acts with his puppet characters. J. H. Sharp’s entertainment became legendary for the late 19th century. The “tricks of magical powers from his lungs” also included many exhibitions in Punx’y in 1889, at the Mahoning Street Opera House (where is now Graystone Court, and earlier was the Mary A. Wilson School). In our present time, we would call Sharp a ventriloquist. One of his wooden hand puppets was a character known as Peter Hauntz. It was 24-inches tall and held on his lap. That character had a wife called Julianne. The act of Peter and Julianne was deFrom the 1870s to the 1890s, following the scribed as an exCivil War, James H. change of “thumping Sharp visited Punx- over the eyebrow sutawney and many and beating his good nearby small towns on whereby his puppet wagon. wife,” Using “the magical pow- Sharp became ers from his lungs,” he known as the “Punch performed with his puppet characters in school- and Judy Man.” Sharp’s wife travhouses, country stores and barns. eled with him and made the clothes for his characters and mended and “refreshed” their fabrics. When the couple appeared in Punxsutawney in October 1889, Sharp was introduced as “the funniest man in - Continued on page 8

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An evening under the stars, Bitten by the Drive-in Bug

By Justin Eger for Hometown magazine hen I was in high school, the cost of a movie ticket was such that it was next to nothing for my friends and I to spend a hot summer afternoon enjoying someone else’s air conditioning and seeing a few flicks, to boot. Unfortunately, anyone who has been to the movies in the last year or so (let alone the last few weeks since the start of the summer movie season) can testify to the fact that such an afternoon of leisure would cost someone significantly more, perhaps requiring a second mortgage or the sale of a kidney on the black market. Indeed, a recent trip to see “Fast & Furious 6” set me back more than a few dollars, and that included a pair of free movie passes from the purchase of the previous films on Blu-ray. Eight dollars for popcorn? Seriously? Seven dollars for a drink? Madness. So it was with great pleasure that we stumbled across the annual return of the drive-ins last summer. Late in the season, after some difficult business in our family, my wife and


I were desperate for a night away, something that would take our minds off of the mess at home and let us get a few laughs in. One of the local drive-ins was playing “Ted” and “The Amazing Spider-Man,” and we desperately latched on to the idea that we could see two movies on the cheap, away from everything. My wife, though, had never been to the drivein, despite the relative proximity with which she (and for that matter, I) had lived to several. I hadn’t been to one since college, either, so it was a refreshing new experience for both of us. When I was growing up, though, I remember visiting some of the theaters that are around the area. At least one I remember is now gone,

the land housing something like a warehouse and a bus driving test course. Others survive, though, and it was with great interest that I remembered an article I had read when I was in my years at college detailing the decline of the drive-in movie theater. The reasons are simple enough to anyone with an eye on the world. On the one hand, digital conversation technology became quite the expense for regular theaters, let alone drive-ins only open a few nights a week. Couple that with increased land values to developers looking to start a get-rich-quick housing development, and it suddenly became easier to cash out and ditch the drive-in. A recent review of the same

topic uncovered that there are less than 400 drive-ins left in the United States (the exact figure varying between 356 and 368, to be a tad more precise). But in the area where we live, there are three drive-in theaters well within an evening’s jaunt, an easy trip for most of us. So it was with great interest that we were bitten by the drive-in bug, and my wife and I have already made several trips out this summer, as well. My wife is calling it our semi-weekly tradition, and depending on the film selection, we have no intention of stopping, either. In about a month, we’ve seen “Pain and Gain,” “Olympus Has Fallen,” “The Hangover Part III,” “Star Trek Into Darkness,” “The Internship,” and “Iron Man 3,” all for less than I probably could have seen two of those same movies, with no morons kicking the back of chairs and more interesting snack foods. And a drive-in is just pure Americana. The sun sets, the screen lights up the night, and everyone has a good time. Had I only a convertible with which to take to the show, the image would be postcard perfect. With so few drive-ins left in the country, those around here should be considered a national treasure, and enjoyed by as many people as possible. (Justin Eger is an editor, columnist, reporter and feature writer with Mainline Newspapers in upper Cambria County.) •••

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The Eleanora Juvenile Brass Band gathered in 1909. Youngsters of immigrants learned to make music together and juvenile bands were organized in many mining communities. These bands were the training ground for their community bands. (Photograph courtesy of Punxsutawney Area Historical and Genealogical Society and Sam Mennetti.)

Coal Miners Continued from page 3

pumped the most execrable music imaginable. On his back was a bass drum, with cymbals and triangle attached. A large drum stick, fastened to the manipulator’s elbow, pounded the leather, while the cymbals and triangle were operated by straps attached to the man’s leg. The music was by no means entrancing, but the novelty of the contrivances attracted much attention. Watching our opportunity we called the man off to one side, and in our best Italian accent, asked him how he came to be thus afflicted. With tears coursing down his sun burnt cheeks he related the whole story. It appears that he had started out with a band comprising six members, and after he had gotten a considerable distance from home his musicians, thinking they had him foul, struck for more wages. The leader, smarting under what he deemed a great outrage, refused the advance, and, arranging his instruments as above described, continued thereafter to play them all himself, thus saving the wages of five men. Surely necessity is the mother of invention. By the arrival of the 20th Century the popularity of the Italian Band provided skilled musicians with other opportunities. This was sufficient enticement to join a local band. In addition to the town band there were other musicians in mine towns. At Big Soldier, Peter Yanuti, a store owner, sponsored the organization of an Italian Band which engaged

Enrico Colonna as their director. Italian Bands were also organized at Walston and Adrian. In addition to the town band, some towns formed a juvenile band where youngsters could learn to play an instrument and the art of performance. At Anita, a coal miner, S.E. Roach, made extra money by making violins and mandolins. His instruments were judged to be of a high quality. He used very old wood that had been curing for about a hundred years. He was known to travel a hundred miles to get a piece of wood to suit him. His instruments were said to have a strong, rich tone. Several of his instruments were placed on display at Lowe’s Music Store in Punxsutawney. One Walston miner, Mr. Sartorio, was fortunate to use his musical training to secure a position as the leader of an Italian Band in Altoona. The band was engaged to play the St. Joseph’s Festival for the Garibaldi Society of Walston in 1907. When people of Punxsutawney gather today to celebrate life events or festivals, the music and dance has its roots in the traditional celebrations of the immigrants who came to work in the mines. Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. — Berthold Auerbach German Author, 1812-1882.

Editor’s Note: The resources used in the preparation of this article are available the Punxsutawney Memorial Library, The Punxsutawney Spirit at accesspadr.org, The Heritage Newspaper Collection of the Library - Continued on page 10

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Retirees’ ‘4 percent rule’ may no longer work By Tim Grant Pittsburgh Post-Gazette he biggest fear that many people face in retirement is the possibility of outliving their savings. Traditionally, financial experts all but guaranteed a nest egg could last a lifetime as long as the annual withdrawal rate stayed at 4 percent. But now that rule of thumb is in doubt. The problem has to do with the historically low yields on government bonds, the volatile stock market and the expected returns for stocks and bonds going forward. Some financial advisers suggest that, to avoid going broke, some retirees may need to pare down withdrawals to 3 percent or 2 percent. David Blanchett, head of retirement research at Morningstar Investment Research, said the 4 percent rule is largely based on historical data and long-term averages. The average yield on 10-year government bonds is 5.5 percent. Today, 10-year bonds yield about 2 percent. Researchers for vanguard, based in valley Forge, Pa., found that yields from a portfolio equally divided between stocks and

bonds exceeded 4 percent from 1926 to 2011. By 2011, a similar portfolio yielded just 2.8 percent. “This low-return environment suggests that retirees need to have more saved because it is difficult or impossible to expect that they are going to see the same return on bonds as we have experienced historically,” Blanchett said. He added that some people still may find it possible to have a 4 percent withdrawal rate. “But it’s riskier. There is a greater chance you will run out of money.” Given today’s interest rates, Blanchett said an individual seeking $100,000 a year in re-

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“55 & Older”

Continued from page 4 America.” The appeal of the advertisement was,“The little boys and girls will laugh themselves into hysterics.” Children were admitted for ten cents, “grown people” paid 20 cents. After his shows in a town, he was gone the next day, off to another town with a traveling distance of one or two days by his wagon loaded with puppets. After his departure it was mentioned that children were in their backyards, barns or wood sheds putting on what were their versions of a “Punch and Judy” show. James H. Sharp, wood carver, puppeteer and ventriloquist between the 1860s and 1890s, died in 1908 as a result of an accident when his horse-drawn wagon was hit by a freight engine at Lock Haven. “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy.” Or does Kenny Chesney’s 2006 “Summertime” say it for you? It’s a sip of wine, it’s summertime, Sweet summertime. The more things change, The more they stay the same, Don’t matter how old you are, When you know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout. Take a break. Step outside into Punxsutawney’s summertime. Enjoy. •••

tirement income would need close to $3 million in savings. For workers age 55 and younger, the 4 percent rule might still work. Bond yields could increase between now and their retirement date, Blanchett said. Some financial advisers still believe 4 percent is a good guideline for gauging whether individuals have enough to support their desired retirement income needs. But what people actually end up withdrawing will likely be higher or lower. Dana Anspach, founder of the Scottsdale, Ariz.-based financial services firm Sensible Money LLC, works with clients’ retirement plans. During her 18 years in the business, she hasn’t seen a single plan that led to an annual 4 percent withdrawal from investments, she said. Often, clients end withdrawing more money in early retirement and less later, when sources of income like Social Security and pensions kick in. (Contact Tim Grant of the Pittsburgh PostGazette at tgrant@post-gazette.com. Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service.) •••


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Members of the Punxsutawney Soccer Association attend a Coaches Clinic where they practice a kicking and passing exercise that they can use to help their team sharpen their soccer skills.

Punx’y Soccer Association Continues growth, Expansion

By S.J. Sharp wards, a native of Dublin, Ireland, and a for Hometown magazine fully qualified coach of the Football Association of Ireland. Edwards, who has been occer, the most widely played sport coaching soccer for fifteen years, first in the world, is alive and well in coached in New Jersey for three years bePunxsutawney, where over 300 fore conducting Soccer Camps in western youngsters participate in the PunxPennsylvania. It was at a soccer camp sutawney Soccer Association. The organiwhere he met Coach Kevin Hughes of the zation began in 2009 and has grown due to Punxsutawney Area High the effort of dedicated School. volunteers coaches Through Hughes, he and managers. The was invited to come to Association currently Punxsutawney for an exgrounds on Helicoptended stay and assist the ter Drive just off AirPunxsutawney Soccer port Road in Bell Association to develop Township. However, its technical soccer skills. it is fast outgrowing In his position Edwards its facilities. The Asdoes double duty. First, sociation is seeking a he conducts “coach clinpermanent and exics” to help them hone panded location. Actheir soccer skills. Many cording to David of the volunteer coaches Gigliotti, sssociation never experienced soccer president, a ten-acre until their children besite would be ideal. It Ronan Edwards illustrates the proper came involved, or until could be developed to Coach way to address a soccer ball. First, never kick meet the group’s the ball with your toes; second, always pass they volunteered to be a coach. The skills and needs and it would by using your instep. techniques, learned as permit them to host youngsters in most European and Latin league games in addition to using it for American countries, are new to them. team practices. On Tuesday afternoons, from four until To help develop their soccer skills , 2013 sundown, Edwards can be found at the socis the first year the association has been cer field. He spends an hour with the able to have a professional consultant for coaches demonstrating and practicing skills the coaches. Thanks to the fundraising efbefore the youngsters arrive. After the forts of the player’s families and generous young players arrive, he spends time with donations of individuals and organizations, they have been able to employ Ronan Ed- Continued on next page

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Coaches of the Punxsutawney Soccer Association observe players practicing techniques as Coach Edwards gives instructions.

Punx’y Soccer Continued from previous page

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10 – punxsutawney Hometown – July 2013 - Issue #153

each of the teams introducing the new skills to each age group. The players and their coaches then work on mastering the new techniques. There are five age levels in the league. Youngsters, age 6 to 14, play on co-ed teams. Those 15 through 18 compete on boys’ or girls’ league teams. On Saturdays, Edwards travels with the younger age group teams to their games to watch the players, and analyze their use of soccer skills to prepare critiques and plans for improving those skills. On Sundays, he does the same with the older age group teams. His observations are then used in planning for the next Tuesday afternoon practice and coaching sessions. Edwards will be providing an orientation to soccer on July 15 at a recreation camp where youngsters will be able to participate on a noncompetitive basis. He will also be assisting at the Punxsutawney Area Middle School soccer camp on July 22. Edwards will be providing technical assistance and coaching at the Crawford County Youth Soccer Association at Meadville later this summer, before working with the Century United Soccer Club in Pittsburgh. The club is affiliated with the River Hounds, Pittsburgh’s professional soccer team. Century United will provide an opportunity for talented young soccer players to advance to professional level

play in western Pennsylvania. “I have seen the soccer program at Punxsutawney grow,” said Edwards, “I think it is the enthusiasm of the youngsters and the opportunity for parents and children to work together. Soccer is one of the safest and healthiest sports for a youngster and each player spends more time in the game than in most sports.” The Punxsutawney Soccer Association is open to children ages six through eighteen. For more information on the Punxsutawney Soccer Association contact Dave Gigliotti, DrDave@punxsutawneychiropractic.com. Registrations are open online for the fall 2013 Season. To enroll a player contact punxsutawneysoccerassociation.com. •••

Coal Miners

Continued from page 6 of Congress, the Reynoldsville Public Library and the Punxsutawney Area Historical and Genealogical Society. Pictures are as attributed. This article has been prepared by PRIDE – Punxsutawney Revitalization: Investing, Developing, Enhancing. PRIDE is a nonprofit organization which brings together residents, business people, community leaders and civic organizations, to improve the business districts in Punxsutawney. Contributions to support the develop a Coal Memorial and Welcome Center for the Punxsutawney Area may be made to PRIDE, P.O. Box 298, Punxsutawney, PA 15767) •••

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punxsutawney Hometown – July 2013 - Issue #153 – 11


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Alice Raad, a nutrition graduate intern, left, and registered dietitian Lisa Eberhart find the cereal for their coupon while shopping at Whole Foods in Raleigh, N.C. (SHNS photo by Juli Leonard / Raleigh News & Observer)

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By Amy Dunn, SHNS for Hometown magazine

n our quest to eat healthfully, many of us are stung by the prices that ring up at the register, especially on organic and all-natural foods. Eating healthful food is great, in theory, but how does anyone afford it on a budget? The answer might surprise you: coupons. Long associated with the likes of sugary cereals and canned spaghetti, coupons get a bad rap in healthy-living circles. And let’s face it, we all know it’s much easier to find a coupon on Cocoa Puffs than coconut oil. But as more of us have started paying attention to healthier eating habits, manufacturers and marketers have started paying attention, too, issuing more coupons for healthier options. That makes it easier for all of us to

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12 – punxsutawney Hometown – July 2013 - Issue #153

watch our waistlines and our bottom lines. “The consumer is looking to eat more healthy foods, and consumers really drive everything,” said Sarah Schloemer, president and cofounder of CommonKindness.com, a Sausalito, Calif.based coupon-printing site that offers coupons on organic and natural products. In 2012, its first year, CommonKindness had more than 2 million visitors. The coupon savings on health foods can be substantial, said Crystal Collins, author of “The Thrifty Mama,” one of several blogs that match coupons for healthy foods with store sales. “It’s going to take ... some coupon smarts, watching sales cycles and eliminating things that aren’t a priority,” but it can be done, said Collins, who estimated she spends $50 to $80 a week to feed her family of four. “And that’s eating mostly organic.” - Continued on page 14

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The Anderson-McQueen Funeral Home has been in business for 61 years. In August 2006, John T. McQueen and Nikki McQueen added pet funerals to their funeral home's repertoire. The Rainbow Bridge room is where families can go to say their goodbyes. (SHNS photo by Melissa Lyttle / Tampa Bay Times)

It’s a dog’s afterlife: Pet funerals

By Peter Jamison, SHNS for Hometown magazine he wake for Coleen Ellis’ terrierschnauzer mix was well attended. Mico had been a small but strongwilled animal, displaying the noblest traits of a blended ancestry. Her terrier’s air of authority was enhanced by the schnauzer’s characteristic beard, white and wiry, like that of a kung fu master. Even in death, the dog seemed to command the attention of humans. Almost 40 people filed through Ellis’ living room to gaze upon Mico, in an open casket with a blanket, squeaking snowman and gerbil toy. Memories were shared, along with some good belly laughs and honest tears. That night, the lifeless Mico stayed with Ellis and her husband in their bedroom. Weird? According to Ellis, an Indiana resident who today is part owner of a pet funeral home chain, there was only one strange fact about the pomp that attended her terrier-schnauzer’s 2003 passing: “What was disturbing to me is that I was having to do it all myself.”


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No more. Anyone who thinks pet funerals are the province of wild-eyed empty nesters and Doctor Dolittle-like eccentrics need only stroll into the nearest mortician’s lobby to find that pet death care, as industry insiders call it, is booming. Anderson-McQueen, one of Florida’s largest family-owned chains of funeral parlors and crematories, handled more pets than humans last year, according to company president John McQueen. About 3,500 of the firm’s 5,700 funerals and cremations were for animals. Ellis is a consultant for pet morticians in addition to maintaining an ownership stake in Pet Angel Memorial Center, the company she was inspired to start by the lack of services at the time of Mico’s death. She said the Pet Loss Professionals Alliance, a trade association, estimates that close to 1.9 million pets were provided professional death services in 2012. Of those, the vast majority were cremated, with only about 21,000 buried, she said.

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- Continued on page 16






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Registered dietitian Lisa Eberhart searches for items from her handful of coupons at Whole Foods in Raleigh, N.C. (SHNS photo by Juli Leonard / Raleigh News & Observer)

Coupons Continued from page 12

Lisa Eberhart makes her living advising other how to eat healthfully, so it’s no surprise that the registered dietitian’s grocery cart is filled with fruits, vegetables and lean meat. She skips most coupons — those on processed foods and convenience items


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— and zeros in on the cents-off discounts on healthier foods. “People don’t realize they can get coupons for healthy foods,” said Eberhart, 55, who works for North Carolina State University, where she counsels students on making better food choices and does healthy makeovers of dining-hall fare. So just where do you find coupons for popular organic and natural brands?


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tured on the coupon and buy the Fiber One. As long as the coupon says “any” GM cereal, you’re good to go. “If it’s a milk coupon, I pick the lowfat option,” Eberhart said. “Green beans? I do no-salt added.” • Set aside 30 minutes a week for coupons. Take five minutes to flip through the coupons in the Sunday newspaper inserts, then check coupon websites, plus Facebook pages of your favorite organic and natural products. • Be realistic. Forget “extreme coupon savings.” • Stock up when you find an extraordinary deal with coupons. • Don’t be lured by a good coupon into buying something that’s not on your list. “If you don’t eat ice cream, you don’t want to start buying ice cream just because you have a coupon,” Eberhart advised. • Be strategic. Food isn’t the only thing you put in your grocery cart, said Brugh, who gives most of her food coupons to friends in exchange for coupons on cleaning products, paper goods and personal care items. (Contact Amy Dunn at adunn@newsobserver.com. Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, www.shns.com.) •••


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• Pull those Sunday newspaper coupons out of the recycle bin and give them a second look. You’ll often find coupons for organic yogurt, cage-free eggs and other healthy products. • Check the websites of companies that sell natural and organic products. Become a fan of their Facebook pages. Many companies provide links to printable coupons or will mail you coupons. • Head to the national coupon-printing websites, some of which focus entirely on the niche market of budget-conscious healthy-food shoppers. • Check grocery-store websites. Many offer store-specific paper and digital coupons for organic and natural products. Once you have your coupons, your next stop is the grocery store. But which one? Conventional grocery chains have all beefed up their selections of organic and natural foods in recent years. Or take those coupons to a smaller chain specializing in healthy foods for a wider selection and, sometimes, a better deal. Both Earth Fare and Whole Foods offer store coupons — in traditional paper format and online — and accept manufacturers’ coupons. To clip your way to more healthful fare, try these tips: • Read the fine print, on the coupon and the product, said dietitian Eberhart. Have a coupon for $1 off two boxes of General Mills cereal? Skip the Cookie Crisp pic-

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Zippo: Pieces of American History and Ingenuity By Justin Eger for Hometown magazine ome time ago, around the time that Zippo was celebrating a production milestone, I opined that I would love to have a Zippo lighter. When my wife heard that, she casually remarked, “Why? You don’t smoke anymore.” “Because they’re cool,” I replied, which earned me a look of confusion. Women. But as I was going through some of my old stuff to make way for my new stuff, I came across some items that I literally hadn’t seen since I first moved. Among that stuff (most of which made its way into the trash) were two battered and bruised Zippo windproof lighters I had found when I was about nine years old. I’d rescued the items from an old house my dad had purchased, and they’d made their way from there to my pockets to my nightstand drawer, almost forgotten to time.


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The lighters, one scarred chrome and the other flat black with scuffed corners, had obvious signs of wear and tear, and neither hadworked. Pulling them from the mess buried in the back of my closet, I recalled hearing that the Zippo factory in Bradford, Pennsylvania would repair any Zippos that were out there in the world. A little bit of research uncovered that these Zippos were covered under the manufacturer’s lifetime warranty, and any repairs needed would be completed for free, provided I would ship the lighters off to Bradford for inspection.


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Off to the Post Office I went. Worst case? The lighters would be put to rest by their creators, and for about five bucks in shipping, it wouldn’t be much of a loss. Best case? I’d have two Zippos and a cool story. About a week passed, and I hadn’t heard anything from the company, which had noted it would contact me about any repairs. Just as I was getting ready to call the factory to make sure the lighters had arrived, or at least check with the Post Office, I received an e-mail from Zippo noting that both lighters had arrived safely and were being processed for repair. This work could, I was told, take four to five weeks, so I put a mental note in the back of my head to check back during the first week of June, and let it go at that. Barely five days later, I received another e-mail notifying me that the lighters had been shipped back to me, and I could expect them in about a week. That very afternoon, as I returned home from work, I happened to meet the UPS man at the door, and I carried my package from Bradford into the

house. As I opened the package, I pulled out a few pieces of paperwork, and the interiors of the Zippos I had sent along clattered out onto countertop, followed by the housings. A quick check of the package revealed no note about what the repair team had uncovered, and I felt a little disheartened — perhaps they were too far gone to be salvaged. So I cracked open the first housing and moved to slip the guts back into place. Only to be greeted by the shiny chrome of new interior workings. An inspection of the second lighter bore the same results, and I deduced that the factory had attempted to repair the interior components, but could not. The cases, scuffed though they were, still functioned as intended, so the factory stuffed new pieces into place and the old interior components were sent along in case I would want them. There are a lot of complaints, rightfully so, that there aren’t a whole lot of products left that are still made in the USA. There are even less that still hold up the way that the manufacturer originally intended, and I can think of maybe two companies that back their products to the hilt forever and a day. Zippo is one of them. And that’s pretty cool. (Justin Eger is an editor, columnist, reporter and feature writer with Mainline Newspapers in upper Cambria County.) •••

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dog’s afterlife Continued from page 13

“It’s a great business with pets,� said Ernie Johnson, who recently attended a morticians convention that featured seminars specifically about pet funerals. “You don’t have any strings attached. You don’t have dysfunctional families fighting, or multigenerational families where people have been divorced and remarried.� Johnson, a third-generation director of human funerals in virginia, said he has added two pet crematories to his operation. Still, people remain more profitable to bury or cremate, and account for the bulk

of revenue at many funeral parlors that cater to both humans and animals. At Anderson-McQueen, the price of basic pet cremations ranges from $99 for a creature weighing less than a pound to $249 for one that weighs more than 100 pounds. A simple human cremation costs $2,995. Most people opt for a straightforward cremation of their animals. Through Anderson-McQueen’s Pet Passages program, they are entitled to some time alone with their loved one in the Rainbow Bridge Room, a vigil chamber where large lit candles are arrayed around a dark doggie bed on a tiled bench. Full-frill funeral services like the one

Ellis had for her terrier cost extra, and are rare, McQueen said. The veneration of dead animals has ample precedent. Gripped by their centuries-long interest in mummification, ancient Egyptians performed death rites for all manner of animals. Some of them, including cats, crocodiles and ibises, received individual funerals from priests who considered them sacred. The contemporary interest in pet funerals probably has ponderous explanations rooted in sociology and psychology — the increasing number of childless American homes, a growing acceptance of the idea of pet as family member. McQueen sees a less complicated reason for the trend: simple affection.

“It seems like the grief associated with the loss of a pet is much more pronounced for many people than the grief associated with the loss of a person,â€? he said. When a pet dies, he said, its human counterpart loses a source of purely unconditional love. (Reach Peter Jamison at pjamison@tampabay.com. Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, www.shns.com.) •••

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18 – punxsutawney Hometown – July 2013 - Issue #153


Around Town

for Hometown magazine rom the Chamber of Commerce and the Community Calendar at Punxsutawney.com, here is a list of events and happenings coming up in our

area. fundraiser for Cares for Kids — Saturday, July 20 at Cook Forest State Park. Registration on website at www.carescac.org. Registration starts at 8 a.m., Duathlon starts at 9 a.m., 5K starts at 10 a.m. race to the face — 12K/6K Trail Race and 3K Fun Run, 9 a.m., Saturday, July 27, Delancey (Adrian), PA. Must pre-register by July 19 to guarantee s h i r t . Awards for top male and female runners for both races. Sponsored by PRIDECoal Memorial Committee. Fees: $18 by Jul 19; $22 after Jul 19; $10 kids 12 & under; $45 family. For more information contact Bob Lott, 814-938-4589, or visit www.runpunxsyrun.org. Old Home week firemen’s Games and Parade — Saturday, June 29. In the morning there will be Firemen’s games and rides on a firetruck behind the Punx’y Plaza. The parade, which begins at 4 p.m., is being sponsored by Shields Insurance and Marion Center Bank. The parade will form in the West End of town and proceed along Mahoning Street through the downtown area. For information about entering a unit in the parade, contact Tami McFarland at firemama2020@hotmail.com. Seating Display — A display of seats from the mid 1830's through the mid 1950's is now showing in the Highlands Invitational Galleries at the Lattimer House, 400 W. Mahoning St. The exhibit includes formal and functional seating, including a ladies sewing chair from the late 1800's, a unique tuffett, school desk and seat from the late 1800's, early office chairs, and a very early hand made plank bottom chair. Throughout the exhibit are photographs taken by local photographers from about 1870 through the early 1900's which feature seating of that period. 1 to 4 p.m. Thursday thru Sunday, other times by appointment. Free Admission, donations welcome. Closes July 8. elks Lodge 301 annual Golf Tournament — Saturday, July 20 at Hemlock view golf Course. Starts at 1:30 p.m.

$240/foursome. 4-person Scramble. Included are: 18 holes with cart, food and beverages at the course, hole-in-one prizes, skill prizes, monetary prizes for top three teams, dinner at the Elks following the tournament. Hole sponsorships available ($100). If your business sponsors a hole, you will get a discounted foursome price of $200. Sign up your team today at the Elks Lounge! For more information, email Ron Ploucha at stumpwarden@hotmail.com. Concert on Historic Hinners Pipe Organ — St. Adrian’s Church, Delancey (Adrian) PA, 7 p.m. Saturday, July 27. Hear organist, Ed Halo, a native of Adrian, who studied music at Carlo College, the University of Pittsburgh, and Duquesne University in Pittsburgh play the Hinners Organ, which is believed to be one of the earlier ones built. The Hinners Organ is known for its hand-crafted wood cabinetry and excellent tone. Built in Pekin, Illinois the organs were sold throughout the United States and Europe. Each organ was installed by a factory representative. Production of the Hinners Organ ceased in the late 1920’s, when automation and mass production made it difficult for the company to compete. Today a Hinners organ is considered a prize possession by the churches where they still exist and by antique collectors. The public is welcome. Sponsored by the PRIDE-Coal Memorial Committee. For more information contact Jeanne Curtis, 938-2555. Phil Phest — 1 to 9 p.m.Saturday, August 10 at Gobbler’s Knob. 21 years old and older. Live music and yard games. 115th annual Groundhog Club Picnic — 1p.m. - ? Saturday, Sept. 7. 21 years old and older. Food Catered by Aramark of IUP. Food and Beverages included in the ticket price. $20 per price. (Punxsutawney.com is maintained by the Chamber of Commerce for the community. Any area business or organization is invited to become a member of the Chamber of Commerce for as little as $75 for the year. Visit Punxsutawney.com/chamber or call 938-7700x2. To submit an event for the calendar, visit Punxsutawney.com/calendar and fill out the form.) •••

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Henry Cavill stars as Superman in "Man of Steel." (SHNS photo by Clay Enos / Warner Brothers)

Ten reasons why we love Superman

By Barbara Vancheri Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ere are 10 reasons why we love Superman: 1. He’s 75 and doesn’t look a day over 30. 2. Batman, especially when embodied by Michael Keaton or Christian Bale, turned our heads, but Superman was our first superhero, whether in comic books or on screen. Christopher Nolan, director of “The Dark Knight” trilogy, is producer of “Man of Steel” and shares story credit, an auspicious sign. 3. Superman is the ultimate outsider, born Kal-El of Krypton and raised Clark Kent on Earth by adoptive parents Martha and Jonathan Kent. 4. He’s all about hope, which is what the “S” symbol represents in his world.

or more in mint condition. A man insulating a Minnesota house discovered one in the ceiling but argued with his wife’s aunt about it and accidentally tore the back cover, reducing its value. (It did go for $175,000 at auction.) Bet he wished he could reverse Earth’s rotation and slide that puppy into a protective sleeve. 8. Clark Kent is a newspaper reporter and even survived “The End of the Planet,” a 1952 series in which the daily stopped publication. Editor Perry White became a cab driver, Lois Lane waitressed and Clark peddled vacuum cleaners door to door and discovered a safecracker during a sales call. Superman got the staff back to work, even mashing trees into wood pulp for the newsprint. 9. That “girl reporter.” A trailblazing journalist, Lois Lane not only had her own office (that’s a fantasy), but a w o r k i n g w o m a n wardrobe of suits, hats and pearls, plus a nose for news and crush on her favorite newsmaker. 10. “Man of Antje Traue (far left) and Michael Shannon, as Gen. Zod, appear in "Man of Steel." Steel” will (SHNS photo courtesy Warner Brothers) shine a light on actor Michael Shannon, who plays Gen. 5. In his book “Still Me,” Christopher Zod. Reeve said, “I think I was the right actor Oscar-nominated for “Revolutionary for the part at the time I played it, but the Road,” he is part of the winning ensemrole is larger than any particular actor and ble of HBO’s “Boardwalk Empire” and should be reinterpreted from generation never disappoints, whether as a mob conto generation.” That is why fans can actract killer in “The Iceman,” a father with cept a half-dozen or more actors as Supes. apocalyptic visions in “Take Shelter” or 6. Superskills: flight, X-ray vision, sufriend to the “Machine Gun Preacher.” perstrength, immunity to aging, super(Contact movie editor Barbara Vancheri hearing (can hear an ant’s footfall), at bvancheri@post-gazette.com. Read her superbreath (can blow out a celestial star) blog: www.post-gazette.com/madaboutand photographic memory. No TSA lines movies.) for him. (Distributed by Scripps Howard News 7. We all dream of finding an “Action Service, shns.com.) Comics” No. 1 from 1938, featuring the ••• debut of Superman, and worth $2 million


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20 – punxsutawney Hometown – July 2013 - Issue #153

So much for my to-do list


By Heather Tempesta, SHNS for Hometown magazine

‘m always joking that moms need to start a petition for more hours in the day. I always feel like I’m behind. They say if you keep track of what you eat, you’ll be surprised by what you consumed at the end of the day. I presumed the same would hold true for a simple logging of my daily activities. So I awake the other day with the best of intentions, especially after being afforded the luxury of sleeping in until 10:46. After a late breakfast, I make my list. I beam with pride over how perfect and attainable it appears. I start to play music videos and optimistically begin to tackle my to-do list. No sooner than getting the first load of laundry in the washer, I hear the Rihanna song “Stay.� I’ll sit on the couch just for this one video. Five videos later, and after perusing several channels, I stumble upon the Top 20 Country Music countdown. I’m now fully invested in the couch, a throw pillow and a blanket. Then some catchy “As Seen on Tv� whizbang invention comes on and I allow them to talk me into believing I can’t live without it. But I’m not easily tricked, just easily distracted. I check eBay to see if some other fool, ahem, consumer may have purchased this life-or-death contraption.

Score. I can get it for a fraction of the retail cost, but the auction doesn’t end for 23 minutes. Now I must sit here on this computer because I can’t lose this incredible — what’s THAT? Is that the Shark steam mop? I place my bid on yet another unnecessary necessity. A phone call momentarily interrupts my erratic shopping habits. “Hey! Quick question!� I don’t know how, but that quick question turns into an hour-and-a-half-long conversation. We talk about what to wear to a wedding eight months from now, shoes she scored on sale at DSW, why our mothers never harmed us as teenagers and the killer deal I’m about to score on eBay. Then I realize the time. I try to regroup and insist I can still complete this list, but the Tv has to go. But Ellen is on. She’s doing her intro dance and Justin Timberlake is the guest. I lie to

myself and say I can at least load the dishwasher while I watch. He performs his new song and I end up scanning iTunes for “Mirrors.� Thirteen minutes and $20.64 later, I’ve missed this adorable 4-yearold singing “When I Was Your Man� by Bruno Mars. I’m pretty sure I can find this on YouTube. Before I know it, I’m watching a video of some weird unknown life form swimming in the debris during a tsunami. I awake from my YouTube vortex and realize it’s now 5 p.m. I must post said tsunami video on Facebook to see if anyone else can identify what millions of other viewers could not. I have 13 notifications, my friend’s daughter had a baby and five friends have birthdays. I skim over the superficial lives of fakebook and post something that no one really cares about. I’m nudged by “Words With Friends� and someone just invited me to play a game

of “Ruzzle.â€? Last but not least, three people need lives because they’re stuck in obscenely high levels in “Candy Crush.â€? It’s now 7:30. I try to suppress my overwhelming sense of failure. Where was I? Laundry? Yes. That laundry sitting in the washer. With the lid open. Dry. I throw a pizza in the oven. They’re playing an episode of “The voiceâ€? I didn’t see because I was consumed by a marathon of “Swamp Peopleâ€? and “Pawn Stars.â€? Let me confess my humiliation at how much time I spent doing — well, nothing. There’s always tomorrow. I can’t possibly do worse tomorrow. (Heather Tempesta is a Brandon, Fla., mother of two sons, 17 and 10, and a daughter, 15.) (Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, shns.com) •••

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DOn’t rule Out rOOkie linebacker jarvis jOnes fOr steelers By Ed Bouchette of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette he most recent rookies to nail down starting jobs with the Steelers defense no longer are with the defense. Casey Hampton is gone after a dozen years as their starting nose tackle and inside linebacker Kendrell Bell’s career steadily went downhill after he was named NFL defensive rookie of the year. They took over as rookies in 2001. No rookie has won a starting defensive job since, not Troy Polamalu, not Lawrence Timmons or LaMarr Woodley, and neither of their first-round picks at defensive end, Ziggy Hood nor Cameron Heyward. Jarvis Jones could end that drought. “He’s showing us things, and, if he keeps showing those things he’s going to be a big part of that, hopefully,” said Keith Butler, who coaches the Steelers linebackers. Butler said Jones, the team’s first-round draft choice, will compete to start at right outside linebacker in training camp. His main competition to fill James Harrison’s spot is veteran Jason Worilds, their second-round draft pick in 2010 who is trying to win his first starting job. One rookie has started at outside linebacker for the Steelers since the modern era of pro football began in 1970 with the merger of the NFL and the AFL. His name is Jack Ham. No other rookie has done so, and expectations were rarely there for them to do it, especially when they switched to the 3-4 defense in 1982 and began taking college defensive ends and converting them to outside linebackers. That took time, but now comes Jones fresh off Georgia’s 3-4 defense and more readymade than what the Steelers are used to at outside linebacker. “The best thing for him is his background, he played linebacker at Georgia, so he understands concepts as opposed to being a defensive end who doesn’t know anything,” Butler said. “He’s picked some things up. There’s a lot we’re throwing at him right now, as we do everybody. He’s still learning, but


he’s learning at a quicker pace than most guys we drafted at that position as a defensive end.” Plenty can happen between now, training camp and when the Steelers kick off their season Sept. 8 against the Tennessee Titans at Heinz Field, but Jones is pushing to become the next Ham, who started all 14 games his rookie season of 1971, when he was a second-round draft pick. “He’s shown us a lot of instinctive football ability,” defensive coordinator Dick LeBeau said. “If the coach doesn’t mess him up, I think he’s got a chance to be a pretty good player.” Jones is learning to drop into pass coverage in spring practices more than anything else. “He’s done well in the drops, but, when he was in college, he kind of freelanced a little bit,” Butler said. “We’re a little bit more disciplined in terms of what we ask him to do and the technique we ask him to use in the passing game. “All he did was drop straight back and look at the quarterback. He was 5 yards off the ball looking at the quarterback. We ask him to do a lot of different things in terms of pass coverage, and that’s not one of them. I have to get him out of that habit a little bit, and he’s willing to get out of that habit.” The better Jones knows the defense, the more chance he will have to start in it. Woodley flashed great pass-rush ability as a rookie in 2007, but did not start a game because he did not know the defense. “I think you play people when they’re ready to play and, what I mean by that is when they know what they’re doing,” Butler said. “If they don’t know what they’re doing, they hurt the doggone defense, and it’s not fair to the rest of the guys to have them out on the field. He knows that, and I’ve talked to him about it. Before he plays, he has to know what he’s doing.” (Contact Ed Bouchette at ebouchette@post-gazette.com; Twitter @EdBouchette.) (Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, www.shns.com.) •••

Hometown Magazine... Online All The Time... www.punxsutawneymagazine.com

When it gets hot, try magic of mulch

Mulch is not a soil amendment because the best materials resist decomposition. If they are tilled in, you risk nutritional problems in the soil because the lignin in these cell walls is hard for microbes to break down. They may even rob the soil of its nitrogen to help in the decomposition process. You can reuse mulch season after season.

By Maureen Gilmer, SHNS for Hometown magazine


hen it seems so hot that you could probably fry an egg on the sidewalk, you can almost believe that you could fry another one on exposed garden soil, too. At any rate, that soil can get hot. And then we ask young, tender plants to grow in such soil — material that heats up under the super-dry surface. These conditions are brutal and can be traced to many vegetable-garden failures. Shade always helps, of course. But your plants need full sun to grow, so you can't put up an umbrella to cool off the ground. Truth be told, only the roots need shade. The traditional solution is to spread straw over the ground as a mulch around each plant to create an insulating layer that protects the soil from direct solar exposure. The word "mulch" describes a specific type of material that is nonspecific in its origins but functions much like goose down in a winter coat. Down retains its loft to create a thick zone of dead air for maximum insulation. In the garden, folks have long used mulch around their vegetables to create a similar insulation layer between the sun and soil to keep conditions underground cooler. Mulch does other things provided it's 2 inches deep, and preferably more. First,

Mulching covers up drip-system tubing while maintaining a cool, moist root zone for young plants. (SHNS photo courtesy Maureen Gilmer)

mulch prevents surface crusting of the soil so water introduced goes straight in. Second, it shades the soil so roots will find a sizable zone of cool rich soil. Third, mulch laid thick enough cuts off light to the soil surface, denying weeds incentive to grow. You can also use mulch in pathways through the veggie garden to keep your feet clean while watering or picking.

In late fall, rake mulch off your garden and into a pile for reuse. It's great for freeze/thaw mulching after the first frost, or just stockpile for the following year's food garden. Straw is the most common mulching material because it's widely available at feed stores, and it's cheap. A single bale can cover even a good-sized garden with plenty

of insulation for plants and pathways. Even if there's a lot of rain and mud, the straw holds its loft because it doesn't get soft. Look for mulches you can obtain for little or no money, such as wood chips from green waste programs. Every corner of America will have its own mulch sources. In the South, pine-needle straw is used on ornamental and food gardens because it's so plentiful there. The Northwest is full of lumber mills making sawdust easy to get, but you'll find it in every cabinet maker's shop, too. Nut hulls, rice hulls and ground corncobs are agricultural byproducts that are plentiful in regions where these crops are grown. You can even save autumn leaves for next year's summer garden mulch. Mulches aren't laid out until the soil becomes warm enough and plants are under way. Put it on while it's cool and the soil won't heat up enough properly to germinate your seeds or stimulate seedling growth. Keep your mulch layer at least 1 inch or more away from the base of the plant to avoid stem problems. Mulches aren't always the best-looking part of the food garden, but they are among the most essential to enhancing plant health. Nothing works better for water conservation. Too, they help eliminate weeds. The best news? A well-mulched garden means you'll have more time to go to the beach or a baseball game -- rather than staying home to weed. (Maureen Gilmer is an author, horticulturist and landscape designer. Learn more at www.MoPlants.com. Contact her at mogilmer@yahoo.com or P.O. Box 891, Morongo Valley, CA 92256.) •••

punxsutawney Hometown – July 2013 - Issue #153 – 23

‘Church in the Park’ July 26, 27, 28


unxsutawney churches are once again joining to celebrate “Church in the Park.” Activities will be held in Barclay Square on July 26, 27, and 28. The Church in the Park activities include a family movie, FamilyFest, and a church service. The Movie in the Park will start the weekend events on Friday, July 26 at 8:30 p.m. This year’s free movie will be “We Bought A Zoo,” a movie that is appropriate for all ages. There will be food, drinks, and lots of fun. In case of rain, the event will be held at the Punxsutawney Area High School auditorium.


On Saturday, July 27, join in an afternoon of Bible stories, games, crafts, and food at “FamilyFest,” a new activity for 2013. The HayDay vacation Bible School will be held from 12 to 4 p.m. at Harmon Field. The rain location will be the Punxsutawney Christian School gym. The culminating activity for the weekend will be Church in the Park at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, July 28. Please bring one or more items to be donated to local shelters and food pantries. Laundry soap, dish soap, personal hygiene products, baby items, non-perishable foods, all sizes of tee-shirts, socks, and underwear are all needed.

The Children’s Service will once again be held during worship. During KidFest, children will hear Bible stories and will be able to participate in games, snacks, and crafts in a safe and supervised environment. Participants will have the opportunity to join in a fellowship lunch at the conclusion of the service. You must order your lunch ahead of time by contacting a sponsoring church or contacting First Church of God at 938-6670. The selections include a chicken salad croissant, a ham salad croissant, or a Domino’s pizza lunch. Each lunch will include chips, a drink and a treat. The cost for each lunch is $6.00 per lunch.

well serviCes

funeral serviCes

Bring your lawn chairs and join us for the special community event. For more in information, call the First Church of God at 9386670. •••


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Pittsburgh Pirates Put their Own sPin On histOry, recOrDs By Michael Sanerino of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


ittsburgh’s major league baseball team could have won its 10,000th game recently. But there won’t be any fanfare or celebration at PNC Park.. That’s because the Pirates don’t count any franchise wins or records that were set when the team played in the American Association from 1882-86. The Pirates are one of four National League teams that started playing baseball in the American Association. None of the others count those wins toward their franchise totals, though Major League Baseball’s official historian, John Thorn, called it puzzling that they don’t. “My bet would be they think the American Association is not a major league, which flies in the face of MLB policy,” Thorn said. In 1969, MLB’s special records committee determined the American Association of the 1880s and other leagues — the Union Association, the Players’ League and the Federal League — should be considered major leagues, like the American and National leagues. Gary Gillette, an author and editor who co-edited ESPN’s Baseball Encyclopedia and co-edits SABR’s annual Emerald Guide to Baseball, said the league in 1969

merely was ratifying a practice that had gone on for more than 70 years. “Because the American Association is a major league, I don’t see why those records shouldn’t be counted by the Pirates or anyone else,” Gillette said. The Pittsburgh Alleghenys went 236-296 in five seasons in the American Association. According to the Pirates, two more victories would give them only franchise wins 9,763 and 9,764, not 9,999 and 10,000. Team president Frank Coonelly said the Pirates were informed by their official statistician at the Elias Sports Bureau before the season that the Pirates and none of the other teams from the American Association — the Los Angeles Dodgers, St. Louis Cardinals and Cincinnati Reds — count those wins among their franchise totals. Additionally, said Steve Hirdt, executive vice president of the Elias Sports Bureau, the Pirates always have considered their entrance into the National League in 1887 as the start of their franchise. They celebrated their golden anniversary in 1937, their centennial in 1987 and, just two years ago, 125 years of existence. “Historically, they had always counted their history from when they had arrived in the National League,” Hirdt said. The Pirates don’t have much interest in suddenly embracing those five years as

20th annual


part of their heritage when they had never done so before. Gillette likened the scenario to when the Baseball Hall of Fame opened in Cooperstown, N.Y., in 1939, on what was then believed the centennial anniversary of the game’s invention. When the Hall later found out such wasn’t the case, they didn’t stick to that original story. “It’s basically just a decision somebody made,” Gillette said. “And the fact that the other clubs do it doesn’t make it any more sensible. It just makes it an accepted version of history.” Hirdt said Elias simply informed the Pirates that no other American Association team counted those wins as part of their franchise totals. “We took our guidance from the teams on this,” he said. Hirdt said he personally has no opinion on whether those American Association teams should count toward these franchise totals. But Thorn said the Pirates and the other teams are doing a disservice to the American Association, which helped the sport grow in the late 1800s. The league was created to cater to the river towns of the time and its blue-collar fan base. It was the first league to permit alcohol sales at games, and where would baseball be without that? Additionally, the Alleghenys franchise


AG & FAIR Youth 2013 All Week Long — Monday through Saturday • Pay One Price $8 per person includes admission, all carnival rides, all shows and parking. • Gates open at 3 p.m. Mon. through Fri. and noon on Sat. • Bartlebaugh Amusements on the carnival midway starting at 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 1 p.m. on Saturday. • EUDORA FARMS “Animals From Around The World” (Tuesday – Saturday) • The Magic of Lance Gifford • Kidbuck’s Game Show • Sherri McCloskey Chainsaw Carving • “Full Throttle Art” All Week long • Dennie Huber Balloon Artist (Thursday and Friday) Community Stage — Entertainment All Week • Monday — Barb & Steve’s Comedy Hypnosis • Tuesday — Elvis Lee Entertainment and Barb & Steve’s Comedy Hypnosis • Wednesday — The Moore Brothers and Barb & Steve’s Comedy Hypnosis • Thursday, Friday & Saturday — Dan & Galla Musical Show and Barb & Steve’s Comedy Hypnosis Sunday, August 5 — Free Gate Admission • 1-8 pm, Arts and Crafts and animal entries accepted • 1 p.m., Antique Tractor Pulling Contest Monday, August 6 • 5:30 p.m., Junior Livestock Show • 6:00 p.m., Baked Goods Auction • 6:30 and 8:30 p.m., Kidbuck’s Game Show • 7 p.m., Enduro Auto Racing


remained virtually unchanged when it moved from the American Association to the NL. Team management remained intact, and most of the players from the 1886 squad were a part of the 1887 squad. The only differences were the opposing teams and the sanctioning league. The American Association actually outdrew the National League in attendance for a few years, Thorn said. And though most people recognize the first World Series as the 1903 contest between the National League champion Pirates and the American League champion Boston Americans, the NL and the American Association actually played a world series more than a decade before that, which they called the “World’s Series.” The American Association beat the NL in one of those contests. “There are no people around to start picketing or protesting,” Thorn said. “They’re all dead. But there is no historian to my knowledge that would argue that the American Association on its merits was not a major league.” (Contact Michael Sanserino at msanserino@post-gazette.com; Twitter @msanserino. Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, www.shns.com.) ••• Hometown magazine is mailed to 100 percent of the homes in the Punx’y area. We have the post office statements to prove it.

includes all carnival rides, parking, shows and exhibits.


• 7 and 9 p.m., The Magic of Lance Gifford • 7 and 9 p.m., Barb & Steve’s Comedy Hypnosis Tuesday, August 7 • 9 a.m., Horse Show • 6:30 and 8:30 p.m., Kidbuck’s Game Show • 7:15 and 9:15 p.m., Barb & Steve’s Comedy Hypnosis • 7 p.m., Compact Car Figure 8 Race • 6:30 and 8:30 p.m., Elvis Lee Entertainment • 7 and 9 p.m., The Magic of Lance Gifford Wednesday, August 8 • 6:30 and 8:30 p.m., Kidbuck’s Game Show • 6:30 and 8:30 p.m., The Moore Brothers • 7:15 and 9:30 p.m., Barb & Steve’s Comedy Hypnosis • 7 p.m., Msgr. John Mignot Memorial Championship Full Size Car Demolition Derby • 7 and 9 p.m., The Magic of Lance Gifford Thursday, August 9 • 6 to 10 p.m., Dennie Huber “Balloon Artist” • 6 and 8 p.m., Barb & Steve’s Comedy Hypnosis • 6:30 and 8:30 p.m., Kidbuck’s Game Show • 6:30 p.m., Quarry Gymnastics Demonstration • 6:45 p.m., Mountain Lair Martial Arts Demonstration • 7 p.m., 4X4 Side By Side Truck Drags • 7 p.m., Cheerleading Exhibition • 7 and 9 p.m., The Magic of Lance Gifford • 7 and 9 p.m., Dan and Galla Musical Entertainment

Friday, August 10 • 6 to 10 p.m., Dennie Huber “Balloon Artist” • 7 and 9 p.m., Barb & Steve’s Comedy Hypnosis • 6:30 and 8:30 p.m., Kidbuck’s Game Show • 7 p.m., Guy Uplinger Memorial Compact Car Demolition Derby • 7 and 9 p.m., The Magic of Lance Gifford • 8 and 10 p.m., Dan and Galla Musical Entertainment • 7 p.m., Junior Livestock Sale Saturday, August 11 — Family Day At The Fair Gates open at noon. $2.00 admission discount from noon until 3:00 pm • 9 a.m., Clyde Cramer Memorial Horse Show • 1 to 5 p.m., Bartlebaugh Amusements rides open • 1:30 p.m., Kidbuck’s Game Show • 2 p.m., Dan and Galla Musical Entertainment • 4 p.m., The Magic of Lance Gifford • 6 p.m., Mud Madness Mud Bog on the Track • 6 p.m., Carnival rides re-open • 6 and 8 p.m., Barb & Steve’s Comedy Hypnosis • 6:30 and 8:30 p.m., Kidbuck’s Game Show • 7 and 9 p.m., Dan and Galla Musical Entertainment • 7 and 9 p.m., The Magic of Lance Gifford Schedule subject to change

punxsutawney Hometown – July 2013 - Issue #153 – 25

There’s Plenty To Discover At the Punx’y Area Museum

chair will forever be a queen’s chair to the museum volunteer who witnessed this discovery. iscovery is exciting. Each day visiTucker, an eight year old, discovered the tors of all ages discover interesting Mining Display at the Bennis House. He items at the Punxsutawney Area was so excited by the display that he had Historical and Genealogical Society. seen when he visited the museum with a It is exciting to observe discovery happenyouth group, he was able to convince his ing. During the past few weeks, volunteers family to come to the museum to see it. The at the society have had the opportunity to museum volunteer and his parents will not witness visitors in the act of discovery. soon forget his delight and enthusiasm about Elizabeth, a six year old, visiting Punxfinding all the old mining tools. sutawney for the first time with her family, On a recent Thursday morning, a woman wanted to know what a museum was, so from Washington State, who was visiting Anita, where her grandparents had first lived when they came from eastern Europe, arrived at the Genealogy Department in the Lattimer House. A staff member at the Anita Post Office suggested she stop at the society and perhaps find information about her family. She was delighted to discover a file of information on the family and to learn of other relatives who were researching the same family. A group of adults from the Butler area, who came to visit Punx’y Phil, stopped by the Lattimer House on a Saturday afternoon to find information about things to see and do in The chair Elizabeth called “a Summer Uniform worn by Dorothy queen’s chair,” is an ornately Pringle when she served in the WAVES the area. They discovcarved chair, featuring the Tudor during WW II. Ms. Pringle was a ered the Wood on Glass Rose, formerly used in a local teacher at the Punxsutawney High Exhibit, currently on church. It is located in the Formal School when she enlisted in the mili- loan from the Lumber Seating Display in the Highlands’ tary. The uniform is on display in the Galleries at the Lattimer House of Bennis House of the Punxsutawney Heritage Region, and the Punxsutawney Historical and Area Historical and Genealogical Soci- on display in the ResGenealogical Society. ety. chini Room. They were excited by the pictures they stopped by. of the early days of lumbering in the area, a In the Seating Exhibit at the Lattimer location in which they enjoy hunting each House, Elizabeth discovered “a queen’s year. chair.” The chair is actually a beautifully Summer is here and the temporary exhibits carved and upholstered chair from one of our at the Museums will be changing. The seatlocal churches. However, due to Elizabeth’s ing exhibit now showing in the Highlands enthusiasm and delight at her discovery, the Galleries 1 and 3, and the Journeys Exhibit


(Editor’s Note: ‘From Our Past,’ researched by S. Thomas Curry, features items of interest from past editions of Punxsutawney and area newspapers.) June 19, 1895 — A very imported matter was placed before the council when complaints were made that boys are frequently seen draining empty beer kegs that have been placed in the alleys adjacent to hotel properties. Some boys have been making a practice of draining the beer left in them and drinking it. (Punxsutawney News) June 24, 1885 — Mrs. Hullehen, at her ice cream parlor on the southside of the public square, is prepared to furnish ice cream in quantities for parties and picnics and at reasonable rates. (Punxsutawney Spirit) June 30, 1870 — THE MAHONING BANK - This institution is now in operation, and we are pleased to say that it is arranged and conducted in the most complete manner. The safe, purchased in Philadelphia, is of the latest style and manufacture, and its completeness renders it absolutely impossible for any burglar to gain access to it. A bank was something much needed in Punxsutawney, and it will be gratifying to all concerned to know that this institution is one the soundness of which is beyond doubt. Our townsman, Mr. M. J. Dinsmore, has been selected as Clerk and we might just say that a better qualified or more accommodating gentleman could not have been found for the position. (Punxsutawney Plaindealer) July 1, 1869 — MUSIC - The days of minstrels are returning, and we note with pleasure its progress in our midst. We are informed that a number of fine German Silver instruments have been purchased, the services of a perfect master of music secured and a band of musicians composed of our most enterprising young men is formed. (Punxsutawney Plaindealer) July 11, 1888 — An Indian medicine company, with a regular, old time, circus canvas, has encamped on a vacant lot on Findlay street. They give a variety show every evening, charging ten cents admission, which ten cents is credited to your account when you conclude to purchase any of their medicines. Of the value of their remedies we are not prepared to speak but having tried the show, we know it to be good - better than the average twenty-five cent show. (Punxsutawney Spirit)

By PRIDE for Hometown magazine

in Gallery 4 will close in mid-July, as will the Wood on Glass Exhibit. Now is the time to stop in and see them before they are replaced by new exhibits, which will open this fall. At the Bennis House, displays highlighting the periods of Punx’y’s history are being refreshed and will feature additions from our history of military, public and community service. Uniforms of all sorts are beginning to appear together with details about some of their former wearers. visitors will discover Punxsutawney people who have served the community and the country. One person to be highlighted is Dorothy Pringle, in her WAvE Uniform, which she wore during WWII. She also served the community through her many years of public service as a teacher, in addition to advising Student Council and the American Field Service groups. Upcoming events include Groundhog Week during the first week of July — with the Society hosting a tent in the park and children’s activities at the Lattimer House — History Day Camp for youngsters in August, and our annual banquet in September where awards will be presented to those who preserve the history of the Punxsutawney area. (See the schedules for children’s activities, and a form for making nominations for a Certificate of Commendation included with this article.) Plan to stop by the Punxsutawney Area Historical and Genealogical Society this summer. Discoveries are waiting and the excitement of discovery is contagious. •••

Activities at Lattimer House groundhog Festival Week 10 a.m. to noon Monday thru Friday, July 1 to 5, Ages 6 to12 •  Flag Etiquette —Learn about the flag and the proper way to fold it.  Declaration of Independence Calligraphy —Practice fanciful writing to create a document similar to the Declaration of Independence.  WWI Toy Soldier Play —Create 3-D military emplacement scenes.  Fireworks Art — Use color layering to create fireworks art.  Patriotic Song Art — Use the imagery within songs to create visual art. Pre-registration not required. Donations welcome.

The Punxsutawney Area Historical and Genealogical Society is seeking nominees who qualify for the Certificate of Commendation Award. Eligible awardees are residents or groups who have actively and voluntarily supported the goals of the Society by restoring and/or preserving Punxsutawney regional history through their personal efforts. According to the purpose of the Certificate of Commendation, I (we) nominate the following for consideration:

for restoring and preserving Punxsutawney area history (WORK MUST HAVE BEEN COMPLETED IN 2012) as follows:

Nominated by:_________________________________________________________Date:_____________ (name) (phone number) (Must be received no later than September 1, 2013 to be considered for an Award.) Mail to: Punxsutawney Area Historical and Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 286, Punxsutawney, PA 15767; or Deliver to: Lattimer House of the PAHGS, 400 W. Mahoning St., Punxsutawney, PA 15767

26 – punxsutawney Hometown – July 2013 - Issue #153

History Day Camp — Military, Public & Community Service August 12 thru 16 Ages 6 to 12 • 10 a.m. to noon Monday: Explore Service Uniforms and Insignia. Tuesday: Tour Service Facilities in Punxsutawney. Wednesday: Honor Those Who Serve. Thursday: Meet Those Who Serve. Friday: Create a Service Memory Book. Pre-registration preferred. Registration Fee: $20.00 Call 814-938-2555 for more information

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punxsutawney Hometown – July 2013 - Issue #153 – 27

28 – punxsutawney Hometown – July 2013 - Issue #153

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