Ht mag #158 holiday web

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Punx’y Kicks Off Holiday Season By Wendy Veitz-Giavedoni for Hometown magazine unxsutawney’s businesses are marking this weekend’s start of the holiday season with several events. “The Chamber of Commerce welcomes you to kick off the Home for the Holidays  season  by  visiting  our  local shops that will be featuring specials for the day and artisans at several locations,” said Michele Neal, chamber director. “Grab a bite to eat and stay for the annual Home for the  Holidays  parade  and  fireworks display.” Saturday opens with the local merchants  holding  “Mistletoe Madness” downtown. “It’s a big day in town for a lot of  us,”  said  Beverly  Fairman, owner  of  Fairlady  &  Co.  on West  Mahoning  Street.  Local participating  merchants  will offer  discounts,  prizes,  sales, and new and exciting Christmas merchandise.  Artisans  and crafters will be in many of the downtown stores. “Mistletoe Madness” is organized by the downtown business community “to kick off the holiday season,” according to Fairman. “It’s our hometown. We’re trying to promote shopping locally. You don’t need to go out of town. There are lots of interesting and nice things in our town.” Mistletoe Madness” is being promoted locally, in conjunction with American Express’ Small Business Saturday. “Stay  local  and  start  your  holiday  off right,” said Michele Neal, director of the Punxsutawney  Chamber  of  Commerce. Neal noted that other businesses, who may not be hosting a crafter for Mistletoe Madness,  may  be  holding  specials  for  their customers on Saturday. American  Express  started  Small  Business Saturday nationally four years ago. “Small Business Saturday falls between Black  Friday  and  Cyber  Monday,”  according to the American Express website, “and serves as the traditional kickoff to the holiday season for independent retailers and restaurateurs. The day was created in response to small business owners’ most pressing  need,  more  customers,  and  has since grown into an annual celebration of the independent businesses that help boost


On the cover: Hanging the traditional snowflake lights and greens to get Punx’y ready for the holidays (front row, l. to r.) Jeff Curtis, Brian Smith (Punxsutawney Chamber of Commerce) (second row) Will Curtis, Kassi Niver, Jesse Walk, Josh Smith (student volunteers) (third row) Samantha Osikowicz, Rose Osikowicz, Kim Neigh (Punxsutawney Garden Club) (back) Dottie Jekielek (Punxsutawney Garden Club)

Photo by Courtney Katherine Photography

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We are the only Punxsutawney-owned media! Punx’y Proud — Boosting our Hometown! Publisher Mary L. Roberts Advertising Mary L. Roberts Tracey Young Contributing Writers S. Thomas Curry Shirley Sharp Wendy Veitz-Giavedoni Mary Ellen Raneri Art Director Melissa Salsgiver Graphic Artists Melissa Salsgiver Nicole McGee All material submitted becomes the property of Punxsutawney Hometown magazine.

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our local economies.” “We have a lot of nice shops and great things,” said Neal, encouraging everyone to shop locally and enjoy the entire day’s events. Saturday night, the twenty-third annual Home for the Holidays parade will step off at 6 p.m. on Mahoning Street. This parade was started to usher in the holiday season

by bringing Santa Claus to town. Santa always arrives in the last float of the parade, after  several  other  floats,  vehicles  and walking units from local churches, organizations, and businesses.

Beautiful selection of custom made trees, wreaths, swags, garlands, tear drops and baskets to decorate your home! While your at Steve’s take time to look at the Greenhouse full of Poinsettias that Steve grows on Premises!

109 Cleveland St., Punx’y 814-938-3190 Mon.-Sat. 9 to 5 2 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

“The parade is a function of the chamber,” said Neal, “but we are fortunate to have the Eagles sponsoring the parade and the  Walston  Club  sponsoring  the  fireworks.” F.O. Eagles #1231 will host the after-parade party, where parade winners will be announced  and  children  can  meet  with Santa and warm up with cookies and hot cocoa. The Walston Club is sponsoring this year’s fireworks after the parade. Following the parade, the Punxsutawney Rotary Club will add to the holiday festivities with its annual “Light-Up Night.” This features  the  Circle  of  Trees  in Barclay  Square,  culminating  in the lighting of the town’s tree on the park’s bandstand. The eighteen-foot artificial tree on the bandstand was purchased by the Rotary Club in 2006, after several  years  of  erecting  and maintaining  a  large,  live  Christmas tree.  “In 2007, we created the Circle of  Trees  to  enhance  the  holiday experience  in  a  unique  way  by having  eleven  non-profit  groups decorate  them  in  a  theme,”  said Tom Chelgren of the Rotary Club. “Now in its seventh year, the display has grown to nineteen trees and not only does it enhance the downtown, it’s purpose is to  - Continued on page 8

On the Roads Where We Live By S. Thomas Curry of Hometown magazine n this area, as the season of fall turns to  winter  in  November,  many  folks will feel their freedom to travel impeded by the unpredictable changes in weather – changes that affect the condition of our roads, highways, and super highways.


popularity  gave  humankind  more  personal freedom to travel. Often, we who travel frequently to distant  locations  of  family  and  friends  – “over the river and through the woods” – assume that roads we travel have always been that way. Our choices for places to visit are determined by our ease of travel. The ex-

In the early 1800s pioneer settlers to the Punxsutawney area traveled with family and household goods in a heavy wagon over dirt paths and crude roads cut over hills and through the woodlands. Enduring many hardships, the Conestoga wagon was their vehicle to reach the area.

projected improvements of the roads and highways. For our traveling convenience, we have much for which to be thankful. Simply put, considering the history of travel over many years by pioneers into this interior area of Pennsylvania forest land, we take for granted the hard, flat, smooth road surfaces we enjoy. Obviously,  the  area’s  first  inhabitants

didn’t  grow  out  of  the  soil  as  do  pine trees and wild berries. Recollections of many early settlers tell of journeys of pioneers into this area.  In the early 1800s, they all moved from a point A to a new land in the interior of Penn’s Woods. These folks were homeseekers facing the challenge of travel to establish  a  homestead.  They  “came  to - Continued on next page

Performances: friday, December saturday, December sunday, December friday, December saturday, December sunday, December Summer road and bridge projects in Punxsutawney, with orange barrels and detours, have been completed and road improvements are appreciated. Compared to travel in the past, we enjoy the benefits of our many constructed and improved roads and streets.

The  “mighty  auto”  today  is  safer  and immensely improved from the form introduced  in  the  early  1900s.  Its  quick

13 14 15 20 21 22

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To reserve your free TickeTs please call the church beginning December 2 at 9 a.m.

first church of God

pected spring season of “orange barrels” and  road  construction,  and  detours,  is even more bearable as we consider the

23 skyview Drive, Punxsutawney, PA 15767


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(724) 349-2500 Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158 – 3


THanksgiving Best wishes for a festive Thanksgiving holiday filled with the graces of good friends, good food and the love of family members.

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4 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

As seen in this detailed drawing of William Long’s farm (Caldwell’s 1878 Illustrated Atlas of Jefferson County), dirt roads, muddy and rutted in wet seasons, were the routes to villages and towns for stage coaches, wagons, and by foot. (William Long’s farm is now the Plantation Bed & Breakfast along US 119.)

On the Roads

Continued from previous page this  section”  or  “moved  to  this  part.” Their personal stories describe their relocation to a Punxsutawney site, remembered  as  “Punxsutawney  was non-existent, there but one or two shacks along the banks of the Mahoning Creek in this vicinity.” There was the Slaysman family, George and Ann, with young children, who set out to Punxsutawney from Blair County in the 1830s. Mr. Slaysman was a gunsmith, and having learned there was no gunsmith in Punxsutawney he sought an opportunity  to  relocate  to  the  land  of forests and small streams. In 1896, years after  his  family’s  arrival,  George,  the thirteen-year-old son on the trip, recalled the experience of their travel of eightyfive miles over the Allegheny Mountains, over the “road” to Ebensburg, to Indiana, and arrival in Punxsutawney. (To travelers today, this might describe US Route 422 East.)  “We had no other means of transportation but by wagons ...,” he wrote as he began  his  narration.  The  wagon  he  described was a large covered wagon, probably the Conestoga wagon that was used extensively for overland travel during the early  1800s.  In  Mr.  Slaysman’s  words, “the wagons were covered with the usual white  covers  ...  packed  to  their  utmost capacity, with much straw pressed in between the pieces of furniture, and on the sides of the wagons to keep the furniture from being rubbed or broken.” The family would also be fitted into the space.

The  journey  was  undertaken  in  the spring,  and  it  had  rained  and  snowed, with the frost coming out of the ground. The old clay road was often in a condition  of  “a  string  of  mud  holes”  for  the horses and iron wheels hauling a cargo. Pulling the horses out of the mud, prying up the wheels, lifting out the wagons was a common effort before the family reached its destination and established a new residence. There  were  the  stories,  too,  about  the Zeitler family and their early arrival to Punxsutawney in the 1840s. The first of the  family  arrived  in America  in  1837 from Germany, a trip across the Atlantic Ocean in “a two-and-a-half-masted sailing vessel” that lasted forty-six days.  After arriving in Baltimore, they took the journey west to Pittsburgh by way of a canal to Cumberland, Maryland. From Cumberland they were compelled to go overland  to  Pittsburgh  by  wagon. With heavily  loaded  wagons,  it  took  seven weeks  to  “drive”  to  Pittsburgh,  with some family members walking most of the way. They  went  from  Pittsburgh  to  Kittanning, up the Allegheny River on a keel boat, and continued on to Punxsutawney by wagons, arriving in 1848. John Zeitler bought 300 acres from the Holland Land Company for $5 an acre. He also bought two  town  lots  in  the  village  of  Punxsutawney  on  the  corner  of  Union  and South Findley streets (where the Presbyterian Church is today). The journeys over land in the pioneer days, over wild and rugged mountains, through colonnades of grand and tower- Continued on page 6

Joe Haag’s Store

By mary Ellen raneri for Hometown magazine he  little  confectionary  store  in  the East End of Punxsutawney was like going  to  Macy’s  for  a  kid  in  the 1960s. However, it didn’t have fancy clothes and designer shoes or handbags. It didn’t display shiny jewelry and expensive watches.  And,  I  never  saw  a  perfume counter  with  a  salesclerk  smeared  with smoky eyes and ruby-red lipstick. No. Joe Haag, the kindly, middle-aged proprietor, usually  stood  behind  his  small  glass counter  and  sold  a  few  ordinary  grocery items  and  newspapers;  there  was  a  little luncheonette  in  the  back.  Nonetheless, Joe’s store reigned as the best department store  in  the  world!  It  was  Penny  Candy Land and Comic Book Kingdom to a small child. The wooden door to the shop faced East Mahoning Street – across from a car dealer and Kurtz Brother’s Lumber Company. Up the  street,  Barletta’s  Quaker  Market  sat, nestled far away from the busy road. Joe’s store was on the next block down from that supermarket, across a little alley and near a tire dealer. In just a few moments, you were at Joe Haag’s confectionary, a place filled with sweets and a library of comic books! Joe patiently waited on each kid who visited that store as they selected the perfect penny candy from his display case. Flying saucers  –  round  wafers  filled  with  little hard confection beads of sugar – tiny ice cream  cones  with  a  marshmallow  tops, Bazooka  Joe  bubble  gum,  and  BB  Bats tempted  all  the  young  customers.  Even though  they  were  just  colorful  sweet



Frigidaire Dishwasher

baubles  strung  on  a piece  of  elastic string, I still remember  feeling  like  a grown-up  when  I donned  a  candy necklace around my neck. In addition to flying  saucers  and marshmallow cones and candy necklaces, I usually loaded up my bag with fake, pink and  brown  coconut  “bacon  strips”  and Turkish Taffy. Later, in the twilight of my kid years, I spent a small fortune on Beatle bubblegum,  packs  of  pink  chewing  gum that  contained  about  five  glossies  of  the Fab Four. Usually, when Dad brought me into Joe’s store, both men chewed the fat about stuff happening in town or in the neighborhood. Most  of  their  conversation,  though,  was fractured by my requests. “Ummm.  I’ll  have  three  chocolate  BB bats,” I squeaked, pressing my nose against the glass case with the rounded corners. “Anything  else?”  Joe  good-naturedly replied as he held a tiny white paper sack half-filled with my purchases. “Ummm. I’ll have two sets of wax lips, “I added. Those plump rosy wax lips tasted absolutely awful, but we kids chewed them anyway and spit them out. Plus, it was fun to wear the fake lips in the car and stick our faces  against  the  automobile’s  windows, taunting passersby. The best candy in Joe’s collection; however, was the round wheels of shoestring licorice – shaped like little rolls of Scotch - Continued on page 8

Gallery Series, Tall Tub, Silverware Basket, Fold Down Tines




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427-2424 Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158 – 5

This is a time to reflect & appreciate family & friends.

Sam Smith - State representative -

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PaRties - tRiPs - FUn

Fitness Class

FUn & games

(No Breakfast Dec. 23rd)

Tuesday, Dec. 17th at 11 a.m. “Living with Arthritis” by Jen from Mulberry Square (Games afterward) Thursday, Dec. 19th at 10:30 a.m. Kim from Hillsdale Nursing & Rehab will visit and lead us in Bingo.

sPeCial eVents

ChRistmas CeleBRation

FREE every Wednesday at 1 p.m. Instructor Carole Zicha. Join us as Carole leads us through our “Exercise For the Mind & Body.”

BReaKFast Mondays from 9:30 - 11 a.m. Wed., Dec. 4 Hymn Sing with Kay Young, 11 a.m. Thur., Dec. 5 FREE Bingo with Senior Life, 1-2 p.m. Tue., Dec. 10 Join us for Scrooge Bingo, 1:15 p.m. Tue., Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Brunch, 11 a.m.

ChRistmas shoPPing

Thur., Dec. 12th - The center will be closed for shopping & lunch in Indiana

Another illustration in Caldwell’s 1878 Illustrated Atlas reveals life on Punxsutawney’s West Mahoning Street at the James E. Mitchell residence before the borough began road improvements in 1889 by “planking” its major streets with flat boards. (The location is now the Lattimer House of the Punxsutawney Historical Society.)

On the Roads Continued from page 4 ing  old  trees,  rocks,  streams,  and  wild underbrush,  and  “game  and  beasts  of prey”  of  all  sorts,  was  taken  on  rough “roads”  and  paths  cut  out  for  travel  – often by foot and horse through inhabitable country and often with only crude comfort. Excerpts  from  a  history  of  the  Evans family  describe  the  family’s  move  in 1838  to  Jefferson  County  and  Punxsutawney  from  the  Nittany  Valley  in Centre County. Writing in 1908 about his parents’ trip to a new homestead, Richard R. Evans wrote, “The moving had to be done on wagons. Father hired a man with his  six-horse  team  and  one  of  the  oldfashioned wagons with a high road-bed and a cover on, which all our family was loaded  into.  It  took  us  six  days  ...,  it being  in April  when  the  roads  were  at their worst. On the day when we arrived in  Punxsutawney  it  rained  on  us  and Mother got wet and took cold, which was the cause of her death ... leaving Father with  nine  children  right  in  the  woods with no mother ... and very little money to  buy  anything.”  (Thanks  to  Dottie Jenks for preserving these family notes.) In those pioneer times when stretches of road became mud or swampy ground in the low areas, logs were laid to improve the  roads  for  wheeled  vehicles  and horses. The logs, placed side by side to form a solid surface, would be called a “corduroy road” because they reminded people of a corduroy pattern of parallel cords in fabric.

Many, many more folk would migrate over  these  crude  roads  to  the  interior lands of Jefferson County and settle into their  homesteads  and  the  little  villages created  by  commerce  and  trade.  The streets  and  alleys  of  these  towns,  like those  of  Punxsutawney,  were  dirt  for many years – mud and dirt, depending on the  season,  with  trenches  formed  by wagon  wheels  when  softened  by  rain, and dusty when dry for several days. With Punxsutawney incorporated as a borough  government  in  1850,  towns leaders sought to improve the conditions of the traveled streets used by buggies, horses, and men’s feet, or used by heavy “teamsters” hauling goods by wagon into the community from nearby towns where the  railroad  had  reached  for  trade  and travel. Where there were steam railroads, people  turned  from  the  challenges  of  the muddy,  dusty,  and  rutted  dirt  roads  to using the convenience of the new “people movers.” The railroad, for public travel and commerce,  wouldn’t  reach  Punxsutawney until 1883 with the arrival of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway, (and the Pennsylvania & Northwestern in 1886). Until the railroad arrived, stage coaches provided public transportation on country  roads  between  Punxsutawney  and points nearby. In the late 1880s, the editor of the Punxsutawney Spirit was urging the town to improve its roads. In one October edition he  wrote,  “Now  that  the  wet  season  is upon  us  and  our  streets  are  becoming veritable rivers of mud, it may be well - Continued on page 10

Wed., Dec. 18th - 11 a.m.

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6 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

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Judy Hicks, owner

Around Town

By the staff of Hometown magazine and the Chamber of Commerce rom staff of Hometown magazine and the Chamber of Commerce and the Community Calendar at, here is a list of events and happenings coming up in our area: n Nov. 27: Autism Speaks Benefit, 6 p.m. Walston Club. Open to the public. $10 donation includes rigatoni dinner, door prizes, DJ, and games of chance. n Nov. 29: Christmas Tags for the Salvation Army’s Treasures for Children program become available. Look for them at Walmart or call 938-5530. Gifts can be left at Walmart or dropped off at the Salvation Army by Dec. 13. n Congratulations  to  Fairlady  &  Company, the  Punxsutawney  Chamber  of  Commerce's 2013 Business of the Year. Fairlady & Co., located on W. Mahoning St., is owned by Beverly Fairman. n Nov.  29:  Benefit  for  People  to  People project, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jefferson Street. Social Hall. Bake sale, meatball subs, soup and salad, craft sales. Benefits Brendon Stinson’s People to People Scholarship Tuition Fund. n Nov.  30:  Mistletoe  Madness  &  Small Business Saturday, various businesses around town will feature crafters, discounts, sales, etc. n Shopping locally in Punxsutawney is easy and convenient. You can now drive to all the stores around the community on better roads, after  all  the  road  construction  this  summer. Shopping locally keeps your gas bill down and helps the economy right here where you live. n Nov. 30: The 23rd Annual Home for the Holidays Parade, 6 p.m. Starts at the Punxsy Plaza and marches down Mahoning Street to Barclay Square. Visit with Santa at the Eagles after the parade and stay for the fireworks! n Nov. 30: Tree Lighting, Punxsy Rotary Club,  Circle  of  Trees,  7:15  p.m.  at  Barclay Square, after the parade. n Nov. 30: Shop Small at Thistle & Pine Celtic & Country Collectibles on Small Business Saturday, November 30th. Find Distinctive Gifts & Decor at this small Shoppe. Free Gift Wrapping.  First  20  customers  receive  a  free Shop Small tote.  7570 Rt. 119, Marion Center. n Nov. 30: Groundhog Day Deadline to get your organization’s event on the official 2014 Groundhog Day schedule, contact director@  or  by  call  814-618-5591  for more information. n Toys for Tots toy drive is underway. Bring unwrapped toys to Femco between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday or to First Commonwealth Bank in Punx’y. Deadline to donate toys is Dec. 12.


n Dec. 2: Deer Season Opens. Watch for hunters and deer. Refer to Pennsylvania Game Commission for regulations. n Dec. 2: Living Christmas Tree tickets become available. Call the First Church of God at 938-6670 for free tickets. Performances are set for 7 p.m. Dec. 13; 4 and 7 p.m. Dec. 14; 4 p.m. Dec. 15; 7 p.m. Dec. 20; 4 and 7 p.m. Dec. 21; and 4 p.m. Dec. 22. n Dec. 4: PAHS Chorus Concert, 7:30 p.m. PAHS auditorium. Free and open to the public. n Dec.  7:  Third Annual  Phil’s  Holiday Bash, 10 a.m. to noon, Gobbler’s Knob. For kids ages twelve and younger. Must be accompanied by an adult. Crafts, games, cookie dec-

orating, light lunch, and more. Pre-register at 618-5591. n Dec. 7: Cookie Fest, Woodland Avenue United Methodist Church, 9 a.m. until sold out. 938-8160 for information. n Dec. 7: Concert, Ernie Haase & Signature Sound,  6  p.m.  Punx’y  Area  High  School. Brought by Roseville Independent Chapel and Pastor Jim Fillhart. $25 reserved seating; $20 general; $25 at the door. Cash or checks only. Call 849-0817 for tickets.  n Dec. 7, 8 &15: A Bethlehem Walk, 7 to 9 p.m. Paradise Community United Church of Christ,  4336  Big  Run  Prescottville  Rd., Reynoldsville. Free admission, donations accepted.  n Dec. 13, 14 & 15: Punx’y Area Historical & Genealogical Society’s annual Christmas Open House. The Bennis House Museum and

Happy Thanksgiving!

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- Continued on page 18

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Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158 – 7

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Continued from page 5 tape. Those goofy things lasted for hours as I pulled off red strands of the sticky stuff, twirled it around my fingers, and chewed on it until the little reel disappeared. Joe must have had a mini-computer chip in  his  brain,  though,  because  he  always knew the exact tally of my purchases. “Joe, how much money do I have left?” I questioned, knowing I was near the end of my bankroll. “Six  cents  left,”  Joe  calculated  without missing a beat. Customarily, I finished out my purchases with something small, like a gumball or a red hot jawbreaker. Then, Joe would hand me  my  stash  and  tell  me  to  come  back again. I always did. You  see,  I  couldn’t  resist  the  stacks  of comic books at Joe Haag’s. I was addicted to those comics just as much as the penny candy. Just when you came in – to the left – on the glass candy case and stacked beside it, piles of funny books hung out just waiting for some young customer to take them home. The weird thing about those books was that they had no covers. I don’t know  why,  but  the  lack  of  a  shiny  front page made them really cheap. I could usually get three or four of them, and I couldn’t wait to get home to read those comics over and over! Yes, Joe had my favorite reading material: Richie Rich, Little Lotta, Audrey and Little Dot, Wendy the Good Little Witch, Little Lulu, Archie, Casper, Spider-Man, and Superman. How I loved the adventures of the Ghostly Trio, a tricky group of specters that always  plagued  Casper.  Veronica,  Betty, Archie,  and  Jughead  entertained  me  for hours as I devoured the little books from Joe’s.  My  favorites  were  Dagwood  and Blondie! I can remember stopping at Joe’s store  before  a  long  trip  to  my  aunt  and uncle’s house in Michigan. That day, my parents bought me three Flintstones comic books that kept me company in the car until we reached my relatives’ door! The back pages of those books were even better than the comics! How I longed for my own herd of genuine Sea Monkeys or a pair of X-ray specs. Those advertisements displayed packs of toy soldiers too – about two hundred to a bag! Once, my neighbor sent away for a Rolls Royce toy car from an ad in the back a comic book; you were supposed to make it yourself from a kit. All he  got  was  a  piece  of  wood  with  four wheels and a tiny battery-operated motor. He loved it all the same and continued to scour  the  comics  for  future  purchases. Probably one of the funniest ads was for a nuclear sub that fired real “nuclear missiles

and torpedoes” – all for $6.95. The advertisement  on  the  back  of  a  Daffy  Duck comic book bragged easy assembly of the cardboard vessel. Due to its size, though, a kid had to send an extra sixty-five cents to cover  the  postage  if  he  wanted  to  be  the commander of his very own nuclear submarine. Even though I pondered sending away for some of the novelties like a miniature  spy  camera  or  special  glasses  that might  enable  me  to  see  the  bones  in  my hands, I never ordered anything. Me, I just gobbled  up  every  comic  I  could  buy  at Joe’s and reread them until the pages fell off the books. I guess you could say that Joe Haag’s candy shop was the library that a kid always dreamed of; it was the icing on the cupcake of reading! Even now, when I drive to Punxsutawney on one of my bi-annual visits, I can’t resist slowing my car down to a crawl as I pass by the little market. The place is gone now; it’s been replaced by a printing shop. But, in my mind, Joe’s Haag’s candy store will live forever. I can picture my dad holding my hand as we walk into Joe’s, and I can almost  hear  the  heavy  door  of  the  shop clunk behind us. Joe Haag still rules over his little kingdom behind his glass counter throne, surrounded by his loyal comics and a rainbow of bonbon courtesans. And me, I’m just standing in front of that glass case dreaming my penny candy memories that are worth a million bucks! • • •

Holiday Season Continued from page 2 encircle  the  season  with  a  true  holiday spirit  and  allow  for  families  to  create  a holiday tradition that will be a part of their memories for many years into the future.” The tree lighting should start at approximately 7:15 p.m., after the parade ends. This  year’s  Circle  of  Trees’  theme  is “Christmas Around the World.” The annual contest provides the Rotary Club with a way to give back to the community as the local organizations that decorate trees have a chance to win some prize money for their cause. There will be four prizes given in the two categories of “daytime” and “nighttime” trees. “Another part of the Circle of Trees is the generous  contributions  of  local  businesses. One hundred percent of the money is returned to the groups and local economy. Groups received $150 this year for participating and a large amount of prize money will be awarded to about half of the groups based upon the judging,” Chelgren pointed out. • • •


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8 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

Following the loss of our partner and friend, Attorney J. Kipp Lukehart, we remain dedicated to providing quality legal services to the community. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your legal needs as well as any questions that you may have concerning any of your files which were handled by Kipp. We appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve you.

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Rossiter: a Historically Important Mining Town

By priDE for Hometown magazine he  history  of  coal  in  the  Punxsutawney area, and the nation, has been  one  of  a  balancing  act  between  capital  and  labor,  and  the use of power. Capital was necessary to underwrite    the  mining  companies; labor  was  necessary  to  produce  the goods. Government, in the form of law and the courts, ensured justice as the industry developed. As  early  as  1886,  speculators  were


The Rossiter Strike Injunction historic marker located in the park at Rossiter.

seeking coal lands in Canoe Township, Indiana  County  near  Punxsutawney. That year, James K. North, a dealer in real  estate,  managed  the  sale  of  217 acres,  and  the  newspapers  reported much  larger  transactions  would  soon follow  as  Eastern  capitalists  were  expected to make large purchases. It took thirteen years for the capitalists buy the coal  land  on  Canoe  Creek.  In  January 1899,  the  newspaper  predicted  that  it would not be long before there would be another immense coal plant opened near Punxsutawney.  In March 1900, the Clearfield Bituminous Coal Corporation, a wholly owned

The Marion Independent newspaper reported the grantors on the deeds were: Acres Amount Grantor Barber, Mary E., 19.00 2,360.00 21.00 850.40 Baun, C.E. 26.00 1,041.20 Baun, Camden W. Baun, David 43.00 1,758.80 5.00 220.80 Baun, Henry, Baun, Joseph G. 2 tracts 4,000.00 31.00 1,276.80 Baun, Sarah, 86.00 3,444.50 Bishop, Rachel, Bole, Margen A. 70.00 200.00 4.00 160.40 Cochran, Margaret 86.00 3,444.50 Cochrane, Maria, Domb, Philip 71.00 2,760.00 34.00 1,387.60 Dunmire, Jacob L. Ellenberger, Sarah C. 40.00 1,619.60 67.00 2,704.40 Gaston, Lewis D. Henry, Adam 26.00 942.40 Henry, Margaret, 20.00 830.40 99.90 3,669.28 Henry, Rachel, Jordan, Eleanor M., 70.00 800.00 58.00 3,349.60 Knauf, David Law, Robert F. 122.00 4,910.00 Nelson, Julia A., 40.66 2,454.00 6.66 300.00 Reynolds, Charles, Reynolds, George F. 6.66 300.00 6.66 300.00 Reynolds, James A., Rish, Catharine G. 45.00 1,821.60 Rish, Jacob 56.00 2,278.00 Shields, William W., 70.00 1,827.60 Smith, William H. 2 tracts 7,790.25 Smith, William H. 164.00 13,120.00 Stiver, A.L. 8.00 352.80 Stiver, Adam 17.00 686.00 Sutter, John B. 71.00 2,857.43 Sutter, Philip E. 63.00 2,871.60 White, Charles R. 52.00 2,140.40 Winebark, John A., 4.00 197.60 Winebark, Martin 104.00 4,185.60 Winebark, Sarah C., 10.00 407.20

subsidiary  of  the  New  York  Central Railroad, recorded thirty-eight deeds totaling $86,620.76 at the Indiana County Courthouse and documenting the sale of lands  in  Canoe  Township,  Indiana County. With  the  execution  of  these  deeds, Bigler & Reed of the Clearfield Bituminous  Coal  Corporation  set  to  work opening  three  drift  mines  on  the William Smith farm in Canoe Township, four miles south of Punxsutawney. The coal  seam  was  between  four  and  five feet thick and of an excellent quality for coking.  Robert  McCreery,  a  carpenter

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- Continued on page 12

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221 West Mahoning St., Punxsutawney, PA Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158 – 9

On the Roads

Holiday Blessings

Continued from page 6

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enough to call attention to the fact that our town can never hope to be loved and respected and sought after until it begins to  spruce  up  and  keep  itself  clean.  In order  to  do  this  the  streets  must  be paved.” At another time he wrote, “The streets become as muddy in the fall and as dusty in the summer now, as they did when our fathers played marbles ….” Locally, it was common to have crushed stone delivered from farms to fill in the mud  holes  of  spring.  Or  wait  until  the warm rays of sunshine would allow the mud to dry and the streets scraped with heavy logs pulled by horses. Then there was the dust! With the arrival of the railroad, country roads were left to their natural conditions of the seasons. Road improvements were focused on the living centers of the villages.  And  with  a  plentiful  amount  of timber in the area’s woodlands, the system of “planking” would be the choice for  paving  Punxsutawney’s  streets.  By the late 1880s, folks were talking about “building”  their  roads,  not  “clearing” them. Between  1889  and  1892,  Punxsutawney’s  main  streets  were  bid  for “planking.”  Planked  streets  were  made from thick, smooth, flat boards provided by  area  sawmills. Although  such  roads are not the most durable, the town was proud  of  the  improvement  –  while  the planked streets lasted. In April 1889, the borough decided to pave the downtown streets from the Pantall Hotel to Gilpin Street, and on North Findley  Street  from  Mahoning  to  the BR&PRR  station  (near  Ragley’s  Tru Value today). A contract proposal to furnish lumber for the streets was awarded in May to Henry Brown’s mill at Bell’s Mills. His lowest bid for hemlock boards was  $7.42  per  thousand.  Another  proposal, in 1892, asked for bids for 205,000 feet to be 2 x 6 inches and 12 or 16 feet long,  and  35,000  feet  to  be  one  inch boards. This material was to be delivered on Mahoning Street. The order was for “paving” Mahoning Street between the East  End  Bridge  and  what  is  now Mitchell Avenue. The summer project of 1892 would also include “planking” one side of Mahoning Street going east from the bridge to the P&NW depot (now the U. S. Post Office parking lot). According to the Spirit, this major project “would be of great benefit

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to the freight haulers.” Plank streets had their drawbacks. One was that timber planks rotted and had to be replaced many times – a costly occurrence for borough budgets. Another was the many occurrences when portions of the plank streets in the low areas of the town were washed away by floods from the Mahoning Creek. The  planked  streets  also  needed  to  be cleaned  of  dust.  Plus,  there  were  the street cleaning costs to remove the mud that accumulated from wagons and buggies  coming  into  town  from  country roads and “unpaved” streets. Often the mud on the plank streets became many inches deep. Business owners were encouraged to clean the mud in front of their businesses by scraping it up into heaps. Every Friday, a horse-drawn refuse wagon and worker would arrive to pick it up and haul it away. They were advised not to wash the mud into the sewers.  Accumulated mud was mixed with the emissions from horses and oxen used to transport  people  and  their  cargo.  After one 1890 street cleaning with the refuse wagon, a news note in the local newspaper reported that “the mixture is said by some who are presumed to know, to be an excellent fertilizer.” Persons in need of “something of this kind” were invited to the borough building to haul some away. One 1901 news article reported a $425 annual  cost  to  keep  the  “paved”  streets clean. By the mid-1890s, the planked streets had fallen out of favor. The borough was looking  for  something  more  permanent and considered vitrified brick as a paving surface. It was time to modernize the town that was now experiencing a strong industrial and commercial growth. Electricity was now in use. The street railway was moving people up and down town and in and out of town. Bicycles were also popular for people to move about. The two railroads  were  arriving  daily  with  more goods and heavier cargo. Punxsutawney had two brick factories to  produce  the  newer  brick  that  was harder, stronger, nonporous, and resistant to  moisture.  It  was  time  for  something more substantial for street pavements. In  1898,  the  new,  brick  street  “paver” became  the  material  of  choice,  and  it paved the way for the twentieth century and a new form of transportation entering the  streets  and  country  roadways  –  the automobile. • • •

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10 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

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Deep-Dish Apple Pie is wonderful to the core Q:

Food Kitchen Networks for Hometown magazine Any thoughts on an apple-pie recipe for Thanksgiving? A: Try Deep-Dish Apple Pie!

4 lbs. Granny Smith apples, peeled, quartered and cored 1 lemon, zested 1 orange, zested 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed orange juice 1/2 cup sugar, plus 1 teaspoon to sprinkle on top 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon kosher salt 3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice Perfect Pie Crust, recipe follows 1 egg beaten with 1 tablespoon water, for egg wash

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Cut each apple quarter in thirds crosswise and  combine  in  a  bowl  with  the  zests, juices, 1/2 cup sugar, flour, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice. Roll out half the pie dough and drape it over a 9- or 10-inch pie pan to extend about 1/2-inch  over  the  rim.  Don't  stretch  the

dough; if it's too small, just put it back on the board and re-roll it. Fill the pie with the apple mixture. Brush the edge of the bottom pie crust with the egg wash so the top crust will adhere. Top with the second crust and trim the edges to about 1-inch over the rim. Tuck the edge of the top crust under the edge of the bottom

crust and crimp the 2 together with your fingers or a fork. Brush the entire top crust with the egg wash, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon sugar, and cut 4 or 5 slits. Place the pie on a sheet pan and bake for 1  to  1-1/4  hours,  or  until  the  crust  is browned and the juices begin to bubble out. Serve warm.

Perfect Pie Crust: 12 tablespoons (1-1/2 sticks) very cold unsalted butter 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1/3 cup very cold vegetable shortening 6 to 8 tablespoons (about 1/2 cup) ice water

Dice the butter and return it to the refrigerator while you prepare the flour mixture. Place the flour, salt and sugar in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade and pulse a few times to mix. Add the butter and shortening. Pulse 8 to 12  times,  until  the  butter  is the size of peas. With the machine  running,  pour  the  ice water down the feed tube and pulse  the  machine  until  the dough begins to form a ball. Dump out on a floured board and roll into a ball. Wrap in plastic  wrap  and  refrigerate for 30 minutes. Cut the dough in half. Roll each piece on a well-floured board  into  a  circle,  rolling from the center to the edge, turning  and  flouring  the dough to make sure it doesn't stick  to  the  board.  Fold  the dough in half, place in a pie pan, and unfold to fit the pan. Repeat with the top crust. Yield: 2 (10-inch) crusts -- Courtesy Barefoot Contessa (Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, • • • Hometown magazine is delivered to 100% of Punx’y and area homes!

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Brick bungalos, housing for miners, under construction for miners at Rossiter. Photo courtesy of the Punxsutawney Historical and Genealogical Society.


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12 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

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Rossiter Continued from page 9

from Punxsutawney, received the contract to build the first thirty houses. The new mine and the accompanying town would  be  named  Rossiter  in  honor  of E.W. Rossiter the treasurer of the New York Central Railroad. A branch of the Pittsburg and Eastern Railroad, also owned by the New York Central,  would  be  constructed  to  provide  the  shipping  facilities.  By  May 1900,  the  railroad  had  been  surveyed, and contractors McAfee and Ake were working on a road from Elbel to the new mine  at  Rossiter.  The  contractors  had difficulty  getting  workers.  They  paid $1.40 per day and could not find enough workers, even though this rate was fifty cents  more  a  day  than  had  been  paid three years earlier.  The laborers at the new mine included local  miners  who  had  experience  and were looking for advancement. Among these were David Jenkins, who worked for Berwind-White at Horatio, who accepted a position at Rossiter as engineer and  electrician  at  the  electric  plant. Other  local  miners  who  took  jobs  at Rossiter  came  from  Adrian,  Anita, Eleanora,  Sagamore,  and  Walston. These  miners  were  among  those  who had fought hard to win fair wages for an honest  day’s  work.  Some  of  them  had been  through  the  strike  at  Horatio,  in which  Sheriff  Gourley  agreed  to  lead strikers on their march to Horatio if they followed  the  law,  and  at  Eleanora, where  the  newly  commissioned  State Police treated both the company and the miners  fairly  under  the  law.  Rossiter provided  opportunities  for  new  immigrants arriving from Italy, Poland, Hungary, and Yugoslavia. These immigrants had  mentors  among  the  miners  who shared their nationalities and who had lived in the Punxsutawney area for several decades. By 1906, Rossiter was a thriving town. Curious about these beautiful animals? Call to arrange a farm visit.

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The activities of Rossiter folks were reported in a fairly regular column in the local  newspapers. A  free  night  school was  started  in  the  Lower  Rossiter School Building with the salary of the teachers  paid  by  Canoe  Township. Eighty students attended night classes. Two hotels were operating, the elders of the  Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church were  organizing,  and  the  opera  house was crowded each night. The Punxsutawney Spirit carried an article titled “Rossiter is one of the Best Mining Towns in Western Part of Pennsylvania,” on October 4, 1922. In the article,  Sid  Smith  stated  that  he  was surprised at the size of the town, nearly 4,000 residents, and at the spirit of unanimity among the citizens. Rossiter had three  schools,  a  good  moving-picture house, many places of businesses, and fine residences. Smith stated, “But what Rossiter is mostly noted for is the baseball,  football  and  basketball  teams  it turns out … People accuse Rossiter fans of  being  partisan  and  unfair,  but Rossiter is smart. The community spirit is strong and when they get out to root for the home team, believe me, they root … That  is  the  kind  of  spirit  that  wins and  is  the  kind  of  spirit  that  made Rossiter one of the best mining towns in this part of the state.” And then disaster struck. It was not a disaster in the mine; it was a confrontation between labor and capital in which power by honorable men was used. The honorable  men  were  Judge  Jonathan Langham and Governor John Fisher. Judge Jonathan Langham, a native of Indiana  County,  had  been  a  school teacher and postmaster and had served in the State Auditor General’s office as the  corporation  deputy.  He  had  been elected  to  the  United  States  House  of Representatives from the 27th District, where  he  served  three  terms  prior  to being  elected  judge  of  the  Court  of Common  Pleas  of  Indiana  in  1919.  In 1925, he was elected to a second term - Continued on page 15


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Don’t let turkey preparations consume you this Thanksgiving by Daniel Neman Toledo Blade hanksgiving  is  coming.  What  to serve? What to serve? Uncle  Clark  bagged  a  deer,  but Lois has sworn off red meat. Perry is allergic to shellfish and nuts. Cousin Jimmy only eats kosher food -- which no one can understand, because he isn't Jewish. What to serve? Hey! How about turkey? Everyone likes turkey. It is native to America, so it is particularly appropriate for the holiday, and the grocery stores seem to be filled with them this time of the year. If you don't like the idea of brining your own,  you  can  even  buy  a  kosher  turkey, which ought to please Cousin Jimmy. Thanksgiving is the one day of the year that most of the country eats the same kinds of food. We may be ultra-polarized today, but soon  we  will  all  (or  nearly  all)  be  sitting down to turkey, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce. Or, because of the rare convergence of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, the eight-day Jewish Festival of Lights, some will  be  sitting  down  to  turkey,  latkes  and cranberry sauce. The point is, the country will pull together, if just for the day, in culinary unity. Though it is ubiquitous on Thanksgiving,


turkey is eaten relatively rarely throughout the  rest  of  the  year. According  to  figures from the National Turkey Federation, fully 21 percent of all the turkeys consumed in the United States each year are eaten on Thanksgiving.  Another  10  percent  are  eaten  at Christmas and almost 9 percent on Easter. No numbers are known for Hanukkah, but the  holiday  is  associated  far  more  with brisket than turkey. Most home cooks often don't take the opportunity to cook turkey other than on these holidays. So as the fourth Thursday in November approaches each year, many cooks tend to panic. Here's the answer to that: Don't panic. As the immortal Cab Calloway might have said, a turkey ain't nothin' but a bird. It's just poultry. When you get right down to it, turkeys are just overgrown chickens. And you can cook a chicken, right? The Butterball hotline has a staff that answers  questions  about  turkey-cooking throughout  the  months  of  November  and December. The basics are really quite simple. Pat the bird dry with paper towels. Season it with plenty of salt and pepper. Cook it, breast up, at 325 degrees F. Roast a 7- to 10-pound bird for  2-1/2  to  3  hours  (2-3/4  to  3-1/2  if stuffed), a 10- to 18-pound bird for 3 to 3-

1/2 hours (3-3/4 to 4-1/2, stuffed), an 18- to 22-pound bird for 3-1/2 to 4 hours (4-1/2 to 5, stuffed), a 22- to 24-pound bird for 4 to 41/2 hours (5 to 5-1/2, stuffed) and a 24- to 30-pound bird for 4-1/2 to 5 hours (5-1/2 to 6-1/4, stuffed). It's that simple. You don't even have to call Butterball (but if you do, the number is 800288-8372 -- it's 800-BUTTERB). But what if you don't want to simply roast your turkey? What if you want to give it a little glamour, a little sass, a little pizzazz? We set out to make a turkey that is roastedplus. We came up with three easy methods to make your turkey stand out from the crowd, but still be a recognizably American roast turkey. In other words, they are not too different. Just better. If a turkey is just an overgrown chicken, we thought, then it is a really, really big Cornish

game  hen.  And  Cornish  game  hens  taste great with an orange glaze. So we decided to try the same method with a turkey. It worked like a charm -- if you have to try a charm a couple of times before you get it right.  For  the  purposes  of  science,  we brushed a simple glaze of butter melted with marmalade on one-third of the turkey before baking it. We brushed more on another third with about 45 minutes to go and brushed the final third with the glaze five minutes before it was done. The question was whether and when the glaze would burn. We knew that the sugar in the marmalade would burn, but we did not know  if,  when  tempered  by  the  butter,  it would burn at the relatively low temperature of 325 degrees. The part of the bird that was glazed the en- Continued on page 26

Happy Thanksgiving from



Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158 – 13

The Reynoldsville Area Business Association Invites you to take a step back in time at their annual

Reynoldsville Christmas Open House Open House Schedule of Events Friday, November 29 thru Sunday December 1 • Open Houses at local merchants Saturday, November 30 • Christmas Tree Lighting 5 p.m. at Borough Building • Reynoldsville Fire Company's Lighted Christmas Parade after tree lighting 6 p.m. • "Toys from the Horses," Jeff and Ann Olsen at the Bellamauro. Bring a stuffed toy. Buf-

fet dinner, music by "Crossfire." Doors open 5 p.m. Music from 7-10 p.m. Sunday, December 1 • Christmas Craft and Gift Fair Noon to 5 p.m. • Cookies with Santa, Story and Craft Fair at the Reynoldsville Public Library 1-3 p.m. • "A Star, A Song" Christmas Cantana at the Reynoldsville First united Methodist Church 4 p.m.

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14 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

The first tipple at Rossiter, about 1900. Photo courtesy of the Punxsutawney Historical and Genealogical Society.

Rossiter Continued from page 12 as judge. Judge Langham also served as chairman of the Indiana County Republican  party  and  campaigned  for  his friend,  State  Senator  John  Fisher,  in 1926  when  Fisher  ran  for  governor  of Pennsylvania and was elected. Governor Fisher was well connected with the Clearfield  Bituminous  Coal  Corporation,  having  served  as  an  attorney  for and vice-president of the company that operated the Rossiter mines. Both men had served on the board of trustees of the  Indiana  State  Normal  School  – Fisher from 1916 to 1927 and Langham from 1917 to 1931. During World War I, the Lever Act nationalized food and fuel industries and prohibited strikes and stabilized wages. The end of World War I brought a period of super patriotism and anti-foreign sentiment. Employers joined with super patriots  in  using  “Americanism”  as  a weapon against strikers and as a means to  encourage  public  support  against striking  workers.  They  labeled  those who  sought  better  working  conditions as “Bolsheviks.” The coal companies facing a post war depressed  economy  focused  most  of their attention on cutting on labor costs through wage reductions. The prevailing wage of $7.50 per day was being reduced to $6.00, a twenty percent cut in pay when inflation had already devalued the purchasing power of the dollar. Company officials stated they could not

remain competitive at such a high wage rate and an “adjustment” from the miners and the union was absolutely necessary. A major strike began on April 1, 1927. Eight  hundred  Rossiter  miners  joined other miners in western Pennsylvania in the strike on July 27, 1927. The miners adopted resolutions requesting aid, and they  marched  to  other  mines  in  an  attempt to persuade those miners to join the strike. The company responded by requesting the authorities to station state troopers  and  sheriff’s  deputies  at Rossiter. They also evicted miners and their families from company houses. In November 1927 Judge Langham issued an injunction that blocked virtually all the activities of Rossiter strikers. His injunction went beyond the protection of  the  employer’s  property.  It  banned picketing and marching or gathering for meetings  or  rallies.  It  prohibited  the union  from  disbursing  union  funds  as relief for striking miners. The order forbade the miners from using newspaper advertisements and other means of communication to aid the cause of the strikers  and  to  convincing  non-striking miners  not  to  work.  In  his  injunction Judge  Langham  even  prohibited  the singing hymns and holding church services on property owned by the Magyar Presbyterian  Church,  which  was  situated directly opposite one of the mine openings. The injunction and the activities of the police  gave  the  company  the  upper hand. The union supported the miners. - Continued on next page


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814-938-0800 Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158 – 15

Rossiter Continued from previous page They hosted rallies, helped to find housing  for  evicted  miners,  and  solicited help  from  the  public.  The  Punxsutawney area responded with contributions money, food, and clothing. Money came  from  individual  donors  and  organizations  including  the  Knights  of Pythias,  the  Catholic  Daughters  of America, and the Fraternal Order of Eagles. It  was  a  bitter  struggle  and  attracted national  attention. A  subcommittee  of the Interstate Commerce Committee of the United States Senate arrived in Indiana County in late February 1928. The senators  toured  the  mines  and  conducted hearings. They saw the actions by the judge going beyond labor-management relations as crucial questions of  civil  liberties.  One  member  of  the subcommittee told reporters that he had never seen an injunction so comprehensive and drastic as to be an absolute interference  with  free  speech.  Another commented that if courts were used to restrain constitutionally guaranteed liberties,  there  wouldn’t  be  any  freedom left. Governor Fisher was quick to defend the  actions  of  Judge  Langham.  The 1920s  saw  some  of  the  worst  human rights violations ever seen in the United States. In the end, the company’s wealth and  their  use  of  political  power  combined to defeat the union and the miners. In 1929, this changed with the crash of Wall Street and the onset of the Great Depression. During the 1930s the Union

re-emerged, World War  II  brought  the beginning of a trend toward a high standard of living for miners, their families, and their communities. Senator Robert Walker, who had served on the subcommittee that had visited Rossiter, was one of key persons to introduce the National Labor Relations Act, which became law in  1945  and  provided  protection  for workers from violations of their constitutional right to freedom of speech. By 1942  the  profitable  coal  in  the  deep mines at Rossiter had been exhausted. Today, in the town of Rossiter, a historical  marker  reminds  people  of  the Rossiter Strike Injunction and its role in changing labor relations in the United States. (Editor’s Note: The resources used in the preparation of this article are available at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, the Punxsutawney Memorial Library and the Punxsutawney Area Historical and Genealogical Society. This article has been prepared by PRIDE – Punxsutawney Revitalization: Investing, Developing, Enhancing. PRIDE is a non-profit organization which brings together residents, business people, community leaders and civic organizations, to improve the business districts in Punxsutawney. PRIDE is working to develop a Coal Memorial and Welcome Center for the Punxsutawney Area. Comments on this article may be directed to PRIDE, P.O. Box 298, Punxsutawney, PA 15767) • • •

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16 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158


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That ‘beauty-sleep’ thing is no myth by Tom Valeo Tampa Bay Times eople often joke about needing their "beauty  sleep,"  but  researchers  in Sweden have provided scientific evidence that we really do. People kept awake for 31 hours developed droopy, swollen eyelids, bloodshot eyes and dark circles under their eyes, according to the researchers, who relied on objective assessments provided by 40 observers who compared photographs of 10 people before and after sleep deprivation. "We confirmed that sleep-deprived people are perceived as more fatigued, less attractive, sadder and less healthy than when they are rested, confirming the colloquial notion of beauty sleep," the researchers wrote in their paper, published in the journal Sleep. The sleep-deprived also appeared to have more facial wrinkles, a consequence of poor sleep unverified by science until now -- at least  in  humans.  Rats  deprived  of  sleep quickly develop nasty skin lesions on their paws and tails. "It is well-known that when you sleep the blood flow to your skin increases dramatically," said Tina Sundelin of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, who led the research team. "It thus seemed likely that sleep loss would affect the skin." The 10 sleep-deprived subjects said they felt mentally fatigued, and they developed a droopy mouth that the observers thought indicated sadness. "Sleep loss is indeed related to a negative mood," Sundelin said. "We also seem to be more emotional in general when we don't get enough sleep." The research provides strong support for the folk wisdom that good sleep improves


facial appearance. In fact, a 2010 paper in the British Medical Journal co-authored by Sundelin actually carried the title "Beauty Sleep: experimental study on the perceived health and attractiveness of sleep-deprived people." That study, like the recent study in the journal Sleep, also concluded that sleepdeprived people look less attractive and less healthy than they do when well-rested. This has implications for interpersonal interactions, according to the researchers. "Since faces contain a lot of information on  which  humans  base  their  interactions with each other, how fatigued a person appears may affect how others behave toward them," Sundelin said in a news release announcing the results of the research. The findings also suggest that the appearance of fatigue is something people are willing to pay handsomely to avoid. "The desire to look less fatigued is one of the primary motivators  for  undergoing  cosmetic  surgery," the authors of the Sleep study point out. But it's not all about vanity, according to Sundelin. Sleep may be involved in health as well, which she and her colleagues hope to demonstrate next. "We are actually conducting studies at the moment  looking  at  disease  and  appearance," she said. "There are studies out there on how stress, disease and physical or mental exertion affect health, but a lack of studies specifically looking at how facial cues of fatigue relate to health." (Tom Valeo can be reached at (Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service • • •

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We Sincerely Hope That You and Your Family Enjoy a Pleasant Thankgiving Holiday. It’s Always A Pleasure to Serve You

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Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158 – 17

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transmission Work & auto repairs.

Bernard P.

snyder Coroner of Jefferson County

Red Kettle Campaign

By Wendy Veitz-Giavedoni for Hometown magazine he  familiar  sound  of  bells  ringing around the community can be heard, as The Salvation Army has begun its annual Red Kettle Campaign. Kettles can be found at Walmart, Fezell’s County Market, Peebles, and Dollar Tree. Volunteer  bell  ringers  stand  with the kettles at each location. The campaign will continue through December. “This is our biggest fundraiser of the year,� said Captain Keith Jache, commanding officer of the Punxsutawney Worship & Service Center. “Our goal this year is $55,000.� Along with making Christmas merrier for needy families from around  the  Punx’y  area,  the funds  are  used  for  programs and services that help the community  throughout  the  year. The Salvation Army offers rent and utility assistance, emergency clothing and food, transient lodging, after-school youth programs, summer camp, emergency disaster services, winter coats, and Sunday school and worship services.


Around Town Continued from page 7 the Lattimer House will be decorated for the holiday season and be open 1 to 4 p.m. Regular museum hours for December are 1 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  n Dec. 15: Choir Concert at First English Lutheran Church. Choirs from Queen of the World Roman Catholic parish in St. Marys will present a concert of sacred music for choir and organ, along with some organ solo pieces. Concert is at 2 p.m. and is open to the public. Concerts are free, but donations are appreciated. n Dec. 15: Christmas Cantata, “This Must Be the Place,� Cross Town United Methodist Ministries, at Grace U.M. Church, 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Call 938-4030 for more information. n Dec. 16: Deadline for Weather Discovery Center’s Penguin Hockey Tickets fundraiser. Penguins  vs. Washington  Capitals  at  Consol Energy Center at 8 p.m. Jan. 15. Upper level tickets,  $99  each.  Lower  level,  $120  each. Reservations can be made at or call 938-1000. Tickets are not reserved until paid for. n Dec. 16: Make-A-Wish 20th Annual Light Up A Child’s Life Campaign begins on WPXZ from several locations each morning, then mov-

“We hope the community will continue its generous tradition of helping us reach the goal,� said Jache. “We are always humbled by the giving from the Punxsutawney area. We offer our thanks to the donors and to the

stores  that  allow  our  kettles  and  bell ringers. We could not help those who have fallen on hard times without the donations we receive.� • • •

ing to Miller Brothers Furniture each day. Live auction is Dec. 20 from 3 to 4 p.m. at Miller Bros. Make-A-Wish provides wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses. Call 9388888 for more information. n Dec. 17: Bloodmobile, SSCD, noon to 6 p.m. for the American Red Cross, sponsored by the John W. Jenks Masonic Lodge No. 534. n Dec. 18: PAHS Band Concert, 7:30 p.m. PAHS auditorium, features Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble. Free & open to the public. n “Go  Digital  or  Go  Darkâ€? fundraising campaign for a new digital projector for the Jackson Theater at the Punx’y Area Community Center is still seeking donations. The cost of a digital project is $70,000. To date, some $30,000 has been raised. Call 938-1008 for information about how to donate. n Jefferson County E.M.S. Membership Drive is underway. Call 938-4119, ext. 2, for more information about obtaining a membership. They provide the most advanced emergency medical care to the residents of Jefferson County.  We welcome your news! Non-profit organizations  are  welcome  to  send  their  events  for Around Town to: For-profit events can be listed in Around Town, six lines for $25. • • •

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18 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158


We’re All Smiles!


Always a Punx’y Booster! FAMiLY DentiStRY

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basketball & wrestling sPOrts sCHeDUle

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wrestling Varsity

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Sam Smith State Representative Paid for by Citizens for Sam Smith

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Sat., Dec. 7 Wed., Dec. 11 Fri., Dec. 13 Thur., Dec. 19 Fri., Dec. 27 Sat., Dec. 28 Thur., Jan. 2 Thur., Jan. 9 Thur., Jan. 16 Sat., Jan. 18 Tues., Jan. 21 Fri., Jan. 24 Sat., Jan. 25 Tues., Jan. 28 Wed., Feb. 5 Tues., Feb. 11 Thur., Feb. 13

at Philipsburg Tourn. TBA MARION CENtER 7 p.m. at Brookville 7 p.m. CLEARFIELD 7 p.m. at Redbank Valley Tourn. TBA at Redbank Valley Tourn. TBA at Curwensville 7:30 p.m. at Ridgway 7 p.m. REDBANK 7 p.m. at Bellefonte Tourn. TBA CLARION 7 p.m. at New Oxford Tourn. TBA at New Oxford Tourn. TBA hOLLIDAysBuRG 7 p.m. st. MARys 7 p.m. at Bradford 6:30 p.m. DuBOIs 7 p.m.

S. Findley St. punX’y

Ask Ab





Quality Window & Door Products …with Installation Done RIGHT!

FRee estimates 938-7303 110 gaskill ave., Punx’y

Walston Club Good Luck Chucks! 2509 Walston Rd., Punx’y


wrestling 7th-8th-9th Grade Wed., Dec. 11 Fri., Dec. 13 Thur., Dec. 19 Sat., Dec. 21 Thur., Jan. 2 Thur., Jan. 9 Sat., Jan. 11 Thur., Jan. 16 Tues., Jan. 21 Tues., Jan. 28 Wed., Feb. 5 Tues., Feb. 11 Thur., Feb. 13

MARION CENtER 6 p.m. at Brookville 6 p.m. CLEARFIELD 6 p.m. at Clarion Tourn. 10 a.m. at Curwensville 6 p.m. at Ridgway 6 p.m. at Port Allegheny Tourn. TBA at Redbank Valley 6 p.m. CLARION 6 p.m. hOLLIDAysBuRG 6 p.m. st. MARys 6 p.m. at Bradford 5:30 p.m. DuBOIs 6 p.m.

Schedule subject to change. Not responsible for typographical errors.

Fri., Dec. 6 Sat., Dec. 7 Fri., Jan. 13 Mon., Dec. 16 Wed., Dec. 18 Fri., Dec. 20 Fri., Dec. 27 Sat., Dec. 28 Fri., Jan. 3 Tues, Jan. 7 Thur., Jan. 9 Tues., Jan. 14 Fri., Jan. 17 Mon., Jan. 20 Fri., Jan. 24 Tues., Jan. 28 Fri., Jan. 31 Tues., Feb. 4 Fri., Feb. 7 Mon., Feb. 10 Wed., Feb. 12 Fri., Feb. 14

at Marion Center Tip Off Tourn.* TBA at Marion Center Tip Off Tourn.* TBA 7:30 p.m BROOKVILLE at Redbank Valley 7:30 p.m 7:30 p.m INDIANA /8 p.m at Homer Center CARL tRuANCE hOLIDAy tOuRN.* 7:30 p.m. CARL tRuANCE TBA hOLIDAy tOuRN.* 7:30 p.m. CLEARFIELD ELK CO. CAthOLIC 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. at Harmony 7:30 p.m. at St. Marys 7:30 p.m. BRADFORD 7:30 p.m. at Brookville 7:30 p.m. DuBOIs 7:30 p.m. at Bald Eagle at Elk Co. Catholic 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. st. MARys 7:30 p.m. at DuBois 7:30 p.m. KEystONE at DuBois Central Catholic 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. at Bradford

basketball Bs Junior Varsity Fri., Jan. 13 Mon., Dec. 16 Wed., Dec. 18 Fri., Dec. 20 Fri., Jan. 3 Tues, Jan. 7 Thur., Jan. 9 Tues., Jan. 14 Fri., Jan. 17 Mon., Jan. 20 Fri., Jan. 24 Tues., Jan. 28 Fri., Jan. 31 Tues., Feb. 4 Fri., Feb. 7 Wed., Feb. 12 Fri., Feb. 14

6 p.m. BROOKVILLE 6 p.m. at Redbank Valley 6 p.m. INDIANA at Homer Center 6:30 p.m. 6 p.m. CLEARFIELD ELK COuNty CAthOLIC 6 p.m. 6 p.m. at Harmony 6 p.m. at St. Marys 6 p.m. BRADFORD 6 p.m. at Brookville 6 p.m. DuBOIs 6 p.m. at Bald Eagle at Elk County Catholic 6 p.m. 6 p.m. st. MARys 6 p.m. at DuBois at DuBois Central Catholic 6 p.m. 6 p.m. at Bradford

d.e. liMited FaMily PaRtneRsHiP 1406 N. Main St., Punx’y


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Good Luck to all Teams! James “Moon” VanSteenberg Jefferson County Treasurer

Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #148 – 21

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PUll anD saVe YOUr PaHs sPOrts sCHeDUles


Good Luck Teams!


20 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

Bernard P.

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In rehab, we know that everyone has different goals. So no matter what your goal is: we’re here with an expert team and a commitment to provide the best treatment. Our rehab team knows how important it is to listen and work together to assure that you are getting back in the game, back to work, or maybe getting a stronger back. Ask your doctor about Punxsutawney Area Hospital Rehab, or call us at 938-1809.

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Best of Luck to all our Local Athletes!

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Go get ‘em Teams!

MiCHael HoRneR

Joe PResloid


Mon.- Fri 9 to 7; Sat. 9 to 2

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PUll anD saVe YOUr PaHs sPOrts sCHeDUles

Fri., Dec. 6 Sat., Dec. 7 Tues., Dec. 10 Thur., Dec. 12 Mon., Dec. 16 Wed., Dec. 18 Sat., Dec. 21 Fri., Dec. 27

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The right equipment for every job

Fri., Dec. 28 Fri., Jan. 3 Wed., Jan. 8 Fri., Jan. 10 Tues., Jan. 14 Fri., Jan. 17 Mon., Jan. 20 Thur., Jan. 23 Wed., Jan. 29 Fri., Jan. 31 Tues., Feb. 4 Fri., Feb. 7 Mon., Feb. 10 Fri., Feb. 14

basketball & wrestling sPOrts sCHeDUle

Punxsutawn Area High School


SPring HillS SHelTieS Dog & Cat Boarding & Grooming

Michele Wachob,  Owner with Chance and Cindy hoover,   Assistant groomer  with Jewels

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Tues., Dec. 10 Thur., Dec. 12 Mon., Dec. 16 Wed., Dec. 18 Sat., Dec. 21 Fri., Jan. 3 Wed., Jan. 8 Fri., Jan. 10 Tues., Jan. 14 Fri., Jan. 17 Mon., Jan. 20 Thur., Jan. 23 Wed., Jan. 29 Fri., Jan. 31 Tues., Feb. 4 Fri., Feb. 7 Fri., Feb. 14

at Marion Center Tip Off Tourn.* TBA at Marion Center Tip Off Tourn.* TBA KEystONE 7:30 p.m. at Brookville 7:30 p.m. CLEARFIELD 7:30 p.m. at DuBois Central Catholic 7:30 p.m. at Bishop McCort 7:30 p.m. CARL tRuANCE hOLIDAy tOuRN.* TBA CARL tRuANCE hOLIDAy tOuRN.* TBA at Clearfield 7:30 p.m. at Elk County Catholic 7:30 p.m. hOLLIDAysBuRG 7:30 p.m. st. MARys 7:30 p.m. at Bradford 7:30 p.m. at Forest Hills 7:30 p.m. at DuBois 7:30 p.m. BROOKVILLE 7:30 p.m. ELK CO. CAthOLIC 7:30 p.m. at St. Marys 7:30 p.m. DuBOIs 7:30 p.m. AC VALLEy 6 p.m. BRADFORD 7:30 p.m.

KEystONE at Brookville CLEARFIELD at DuBois Central Catholic at Bishop McCort at Clearfield at Elk County Catholic hOLLIDAysBuRG st. MARys at Bradford at Forest Hills at DuBois BROOKVILLE ELK CO. CAthOLIC at St. Marys DuBOIs BRADFORD

Mon., Dec. 9 Wed., Dec. 11 Fri., Dec. 13 Wed., Dec. 18 Fri., Jan. 3 Tues., Jan. 7 Fri., Jan. 10 Tues., Jan. 14 Fri., Jan. 17 Mon., Jan. 20 Wed., Jan. 22 Fri., Jan. 24 Fri., Jan. 31 Tues., Feb. 4 Thur., Feb. 6 Fri., Feb. 7 Tues., Feb. 11 Fri., Feb. 14

DuBOIs CENtRAL  CAthOLIC BROCKWAy BROOKVILLE at Altoona-White CLEARFIELD ELK CO. CAthOLIC at Ridgway at St. Marys BRADFORD at Brookville ALtOONA-MAROON DuBOIs at Elk County Catholic st. MARys RIDGWAy at DuBois at Brockway at Bradford

reGular HOurS: monday-thursday 7am-9pm Friday 7am-8pm Saturday 7am-5pm Sunday 11am-5pm

220 n. Jefferson St. • 938-1008


luMber & SuPPly

cOMPAny Shop Here For: Windows • Paneling • Roofing • Paint tile insulation • Home improvement kitchen Cabinets • Pergo Flooring 1785 Cloe-Rossiter Rd. • Punx’y


PROuDly suPPORting OuR Punx’y ChuCks!

4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m.

Be the best you can be. Good Luck AthLetes!

Sheriff carl Gotwald Sr.

Casteel Chiropractic basketball 7th/8th Grade Bs To restore function you need to restore posture.

Mon. Dec. 9 Wed., Dec. 11 Fri., Dec. 13 Wed., Dec. 18 Fri., Jan. 3 Tues., Jan. 7 Fri., Jan. 10 Tues., Jan. 14 Fri., Jan. 17 Mon., Jan. 20 Wed., Jan. 22 Fri., Jan. 24 Fri., Jan. 31 Tues., Feb. 4 Thur., Feb. 6 Fri., Feb. 7 Tues., Feb. 11 Fri., Feb. 14

6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m.

DuBOIs CENtRAL  CAthOLIC 4 p.m./5 p.m. BROCKWAy 4 p.m./5 p.m. BROOKVILLE 4 p.m./5 p.m. at Altoona-White 3:30 p.m./4:30 p.m. CLEARFIELD 4 p.m./5 p.m. ELK CO. CAthOLIC 4 p.m./5 p.m. at Ridgway 4 p.m./5 p.m. at St. Marys 4 p.m./5 p.m. BRADFORD 4 p.m./5 p.m. a Brookville 4 p.m./5 p.m. ALtOONA - MAROON 4 p.m./5 p.m. DuBOIs 4 p.m./5 p.m. at Elk Co. Catholic 4 p.m./5 p.m. st MARys 4 p.m./5 p.m. RIDGWAy 4 p.m./5 p.m. at DuBois 4 p.m./5 p.m. at Brockway 4 p.m./5 p.m. at Bradford 4 p.m./5 p.m.


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The Punxsutawney Booster Club Good Luck Chucks!!!

22 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

JenniFeR MooRe

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kiM HoRneR

Downtown Punxsutawney

good luck Chucks!




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PunxSutAWney AreA cOMMunity center

Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158 – 19

Grilled OniOn Cheddar BurGer

If I Could Save Time in a Bottle

by Betsy Hart Scripps Howard News Service remember when my children were very young, and we lived in Virginia, I came to see my family's life as being on a familiar loop: Putting up the Christmas lights, followed by hunting for Easter baskets and celebrating a raft of spring birthdays, then summers at the pool and, before long,  the  hunt  for  the  perfect  Halloween costumes. A great loop -- but a fast and familiar one, nonetheless. I commented to friends then that my loop seemed to be gaining speed, and I supposed it would do so until it stopped for good. In a surprise to me, the loop  changed  venues after an unexpected divorce. In  the  suburbs  of Chicago, a similar loop developed  in  my  new life  as  a  single  mom with school-aged kids. Faster  and  faster  it went,  until  I  waved goodbye to that home, too  --  after  nine  years that felt like two. And  now  I'm  with  a new husband in yet another home, and beginning  to  watch  my children go off to college and wondering how quickly this loop will get into high speed. But will it? I've come to hope that this time around, so to speak, I may be able to slow things down a little. I'd  always  thought  it  seemed  that  time speeded up as we got older because, relative to our life span, it does. A year to a 2year-old is half a lifetime; to an 80-year-old, it's a small fraction of a lifetime, leaving us powerless to stop the speed-up. But in discussing this recently with a dear friend from high school -- has it actually been  more  than  30  years?  --  while  I lamented the inexorability of the increasing rush of time, she explained that I had it all wrong. (If only I would slow down and consider the matter!) What we talked about that evening led me to find out more, and this is what I discovered: A wide range of research suggests that while the relative-time argument has merit for why time feels like it goes faster as we get older, there's something else that may

account much more for the phenomenon. It turns out that our brains have to work hard at taking  in  new  information,  and  the  effort needed to process the novel information exaggerates our sense of time involved. In contrast, when things are familiar, the brain can shortcut right through it with sort of a "been here, done that, let's move on" mentality that makes time seem to go faster. No wonder taking a math test can seem like an eternity, but dinner with close friends in the same amount of time goes by in a moment. Time  really  does  fly  when  we're  having fun. So then it should be no  surprise  that  familiar life loops and routines,  more  and more the typical pattern of life as we get older and more established,  give  our brains endless shortcuts.  But a child or other  young  person taking  in  new  information at every turn, having  a  constantly busy brain - well, that makes  time  seem much slower. As  writers  Belle Beth  Cooper  and Caroline  Gregoire outlined  it  for  one piece I looked at, this one in The Healer's Journal, from this summer, research shows that "... if we feed our brains more new information,  the  extra  processing  time  required will make us feel like time is moving more slowly." They and other writers and researchers on the subject said new experiences, learning new  things,  simply  working  to  notice  the same or novel things more (pile on the details and information), minimizing routine and brain shortcuts -- are all ways to change the perception of time passing quickly. In other words, with a little practice, maybe we can slow time down to a steady jog, or occasionally even walk. Well, I'm glad to have this information as I start my new loop. Timing is everything. (Betsy Hart's latest book, "From The Hart: A Collection of Favorite Columns on Love, Loss, Marriage (and Other Extreme Sports)," has been revised. Email • • •


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Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158 – 23

101 Ideas: Suggestions for a rustic Thanksgiving table

Laska’s Pizza: a Punx’y Tradition


By priDE for Hometown magazine

eed  a  quick  lunch,  family  dinner, party  pizza,  or  after-game  refueling? Want to eat in or to take out? Laska’s Pizza is the place. Located at  405  North  Main  Street  in  Punxsutawney,  Laska’s  offers  in  addition  to their famous pepperoni pizza, a wide variety of specialty pizzas, dinners and side

ian garden. In the newly refurbished dining room, pictures of Punxsutawney’s past cover the walls providing points of interest  for  locals  and  visitors  alike.  These make Laska’s Pizza one of the “must see” places in Punxsutawney. Stop by and join Laska’s Pizza in celebrating twenty-five years of serving good food at reasonable prices.  • • •

Home & Garden Television for Hometown magazine ant a rustic look for your Thanksgiving table? Consider these possibilities.


Try a New Hue Not a fan of orange and brown? No worries; your table's color palette doesn't have to be restricted to traditional fall colors. Instead try softer, cooler hues like the whites, pale greens and grays found on heirloomvariety pumpkins.

Phantastic Phil welcomes diners to Laska’s Pizza.

Barney and his guest appear in the mural above the booths in the informal dining area.

The dining room features seating for both large and small groups. The dining room may be reserved for group luncheons or dinners.

Stack a Centerpiece For a simple focal point, skip the flowers and  instead  stack  pumpkins  in  varying shades and graduated sizes to create a rustic topiary. Remove the stems from all but the top pumpkin to create a stable base. Natural Embellishments Use fresh greenery, like waxy magnolia leaves or feathery evergreen boughs, to add texture and color around the base of the centerpiece. Tuck collected pine cones and nuts into the arrangement to celebrate nature's bounty. Go For a Layered Look Layering plates in different finishes, colors or textures is an easy trick for setting an elegant table. Start with a charger, followed by a dinner plate, topped by a folded cloth napkin and small bread or dessert plate. Beyond Pumpkins Some varieties of squash are beautiful and a perfect fit for a rustic fall table setting. Stroll the grocery store's produce aisle or your local farmers market for inspiration. Artichoke, cabbage, pears and pomegranates are other great options for decorating a rustic fall table. Complete the Look When  setting  your  Thanksgiving  table, don't forget to add fall touches to the other main elements in your dining room. A few organic additions to the chandelier, buffet, hutch  or  cupboard  will  pull  the  seasonal look together. (Courtesy Marian Parsons of Mustard Seed Interiors) (Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, • • •

Laska’s menu entices patrons.

The walls in the dining room feature pictures of Punxsutawney’s past.

salads,  wings,  stromboli,  sandwiches, soups, sides, and beverages to suit every taste. Laska’s  has  been  a  tradition  in  Punxsutawney  since  1987. Their  recently  remodeled dining areas and expanded menu have  enhanced  Laska’s  Pizza  service. Diehard Punxsutawney boosters, Laska’s Pizza  has  included  likenesses  of  Punxsutawney’s  most  famous  citizen  in  the décor. One of the Phantastic Phils greets customers at the entrance enticing them to try a pizza. Inside the eatery, posters, pictures, and sculptures continue to remind customers they are in Groundhog Town. Wall  murals  by  Kelly  Porada  feature Laska’s Boston terrier, Barney, in his Ital-

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24 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

Happy Thanksgiving

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Turkey preparations Continued from page 13

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tire time did, in fact, turn an unappealingly dark brown, though the flavor was surprisingly  unaffected.  The  part  that  had  been brushed for just a few minutes tasted too much like turkey that had been topped with jam. But the part that had been glazed for 45  minutes  was  just  right,  slightly  sweet with an intriguing undertone of orange. For the other two turkeys, we tried for the



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Holy Grail of Thanksgiving: a crispy skin. Once again, we turned to chicken for our inspiration. We know of two effective means of  achieving  a  crisp  skin  on  a  roasted chicken, so we tried them both. Both, we are happy to say, worked reasonably well. One trick to having a crispy skin is to dry out the skin before cooking it. Thoroughly pat the skin dry with paper towels, sprinkle it liberally with salt (but don't make it saltier than you want to eat it) and let it sit uncovered to dry out in the refrigerator for at least four hours. Before you cook it, pat it dry again. Some people put it in front of a fan for an hour before cooking. The other trick is to coat the skin lightly with fat such as butter or oil before cooking it. We wanted to give a little flavor to this coating, so we prepared a flavored butter and flavored oil. We  mixed  softened  butter  with  finely minced  fresh  rosemary  and  rubbed  it  all over the turkey before baking. It was a little gooey, but the results were well worth it. And you can tell yourself that most of the butter drips off while roasting. For the oil, we gently heated two peeled cloves of garlic and a sprig of rosemary in a

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cup  of  oil,  until  the  garlic  started  to  turn brown. We brushed some of this flavored oil onto the turkey before cooking. You can tell yourself that most of the oil drips off while roasting. Though we used rosemary for both techniques, thyme or sage would work just as well. Why?  Because  they  go  so  well  with chicken. TURkEy WITH SCENTED OIL 1 turkey 1 cup olive oil 2 cloves garlic, peeled 1 (4- to 6-inch) sprig fresh rosemary (see cook's note) Salt and pepper

Cook's note: Two sprigs of thyme or two sprigs of sage will also work well. Preheat oven to 325 degrees and arrange a rack in lower third. Remove racks above it. Remove neck and gizzards (if any) from turkey and pat dry. For crisper skin, allow to dry for up to 24 hours, uncovered and salted, in the refrigerator or place in front of a fan for at least 1 hour. In a small saucepan on medium-low heat, gently heat oil, garlic and rosemary until garlic begins to burn. Remove rosemary and garlic. Pour 2 tablespoons of the oil into a small bowl and brush the contents of that bowl all over the skin of the turkey. If you need more oil, pour out more into the small bowl and use that. Do not dip brush that has touched raw turkey into pan with oil in it unless you do not plan to save this oil for later uses. Refrigerate reserved oil for later uses. Season turkey with salt and pepper. Place turkey on a rack in a roasting dish, breast-side  up,  and  roast  until  meat  thermometer inserted into thigh reaches at least 170 degrees or skin is browned and thighs move freely in their joints. If skin gets so dark  it  looks  as  if  it  might  start  to  burn, cover with a piece of foil. Yield: Depends on size of the turkey. BUTTER-RUBBED TURkEy 1 turkey 2 tablespoons butter, softened 2 teaspoons finely minced fresh rosemary or 1/2 rounded teaspoon dried (see cook's note) Salt and pepper

Cook's note: You can also use thyme or sage. Preheat oven to 325 degrees and arrange a rack in lower third. Remove racks above it. Remove neck and gizzards (if any) from turkey and pat dry. For crisper skin, allow to dry for up to 24 hours, uncovered and salted, in the refrigerator or place in front of a fan for at least 1 hour.

- Continued on page 28

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26 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

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Test your knowledge of popular Christmas movies

hat would the holidays be without snowflakes falling outside, a mug of hot cocoa in hand and a favorite Christmas movie on television? Television is full of feel-good movies come the holiday season. Choose from among classic flicks you have watched year after year or new movies vying for spots as soon-to-be favorites. Watching Christmas movies is a holiday tradition for many families. So much so that lines from popular movies are easily remembered and recognized. Those who can recite movies verbatim might enjoy testing their mettle with the  following  Christmas  quiz  loaded  with memorable quotes from some holiday classics. Movie Quotes Quiz 1. “It came without ribbons. It came without tags.  It  came  without  packages,  boxes  or bags.” 2. “Uh, since the United States Government declares this man to be Santa Claus, this court will not dispute it. Case dismissed.” 3. “If TV has taught me anything, it’s that miracles always happen to poor kids at Christmas. It happened to Tiny Tim, it happened to Charlie Brown, it happened to The Smurfs, and it’s gonna happen to us!” 4. “I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, 200 shot range model air rifle.” 5. “Bless this highly nutritious microwavable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale. Amen.” 6. “Iris, in the movies, we have leading ladies and we have the best friend. You, I can tell, are a leading lady, but for some reason, you’re behaving like the best friend.” 7. “Who gave you permission to tell Charlie there was no Santa Claus? I think if we’re going to destroy our son’s delusions, I should be a part of it.” 8. “I want to wash my hands, my face, my hair with snow.” 9. “We’re not just doing this for us. We’re doing it for the kids. For every kid who ever sat on Santa’s lap. For every little girl who left cookies  and  milk  for  Santa  on  Christmas night. For every little boy who opens a package Christmas morning and finds clothes instead of toys. It breaks my heart.” 10. “We all know that Christmas is a big commercial racket. It’s run by a big Eastern syndicate you know.”  11. “I fear you more than any spectre I have

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seen. But as I know your purpose is to do me good, and as I hope to live to be another man from what I was, I am prepared to bear your company, and do it with a thankful heart. Will you not speak to me?” 12. “Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see.” 13. “Light the lamp, not the rat, light the lamp, not the rat! Put me out, put me out, put me out!” 14. “Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand

ugly monsters?” 15. “Wanna see some magic? OK, let’s watch you disappear!” 16. “That’s not ‘my’ Christmas! ‘My’ Christmas is filled with laughter, and joy... and this: my Sandy Claws outfit. I want you to make it.”  17. “That’s neither pig nor pork, it’s beef.” 18. “I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel.”

1. “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” 2. “Miracle on 34th Street” 3. “The Simpson’s Christmas” 4. “A Christmas Story” 5. “Home Alone” 6. “The Holiday” 7. “The Santa Clause” 8. “White Christmas” 9. “Jingle All the Way” 10. “A Charlie Brown Christmas” 11. “A Christmas Carol” 12. “The Polar Express” 13. “The Muppets Christmas Carol” 14. “Gremlins” 15. “Bad Santa” 16. “The Nightmare Before Christmas” 17. “Babes in Toyland” 18. “Elf”  • • •

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Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158 – 27

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Turkey preparations Continued from page 26

Using a large spoon, mix together butter and rosemary until the herb is incorporated into the butter. Rub skin of turkey all over with butter-herb mix. Season with salt and pepper. Place turkey on a rack in a roasting dish, breast-side  up,  and  roast  until  meat  thermometer inserted into thigh reaches at least 170 degrees or skin is browned and thighs move freely in their joints. If skin gets so dark it looks as if it might start to burn, cover with a piece of foil. Yield: Depends on size of the turkey. ORANGE-GLAZED TURkEy 1 turkey Salt and pepper 4 tablespoons butter (1/2 stick) 1/2 cup marmalade

Preheat oven to 325 degrees and arrange a rack in lower third. Remove racks above it. Remove neck and gizzards (if any) from turkey and pat dry. For crisper skin, allow to dry for up to 24 hours, uncovered and salted, in the refrigerator or place in front of a fan for at least 1 hour. Season turkey with salt and pepper. Place on a rack in a roasting dish, breast-side up, and put into the oven. About 45 minutes before you think turkey will be done, melt butter and marmalade in a small saucepan over medium heat until it forms a liquid. Brush this mixture all over skin of turkey. Return to oven and roast until meat  thermometer  inserted  into  thigh reaches  at  least  170  degrees,  or  skin  is browned  and  thighs  move  freely  in  their joints. If skin gets so dark it looks as if it might start to burn, cover with a piece of foil. Yield: Depends on size of the turkey. (Contact Daniel Neman at (Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, • • •



Food network Kitchens These are billed as "The Best Mashed Potatoes," and could have a starring role on your Thanksgiving table. THE BEST MASHED POTATOES 2-1/2 pounds yukon gold potatoes, well-scrubbed and cut into quarters Kosher salt 1 stick unsalted butter 3/4 cup half-and-half 1 cup shredded smoked gouda Freshly ground pepper 1/4 cup thinly sliced chives

Slip  the  potatoes  into  a  large  pot  of cold  salted  water  and  bring  to  a  boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the butter and halfand-half in a small pot until the butter melts and the mixture is hot. Once  the  potatoes  are  cooked,  drain well in a colander and then return them to the pot. Turn the heat back on to low and  stir  the  potatoes  to  "dry"  them. Mash the potatoes until smooth and stir in the hot half-and-half and butter. Add the shredded cheese by the handful, stirring  to  melt,  and  season  generously with salt and pepper. Stir in the chives. Serve immediately. -- Courtesy Gina Neely for Food Network Magazine (Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, • • •

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Scrapbook memorabilia for grandparents may include mementos from military days.

Historical scrapbooks can honor older relatives


here are so many different and creative ways for families to showcase their heritage and honor a grandparent or other special senior. Scrapbooks are one such way to share the life of a special person and indirectly tell the tale of your family history. Very often personal history projects are a part of elementary school curricula, so you may already have the makings of a family tree or a family diary in your home. All it takes is a little more research and some planning to design a scrapbook that can be gifted or kept for generations to enjoy. Begin  by  making  an  outline  of  what  you would like to cover in the scrapbook. Perhaps there is a specific event in a grandparent's life that is worth highlighting, like a military tour of  duty  or  a  brief  stint  in  show  business. Maybe  you  would  like  to  present  different snapshots in time during his or her life. Either way, planning out the content of the scrapbook will make it easier to gather the necessary elements. Once you've settled on a theme, begin your research by interviewing the eventual recipient (he or she doesn't have to know the reason behind the inquiry).  During the interview, take note of key dates and try to establish the mood of the era with supporting materials. For example, you may be able to find samples of advertisements from a correlating period in history or newspaper clippings that can be used to fluff up the content of the book.  In the meantime, gather photos that can be

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used in the scrapbook, which may take some hunting. Prints can be scanned and copied via a desktop scanner at home, or loaded onto a CD or thumb drive and brought to a pharmacy photo kiosk. Some specialty shops can even scan slides or convert stills from film into images. Make sure to make copies of all original prints and be careful not to lose or damage the originals. Scrapbooks can be made manually with materials  purchased  anywhere  from  craft  and hobby stores to stationery shops. There are a variety of paper-cutting tools, adhesives, stickers, labels, and stencils that can be used to enhance the look of the scrapbook. There also are  computer  software  programs  or  online tools through photo-sharing sites that enable you  to  upload  images  and  text  and  design photo books entirely online. Then the finished product can be printed out in a variety of finishes. This method may actually be preferable for those who plan to save the scrapbook or anticipate it being such a big hit that others will want their own copies. Create a digital file of all of your information and copies of images. This way if you ever want to add to the scrapbook or reproduce information in the future you will have all of the information at your fingertips. The scrapbook also will serve as a good source material down the  line  should  future  generations  want  to learn about their ancestors.  Scrapbooking  is  more  than  just  detailing baby's first birthday or a vacation. This popular pastime can help document the life of a special senior.   • • •

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Emphasize safety when decorating for the holidays


ecking the halls for the holidays is cause an average of $13 million in propa beloved tradition for many famierty  damage  annually.  Though  it  can  be lies. A  home's  exterior  festooned tempting to purchase the most eye-catchwith lights help create a festive holing Christmas tree you find, avoid acting iday mood, while stockings hung by the rashly until you have learned a little about chimney and a Christmas tree in the living the tree. Artificial trees should be labeled room bring that holiday cheer inside. as  "Fire  Resistant."  Such  trees  can  still Though  the  holiday  season  is  a  festive catch fire, but they are more resistant to time of year, it can quickly turn tragic if fire than trees without such labels. When revelers  do  not  emphasize  safety  when buying  a  live  tree,  make  sure  the  tree  is decorating their homes. When decorating fresh.  The  tree  should  be  green,  and  its this holiday season, be sure to employ the needles should be difficult to pull off of following precautions so your holiday seabranches,  which son  is  festive, should not be easdecorative  and ily breakable. Tap safe. the  tree  on  the n Exercise  exground  before caution treme  purchasing  it.  If with  holiday the tree loses a lot lights. According of  needles  upon to  the  Electrical tapping  the Safety  Foundaground,  it  isn't tion International, fresh.  Trees  that 150  home  fires aren't  fresh  are per  year  begin more  susceptible with  holiday to  going  up  in lights  and  other flames.   decorative  lightn Keep the tree ing.  Such  fires away  from  heat may start because sources.  Though of  frayed  or  bare it  might  seem wires,  broken  or more  idyllic  to cracked  sockets place your Christor even loose conmas  tree  next  to nections.  It's  imthe fireplace, it's a portant  that  men lot  more  dangerand women be esous as well. When pecially  careful choosing  a  spot when  decorating for your tree, find their  homes  with a  place  that  is holiday lights, inaway  from  heat Christmas trees should never be placed in close proxspecting  each  set imity to heat sources such as fireplaces, vents and ra- sources  like  fireof lights for dam- diators. places,  radiators age  and  discardand  vents.  But ing  any  damaged  sets.  When  choosing homeowners also should know that even lights, use only lights that have been certitrees placed away from heat sources can fied for outdoor use on your home's extestill dry out, creating a fire hazard even if rior, and never use outdoor lights inside.  the tree was fresh and healthy when purn Purchase the right Christmas tree. The chased. That's because Christmas trees can Consumer  Product  Safety  Commission quickly dry out in heated rooms. Monitor notes that Christmas trees are involved in the tree's water levels every day, checking hundreds of fires causing an average of 15 those  levels  in  both  the  morning  and  at deaths  each  year.  In  addition,  such  fires - Continued on page 32

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30 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

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n early 2014, the much anticipated Primary Health Network’s Punxsutawney Community Health Center will open its doors. Built on over 1.6 million tons of fill, the site will have an abundance of green building attributes and will host a variety of medical services for the public. PHN’s newest facility was the result of the largest primary care medical group in the area,  Punxsutawney  Community  Health Center,  outgrowing  its  current  space  at Punxsutawney Hospital. Dr. Jay Elder, Dr. Joseph Kernich, and Dr. Charles Lambiotte will continue to offer their medical services  at  the  new  facility  located  on  200 Prushnok Drive in Punxsutawney, PA. In addition, Physician Assistants Cecilia Groman and Heather Park will be joining the doctors, along with the rest of their medical staff, at the new facility. The  new  Punxsutawney  Community Health Center will be 45,000 square feet, (doubling its current size), incorporate new services,  such  as  behavioral  health  and counseling, and add additional providers in partnership with Punxsutawney Hospital and other social services agencies. Punxsutawney Medicine Shoppe will also be located in the new facility with a convenient pharmacy drive-thru. The thought behind this new model was one stop shopping for all healthcare needs. Partnering with other local organizations was important to being able to offer much needed services to the community. Punxsutawney Hospital also plans to staff a laboratory  for  on-site  blood  draws  and specimen collection. Punxsutawney Medicine Shoppe will serve all people and in addition,  offers  340B  Discounted  Drug Pricing  (for  drugs  not  covered  by  insurance and for those that do not have insurance)  to  PHN  patients.  If  you  visit  an office located within the facility, you will be able to pick up your prescription in minutes before you walk out the door. Primary  Health  Network  (PHN)  was founded in 1984 as one small community health center in Farrell, PA and has grown to  include  over  32  locations  throughout Pennsylvania and Ohio. The Network exists to make the wide range of healthcare

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services  accessible  to  people  of  all  incomes in the communities offices are located. All PHN practices are currently accepting new patients. PHN processes most insurance  plans  including  Medicare  and Medicaid Managed Care Plans. Sliding fee discounts based on income are available to those who qualify. Office hours for the facility vary with general hours being 8:30 to 5:00 pm with some evening hours. Space is still available and can be built to suit. For more information about the available space, please contact Tony Bianco at 724-813-2726.  For  specific  questions, please call the business of your choice. • • •

Emphasize safety Continued from page 30

night before going to bed. This prevents the tree from drying out and becoming a fire hazard, and it also helps the tree maintain its aesthetic appeal through the holiday season. n Limit use of candles. Like Christmas trees, candles are a popular yet potentially hazardous decorative item during the holiday  season. When  decorating  with  candles,  be  sure  that  all  candles  are extinguished  before  leaving  a  room  and never leave them burning when you go to bed.  Candles  should  be  kept  away  from any decorative items, including Christmas trees, that can catch fire. Never place candles  near  curtains,  furniture  or  presents. Holiday enthusiasts with little children or pets at home might want to decorate with fake  LED-light  candles  instead  of  traditional candles. Curious kids or excitable pets may not recognize the potential dangers of lit candles and, as a result, might burn themselves or tips candles over. The holiday season is upon us, and that means scores of celebrants will be decking their halls. Though festive decorations are a part of the season, safety should always come first.   • • •

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32 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158



Visit Santa without all the tears

he holiday season means it's time be able to share a meal with Santa at a once again for parents to take their restaurant or visit him at a nursery while youngsters  to  visit  Santa  Claus. selecting Christmas trees. A different enPictures with little boys and girls vironment  may  be  less  intimidating  to lining  up  in  their  dress  clothes  with children and take the pressure off waitSanta are a holiday tradition, and younging in line in a busy mall. sters are often anxious for their chances n Go well-fed. There's little worse than to share their Christmas gift wishes with waiting  in  line  and  doing  so  hungry. the jolly man in red.  Hunger  pangs  can  turn  even  the  most But as integral as such photo sessions  are  to  the  holiday season, parents know they are one  crying  fit  or  meltdown away  from  having  this  tradition  turn  into  trouble.  After waiting  in  long  lines  to  see Santa,  it's  understandable when  everyone's  patience starts to wear thin. The combination of antsy children and aggravated adults could set off a  chain  reaction  that  culminates  in  tear-stained  cheeks and a sullied holiday memory. Pictures  with  Santa  can  go much  more  smoothly  when you  employ  the  following tips. n Prep children. While kids may  love  the  idea  of  Santa, youngsters face to face with a man  in  a  red  suit  and  a  big, white beard may be nervous. Begin talking up Santa a few months  before  Christmas, mentioning  how  nice  and friendly he is. Gauge how kids act around costumed performers at fairs, circuses and birthday  parties  and  help  them grow accustomed to people in costumes.  If  costumes  elicit Turn a visit with Santa into a pleasant experience for chilscreams  of  horror,  wait  an- dren of all age. other year before seeing Santa. * Visit during off-peak hours. Weekends placid child into a menace. Pack snacks and  evenings  are  the  busiest  times  to to enjoy while waiting. Opt for items that visit  Santa.  This  means  long  lines  and will not stain lips and teeth or drip onto longer  wait  times.  Instead  of  dealing clothing. with  the  masses,  try  to  get  to  the  mall n Make it a family photo. Sometimes when the doors first open. Otherwise, let the only way to entice a little one to take the  children  skip  a  day  of  school  and a picture with Santa is to provide some visit during the week when the lines are added security. Dress your best and be shorter. prepared to have to step in and cozy up n Consider another venue. Many difto  Santa  to  ensure  your  child  is  all ferent  places  of  business  host  events smiles.   where kids can meet Santa. Families may • • •


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Why there’s reason to be optimistic about the future of pheasants By Dennis Anderson minneapolis Star Tribune arranted  as  it  may  be  to  be  a pheasant  pessimist  these  days, given the bird's population dropoffs because of bad weather and even worse farm policy, I'm optimistic about the future of these birds, believing their numbers will rise over the long term. And believing as well that the sport of pheasant hunting will endure, and even thrive. But more on that in a moment. Meanwhile, if you insist on being a pheasant pessimist, you need only scan the horizon toward Iowa, which until recent years vied with South Dakota as the nation's top destination for  scattergunners  in  pursuit  of  the  world's most beautiful game bird. As  recently  as  2000,  Iowa  hunters  killed about 1 million roosters, a far cry from the mere 158,000 taken in the state a year ago. Tough winters and cool, wet springs have played roles in the demise of Iowa pheasants. The years 2006 to 2010 marked the first time since 1962 the state received more than 20 percent  above  normal  levels  of  snow  four years in a row. But the bigger culprit has been habitat destruction: Between 1990 and 2005, Iowa lost 2,496 square miles of pheasant habitat, according  to  its  Department  of  Natural  Re-


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34 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

- Continued on page 36

Happy Thanksgiving

TRi-CouNTy PERFoRMaNCE More jobs. done faster.

sources  --  an  area  equal  to  an  8-mile-wide swath stretching from west to east across the state. Add to these problems the fact that only 1 percent of Iowa is in public ownership and can be managed by the DNR for wildlife, and the pheasant hole the state has dug for itself appears deep indeed. The  same  trend  plagues  South  Dakota, where  recent  harsh  winters  have  been  followed by drought, contributing to a 64 percent drop in pheasants this year from 2012. Yet, as in Iowa, the biggest problem in South Dakota is habitat loss. For the first time in two decades, reports Pheasants Forever vice president of governmental affairs Dave Nomsen, South Dakota this year was home to fewer than 1 million Conservation Reserve Program acres. "By not passing a farm bill, by not including the 'Protect Our Prairies Act' (also known as "Sodsaver" provisions), by not relinking crop insurance payments to conservation compliance, federal policymakers are all but ensuring this unprecedented habitat loss will continue in  South  Dakota  and  across  the  Midwest," Nomsen said, noting that South Dakota might need 500,000 additional CRP acres to maintain its status as a world-class wing-shooting destination.

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Smokies elk gives photographer close encounter with nature By mike Blackerby Scripps Howard News Service A photographer whose rendezvous with a  love-sick  elk  has  turned  into  a YouTube video hit was fortunate to escape  without  serious  bodily  harm,  a Great Smoky Mountains National Park official says. The photographer, who has been identified as James York of North Carolina, was roadside taking pictures of elk at sunrise last month at the park's Cataloochee area in North Carolina when he was accosted by a young male elk. Unfortunately for York, the lonely elk was looking for love in all the wrong places. After a seven-minute interlude that included sniffing, nuzzling and posturing head-to-head with his antlers and head against York, the inquisitive elk finally lost interest and the photographer was able to retreat to the safety of a car. While the incident made for an amusing social media moment, Smokies park public affairs  specialist  Dana  Soehn  said  it  was  no laughing matter. "Of course, it was during mating season, and all of the elk were acting unpredictably," Soehn said.


"This was a young male elk who was probably posturing and trying to show some dominance in the field. Our biologist said the elk was really just exerting his dominance. September and October is the mating season for elk, which is called 'the rut.'" Soehn said that York wasn't breaking park rules since he was shooting photos from along the road, but she stressed that visitors should avoid direct contact with animals at all costs. "He wasn't in violation of anything, but what park rangers recommend to do if an animal approaches is slowly get up, back away and create a space between the animal and you," she said. Soehn said that unexpected contact between animals and people in the park is just going to happen on occasion. "We don't have fences," she said. "It's a situation where you are in their natural habitat. It's not a zoo." (Mike Blackerby is a reporter for the Knoxville News Sentinel. Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, (Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, • • •

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BeAT THe WeeKenD CRoWDS - oPen Til 9PM Mon-fRi Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158 – 35

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pheasants Continued from page 34 Minnesota pheasants have fared no better. Pheasant numbers are down 29 percent from last year, and 72 percent below the long-term average. Contributing to the falloff: Nearly 64,000  CRP  acres  were  lost  in  the  state's pheasant range in the past year. Given all of this, how can I be optimistic about pheasants? Let  me  count  the ways: 1)  Water:  The  future  will  be  owned by those who manage  water  properly, while  those  who waste  this  precious and evermore scarce resource will suffer. Put  another  way, landowners,  counties,  states  and  nations  that  conserve water  will  enjoy economic and strategic advantages over those that don't -- a lesson we as a society have yet to learn. When we do (and we will), we'll realize anew what conservationists have argued for more than a century:  Clean,  abundant  water  requires healthy  landscapes.  To  achieve  these,  increased crop rotation, development of new crops, establishment of stream buffer strips and the increased planting of grasses and other perennial crops will be required. Over time, these will gain greater prominence, if only to ensure  the  region's,  and  the  nation's,  water supply remains abundant and clean. 2) Public lands: Minnesota is the big winner here, thanks to the foresight of wildlife managers in the 1950s who began the state's "Save the Wetlands" program. Later this effort morphed into Minnesota's wildlife management area plan, which in turn inspired establishment of federal waterfowl production areas. Neither Iowa nor South Dakota, nor North Dakota, has the public land base Minnesota has, and when this state figures out how to properly, and extensively, manage these lands, they will yield significantly more game and nongame species than they now do. 3) Climate: Occasional aberrations aside, including  perhaps  periodic  extreme  weather events,  the  chance  that  Minnesota  and  the Dakotas will become more temperate in com-

ing years is better than even, decreasing the chance that winter kill will be a significant limiting factor affecting pheasants going forward.  4) Technology: Twenty years from now, if not sooner, agronomists will view the current period  as  one  of  agriculture's  darkest  moments. The relentless planting of so many corn and soybean acres, and the massive fertilizing they require, will be replaced, or balanced, by

new crops with higher yields that reduce land fertility less. The result will be a more balanced landscape that benefits wildlife. 5) Increased consumer demand for healthier food, locally or regionally sourced: This phenomenon, already growing, will increase, and markedly, and will contribute to more varied forms of agriculture and crops. 6) Increased appreciation of, and stewardship of, prairies and grasslands. 7) A coming renaissance in outdoor recreation:  The  present  electronic  gadget  era notwithstanding, a revolution in the way people spend their time, fueled by nature's timeless calling, will result in more people than ever spending more time in traditional outdoors pursuits, especially those that enhance physical fitness. Enter long walks on autumn days behind good dogs, looking for roosters. 8) Advocacy  unchained:  Short  story: Too many people love pheasants and the lands that support them, and are too well organized, to let these birds fall by the wayside. 9) What can you do? Join Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, the Izaak Walton League, The Nature Conservancy or another group.  (Contact Dennis Anderson at (Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, • • •

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Printed 11-13

36 – Hometown Punxsutawney –Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

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938-4990 The Hunt & Gather shop in Minneapolis attracts men looking for vintage items. Norbert Schiller found a hat to his liking as he helped his college-bound son find items for his dorm room. (SHNS photo by Marlin Levison / Minneapolis Star Tribune)

Antiquing and junking among men is surging

By Aimee Blanchette minneapolis Star Tribune ason  Koenig  winced  at  people  using taxidermy as decor until he did so himself. Now the St. Paul, Minn., real-estate  agent  has  a  4-foot  barracuda mounted above his stone fireplace, along with life-size teal-and-yellow bulldog statues flanking the staircase. "I never thought I'd own a fish mount," Koenig said. "But it's so cool. I had to have it." Koenig's living-room conversation pieces were  purchased  at  the  Bearded  Mermaid Bazaar in St. Paul. The hodgepodge vintage-style shop belongs to an emerging segment of the antiquing market that's tailoring its  inventory  to  men.  This  movement  of guys  who  sift  through  trash  to  find  their treasure even has its own name -- "mantiquing." Thanks to the popularity of TV shows like "American Pickers" and "Storage Wars," antiquing and junking among men is surging. As the American home grows in size, family members have spaces of their own, and collectibles that were once relegated to the garage or wood shop are finding space on walls and bookshelves in the basement bar or in the proverbial man cave.


For some mantiquers, the more offbeat the better. The Bearded Mermaid's collection of oddities has included a stuffed raccoon with its paw on a Schmidt beer can (it now resides in a local barbershop). "This isn't your typical grandma's antique store," said Bearded Mermaid owner Nick Soderstrom. "I have what guys are looking for -- good American-made stuff." Among the "stuff" in question: An 8-foottall taxidermy giraffe -- which may or may not be American-made. That's not to say women don't appreciate such eclectic decor, said Jim Bailey, a longtime antiques dealer and artist. Generally speaking, however, women are after fine pottery, porcelain and glass, while men are drawn  to  tools,  hunting  and  fishing  gear and sports memorabilia. "There's  not  too  many  guys  dealing  in dishes," said Bailey. "But I don't know a guy who wouldn't want a moose head on his wall." Sue Whitney, editor and founder of Junk Market  Style  magazine,  admits  she searches specifically for those collectibles that appeal to the masculine sex and makes sure they're visible from the window of her shop,  Get  Fresh  Vintage  in  Lanesboro,

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Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158 – 37

‘Tis the season for sharing... germs


How to boost your immune system for the holidays

he hustle and bustle of holiday celebrations will soon be upon us. The office parties are already in full swing and  storefront  windows  are  all decked out in holiday glitz. Your Christmas lights and decorations are up and all that is left to do is entertain family and friends. This time of year can be wonderful, but it also brings a certain amount of stress. The last-minute  shopping,  family  visits,  kids running  around  the  house  and  overcrowded  shopping  centres  is  exhausting just to think about. All  of  that  added  stress  also  can  affect your  immune  system.  Hugs  and  handshakes represent golden opportunities for viruses, parasites and bacteria to join in the spirit of Holiday sharing. You wonder how you will ever make it through the season without catching something. And then you may ask yourself: Can probiotics  really  boost  my  immune  system? The answer is yes. According  to  dietitian  and  nutritionist Annie Jolicoeur, many clinical studies have demonstrated the benefits of probiotics in terms of preventing and treating the common cold, the flu and gastroenteritis.  "Taking  probiotics  reduces  the  severity and  duration  of  symptoms  like  fever, coughing, runny nose, and even diarrhea," explains Jolicoeur. "Therefore, it is recommended that all members of the family take probiotics every day." Jolicoeur  recommends  Probaclac  as  the ideal  solution  since  it  provides  probiotic complexes  that  are  designed  specifically for every age group: children up to the age of 15; adults (can be taken from the age of 15); and older adults (age 50 and up). Maintaining a healthy intestinal flora helps to protect against the penetration of bacteria,  parasites,  and  viruses,  Jolicoeur  advised.  "Did you know that the intestinal mucous membrane acts as the 'cornerstone' of your overall health? Two-thirds of the immunedefence cells in your body are found there.

‘Here we go, SteelerS’ football conteSt winner Connie Hudock of Punxsutawney was one of two entries guessing a total point score of 34 predicting  that the Steelers would defeat the Buffalo Bills.  Both entries guessed a total point score of 34 being  the  closest  to  the  correct  total points of 33. Connie’s was randomly picked from the correct entries to win her $25 gift certificate, which she will redeem at Laska's Pizza. You, too, can be a winner. Clip and complete the coupon appearing inside today to play  Play to win.  Clip, complete, and return the Steelers coupon appearing  in  Hometown  magazine. And,  as  always,  “Here  we  go,  Steelers.”  • • •

Therefore,  your  immune  system  is  enhanced when you take probiotics." Here's a tip: Jolicoeur recommends you start taking probiotics at least two weeks before the holiday season begins, so that your body will be well prepared to ward off the oncoming germ attacks. More information on the benefits of probiotics is available at   • • •

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38 – Hometown Punxsutawney – Holiday 2013 - Issue #158

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2013 SteelerS ScHedule

Continued from previous page

Minn. "Junk," as Whitney proudly puts it, is becoming more acceptable in general. That's why more antique stores are morphing into vintage shops. "I'm very attracted to things that would be in a mantique section of a store," she said. "Mantiques can help take the lacy edge off a feminine look." Male shoppers outnumbered women this one recent afternoon at Hunt and Gather, a mantiquing mecca in Minneapolis. Inside, a silver serving plate held turtle shells for $16 apiece. Baby alligator heads --  teeth  intact  --  were  displayed  neatly across from a basket of old baseball mitts. Wooden water skis hung in the window and a collection of teacups sat atop an old medical stretcher. Turns out some mantiquers have a particular interest in quack medical equipment, such as doctor's kits and anesthesia devices. Lee Fisher, 31, of Minneapolis, was looking  for  a  unique  wedding  gift;  Tamer Schiller, 17, of Minneapolis, hunted down items to display in his college dorm room; and Cory Meyer, 45, of Minneapolis, was prowling for unusual pieces to spruce up his  wholesale  furniture-showroom  displays. "This is the antiquing for the new generation," Meyer said. Veteran mantiquers advise spending with discretion.  Too  much  mantiquing  could earn you a night or two of sleeping on the couch. "Much to my wife's chagrin, I'm usually looking  for  old,  heavy  things,"  said  Jim Kitchen,  45,  of  Woodbury,  Minn.,  who bought  four  lathes  in  one  month.  "I  also have  a  fairly  good-sized  G.I.  Joe  collection." Here's another tip. When scouring for junk with  your  friends,  be  prepared  for  some tough bartering -- both for your rare finds and with the partner in your life. "You have to use judicious foresight in regards to marital bliss," said Kitchen. "Set limits,  because  ideally  you  want  to  stay married." Kitchen has since gotten rid of three of the lathes. But he's holding on to the G.I. Joe collection. (Contact Aimee Blanchette at Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service, • • •

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Sun., Sept. 8........TEnnESSEE ..............16-9L Mon., Sept. 16 Cincinnati ................10-20L Sun., Sept. 22......CHICAGo ..................40-23L Sun., Sept. Minnesota ..............27-34L Sun., oct. 6 ........ByE Sun., oct. 13 New york Jets ........19-6W Sun., oct. 20 ......BALTIMoRE ..............16-19W Sun., oct. 27 oakland ..................18-21L Sun., Nov. 3 New England ..........31-55L Sun., Nov. 10 ......BuFFALo ..................10-23W Sun., Nov. 17 ......DETRoIT ....................37-27W Sun., Nov. 24 Cleveland ................1:00 p.m. Thurs., Nov. 28 Baltimore ................8:30 p.m. Sun., Dec. 8 ........MIAMI ........................1:00 p.m. Sun., Dec. 15 ......CInCInnATI ..............8:30 p.m. Sun., Dec. 22 Green Bay ..............4:25 p.m. Sun., Dec. 29 ......CLEVELAnD ..............1:00 p.m.

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(Editor’s Note: ‘From Our Past,’ researched by S. Thomas Curry, features items of interest from past editions of Punxsutawney and area newspapers.)

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November 21, 1869 — SHOW DAY -  Saturday last being the great day of the season for the circus in this place, is not likely soon to be forgotten. The show, as per bills, was reasonably good. Sabbath  afternoon,  all  was  bustle  on  the Square. The showmen were all busily engaged at work, taking down and packing up the canvass, etc., etc. In the evening a number of the wagons left town. We disapprove of this part of the programme, and think the authorities should put a stop to such proceedings on the Sabbath day, and add this much to the respectability and morality of our town. (Punxsutawney Plaindealer) November 20, 1895 — Next year Punxsutawney will have a boom - providing we get the iron works, and the B. R. & P. [railroad] is extended to Pittsburg, and the street railroad is extended to Adrian, and the pleasure park is constructed, and a market house is built on Market Space. (The Punxsutawney Spirit) December 6, 1893 — The Berwind-White Coal Company, operating mines at Horatio and Anita, posted notices on Thursday of last week of a reduction of 10 per cent. in wages, or 5 cents per ton for mining. The miners have held some meetings to talk the matter over and decide what to do. This company has been the last in this district to make a reduction. The miners are earning no more than what would barely earn the necessities of life. We understand the company will be asked to make reduction in the price of rent, and powder and oil. This reduction would no doubt be a measure of help to relieve the present distress among their men. (Punxsutawney News) December  6,  1907  —  Now  that  winter seems to be on in full blast the migrating of the “knights of the road” has been stopped somewhat. Just where the hoboes winter is a mystery, but it was not many years ago that the coke ovens at Walston sheltered about thirty  the  winter  through.    (The Punxsutawney Spirit) December 8, 1886 — Eight physicians are now in Punxsutawney; surely this ought to be a healthful place. (Valley News) • • •

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