Homotropolis | Issue #2 2017

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LGBTQ+ events during spring and early summer in Copenhagen, Malmรถ and surrounding areas

Copenhagen's role in World OutGames in Miami, a new campaign against homophobia in football and Denmark's first pride stamp.

The guys behind Copenhagen's oldest gay bar, Corrado the cover model and city counselor Tommy Petersen who shares his thoughts on LGBTQ+ health issues.




spring is here ! it's time for chilled drinks, sunglasses, bare legs and holding hands


A look inside 06

Cover boy: Bodies are beautiful The Italian dancer and photo artist, Corrado Di Lorenzo, is gracing the cover of the spring issue. He is following his artistic dreams in MalmĂś as Sweden gives him the freedom to express himself without judgement.


Denmark gets pride stamp The Danish postal service, PostNord, has introduced a new rainbow-colored stamp to highlight the fight for LGBTQ equality and to celebrate diversity.


Historic Copenhagen gay bar turns 100 Centralhjørnet in Copenhagen, one of the world’s oldest gay bars, is celebrating its 100th birthday in style with a fully packed week of entertainment.


Footballers unite against homophobia A united Danish football community is behind a strong and clear message that homophobia is unacceptable and not to be tolerated any longer; a statement that is supported by rainbow visibility at the stadiums.


Around the World Take a trip around the world and get the quick overview of what has been going on for the past few months at an international level.


Op-ed: LGBTQ people's health needs to become a political priority Copenhagen city counselor, Tommy Petersen, gives his say on LGBTQ health issues and how it's time to get it on the political agenda ... for real!

CONTENT Thomas K. Rasmussen (editor in chief) Helle Bjørnstrup Tanya Randstoft M Robin Cook Martin Xaver Dover Tommy Petersen

COVER Model: Corrado Di Lorenzo

PRINT Johansen Grafisk A/S

DISTRIBUTION Homotropolis is a free magazine available at cafés, shops, restaurants, bars and organisations in Copenhagen and Malmö. The magazine is targeted at LGBTQ tourists and citizens in the Greater Copenhagen region. For a complete distribution list please contact crew@homotropolis.com All articles are available online at www.homotropolis.com

HOMOTROPOLIS Issue #2 2017


Dear reader

Welcome to the spring issue of Homotropolis which comes out just as the days are getting longer and the weather is showing signs of summer approaching. For this issue we paid a visit to the legendary gay bar Centralhjørnet on the occasion of their upcoming birthday. Copenhagen’s oldest gay bar is turning 100 years and it will be celebrated in style with a full week of activities and surprises. To think that Copenhagen has one of the oldest gay bars in the world still in existence is something to feel proud about. On the other side of the bridge, Malmö can also take pride in having a newly opened really cosy and stylish gay bar The Red Shoe. In a town with only a few specific LGBTQ venues, the latest addition to the rainbow map is surely welcomed. We have also decided to bring you updates from the battlefield of homophobia in Danish football. To witness national football associations and professional players unite to end homophobia once and for all both on the stadiums as well as in the locker rooms with a new ambitious campaign is heartwarming and promising for the future of inclusion in sports. You will also find a commentary from city counselor Tommy Petersen discussing LGBTQ health, and our transpolitical writing duo, Tanya and Robin, give harsh criticism of the monopoly that the sexological clinic in Copenhagen continues to uphold when it comes to the treatment of transgender people. This and much more is waiting for you inside. We hope you enjoy the content we have selected and we look forward to being back again in August with the annual Pride Issue bringing you everything you need to know about Copenhagen Pride and Malmö Pride. Lots of love from Homotropolis Crew 5

cover boy

Photo: Wilfred Gachau



To most Danes the former US ambassador to Denmark is simply known by his first name, Rufus. During his time in Denmark the ambassador has been the subject of his own reality show, marched in the annual Copenhagen Pride Parade alongside his husband Stephen and attended numerous events and talkshows making more public appearances than any other ambassador ever did, raising the bar for diplomatic visibility. On January 3 the LGBT organisations from Copenhagen got together to organise a farewell reception for the beloved ambassador at the National Museum in order to properly thank him for the commitment and sincere interest in getting involved with the Danish LGBT+ community. The American Embassy even hosted an official pride reception during Copenhagen Pride Week and Lars Henriksen, chairperson of Copenhagen Pride, gave a very emotional speech at the reception on behalf of all organisations involved. “You have - in many ways - taken openness to a new level. There have been gay ambassadors in Denmark before, but your willingness to embrace that side of your personal life and use it to the advantage of us all has been extraordinary. And with openness comes availability and also in that field you have shown us new standards to live by from here on”, said Lars Henriksen, who also underlined that the bonds and friendships created between the Danish LGBT community and both Rufus and Stephen are unique and strong enough to withstand the test of time. “When, in the future, you see a rainbow - please think of us”, he said. Rufus Gifford is one out of many US ambassadors and diplomats who are replaced as a consequence of the Trump administration moving into place on January 20.

Gracing the cover of this issue of Homotropolis is Malmöbased dancer and photo artist Corrado Di Lorenzo. Corrado is originally from Italy, but now considers Malmö his second home. Sweden gives him the freedom to express himself without judgement.

Corrado is 27 years old and an openly gay artist full of passion for both dancing and photography. He grew up in Sicily and later moved to the Bulgarian capital Sofia to pursue his dancing career. But for the last one and a half years he has been living in Malmö where he continues to follow his artistic dreams with great success. “I was working with the National Opera and Ballet in Sofia, when my boyfriend got the opportunity to continue his studies in Sweden, so I decided to follow him and make it an adventure for both of us. And I have to say that I truly have loved Sweden ever since the moment I arrived. Not only is it a beautiful country with great landscapes, but I also love how people have the freedom to express themselves without judgement from society”, Corrado says. Feeding the needs of the soul Although obvious cultural differences between Scandinavia and Southern Europe mean that people are a bit more introvert up here and friendships can take longer to establish, Sweden has managed to find its way to Corrado’s heart. 7

“I was in Italy over the holidays and when I was on my way back to Malmö I realized that I was looking forward to getting back to my second home. I really like living here”. Moving to a new country and a new city obviously also meant a big change artistically — especially since Corrado was used to being in the spotlight on stage back in Bulgaria. “Suddenly I wasn’t involved in any production or show as a dancer any longer, and it was hard for me since I was used to being on stage every week and standing in front of big audiences. I missed expressing my artistic side and felt a need to do something to fill that empty void. This something became photography. It is a way for me to be on my own private stage, and I think that all artists need art to feed the needs of their soul. I have always felt a hunger for photography and discovering it has meant so much to me. So today I am actually grateful for that period when I struggled as a dancer, because it meant I found something else instead”. Bodies are beautiful Being a dancer and an artist in general is very much about giving the audience emotional, beautiful or inspiring experiences. And knowing that your performance moves another person makes it all worth it. “I remember once, at the end of a show, a woman from the audience stopped me and began to tell me how grateful she was to me and the other dancers for the big emotions we gave to her that night. I could see all these emotions reflected in her eyes. I could see our art there”, Corrado explains. The 27-year old artist often expresses himself without too much clothes on, and this is a very deliberate choice.


“I have always loved nudes in general, and also when it comes to art. I find it so natural. It shows us just the way we are and I find that human bodies are really beautiful. So why not use the body to make art?” Corrado coming up While the present mainly revolves around photography for Corrado Di Lorenzo the near future will bring him on stage as well in several upcoming productions. “Right now I am working with Malmö-based choreographer Emma Ribbing, and in the near future I will also work in Copenhagen with choreographer Ingrid Kristensen. Later this year I have a production in Stockholm working with Finnish choreographer and dancer Virpi Pahkinen. I am also working on a solo performance on stage that will involve my work as a photographer too”.

I have always loved nudes in general, and also when it comes to art. I find it so natural. It shows us just the way we are and I find that human bodies are really beautiful. So why not use the body to make art? Corrado Di Lorenzo Cover boy, dancer and photo artist

If you want to stay updated on Corradi Di Lorenzo’s whereabouts and projects you can follow him on Instagram (@omsem_ajr) or check out his Tumblr (omsemajr).

9 9

Denmark gets pride stamp The Danish postal service, PostNord, has introduced a new rainbow-colored stamp to highlight the fight for LGBTQ equality and to celebrate diversity.

In spring 2017 PostNord added the rainbow to their stamp collection thus following in the footsteps of their Swedish division who issued the World's first pride stamp in 2016. The stamp has been issued to acknowledge the fight for equal rights that LGBTQ people have been fighting for decades and to highlight the values of diversity. The stamp which has a rainbow heart on it, also includes keywords related to the pride movement; Inclusion, Tolerance, Equality and Diversity. “The stamp is a strong and clear symbol of all human beings’ equal worth and the strengths that lie in people’s unique differences and characteristics”, said Martin Pingel, Head of Design at PostNord. 10

PostNord has consulted with Copenhagen Pride throughout the creative process in order to make sure that the stamp reflects the core values of the pride movement. “Our vision is to create a world where everyone can love and live freely and in safety, and the rainbow flag has become a symbol of love and the continuous struggle towards equality for all sexualities and gender identities. We are proud to have this stamp introduced in Denmark enabling us to add an extra splash of colour and diversity to the letters in the mailbox”, said Lars Henriksen, chair of Copenhagen Pride. You can buy the stamp for 8 DKK at your local post office or online at postnord.dk.

En hel uges fest 29. maj – 4. juni 2017 Se hele programmet pü www.centralhjornet.dk


Historic Copenhagen gay bar turns 100 Centralhjørnet in Copenhagen, one of the world’s oldest gay bars, is celebrating its 100th birthday in style with a fully packed week of entertainment and a big birthday reception. 12


Since 1917 the legendary pub Centralhjørnet (the Central Corner) has had the same address in Kattesundet in the very heart of Copenhagen. While the last hundred years have seen many pubs open and close again in the Danish capital, the grand old lady of gay Copenhagen is still very much alive and kicking. In week 22, from May 29 to June 4, Centralhjørnet is celebrating its 100th birthday with a big reception on Monday followed by a week full of special events and entertainment. Homotropolis met up with owner Torben Rasmussen and manager Kenny Hoffland to talk about the past, present and future. We are sitting around one of the wooden tables inside what is arguably the world’s oldest gay bar still in existence. Since it’s April, the ceiling, walls and windows are literally covered with Easter decorations in every colour of the rainbow. An abundance of glittered eggs, chicken figurines and spring flowers in every direction you look. “This year we seriously went all in. We never had this much Easter decor before. When the truck arrived the driver unloaded 5 full europallets of decorations”, says Kenny Hoffland who is the daily manager of Centralhjørnet. Always a meeting place for men In Centralhjørnet’s 100 years of history it has always been a place predominantly frequented by men, and private letters show that men were meeting other men here as far back as in the 1930’s.

In the earlier years it was still illegal for men to have sex with men, and of course this is the main reason why there is very little documentation about what went on in here. Torben Rasmussen Owner, Centralhjørnet 14

“In the earlier years it was still illegal for men to have sex with men, and of course this is the main reason why there is very little documentation about what went on in here. Having your photo taken in the wrong place or simply being spotted in a pub like this could be dangerous”, Torben explains. In 1933 sex between adult men were decriminalised in Denmark but it continued to be considered immoral and something that needed to be kept very private. It was widely believed that people could be seduced into homosexuality and public displays of affection were unheard of. “In 1960 soldiers and recruits were banned from coming to Centralhjørnet and three other gay bars in Copenhagen wearing their uniforms because many of them were making extra money or receiving drinks or cigarettes in return for sexual favors”, Kenny adds.

Photo: Sebastián Roblero Arellano

Owner, Torben Rasmussen, is celebrating Centralhjørnet's 100th birthday in May 2017.

Old but not tired Lots of water has flowed under the bridge in the same way that many people have come and gone throughout the years, and it is quite impossible not to admire the simple fact that Centralhjørnet is still standing and doing well. “Centralhjørnet might be very old, but this does not mean that we are getting tired. We might not be first movers when it comes to beverage selection or the latest music, but instead we remain a true classic. A golden oldie”, says Kenny Hoffland with a big smile. In December 2016 a fire on the first floor of the building nearly spread to the pub itself forcing Centralhjørnet to close down for a day in order to clean up the mess after all the smoke. That update which was published on facebook resulted in messages pouring in from around the world.


Photo: Sebastián Roblero Arellano

“Guests from everywhere wrote to us letting us know how terrible it would have been if Centralhjørnet was no longer here. We are in the minds of many people of all ages. It’s like ...this place has just always been here”, says Kenny who has worked at Centralhjørnet for 8 years. Time stands still Even though an extensive renovation has taken place and improvements are continuously carried out, the overall style has not been changed and the priority was always to remain true to the essence of what is Centralhjørnet and to give a sense of timelessness. “We have a clock hanging above the bar without any clock hands. We removed them on purpose, because once you enter Centralhjørnet time is standing still”, says Torben who has been the owner for the last 15 years. “This place was always my favorite bar, so when the former owner Preben died I had no doubts about taking over. I own Centralhjørnet with my brother, but since I am the gay in the family it was natural for me to run it. I believe that a gay bar is best run by a gay person, and I have always loved it here and still do — although I won’t deny that it’s also tough at times. This place is like my sandpit - or my playground. We are never afraid to try out new ideas and we spend quite a lot of money on entertainment, decorations and our annual pride party. I believe it takes money to make money, and you need to be ready to invest and feel your way while being patient since new things or new concepts tend to need some time to catch on”, Torben explains. Welcoming atmosphere One of the trademarks of Centralhjørnet is the friendly and welcoming attitude of both the staff and the many regulars who are always happy to chat with newcomers and tourists who happen to drop in for a beer or two.

Owner, Torben Rasmussen, and the bar manager, Kenny Hoffland by Centralhjørnet's entrance.


“Everybody is welcome here. I believe that diversity is important and we are proud and happy to have a mixed clientele of both straight and gay, young and old — and of every gender. And we never have any trouble here. Our guests are here to have a good time together”, Torben explains.

“And in my experience our regular guests are really good at welcoming new guests. They are always ready to share stories and involve everyone, and there is a sense of pride and joy to be a frequent guest of Centralhjørnet which makes this place very unique. And of course you can always come here as you are. It’s all very casual and down to earth, and many of our guests enjoy that”, says Kenny. 100 years more? Whether it is the world famous decorations, the annual Christmas and Easter lunches or the weekly entertainment on the intimate stage, Centralhjørnet is all about traditions. And there are no signs that any dramatic changes will happen in the next many years to come. “This place is build on traditions and to be honest I believe that Centralhjørnet has become an institution. There can be good years and bad years, but it will never die. There have been gay pubs out there before Centralhjørnet, but they do not exist any longer. To think that this business has survived for 100 years is just amazing, and I honestly can’t see Centralhjørnet close down in my lifetime”, says Kenny.

I believe that diversity is important and we are proud and happy to have a mixed clientele of both straight and gay, young and old — and of every gender Torben Rasmussen Owner, Centralhjørnet

Well neither can we. The grand old lady of Copenhagen is showing no signs of decay or losing its timeless charm. A 100th birthday for a gay bar is still a very rare occasion, and many guests from both Denmark and abroad are expected to pay a visit to Centralhjørnet to congratulate and celebrate the centenarian during the week from May 29 to June 4.

Lunching and dining at café Petersborg

café Petersborg offers a selection of traditional danish dishes at affordable prices.

We´re looking forward to serving you a delicious meal in one of copenhagen’s oldest restaurants. see our menu and opening hours at www.cafe-petersborg.dk.

café Petersborg | bredgade 76 | 1260 København | 3312 5016





Enjoy off everything at Panduro from 17 July – 1 August when you show your Copenhagen Pride Support Wristband. Beautiful fabrics in every colour of the rainbow. Width 145 cm.

PS! Buy your wristband in 4 of our stores: • Frederiksbergcentret • Nørre Farimagsgade 74 • Fisketorvet • Field’s

Follow Panduro Hobby Denmark at:




Pride n e g a h en pport Cop Proud to su

Footballers unite against Homophobia

A united Danish football community is behind a strong and clear message that homophobia is unacceptable and not to be tolerated any longer.

A campaign launched by The Danish Football Players' Association, The Danish Football Association (DBU) and the Division Association with the purpose of finally kicking homophobia out of football in Denmark has gotten off to a great start with rainbow colours visible in the stadium. “We are proud of the support we are receiving in the fight against homophobia. It is a strong message and a clear sign to everyone within the football communities that homophobia is still existing and it needs to be taken seriously”, said footballer Mathias Zanka Jørgensen who is also a board member of The Danish Football Players' Association. The campaign against homophobia will keep going throughout the next 6 months and involves various activities and events.


Photo: Fodboldbilleder.dk

Footballer Mathias “Zanka” Jørgensen has brought back homophobia to the agenda.

In late April players of the Danish Superliga were wearing rainbow coloured captain’s armbands and marched on to the football field holding rainbow flags. More and bigger happenings are planned during summer and the football community will also take part in both Aarhus Pride and Copenhagen Pride Week. “It is of great importance that we unite against homophobia and we would like to get both coaches, players, referees, fans and volunteers involved in this, so that we as a united Danish football community can stand up strong against homophobia”, said Claus Bretton-Meyer, CEO at The Danish Football Association.


The serious issue of homophobia in football was initially brought up by FC Copenhagen football player Mathias Zanka Jørgensen in December 2016, and he has since been a frontrunner on the issue and has also put himself in front of the current campaign. What makes this campaign unique is that both players and associations stand united.

Claus Bretton-Meyer CEO at The Danish Football Association

Photo: Fodboldbilleder.dk

“It has been important for us players that the challenges of homophobia are being acknowledged and taken seriously in Danish football. It is essential that all stakeholders take action and support the campaign so we can make a real change and create an environment in which homophobia is in no way tolerated�.

It is of great importance that we unite against homophobia and we would like to get both coaches, players, referees, fans and volunteers involved in this, so that we as a united Danish football community can stand up strong against homophobia


Copenhagen Pride crowdfunds 30K for Rainbow Flagpole It took Copenhagen Pride less than 20 hours to crowdfund 30,000 DKK for a new flagpole meant to celebrate diversity at the Rainbow Square (Regnbuepladsen) in Copenhagen.

we've initiated the fundraising campaign to be able to raise the rainbow flag at the Rainbow Square as soon as possible”, Copenhagen Pride stated and continued:

In early April Copenhagen Pride initiated a fundraising campaign asking the public for help to crowdfund 30,000 DKK for a new flagpole at the Rainbow Square in Copenhagen that will wave the rainbow flag year round celebrating diversity in Copenhagen. The target was set to 30,000 DKK and less than 20 hours after the campaign was launched they had reached the set target.

”The City of Copenhagen has given us the permit for the new flag pole and informed us that they will maintain it if we succeed in raising 30,000 DKK for the flag and flagpole”.

”Copenhagen Pride believes that Copenhagen deserves a permanent symbol of diversity in the public space thus

The new flagpole will be installed at the Rainbow Square in Copenhagen just across the City Hall Square. The flagpole will wave it's first rainbow flag on 7 May where Lars Henriksen, Chair of Copenhagen Pride, and Morten Kabell from the City of Copenhagen will be speaking. 23





Know your way around Copenhagen & Malmรถ

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6. MASKEN BAR Studiestræde 33 1455 Copenhagen maskenbar.dk 7. MEN´S BAR Teglgårdsstræde 3 1452 Copenhagen mensbar.dk 8. MY FAIR LADIES Mikkel Bryggers Gade 11 1460 Copenhagen facebook.com/myfairladiescph 9. never mind bar Nørrevoldgade 2 1358 Copenhagen nevermindbar.dK






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5. KISS KISS BAR & CAFÉ Studiestræde 41 1455 Copenhagen kisskissgayclub.dk




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3. G*A*Y COPENHAGEN Vester Voldgade 10 1552 Copenhagen facebook.com/CopenhagenGAY




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10. OSCAR BAR CAFÉ Regnbuepladsen 7 1550 Copenhagen Oscarbarcafe.dk 11. VELA Viktoriagade 2 1655 Copenhagen velagayclub.dk


CRUISING 20. Ørstedsparken Nørrevoldgade 1 1358 Copenhagen

14. KAFÉ KNUD Skindergade 21 1159 Copenhagen kafeknud.dk 10. OSCAR BAR CAFÉ Regnbuepladsen 7 1550 Copenhagen Oscarbarcafe.dk 15. restaurant kronborg Brolæggerstræde 12 1211 Copenhagen restaurantkronborg.dk

SHOPPING 16. HOMOWARE Larsbjørnsstræde 11 1454 Copenhagen homoware.dk 17. MEN´S SHOP Viktoriagade 24 1655 Copenhagen mensshop.dk

theatre & events Bøssehuset Mælkevejen 69D 1440 Copenhagen boessehuset.dk 21. Warehouse9 Halmtorvet 11C 1700 Copenhagen warehouse9.dk


information 22. Checkpoint København Vestergade 18e, 4 1210 Copenhagen aidsfondet.dk/hivtest 23. Copenhagen Pride Knabrostræde 20, st 1210 Copenhagen copenhagenpride.dk


Please visit Copenhagen Pride Headquarters located in the heart of Copenhagen for more information about what our beautiful city has to offer. We´re nice and offer free coffee and wifi. Visit copenhagenpride.dk for more information.



18. AMIGO SAUNA Studiestræde 31 1455 Copenhagen amigo-sauna.dk

Do you belong on one of our maps? Please contact us at crew@homotropolis.com to get a spot on the LGBTQ city map of Copenhagen and Malmö.

BODY BIO Kingosgade 7 1623 Copenhagen bodybio.dk 19. SLM COPENHAGEN Lavendelstræde 17 1462 Copenhagen slm-cph.dk


13. JAILHOUSE RESTAURANT Studiestræde 12 1455 Copenhagen jailhousecph.dk


CAFEs & RESTAURANTS 12. cock’s & cows Sankt Peders Stræde 38 1453 Copenhagen cocksandcows.dk


BARS & NIGHTLIFE 1. BEE BAR Södra Förstadsgatan 36 211 43 Malmö beebar.se 2. Red Shoe Drottninggatan 36 211 41 Malmö redshoe.se WONK

4 c inkatlas.com, OpenStreetMap contributors. Skeppsbron Map data April 18, 2016. 1:14400 (1 cm = 0.14 211 20 Malmö wonk.se




stretch relax get social Copenhagen offers yoga practice in all the colors of the rainbow — from beginners to advanced.

If you didn't already know it, stretching, relaxing and strengthening your body through the practice of yoga for members of the LGBTQ community is an option in Copenhagen. The name of the place is YogaLife and in this issue of Homotropolis we dig a little bit deeper into how and why a place like YogaLife is important to the LGBTQ community.

community in Copenhagen. I've been teaching the art of yoga ever since to contribute to the LGBTQ community — and I really like it”, Michael says when asked about the founding of YogaLife.

By creating a safe space for physical training, health and relaxation through the art of yoga, the founder of YogaLife, Michael Heino Christensen, has managed to build up a solid group of students by offering lessons and inspiration in the wide aspect of yoga.

“My own journey of working with the mind and body through the Ashtanga Yoga began in 2002. Since then I have practiced Ashtanga Yoga daily under great inspiration and guidance from Susanna Finocchi and I've participated in workshops with Lino Miele in Copenhagen, Rome and India. I've also participated in workshops with Paul Dallaghan who has a strong focus on pranayama and chakras”.

“Back in 2010 I started teaching in Pan Idræt where I founded Pan Ashtanga Yoga and 4 years later I took it a step further by founding YogaLife as a part of the LGBTQ

Michael Heino Christensen has been teaching Ashtanga yoga since 2007 and teach all levels — from beginners to advanced practitioners.


Some people may ask themselves why there is a need to segment yoga or other types of sports into certain communities such as the LGBTQ community and Michael has a clear answer to that question:

While the core values of YogaLife is to offer qualified education in the aspects of yoga, we also create a social community for LGBTQ people and make room for everyone. The students in YogaLife get qualified education, selfdevelopment of a health perspective and a community to share it in – and that is important. Besides the practice of yoga, social life is highly valued in

YogaLife through yearly retreats for the students where yoga is combined with a social gathering such as dining together. YogaLife also attend Copenhagen Yoga Festival, Copenhagen Pride Parade and other events suitable for the group. Want to know more? Normally 5-15 people are attending the weekly classes and YogaLife is offering 2 beginner classes and 2 advanced classes per week. English speakers are welcome. The monthly membership fee is 115 DKK, which runs until you terminate your payment. The fee is covering two weekly classes. To join YogaLife sign up on www.yogalife.dk or find Yoga LGBT København on Facebook for more information.


Photo: Microgen/Shutterstock.com

Copenhagen takes over Miami Beach at World OutGames 30

Happy Copenhagen is ready to represent Copenhagen and market Copenhagen 2021 at this year’s World OutGames in Miami. And with an awesome line-up of Danish performers and a whole new visual identity they are ready to impress the many guests expected to visit World OutGames. Miami Beach will play host to World OutGames from 26 May to 4 June. As official Partner OutCity, Copenhagen will be a large part of the event’s cultural pillar with stage shows, receptions, pop-up events, parties and the historic training vessel Georg Stage moored in the harbor of Miami Beach adorned with rainbow flags. "As Copenhagen is bidding to host WorldPride and EuroGames in 2021, the City of Copenhagen thought it was a good idea to use World OutGames as a venue to market Greater Copenhagen as well as our bids for the two events at the same time", says Lars Christian Østergreen, managing director at Happy Copenhagen. The organizers of World OutGames originally planned for 15,000 participants, and although they may not hit that goal entirely, thousands of people from all over the world will still take part in the event. Awesome performers "We believe our presence as Partner OutCity will help strengthen the brand of Copenhagen as an openminded city and a champion of LGBTQ equality", says Lars Christian Østergreen. "And we are happy to bring along an incredible line-up of performers to impress the thousands of visitors and participants". 31


The line-up includes Di Di Cancerella, Harley Queen, Megan Moore, Tinus De Schunard, Bryan Rice & Mads Enggaard, DJ Entree, Ashibah, Borneland, DJ Tonny Liljenberg, DJ Witzansky, Michiel Tange van Leeuwen and Peter Rude Torp. These performers will be having a combined stage presence of 16 hours and take part in the opening and closing ceremonies of World OutGames as well as the receptions and parties hosted by Copenhagen. Georg Stage waves the rainbow flag As a once in a lifetime experience, the historic training vessel Georg Stage will be moored in the nearby harbor to sport a deck decorated with rainbow flags. "It will be a magnificent venue for the VIP reception that Copenhagen will host", says Lars Christian Østergreen. The ship crew will also be hosting on-board lectures on the history of the ship and Danish maritime history. Visitors can also do a podcast-walk from the most recent exhibition at the Danish Maritime Museum in Elsinore. Free of charge and open for all. Dressed to impress With the new logo and brand identity of Copenhagen 2021 having recently been revealed, World OutGames in Miami is the perfect occasion to present this for a larger audience. "We will truly be dressed to impress with our new logo and visual identity. Hopefully, this will make the Copenhagen presence stand out visually and make people take note of the Copenhagen bids to host WorldPride and EuroGames", says Lars Christian Østergreen.


We believe our presence as Partner OutCity will help strengthen the brand of Copenhagen as an open-minded city and a champion of LGBTQ equality Lars Christian Østergreen Managing Director, Happy Copenhagen

Mural and photo by Eny Roland Hernández Javier


added to the Danish Dictionary

The Danish Dictionary recently added 881 new entries. One of them is “bøsserøv”, the Danish word for faggot. The national organisation LGBT Denmark thinks it is a good decision.

The latest update of the official Danish Dictionary in April includes the derogatory word bøsserøv , the Danish equivalent to faggot. “I think it is fine that this word is now added. It is a commonly used word and it is important that we don’t hide it away”, said Søren Laursen, chair of LGBT Danmark, in Danish newspaper Politiken and added: “I would also like to take the opportunity to say that yes, the word is here,

and it is used so much that it now finds its way into the dictionary. It is a sign that something is very wrong in society when a swear word which refers to sexual orientation can be so widespread and commonly used that it ends up in our dictionary”. Bøsserøv is just one of 881 new entries to the Danish Dictionary which were added in April as part of a greater effort over the next year to update the dictionary with a lot of new commonly used words and phrases.

34 Copenhagen Main Library, Krystalgade 15, 1172 Copenhagen, DK

Join us when Talk Town takes place for the second time: Exiting debates, concerts, film-screenings, performances and workshops about gender, equality and feminism. Free entrance. More information on talktown.dk.

FROM 18.05 - 20.05 Copenhagen Main Library

Talk Town 2017

Amager Strandpark - Helgoland, Amager Strandvej 55, 2300 Copenhagen, DK

LGBT Danmark hosts the yearly St. John's Eve bonfire on the beach where members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies gather for picnics and drinks. Take the metro to Ă˜resund St. and walk to the beach.

FRIDAY 23.06 / 17:00 Amager Strandpark


10 things to do


outdoor parties Culture

For more information find the event Experiri Extravaganza: Queer Ball on Facebook.

Experiri Extravaganza presents the first series of Queer Ball bringing a space for exploring happeningperformances, live music, art installation exhibitions and more with a queer theme this time.

FRIDAY 09.06 / 22:00 - 04:00 Location TBA

Queer Ball

Gaystortion, Flensborggade, 1669 Copenhagen, DK

The annual Distortion week will turn the streets of Copenhagen into loud and proud party zones and on Thursday Copenhagen Pride hosts their rainbow-themed street party like years before.

THURSDAY 01.06 / 16:00 - 22:00 Flensborggade


Warehouse9, Halmtorvet 11C, 1711 Copenhagen, DK

drag shows

Queer Bar and Totentanz present a selection of dark romanticism and bleak hedonism, when bands Winter Severity Index, Transfigure, Burning Pyre and Kold Front takes the stage at Warehouse9, followed by an all night afterparty.

FRIDAY 12.05 / 21:00 - 05:00 Warehouse9


DR Koncerthuset, Ørestads Boulevard 13, 2300 Copenhagen, DK

Your favorite queens from RuPaul’s Drag Race: Detox, Kim Chi, Latrice Royale, Shangela, Violet Chachki plus Season 9's Aja and Trinity Taylor. Hosted by Michelle Visage. Tickets from 300 DKK at billetlugen.dk

SUNDAY 04.06 / 21:00 DR Koncerthuset


Officerspladsen, Vester Allé 3, 8000 Aarhus C, DK

Join a celebration of diversity in the Aarhus by marching the pride parade through central Aarhus finishing at Officerspladsen where th e Pride Show offers concerts, performances and speeches.

SATURDAY 03.06 / 12:00 Officerspladsen

AARHUS PRIDE nearby prides LIVE

Tivoli - Plænen, Vesterbrogade 3, 1630 Copenhagen, DK

Unleash your inner disco queen for this Friday night in Tivoli where legendary disco band Chic will be on stage to perform unforgettable floor fillers such as Le Freak, Good Times, I Want Your Love and Everybody Dance.

FRIDAY 09.06 / 22:00 Tivoli

Chic feat. Nile Rodgers

Lille VEGA, Enghavevej 40, 1674 Copenhagen, DK

Draghouse is back in Lille VEGA in Vesterbro for another night full of carefully selected drag queens performing on stage. Doors at 20:00 and show start at 21:00. For more information: facebook. com/draghousecph.

SATURDAY 17.06 / 21:00 - 23:00 DragHouse


Lundagård, Kyrkogatan 15, 222 22 Lund, SE

LundaPride takes over Lund for 3 days celebrating the LGBTQIA+ people, diversity and pride. Enjoy performances on the stage at Pride Park and not least the parade on 20. May. More info on stoltilund.se/lundapride

FROM 19.05 - 21.05 Pride Park, Lundagård


Red Shoe New gay bar in Malmö

Malmö’s latest addition to the gay scene is a breath of fresh air in a city with few LGBTQ options. Red Shoe has opened up with flying rainbow colours and whether you feel like a cocktail, some chatting or dancing or even a plate of Moules Frites this intimate new bar delivers.

Photo: Restaurant & event manager at Malmö's new gay bar, Joe Cederholm. Joe also manages another popular gay club in Malmö; WONK. 36

New gay bars are not exactly popping up often in Malmö, so the grand opening of Red Shoe in Drottninggatan was highly anticipated and received a great deal of well-deserved attention when the doors finally opened up on in early spring. “The opening went really well and even exceeded our expectations, and Red Shoe has gotten off to a great start. I am so happy to see and feel the positive response from our guests”, says restaurant & event manager Joe Cederholm who is also the tireless man behind Malmö’s legendary gay club WONK. While Red Shoe has only 16 seats and a tiny private VIP area, the ideas and ambitions are everything but small and the size of the bar means an intimate setting and a very cosy and warm atmosphere. The fresh design takes your mind to a bar in Brooklyn, New York. Clean walls of cement and a bright red glass bar along with unique artworks, great interior design, a small dancefloor and very welcoming bartenders who sure know how to shake their cocktails, are all parts of why Red Shoe looks like a success that will hopefully manage to remain and establish itself as the must-visit rainbow hangout in Malmö. Red Shoe is open daily from Wednesday through Sunday and the address is Drottninggatan 36. More info on www.redshoe.se.

Photo: Bartender at Malmö's new gay bar, Red Shoe


Around the world USA / Creator of the Rainbow Flag dies The founding father of the rainbow flag known as a symbol of pride passed away in late spring. His name was Gilbert Baker – an American LGBTQ activist and artist who designed the rainbow flag back in 1978.

Photo via Instagram

USA / RuPaul gets hitched

The host of RuPaul's Drag Race, RuPaul Andre Charles, revealed on an appearance in the TV show Hollywood Today Live, that he married his longterm partner, Georges LeBar. RuPaul and Georges have been together for 23 years and state: "We never wanted to do it, we've been looking into it really for tax breaks and for financial things". They got married in early 2017, but didn't make it public until late spring.


Gilbert Baker raised the very first rainbow flag at San Francisco Pride (USA) in 1978. Back then the flag consisted of 8 colors which is now narrowed down to 6.

The Falkland Islands / Full marriage equality The Falkland Islands recently passed a historic legislation legalising same-sex marriage. The Legislative Assembly took the new legislation for a vote after af public consultation showing that 90 percent of local respondents were in favour of samesex marriage. The new legislation passed with seven votes in favour and one against making full marriage equality a reality at the Falkland Islands.

Netherlands / Dutch officials hold hands in LGBTQ Solidarity

Dutch officials including cops, politicians and businessmen walked the streets hand in hand to raise awareness of a gay couple who was brutally attacked with bolt cutters for doing just that; holding hands. The solidarity trend with the hashtag #allemannenhandinhand (all men hand in hand ) was kicked off by Dutch journalist, Barbara Berend. She called for all Dutch men to hold hands in public to show support for the victims who got attacked in the city of Arnhem in early April.

India / First trans sporting event at state level Numerous sporting events for trans sports people took place in Palayam Central Stadium in South India in the end of April 2017. The event was organised by Kerala State Sports Council and was the first sporting event for trans people at a state level in India. The participants competed in a number of disciplines.

Chechnya / Gay concentration camps 100+ men presumed to be gay have been detained and tortured in concentration camps in the Russian republic Chechnya. A minimum of 3 men have been killed by local authorities in what is referred to as a systematic LGBT �purge�. The news were revealed by the leading Russian opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta, but Russian and Chechnya authorities deny to have any knowledge about the incidents. The news have gained huge international attention and human rights groups such as Amnesty is urging the Russian government to initiate an investigation and percecute the perpetrators in accordance with international legal standards.

Australia / UK helping same-sex couples to marry The British High Commission is helping same-sex couples to marry down under, even though equal marriage is still not a reality in Australia. The British High Commission is allowing same-sex couples to marry on British consulate grounds as long as one of the couple is a British citizen. More than a hundred couples have been married on British soil in Australia so far.


LGBTQ people's health needs to become a political priority Tommy Petersen Copenhagen city counselor

40Diana Lindbjerg Photo:


By Copenhagen city counselor Tommy Petersen

If we want to get serious about improving the living conditions of LGBTQ people we need to realise that this group faces unique challenges due to the characteristics of their minority and the way they are treated by society. Back in the 80's, the Danish government launched a big and nationwide campaign on HIV-prevention, encouraging people to use condoms through humorous ads on the television and in magasines. They had everybody imitating the particular wizzled melody at the end of the ad to signal that you should put a rubber on it.

Generally in society, we are moving towards the recognition that mental health issues are just as important as physical ones. However, when it comes to health issues faced by LGBTQ people, one of the most at risk groups in the country, there is no recognition of the specific issues faced by this group and no longer any momentum to act.

Throughout the years there has been a massive focus on the prevention of HIV. In Copenhagen, we established a testing facility and initiated the distribution of free condoms to LGBTQ bars and clubs. LGBTQ organisations received funding to help inform and create a space for LGBTQ people to meet and organise political input, activities, etc. However, prevention was always on physical health, and for the most part only focused on HIV prevention.

Nowadays, from left to right, politicians seem to suddenly be all about 'individual responsibility'. 'We're going backwards', said one public official to me after City Hall decided to cut funding of the distribution of condoms to LGBTQ bars and clubs. And despite several attempts to salvage the funding and to start a discussion on a specific and targeted LGBTQ health policy, politicians from left and right have come out against it.

But LGBTQ health is about much more than HIV testing. Research on the physical and mental health of LGBTQ people, which I commissioned from the Copenhagen City Hall, shows us that LGBTQ people face big challenges in overcoming mental health issues as well as physical ones. As a matter of fact, LGBTQ people score much higher on indicators of mental and physical health issues than the rest of the population. Twice as many LGBTQ people have thought about suicide within the last twelve months, while the number of attempted suicides are four times higher for members of the LGBTQ community than that of the general population. We smoke more, we drink more, we do more drugs, we have a lower bodyweight, we experience more physical pains, young gays and lesbians have much more sex and with more partners, while LGBTQ people over 60 have much less sex. Gay men are much more likely to get in contact with health professionals, bisesexuals are more likely to binge drink, to have less contact with families and to be unwillingly alone. Transpersons are most at risk experiencing a high level of stress, mental health issues and feelings of being isolated.

This is depressing. We have so much data on the health situation of LGBTQ people, and we even have comparative data from 2000 which proves that there is no progress. The situation is not improving and no one can say this is not a minority issue. And yet, the political majority do not want to tailor any efforts towards this segment. If we want to get serious about improving the living conditions of LGBTQ people we need to realise that this group does in fact face unique challenges due to the specifics of their minority and the way they are treated by society. And we need to act now if we want to do something about this inequality in health. This inequality, that has its roots in our childhood experiences from kindergarten, school, highschool, etc, will require a targeted strategy on several levels focusing on both prevention, working in particular with our young LGBTQ people, as well as information and treatment. But to do so will require a political focus. And until that exists, LGBTQ-people will continue to bear the consequences. Some with their lives. 41

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the majority

s p eaks Denmark through the eyes of a transgender couple

SK (sexological clinic) claims to be the "best" qualified team of physicians to treat trans people in Denmark. They are so adamant in this belief that they insist they should, in fact, be the only doctors legally allowed to treat us, and currently they are. Let's examine their claims. Like anyone seeking medical intervention for a health-related concern, we do, in fact, desire access to the finest treatment available, by the finest physicians available. If SK could prove they are the absolute best at what they do, and that any treatment option which does not include them would, in fact, be deleterious to our treatment outcomes, that might go a long way toward convincing many of us that we are in the best hands with them. We do not, however, believe that to be the case. Let's examine their claims closely, and see if they are, in fact, what they purport to be. Two kinds of mental illness They have years of experience treating trans people thought to be mentally ill. They have, in fact, treated a whopping


Tanya and Robin are our dynamic writing duo and in every issue of Homotropolis they will zoom in on current trans issues in Denmark.

104 such trans persons between 1978-2010. We are willing to concede that they are the resident experts on treating the unfortunates who suffer from the “disease” of trans. But since, as it turns out, there is no such disease, they really no longer have a patient base, do they? We must remember that there are two kinds of mental illness which one may associate with being transgender. One derives from calling the condition itself a mental illness. It is not. We settled that argument when the condition was recently changed in the Danish National Health Classification System (SKS) to reflect this new way of thinking. We’re not alone. The Americans also settled the issue for themselves in 2016 when the APA released the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-V), removing the word “disorder” from trans nomenclature. The WHO is in the process of trying to make a similar change. They are, in fact, caught up in a nasty argument with opponents of the move like the Saudis and the Russians, who also, by the way, are proponents of imprisoning or executing us, hardly the kind of thinking with which we should ally ourselves, no matter how much SK seems to wish us living in the dark ages. The matter is settled. Let’s move on. 43


Fighting a war The other type(s) of mental illness are those which arise from living a trans existence in a world that treats us like pariahs. For instance, being a soldier is not a mental illness, but expose that same soldier to the insanity of war and mental illness (usually PTSD) often does ensue. Trans persons also fight a war with hatred, transphobia and prejudice every time they venture outside their door. They fight these battles with everyone from their families to complete strangers, and often the very medical professionals charged with their treatment. It’s little wonder that these conditions can lead to concurrent instances of mental illness. It’s amazing it does not happen more, but make no mistake, it doesn’t. While it’s true that the obstacles we face as trans persons can lead to battles with mental illness (most often depression and anxiety), it’s just as often true that we find immense strength in our experiences. Many of us go on, at least in other countries, to become therapists ourselves. Professor of Communications Studies at Roskilde University, Dr. Tobias Raun, noted in a recent paper that, “The higher prevalence of psychiatric problems among trans people might not be strange at all considering the amount of social, cultural and work exclusion and discrimination” (our trans. from Danish). And when we do choose to seek psychiatric help with our transitions, we are perfectly capable of making that decision and choosing a therapist for ourselves. Further, Sexological Clinic (SK) is the supposedly “foremost” publisher of transgender research in Denmark, a lofty claim indeed. Well, actually, one of their doctoral candidates, Rikke Kildevæld Simonsen, published a paper on the subject of “Long-term follow-up of individuals undergoing sex reassignment surgery: Psychiatric morbidity and mortality.” The paper materialized after a number of Danish politicians questioned the fact that these “experts” in trans health care hadn’t published anything in 30 years. The paper, which relies on a problematically small study sample, drawn from SK’s own patient base (remember those 104 trans persons?), and without any control group, calls into question the efficacy of treating trans persons without once questioning SK’s own treatment practices. Simonsen was awarded her doctorate at a dissertation defense trans activist Laura Mølgaard Tams labelled an “academic coffee club chat about dead trans people.” 44

Being a soldier is not a mental illness, but expose that same soldier to the insanity of war and mental illness (usually PTSD) often does ensue. Trans persons also fight a war with hatred, transphobia and prejudice every time they venture outside their door. Don’t we deserve the best care? As long as no one else can treat us, SK are the only ones who can. Imagine the public outcry if such a legal arrangement were imposed upon Danish cardiologists or oncologists? Imagine a woman with stage IV liver cancer being told that there is one small group of physicians from which she is legally allowed to choose, that in fact they have already been chosen for her with no other options legally available. And we cannot afford to be naïve here, for while it is true that transgender persons do not suffer from an illness, it is also true that serious medical interventions (SK labels them “cosmetic” surgeries, as if these procedures are no more critical than the average tummy tuck) are sometimes required to bring a trans person’s body and mind into balance with their perceived gender. Don’t we deserve the best medical care available and to make those choices for ourselves, like those who seek any other type of medical help? Them versus us Recently a conference was held in which SK invited the most conservative doctors from other countries they could find to

convince the most conservative Danish politicians that one, trans persons are still mentally ill (haven’t we been down this road, though?), and, two, they know the best ways to treat a bunch of mentally ill trans folk. Few there would question such tactics from a progressive standpoint since they didn’t invite any progressive medical professionals or politicians to their little get together. They could have invited a few progressive Danish physicians at the suggestion of Transpolitical Forum, but apparently, all those doctors are currently under investigation for treatment of trans persons outside the purview of SK. Of course, SK are not only the instigators of those investigations, but they are considered the foremost experts in gender- and sexuality-related matters when the Danish Health Department seeks to make rulings in such matters. It seems a series of rather disingenuous moves for professionals so “confident” in their superiority. We called to ask them if they have thoughts on this, and were assured they had “no comment” about, well, anything. The woman who answered the phone assured me that she wasn’t allowed to comment, and refused to connect me to anyone who was. 45

The progressive-minded trans persons from the local activist communities they did invite are understood (at least by SK) to be in the minority and, therefore, unqualified to have their opinion taken seriously. One of those local activists was well-known vlogger, Niels Jansen, who noted with a nod to one supposed “expert’s” ineptitude, “It was hard to attend emotionally. The invited doctors were all speaking from their prepared slides; one of them started by defining that a trans woman was a person identified as woman by birth and transitioning into becoming a man (our emphasis) while the others were using a lot of their time arguing against [on-demand] legal gender change.” He continues, “There was this odd feeling of them vs. us throughout the conference. The doctors who were invited by SK were speaking first and were given ample time to speak, while there was no time for questions. The trans organizations were then given the little remainder of time divvied up between their speakers and the question and answers section. So, when it came to questioning the SK argument, the time was spent and they closed the conference without having had to defend their arguments.” Amnesty International (AI) was invited as well, though under protest by SK. SK Chief Psychiatrist, Dr. Birthe Smidt, noted that the invitation was due to pressure from AI’s 2014 report on “human rights violations against trans people in the Danish health system.” Tams called it “a shocking but at least honest assessment from a clinic that should have done much more to cooperate with the Danish trans community long before [AI] became involved” (our trans. from Danish). A recent landmark U.S. survey of the trans population reports that around 1.5% of the population is transgender. That means there are around 82,500 trans persons in Denmark. SK treats, on average, 3.5 per year. When legal, on-demand gender change took effect September 1, 2014, 350 applicants showed up on the first day. That’s 100 times more of this at-risk population than SK is equipped to treat, even if they are the best equipped to treat them, and they simply aren’t. What happens to everyone else? Does SK care, and how does that sit with their claims that they “speak for the silent majority?” 46

There was this odd feeling of them vs. us throughout the conference. Niels Jansen vlogger & trans activist

READY FOR THE SUMMER? Homoware Larsbjørnsstræde 11 DK-1454 Copenhagen K

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spring is here ! it's time for chilled drinks, sunglasses, bare legs and holding hands

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