香港藝術中心流動影像節目「極品廣告片」呈獻最新本地和海外入圍及得獎之廣告佳作。本屆極品來自香港、泰國、日本、南韓及歐美等,破格神作抵死爆 seed,無可挑機的唯美影音令人目眩神迷,機智超凡的創意啟發命運在我手的勇氣和活力!
廣告人如何跟對象搭橋到岸?我們邀得本地獨立廣告及娛樂公司Sunny Idea三位足智多謀、敢於創新的廣告人,分享如何將廣告、娛樂及內容行銷結合得渾然天成,與大衆溝通。出色的視聽之娛,啟發無限夢想!
Art of Commercials, one of the most popular signature moving image programmes of the Hong Kong Arts Centre, brings local and overseas award nominated and winning commercials to Hong Kong! Fascinating works from Hong Kong, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Europe and the Americas will land on our cinema. There are eye-popping ideas to blow your mind, impeccable sights and sounds to dazzle your senses, pitch-perfect wit and smart to make you brave!
How do advertising creatives break their way through to reach the audience? Three smart and slick advertisers from Sunny Idea, a refreshing independent entertainment and creative solutions company will share their bright ideas with us, and tell us how they merge advertising, entertainment and content effectively to stay sound and relevant.