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Gianguan Auctions


紐約貞觀國際拍賣公司 中华瑰宝圣诞新年拍卖会

拍卖日期: 2019年12月16日 星期一 下午6 时: 玉器 。名人书画 。瓷器 。青铜器 。文玩 预展日期: 12月7日 星期六 – 12月15日 星期日 (早上10 时 - 晚上7 时) 12月16日 星期一 (早上10 时 - 晚上5 时)


6 pm: Jade 。Chinese Paintings 。Ceramics 。Bronze 。Works of Art Preview: Sat. Dec.7- Sun. Dec. 15 (10 am - 7 pm) Mon. Dec. 16 (10 am - 5 pm) 拍卖咨询 Enquiries for this Sale

212 867-7288 212 867-9388 Fax: 212 867-9818 39 West 56th St. New York, NY 10019. 纽约市曼哈顿西56街39号 (五、六大道间) Email:



Neolithic Period

6500-1700 Century B.C.


502 - 557

宣德 Xuande

1425 - 1435


557 - 589

正统 Zhengtong

1436 - 1449

景泰 Jingtai

1450 - 1456

386 - 535

天顺 Tianshun

1457 - 1464

东魏 Eastern Wei

534 - 550

成化 Chenghua

1465 - 1487

西魏 Western Wei

535 - 557

弘治 Hongzhi

1488 - 1505

北齐 Northern Qi

550 - 557

正德 Zhengde

1506 - 1521

北周 Northern Zhou

557 - 581

嘉靖 Jiajing

1522 - 1566

隆庆 Longqing

1567 - 1572

万历 Wanli

1573 - 1619

北朝 Xia Dynasty

21st - 16th Century B.C. Shang Dynasty

16th - 11th Century B.C. Zhou Dynasty

11th Century - 256 B.C.

11th C.- 771 B.C.

东周 Eastern Zhou Dynasty

770 - 256 B.C.

春秋 Spring and Autumn Period 770 - 476 B.C. 战国 Warring States Period

Tang Dynasty

475 - 221 B.C.

Qin Dynasty

Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 220 A.D. 西汉 Western Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 8 A.D.

王莽新 Xin

9 - 23 A.D.

东汉 Eastern Han Dynasty

25 - 220 A.D.

Five Dynasties

1628 - 1644

1644 - 1911 顺治 Shunzhi

1644 - 1661

康熙 Kangxi

1662 - 1722

后唐 Later Tang

923 - 936

雍正 Yongzheng

1723 - 1735

后晋 Later Jin

936 - 946

乾隆 Qianlong

1736 - 1795

后汉 Later Han

947 - 950

嘉庆 Jiaqing

1796 - 1820

后周 Later Zhou

951 - 960

道光 Daoguang

1821 - 1850

咸丰 Xianfeng

1851 - 1861

同治 Tongzhi

1862 - 1874

光绪 Guangxu

1875 - 1908

宣统 Xuantong

1909 - 1911

Liao Dynasty

Song Dynasty


220 - 265

960 - 1279


221 - 263

北宋 Northern Song Dynasty

960 - 1127


229 - 280

南宋 Southern Song Dynasty

1127 - 1279


Jin Dynasty

265 - 420 西晋

Eastern Jin

1915 - 1916

265 - 316


304 - 439

317 - 420

1279- 1371

Yuan Dynasty

Ming Dynasty

Southern and Northern Dynasties

1368 - 1644


洪武 Hongwu

1368 -1398

建文 Jianwen

1399 - 1402

Southern Dynasties

People’s Republic of China 1949 -



Hongxian (Yuan Shikai)

1115 - 1234

Western Jin

十六国 Sixteen Kingdoms 东晋

Jin Dynasty

Republic of China

1912 - 1949 洪宪

Qing Dynasty

907 - 923

Three Kingdoms

220 - 280

崇祯 Chongzhen

后梁 Later Liang

907 -1125 三国

1620 1621 - 1627

清 907 - 960

221 - 206 B.C.

泰昌 Taichang 天启 Tianqi

618 - 907 五代

Sui Dynasty

581 - 618

西周 Western Zhou Dynasty

Northern Dynasties

北魏 Nothern Wei

刘宋 Liu Song

420 - 479

永乐 Yongle

1403 - 1424

南齐 Southern Qi

479 - 502

洪熙 Hongxi



冰种翡翠双面浮雕竹节松鼠挂饰 An Apple Green Jadeite Pendant Carved on Both Sides with Squirrel and Bamboo Height: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) Weight: 9 g $1,000 - $1,500


冰种翡翠双面浮雕莲鱼挂饰 An Apple Green Jadeite Pendant Carved on Both Sides with Lotus and Fish Height: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) Weight: 11 g $1,500 - $2,000


冰种翡翠双面雕如意挂饰 An Apple Green Jadeite Pendant Carved on Both Sides with Ruyi Height: 1½ in (3.8 cm) Weight: 8 g $1,000 - $1,500


冰种紫罗兰翡翠双面雕福寿宝袋挂饰 Jadeite Lavender Carved on Both Sides Bat-Pouch Pendant Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 31 g $1,500 - $2,000




玻璃种葫芦挂饰 Icy Jadeite DoubleGourd Pendant

玻璃种宝瓶观音 挂饰 Icy Jadeite Guanyin Pendant

Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) Weight: 28 g $600 - $800



紫罗兰翡翠玻璃种手镯 Icy Lavender Jadeite Bangle

紫罗兰花斑手镯 Lavender Jadeite Bangle

Diameter: 2½ in (6.2 cm) Weight: 53 g $600 - $800

Diameter: 2⅜ in (6.1 cm) Weight: 68 g $400 - $500



玻璃种麒麟挂饰 Icy Jadeite Kirin Pendant

玻璃种如意挂饰 Icy Jadeite Ruyi Pendant

Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 34 g $600 - $800


Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) Weight: 53 g $600 - $800

Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Weight: 22 g $600 - $800


冰种翡翠月圆钻石扣珠链项饰 An Apple Green Jadeite Round Pendant with Diamond Clasp and Bead Necklace Pendant Diameter: 2 in (5.1 cm) Length: 13 in (33 cm) Weight: 73 g $3,000 - $3,500


冰种翡翠圆珠双面雕葫芦花开 富贵项链 An Apple Green Jadeite Gourd Pendant with Flowers on a Bead Necklace Pendant Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) Length: 16½ in (42 cm) Weight: 65 g $2,500 - $3,000



冰种透雕绿翡翠三叠葫芦花开富贵挂饰 An Apple Green Jadeite Reticulated on both Sides with Blossoms Gourd Pendant Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 27 g $2,000 - $3,000


翡翠双面浮雕龙凤纹把玩 A Large Jadeite Pebble Pendant Double Sided Carved with Dragon-Phoenix

Height: 3⅜ in (8.6 cm) Weight: 87 g $2,000 - $2,500


翡翠白手镯 冰种翡翠手镯,品相完美,手镯质地细腻,透明度好,镯身有小部份翠绿色,其它部份为无 色。内径约为57mm, 宽度约10mm, 厚度约7mm。

A Icy Jadeite Bangle


The cylindrical jadeite bangle of colourless ground and high translucency. Diameter: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 31 g $2,000 - $3,000


翡翠绿手镯 圆杆翡翠手镯,翠色由深绿色 至浅绿色,质地细腻,透明度 好,内径约为57mm, 宽度约 10mm, 厚度约10mm。

A Jadeite Bangle

The cylindrical jadeite bangle of light green ground suffused with bright emerald green colour and very good translucency. Diameter: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 44 g $5,000 - $7,000


翡翠满绿手镯 满绿翡翠手镯,翠色阳俏,质 地细腻,内径约为60mm,宽度 约13mm,厚10mm。

A Jadeite Bangle

The cylindrical jadeite bangle with full emerald green color and high translucensy. Diameter: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 72 g $6,000 - $8,000




翡翠双面麒麟圆 挂饰 Jadeite Kirin Pendant

翡翠双面浮雕辟邪 葫芦挂饰 Jadeite Carved Gourd and Bixie Pendant

Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 30 g $600 - $800

Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Weight: 27 g $600 - $800



黄玉旋转纹20粒珠链 Yellow Jade Whirl Bead Necklace (20 Beads)

珊瑚红圆手镯 Coral Red Jadeite Bangle Diameter: 2½ in (6.3 cm) Weight: 49 g $400 - $500

Diameter: 4½ in (11.4 cm) Bead Diameter: ¾ in (1.9 cm) Weight: 186 g $300 - $400 22


翡翠双面浮雕豆 荚挂饰 Jadeite Pea Pod Pendant Carved on Both Sides

翡翠双面浮雕白菜 挂饰 Jadeite Cabbage Pendant Carved on Both Sides

Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) Weight: 19 g $600 - $800

Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 31 g $600 - $800


翡翠圭形饰 Jadeite Cylindrical Tube Pendant


Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Weight: 21 g $600 - $800



翡翠半壁江山玉镯 Jadeite Bangle

翡翠花斑手镯 Jadeite Bangle

Diameter: 25⁄16 in (6 cm) Weight: 81 g $2,000 - $2,500

Diameter: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 69 g $800 - $1,000


碧玉雕花鸟纹挂饰一对 A Pair of Jadeite Floral Disc Pendant Diameter: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) Weight: 29 g, 28 g $800 - $1,000



红翡翠圆手镯 Red Jadeite Bangle

墨绿翡翠手镯 A Spinach Jadeite Bangle

Diameter: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 60 g $800 - $1,500

Diameter: 2¼ in (5.8 cm) Weight: 51 g $600 - $800



冰种满绿翡翠白金钻心平安扣圆吊坠 A Jadeite Emerald Ring Pendant with Diamond 30

清 碧玉老少浮雕印料

Diameter: 1 in (2.54 cm) Weight: 6 g $1,200 - $2,000


Qing Dynasty, A Spinach Green Jade Seal

The seal of round section surmounted by a sculpted elder and young serving tea. Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) Weight: 137 g $1,500 - $2,000


翡翠紫罗兰笔管毛笔 翡翠材质色泽凝润。全器光素无纹 饰,打磨精到。

A Jadeite Lavender Brush

The long brush has a translucent Jadeite lavender handle with rich green streaks. Length: 10 in (25.4 cm) Weight: 70 g $800 - $1,500



清 圆碧玉有余(鱼)印料 此碧玉印料钮为渔夫,两手捉着鱼,表情生动活泼,为难得的印料佳作。

Qing Dynasty, A Spinach Green Jade Fisherman Seal

The seal of round section surmounted by a well carved fisherman with the catch of the day. Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) Weight: 350 g $2,000 - $3,000



田黄人物赏画图 印章

金田黄乌鸦皮山水 人物长方印章

边刻(丙戌 文泉) 印文(挂心未歇)

边刻(丁亥 林皋) 印文(裮皇所造) 金黄材质,呈色金黄 明快,带有原生黑色 石皮,俗称乌鸦皮, 并巧借石皮颜色薄意 浅刻山水人物。

A Tianhuang Stone Seal carved with Scholars Height: 4⅞ in (12.4 cm) Weight: 733 g $600 - $800

Tianhuang Crow-Skin Stone Columnar Seal Carved with Figural Landscape

Height: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm) Weight: 1055 g $800 - $1,500



田黄山水人物风 云圆形大印章


边刻(丁卯初夏 王雲仿汉作) 印文(梦里不知身 是客)

边刻 (庚申年 丁敬作) 印文(情在翰墨) 结晶芙蓉,通体橘 红,色彩浓艳温和。

Tianhuang Stone Seal with Figural Landscape

Red Furong Stone Seal with Bixie Knop



红田黄乌鸦皮 印章

田黄浮雕婴戏纹长 方印章

边刻(癸丑年 白石作) 印文(为吾染指)

边刻(乙未 张明) 印文(吴带当风)

Height: 4⅝ in (11.7 cm) Weight: 883 g $600 - $800

A Crow-Skin Tianhuang Stone Columnar Seal with Figural Landscape Scene Height: 6 in (15.24 cm) Weight: 1025 g $800 - $1,500

Height: 2½ in (6.35) Weight: 162 g $600 - $800

A Tianhuang Stone Columnar Seal carved with Children at Play Height: 6⅜ in (16.1 cm) Weight: 972 g $600 - $800



清 丁仁 田黄绿乌鸦皮椭圆浮雕三老风景印章 边刻(癸卯年 丁仁刻) 印文(闻得墨香心自悦) 乌鸦皮田黄,栗黄浓郁,灯下能透,皮质细腻,肌体内丝纹清晰。依形就 石,巧借乌绿石皮,薄意雕刻三老山水阁楼。 丁仁(1879-1949),字子修,又一字辅之,杭州人。光绪三十年(1904)与吴徵 等于杭州创办西冷印社。他的篆刻淡雅清逸,不失浙派宗风。


田黄素面印料 印章裁切方正,丝纹和顺细腻,颜色正阳均匀,为田黄石之上品。

A Rectangular Tianhuang Stone Seal Height: 4 in (10.2 cm) Weight: 876 g $2,000 - $3,000

Qing Dynasty, A Crow-skin Tianhuang Stone Seal with Figural Landscape Scene Below the dark-green skin is a lustrous and shiny yellowish-amber color of the stone shallow carved with a tranquil landscape scene with scholars. Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) Weight: 847 g $1,500 - $2,000


清 丁敬 红田黄乌 鸦皮渔归大印章 边刻(甲申年 丁敬作) 外表附一层乌鸦黑石 皮,古朴温雅。以刀 代笔,巧妙借用石 皮,薄意雕刻一幅松 树、山溪泛舟。是赏 玩俱佳的上品。 丁敬(1695年-1765 年),字敬身,号钝 丁,一号砚林, 浙江 杭州人,清代画家、 书法家,篆刻家,浙 派篆刻的开山鼻祖。

Qing Dynasty, A Large Crow-Skin Tianhuang Stone Columnar Seal carved with Pine tree and Rafting Height: 8¾ in (22 cm) Weight: 3722 g (8.2 LB) $2,000 - $3,000



清 林皋 、高翔 田黄绿乌鸦皮印章 边刻(甲子冬月 林皋作) (丙申年 西唐作) 印文(铁嶺老人)(指头纵横) 林皋 (1658-1726),福建莆田人。字鹤田, 堂号宝砚斋。清初篆刻家。 高翔(1688-1753),清代著名画家,扬州八怪之一,字凤岗,号西唐,江苏 扬州人。

Qing Dynasty, A Pair of Crow-Skin Tianhuang Columnar Seal Carved with Figural Landscape Scene Height: 6 in (15.24 cm) Weight: 1091 g, 1050 g $2,000 - $3,000


东汉 铜塑鎏金虎头玉座刻镇东、镇西、镇南、镇北四将军方印一套 印文(镇东将军)(镇西将军)(镇南将军)(镇北将军) 玉印厚重,上塑雕铜鎏金虎钮,老虎头部浑圆, 怒睁圆眼,正咧开大嘴,露出獠牙,凶猛非常。虎钮下部的玉印坯四方端正,满身 沁色,印文篆刻将军印。

Eastern Han Dynasty, Four Jade Seals with Bronze Cast Tiger Head as Knob Each seal face is carved in intaglio with the title of the four generals. Height: 4⅞ in (12.4 cm) Width: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) Weight: 1682 g, 1679 g, 1607 g, 1608 g $40,000 - $50,000



清 孙三锡 田黄乌鸦皮椭圆浮雕人物风景 印章 边刻(戊戌年 桂山刻) 印文(满纸春心墨朱乾) 乌鸦皮田黄,栗黄浓郁,灯下能透,皮质细 腻,肌体内丝纹清晰。依形就石,巧借乌黑石 皮,作者依形就石,薄意浅浮雕山水高土图。 孙三锡,字桂山,浙江平湖人。博学好古, 工篆、隶,精鑑古。清代道、咸(1821-1860)年 间,问官陕西盩厔县丞时。

Qing Dynasty, A Crow-skin Tianhuang Stone Seal with Figural Landscape Scene

Below the black skin is a lustrous and shiny yellowish-amber color of the stone shallow carved with a tranquil landscape scene with scholars. Height: 4⅝ in (11.7 cm) Weight: 894 g $1,200 - $1,500



寿山石金包红玉 人物山水意形山 子印章

田黄浮雕松下高 士山水椭圆印料 Tianhuang Stone Seal carved with Scholars

印文 (古道西风瘦马)

Shoushan Stone Seal with GoldenSkin carved with Figural Landscape

Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) Weight: 427 g $500 - $600

Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) Weight: 892 g $400 - $600



田黄浅刻人物荷 花长印章一对

田黄人物花卉印 章一组两件

边刻(甲子 之谦) (戊戌 逸之) 印文(神游心赏) (衆妙之门)

边刻(戊辰年 大炘 作)(丙戌 文泉) 印文(一鸣惊人) (梅花手段)

A Pair of Tianhuang Stone Columnar Seals carved with Figures and Peony

Two Tianhuang Stone Seals carved with Figures and Flowers

Height: 4⅜ in (11.1 cm) Weight: 257 g, 281 g $600 - $800


Height: 3 in (7.6 cm), 4⅜ in (11.1 cm) Weight: 292 g, 278 g $500 - $600


田黄三连辟邪钮印章 边刻(甲辰 白石) 用一块田黄石材镂空,雕刻出一整条活动石链,没有任何裂缝黏合的 痕迹。


Height: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm), 6⅜ in (16.2 cm) Weight: 1194 g, 1294 g $1,000 - $1,500

A Group of Three Connected Tianhuang Stone Seal

Carved from one piece of Tianhuang stone, the middle seal has a Dragon Knop. All three seals are connected by crafted openwork carved chain. Height: 5⅜ in (13.7 cm) Weight: 510 g $2,000 - $3,000


田黄长方印料 印章裁切方正,丝纹和顺细腻,颜色正阳均匀,为田黄石之上品。

A Tianhuang Stone Columnar Seal Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) Weight: 348 g $1,000 - $1,500

寿山红芙蓉石母子螭钮、龙吐珠钮印料两方 A Pair of Red Furong Stone Seal with Mother and Cub Knop and Flaming Dragon with Pearl Knop


鸡血石三连组印章 边刻(壬午 之元) 印文(大匠之门)(一心千古)(于鱼得计) 由三条鸡血石链连接成一个整体,采用了链雕的技法,用一块石材镂 空,雕刻出一整条活动石链,没有任何裂缝黏合的痕迹。

A Group of Three-Linked Jixue Stone Seal, One Carved with Buddhist Lion Knop Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) Weight: 475 g $1,000 - $1,500


Du Ziling Snowy Scenery at the Foot of Peak Zhumulangma

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 2002

Inscribed and signed Du Ziling, with two artist seals 53.5 × 27 in. 136 × 68 cm.

$4,000 - $5,000


王雪涛 (1903 - 1982)

八哥花卉图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:雪涛 钤印:(王雪涛印) (迟园) (人长寿)

Wang Xuetao Chirping Mynah Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Signed Xuetao, with three artist seals 27 × 17⅜ in. 68.6 × 44.1 cm.

4,000 - $6,000



杜滋龄 (b. 1941)

珠峰寒意图 设色水墨纸本立轴 2002 年作 款识: 巍巍珠峰寒意浓, 冰摊玉剑刺天穹; 银花洒洒扬扬落, 雪域蒙纱似有情。 壬午仲夏杜滋龄写 藏族风情扵津 钤印:(杜滋龄印)(道菀)


潘天寿 (1898 - 1971)

荷花池上 设色水墨纸本立轴 1960 年作 款识: 八尺龙鬚方锦褥, 已凉天气未寒时。 一九六零年风荷开彦寿 钤印: (寿)(阿寿)(止止楼)

Pan Tianshou Lotus Pond

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1960 Inscribed and signed Shou, with three artist seals 37¾ × 19¼ in. 95.8 × 48.9 cm.

$40,000 - $60,000



明 孙克弘 (1532 - 1611)

又是长天下雪时 设色水墨纸本立轴 1585 年作 款识: 窈窕千苍咲脸时, 蓝四洛浦竞芬春; 灵传雪满杨洲观, 何伹盈盈步洛神 乙酉春日写 雪居克弘 钤印:(二千石长) (孙允执)

Ming Dynasty Sun Kehong Snow Landscape Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1585 Inscribed and signed Kehong, with two artist seals 50 × 23 in. 127 × 58.4 cm.

$6,000 - $8,000


作者简介: 孙克弘 明书画家、藏书家。一作克宏, 字允执,号雪居,松江(今属 上海市)人。礼部尚书孙承恩 子。以荫授应天治中,官至汉阳 知府。所居四壁皆画苍松老柏, 崩浪流泉,有一种澄泓萧瑟之意 萦绕其间。天资高敏,刻意书、 画,画山水学马远,云山仿米 芾,花鸟似徐熙、赵昌,竹仿文 同,籣仿郑思肖,时写人物、 仙释,兼带梁楷,纵横点缀, 皆有根据。善用枯老之笔行干 作花,或著色或水墨,皆极 古淡。


傅抱石 (1904- 1965)

行草书轴 水墨纸本立轴 1960 年作 款识: 张孝秀字文逸, 南阳宛人, 居东林寺, 性通率, 常冠榖皮巾, 蹑蒲履, 执棕榈皮尘尾, 盛冬能卧石上。 方云仁兄正之 庚子三月抱石 钤印:(芸谿渔长)

Fu Baoshi Cursive Calligraphy Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1960

Inscribed and signed Baoshi, with one artist seal 49⅛ × 18⅞ in. 124.7 × 47.9 cm.

$6,000 - $8,000



清 傅山 (1607 - 1684)

风竹书狂 水墨纸本立轴 款识:少修维摩饭, 时啖福羡茶; 不知圣上家, 眼觉有神鸦。 山 钤印:(傅山印)

Qing Dynasty Fu Shan Bamboo and Calligraphy

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Inscribed and signed Shan, with one artist seal 53¾ x 13⅛ in. 136.5 x 34.5 cm.

$10,000 - $15,000


Guan Shanyue Plum Blossoms

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1988 Inscribed and signed Guan Shanyue, with one artist seal 35 × 18⅝ in. 88.9 × 47.3 cm.

$4,000 - $5,000


关山月 (1912 - 2000)

红白梅花 设色水墨纸本立轴 1988 年作 款识:一九八八年盛暑 挥汗于珠江 南岸隔山书舍 漠阳关山月 钤印:(关山月)


吴冠中 (1919 - 2010)

泼彩写意山水 设色水墨纸本立轴 1999 年作

款识:九九年三月 吴冠中 钤印:(吴冠中)

Wu Guanzhong‘ Splashed Landscape Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1999

Signed Wu Guanzhong, with one artist seal 23 × 23⅜ in. 58.4 × 59.4 cm.

$30,000 - $40,000




商 玉雕凤纹神将挂饰二件 Shang Dynasty, Two Jade Carved Pendants with Warrior Figures

古玉雕指顶、雷纹壁、玉蝉一套三件 Three Archaistic Jade Carvings: Thumb Guard, Bi & Cicada

Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm), 2½ in (6.35 cm) Weight: 43 g, 66 g $300 - $400

Height: 1½ in (3.8 cm), 2⅜ in (6 cm), 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 37 g, 42 g, 23 g $200 - $300


商 玉雕凤纹饰二件 Shang Dynasty, Two Jade Pendant Carvings of Phoenixes Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm), 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 74 g, 71 g $300 - $400


古白玉雕卷丝纹镯 Archaistic Jade Bangle with Twist Rope Pattern

Diameter: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) Width: 2½ in (6.35 cm) Weight: 31 g $200 - $300


商 玉雕四羊 方尊 Shang Dynasty, A Jade Carved Jun with Rams’ Head


Height: 2½ in (6.35 cm) Weight: 131 g $200 - $300


新石器时代 红山文化 玉雕玉琮、兽形挂饰两件 Neolithic Period, Hongshan Culture, Two Jade Pendant Carvings: Bi and Beast Width: 2½ in (6.35 cm), 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) Weight: 67 g, 70 g $200 - $300


寿山石雕云龙纹珠钮壶 Shoushan Stone carved Dragon Teapot with Bud Finial Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) Weight: 399 g $200 - $300


民国 粉彩花卉灯笼瓶一对 Republic Period, A Pair of Famille-rose Floral Lantern Vase Height: 5⅜ in (13.65 cm) $300 - $400


北京玻璃画珐琅彩喜上眉梢描金 八棱长颈瓶一对 A Pair of Gilt Pink Enameled Octagonal Glass Vase with Birds on Prunus Blossoms Yongzheng Mark. Height: 7⅜ in (18.7 cm) $800 - $1,500



松芝藏蝴蝶赏件 Amber Fossil with Butterfly

琥珀塑雕布袋和 尚造像

Height: 4½ in (11.43 cm) Weight: 688 g $300 - $500

琥珀为金黄色,精 刻布袋和尚背着布 袋送礼送钱送寿于 人间。

An Amber Carved Budai Buddha

The figure of translucent golden hue. Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) $300 - $500




红山文化 黄玉雕蝉形 挂饰

新石器时代 良渚 文化 玉雕兽面纹 圭挂饰 Neolithic Period, Liangzhu Culture, A Jade Gui, Tablet Pendant with Taotie Mask Carving

双面雕饰,单侧钻一孔。兽 面纹由勾连线条浅浮雕刻组 成,眼部形状明显,其它部 位则抽象变形.部份玉已风 华受沁。

Neolithic Period Hongshan Culture, Jade Gui in Cicada Shape with Zoomorphic Carvings

Height: 4 in (10.2 cm) Weight: 35 g $200 - $300

The semi-translucent stone has some opaque, buff colored alteration. Shallow carved on both sides with zoommorpic. Height: 4½ in (11.5 cm) Weight: 105 g $800 - $1,000


新石器时代 良渚文化 玉雕兽面纹飞鱼挂饰 Neolithic Period, Liangzhu Culture, A Jade Pendant Carving of a Flying Fish with Taotie Mask Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) Width: 3⅜ in (8.6 cm) Weight: 67 g $300 - $400


红山文化 人面双凤纹臂饰 上浅浮雕变形面纹和双凤纹饰。 Neolithic Period Hongshan Culture, Arm Ornament Carved with Mask and Two Confronting Phoenixes


Length: 4¾ in (12.07 cm) Weight: 181 g $800 - $1,500


清 乾隆 豆青釉粉彩宝相彩蝶纹花卉盘 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款

Qing, A Famille-Rose Pea-Green-Glazed Butterfly Plate

Exquisitely painted around the interior well with a multitude of brightly-hued butterflies moths playfully frolicking amongst peony blooms and scrolling foliage on a white ground within the vibrantly glazed pea-green-glazed plate. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 8¼ in (21 cm) $80,000 - $100,000



田虹 (b. 1958)

云山诗意图 设色水墨纸本立轴 2018 年作 款识:云山诗意图 戊戌春月于合肥田虹制 钤印:(田虹之印)

Tian Hong Mountain Landscape Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 2018

Entitled and signed Tian Hong, with one artist seal 51⅜ × 25⅞ in. 130.5 × 65.7 cm.

$8,000 - $15,000


作者简介:田虹 中国长城书画院画家、安徽 省青年书画院副院长。作品 多次参加全国书画大展并获 奖。田虹的画是天地洪荒的 大写意, 这些宏荡的云水山 林, 是她的心中的澎湃, 也 是她头脑中的思想。


潘天寿 (1897 - 1971)

雏儿霸悍图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:雷婆头峰寿 钤印:(潘天寿印) (一味霸悍)

Pan Tianshou Offspring Rivalry Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Shou, with two artist seals 47¼ × 24 in. 120 × 61 cm.

$40,000 - $50,000



黄炳壮 (b. 1973)

行书 冯子振梅花诗 水墨纸本立轴 2017 年作 款识: 玉树临流雪作堆, 寒光踈影共徘徊, 多情最是黄昏月, 配合春风不用媒。 照水梅 琼林浮翠淡朦胧, 遥望珠光隐见中。 一夜东风吹不散, 晓看浑似碧纱笼。 烟梅 懒入春风桃李场, 董仙林下郁清香, 不因青子能酸苦, 安得神农为品尝藥畦梅 丁酉夏月录冯子振梅花诗三首 于圭峰南麓墨耘轩 黄炳壮书 钤印:(黄) (炳壮) (畅神)

Huang Bingzhuang Poetry Calligraphy Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 2017

Inscribed and signed Huang Bingzhuang, with four artist seals 53.5 × 10⅝ in. 136 × 27 cm.

$500 - $600

作者简介: 黄炳壮 1973年生,广东新会人。 2018年结业于日本东京艺术 大学,是清华大学美术学院 2018-2019中日文化高端研 修学者。现为中国书法家协 会会员,中国书法家协会书 法考级考官、广东省中国画 学会会员、广东省青年美术 家协会理事、岭南白沙研究 院特聘研究员、江门市书法 家协会副主席、江门市中国 画学会副会长、新会区博物 馆馆长、新会区书法协会会 长。作品40多次在省书协、 省美协展览入展和获奖,获 得江门市第七、九届“五个 一工程”文艺精品奖,评为 广东省第二届宣传文化先进 工作者、江门市宣传思想文 化领域拔尖人才。


Qian Songyan Autumn Landscape

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1964 Entitled and signed Qian Songyan, with two artist seals 35 × 18½ in. 88.9 × 47 cm.

$8,000 - $10,000


钱松喦 (1899 - 1985)

谿山秋色 设色水墨纸本立轴 1964 年作 款识: 谿山秋色 一九六四年二月 钱松喦写扵玄武湖畔 钤印:(钱)(松岩)


清 改琦 (1773 - 1828)

朝露荷花 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:朝露烘翠佩, 仙露浥元裾。 河沱江翁笔七芗 钤印:(改琦)(改琦)

Qing Dynasty Gai Qi Morning Dew Water Lilies

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Gaiyi, with two artist seals 51 x 13 in. 130 x 33 cm.

$5,000 - $6,000


黄炳壮 (b. 1973)

唐诗二首 水墨纸本立轴 2016年作 款识: 昔日龌龊不足嗟, 今朝旷荡思无涯。 春风得意马蹄疾, 一日看遍长安花。 铜梁千里曙云开, 仙箓新从紫府来。 天上已张新羽翼, 世间无复旧尘境。 唐诗二首丙申春日于圭峰 南麓开明书画院灯下 黄炳壮书 钤印:(砚雨楼主)(炳壮)

Huang Bingzhuang Poetry Calligraphy

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 2016

Inscribed and signed Huang Bingzhuang, with three artist seals 53.5 × 12⅛ in. 136 × 30.8 cm.

$500 - $600

作者简介: 黄炳壮 1973年生,广东新会人。 2018年结业于日本东京艺术大学,是 清华大学美术学院2018-2019中日文 化高端研修学者。现为中国书法家协 会会员,中国书法家协会书法考级考 官、广东省中国画学会会员、广东省 青年美术家协会理事、岭南白沙研究 院特聘研究员、江门市书法家协会副 主席、江门市中国画学会副会长、新 会区博物馆馆长、新会区书法协会会 长。作品40多次在省书协、省美协展 览入展和获奖,获得江门市第七、九 届“五个一工程”文艺精品奖,评为 广东省第二届宣传文化先进工作者、 江门市宣传思想文化领域拔尖人才。



吴昌硕 (1844 - 1927)

菊石图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1918 年作 款识: 荒崖寂寞无伪情, 老菊移得秋之清; 登高一笑作重九, 挹赤城露餐落英。 戊午仲秋之月 安吉吴昌硕 年七十有五 钤印:(缶翁) (缶老) (吴昌硕大聋)

Wu Changshuo Chrysanthemum Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1918

Inscribed and signed Wu Changshuo, with three artist seals 50¼ x 23½ in. 127.6 x 59.7 cm.


$30,000 - $40,000


设色水墨纸本横幅 1977 年作


(1899 - 1985)



款识:棗园曙光 一九七七年三月 钱松喦敬绘 钤印:(钱)(松岩之印)

Hand Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1977

Qian Songyan Landscape

$30,000 - $40,000

37⅝ × 70⅜ in. 95.6 × 178.8 cm.

Entitled, inscribed and signed Qian Songyan, with two artist seals


日本 望月金凤 (1846 - 1915)

松雪立鹰图 设色水墨绢本立轴 款识:应需 金凤 钤印:(望月)

Japan Mochizuki Kimpo Snow Eagle Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Silk

Signed Kimpo, with two artist seals 50⅜ × 22¼ in. 127.9 × 56.5 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000

作者简介: 望月金凤 生于大阪平野町(现大阪市),父亲是 骨医次郎平野。后来他继承了望月的家 族。九岁那年,他从师Maruyama学校, 后来,他从Nishiyama Yoshizono 学习,并 取名为金。17岁那年,他离开家人在京都 定居并学剑術。由于时代的变迁,武术之 路被放弃了。从30岁开始在北海道饲养了 许多动物并观察了动物的生态状况,并试 图绘画它们。 1882年,他参加国家绘画协会动物画展。 并经常获奖。并在浅草昌成町开设了补习 班。1898年他与不满日本绘画协会的考 试政策, 创办了日本学会。日本美术协会 (Japan Art Association)展出他的作品经常 由国家购买。



齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

慈父图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:九十三岁白石 钤印:(齐大) (借山唫馆主者) (杏子坞人)

Qi Baishi Rooster and Young Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Signed Baishi, with three artist seals 53 × 22⅜ in. 134.6 × 56.8 cm.

$50,000 - $60,000



吴冠中 (1919 - 2010)



设色水墨纸本立轴 1989 年作

款识:一九八九吴冠中 钤印:(吴冠中印)

Wu Guanzhong Soothing Forest Birds Singing Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1989

Signed 1989 Wu Guanzhong, with one artist seal

32⅛ × 25⅞ in. 81.6 × 65.7 cm.

$40,000 - $60,000


元 青白瓷塑雕观音坐像 观音头戴佛冠面相端庄安详,弯眉 细目,手披广袖通肩外衣,衣襟敞 开,可见连珠纹组成的璎珞垂胸。 悠然、端庄而坐,整器均施青白 釉,釉色莹润,釉面冰裂纹,堆塑 精致细腻,为素胎瓷塑美品。

Yuan Dynasty, A Qingbai Seated Guanyin

The compassionate seated Guanyin is clothed with a voluminous robe falling loosely and exposing a bare torso embellished with bejeweled chains. Fully glazed qingbai with some crackles and an unglazed base. Height: 10⅞ in (27.6 cm) $30,000 - $40,000



清 雍正 青花锦鸡桃花蒜头瓶 (大清雍正年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 瓶口呈蒜头状,直颈,溜肩,垂腹,圈足。腹部饰锦 鸡纹,青花发色淑丽清雅,细致地勾勒出锦鸡收羽独 立。辅以回纹、缠枝花卉、如意纹。

Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng, Blue and White Garlic Head Pheasants’ Vase The body is decorated with two pheasants amidst prunus blossoms and the ribbed neck with a floral band. The rim has a classic scroll and ruyi pattern. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark within double Circles and of the Period. Height: 9½ in (24.1 cm) $20,000 - $30,000


北宋 耀州窑黄釉刻花莲纹四繫 盘口瓶 全器罩黄釉,瓶腹处塑雕四系。瓶身 刻划花卉纹,刀法洒脱自如,盘口饰 弦纹, 表面自然开片。

Northern Song Dynasty, Yaozhou Yellow-Glazed Floral Vase with Dish-mouth Rim


Height: 9⅝ in (24.4 cm) $8,000 - $15,000


唐 木雕彩绘观音立像 观音坐像全身加彩,盘发高束,面目清 秀,神态安详,双目下视。身披帔帛, 帛带绕臂飘逸身边。胸饰璎珞,下着长 裙,部分彩绘已失,衣饰塑造轻盈流 动,富有韵律感。堪称唐代木雕中的上 乘佳作。

Tang Dynasty, Polychrome Painted Wood Sculpture of Guanyin

The benevolent figure standing on a rock outcrop, adorned with long flowing robes falling naturalistically in folds open at the chest to reveal a flower necklace. The hair is looped around the ears and then swept up neatly in a spiraled chignon. The full face bearing a serene expression with slightly downcast eyes beneath an arched brow. Carved wood figures of Guanyin dating from the 7th to 10th century are particularly rare. Traces of red and blue pigments remain. Height: 32 in (81.3 cm) $50,000 - $60,000



清 满族皮革包铜弓箭与撒袋一套两件 清代,骑射是满族的长技,弓梢长而反向弯曲,弓梢 根部有弦垫,为军事及狩猎的必备之物,是最重要的 武器之一。“撒袋”,来源于蒙语“撒答”,指装箭 的袋子。皮革弓架盒,饰有凿银配件和圆顶凸耳,这 是蒙古贴花装饰的典型特征。

Qing Dynasty, Manchu Bow and Quiver


The Manchu Bow, made with wood core and wooden ear. The handles section is thickened with leather and shellac. The open quiver, a leather bow holder case decorated with chiseled copper fittings and domed bosses, typical of Mongolian applique decorations. Length: 43⅞ in (111.4 cm), 23 in (58.4 cm) $2,500 - $3,000


元 霁蓝釉留白龙纹绶带耳葫芦瓶 (內府公用)横款 通体施蓝色釉,釉质肥厚莹润,色彩浓艳, 瓶的腹部刻有飞腾游动的自龙纹饰,蓝白相 映,对比鲜明,具有很强的艺术魅力。

Yuan, Blue Glazed Double-Gourd Vase with Relief Carved Dragon in White Reserve with Ribbon Loop Handles Official Use in Four Character Mark. Height: 13⅛ in (33.3 cm) $30,000 - $40,000



清 琥珀田螺壶 (玉陶之品) 此壶为大小四田螺组成,琥珀整件用料的色彩柔和优 雅,组合精妙,神韵自然,有意想不到之情趣。

Qing Dynasty, Amber Carved Snail-Shaped Teapot

Carved as overlapping snails with comforting spout and bud finial, the translucent amber has deep reddish-brown hues. Signed Yu Tao Zhi Pin on the base. Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) Length: 6 in (15.24 cm) $1,000 - $1,500


琥珀塑雕弥佛立像 以圆雕手法琢刻红琥珀弥勒佛, 袒胸露腹,其双耳垂肩,红光 满面,神采飞扬,慈祥宽爱,憨态可掬。琥珀是佛教七宝之一, 最适合用来供佛灵修,有安神定气的功用,又能予人平安与 建康,实为不可多得的佳作。

An Amber Budai

Carved standing with loose robe revealing the bare chest and the face with serene expression and pendulous ears. Height: 9½ in (24.1 cm) Weight: 1930 g $1,000 - $1,500


清 琥珀浮雕八仙壶 (杨彭年制)四字双行款 此壶由整件琥珀料雕刻而成,八仙刻功细致, 柔闲地坐卧于云端,眉目清秀自然。壶盖上浮 雕梅花八朵,以为衬托八仙之意。此八仙壶精 致雅丽,为杨彭年难得的杰作。

Qing Dynasty, Yang Pengnian, Amber Carved Eight Immortals Teapot


Intricately carved around the body with figures of the eight immortals crossing the turbulent sea. The domed cover is decorated with eight roundels of plum blossoms. The translucent amber has reddish-brown hues. Ascribed and signed Yang Pengnian on the base. Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) $1,000 - $1,500


明 嘉靖 青花龙凤纹葵口盘 (大明嘉靖年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 盘壁外敞,圈足,白釉,色泽白中泛青。内外青花装饰。内口沿双圈一周、外壁绘双龙凤缠枝,盘心绘龙凤争珠,内外呼应。 整器散发明青花之古朴深沉,青花发色浓郁洗练,画工精湛绝伦,釉质细腻,釉面莹润,足具深韵。

Ming, Blue and White Dragon Phoenix Dish

With shallow rounded sides and flared foliate rim, painted in cobalt blue with a large central medallion of a dragon and phoenix in pursuit of a flaming pearl. The motif repeated on the cavetto and the exterior all within blue borders. Ming Dynasty, Jiajing Six Character Double Circled Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 9⅝ in (24.4 cm) Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) $50,000 - $80,000



琥珀浮雕八仙过海笔筒 此笔筒为整件琥珀料刻成,八仙 卧立于波涛浪高的舟上,并有松树与 山峦掩影,刻功壮丽, 为稀有之杰作。

Amber Carved Eight Immortals Crossing Brush Pot Height: 5⅛ in (13 cm) $500 - $800


清 雍正 铜胎画珐琅黄地八吉祥花卉镂盖手炉 (雍正)楷书款 手炉以红铜制胎,后在胎上敷一层白釉,烧结后用釉色彩绘,经二三次填彩、 修正后再烧结、磨光而成。 炉盖镂空,錾钱币形。上绘黄釉为地的八宝纹, 纹饰细腻,色彩清雅秀丽。充分显示出铜胎画珐琅器薄、平、光、艳、 雅的特性,为雍正朝难得的杰作。

Qing, A Painted Bajixiang Enamel Copper Hand Warmer

Painted with eight auspicious symbols amidst foliate bordered by plantains band reserved on a yellow ground. The cover is pierced with a diapered ground of geometric coins and decorated on the sides with floral scroll. Qing Dynasty, Yongzhen Two Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) $3,000 - $4,000


唐 铜鎏金錾刻天马纹莲瓣碗 (大唐贞观)四字篆书刻款 腹部锤鍱起莲瓣纹,圈足。碗外壁鱼籽纹为地,碗心饰一对 天马,做奔腾状。碗底錾有“大唐贞观”四字。

Tang Dynasty, Parcel Gilt Bronze Lotus-petal Foliate Sprays with Stallions Bowl


Da Tang Zhengguan Four Character Mark and of the Period Diameter: 5⅛ in (13 cm) Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


清 乾隆 珐琅彩黄地西洋人物花卉风景宝相凤纹金口盘 (乾隆年制)双框楷书款 盘外壁口沿描金,腹部精绘西洋女子孩童置于庭院美景之中,体现了十八世纪欧洲田园风光和贵族的神采, 人物生动传神,将珐琅的质色美衬托得淋漓尽致。画面清晰舒朗,色彩艳丽,珐琅釉细腻光滑, 具有西洋油画的风格特点。

Qing, A Famille-Rose Enameled European Subject Dish

The slightly flared gilt rim is bordered with a floral scroll in a yellow ground, encircling a garden scene of European subjects with a castle background. The exterior is painted ruby-red. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark within Double Squares and of the Period. Diameter: 5½ in (14 cm) Height: ⅞ in (2.2 cm) $60,000 - $80,000



唐 三彩武士乘虎带幼赏件 Tang Dynasty, A Sancai-Glazed Pottery Figure of Warrior Mounted on Tiger with Cub

Molded with an unglazed head with a fierce expression, dressed in full armour and splashed in amber, green, brown glazes, standing on all four on a plinth. Height: 13¼ in (33.7 cm) Width: 13 in (33 cm) $8,000 - $15,000


汉 玉雕男俑长信宫灯 长信宫灯是上世纪发现的青铜器,一女俑两手 托灯,圆形的灯罩可以移动而照射各方向的 位置。俑穿宽袖袍,而衣袖实为烟囱与俑体 相连,故油烟被引导入体内而不会在空气中扩 散,实为环保的稀有杰作。 此“长信宫灯”为玉雕,玉人跪立,双手执宫 灯,而衣袖和体内不是中空,故只能把油灯 放在玉灯内,男俑五官以细阴线刻饰,冠帽 上巾子后撂,衣饰褶皱,表现生动流畅,堪 称珍品。

Han, Jade Carved Changxin Palace Lamp


Based on the palace lamp as prototype, it shapes a male attendant in his knees holding a lamp. However, unlike the bronze model with a hollow body to accommodate the some coming through, this jade carving body is solid. As a decoration piece, the figure is finely carved with distinct facial incision. The stone with extensive russet mottling and buff patches. Height: 9¼ in (23.5 cm) Weight: 3058 g $5,000 - $6,000


唐 三彩蓝骆驼背货前足跪地赏件 Tang Dynasty, A Sancai-Glazed Pottery Figure of Camel Carrying Goods

The amber-glazed camel is naturalistically shown carrying water vessels and goods slung between its humps, splashed with blue, green, brown and amber glazes, resting on a plinth. Height: 13 in (33 cm) Width: 15 in (38 cm) $100,000 - $150,000


Wu Qingxia Carp Jumping

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 2007 Signed Wu Qingxia, with four artist seals 36¼ × 17⅛ in 92.1 × 43.3 cm

$5,000 - $6,000


刘旦宅 (b.1931)

东山丝竹图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1981 年作 款识:辛酉暮春 刘旦宅作于 海上翠云楼 钤印:(刘海之印)(旦宅)

Liu Danzhai Music Ensemble Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1981 Signed Liu Danzhai, with two artist seals 44 x 26¾ in. 112 x 68 cm.

$4,000 - $5,000



吴青霞 (1910 - 2008)

鱼跃龙门 设色水墨纸本立轴 2007 年作 款识: 丁亥春仲 篆香阁主 吴青霞写扵海上 钤印: (青霞) (吴氏) (延陵) (毗陵吴氏)


清 翁同龢 (1830 - 1904)

楷书七言对联 水墨纸本立轴 款识:摩天黄鹄有奇翼 拔地苍松挺劲枝 翁同龢 钤印:(翁同龢)(叔平)

Qing Dynasty Weng Tonghe Calligraphy in Couplet Hanging Scroll, Ink on Gold-Flecked Paper Inscribed and signed Weng Tonghe, with two artist seals 53 x 12½ in. 134.6 x 30 cm.

$10,000 - $15,000


Qian Songyan Autumn Landscape

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1964 Entitled and signed Qian Songyan, with two artist seals 33 × 16¾ in. 83.8 × 42.5 cm.

$4,000 - $5,000


黃永玉 (b. 1924)

虎头兴来 设色水墨纸本立轴 1991 年作 款识:虎头兴来 黄永玉 辛未 钤印:(黄玉)(黄大) (荷花郎)

Huang Yongyu Toasting

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1991 Entitled and signed Huang Yongyu, with three artist seals 26¼ × 17½ in. 66.6 × 44.4 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000



钱松喦 (1899 - 1985)

谿山秋色 设色水墨纸本立轴 1964 年作 款识:谿山秋色 一九六四年二月 钱松喦写扵 玄武湖畔 钤印:(钱)(松岩)


程十发 (1921 - 2007)

採芝图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1986 年作 款识:丙寅仲夏之晴日 程十发写于三釜书屋 钤印:(三釜书屋) (云间程潼) (萧子之) (程潼十发之玺)

Cheng Shifa Harvesting

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1986 Inscribed and signed Cheng Shifa, with four artist seals 53¼ × 27 in. 135.2 × 68.5 cm.

$40,000 - $50,000


Liu Kuiling Spaniel and Rockwork Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Inscribed and signed Kuiling, with two artist seals 38¼ x 19⅛ in. 97 x 48.6 cm.

$5,000 - $6,000


吴作人 (1908 - 1997)

荷花金鱼 设色水墨纸本立轴 1973 年作 款识:一九七三年 作人图于北京 钤印:(吴作人)

Wu Zuoren Golden Fish and Lotus Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1973 Signed Zuoren, with one artist seal 19⅛ × 12¾ in. 48.6 × 32.4 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000



刘奎龄 (1885 - 1976)

菊石美犬图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:耀辰刘奎龄作 钤印:(耀辰书画) (刘奎龄印)


元 任仁发 (1254 - 1327)

俺乃常山赵子龙! 设色水墨纸本立轴 1306 年作 款识:丙午秋月 子明任仁发写 钤印:(左史)

Yuan Dynasty Ren Renfa General Zhao Zilong Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1306 Signed Ren Renfa, with one artist seal 48⅞ × 25⅞ in. 124.1 × 65.7cm.

$150,000 - $200,000

作者简介: 任仁发 字子明,一字子垚,号月山 道人,青浦(今属上海市) 人。元代画家、水利家,书学 李北海,画学李公麟。擅长人 物画,所画人物笔墨苍润,生 动传神。宋咸淳三年举人,入 元官都水庸田副使。究心水 利,学擅专门。做官之余从 事绘画,善画鞍马、人物故 事、花鸟等。著有《水利集 十卷》。 尝奉旨画渥洼天马图其熙春天 马二图,仁宗诏藏秘监。工力 足与赵孟頫相敌。故宫绘画馆 藏有画马数幅。



徐悲鸿 (1895 - 1953)



水墨纸本立轴 1939 年作

款识: 伏枥宁终古,穷追破寂寥。 风尘动广漠,霜草识秋高。 定朔河源住,冯夷会见招。 微能奔走耳,未死未辞劳。 廿八年五月悲鸿 钤印:(徐悲鸿)(悲鸿)(困而知之)

Xu Beihong A Galloping Horse

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1939 Inscribed and signed Beihong, with three artist seals

39¼ × 25 in. 100 × 64 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000

清乾隆重臣和珅 珍藏存世极品


元 赵孟頫 (1254 - 1322)

嵇康与山巨源绝交书摘录 水墨纸本立轴 款识:嵇叔夜与山巨源 绝交书康白足下 昔称吾于颍川吾 常谓之 孟頫 钤印:(孟頫印)(赵氏子昂) 天头:神品 题跋:观此图乃神品之作矣 和珅鉴题(和珅)

Yuan Dynasty Zhao Mengfu Calligraphy Excerpt: Breakoff Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Signed Mengfu, with two artist seals Colophon by He Shen, with one seal 33¼ × 18⅜ in. 84.4 × 46.7 cm.

$800,000 - $1500,000

作者简介: 赵孟頫 字子昂,汉族,号松雪道人,又号 水晶宫道人、鸥波,中年曾署孟 俯。浙江吴兴(今浙江省湖州市) 人。南宋晚期至元朝初期官员、书 法家、画家、诗人,宋太祖赵匡胤 十一世孙、秦王赵德芳嫡派子孙。 至元二十三年(1286年),赵孟頫 被行台侍御史程钜夫举荐,赶赴北 京,受元世祖、武宗、仁宗、英宗 四朝礼敬。历任集贤直学士、济南 路总管府事、江浙等处儒学提举、 翰林侍读学士等职,累官翰林学士 承旨、荣禄大夫。晚年逐渐隐退。 著有《松雪斋文集》等。 赵孟頫博学多才,能诗善文,通经 济之学,工书法,精绘艺,擅金 石,通律吕,解鉴赏,尤其以书法 和绘画的成就最高。在绘画上,他 开创元代新画风,被称为“元人冠 冕”;赵孟頫亦善篆、隶、真、 行、草书,尤以楷、行书著称于 世。其书风遒媚、秀逸,结体严 整、笔法圆熟,创“赵体”书,与 欧阳询、颜真卿、柳公权并称“楷 书四大家”。在元代的八十八年 间,因为赵孟頫竭力倡导“复古” ,元代书法呈现出全面的复古趋 势,并且衔接上了魏晋、唐的书法 脉络,使得元代的书法真正地回归 到传统中去,在临习琢磨古人的经 典之作中的到化古出新的营养。



李可染 (1907 - 1989)

秋趣图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1989 年作 款识:忽闻蟋蟀鸣, 容易秋风起。 题秋趣图 岁在己巳 可染 钤印:(李)(可染)

Li Keran Autumn Herders Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1989

Colophon inscribed and signed by Keran, with two artist seals 31.9 × 14.9 in. 81 x 37.8 cm.


$20,000 - $30,000

六十年代 文革精作



(1921 - 2007)

风雪迎春图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1963 年作 款识:风雪迎春 癸卯冬 程十发作 钤印:(程十发) (程潼十发玺)

Cheng Shifa Spring

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1963 Entitled and signed Cheng Shifa, with two artist seals 41⅛ × 26¼ in. 104.5 × 66.7 cm.

$150,000 - $300,000



清 和田玉雕羊首螭龙茶叶匙 汤匙勺部较大,凹陷较深。此匙是从罐中取茶叶时之 用,为清代大户人家所有,温柔雅致,极为难得。

Qing Dynasty, A Jade Dragon Spoon with Ram’s Head for Tea Leaves

A relief carved dragon handle with a ram’s head terminal and a round-shaped deep spoon receptacle. Length: 5 in (12.7 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


清 和田玉雕螭龙发簪 白玉滋润,发夹与发簪组成头夹,发夹上镂雕螭龙, 发簪头上龙首。雕工精湛,美观与实用兼备。

Qing Dynasty, A Jade Dragon Hairpin Set

Height: 1½ in (3.8 cm), Length: 3¼ in (8.3 cm), Width: 3 in (7.6 cm) Weight: 56 g $2,000 - $3,000


清 和田玉雕螭龙茶叶匙 白玉巧雕为匙,匙为圆形,柄上雕有螭龙。此茶叶匙 是清朝大户人家所有,喝茶时用此匙取茶叶于罐中, 精致雅丽,存世极为稀有。

Qing Dynasty, A Jade Dragon Spoon for Tea Leaves Relief carved with a dragon on the handle with a roundshaped deep spoon receptacle. Length: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) Weight: 74 g $1,500 - $2,000



清 乾隆 和田白玉镂雕松荫九鹤灵芝大赏件 此摆件取材精良,玉质润泽细腻,用料厚足,大气厚重。以"松荫九鹤"题材, 双面镂透雕,刀工苍劲有力,含而不露,神态逼 真,设计精妙。松树龄长久,经冬不凋,用来祝寿考、喻长生:仙鹤昂首亮翅似将排云到碧霞,在民间被视为仙物。两种仙物合在 一起即是祝人如松鹤般高洁、长寿。

Qing Dynasty, Qianlong, A Massive Jade Carving of Cranes and Pine

Of massive elongated shape, the ornament is intricately and deeply carved in the round in openwork on both sides with pierced rockworks a continuous landscape scene of Nine Cranes borne with sprigs of lingzhi below intertwining stems of pine. Ornately designed with auspicious emblems of Pine and Crane to bring forth symbolic Longevity, this piece showcases the magnificent skill of the carver. The translucent stone of even tone with fine, soft polish. Height: 13 in (33 cm) Length: 24 in (61 cm) $360,000 - $500,000



汉 玉镂雕螭龙佩 Han Dynasty, An Archaistic Jade Qilin Disc Bi Carved on both sides. Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) Weight: 46 g $500 - $800


宋 磁州窑花卉纹尊 Song Dynasty, Cizhou Brown Glaze-Painted Vase with Floral Scroll and Narrow Bands Height: 7⅛ in (18.2 cm) $600 - $800

125 古玉雕藏佛鹗形挂饰一组两件

An Archaic Jade Pendant Carved in Bird Shape and A Vaishravana Pendant Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm), 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 61 g, 46 g $400 - $500

127 商 玉雕人物一组两件

Shang Dynasty, Two Jade Figural Carvings


Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm), 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 62 g, 70 g $300 - $400

126 古玉雕蝉挂饰一对

Two Archaic Jade Carved Cicada Pendants Height: 3⅜ in (8.6 cm), 3 in (7.6 cm) Weight: 66 g, 64 g $400 - $500

128 古玉雕螭龙璧与龙纹扁形勒

An Archaic Jade Bi with Dragons and A Lezi

Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) Diameter: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 30 g, 56 g $400 - $500


清 和田白玉雕如意 耳提樑式吊瓶(带座) 此瓶白玉质地,带翠绿 斑,盖与身子母口相合, 瓶直口,短直颈,丰肩, 平腹,圈足。盖上饰一珠 宝如意钮,两侧饰双环 耳,瓶双肩亦作双耳, 耳上衔活环及玉链。瓶内 部掏膛干净,打磨平滑利 落。整器做工精美,极具 艺术气息。 (玉链上有小伤,已修复)

Qing Dynasty, An Hetian White Jade Hanging Vase and Cover

Of flattened baluster form, deeply hollowed and carved with Ruyi Dragon handles and loose rings, connected by reticulated chains to a transverse hanging bar and the domed cover, all similarly carved, with a pieced wood display stand. Height: 8⅞ in (22.5 cm) Height with frame: 17⅝ in (44.8 cm) Weight: 704 g $15,000 - $20,000



精美透雕纯色和田白玉荷花莲蓬摆件 Well Carved Hetian White Jade Lotus Group with Pods issuing from a Rockbase with Stems and Flowers Length: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) Weight: 614 g $2,000 - $3,000


玉雕笃定(竹顶)封侯(猴)山子 Well Carved Jade Boulder with Monkey Climbing up Rock Mountain

Of irregular shape and exquisitely carved with rockworks rendered in varying layers of relief and top with bamboo with shoots sprouting from below. The reverse with a continuation of layered rock faces and a bamboo groove. All symbols of prosperity. The stone of a pale celadon tone. Height: 4⅝ in (11.7 cm) Weight: 1052 g $2,000 - $3,000


古玉雕鸟背尊立兽 摆件 Calcified Jade Carving of Bird-Form Ritual Vessel Zun standing on Mythical Beast

Height: 8½ in (21.6 cm) Weight: 995 g $2,000 - $3,000


清 剔红漆雕花卉纹青花嵌镶寿云如纹盖盒 Qing Dynasty, A Circular Cinnabar Lacquer Box


Carved with composite floral scrolls and cover inset with blue and white ceramic plaque (Shou) character inside vaporous clouds surmounted with a key-fret border. Diameter: 6⅛ in (15.5 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


汉 玉镂雕圆筒形螭龙雷纹套活环耳四足熏炉连底座一套三件 熏器以整块玉掏挖而成,圆形镂空,雕工繁缛精细,为三截式,腹身饰夔龙饕餮纹,下承四足, 盖顶镂空雕盘龙纹雷纹,腹外壁以浮雕形式精镌兽面纹环带及活环,构思奇巧,内外打磨精致细腻。 雕刻上乘,挖膛精细,磨工一丝不苟。

Han Dynasty, A Pair of Jade Reticulated Carved Censers on Stand

Each tubular censer is elaborately carved with Kui Dragons, swirling bosses and zoomorphic masks, with a central circular band flanked with further masks and loose ring handles, with a domed cover and resting on four supporting feet stand. Height: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm) Width: 8¼ in (21 cm) Weight: 1203 g $50,000 - $60,000



元 釉里红松竹梅纹高足杯 此杯敞口平底,外绘松竹梅纹,足上为蕉叶纹, 内底绘壮丽的梅树并绕以双圈。高足外撇。此杯 玲珑精巧,为收藏家之爱。

Yuan Dynasty, An Important Copper Red Prunus, Pine and Bamboo Stem Cup

The exterior is painted with the three friend motifs and the interior has a single line border at the everted rim, with blossoms at the flat well encircled with double lines. The ribbed stem foot has a downward lappet band. Height: 3⅞ in (9.8 cm) $30,000 - $40,000


汉 黄玉雕兽耳饕餮纹扉棱兽盖瓶 Han Dynasty , A Rare Hetian Jade Covered Vase

Of globular form, carved in shallow relief taotie masks and flanked by a pair of beast head handles, surmounted by a conforming finial. On both sides are pierced flanges. Height: 10⅜ in (26.4 cm) Weight: 1742 g $30,000 - $40,000



汉 白玉浮雕龙凤纹兽耳盖尊 以战国时期的青铜器造型演变而来,整器掏膛。此汉代夔龙、凤纹饰装饰独特,两侧塑兽首,龙首盖、 腹部浮雕夔龙、凤纹。器身土沁、水沁,沁色自然,此物从造型工艺雕琢上,都达到了汉代制玉的最高水平, 有极高的收藏价值。

Han Dynasty, Carved Jade Zun with Mythical Dragon and Phoenix and Cover

Molded after the bronze vessel, rounded side is carved in relief with archaistic dragon and phoenix motifs, encircled with bands of small mythical beasts, and is flanked by a mythical beast handle on each side. Height: 7⅞ in (20 cm) Weight: 4070 g $50,000 - $80,000



明 碧玉浮雕四龙穿卷云纹 水洗 选用碧玉整料雕琢而成,器壁挖 膛均匀,洗内深腹,壁厚外鼓, 洗外壁高浮雕双龙戏珠,刀法苍 劲老辣,气势磅礴。

Ming Dynasty, A Spinach Green Jade Brush Washer

Carved on the outside with four flaming dragons amidst wiping clouds. The mottled jade is of dark green tones with specklings. Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) Width: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm) Weight: 1337 g $3,000 - $4,000


明 碧玉编竹枝开光浮雕山水兽耳瓶 玉瓶碧绿,仿青铜器壶形,其苍苍 绿色接近青铜的青绿锈色。盘口, 细颈,圆腹,撇足。瓶颈部有 双兽首耳,瓶身下浮雕出竹笻 宽线纹, 並以减地浮雕手法 开光山水纹,古朴典雅。

Ming Dynasty, An Archaic SpinachGreen Jade Vase, Hu


Of archaic Hu form, the ovoid body rising from a short foot to a gently flared neck, the body carved in shallow relief with bamboo sections and windows of landscape. Flanked with two beast handles. Height: 7⅝ in (19.4 cm) Weight: 2008 g $2,500 - $3,500


清 粉红玉朝珠 朝珠,清代朝服上佩带的珠串,挂在 颈项垂于胸前。其形制与佛家的念珠 相似。由一百零八颗粉红玉珠贯穿而 成,每隔二十七粒穿入一青金石圆 珠。将朝珠一分为四,寓意四季轮 转。朝珠顶首设“佛头塔”,其后用 阔丝带系坠子,末端再系青金宝石, 是为“背云” 寓意「一元复始」 ,“佛头塔”两侧缀有三串小珠,每 串小珠十粒,名为“纪念” 一月中 的上、中、下三个旬期。佩戴时一侧 缀两串,另一侧缀一串,两串者男在 左,女在右。朝珠是清朝礼服的一种 佩挂物,挂在颈项垂于胸前。皇帝祭 祀,会根据不同节气时令佩戴不同颜 色材质的朝珠:祀天以青金石为饰。 清代命官或命妇也会佩戴朝珠,但需 文职五品、武职四品以上,且对材 质、样式、佩戴都有极其严格的规 定,故后代传世品寥寥。

Qing Dynasty, A Pink Jade and Tourmaline Court Necklace, Chaozhu

Composed of one hundred and eight pink jade beads, separated evenly by spaced interval of twenty seven beads with four larger lapis lazuli beads, jiezhu, ‘connecting beads’, the central jiezhu connected to a two part double-gourd shaped fotou, ‘Buddha head’, suspending the beiyun, ‘back cloud’, weighed down by three strings of smaller blue jade beads suspending similar lapis lazuli drops. Diameter: 23 in (58.4 cm) Length: 53 in (134.6 cm) Weight: 724 g $10,000 - $15,000



清中期(道光) 明黄缎绣金丝龙纹十二章金龙纹礼服袍


此龙袍圆领,马蹄袖和大襟右衽。其腰以下为襞积式。全袍为明黄色缎面,袍身前后正中与两肩前后采用金线绣正面龙各一,腰帷 前后绣龙各二,衽正面龙一,两手马蹄袖端绣正龙各一,并有龙火花卉五彩流云和怀山浩海纹。前胸背后与两肩处的正面龙顶上, 各绣出北斗天旋天机三星辰和山、日、月四章,并在衣身上的其他地方绣有龙、华虫(雉鸡)、宗彝(铜杯)、藻、火、粉米、黼(斧 子)、黻(斧子)等八章,共组成十二吉章。龙袍下为裙,裙前后各有九组圆形金线绣的正面龙和蓝线绣的云彩。裙下部前后金线绣 一正面龙,左右伴与双龙与火珠,其下并有怀山浩海,为史记首篇所载。 此黄缎龙袍为金线绣,工艺高绝,色彩和谐秀丽,为清朝皇家存世难得之精品。 衣长 Length: 53 in (135 cm) 袖长 Sleeve Length: 71 in (180 cm) $50,000 - $80,000

Qing Dynasty, Daoguang, A Rare Imperial Summer Court Robe, Chaopao, with Twelve Symbols

The formal yellow ground silk Dragon robe is embroidered with twelve small motifs: sun, moon, constellation, mountain, dragon, flower creature, axe head, back-to-back ji, sacrificial vessels, waterweed, flame and grain, known as Twelve Symbols of Imperial Authority. Worked in satin stitch in shades of blue, green, red and pale violet and couched in gold-wrapped threads, with a five-clawed front-facing dragon on the chest, back and shoulders, each encircling a flaming pearl among the twelve symbols, in multi-coloured counted stitch, all above rocks and waves, and a waist band with two confronted dragons at the front and back. A square flap at the side opening enclosing one dragon, above the pleated skirt with eighteen dragon roundels above a broad frieze of two pairs of confronted dragons chasing flaming pearls among clouds, bats and precious objects above foaming waves, the interior flap with an additional dragon and flaming pearl and another dragon roundel. This magnificent robe embodies powerful symbolism associated with the emperor’s royalty and dominion.



张大千 (1899 - 1983)

孙位神游图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1925 年作 款识:乙丑清明蜀郡 张爰 钤印:(张爰之印) (大千居士) (大风堂供养)

Zhang Daqian Sun Wei Resting under Tree Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1925 Signed Daqian, Yuan, with three artist seals 52¼ × 21 in. 132.6 × 53.3 cm.


$40,000 - $60,000


吴冠中 (1919 - 2010)

苏杭景观 设色水墨纸本立轴

款识:吴冠中 钤印:(荼)(冠中写生)

Wu Guanzhong Paradise on Earth Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Signed Wu Guanzhong, with two artist seals 26⅜ × 20⅞ in. 67 × 53 cm.

$50,000 - $80,000



陈虹 (b. 1971)

清韵 设色水墨纸本 2013 年作 款识:清韵 癸巳年 陈虹写 钤印:(陈虹)(闲墨)


Chen Hong Blossom

Ink & Color on Paper Dated 2013 Entitled and signed Chen Hong, with two artist seals

26¾ × 26¾ in. 67.9 × 67.9 cm.

$150,000 - $200,000

作者简介: 陈虹 生于新疆伊犁,毕业于新疆艺术学院国画系,硕士毕业于 西安美术学院国画系,2007年结业于中国美术家协会高研 班,2008年于国家画院周韶华工作室精英班结业。中国美 术家协会会员,国家民族画院副院长, 中国山水画研究院副 秘书长。“她的画以笔取气,以墨取韵,墨法的要旨在于出 韵自然而忌刻板造作,才能使水墨富于机趣,从而传达出画 家的意志,赢得观众之审美共鸣。” 出版有陈虹国画精品 陈虹山水书画集。


西藏 白度母唐卡 立轴 布面描金 设色棉布矿物胶彩

主尊白度母身色光洁明亮,以双跏 趺坐于清净无染的莲花法座上。莲 花出淤泥而不染,寓意“佛法在世 间,不离世间觉”。她的右手结施 与愿印,左手捻含苞待放的白色莲 花,面具三目,另其掌心、足心各 有一目,表示白度母能够看见世间 所有的苦难,并怀有解救度化众生 的慈悲。

Gilt Cloth Thangka of White Tara, Tibet

Hanging Scroll, Gesso and pigments on Cloth

The white Tara seated in dhyanasana with right hand in bhumisparsa and left hand holding a lotus, wearing a crown and dhoti with a billowing scarf, seated on a lotus throne with a mandorla, flanked by divinities below all finely painted with gilt highlights.

29½ x 21⅛ in. 74.9 x 53.6 cm.

$15,000 - $20,000



王雪涛 (1903 - 1982)

桃花八哥 设色水墨纸本立轴 1957 年作 款识: 丁酉新春写扵逢园 雪涛 钤印:(王雪涛印)

Wang Xuetao Mynah on Plum Blossoms Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1957 Inscribed and signed Xuetao, with one artist seal 38⅞ × 19⅜ in. 98.6 × 49.2 cm.

$8,000 - $10,000



彩绘描金叶衣佛母壁画唐卡 叶衣佛母三面六臂,每面二目。头戴花冠,顶束高髻。右二手执弓。左二手持箭。像身严饰珍宝璎珞,半跏趺于莲座中央。此唐卡是 从壁画割切下来的,为十九世纪的产物。造法是以泥浆糊在纸上一层一层地叠起来的,先用木板糊上泥浆,然后将纸放上,在纸上再 塗上泥浆,就这样一层一层地叠直至所需要的厚度,然后风干而成泥板,而后在泥板上绘画。绘画完成后固在墙壁上而成为壁画。

A Thangka-mural Depicting Parnashavari

The stucco panel portrayed the bodhisattva seated with three heads and six hands, two of them holding a bow and an arrow. Painted with polychrome on fresco with vibrant green, red, yellow, blue and black with gilt accents rising in thread relief. This nineteenth century Thangka was cut from a wall fresco. First mud was plastered on the wood and then paper glued on top after which another layer of mud was coated with additional paper, until sufficient layers were stacked to attain the desired thickness. The mud board was then left to dry. Polychrome pigments were used to paint on the mud board. When completed, the mud board was attached to the wall and became a fresco. Height: 20 in (50.8 cm) Width: 16¼ in (41.3 cm) $4,000 - $5,000



程十发 (1912 - 2007)

苗家少女喜乐图四屏 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:参禅 程十发制 钤印:(十发)(云间程潼) 天头: 大造本无方, 云何是应往; 既从空中来, 应向空中去。十发 (十发)(百閒)

Cheng Shifa Lifestyle of Miao Maidens in Four Scrolls Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Entitled and signed Cheng Shifa, with two artist seals Colophon by Cheng Shifa, with two seals

程十发 (1912 - 2007)

苗家少女喜乐图四屏 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 苗家采梅图 十发 钤印:(十发)(云间程潼) 天头: 一陇东风吹石裂, 半随飞雪度关山。 十发 (十发)(百閒)

Cheng Shifa Lifestyle of Miao Maidens in Four Scrolls

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Entitled and signed Shifa, with two artist seals


Colophon by Cheng Shifa with two seals

程十发 (1912 - 2007)

苗家少女喜乐图四屏 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:探芳 钤印:(十发)(云间程潼) 天头: 桃叶映红花, 无风自婀娜; 春花映何限, 感郎独采我。 十发 (十发)(百閒)

Cheng Shifa Lifestyle of Miao Maidens in Four Scrolls

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Entitled with two artist seals Colophon by Cheng Shifa with two seals

程十发 (1912 - 2007)

苗家少女喜乐图四屏 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:斗鹑 十发漫写 钤印:(十发)(云间程潼) 天头: 金甲羽衣未足珍, 郊原飞斗几纵身; 由来大义经生死, 耻向雕笼去趁人。十发 (十发)(百閒)

Cheng Shifa Lifestyle of Miao Maidens in Four Scrolls Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Entitled and signed Shifa, with two artist seals Colophon by Cheng Shifa with two seals

25½ × 16½ in. 65 × 42 cm. X 4

$25,000 - $35,000



齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

贝叶草虫条幅 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:三百石印 富翁齐白石 八十三岁时老眼 钤印:(白石)(阿芝)

Qi Baishi Leaves and Insects

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Qi Baishi, with two artist seals 53½ × 13⅛ in. 135.9 × 33.3 cm.


$30,000 - $40,000


徐悲鸿 (1895 - 1953)

小猫立树图 五雀斜柳图 一对 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 少小也曾锥刺股, 不徒白手走江湖; 乞灵无着张皇甚, 沐浴熏香画墨雀。悲鸿写 钤印:(悲鸿)(东海王孙) 款识: 甲戌冬日(1934 年) 悲鸿 钤印:(徐悲鸿)(东海王孙)

Xu Beihong Cat on Twig Bird on Willow Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1934 Inscribed and signed Beihong, with two artist seals on each scroll 27¼ × 6⅜ in. 69.2 × 16.2 cm. X2

$8,000 - $15,000



傅抱石 (1904 - 1965)

不辨泉声抑雨声 设色水墨纸本立轴 1962 年作 款识:不辨泉声抑雨声 一九六二年八月 傅抱石写 钤印:(傅)(抱石之印)

Fu Baoshi Waterfalls

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1962 Entitled, inscribed and signed Fu Baoshi, with two artist seals 37 × 18 in. 94 × 46 cm.


$30,000 - $40,000


徐悲鸿 (1895 - 1953)

二马奔腾图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1942 年作 款识:壬午春日 悲鸿 钤印:(徐悲鸿)

Xu Beihong Two Racing Stallion Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1942 Signed Beihong, with one artist seal

24½ × 33 in. 62.2 × 83.8 cm.

$150,000 - $200,000



李苦禅 (1899 - 1983)

远瞩图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:远瞩宗瀚属正 苦禅写 钤印:(李)(苦禅)

Li Kuchan Visions

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Entitled and signed Kuchan, with two artist seals 53.7 × 25.8 in. 136.5 x 65.5 cm.


$15,000 - $30,000


设色水墨纸本横轴 2015 年作


(b. 1971)



款识:千岩竞秀 乙未陈虹画 钤印:(陈虹私鈢) (闲墨) (水墨生涯) Hand Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 2015

Chen Hong Landscape Entitled and signed Chen Hong, with three artist seals

$300,000 - $350,000

53¼ × 26⅝ in. 135.3 × 67.6 cm.

作者简介: 陈虹 生于新疆伊犁,毕业于新疆艺术学院国画系,硕士毕业于西安美术学 院国画系,2007 年结业于中国美术家协会高研班,2008 年于国家画 院周韶华工作室精英班结业。中国美术家协会会员,国家民族画院副 院长, 中国山水画研究院副秘书长。”她的画以笔取气 以墨取韵, 墨法的要旨在于出韵自然而忌刻板造作,才能使水墨富于机趣,从而 传达出画家的意志,赢得观众之审美共鸣。” 出版有陈虹国画精品 陈虹山水书画集。


吴昌硕 (1844 - 1927)

富贵神仙 设色水墨纸本立轴 1919 年作 款识: 己未七月朔 安吉吴昌硕 时年七十六 钤印: (仓硕) (缶翁) (缶翁)

Wu Changshuo Peony and Narcissus Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1919 Inscribed and signed, Wu Changshuo, with three artist seals 60.1 x 15.6 in. 154.3 x 39.5 cm.

$30,000 - $40,000


刘海粟 (1896 -1994)

Liu Haisu Lotus


Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

款识:刘海粟画扵大连 钤印:(刘海粟)

Signed Liu Haisu, with one artist seal


37¾ × 19⅜ in. 95.8 × 49.2 cm.

$5,000 - $6,000



唐 凤展翼铜鎏金钳玉珠 宝香薰 Tang Dynasty, Parcel-gilt Bronze Phoenix Censer

Cast standing with its wingspread and the tail lifted upright with a conforming bud finial. Height: 11⅛ in (28.3 cm) Weight: 1368 g $2,000 - $2,500


唐 铜鎏金钳珠宝方盒 (大唐贞观)四字双行款

Tang Dynasty, An Engraved Gilt Bronze Box

Engraved with meticulous details bands of floral scrolls reserved in a ring-punched ground. With canted corners and adorned with gem stones. Da Tang Zhenguan Mark at the base. Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) Width: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) Weight: 271 g $1,500 - $2,000


唐 铜鎏金浮雕缠枝花卉龙把葫芦瓶 (大唐贞观)四字双行款

Tang Dynasty, An Engraved Gilt Bronze DoubleGourd Ewer 159

唐 铜鎏金浮雕人物八棱把杯 (大唐贞观)四字双行款

Tang Dynasty, Gilt-Bronze Octagonal Cup Da Tang Zhenguan Mark at the base. Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) Weight: 609 g $1,500 - $2,000

Engraved with floral scrolls and flying phoenixes with dragon spout and Handle. Da Tang Zhenguan Mark at the base. Height: 6¾ in (17.1 cm) Weight: 1051 g $2,500 - $3,000



唐 银鎏金云头琵琶飞天(一组三件) 飞天是佛国的使者,她们在天空中自由飞翔,为说法弘道的佛陀弹奏琵琶,充满了灵动的韵律感。这种形式的单体银鎏金飞天像非 常少见,成为了护法与供养功德的形象说教代表。

Tang Dynasty, Gilt-Silver Figure of Apsara Playing Pipa (Group of 3)

Pipa, A four-stringed pear-shaped musical instrument, soothed longings as a solo instrument in the imperial court of Tang. Shown with trailing scarf and sashes graceful as if floating above clouds, the dancing apsara playing the pipa with an air of elegance. Height: 8⅜ in (21.3 cm) Length: 10½ in (26.7 cm)


唐 银鎏金云头反手琵琶飞天 (一组三件) 飞天脸向正面,面容含笑,神情喜悦,着宽 衣长衫,衣带飘飞,静中有动,栩栩如生, 给人一种飞翔于空中的感觉,为佛法和佛祖 献花礼赞、载歌载舞的飞天,就成为了护法 与供养功德的形象说教代表,银像铸成精美 而写实生动,与同时期玉器造型风格一致。

Tang Dynasty, Gilt-Silver Figure of Apsara with Pipa (Group of 3)

The well cast apsara, a Buddhist celestial being is shown holding the Pipa vertically up while standing on a ruyi plinth. Shown facing forward with a long billowing scarf wrapped around the shoulder. Endowed with femininity and gracefulness, apsara is an attendant to deities, playing heavenly music. Height: 13⅛ in (33.3 cm)


唐 银鎏金云头散花飞天(一组三件) 飞翔于天空中飞天开脸秀雅端庄,曼妙飘逸,充满了灵动的韵律感。为佛法和佛祖献花礼赞、载歌载舞的飞天,就成为了护法与供 养功德的形象说教代。

Tang Dynasty, Gilt-Silver Figure of Apsara with Floral Bouquet (Group of 3)

Apsara, a female spirit of the clouds and waters in Buddhist mythology, once adorned the wall of cave temples. Her sensuality is believed to attract the gods to hear the prayers of the faithful. This celestial maiden depicted as scattering the floral bouquet with headdress with jewelry and flowing robe with serene expression upon a ruyi plinth is characteristic of apsaras as alluring, angelic figures. Height: 8⅝ in (21.9 cm) Length: 10⅛ in (25.7 cm) $150,000 - $200,000



唐 银鎏金錾刻鱼籽地童男童女鱼化龙纹吐珠蒜头瓶 (大唐贞观年制)款 蒜头壶,早在战国时期已有,最初作为酒器。比壶薄银片锤击成型, 器壁轻薄,以錾刻、模印、锤打等技法装饰,底面均满錾 细密的鱼籽地忍冬式缠枝花纹。壶腹部两面鎏金錾刻鱼化龙,线条流畅,雕琢精细。

Tang, Repousse Parcel Gilt Silver Garlic Head Flask with Accolades

The wine vessel is cast with two accolades on each side of the flask, with meandering leafy scroll pattern on a minutely ring-punched ground. The garlic head has a bud finial with chased details of plantains lappets. The central body is decorated with a coiled makara in repousse chasing a flaming pearl. In the Buddhist tradition, the immortalized makara, with dragon head and fish fin and accompanied by the two accolades, is an auspicious symbol bringing forth success. Tang Dynasty, Zhenguan Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 11⅛ in (28.3 cm) $30,000 - $40,000



林散之 (1898 - 1989)

行草五言诗 水墨纸本立轴 1981 年作 款识: 才绿今年草,离离江上村。 诗留山阁雨,梦断画堂门。 大陆推陈垢,小桃转厚坤。 如何滩内石,不改旧潮痕。 辛酉九月 八十四叟 散耳 钤印:(林散之印) (散之信玺) (大年)

Lin Sanzhi Script Calligraphy

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated1981 Signed San Er, with three artist seals 53⅜ × 21 in. 135.6 × 53.3 cm.

$8,000 - $10,000


作者简介: 林散之 名霖,又名以霖,字散之,号三痴、左 耳、江上老人等,生于江苏南京市江浦 县,祖籍安徽省,诗人、书画家,尤擅 草书。林散之草书被称之为“林体”。 林散之是“大器晚成”的典型,也正因 为其出大名很晚,数十年寒灯苦学,滋 养了其书之气、韵、意、趣,使之能上 达超凡的极高境界,对现代中国书法艺 术事业的贡献,真可谓“功莫大焉”。


清 蒋廷锡 (1669 - 1732)

荷池禽喜图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:我家东湖三百顷, 瑞锦纵横绿云凝, 森森晓气天香飞, 星斗光沉水花净, 远如婴儿脱文褓, 近若胎仙临玉镜, 琼盂欲侧雨丝垂, 金掌初调露珠定, 尽将机心付鸥鹭, 小雨轻烟穿短艇。 南沙蒋廷锡 钤印:(蒋廷锡印)

Qing Dynasty Jiang Tingxi Mandarin Duck in Lotus Pond Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Jiang Tingxi, with one artist seal 72¾ x 35⅛ in. 184.7 x 89.2 cm.

$250,000 - $400,000



齐白石 (1863 - 1957)

紫藤图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:白石老人齐璜 钤印:(白石)

Qi Baishi Wisteria

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Signed Baishi Qi Huang, with one artist seal 54 x 13¼ in. 137 x 34 cm.


$60,000 - $100,000

黄胄文革存 世精作, 藏家从画家 处购入


黄胄 (1925 - 1997)

青年女模范 (文革时期作品) 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:黄胄作 钤印:(黄胄之印)

Huang Zhou Youth of Cultural Revolution Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Huang Zhou, with one artist seal 54⅛ × 27 in. 137.5 × 68.6 cm.

$80,000 - $150,000



清 郑燮(板桥) (1693 - 1765)

宦海归来平安竹 水墨纸本立轴 款识: 宦海归来两鬓星, 故人怜我未凋零; 春风写与平安竹, 依旧江南一片青。 板桥居士 钤印:(郑燮)

Qing Dynasty Zheng Xie (Banqiao) Bamboo Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Inscribed and signed Banqiao, with one artist seal 52½ x 18¾ in. 133.4 x 47.6 cm.

$20,000 - $30,000


Zhang Daqian Scholar in Mountain Landscape Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1945 Inscribed and signed Daqian Zhang Yuan, with three artist seals 32¼ × 13½ in. 82.9 × 34.3 cm.

$8,000 - $15,000


张大千 (1899-1983)

山水 设色水墨纸本立轴 1945 年作 款识: 石涛清逸,石溪苍莽, 上法一峯大师玄宰各得其法 而自成面目。此图从二师得笔 乙酉上元前二日 大千张爰 钤印:(张爰) (三千大千) (大风堂)


李可染 (1907 - 1989)

山水清音图 设色水墨纸本立轴

款识:山水清音图 钤印:(李)(可染)

Li Keran Resounding Waterfalls Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Entitled and signed Keran, with two artist seals 38½ x 20 in. 98 x 58 cm.

$200,000 - $350,000


Zhu Qizhan Spring River

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1991 Entitled and signed Zhu Qizhan, with one artist seal 38½ x 19¼in. 97 x 48 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000


董寿平 (1904 - 1997)

Dong Shouping Mt. Huang Shan


Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

款识:八十六翁 董寿平 钤印:(寿平书画)

Signed Dong Shouping, with one artist seal


27 × 18 in. 68.6 × 45.7 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000



朱屺瞻 (1892 - 1996)

江上春风图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1991 年作 款识: 江上春风 辛未初冬 二瞻安民朱屺瞻 钤印:(朱屺瞻)


元 柯九思 (1290 - 1343)

鹰扬图 水墨绢本立軸 款识:鹰扬图 丹丘 柯九思 钤印:(柯九思印)

Yuan Dynasty Ke Jiusi Eagle Hanging Scroll, Ink on Silk

Entitled and signed Ke Jiusi, with one artist seal 39¾ × 24⅞ in. 101 × 63.2 cm.

$80,000 - $100,000

作者简介: 柯九思 字敬仲,号丹丘、丹丘生、 五云阁吏,台州仙居(今浙江 仙居县)人。其父柯谦,是元 朝仙居较为显扬的一个官宦。 大德元年(1297),随父迁居 钱塘(今杭州)。 柯九思博学能诗文;善书, 四体八法俱能起雅去俗。素有 诗、书、画三绝之称。他的绘 画以“神似”著称,擅画竹, 并受赵孟頫影响,主张以书入 画,曾自云:“写干用篆法, 枝用草书法,写叶用八分, 或用鲁公撇笔法,木石用折钗 股、屋漏痕之遗意。” 他的书法于欧阳询笔法之外融 入魏晋人之韵,结体严整,字 体恬和雅逸,雄厚重中见挺拔 之秀气,深受赵孟頫推崇尚晋 人书法观的影响。 柯九思被授予典瑞院都事(正 七品,掌管瑞宝和礼用玉器) 一职。天历二年,元文宗仿宋 阁学制,柯九思被迁升为奎章 阁鉴书博士(正五品),专门 负责宫廷所藏的金石书画的 鉴定。凡内府所藏古器物、书 画均命柯九思鉴定。经他鉴定 收入内府的有王献之《鸭头 丸》、虞世南临《兰亭序》、 杨凝式《韭花贴》、苏轼《寒 食帖》等。皇帝特”赐牙章得 通籍禁署”,与虞集、揭傒斯 同为文宗时代奎章阁的代表人 物。后因朝中官僚的嫉忌及文 宗去世,柯九思束装南归,退 居吴下,流寓松江(今属上 海市)。



潘天寿 (1897 - 1971)

鸟语花香 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:雷婆头峰寿者 钤印:(大颐寿者) (心阿兰若信持)

Pan Tianshou Singing Birds

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Shou, with two artist seals 54 × 26½ in. 137.2 × 67.3 cm.


$60,000 - $100,000


齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

桃花源图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:白石山翁画 钤印:(齐璜) (齐璜老手)

Qi Baishi Peach Blossom Spring Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Baishi, with two artist seals 26⅝ x 13⅝ in. 67.6 x 34.6 cm.

$50,000 - $60,000



张大千 (1899 - 1983)

回眸一笑百媚生 设色水墨纸本立轴 1947 年作 款识: 明月王郎曲,竹枝湘女讴。 秋风零落下,襟里影生愁。 丁亥三月碧漪仁弟作团扇 仕女为补修竹数竿并题 钤印: (张爰) (大千居士) (大千豪髮)

Zhang Daqian Lady Portrait

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1947 Inscribed and signed Daqian, Zhang Yuan, with three artist seals 51 × 22⅛ in. 129.5 × 56.2 cm.


$30,000 - $40,000


林风眠 (1900 - 1991)

Lin Fengmian Beauty in Blue


Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

款识:林风眠 钤印:(林风眠)

Signed Lin Fengmian, with one artist seal


26⅜ x 24⅝ in 67 x 62.5 cm

$30,000 - $50,000



傅抱石 (1904- 1965)

中山陵 设色水墨纸本立轴 1952 年作 款识:中山陵 一九五二年三月 傅抱石写 钤印:(抱石之作)

Fu Baoshi Purple Mountain

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1952 Entitled and signed Fu Baoshi, with one artist seal 53.1 x 26.4 in. 135 x 67 cm.


$20,000 - $30,000

铁拐李图是齐白石八十四 岁时所作。其时画艺已 登峰造极,公认为一代 宗师矣。 此图造型单纯青奇,笔力 雄晖,线条流畅自然, 无一鳌笔,其眼神生动 敏锐,为难得之精品, 杰作无疑矣!


齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

铁拐李图 1944 年作 款识:甲申中秋前 八十四岁白石 钤印:(白石)(大匠之门)

Qi Baishi Tieguai Li, The Emaciated Immortal Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1944

Inscribed and signed Qi Baishi, with two artist seals 37¾ x 17½ in. 95.8 x 44.4 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000



丰子恺 (1898 - 1975)

春日游 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:春日游杏花 吹满头 子恺 钤印:(子恺) (日月楼) (子恺书画)

Feng Zikai Spring Outing

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Zikai, with three artist seals 26⅝ × 18 in. 67.6 × 45.7 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000


赖少其 (1915 - 2000)


Lai Shaoqi Bamboo Mountain Tributary


Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

款识: 竹园清溪之图 九十年代第一春于木石斋 赖少其 钤印:(赖少其印)

Entitled and signed Lai Shaoqi, with one artist seal 27 × 22⅞ in. 68.5 × 58.1 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000



黄宾虹 (1865 - 1955)

仙霞岭山景图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:仙霞岭上得图山景 宾虹年九十又一 钤印:(黄宾虹)

Huang Binhong Mountain View Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Binhong, with one artist seal 35 × 18.5 in. 89 x 47 cm.

$40,000 - $50,000



倪田 (1855 - 1919)

泼墨荷花图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1916 年作 款识:丙辰夏日 邗上倪田墨畊 钤印:(倪田之印)

Ni Tian Lotus

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1916 Signed Ni Tian, with one artist seal 53 × 12½ in. 134½ × 31¾ cm.

$3,000 - $4,000


关山月 (1912 - 2000)

珠江深透图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1986 年作 款识:一九八六年新春 画于羊城珠江 漠阳关山月 钤印:(漠阳)(关山月印)

Guan Shanyue Deep into Pearl River Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1986 Inscribed and signed Guan Shanyue, with two artist seals 37⅛ x 18½ in. 94.5 x 47 cm.

$4,000 - $5,000



李可染 (1907 - 1989)

柳荫沐牛图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1983 年作 款识:岁次癸亥腊月 可染写意 钤印:(可染)(师牛堂)

Li Keran Buffalo Herders in Shade Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1983 Inscribed and signed Keran, with two artist seals 38⅝ × 19¼ in. 98.1 × 48.8 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000




(1909 - 1993)

黃山松云 设色水墨纸本立轴 1977 年作 款識: 黃山松云 丁巳十月 陆俨少画 钤印: (陆俨少) (晚晴)

Lu Yanshao Mt. Huangshan Shrouded Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1977 Entitled and signed Lu Yanshao, with two artist seals


霍春阳 (b. 1946)

集禽图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 画竹清修数宋君, 春风春雨洗黄尘; 小窗夜月留清影, 想见虚心不欲人。 云林诗 春阳而意 钤印:(霍)

Huo Chunyang Birds Gathering Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Chunyang, with one artist seal 52⅛ × 25½ in. 132.3 × 64.5 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000


作者简介: 霍春阳 出生于河北省清苑县,1969年毕 业于天津美术学院并留校任教至 今。现任天津美术学院美术馆馆 长。霍春阳倾心元、明、清以来 的文人画传统,经过对中国传统 文化深刻领悟及对自然之美的悉 心体味,潜心追求虚静空灵的艺 术境界,以“净化人的心灵”为 创作宗旨,是我国传统写意花鸟 最具代表性的画家之一。

53¾ × 13⅛ in. 136.5 × 33.3 cm.

$10,000 - $15,000


设色水墨纸本立轴 1992 年作


(1919 - 2010)


187 款识:吴冠中 九二 钤印:(吴冠中)

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1992

Wu Guanzhong Pine Forest

$650,000 - $1,200,000

26⅝ × 36¾ in. 67.6 × 93.3 cm.

Signed Wu Guanzhong 92, with one artist seal


Song Wenzhi Morning at Lake Dongting Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1982 Entitled, inscribed and signed Wenzhi, with three artist seals 27 × 18 in. 68.5 × 45.7 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000


陆俨少 (1909 - 1993)

云山深处有人家 设色水墨纸本立轴 1980 年作 款识:一九八零年九月 陆俨少写 鈐印:(陆俨少印) (俨少長寿)

Lu Yanshao Hidden Hamlet Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1980 Signed Lu Yanshao, with two artist seals 26¾ × 16¼ in. 67.9 × 41.3 cm.

$6,000 - $8,000


宋文治 (1919 - 1999)

洞庭清晓 设色水墨纸本立轴 1982 年作 款识: 洞庭清晓 壬戌之春 写太湖之滨 娄江文治 钤印: (娄江宋灏)(文治画印) (娄江文治)


张大千 (1899 - 1983)

研经图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1951 年作 款识: 辛卯三月大千居士 张爰扵大风堂 钤印: (大千)(张爰印)(大风堂)

Zhang Daqian Study Group

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1951 Inscribed and signed Zhang Yuan, with three artist seals 47½ × 17½ in. 120.7 × 44.5 cm.

$40,000 - $50,000



稀有生动五万年台湾新竹市螃 蟹化石赏件 颗粒静蟹, 十足完整(两螯八脚) 壳体 保存良好。

Large Fossil Crab with Legs, Pliocene Galene Granulifera

5 million years Formation. Complete with A pair of pincers and eight legs. Cholau Location: Hsinchu-Hsien, Taiwan. Length: 6¼ in (15.87 cm) Width: 4 in (10.2 cm) $4,000 - $5,000


战国 青铜龙纹援戈 上、下刃与中脊浮雕几何龙纹,管状 插座用以套在长柄或矛上。援戈体厚 重,制作精美,保存良好,形制罕 见,无疑是属于贵族阶层,标志着其 拥有者的军事和社会地位。

Warring States, Ritual Bronze Socketed Halberd Blade, Ge


The tapering blade with a median ridge on both sides that continues over the tubular socket to the tang, cast on both sides geometric and taotie masks, with malachite encrustation. Length: 12¼ in (31.1 cm) Width: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) $3,000 - $4,000


宋 骑犼文殊菩萨铜像 文殊菩萨形象为骑狮之像,以无畏的狮子吼震醒沈迷 的众生。头戴化佛宝冠,着通肩大衣,手握经书, 结 跏趺坐于莲花座台之上。底下的狮子为走狮,狮口大 张,怒视前方,四肢粗壮有力,毛发刻画栩栩如生, 凶猛威武。座下为双叠方台。

Song Dynasty, A Rare Bronze Figure of Bodhisattva Manjushri Riding Buddhist Lion

Cast seated with a serene face, seated in lalitasana with the right leg raised, both arms raised before the chest, wearing loose robes falling into voluminous folds and riding on a lotus flower supported on a caparisoned Buddhist lion with large bulging eyes, thick eyebrows and mane meticulously rendered, supported by a doubletiered stand. Height: 10 in (25.4 cm) Length: 8½ in (21.6 cm) Weight: 2066 g $80,000 - $150,000



明 徐渭 (1521 - 1593)

芭蕉螃蟹圖 水墨紙本立軸 款識:徐渭 鈐印: (徐渭印)(青藤道士)

Ming Dynasty Xu Wei Crab and Plantains Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Signed Xu Wei, with two artist seals 50¼ x 13⅛ in. 127.7 x 33.3 cm.


$60,000 - $80,000


潘天寿 (1897 - 1971)

雏鹰图 设色水墨纸本立轴 Dated 1962 款识: 一九六二年 懒道人 寿者 钤印:(寿)(阿寿)(老寿)

Pan Tianshou A Perching Hawk Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1962

Signed Shou, with three artist seals 39 × 19.5 in. 99 × 49 cm.

$50,000 - $60,000


Huang Yongyu Summer Lotus

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1987 Inscribed, and signed Huang Yongyu, with one artist seal 26¾ x 26¼ in. 67.9 x 66.6 cm.


赵少昂 (1905 - 1998)

枫叶红于二月花 设色水墨纸本立轴 1984 年作 款识: 枫叶红于二月花 甲子春三月少昂于香岛 钤印: (少昂)(美意延年)

Zhao Shaoang Mynah on Maple Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1984 Inscribed and signed Shaoang, with two artist seals 37¼ x 17 in. 94.6 x 43.2 cm.

$8,000 - $10,000


$8,000 - $15,000


黃永玉 (b.1924)

夏荷 设色水墨纸本立轴 1987 年作 款识:丁卯端阳黄永玉 作扵故乡时年六十四 钤印:(黄永玉)


吴昌硕 (1844 - 1927)

牡丹奇石图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1923 年作 款识: 红时槛外春风拂, 神仙浑不羡自高唯也。 癸亥春寒 吴昌硕 老缶时年八十 钤印:(缶翁) (缶老) (安吉吴昌硕)

Wu Changshuo Peony Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1923

Inscribed and signed Wu Changshuo, with three artist seals 74½ x 24⅝ in. 188.6 x 62.9 cm.

$50,000 - $60,000



明 宣德 青花宫苑仕女象耳盘口瓶 (大明宣德年制)六字楷书横款 棱形花口瓶,通体青花绘饰纹饰。肩颈饰蕉叶回纹,腹通景 宫苑仕女图,近足处绘莲瓣纹。釉上绘画部分黑褐色铁质斑 点明显,堪称明宣德时期大件器物中之精品。

Ming, Xuande, A Rare and Large Blue and White Court Scene Vase

Of inverted baluster form, supported on a high splayed foot decorated with lotus scroll and below a key fret band, enclosing a story scene of leisure ladies amidst pavilion, fences and bamboo. The tall flared neck encircled with a lappet band and flanked with two elephant loop handles. The galleried foliate rim decorated with double circles in blue. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 14¼ in (36.2 cm) $20,000 - $30,000


清 康熙 粉彩黄釉锦地开光花卉塑雕 八兽首梅瓶 (大清康熙年制)六字三行楷书款

Qing, a Large Famille-Rose Floral Meiping


Finely painted with two windows of floral branches with singing birds on a brocade yellow ground, applied to the shoulder are eight protruding beast heads with shou character interspersed. Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 13⅞ in (35.2 cm) $4,000 - $5,000


清 乾隆 五彩镂雕莲池笔筒 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行凸雕款 笔筒通体为透雕的盛开荷花和茂盛荷叶,红花绿叶色彩纷呈。透过茎叶间的大小雕孔可见笔筒的另外一面, 且有清风迎面徐来。乾隆朝五彩镂雕笔筒并不多见。

Qing, An Exceptional Wucai Reticulated Lotus-Pond Brush Holder

This brush-holder, a rare find today, has an outer layer of reticulated red lotus flowers and green leaves surrounding its inner layer of latticework. It bears a light blue wave band at the base and a yellow rim at the foot. The inside of the holder is in solid light blue. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Raised Seal Mark and of the Period. Height: 7½ in (18.9 cm) $30,000 - $40,000



墨玉浮雕罗汉山 景插屏 A Dark Jade Table Screen carved with Luohans in the Mountain

Height: 13½ in (34.3 cm) Weight: 5190 g (11.44 LB) $800 - $1,200


红芙蓉雕刻人物风景山子 Red Furong Stone Boulder carved with Figural Landscape Height: 5 in (12.7 cm) Width: 5⅜ in (13.7 cm) Weight: 1532 g $800 - $1,500


清 绿松石刻菩提佛祖坐像 佛祖身着小格纹的袈裟坐于烈火的平台 上,面露慈祥笑意,左手捧着莲花。佛 祖背后有佛光与圆形粹花纹。背后有藏 纹款。

Qing Dynasty, Turquoise Carved Shakyamuni Seated Buddha with Halo Tibetan Script on back of Buddha Height: 4¾ in (12.1 cm) Weight: 397 g $800 - $1,000


芙蓉石雕南海观音造像 A Carved Furong Stone Guanyin Holding Ruyi Height: 6⅝ in (16.8 cm) Weight: 814 g $600 - $800


青玉雕人物兽耳尊 A Celadon Jade Zun with Beast Handle and Figures Carving


Height: 5⅛ in (13 cm) Weight: 1056 g $600 - $800


明 宣德 青花塑雕莲池鸳鸯童戏耳反口椭圆大盘 通体施釉,釉白微青,青花图案简朴,整器画工点涂技法运用娴熟。器身内底部绘有青花鸳鸯一把莲纹,青花纹饰质朴自然, 线条流畅,浓淡相宜。外壁堆塑两婴孩,通景描绘荷莲池塘,水墨写意风格,清新雅致。青花发色淡雅,古雅凝丽。

Ming Dynasty, Blue and White Oval Bowl with Lotus Pond scene and Applied Children Height: 7 in (17.8 cm) Width: 15¼ in (38.7 cm) $80,000 - $150,000



清 五彩加粉彩描金万字纹盖碗托盘 一套三件 (大清乾隆年制)碗盖、碗底及托底六字 三行篆书红款 盖碗由碗盖托三件套组成。碗撇口、折 腰。碗、盖及托外壁开光留白绘粉彩花 卉纹。

Qing, Wucai and Famille-Rose Gilt Painted Bowl and Cover with Saucer

Densely painted with gilt, windows of floral medallion on a wan brocade background, with floral scrolls and ruyi bands. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) - 7½ in (19 cm) Height: 1 in (2.54 cm) - 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) $3,000 - $4,000

210 白玉浮雕圆珠纹把壶 玉洁白,通体刻圆珠纹,小巧玲珑,美艳夺目,为难得之杰作。

White Jade Ewer with Loop Handle and Bud Finial with Relief Carved Pearl Pebble Ground


Height: 2⅜ in (6.1 cm) Weight: 374 g $600 - $800


新石器时代 红山文化 玉雕挂饰:兽面纹冠状、人面网格纹; 良渚文化 玉雕挂饰:兽面纹鸟形、兽面纹 Neolithic Period, Hongshan Culture, Two Jade Plaque Carvings: Headdress with Mask; Humanoid Head with Wing Markings Below Liangzhu Culture, Two Jade Plaque Carvings: Bird From with Mask; Plaque with Mask Length: 3⅜ in (8.6 cm), 3⅛ in (7.9 cm), 2⅞ in (7.3 cm), 2¾ in (7 cm) Weight: 30 g, 43 g, 39 g, 30 g $300 - $400

211 宋 耀州窑青釉浮雕缠枝花卉兽流三足倒流提樑壶 注口在壶底部,注水时需将壶倒置而得名。

Song Dynasty, Yaozhou Celadon Reverse-Flow Tripod Ewer with Design of Floral Scrolls and Spout in the Form of a Lion-Dog (A similar one in the St. Louis Museum, Spink Asian Art Collection) Height: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


明 万历 五彩仕女把壶 (大明万历年制)六字楷书横款 立姿,头梳髽髻,慈眉善目,腹前系 绶带,宽袍广袖,一手隐于袖中, 随风飘摆,下承圆台座,一副潇洒惬 意之态。色彩均匀、清晰、明快、艳 丽。通体施以白釉,以五彩: 红、 黄、绿、紫诸彩点饰,工艺讲究,画 工细腻,下承圆台座。

Ming, An Unusual Wucai Wine Pot in the Shape of A Lady

The wine pot is ingeniously modelled as a court lady, with right hand raised as spout and left hand lowered as handle. Elaborately decorated robe in iron red, turquoise and green enamels with pattern of beast, floral scrolls and diaper. Ming Dynasty, Wanli Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: (28.8 cm) $60,000 - $80,000



民国 粉彩花卉轧道纹 兽耳瓶 Republic Period, Famillerose Pink Sgraffiato Ground Vase with Beast Handles Height: 11¾ in (29.8 cm) $500 - $800

214 宋 吉州窑三鼠灯盏 此油灯两盘重叠,墨色莲瓣纹边,边上有三鼠作偷油状。盘中有如抽 象画的色彩图,虽小而灿烂,甚为稀有极品。

Song Dynasty, Jizhou Dark-Glazed Oil Lamp

The upper section decorated with three applied Mice on its foliate rim and supported on a fluted base. Across: 4¾ in (12 cm) Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) $600 - $1,000


玛瑙雕大圆盘 A Large Agate Carved Bowl

Diameter: 16 in (40.6 cm) Height: 4⅝ in (11.7 cm) $800 - $1,500


绿朝珠挂饰一件 Court Necklace, Chaozhu


Length: 39½ in (100 cm) Weight: 305 g $500 - $800

217 韩国 青釉葵口盘与直颈四繫瓶

Korean, A Celadon Plate with Foliate Rim and A Celadon Jar with Four Lugs Diameter: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) Height: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm), 4½ in (11.4 cm) $600 - $1,000


清 乾隆 矾红描金万蝠大盘 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款 金口,内外金彩为地,上画矾红万蝠,寓意洪福齐天。底施青绿釉。此盘构想奇绝,矾红万蝠重叠飞舞,生动自然,彩光夺目。为 乾隆矾红金彩瓷极品。

Qing, Qianlong, Exquisite Gilt Iron-Red ‘Bat’ Dish

Finely painted all over interior and exterior in iron-red enamels with a dense design of bats with outstretched wings on a gilt background. The auspicious design contains an implied blessing of Hong Fu Qi Tian, Enjoying Happiness as Boundless as Heaven. The base glazed turquoise. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 14¾ in (37.5 cm) Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) $150,000 - $200,000



霁蓝釉红地黏花白龙凤纹花卉折沿盘 (永乐年制)款 盘内外壁施霁蓝釉,釉色均匀。中央部蓝釉上釉 红地塑貼龙凤纹,细致繁密;翱翔于火焰祥云之 间,线条细腻流畅。

A Sacrificial Blue Phoenix-Dragon Charger

A large red-ground charger molded with an applied Phoenix and Dragon chasing pearl in the center well. The everted border is similarly decorated with floral scrolls. Yongle Mark. Diameter: 16¼ in (41.3 cm) Height: 3½ in (8.9 cm) $10,000 - $20,000


元 釉里红镂雕夹层高足杯 撇口,深直腹,高足外撇,杯腹夹層 镂雕不规则叶纹。釉里红色泽浓艳, 有变化层次感,泛现的嫩绿色苔点。 造型新颖奇巧,工艺水平极为高超。

Yuan Dynasty, Copper Red Glazed Reticulated Stem Cup


Molded with a flared rim to the wide, deep curving double walled well reticulated with leaf-shaped motifs, the copper red wash on the interior and exterior streaked with shades of green hues. Height: 5 in (12.7 cm) $30,000 - $40,000


南宋 官窑桃花瓣盘 盌六瓣花口,侈口外撇,小圈足。里、外及底心满施灰青色釉,釉色莹润,釉面满布开片纹,片纹密集,犹如网线纵横交错。

Southern Song Dynasty, A Rare Guanyao Lobed Plate

Potted with six plum blossom petals, covered overall with a thick pale blue-grey glaze suffused with dense network of russet crackles, thinning at the rim and at the notches. The interior of the foot also glazed. Across: 5¼ in (13.3 in) Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) $300,000 - $500,000



清 乾隆 粉彩浮雕宝相夔龙纹笔筒 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行浮雕篆书款 通体浮雕,端正的对称构图,纹饰在每一细节和线条转折上、都能做到完全相称。细工精刻,纹饰满密,有夔龙 纹、云雷纹、回纹等。

Qing, A Very Rare and Finely Carved Famille-Rose Decorated with Taotie Masks Bands

Of cylindrical shape, relief decorated with separate bands of taotie and dragon masks interspersed with key-fret patterns. Impressed reign mark in a recessed glazed ring in the unglazed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Impressed Mark and of the Period. Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) $40,000 - $60,000



清 雍正 青花喜上梅梢塑雕 螭龙花口瓶 大清雍正年内务府唐英督管珠山 御窑厂窑务制宫廷贡品 皇帝赏珍 宫廷专用

Qing , Blue and White Birds and Blossoms Vase with a Foliate Everted Rim and Two Relief Carved Qilins Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Mark in Circular with Artist Mark of Tang Ying. Height: 16½ in (42 cm) $150,000 - $250,000



元 釉里红花卉莲瓣纹匜 呈浅钵形,敞口,弧腹,平砂底。通体以釉里红绘制,匜内底 心束莲纹,外壁一周绘仰莲纹,红釉已转变成暗红色,并且上 有绿斑。

Yuan Dynasty, An Underglazed Copper-Red Yi, Ladle

A ladle with a tubular handle, the interior well painted with a floral medallion beneath a scrolling band at mouth rim. The exterior has a classic scroll with a circular aperture beneath the handle. Diameter: 5 in (12.7 cm) Length: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) $6,000 - $8,000


北宋 耀州窑青釉瓷雕高士流水注 高士束发单髻,眉目传神,面部饱满,神态泰 然,面容详和。体态端坐,手持简牍,坐於划弦 纹执壶上。开口粘烧长曲流,背后粘烧弯柄。通 体施青釉,色如嫩橄榄,圈足底部刮釉,露出灰 色胎土。整器保存完好,极为难得。

Northern Song Dynasty, A Yaozhou Figure Ewer


Moulded in the shape of a scholar sitting atop a water jar. Covered overall with a dense glaze of matte olive-green celadon with the exception of the foot-ring. Height: 8¾ in (22.2 cm) $3,000 - $4,000


明 成化 蓝釉刻花云龙纹盘 (大明成化年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 此蓝釉线刻龙云纹盘为成化单色瓷之一。刻功精致流畅,为成化单色瓷精妙之作。 Ming, A Very Fine and Rare Blue-Green-Glazed Incised Dragon Plate

With rounded sides raised on a ring foot, the interior incised with confronting dragons chasing flaming pearl amidst clouds and the exterior with tow further racing dragons, all under a blue-green glaze on a blue ground. Ming Dynasty, Chenghua Double Circle Six-Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 8¾ in (22.2 cm) Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) $250,000 - $400,000



民国 粉彩折枝花卉 盘口瓶 (乾隆年制)款

Republic Period, Famille-Rose Floral Rouleau Vase

Qianlong Mark. Height: 10 in (25.4 cm) $300 - $400

229 元 钧窑天青釉紫斑双鱼纹折沿盘

Yuan Dynasty, Junyao Purple Splashed Twin-Fish Dish

Rising to a short rounded side and an everted rim, decorated in the interior well with a pair of purple splashed fish swimming in opposite directions. Diameter: 8⅜ in (21.2 cm) $1,500 - $2,000



清 光绪 粉彩王母会穆王 故事长颈天球瓶 (大清光绪年制)六字双行楷 书款

Qing, A Famille-Rose Bottle Vase of King Mu Receiving Queen Mother

Well potted of elongated pear shape with a globular body sweeping up to a slender neck. Qing Dynasty, Guangxu Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 13½ in (34.4 cm) $4,000 - $5,000

230 宋 钧窑月白釉紫斑敞口三足炉 炉为三足圆腹,束颈,外翻唇口,胎体厚重,施天蓝均釉,釉质肥 厚,色泽亮丽。

Song Dynasty, Junyao Tripod Censer with Purple Splash

The compressed body raised on three cabriole legs and with a short cylindrical neck below the rounded outer sides of the inward-canted rim, the exterior covered with an opaque glaze of pale milky blue color. Height: 5 in (12.7 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


明 宣德 青花塑雕犀牛浪涛纹赏件 (大明宣德年制)横款 犀牛瓷塑形像生动。以青花装饰兼具雕塑技巧的纯熟,塑造鲜明的形像,为瓷塑佳作。胎质洁白 细腻,青花发色蓝中泛灰。笔触娴熟细致,神态生动传神,传世较为少见,相当珍贵。

Ming, Blue and White Figure of Rhinoceros

The powerful animal naturalistically modeled standing four square, the pointed ears alert behind the two horns and tail curled to one side. The neck with painted blue folds to simulate the hide, the puffy body painted with splashes of blue in geometric meandering forms. Depictions of a rhinoceros are extremely rare in the Tang dynasty, although the two-horned rhinoceros species depicted on this dish is recorded to have survived into the Tang dynasty in the Lingnan region of Guangdong and Guangxi. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 9 in (22.9 cm) Width: 11¼ in (28.6 cm) $80,000 - $150,000



清 王澍刻诗文竹雕笔筒 笔筒以竹节为材,平口直腹,底内凹成圈足,器腹浅刻 诗文“少学琴书,偶爱闲静,开卷有得,便欣然忘食。 见树木交荫,时鸟变声,亦复欢然有喜。常言五六月 中,北窗下卧,遇凉风暂至,自谓是羲皇上人。右陶渊 明句 良常王澍”。书法温婉整饬,字体遒劲挺拔。 王澍(1688-1743),王若林,康熙五十一年进士,曾为 五经篆文馆总裁官,致仕归,置地筑良常山馆,故署款 良常王澍。精楷书,兼工篆书,为清初一代篆书名手。 此笔筒为其精刻得意之作,甚为难得。

Qing Dynasty, Wang Shu Bamboo Brush Pot,

Carved with a inscription in kaishu, excerpted from a poem by Tao Yuanming, followed by the artist’s signature, Wang Shu. Height: 7¼ in (18.4 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


元 龙泉窑弦纹瓶 广口圆唇,直颈、斜折肩。胎釉青翠, 釉色厚润淡如玉,釉面布满龟裂的纹 片,圈足内外墙均无釉,器底满釉。

Yuan Dynasty, A Fine Longquan Celadon Vase


The thickly potted tapering ovoid body rising from a waisted circular foot, with concentric rings. Overall covered inside and out with crackled olive green glaze, except the foot. Countersunk recessed base with glaze also. Height: 11 in (27.9 cm) $10,000 - $20,000


元 青花龙火凤纹花口梅瓶 器型饱满丰润,唇口叶状外侈,细短 颈,丰肩圆润,砂底微泛火石红色。器外 满施亮青釉,釉色肥厚。肩部莲瓣纹,腹 间绘尤凤火云纹,气势威猛,龙身伸展弯 曲,飞凤穿于其间。极富张力,更有瑞光祥 火缠绕四周,尽显飞龙在天的威猛气势。下 部卷草及莲瓣纹为饰,莲瓣内朵花下垂,滴 珠一点,绘画流畅。青花发色典雅,笔触流 畅灵动,发色浓淡有致,为元代青花典型装 饰手法。且保存完好,较为少见。

Yuan Dynasty, Blue and White Flaming Dragon with Phoenix Vase with Foliate Rim Height: 14⅝ in (37 cm) $400,000 - $600,000



现代 朱扣喜刻字紫砂躬钮扁壶 底款(朱扣喜)朱扣喜制 线圆 书于蜀山

Zhu Kouxi, Contemporary Yixing Zisha Flask Teapot with Inscription Zhu Kouxi artist mark on the underside, base and handle. Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) $200 - $300


顾景舟 浮雕花鸟彩色紫砂壶 底款(顾景舟) 壶把款(顾) 盖内款(顾)(景舟)

Gu Jingzhou, Colored Enameled Bird and Flower Yixing Zisha Teapot

Gu Jingzhou artist mark on the underside, base and handle. Height: 5⅛ in (13 cm) $600 - $800


顾景舟 宝石蓝紫砂方壶 底款(原矿宝石蓝)(顾景舟) 盖内款(顾)(景舟)

Gu Jingzhou, Teal-Blue Yixing Zisha Teapot with Floral and Inscriptions

Ascribed and signed Gu Jingzhou on the underside and base. Height: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) $600 - $800


顾景舟 梨形圆钮三足紫砂壶 底款(顾景舟) 壶把款(顾) 盖内款(顾)(景舟)

Gu Jingzhou, Pear-shaped with Round Knop Tripod Yixing Zisha Teapot


Ascribed and signed Gu Jingzhou on the underside and base. Height: 5⅛ in (13 cm) $400 - $600


清 余集铭端石手抄砚 边刻:天下皆知美之为美斯恶已, 皆知善之为善斯不善斯。秋室余集 余集(1738-1823) 清代画家、 藏书家。字蓉裳,号秋室。 砚作长方抄手样,砚堂平整,正面开长方淌池。 手抄砚为一代砚王,非常稀有,存世已知的 有苏轼的七星手抄端砚和宋仁宗的手抄端砚。 而余集此砚细致平滑,为难得之宝。

Qing Dynasty, Yu Ji An Inscribed Rectangular Duan Inkstone,

The rectangular inkstone is carved with a smoothly polished grinding surface inclining into a troughed inkwell. The sloping base is plain. The underside is cut with a deep, curved channel from which projects a truncated column, and the ‘eye’ in the underside is highlighted. On the side is carved with an inscription and the artist’s signature, Yu Ji, a renowned artist and collector. Height: 2½ in (6.35 cm) Length: 7½ in (19.1 cm) Width: 5 in (12.7 cm) $10,000 - $15,000



紫砂浮雕彩绘福寿双全水洗 底款(荆溪)

A Yixing Zisha Brush Water Decorated with Polychrome Painted Peaches Mark of Jingxi. Diameter: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) $200 - $300


杨彭年 印花贴塑花卉飞鸟紫砂压手碗一对 底款(杨彭年)

Yang Pengnian, A Pair of Yixing Zisha Bowl Molded with Floral and Birds Roundel

Yang Pengnian artist mark on the base. Diameter: 4⅛ in (10.5 cm) Height: 1⅞ in (4.8 cm) $300 - $400


陈顺林 菊瓣束腰瓜形紫砂壶 底款(陈顺林制) 盖内款(陈)(顺林)

Chen Shunlin, Contemporary Yixing Zisha MelonForm Teapot with Chrysanthemum Petals Chen Shunlin artist mark on the underside and base. Height: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) $500 - $600


邵友廷 葵花瓣紫砂壶 底款(荆溪邵友廷制) 邵友廷,清代道光至同治间宜兴紫砂艺人。他制 作的紫砂壶大多工整规矩。

Shao Youting, Moulded Melon-Form with Foliate Cover Yixing Zisha Teapot

Ascribed and signed Jingxi Shao Youting on the base. Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) $500 - $600


裴石民 宝石蓝竹节紫砂壶 底款(裴石民) 壶把款(裴) 盖内款(裴)(石民) 裴石民(1892—1976),原名裴云庆,又名裴德铭。宜兴蜀山人。

Pei Shimin, Teal-Blue Yixing Zisha Teapot with Bamboo Spout and Handle


Ascribed and signed Pei Shimin on the underside and base. Height: 3⅝ in (9.2 cm) $500 - $600


蒋蓉 塑雕十八罗汉紫砂壶 一组九件 底款(蒋蓉)(蒋蓉)篆书款 壶把款(蒋蓉)篆书款 盖内款(蒋蓉)篆书款 此组十八罗汉寿桃钮盖紫砂壶一 共九把,寿桃为钮,壶身浮雕二 罗汉,桃枝为把流。具有祝愿健 康长寿的好寓意。

Jiang Rong, A Set of Nine Molded Eighteen-Luohan Yixing Zisha Teapots

Each teapot is topped with a Longevity Peach knop and molded each side with a lively Luohan. The spout and handle are shaped after the tree trunk of the peach tree. Jiang Rong artist mark on the underside, base and handle. Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) $2,000 - $3,000



民国 五彩线绘东 洋仕女游园图紫砂 笔筒

民国 五彩线绘花鸟 纹紫砂笔筒


Republic Period, A Wucai Decorated Yixing Zisha Hexagonal Brush Pot with Japanese Ladies at a Pavilion Scene Studio Mark of Golden Ding with Pictograph at the base. Height: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) $400 - $500

Next Auction March 2020 下期春季拍卖会 2020年3月


Republic Period, A Wucai Decorated Yixing Zisha Hexagonal Brush Pot with Birds and Flowers

Studio Mark of Golden Ding with Pictograph at the base. Height: 6¼ in (15.9 cm) $400 - $500


Index of Artists 画家索引 Name


Lot No.



Lot No.

Chen Hong


144, 154

Liu Kuiling



Cheng Shifa


111, 118, 148

Lu Yanshao


186, 188

Dong Shouping



Mochizuki Kimpo



Du Ziling



Ni Tian



Feng Zikai



Pan Tianshou


56, 79, 173, 195

Fu Baoshi


58, 151, 177

Qi Baishi


87, 149, 165, 174, 178

Fu Shan



Qian Song Yan


81, 85, 110

Gai Qi



Ren Renfa



Guan Shanyue


60, 183

Song Wenzhi



Huang Binhong



Sun Kehong



Huang Bingzhuang


80, 83

Tian Hong



Huang Yongyu


109, 197

Wang Xuetao


54, 146

Huang Zhou



Weng Tonghe



Huo Chunyang



Wu Changshuo


84, 155, 198

Jiang Tingxi



Wu Guanzhong


61, 88, 143, 187

Ke Jiusi



Wu Qingxia



Lai Shaoqi



Wu Zuoren



Li Keran


117, 169, 184

Xu Beihong


115, 150, 152

Li Kuchan



Xu Wei



Lin Fengmian



Zhang Daqian


142, 168, 175, 190

Lin Sanzhi



Zhao Mengfu



Liu Danzhai



Zhao Shaoang



Liu Haisu



Zheng Xie (Banqiao) 郑燮(板桥)


Zhu Qizhan




EST. 2002

紐約貞觀國際拍賣公司 Gianguan Auctions

EST. 2002

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