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Fine Chinese Paintings, Ceramics, Bronzes and Works of Art 書畫•瓷器•青銅器•玉器•文玩 NEW YORK , NY

Gianguan Auctions

EST. 2002

16 March 2020


COVER LOT 105 张大千 (1899 - 1983) 忆江南采莲图 Zhang Daqian Reminiscing Lotus Harvest 93½ x 48½ in. 237.5 x 123.2 cm.

Lot 80

林缉光 (b. 1939)

写意大狂草 Kwong Lum Unconstrained Freehand Cursive Script 53 x 26½ in. 134.6 x 67.3 cm.

Important Notice: No representation is made as to the condition, price or value of lots in this catalogue. Anyone seeking information on any of the items included in this catalogue should contact Gianguan Auctions at 212 867-7288. Notwithstanding any description provided, all lots are offered and sold ‘As Is’ in accordance with the Conditions of Sale available in the back of this catalogue. 买家须知: 本图录中有关拍卖物品的图文介绍不应被视为对任何物品制作者真实程度、考据及价值方面的担保或是对任何义务的承诺。 此图录中所有物品均按照印在本目录中的拍卖规则所界定的基础之上以《现状》出售。如欲查询本图录中的拍品资料,请与 貞觀國際拍賣公司联系。

Gianguan Auctions


紐約貞觀國際拍賣公司 中华瑰宝春季拍卖会

拍卖日期: 2020年3月16日 星期一 下午6 时: 玉器 。名人书画 。瓷器 。青铜器 。文玩 预展日期: 3月10日 星期二 – 3月15日 星期日 (早上10 时 - 晚上7 时) 3月16日 星期一 (早上10 时 - 晚上5 时)

FINE CHINESE PAINTINGS, CERAMICS, BRONZES AND WORKS OF ART Auction Date: Monday, March 16 6 pm: Jade 。Chinese Paintings 。Ceramics 。Bronze 。Works of Art Preview: Tues. March 10- Sun. March 15 (10 am - 7 pm) Mon. March 16 (10 am - 5 pm) 拍卖咨询 Enquiries for this Sale

212 867-7288 212 867-9388 Fax: 212 867-9818 39 West 56th St. New York, NY 10019. 纽约市曼哈顿西56街39号 (五、六大道间) Email: info@gianguanauctions.com 拍卖目录请浏览网址:www.gianguanauctions.com


Neolithic Period

6500-1700 Century B.C.


502 - 557

宣德 Xuande


557 - 589

正统 Zhengtong

1436 - 1449

景泰 Jingtai

1450 - 1456

北朝 Xia Dynasty

21st - 16th Century B.C. Shang Dynasty

16th - 11th Century B.C. Zhou Dynasty

11th Century - 256 B.C.

北魏 Nothern Wei

386 - 535

天顺 Tianshun

1457 - 1464

东魏 Eastern Wei

534 - 550

成化 Chenghua

1465 - 1487

西魏 Western Wei

535 - 557

弘治 Hongzhi

1488 - 1505

北齐 Northern Qi

550 - 557

正德 Zhengde

1506 - 1521

北周 Northern Zhou

557 - 581

嘉靖 Jiajing

1522 - 1566

11th C.- 771 B.C.

东周 Eastern Zhou Dynasty

770 - 256 B.C.

春秋 Spring and Autumn Period 770 - 476 B.C. 战国 Warring States Period

Tang Dynasty

Qin Dynasty

Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 220 A.D. 西汉 Western Han Dynasty

206 B.C. - 8 A.D.

王莽新 Xin

9 - 23 A.D.

东汉 Eastern Han Dynasty

25 - 220 A.D.

Five Dynasties

泰昌 Taichang


天启 Tianqi

1621 - 1627

崇祯 Chongzhen

1628 - 1644

1644 - 1911 顺治 Shunzhi

1644 - 1661

康熙 Kangxi

1662 - 1722

后唐 Later Tang

923 - 936

雍正 Yongzheng

1723 - 1735

后晋 Later Jin

936 - 946

乾隆 Qianlong

1736 - 1795

后汉 Later Han

947 - 950

嘉庆 Jiaqing

1796 - 1820

后周 Later Zhou

951 - 960

Liao Dynasty

道光 Daoguang

1821 - 1850

咸丰 Xianfeng

1851 - 1861

同治 Tongzhi

1862 - 1874

光绪 Guangxu

1875 - 1908

宣统 Xuantong

1909 - 1911

Song Dynasty


220 - 265

960 - 1279


221 - 263

北宋 Northern Song Dynasty

960 - 1127


229 - 280

南宋 Southern Song Dynasty

1127 - 1279


Jin Dynasty

265 - 420

Jin Dynasty

Hongxian (Yuan Shikai)

1915 - 1916

1115 - 1234


Western Jin

265 - 316


Sixteen Kingdoms

304 - 439


Eastern Jin

317 - 420

1279- 1371

中华人民共和国 Yuan Dynasty

Ming Dynasty

Southern and Northern Dynasties

1368 - 1644


洪武 Hongwu

1368 -1398

建文 Jianwen

1399 - 1402

Southern Dynasties

People’s Republic of China 1949 -



Republic of China

1912 - 1949 洪宪

Qing Dynasty

907 - 923

Three Kingdoms

220 - 280

1573 - 1619

后梁 Later Liang

907 -1125 三国

1567 - 1572

万历 Wanli

清 907 - 960

221 - 206 B.C.

隆庆 Longqing

618 - 907

475 - 221 B.C.


Sui Dynasty

581 - 618

西周 Western Zhou Dynasty

Northern Dynasties

1425 - 1435

刘宋 Liu Song

420 - 479

永乐 Yongle

1403 - 1424

南齐 Southern Qi

479 - 502

洪熙 Hongxi




冰种翡翠双雕福寿如意挂饰 An Apple Green Jadeite Pendant Carved on Both Sides with Bat and Ruyi

冰种翡翠透雕喜鹊寿桃挂饰 An Apple Green Jadeite Reticulated on Both Sides with Magpie and Peach Pendant

Length: 1¾ in.(4.5cm) Width: 1¼ in.(3.2cm) Weight: 16g $1,000 - $1,500

Length: 2 in.(5.08 cm.) Width: 1½ in. (3.81 cm.) Weight: 21g $1,500 - $2,000



冰种紫罗兰翡翠双面雕竹节(祝节)福来项饰 Jadeite Lavender Bamboo Pendant Carved on Both Sides

冰种透雕翡翠葫芦花开富贵挂饰 An Apple Green Jadeite Reticfulated on Both Sides with Blossoms Gourd Pendant

Height: 2⅜ in. (6 cm.) Weight: 43 g $1,500 - $2,000

Length: 2¼ in. (5.7cm.) Width: 1½ in. (3.8cm.) Weight: 23 g $1,500 - $2,000




冰种翡翠透雕瓜瓞绵绵挂饰 An Apple Green Jadeite Reticulated on Both Sides with Melon Pendant


Length: 2 in.(5.08 cm.) Width: ⅞ in. (2.2cm.) Weight: 16g $1,000 - $1,500


14K白金镶嵌,项链长约51cm,配镶钻石0.57克拉, 戒面尺寸约16x18mm。

Jadeite with Diamond Pendant and Diamond Necklace Jadeite Cochran 14K platinum, diamond 0.57 ct, oval cabochon approximately 16x18 mm. Length: 9¼in (23.5cm) Weight: 15g $3,000 - $4,000



冰种翡翠大吉如意花朵圆珠项链 An Apple Green Jadeite Ruyi Floral Pendant with a Jadeite Bead Necklace


Pendant Height: 1⅞ in (4.5cm) Pendant Width: 1¾ in (4.4cm) Length: 15⅛ in(38.4cm) Weight: 68g $2,500 - $3,500

玉佩以浮雕、透雕之法施以雕琢。螭龙于如意花卉莲池中。 镂雕环托三、四层,手工精湛。

Jadeite Tri-Color Pendant with Intricate Openwork Carving of Qilin and Ruyi with Lotus Pods as Auspicious Emblems Height: 2¾ in (6.9 cm) Weight: 146 g $1,500 - $2,000


缅甸天然绿翡翠蛋面配钻石吊坠14K白金项链 14K白金镶嵌,项链长约51cm,配镶钻石0.57克拉, 戒面尺寸约16x18mm。

Jadeite with Diamond Pendant Necklace

Jadeite Cochran 14K platinum, necklace 51 cm, diamond 0.57 ct, oval cabochon approximately 16x18 mm. Length: 10⅞ in. (27.5 cm.) Weight: 10 g $2,500 - $3,000


翡翠蛋面配钻石及红宝石戒指 14K 白金镶嵌缅甸天然绿翡翠蛋面戒指,配镶钻 石1.68克拉,红宝石2.5克拉。

Jadeite Ruby and Diamond Ring

Diamond 1.68 ct Ruby 2.5 ct 14K white gold ring Jade: 12.38 x 10.98 x 6.18 mm Ring size: 7 $5,500 - $6,500


松绿石精选天然意形 珠项链 Turquoise Necklace

A single long strand of naturalistic turquoise beads. Length: 46¼ in (117.5 cm) Weight: 167 g $1,500 - $2,000


缅甸天然满绿翡翠蛋面白金镶钻石戒指 14K白金镶嵌,戒面尺寸约17x20mm。

An Oval Jadeite Cabochon Diamond Ring with 14K Mounting Ring Diameter: 2cm Jadeite oval cabochon approximately 17x20mm. $3,000 - $3,500




玻璃种翡翠叶形 挂饰 Icy Jadeite Leaf Pendant

Height: 2 in. (5.08 cm.) Weight: 13g $400 - $500


玻璃种翡翠释迦佛 莲花座挂饰 Icy Jadeite Sakyamuni Pendant

Height: 2 in. (5.08 cm.) Weight: 19g $400 - $500


玻璃种翡翠豆荚 挂饰 Icy Jadeite Pea Pod Pendant

Height: 2¼ in. (5.7 cm.) Weight: 22g $400 - $500

玻璃种翡翠弥佛挂饰 Icy Jadeite Maitreya Pendant Height: 1¾ in. (4.45 cm.) Weight: 36g $600 - $800


玻璃种翡翠弥佛 挂饰 Icy Jadeite Maitreya Pendant

Height: 1⅝ in. (4.13 cm.) Weight: 30g $500 - $800


白玉雕婴戏荷花年年有馀挂饰 Jade Carving of Boy Riding a Carp

Height: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 54 g $200 - $300



翡翠浮雕龙挂饰 Jadeite Dragon Pendant Height: 2 in. (5.08 cm.) Weight: 24g $500 - $800


翡翠小辟邪挂饰 Jadeite Bixie Pendant

Length: 1⅝ in. (4.13cm.) Weight: 18g $300 - $500


翡翠五蝠捧寿挂饰 Jadeite Pendant with Five Auspicious Bats Height: 2¼ in. (5.7 cm.) Weight: 40g $600 - $800


翡翠麒麟挂饰一对 A Pair of Well Carved Kirim Jadeite Pendant

Length: 1⅞ in x 2 (4.76 cm. x 2)

Weight: 28g, 30g $600 - $800


稀有黄翡翠瓜形挂饰 A Yellow Jadeite Melon Pendant Length: 1¼ in (3.2cm) Width: ½ in (1.3cm) Weight: 8g $200 - $300



启功 (1912 - 2005)

西陵胜景 水墨纸本立轴 款识: 苑墙曲曲柳冥冥, 林尽山只见一灯; 荷叶似云香不断, 小船摇曵入西陵。 元白启功 钤印: (元白) (启功) (浮光掠影楼)

Qi Gong Picturesque Mt. Xi Ling Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Inscribed and signed Qi Gong, with three artist seals 70 x 18½ in. 177.8 x 47 cm .

$6,000 - $10,000

10 8

Tang Yun Lotus

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1966 Signed Tang Yun, with two artist seals 37⅝ x 19¼ in. 95.5 x 48.9 cm.

$4,000 - $6,000


唐云 (1910 - 1993)

荷塘青翠 设色水墨纸本立轴 1966 年作 款识: 一九六六年三月一日 唐云画 钤印: (杭州唐云) (大石斋延)


清 任颐(伯年) (1840 - 1895)

听乐图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:任颐 钤印:(任颐之印)(伯年)

Qing Dynasty Ren Yi (Bonian) Flute Music Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Ren Yi, with two artist seals 52⅛ x 21⅞ in. 132.4 x 55.6 cm.

$8,000 - $15,000



清 金铎 (1750 - ?)

平林村舍图 设色水墨绢本立轴 款识: 山花半落红千片, 溪水平平绿一腰。 最忆江乡二三月, 都将春事付诗飘。 曲曲江流抱远邨, 深深细柳绿当门。 草堂长日拥书坐, 沉水香澂宿火温。 临赵大年平林村舍图添 叶山樵者。 钤印:(金叶山印) (水间山里之居) 鉴藏印: 清宫藏印五方 吴湖帆(梅景书屋) (吴湖颿) (风娇雨秀) (囗氏家藏)

Qing Dynasty Jin Duo Cottages by a Grove, in the Style of Zhao Danian Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Silk Inscribed and signed, with two artist seals 58 x 16½ in. 147½ x 42 cm.

$3,000 - $4,000


赵少昂 (1905 - 1998)

Zhao Shaoang Plum Blossom with Bees


Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

款识:少昂 钤印:(赵)

Signed Shaoang, with one artist seal


32⅜ x 11 in. 82.2 x 27.9 cm.

$5,000 - $8,000



清 弘仁 (渐江学人) (1610 - 1664)

早春图 水墨纸本立轴 1635 年作 款识:茅屋禁寒画不开, 梅花消息早先回。 幽人记得溪桥路, 更屐还能踏雪来。 己亥余月渐江学人 写于仁义禅院 钤印:(渐江僧) 题跋:素有烟霞疾, 开图见乱山; 何当谢尘迹, 缚屋住云间。 祝昌敬题(梅屋) 鉴藏印: 潘正炜(曾藏潘氏海山仙馆) 唐翰题(嘉兴新丰乡人唐翰题珍藏印) 方濬颐(曾藏方梦园家) 邵松年(海虞邵氏收藏金石书画之印)

Qing Dynasty Hong Ren (Jianjiang Xueren) Spring Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1635

Inscribed and signed Jianjiang Xueren, with one artist seal Four Collectors’ Seals Colophon by Zhu Changjing 50⅜ × 25¼ in. 128 × 64.1 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000



吴昌硕 (1844 - 1927)

佛手与菊 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 秋容不一, 其英可餐, 我方对酒, 霜螯堆盘。 安吉吴昌硕 钤印: (昌硕)(苍石)

Wu Changshuo Chrysanthemum Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Wu Changshuo, with two artist seals 53 x 13 in. 134.6 x 33 cm.


$25,000 - $35,000


启功 (1912 - 2005)

行草新制布被五言诗 水墨纸本立轴 1989 年作 款识: 布被製来新,轻柔稳称身, 醉酣头正盖,草热画偏匀, 室暖晨开户,烟红夜减薪, 冰天行街处,添得一肩云。 新製布被一首旧作也, 只虑日方有惭白传 一九八九年三月春寒 正剧赖有此耳 启功 钤印: (启功之印)(元白)

Qi Gong Poem Calligraphy in Running Cursive Script Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1989 Inscribed and signed Qi Gong, with two artist seals 53 × 26.8 in. 134.5 × 67.3 cm.

$10,000 - $15,000



黃冑 (1925 - 1997)

好鸟枝头亦朋友 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:黄冑 钤印:(黄冑)

Huang Zhou Flock of Sparrows

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Huang Zhou, with one artist seal. 23 x 12¼ in. 58.5 x 33.5 cm.

$10,000 - $20,000




黄芙蓉石辟邪长方 印料

寿山石辟邪钮印章 边刻(甲子秋古浣子) 印文(世外人 山中隐) 邓石如(1743-1805), 原名琰,字石如,号古 浣子,安徽怀宁人。有 人把他归为皖派,更多 的人因为推崇他在篆刻 史上杰出的贡献,而尊 为“邓派”。

边刻(丙午清和白银 生刻)

A Furong Stone Seal with Bixie Knop

Height: 3⅛ in. (8 cm.) Length: 1⅞ in. (4.8 cm.) Width: 1 in. (2.54 cm.) Weight:192 g $300 - $400

A Shoushan Stone Seal with Bixie Knop

Height: 2½ in. (6.4 cm.) Length: 1½ in. (3.8 cm.) Width: 1¼ in. (3.2 cm.) Weight: 141 g $150 - $200







A Shoushan Stone Round Seal with Bixie Knop

Height: 2½ in. (3.8 cm.) Width: 2⅜ in. (6 cm.) Weight: 194 g $200 - $300

A Tianhuang Stone Square Seal with Tile Knop

Height: 2in (5.1cm) Width: 2in (5.1cm) Weight: 227g $500 - $600



田黄浮雕人物山 水花卉长方印章

旧田黄辟邪钮方 印章

边刻(庚午八月子贞 刻石) 印文(某夸手段) 何绍基(1799-1873) ,字子贞,号东 洲,别号东洲居 士,晚号蝯叟,湖 南道州(今道县) 人,晚清诗人、画 家、书法家。

边刻(甲子年秋堂 作) 陈豫钟(1762-1806) ,字浚仪,号秋 堂,清篆刻家,西 泠八家之一。钱塘( 今杭州)廪生。

A Tianhuang Stone Seal Carved with Figural Landscape Scene

Height: 3⅛ in. (8 cm.) Width: 2 in. (5 cm.) Weight: 323 g $300 - $400

Height: 4 in. (10.2 cm.) Weight: 370 g $400 - $600

A Tianhuang Stone Seal with Bixie Knop





边刻(申寅冬十月 吴昌硕作) 印文(往事勿追思 追思多悲怆)

A Massive Tianhuang Seal Carved with Bixie and Cub Knop

A Massive Tianhuang Seal with Dragon-Tortoise Carrying Scripture Knop

Height: 6¾ in. (17 cm.) Weight:2142 g $1,200 - $2,000




边刻(丁亥八月 吴昌硕作) 印文(世情高枕远 诗味闭门深)


Height: 6 in. (15.24 cm.) Weight:2143 g $1,000 - $1,500



边刻(乙卯二仲) 印文(俋澹家风) 二仲,指的是赵其星与陈钟英。清代德州的文化名人,因他们都是兄弟 排行中的老二且名字中均有仲字,故时人用「二仲」呼之。

边刻(丁亥年吴昌硕作) 印文(黄叶山头初带雪)

A Large Tianhuang Stone Boulder Seal carved with Figural Landscape

Height: 3¾in (9.5cm) Width: 2⅜in (6cm) Weight: 900g $1,000 - $1,500

Height: 5⅜in (13.7cm) Width: 4⅝in (11.7cm) Weight: 960g $1,000 - $1,500

A Tianhuang Stone Seal Carved with Children at Play scene


田黄十二生肖钮长方印章 边刻(徐三庚)(丁丑秋月(1877年)) 印文(宽然自放)(端悟性宗)(弱不好弄)(近贤我智) (幽清寂寞)(笔情墨趣)(归心空寂)(享神己静) (安贫惠静)(修身养志)(有所不为)(慎言守心) 精雕十二生肖钮,印钮工艺雕工精细,刀法娴熟,成套保存完整,较为稀有。 徐三庚(1826-1890),清代篆刻家。浙江绍兴上虞西山人。精于金石文字,善篆隶篆书。

A Furong Stone Boulder Carved with Figural Landscape

Height: 4½ - 5 in. (11.43-12.7 cm.) Width: 1½ in. (3.8 cm.) Weight: 300 - 358 g $3,000 - $4,000



田黄随形浮雕山水人物金包山子印料 A Tianhuang Stone with Gold Tone Boulder with Figural Landscape Carvings Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) Weight: 553 g $1,000 - $1,500

田黄乌鸦皮浮雕人 物山水长方印料 A Crow Skin Tianhuang Stone Seal Carved with Figural Landscape Scene Height: 4⅛in (10.5cm) Weight: 249g $400 - $600




旧田黄辟邪教子 钮方印章

寿山红斑善伯石 独角蛟龙戏水钮 印章

边刻(己未年石如 作) 印文(天行健 君子 以自强不息) 邓石如(1743-1805) ,初名琰,字石 如,少好篆刻,客 居金陵梅镠家八 年,尽摹所藏秦汉 以来金石善本。

A Tianhuang Stone Seal with Bixie and Cub Knop Height: 3⅛ in. (8 cm.) Width: 2 in. (5 cm.) Weight: 324 g $300 - $400

边刻(丁巳二月 王 松作) 印文(清风朗月) 王松,字秉坚,号 寄亭,江苏太苍 人,活动于乾隆年 间,能诗,工书 法,以篆隶见长, 精篆刻。

A Shoushan Stone Columnar Seal With Well carved Dragon-in-Waves Knob Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) Weight: 287 g $300 - $600



芙蓉石雕山水 人物山子

田黄浮雕山水白 云意形印章

边刻(石卿作) 郭懋介(1924-2013) ,字石卿,中国雕 刻家。师从林友 竹,擅刻人物圆雕 及浮雕、薄意,兼 工篆刻、书画,以 雕刻薄意而著称, 艺术境界高远,融 诗书画篆于一炉。

边刻(己亥年秋) 印文(延陆)

A Furong Stone Boulder Carved with Figural Landscape

A Tianhuang Stone Seal Carved with Figural Landscape Scene Height: 2¾in (7cm) Width: 2in (5.1cm) Weight: 195g $600 - $1,000

Height: 4⅛ in. (10.5 cm.) Width: 2¾ in. (7 cm.) Weight: 351 g $300 - $500



寿山石镂雕龙凤 钮长方印章一对 A Pair of Shoushan Stone Seal with Reticulated Knobs of Dragon & Phoenix

清 寿山石雕罗汉 坐莲赏件

Height: 4 in. (10.2 cm.), 3⅞ in. (9.8 cm.) Weight: 202 g, 196 g $300 - $500

边刻(魏汝奋作) 以寿山石圆雕,石色晶莹 凝润,罗汉半坐于莲台之 上,眉目传神,衣服纹饰 细线阴刻描金莲纹一丝不 苟,在艺术处理上已臻于 化境。罗汉背后落“魏汝 奋”作款。 魏汝奋,清初雕刻大家。 擅刻人物、佛像。

Qing Dynasty, A Shoushan Stone Carved Lohan Seated on Lotus

Artist Mark: Wei Rufen Height: 3⅝ in. (9.2 cm.) Weight: 152 g $800 - $1,500



清 皇帝奉天之宝龙钮铜印玺 皇帝奉天之宝,清二十五宝之一。是乾隆皇帝指定的代表国家政权的二十五方御用国宝的总称。二十五宝排序第二, 此宝作以章奉若之用。即昭示皇帝乃是依奉天意行事。玺文朱文,玉筋篆左两行满文本字,右两行汉文。钮作 蹲龙状,口微张,前额多处凸起,呈乳突状;须髯歧分为二,髯发飘逸,双耳后扬,龙身满刻鱼鳞纹, 尾部蜿蜒盘曲绕于脊背。龙爪紧抓玺面,骄健有力,神态威猛张扬,给人以威严大气、稳重肃穆之感。 其构思之巧、雕琢之妙,可谓匠心独运。印台呈方形,四面光素。精铜所制,器型厚重,手感沉甸。

Qing Dynasty, Imperial Bronze Dragon Knop Seal

One of the twenty-five imperial seals designated by Emperor Qianlong, as symbols of imperial authority, each with its specified function. This is the second one: Seal of the Emperor Worshiping Heaven, Huangdi Fengtian Zhi Bao, used when displaying the emperor’s respect and obedience to heaven. Finely cast of square section, surmounted with a ferocious dragon with jaw open in a growl beneath protruding eyes and flaring nostrils above long curling whiskers, the body, detailed with scales and flowing mane, tightly coiled and crouching on its haunches. The underside seal face deeply and crisply carved with the characters Huangdi Fengtian Zhi Bao ( Emperor Acting on the Mandate of Heaven) in both Chinese and Manchu scripts. Height: 4 in.(10.16 cm.) Length: 3½ in.(8.9 cm.) Width: 3½ in.(8.9 cm.) Weight: 3650g $5,000 - $8,000



林风眠 (1900 - 1991)

童年回忆 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:林风眠 钤印:(林风眠印)

Lin Fengmian The Children

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Lin Fengmian, with one artist seal 27⅛ × 26¾ in. 68.9 × 67.9 cm.

$30,000 - $40,000


黃冑 (1925 - 1997)

塘虱魚 水墨紙本立軸 款識:黃冑 鈐印:(黃冑之印) (黃冑之印)

Huang Zhou Cat Fish

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Signed Huang Zhou, with two artist seals 25¾ x 25 in. 65.3 x 63.5 cm.

$4,000 - $6,000



黄君璧 (1899 - 1991)

山光水色碧于苔 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 涵空水色碧于苔, 照眼山光翠作堆。 君璧 钤印:(黃氏)(君璧)

Huang Junbi Waterfall

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Junbi, with two artist seals 38 x 19 in. 96.4 x 48.2 cm.

$6,000 - $8,000



关山月 (1912 - 2000)

梅花小鸟 设色水墨纸本立轴 1978 年作 款识: 戊午除夕画于珠江南岸 隔山书舍漠阳 关山月 钤印:(关山月印)

Guan Shanyue Birds on Twig

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1978 Inscribed and signed Guan Shanyue, with one artist seal 33 × 18¼ in. 83.8 × 46.4 cm.

$4,000 - $6,000


齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

花卉草虫 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:白石居京华时作 钤印:(木人)(老白)

Qi Baishi Flower and Insect Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Baishi, with two artist seals 27 x 13½ in. 68.5 x 34.3 cm.

$6,000 - $10,000



傅抱石 (1904 - 1965)

三友图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1942 年作

款识:壬午立秋后二日 重庆西郊新喻傅抱石 钤印:(傅抱石印)

Fu Baoshi Three Friends

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1942 Inscribed and signed Fu Baoshi, with one artist seal 54⅛ × 24 in. 137.5 × 61 cm.

$100,000 - $200,000



清 程璋 (1869 - 1938)

秋圃逸趣 设色水墨纸本立轴 1920 年作 款识:秋圃逸趣 庚申七月 新安瑶笙 钤印:(程璋之印)

Qing Dynasty Cheng Zhang Autumn Scenery Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1920

Entitled and signed Cheng Zhang, with one artist seal 38¼ × 16⅜ in. 97.2 × 41.6 cm.


$4,000 - $6,000


南宋 赵伯驹 (约1120 - 约1182)

梅妻鹤子隐青山 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:千里伯驹制 钤印:(赵) 题跋: 周伯琦: 松吼泉鸣翠欲飞, 晴岚天半白云肥; 朝来饱吃胡麻饭, 闲去诗人待鹤归。 秋云凉覆石泉清, 竹树萧疏淡远情。 番阳周伯琦书 (周氏伯琦) (玉堂学士) 鉴藏印: 元 文宗(天历之宝) 明 宣宗(广运之宝) 故宫藏印十方 项元汴(天籁阁) (退密) (墨林) (项子京家珍藏) 张晏(张晏私印) 王养度(曾藏荆门王氏处) 安岐(安) 解缙(玉堂学士之印) 朱之赤(朱臥蓭收藏印) 沈树镛(韵初审定) 载荃(曾藏定府行有恆堂) 允礼(芳林主人鉴赏) 沐昂(黔宁王子子孙孙永保之) 庞元济(莱臣心赏) 伍元蕙(南海伍元蕙宝玩) 邵松年(海虞邵氏珍藏金石书画之印)

Southern Song Dynasty Zhao Boju Green Landscape Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Boju, with one artist seal Colophon by Zhou Boqi Twelve Emperors’ seals Sixteen Collectors’ seals 50⅜ x 24⅞ in. 127.9 x 63.2 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000



清 任预 (1853 - 1901)

山水四屏 设色水墨纸本镜框 1896 年作


款识: 数点青山近水涯, 绿扬深锁野人家; 小桥半日无人迹, 啼鸟一声日已斜。 丙申仲秋任预 钤印:(任预)

款识: 长堤春水绿悠悠, 野入江河一道流; 莫听声声摧槕去, 桃溪浅处不胜舟。 丙申仲秋任预 钤印:(任预)

款识: 谿山犹带夜来雨, 山色渐分云外霞; 岸曲断林开鸟道, 水边疏主野人家。 丙申仲秋任预 钤印:(任预)

款识: 寂寞亭基野渡边, 青流平岸草芋芋; 一川晚照人闲立, 满袖扬花听杜鹃。 丙申仲秋任预 钤印:(任预)

Qing Dynasty Ren Yu Landscape

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Mounted and Framed Dated 1896

A set of Four Hanging Scrolls, Ink and Color on paper Mounted and Framed Each scroll inscribed and signed, Ren Yu, with one artist seals

38ž x 9Ÿ in. 98.4 x 23.5 cm.

$8,000 - $20,000


Cheng Shifa Peace and Happiness

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1985 39 x 20 ½ in. 99 x 52 cm.

$4,000 - $6,000


赵少昂 (1905 - 1998)

葵花小鸟 设色水墨纸本立轴 1987 年作 款识: 翻飞多好鸟, 宛转弄芳晨。 丁卯夏少昂 钤印:(赵) (我之为我自有我在)

Zhao Shaoang Birds and Sunflowers

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1987 Inscribed and signed Shaoang, with two artist seals 53½ x 13¼ in. 136 x 33.6 cm.

$6,000 - $10,000



程十发 (1912 - 2007)

平安长乐 设色纸本立轴 1985 年作 款识:平安长乐 乙丑嘉平 程十髮漫笔 钤印:(十发)(程印) (云閒)


张大千 (1899 - 1983)

湘女欲生愁 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 明月王朗曲, 竹枝湘女妪; 秋风零露下, 襟里欲生愁。 大千居士爰 钤印: (蜀客) (大千) (长共天难老) 鉴藏印: 杨仁恺(仁恺过眼)

Zhang Daqian Melancholy

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Daqian, Yuan, with three artist seals One Collector’s seal by Yang Renkai 50⅛ x 19¼ in. 127.3 x 48.9 cm.

$40,000 - $60,000



清 虚谷 (1824 - 1896)

松鹤图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1895 年作 款识: 乙未二月觉非盦 虚谷时年七十有二 钤印:(耿耿其心)

Qing Dynasty Xu Gu Crane and Pine Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1895 Inscribed and signed Xu Gu, with one artist seal 7½ × 18¼ in. 95.3 × 46.4 cm.


$6,000 - $8,000


清 咸丰 粉彩鹤翔纹旭日东升碗 (大清咸丰年制)六字双行楷书款

Qing, Famille-rose Crane at Dawn above Cresting Waves Bowl Qing Dynasty, Xianfeng Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 5⅛ in (13 cm) Height: 2⅝ in (6.67 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


清 咸丰 粉彩描金悬宝洪福碗 (大清咸丰年制)六字双行楷书红款 咸丰一朝时间短,又处于战乱之中,此传世咸丰精品颇为珍罕。

Qing, An Auspicious Emblems Famille-Rose Bowl

Decorated with hanging emblems beneath a band of geometric pattern at mouth rim. Reign Mark in ruby red. Qing Dynasty, Xianfeng Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 4⅜ in (11.1 cm) Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) $1,500- $2,00


清 乾隆 堆瓷粉彩圈花蝴蝶水注 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行雕刻篆书款 堆瓷高浮雕彩蝶状,褐绿彩釉为地并横条加点饰。

Qing, A Famille-Rose Molded Butterfly Water-Dropper

Finely molded with sculpted wings spread, two circular aperture on its back and a foliate spout emerging from under the antennae. Overall densely decorated with geometric green circles with black borders. Impressed seal mark in the recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period. Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) $1,000 - $1,500


清光绪 粉彩花卉纹官帽盌 (清华珍品)四字双行楷书款(光绪) 此盌形如倒立的清代官帽。金口下饰以回纹宽带,围以金线。盌底画花树图 案,花繁叶茂,釉彩珣丽。画工精细,瓷质光洁可人, 为光绪年间瓷器杰作。

Qing, An Unusual Famille-Rose Ogee-Form Bowl

Raised on a straight circular foot, decorated flowers. The bulbous lower section halfway to the wide everted rim are blooms from foliate branches and a key fret bordered at the rims. Qing Dynasty, Guangxu Mark of Qing Hua Zhen Pin. Diameter: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) $1,500 - $2,000



清 康熙 五彩莲池鱼跃折沿花口盘 (大清康熙年制)款

Qing, A Magnificent Wucai Fish in Lotus Pond Plate

Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six Character Double Circles Mark and of the period. Diameter: 17.9 in (45.4 cm) $4,000 - $6,000


清 乾隆 粉彩浮雕龙凤花卉连体双管扁瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字楷书款 两只扁圆瓶以前后错开但腹部相连的形制出现 圆形与半圆形的作法,腹部中心两面开光, 分画龙凤。

Qing, An Unusual Famille-Rose Moulded Conjoined Flask

Potted as two conjoined flask vases, with incised dragon-phoenix amidst clouds motifs on opposite side leaping in vivid colors and floral scrolls on the rounded side continuing to the slender necks, with key-fret at the base. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 7¾ in (19.7 cm) $4,000 - $6,000



清 乾隆 郎世宁绘珐琅彩芍药金口盘 (照映芍药春,红艳斗精神,臣郎世宁恭画) 钤印:(世)(宁) (乾隆年制)四字双行双框蓝料楷书款 通体施白釉,釉色亮白,釉质滋润。以花卉、诗文相配,全图画法细腻,色泽华丽,富有深淺变化。写实味道极浓,似传 统工笔画芍药花卉,花姿娇艳盛放,寓意吉祥。描金红彩印章。

Qing, Lang Shining, A Fine and Rare Famille-Rose Enameled Peony Plate with Inscription

The thin rounded sides rising from a straight foot to a slightly flared rim, the interior intricately painted with peony blooms growing from turquoise and green leafy stems in vibrant tones of pink, purple and yellow enamels on a white ground. Poem inscriptions with artist mark signed in gilt red seals. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark within Double Squares and of the Period. Diameter: 8¼in (21cm) Weight: 380g $12,000 - $20,000



清 乾隆 粉彩金线开光花卉皮球花如意双耳敞口瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字篆书横款 敞口双耳描金,束颈溜肩,连弧壁,体长腹扁,瓶以白色釉为底, 以红、蓝、黄、粉等色,彩绘皮球纹,下腹做开光,内绘花卉, 下承椭圆圈足。

Qing, A Fine Famille-Rose with Floral Windows and Ball-Flowers With Flask Body

With flask body enamelled with ball flowers and two windows of floral blossoms and flanked with gilt loop handles. The flaring mouth with a key-fret band, above ruyi-band. The inside and base painted turquoise. Reign mark inscribed in the recessed base . Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Mark Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 9 in (22.9 cm) $3,000 - $4,000


清 嘉庆 粉彩矾红地加金彩蜨蝶开光婴戏瓶 (大清嘉庆年制)款 整器描金绘画繁缛,如意纹、宝相花纹等,腹部绘制开光粉彩 婴戏图纹,孩童千姿百态生动活泼。器底满施松石绿釉,正中 留白,以矾红彩书“大清嘉庆年制”篆书款。

Qing, A Fine Famille-Rose Iron Red Ground Vase with Gilt Decorated Cartouche of Children Playing Scenes with Butterflies Atop

All reserved on a fine gilt ground of scrolling flower and plantain bands. The interior and base turquoise. Qing Dynasty, Jiaqing Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 7⅞ in (20 cm) $2,000 - $3,000



清 雍正 斗彩流水落花九鱼杯中游一对 (庆宜堂制)四字双行双框楷书款 清三代瓷器以雍正瓷最有名,斗彩也最为突出。此杯外绘斗彩流水落花,喻人生之短暂。内画粉彩写实生动的九鱼, 喻生命之浩瀚。此对压手杯造型和工艺精绝,为雍正斗彩瓷的代表作。

Qing, A Pair of Fine and Rare Doucai Small Cup

Each cup delicately potted and decorated in the exterior in Doucai palettes enamels with scene of a lotus fish pond and the interior with nine fish swimming around. Diameter: 2¾ in (7 cm) Height: 1½ in (3.8 cm) $40,000 - $60,000



齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

贝叶草虫 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:八十岁白石老人 钤印:(白石翁) 天头: 此幅作品为白石山翁早年为 我院所做教学用贝叶草虫 局部图,白石老人被誉为 当代最着名国画大师, 由此可见其画作上之草虫 贝叶一丝不苟极为精细。 大师曾讲为万虫写照, 他经常注意花鸟虫鱼的 特点,揣摩它们的精神, 大师绘画的特点就是一生 不搞妄作,没见过的东西、 没仔细研究过的东西他不画。 第二大特色就是崇尚自然, 他画的大都是自然界中极普通 的,但对平民百姓极有用的 深得大众所喜爱,其诗不求 工无意唐宋师法自然,书写 性灵,别具一格,其画印诗书 人称四绝。一生勤奋品行 高洁,尤具民族气节, 特留字于上共勉之。 中央美术学院 宣 鉴藏印:(中央美院珍贵资料)

Qi Baishi Leaves and Cricket

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Baishi, with one artist seal

Frontispiece by China Central Academy of Fine Arts minor paper tear, repaired 17⅜ × 12⅞ in. 44.1 × 32.7 cm.

$30,000 - $40,000 画左中央有少许裂痕,已补好。



张大千 (1899 - 1983)

观音像 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:榆林窟第十七窟 盛磨画朱衣大士莫高 今抚之求余窟榆林存吞祗 六十余年两处船大士像 亲释释活方朱衣槁枚借为此 一叙年西蜀近摩男 张大千敬造并识 钤印:(张爰私印)(大千居士)

Zhang Daqian Guanyin

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Zhang Daqian, with two artist seals 50⅜ x 25 in. 128 x 63.5 cm.

$50,000 - $60,000


Mei Lanfang Blossoms


Signed Mei Lanfang, with one artist seal

款识:一九四二年新春 梅兰芳作 钤印:(梅兰芳印)

$6,000 - $8,000

齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

红莲鸳鸯图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:白石山翁 钤印:(齐白石)

Qi Baishi Mandarin Ducks and Lotus Blossoms Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Baishi, with one artist seal 54¼ x 13½ in. 137.8 x 34 cm.

$20,000 - $40,000


(1894 - 1961)

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1942

36 x 13.2 in. 91.6 x 33.6 cm.



梅兰芳 设色水墨纸本立轴 1942 年作

作者简介: 林缉光广东新会人1939年出生于澳 门,十岁为艺术大师、教育家丁衍 庸收为入室弟子,学习中西绘画、 书法、文物鉴证等。1977年丁衍 庸交付信物而被选为嫡传人。年十 四岁考入香港新亚学院(现在的香 港中文大学),成绩优异,十七岁 免考入加拿大多伦多安大略艺术学 院,1962年以全优总平均A+(100 分)第一名毕业,震动多伦多文化 艺术界,全加最大的多伦多邮报誉 为最有前途的青年艺术家。 他的书法艺术与灵气,极可能得益 于十八岁便参加广东省书法比赛而 得到冠军的父亲的遗传。 林缉光的书法以老子“任自然”的 哲学思想,以全新的书法艺术形 式,打破中国千余年的书法艺术传 统,以他从小对各家书法的学习与 研究,创造比草圣张旭和怀素更具 鲜明,字字生动的“写意大狂草” 书法风格,并且与他深厚的西洋绘 画艺术功力和色彩,创造前无古人 的狂草彩色书法风格,在中华书法 文化艺术史上再添一笔。 Breaking away from writing in the traditional sense and creating calligraphic writing into free-flowing pictorial signs by relinquishing the conscious structure behind ideographic signs. Taking the concept of spontaneity to new heights of expression by discovering the law of nature within oneself. By forgoing the meaning of the individual sign, the function of calligraphy emphasizes “floating clouds” and “immortal dancing” -- in essence, the ecstasy of mind and body conjugated through the unbridled spontaneity of the brush. 80

林缉光 (b. 1939)

写意大狂草 丙烯水墨纸本立轴 款识: 春风已过江南岸, 明月何时照我还。林缉光书 钤印:(天帝神师) (学造风云) (缉光之鈢)

Kwong Lum Unconstrained Freehand Cursive Script Hanging Scroll, Ink & Acrylic on Paper Inscribed and signed Kwong Lum, with three artist seals 53 x 26½ in. 134.6 x 67.3 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000



刘继卣 (1918 -1983)

少女乐兔图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1980 年作 款识:庚申春月 于京华之 甘石桥 继卣笔 钤印:(继卣)

Liu Jiyou Girl with Rabbits Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1980 Inscribed and signed Liu Jiyou, with one artist seal 53¾ x 18⅛ in. 136.5 x 46.1 cm.

$5,000 - $6,000


清 郑燮 (板桥) (1693 - 1765)

二竹图 水墨纸本立轴 款识: 轩前只要两竿竹, 绝妙风声夹雨声; 或怕搅人眼不着,不知 枕上已诗成。玉峰三兄 此中人 董不以予言为谬也 板 桥 郑燮 钤印:(郑燮之印)

Qing Dynasty Zheng Xie (Banqiao) Two Bamboo Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Inscribed with a poem and signed with one artist seal 50 x 13 in. 127 x 33 cm.

$20,000 - $30,000



潘天寿 (1897 - 1971)

一枝红艳独撑天 设色水墨纸本立轴 1963 年作 款识: 彩霞凝水玉屏风, 艳映花光翩翩红, 醉后六郎颓甚矣, 凭谁扶入翠帏中。 六三年癸卯岁朔候 大颐寿于西子湖瓶台 雷婆头峰寿者 钤印:(潘天寿)(阿寿)

Pan Tianshou Lotus

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1963 Inscribed and signed Shou, with two artist seals 53 x 26⅜ in. 134.6 x 67 cm.

$40,000 - $60,000




齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

花卉菜瓜四屏 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 杏子坞老民齐白石 三百石印富翁白石一挥 白石 白石 钤印: (白石私记) (白石)

Qi Baishi Flowers and Vegetable A set of Four Hanging Scrolls, Ink and Color on paper

Each scroll inscribed and signed, Baishi, with two artist seals 53 x 13 in. 134.6 x 33 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000



林缉光 (b. 1939)

写意大狂草 丙烯酸漆水墨纸本立轴

款识: 喜莫喜兮无别离, 乐莫乐兮新相知。 林缉光书 钤印:(林缉光) (天帝神师) (学造风云)

Kwong Lum Unconstrained Freehand Cursive Script Hanging Scroll, Ink & acrylic paint sticks on Paper


黄永玉 (b.1924)

猫头鹰 设色水墨纸本立轴 1983 年作

款识:癸亥黄永玉 钤印:(永玉) (甲子金鼠)

Huang Yongyu Owl

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1983 Signed Huang Yongyu, with two artist seals 26.5 × 25.5 in. 67.4 x 64.8 cm.


$20,000 - $30,000

Inscribed and signed Kwong Lum, with three artist seals 53¾ x 27 in. 136.5 x 68.6 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000


齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

荷池鸳鸯 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 白石老人八十岁 时作于京华 钤印:(齐大)(借山翁)

Qi Baishi Mandarin Duck in Lotus Pond Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Inscribed and signed Baishi, with two artist seals 39½ x 20¾ in. 100.3 x 52.7 cm.

$30,000 - $50,000



清 乾隆 粉彩矾红地婴戏纹碗 (大清乾隆年製)六字三行篆书矾红款 绘十六子,儿童玩耍,生动有趣,呈现出热闹欢快的喜庆气氛。

Qing, A Fine Famille-Rose Iron-Red Ground Boys Bowl

Well potted with wide rounded sides rising from a straight foot, both the exterior and interior finely painted with boys playing with toys on an Iron-Red ground. Reign mark on the recessed base in a white ground. Qing dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 5 in (12.7 cm) Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) $3,000 - $4,000



清 康熙 豇豆红水洗

清 雍正 黄地青花宝相莲八吉祥纹盘


(大清雍正年制)六字双行楷书款 盘圆形侈口,斜壁浅底,圈足。通体施黄釉为地, 盘外壁上用青花绘缠枝花卉, 盘内壁绘八吉祥图吉祥 八宝纹样,彰显着佛法的精髓。盘心绘喜字。

Qing, A Peachbloom Brushwasher

Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six Character Mark and of the Period. Across: 4½ in (11.43 cm) Height: 1⅝ in (4.13 cm) $1,000 - $2,000

Qing, Yellow Ground Saucer Dish with Blue Floral Bajiaxiang Eight Auspicious Emblems

The interior central well decorated with a frieze of bajixiang emblems flanked by curling foliage. The exterior decorated with a similar scroll of florette and foliage. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 5½ in (14 cm) $1,000 - $2,000



清 雍正 斗彩松竹梅岁寒三友瓶 (大清雍正年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 器型壮硕,极具气势。通体以釉下青花和釉上彩相结 合的斗彩方式绘“岁寒三友”图。青花绘松、竹及梅 花树干,以黄绿彩填饰枝叶,布局疏密得当,予人高 贵典雅、清新脱俗之感。松竹梅以其耐寒不凋的特 性,而有岁寒三友之称。

Qing, A Fine Doucai ‘Three Friends’ Bottle Vase

Of ovoid form with rounded tapered sides supported on a recessed base, deftly painted in vibrant cobalt blue with the ‘Three Friends of Winter’, flowering prunus, bamboo shoots and boughs of pine, enameling within penciled underglazed blue lines all issuing from a double line scroll border encircling the foot. These three plants are representative of fortitude and uprightness in adverse conditions, as well as symbolic of longevity. The base inscribed with a six-character reign mark within double circles. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 13¼in. (33.7cm.) Width: 7¾in. (19.7cm.) $30,000 - $40,000

49 49

92 清 粉彩加金彩折枝花卉龙流葫芦把壶 (大清乾隆年制)款

Qing, Famille-Rose Gilt Floral Motifs Double-Gourd Ewer with Knob-Cover, Loop Spout and Strap Handles Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 10½ in (26 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

93 清 乾隆 瓷胎鎏银刻花卉纹连体罐 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书凸雕款 罐鼓腹,圈足,外壁鎏银,整体剔刻缠枝花卉纹,纹饰流畅。

Qing, Gilt-Silver Porcelain Twin-linked Jar with Incised Floral Motifs Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Impressed Mark and of the Period. Height: 5⅜ in (13.7 cm) Length: 10½ in (26.7 cm) $1,500 - $3,000

94 1985年五星牌贵州茅台(地方国营)、1980s大飞天贵州茅台 酒标右下角写“地方国营茅台酒厂出品”,俗称“地方国营茅台”,该商标在1983-1986年间使用。生产日期盖印在背标的蓝色阿拉伯数字。“飞 仙”商标,1958年后长期作为外销专用。文革开始后,原来出口的“飞天”商标因“四旧”嫌疑被停用,茅台酒厂使用“葵花牌”商标进行出口, 由于更改商标影响了出口销量,故于1975年恢复使用“飞天”标识。此标的容量为540ml,大于80年代中后期的500ml容量,称之为“大飞天”。

A Wuxing Local State-Owned Kweichow Moutai 1985 & A Feitian Moutai 1980s Height: 8in. x 2 (20.3 cm. x 2) Capacity: Both 540ml Weight: 1085g, 999g $3,000 - $5,000



明 宣德 茶叶末堆瓷蓝釉描金铺首兽耳龙瓶 (大明宣德年制)描金楷书横款 全器内外满施茶叶末釉描金装饰加蓝料云龙花卉纹,瓶颈 绘芭蕉叶、瓶腹部以蓝料绘云龙纹,龙首上扬,须发飘 逸,五爪矫健,身姿蜿蜒曼妙,周身云气缭绕, 如龙游云海,不怒自威,两侧堆塑铺首兽 耳。瓶口描金,口处釉薄微露胎骨。肩书“大 明宣德年制”描金六字横款。下承以莲瓣纹, 底部圈足露胎处可见褐色护胎釉。工艺考究,器 形严整,釉面平滑,艺精品高茶叶末釉是古代铁结 晶釉中重要的品种之一,属高温黄釉。釉黄绿色相 掺杂,似茶叶细末之色,故而得名。茶叶末釉烧制, 始见于唐代。在茶叶末釉的基础上加饰金彩者为用于 摹古铜器,尤为稀少。

Ming, A Fine and Rare Large Tea-Dust Glazed with Gilt Splashed Blue Dragon Pear-Shaped Vase, Hu Of elegant pear shape, inspired by the archaic bronze Hu, with a globular body rising from a short-splayed foot to a broad cylindrical neck, covered overall in a gilt-speckled olive-green glaze, enameled with two blue dragons meticulously accentuated with gilt highlights sweeping amidst flaming clouds. The neck adorned with a border of upright plantain lappets bordered with a floral scroll, further flanked by a pair of high-relief molded mask with mock handles, rising to a flared mouth encircled by a gold band. Concentric gold and blue horizontal bands decorated throughout. All the detail delicately picked out in gilt against the tea-dust glaze body. Tea-dust, a crystallized glaze is composed of yellow and olive specks and used here to imitate the green patina of archaic bronze. Covered overall except for the recessed base painted with a brown wash and the foot-rim left unglazed. It is very unusual to find a Hu of this magnificent size with rich color and texture of tea-dust glaze. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six Character Mark and of the Period. Top Diameter: 5¾in. (14.6 cm.) Height: 12 in.(30.5 cm.) Width: 9 in. (22.86 cm.) $30,000 - $50,000



清 雍正 斗彩灵芝花卉纹杯一对 (大清雍正年制)六字双行双框款 斗彩灵芝纹杯为明代成化斗彩名品,深得后世推崇,见有万历、雍正、道光三朝仿制品种,各有特色。本品便为雍正朝精心摹制 的成化斗彩器。壁薄釉白,外壁绘四组两相对的团状灵芝纹,间以对称的花草纹,其内分别以青花勾勒,内填饰 矾红、黄、绿、紫彩对绘四组灵芝云头,彩料妍亮,布局留空得宜,为精细上乘之作,成对保存,更为难得。

Qing, A Fine Pair of Doucai Lingzhi Wine Cups

Inspired and fascinated by Ming’s Chenghua Doucai design, Emperor Yongzheng strived to achieve similarly Doucai porcelain designs in his kilns. The present pair of Lingzhi wine cups is a fine sample of that model. Thinly potted with a slightly flared rim standing on a short straight foot, superbly painted on the exterior in a doucai palette with soft underglaze-blue outlines and washes with overglazed iron-red, aubergine, green, ochre and sepia enamels with four medallions, each of a pair of colored ruyi heads, enclosed and divided by florets with leafy tendrils between single fillets encircling the foot and rim, the base inscribed in underglazed blue with a six-character reign mark within double circles. Diameter: 2¾ in (6.98 cm) Height: 1⅝ in (4.13 cm) $6,000 - $10,000


清 酸枝随形镂雕灵芝如意 Qing Dynasty, A Reticulated Rosewood Lingzhi Fungus Ruyi Scepter

The headpiece is finely carved as openwork lingzhi with gnarled intertwined branches laden with ruyi heads. Length: 15 in (38.1 cm) $800 - $1,500



清 紫檀八棱嵌螺钿凤凰花鸟牡丹盖盒 盒盖边框镶嵌螺钿,清逸多姿,曲折有致。深沉的紫檀将螺钿 嵌饰的花鸟纹衬托得明丽而清雅。

Qing Dynasty, Zitan Octagonal-Lobed Box Inset with Mother-of-Pearl

With a finely inlaid cover in mother-of-pearl depicting a central medallion of phoenix and peony encircled with floral bouquets, the sides inlaid also. Across: 8½ in (21.6 cm) Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


宋 澄泥纸板描金矿彩云中二仙壁画 Song Dynasty, A Polychrome Stucco Fresco Panel of A Fairy with Attendant in the Celestial Realm

此壁画材料是澄泥和纸,一层隔 一层的叠成,直至所需的厚度, 风干后加上白色漆成为绘制壁画 的底板。其颜色是用天然矿石细 磨出来的粉彩,其上没有加胶, 所以色彩比较容易脱落,这与西 方的十二、十三世纪的壁画同出 一辙,直至十四五世纪西方发明 油彩后,才和东方的绘画分道扬 镳。天女头挽高发髻,面庞丰 圆,眉目清秀,展现出仙女柔美 关爱的宗教本质。身着宽松长 裙,躯体婀娜多姿,极富动感。 二臂合掌,能够赐予众生无上的 智慧。身后为侍从天女,双手持 伞盖。中为童子骑神兽。图案沥 粉贴金,闪闪发光,色彩造型华 丽,人物勾勒精细。(带镜框) Depicted standing amidst nimbuses, wearing long robes and scarves fluttering, the benevolent serene face crowned and backed by a mandorla, with hands clasp together and holding a rope of jewels. The attendant holding an umbrella canopy. Attended by an accolade, Tongsi, the boy who spreads wealth, riding atop a mythical animal. All painted in muted reds, green, yellow, brown black and white and further accented with details outlined in thread relief, framed painted in reds, green, yellow, brown black and white and further accented with details outlined in thread relief, framed. The style of painting in this fresco, using gilded gesso relief highlights, with whirling spiritual energy of brushwork, of inner life, recalls that of the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, temple painting style and has been popular with the decorators of Buddhist temple ever since. Height with Frame: 50⅜ in (128 cm) Width with Frame: 36⅜ in (92.4 cm) $30,000 - $40,000



清 藏传佛教瓷胎五股鉞刀金刚杵法器 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书刻款 绿松釉雕塑金刚钺刀。金刚钺刀是藏传佛教常见的法器,表神圣佛法不容侵犯,卫护佛法之心,柄端为金刚五股杵。五股,意喻修行的层 次和内涵。代表五佛五智,其中间一股,表示佛之<实智>周边四股,表示佛之<权智>而周边四股向内弯曲,表示<权智>必归<实智>之义。 覆莲座,下部为鉞刀, 正如魔羯鱼张开的大口。器身上雕饰着卷草纹、 莲瓣层层排列,优美华丽,富有美感。 清代皇家信仰佛教,景德镇的御窑厂大量的生产了各种瓷胎的佛教用具,除了作为宫中佛堂的法器外,也用来供朝廷赐给西藏地区的 佛教寺院。这个瓷胎五股鉞刀将西藏地区传统造型与宫廷御瓷完美结合,是汉、藏文化融合的历史见证。

Qing Dynasty, Qianlong A Turquoise-Glazed Ceramic Kartrika with Vajra

Tibetan Buddhist five-stroke trowel, Vajra, porcelain is a Tibetan-Buddhist ritual vessel, used in special ceremonies for blessing and consecrating sacred images. Each strand represents the Five Buddhas and Five Wisdoms, the middle one represents the four perimeters of the Buddha’s “real wisdom” and the Buddha’s “power and wisdom” while the four surrounding perimeters bend inward, indicating that the “power and wisdom” must return to the meaning of “real wisdom”. Covering the rosette, the lower part is a trowel, just like the open mouth of a bonito. The curved iron blade ornamented with a gilt makara, flaying knife. Kartika, crescent knife used in Vajrayana Buddhist ceremonies. Symbolizes severance of all material/ worldly bonds, said to destroy ignorance, cutting of conventional wisdom by the ultimate insight. The body is engraved with roll grass and lotus petals. In the recessed base, impressed reign mark. In the Qing Dynasty, the Royal Belief in Buddhism, Jingdezhen’s Royal Kiln Factory produced a large variety of porcelain Buddhist utensils. In addition to being used as the implement of the Buddhist temple in the palace, it was also used by the court for Buddhist temples in Tibet. This porcelain five-stranded trowel perfectly combines the traditional shape of Tibet with the palace imperial porcelain, and it is also a historical witness of the fusion of Han and Tibetan culture. Qing Dynasty, Six Character Impressed Mark and of the Period. Height: 7½ in. (19 cm.) Width: 8¾ in. (22 cm.) Weight: 682 g $3,000 - $4,000



唐 铜鎏金浮雕西洋人物圆珠高足把壶 表面鎏金。胎体薄,足外撇。腹部錾刻打押西洋人 物,颈部与底座圆珠组成的联珠纹一周。

Tang Dynasty, Parcel Gilt Bronze Ewer with Foreign Figures Of elongated ovoid body rising from a spreading foot to a tapering cylindrical neck with a pointed spout. Chased and engraved with foreign figures, applied with bands of boss borders. Height: 13½ in (34.3cm) Width: 4⅞ in (12.4cm) Weight: 758g $30,000 - $40,000



宋 绿色水晶雕三佛来朝造像一套三件 水晶是佛家七宝之一,质地坚而脆,刀刮不动,不易碾琢,加工不易。所用水晶体量巨大且通体莹澈无暇,十分罕见。天然 绿水晶雕刻的三圣佛立像观音,通体色彩均匀浓郁,通透光亮。面态祥和,法相庄严,面容的五官清晰明了坚挺又伴着慈祥 安逸,发髻高圆,目光低垂,弯眉直鼻,气质温润典雅。菩萨身着双领下垂式袈裟,胸部袒露,天衣贴体,衣纹疏简而自 然。站立带背光的莲花座上。整件造像颀长疏朗,线条流畅自然,气势恢宏。三尊为药师佛、日光菩萨、月光菩萨。 药师佛,为东方净琉璃世界之教主。日光遍照菩萨与月光遍照菩萨同为药师佛的二大胁士。日光菩萨与月光菩萨同为无量无 数菩萨众之上首,依次递补佛位,悉能持药师如来之正法宝藏。 日光菩萨,是取自“日放千光,遍照天下,普破冥暗”的意思。此一菩萨持其慈悲本愿,普施三昧,以照法界俗尘, 摧破生死之闇冥,犹如日光之遍照世间,故取此名。佛教菩萨是药师佛的左胁侍。与右胁侍月光菩萨在 东方净琉璃国土中,并为药师佛的两大辅佐,也是药师佛国中无量菩萨众的上首菩萨。 月光菩萨,月神是中国民间最流行的俗神之一。月神又叫太阴星主、月姑、月宫娘娘、月娘、月光菩萨等。 中国关于“嫦娥奔月”的传说广为流传, 《山海经》 、 《搜神记》等古籍中都有类似记载。嫦娥奔月后成了 月亮的主人,即成了月神娘娘、月光菩萨。


Song Dynasty, A Rare Ensemble of Three Translucent Beryl-Green Crystal Glass Carved Guanyins

This bluish emerald-green color is unique, further distinguished by being each carved from solid blocks of glass rather than being blown, hence they are heavier, indicating that they were made to imitate hardstones. The ensemble Guanyins are carved wearing long robes holding the Sun, Moon and Alchemist Bowl. Height: 8⅜ in (21.3 cm), 8⅜ in (21.3 cm), 8¼ in (21 cm) Weight: 1041 g, 1226 g, 1027 g $60,000 - $80,000



梅兰芳 (1894 - 1961)

盘菊清供图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1947 年作 顶部纸张小损已重裱 款识: 秋菊近重阳, 原头复道旁。 丛滋寒露绿, 花绽晚风黄。 蘖染枝枝艳, 星分处处芳。 岁在丁亥秋月 畹华 梅兰芳绘 钤印: (畹华长寿) (梅兰芳印)

Mei Lanfang Chrysanthemum Blooms Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1947 Paper tear at top, reconstituted Inscribed and signed Mei Lanfang, with two artist seals 62⅞ x 16½ in. 159.7 x 41.9 cm.


$6,000 - $10,000


元 刘贯道(仲贤) (生卒不详)

梦汉戏仙童 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:仲贤画 鉴藏印: 项元汴(项子京家珍藏) 朱彝尊(朱彝尊印)

Yuan Dynasty Liu Guandao (Zhongxian) Luohan with Children Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Zhong Xian Two Collectors’ seals 45⅜ x 25 in. 115.2 x 63.5 cm.

$30,000 - $40,000



张大千 (1899 - 1983)

忆江南采莲图 设色水墨纸本横幅 1941 年作


款识:采莲人语隔薰烟,波静如横练。入手风光莫流转,共流连,画船一笑春风面。绿叶浓阴,遍汝塘水阁,遍趁凉多。 海榴初泛,娇艳喷香罗,老燕携雏弄语,有高柳鸣蝉相和。骤雨过,珍珠乱撒,打遍新荷。人生有几,念良辰美景,一梦 初过,茨花菱叶满夏塘,采莲人唱采莲歌,柳外蓝舟过。 辛巳秋日写于敦煌石宝罗郡 大千爰 钤印:(大千居士) (张爰之印) (摩登戒体)

Zhang Daqian Reminiscing Lotus Harvest Hand Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1941

Inscribed and signed Daqian, Yuan, with three artist seals

93½ x 48½ in. 237.5 x 123.2 cm.

Estimate Upon Request 议价



清 虚谷 (1824 - 1896)

金鱼佛手梅瓶图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:虚谷时年七十 钤印:(虚谷)

Qing Dynasty Xu Gu Gold Fish, Plum Blossom and Foshou Fruits Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Xu Gu, with two artist seals 24 × 17 in. 61 × 43 cm.

$4,000 - $6,000


潘天寿 (1897 - 1971)

毛主席词句 水墨纸本立轴 款识: 俱往矣, 数风流人物, 还看今朝。 莭书毛主席词句 潘天寿 钤印:(阿寿)

Pan Tianshou Excerpt from Mao’s Poem Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Inscribed and signed Pan Tianshou, with one artist seal 40⅞ x 13⅝ in. 103.8 x 34.6 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000



张大千 (1899 - 1983)

风荷 设色水墨纸本立轴 1946 年作 款识:丙戌十一月 呈菜翁仁丈教正 后学张爰 钤印:(张)(爰)(大风堂)

Zhang Daqian Lotus in the Wind Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1946

Inscribed and signed Zhang Yuan, with three artist seals 38¼ × 21¼ in. 97.2 × 54 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000



李可染 (1907 - 1989)

上:林荫沐牛图 下:俯首甘为孺子牛 设色水墨纸本立轴 1976 年作 款识上:可染 款识下:俯首甘为孺子牛 一九七六年岁尾 画于香山 可染 钤印上:(李)(可染) 钤印下:(李)(可染)

Li Keran Young Herders with Baffalo (2 Panels)

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1976

Entitled and signed Keran, with two artist seals on each panel 17⅞ x 13¾ in. 45.4 x 34.9 cm.


$40,000 - $50,000


傅抱石 (1904 - 1965)

下棋图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1963 年作 款识: 静山同志属画 即乞惠正 一九六三年五月 傅抱石南京 钤印: (傅) (抱石私印) (往往醉后)

Fu Baoshi Playing Chess

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1963 Inscribed and signed Fu Baoshi, with three artist seals 33 x 17 in. 83.8 x 43.1 cm.

$40,000 - $50,000



清 居廉 (1828 - 1904)

猫戏粉蝶 设色水墨绢本立轴 1885 年作 款识:乙酉夏五月 古泉居廉写 钤印:(古泉)(居廉 私印) 鉴藏印:(美宝堂藏) 另两印不辨

Ju Lian Qing Dynasty Playful Cats Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Silk Dated 1885

Signed Ju Lian, with two artist seals Three Collectors’ seals 26⅛ × 14⅛ in. 66.4 × 35.9 cm.

$6,000 - $8,000



丙烯纸本横幅 1980 年作


(b. 1924)



款识:荷生池塘 庚申春 黄永玉 钤印:(黄永玉) (万荷堂主) (黄押) (永玉) Hand Scroll, Acrylic on Paper Dated 1980

Huang Yongyu Lotus Pond Entitled, inscribed and signed Huang Yongyu, with four artist seals

$40,000 - $60,000

53½ x 26⅞ in. 135.9 x 68.3 cm.


李苦禅 (1899 - 1983)

鸬鷀图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:苦禅 钤印:(李苦禅印) (博飞万里)

Li Kuchan Cormorant

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Kuchan, with two artist seals 38½ x 19⅝ in. 97.7 x 49.8 cm.

$8,000 - $10,000



弘一(李叔同) (1880-1942)

南海观音 设色纸本立轴 款识:弘一 敬绘 钤印:(弘一)(佛像印)

Hong Yi (Li Shutong) Guanyin Of South Sea Hanging Scroll, Color on Paper

Signed Hong Yi, with two artist seals 32½ × 16⅞ in. 82.6 × 42.9 cm.

$8,000 - $15,000



溥儒(心畬) (1896 - 1963)

牵马图 设色水墨绢本立轴 1945 年作 款识: 草细泉香野色新, 五花孺气敬春云, 昂形似忆当年事, 立仗凌空夜正分。 雾鬛云鬃出帝関, 谁将图画落人间。 奚官馆牧无馀事, 将立春风潇华山。 乙酉七月心畲 钤印: (心畲)(溥儒之印)

Pu Ru (Xin Yu) Horse and Groom

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Silk Dated 1945

Inscribed and signed Xinyu, with two artist seals 24⅜ × 14⅛ in. 61.9 × 35.9 cm.

$20,000 - $30,000



明 芙蓉石镂雕花开 富贵鸟鸣精品赏件 Ming, A Furong Stone Carving of Bird Feeding on Flower Bed

With grey russet backing Height: 7 in (17.8 cm) Weight: 514 g $1,500- $2,500

116 元 白玉带皮坐熊赏件 此坐熊造像奇伟,圆眼、长颌,髯毛两分,身体肥硕, 琢磨精细,造型敦厚,憨态可掬。(带木座)

Yuan, A Carved Jade Bear

The stout seated bear shown tail tucked beneath and knees pulled up to its chest. Its mane detailed with fine incised lines. The smoothly polished stone with some russet inclusions, with fitted wood stand. Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) Weight: 475 g $1,500 - $2,500


清 玉雕凤凰麒麟 贡宝纹觥摆件 麒麟昂首露齿,威而 不恶。杯口圆雕一只 麒麟戏球,外壁浮雕 一凤凰。

Qing, Jade Carving of Qilin Carrying Rhyton Vessel on Back


宋 白玉雕回首龙摆件 取苍尤回首后视之状,透雕双角龙曲 卷的身体轮廓,再以浅浮雕刻画的 鳞纹,长尾卷翘,气势恢宏。

Song, Carved Jade Dragon

Carved in the round in openwork as a snarling dragon with head turned back. Detailed with incised scales. Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) Length: 9¾ in (24.8 cm) Weight: 1126 g $1,500 - $2,000

With bulging eyes and short antlers, Bixie carries a rhyton-form vessel with a Bixie cub playing ball atop. On the side carved with a phoenix with spreading wing. Height: 4½ in (11.4 cm) Weight: 393 g $1,500 - $2,500




明 玉雕道教人物持 拂尘立像 Ming Dynasty, A Carved Jade Figure of a Daoist Immortal Holding a Whisk

高古玉雕饰件 Archaistic Jade Carving

Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) Weight: 31 g $200 - $300

Height: 8 in. (20.3 cm.) Weight: 545 g $600 - $800


古玉雕竹笋把壶 竹笋壶身有起伏大小竹节。壶盖较厚,竹节为把。

Archaistic Jade Ewer carved with Bamboo Sections

Inspired by bamboo sections, the teapot is carved in an elongated shape with a loop handle and tapering spout. Height: 2½ in (6.5 cm) Length: 6⅝ in (16.8 cm) Weight: 406 g $600 - $800


寿山石雕弥佛婴戏摆件 A Well Carved Shoushan Stone Boulder of Maitreya with Child Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) Width: 3⅞ in (9.8 cm) Weight: 541 g $500 - $800


绿松石原石 奇趣山子 (连木座)

A Turquoise Stone Boulder (with fitted stand) Height: 7¼ in. (18.4 cm.) Length: 2⅞ in. (7.3 cm.) Width: 6¼ in. (16 cm.) Weight: 1815 g $400 - $600


125 红山文化 玉龙与玉熊挂饰两件

Hongshan Culture Two Jade Carvings: C-Shaped Dragon and Bear Pendants Length: 2½in (6.4cm), 2in (5.1cm) Weight: 54g, 62g $250 - $400


商 黄玉雕虎食人鹿钮饕餮纹出戟盖尊一对 器身呈棕褐色,沁色自然,以大块玉雕琢而成,仿青铜器卣形制。虎背后出一扉棱,为凸出的 条状。整器周身以青铜古彝器风韵的夔龍纹装饰,盖顶饰一鹿钮。整器厚薄匀称,线条流畅, 器型完美,做工考究,掏膛、打磨、勾勒俱精。虎被神人化,卷眉,杏目,宽鼻,鼻孔硕大, 血盆大口下为一小人,虎爪抱其腰。此虎作跪姿,神情夸张,为商代典型特征。虎食人卣是古 代先民对虎图腾的崇拜意识载体,虎并非食人,实为拥人,实则佑人,寓意着人们对神灵的崇 拜和被保护的渴望。此对盖尊从造型工艺雕琢上,都达到了商代制玉的最高水平。

Shang Dynasty, A Pair of Yellow Jade Carved Tiger Cannibal Zun (Wine Vessel)

Modelled after the bronze wine vessel, Tiger Cannibal You, depicting a finely carved in the round from a massive jade piece, a mythical animal clutching in is paw a tiny boy nestling against it. Standing on its two hind legs and it tail, the ferocious animal has gaping teeth exposed and a strand of fang running on its back. Elaborately carved with zoomorphic Kui dragon designs and a standing on foursquare deer knop, this pair of jade Zun wine vessel with feline and human trusting interaction theme, as recorded in Sheng Dynasty, shown characteristics of its kingdom’s wares. Height: 7¼ in (18.4 cm) Weight: 1551 g, 1744 g $100,000 - $150,000




田黄龙龟钮 大方印章

金芙蓉石雕辟邪钮 长方印章

杨澥(1781-1855), 字竹唐,号龙石, 江苏吴江人。多才 艺,工诗文,擅长 金石文字与考据之 学。 边刻(庚子秋杨澥 作) 印文(月照碧梧桐 景)


A Columnar Golden Furong Stone Seal with Bixie Knob

Height: 5⅝ in (14.3 cm) Weight: 773 g $500 - $800

A Large Tianhuang Seal with Dragontortoise Knob Height: 5¼in (13.3cm) Width: 2in (5.1cm) Weight: 564g $800 - $1,200

129 古玉雕螭龙璧、羊羊如意挂饰两件

Archaic Jade Bi Dragon Disc and Jade Ram Pendant Length: 2½in. (6.4 cm.), 2¼in. (5.7 cm.) Weight: 71g, 36g $600 - $800

130 古玉雕鸳鸯、母慈子孝二羊挂饰两件

Archaic Jade Pendant of Mandarin Ducks and Jade Ram with Cub Length: 2in. (5cm.), 2⅜in. (6cm.) Weight: 46g, 121g $400 - $500


131 和田糖白玉雕辟邪把玩

A Fine and Rare Sugar-Brown Jade Carving of Bixie


The mythical beast crouching with limb tucked beneath body, head facing forward and mouth stretched into a wide grin, a single curled horn extending backwards from head. Length: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 100 g $300 - $500

白玉雕刘海戏金蟾 挂饰 Jade Carving of Liu Hai and Toad Height: 2⅝ in (6.7 cm) Weight: 50 g $300 - $500


明 碧玉浮雕夔龙纹凤耳筒形器 碧玉材质,颜色深邃,笔筒造型。表面 雕琢排列规矩凸起的饕餮纹饰,两侧饰 凤夔耳,昂首翘翅。

Ming Dynasty, An Archaic Spinach Green Jade Tubular Container with Relief Cast Phoenix as Handles

Of cylindrical form, carved elaborately with Kui Dragon zoomorphic masks with two phoenixes as handles. Height: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm) Weight: 2058 g $3,000 - $4,000


明 碧玉雕三牺玄纹敞口尊 此尊撇口,玄纹束颈,鼓腹。塑三羊头、六节状羊腿组 成器物的下半部,器饰夔龙纹,寓意着吉祥的“三羊开 泰”。此礼器由整块大料雕琢而成。

Ming Dynasty, An Archaic Spinach Green Jade Three Rams’ Jun

Carved from a massive piece of Jade, of archaistic zun form, with an ovoid body rising to a waisted neck and flared rim, all supported on 6 ram’s foot, the shoulder relief cast with three stylized rams’ heads. Ritual Vessel. Height: 6⅛ in (15.6 cm) Weight: 1025g $3,000 - $4,000




芙蓉荔枝冻瑞狮钮长方印料 Furong Stone Columnar Seal with Buddhist Lion Knop

翡翠浮雕花卉如意笔形发簪摆件 Glass Jadeite Pen-Shaped Hair Pin Ornament with Floral Ruyi Carvings

Height: 4½ in. (11.4 cm.) Weight: 146 g $400 - $500

Length: 7⅛ in (18 cm) Weight: 80 g $500 - $800


新石器时代 龙山文化 鸡骨白蝠璧挂饰 Neolithic Longshan Culutre, Chicken Bone Jade Pendant of Bat Height: 2¼in. (5.7cm.) Width: 2⅝in. (6.7cm.) Weight: 41g $600 - $800


汉 白玉雕龙首兽身双翼赏件 Han Dynasty, A Jade Carving of Mythical Beast with Dragon Head Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) Weight: 1370 g $1,000 - $1,500


139 清 稀有透明玛瑙浮雕葫芦瓜叶摆件 此透明玛瑙硕大精纯,无杂质或黑点,且雕工精细巧妙,生动立体, 神韵自然,为高手之杰作。

Qing, White Agate Carving of Gourd on Vine with Foliage With fine details and clear transparency. Height: 9 in (22.9 cm) Weight: 1230 g $1,500 - $2,500


白翡翠精雕和合二仙引蝠摆件 立体雕琢和合二仙,寒山手捧圆盒,拾得持 荷为礼。人物刻划细致,顾盼传神,笑逐颜 开。以取和(盒)谐、和(荷)好之意。和 合二仙是主姻缘和美之神,可令夫妻和睦、 幸福美满。

Finely Carved White Jadeite Figure of Hehe Erxian, One Holding Lotus Stalk and the Other a Box Releasing a Lingzhi Supporting a Bat

Both figures carved with a round face and smiling expression. The stone of an exceptionally even white tone with jadeite tint throughout. Height: 7½ in (19.1 cm) Weight: 1406 g $5,000 - $8,000


和田白玉三羊开泰灵芝如意摆件 此器玉质细致温润,母羊四肢卧于腹下, 口衔灵芝,小羊依偎在旁, 造型优美温馨。

A White Jade Auspicious Three-Ram Group

Well carved in the round to depict an adult ram holding a spray of lingzhi and ruyi in its mouth, recumbent besides her two young, the jade of even white tone with some area of opaque. Height: 2⅛ in (5.4 cm) Length: 4⅜ in (11.1 cm) Weight: 255 g $2,500- $3,000



高古玉雕螭龙纹饰件 Archaistic Jade Carving Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) Weight: 45 g $200 - $300


高古玉雕螭龙纹 璧饰件 Archaistic Jade Carving

Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) Weight: 45 g $200 - $300


高古玉雕人面兽身饰件一组两件 Two Archaistic Jade Sphinx Carvings

Height: 2in (5cm), 1¾in (4.4cm) Length: 2in (5cm) x 2 Weight: 58g, 59g $300 - $500


高古玉雕蝉挂饰 Archaistic Jade Cicada Pendant

Length: 2⅜ in (6 cm) Weight: 40 g $200 - $300


146 良渚文化 浮雕神人兽面纹玉斧 器呈扁平梯形,单侧钻一孔,顶部出刃。器表面以阴刻神 人兽面纹饰。

Neolithic Period, Liangzhu Culture, Ceremonial Jade Ax

Drilled with a circular hole and carved with taotie mask, the mottled opaque stone is of a dark and grey tone with celadon areas and creamy white streaks throughout. Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) Weight: 127 g $600 - $800


清 慈禧太后 (1835 - 1908)

行書七言對聯 水墨紙本立軸 款識: 太極悟從三易始, 菩提長在眾香中。 鈐印: (慈禧皇太后御筆之寶) (雅道清心)

Qing Dynasty Empress Dowager Cixi Script Calligraphy in Couplet Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper

Inscribed with two artist seals 69⅝ × 18⅜ in. 176.8 × 46.7 cm.

$10,000 - $15,000



张大千 (1899 - 1983)

屈原行吟图 水墨纸本立轴 1941 年作

款识: (文长不录) 辛巳春写于 大风堂下大千张爰 钤印: (张爰福寿)(大千居士)

Zhang Daqian Portrait of Qu Yuan with His Poem Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1941

Inscribed and signed Daqian Zhang Yuan, with two artist seals 52 x 23½ in. 132 x 59.5 cm.


$30,000 - $40,000


吴冠中 (1919 - 2010)

春到江南 设色水墨纸本立轴 1995 年作 款识: 吴冠中一九九五 钤印:(吴冠中印)(荼)

Wu Guanzhong Spring Time

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1995

26⅜ x 26¼ in. 67 x 66.7 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000

Signed Wu Guanzhong, with two artist seal



黃冑 (1925 - 1997)

难得偷闲看歌舞 设色水墨纸本立轴 1976 年作 款识: 一九七六年十月一日 黄冑画扵京郊 钤印:(黄冑)

Huang Zhou Tijik Dancer with Musicians

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1976 Signed Huang Zhou, with one artist seal 54⅞ × 27½ in. 139.4 × 69.9 cm.

$40,000 - $50,000




明 董其昌 (1556 - 1636)

楚水吴山图轴 水墨纸本立轴 1619 年作 款识: 楚水吴山万里秋, 风帆吹饱北来舟, 应怜满眼新亭客, 空对江山双泪流。 己未 孟夏写倪高士笔意 玄宰 钤印:(董其昌印)(宗伯学士) 题跋:古木山峦图 道光二十二年四月 黄均题 (黄均私印)(榖原) 鉴藏印:清宫藏印九方 安岐 (安仪周家珍藏) (仪周鉴赏) 潘延龄(曾藏潘健盫处) 徐紫珊(徐紫珊秘箧印) 梁清标(河北梁清标鉴定印) (蕉林秘玩) (蕉林审定) (秋碧) 沉树镛(韵初审定) 于腾 (飞卿过眼)

Ming Dynasty Dong Qichang Landscape of the Yangtze River Downstream Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1619 Inscribed and signed Xuan Zai, with two artist seals Nine Emperors’ Seals Ten Collectors’ Seals One Colophon by Huang Jun 50¾ × 24¼ in. 128.9 × 61.6 cm.

$80,000 - $150,000

81 83


明 杜琼 (1396 - 1474)

流泉有知音 设色水墨纸本立轴 1454 年作 款识:观瀑图 景泰五年甲戌岁上元日 杜琼画 钤印:(用嘉)(杜琼印)

Ming Dynasty Du Qiong Waterfall

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1454 Entitled and signed Du Qiong, with two artist seals 99¼× 17¾ in. 252.1 × 45.1 cm.

$10,000 - $15,000


吴昌硕 (1844 - 1927)

红梅宝鼎图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1922 年作 款识: 脂红海珊瑚, 粉白明月珠; 折来玉台畔, 能助晓妆无。 壬戌夏 七十九叟 吴硕 钤印: (仓硕)(老苍)

Wu Changshuo Red Plum and Jue Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1922 Inscribed and signed Wu Changshuo, with two artist seals 51½ x 13¼ in. 130.8 x 33.7 cm.

$30,000 - $40,000



元 王振鹏 (生卒不详)

鉴古图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:孤云处士 王振鹏 钤印:(赐孤云处士章) 题跋: 高士奇: 晋代风流数二王, 名家书法过中郎; 吴兴墨妙尤奇绝, 貌得神游到醉乡。 高士奇书 鉴藏印: 高士奇(高氏江邨草堂 珍藏书画之印) 范钦 (东明山人之印) 允礼 (芳林主人鉴赏) 于腾 (飞卿过眼) 载荃 (曾藏定府行有恆堂) 缪荃孙(缪荃孙藏)

Yuan Dynasty Wang Zhenpeng Scholars Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Signed Wang Zhenpeng, with one artist seal Colophon by Gao Shiqi Six Collector’s seal 50⅜ x 25⅜ in. 127.9 x 64.4 cm.

$80,000 - $150,000



明 吴伟 (小仙) (1459 - 1508)

舟中揽胜图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:小仙 钤印:(吴伟) (次翁)

Ming Dynasty Wu Wei Boating in the Mountain

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Xiao Xian, with two artist seals 66½ x 17½ in. 169 x 44 cm.

$20,000 - $30,000


徐悲鸿 (1895 – 1953)

竹雀图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 轩臣先生赐存悲鸿 钤印:(徐悲鸿) (江南布衣)

Xu Beihong Birds and Bamboo Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Beihong, with two artist seals 37 X 17½ in. 95.5 x 44.5 cm.

$15,000 - $20,000



元 王冕 (1287 - 1359)

寒梅图 水墨纸本立轴 1346 年作 款识: 玉妃步月影毵毵, 宴罢瑶池酒正酣; 半夜不知香露冷, 春风吹梦过江南。 至正六年仲冬 王冕元章作 钤印:(王冕之章) 题跋: 见说南枝好, 登临信已然, 玄旗花拂首, 紫阁玉含烟。 瘦不因香动, 芳从带雪研。 调和应有待, 生意已娟娟。 (墨林) 墨林居士藏题

Yuan Dynasty Wang Mian Wintry Plum Blossoms Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1346

Inscribed and signed Wang Mian, with one artist seals Colophon by Xiang Yuanbian 49⅜ x 25⅛ in. 125.4 x 63.8 cm.

Estimate Upon Request 议价



清 李鱓 (1686 - 1762)

芦花双鳬图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 芦花浅白蓼深红, 野岸家鳬漾水中; 写出秋容发春兆, 姓名雷响万夫雄。 复堂李鱓 钤印:(懊道人) (鳝印) (卖画不作官) (浮沤馆) 鉴藏印: 吴湖帆(梅景书屋) 汪士元(士元珍藏) (士元) (向叔审定真迹) 孔广陶(少唐心赏) (仲清所藏) 唐翰题(翰题之宝)

Li Shan Qing Dynasty Two Mallards by the Aloe Reed Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper

Inscribed and signed Li Shan, with four artist seals Seven Collectors’ seals 56 × 14⅞ in. 142.2 × 37.8 cm.

$10,000 - $15,000


陶冷月 (1895 - 1985)

金鱼儿 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:冷月陶镛 钤印:(陶镛私印) (冷月)

Tao Lengyue Goldfish

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Lengyue, with two artist seals 45¾ × 12¾ in. 116 × 32 cm.


$2,000 - $4,000


张大千 (1899 - 1983)

观音育花图 设色水墨金盏立轴 1941 年作 款识:辛巳秋日郡 张大千敬造 钤印:(张爰长寿) (大千居士)

Zhang Daqian Guanyin Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Gold Flecked Paper Dated 1941

Signed Zhang Daqian, with two artist seals 40⅜ x 12¾ in. 102.5 x 32.4 cm.

Estimate Upon Request 议价


Tang Dynasty, A Sancai-Glazed Pottery Amphora

Elegantly potted, tapering ovoid body with the slightly splayed foot swelling to high, rounded shoulders surmounted by a tall waisted neck and everted lipped rim, set with two curved dragon-headed handles applied with spiral bosses extending from the mouth to the base of the neck, splash-glazed in amber, green and cream with an unglazed buff bottom. Height: 12 in. (30.5 cm.) Width: 6½ in. (16.5 cm.) $6,000 - $8,000



唐 三彩双龙耳盘口瓶 盘口外撇,细长颈,丰肩, 长圆腹,下腹部斜收出平 底,底缘外侈。口肩连以捏 塑的双龙长柄,龙首低垂,张 嘴衔瓶口。龙身曲躬,背脊塑四 圆珠,长耳、卷鬃,线条张弛灵 动。器身外壁施黄、白、绿三色彩 釉,交融流淌。下腹、器底露胎。


唐三彩贴花蝴蝶花卉卷线玄纹撇口瓶 通体施黄褐釉,瓶身采用陶瓷贴花装饰贴塑花卉,用绿彩、白彩、紫彩模印出花卉、蝴蝶等纹饰,构思精巧, 施釉不及底,釉层流动自然。

Tang Dynasty, Sancai Pottery Vase with Butterflies and Flowers

The ovoid body is lobed into quarters relief decorated with butterflies and floral bud, each lobe separated by a classic scroll band with mask head. The shoulder has eight floral cluster moulded on it too, below the flaring cylindrical neck with incised rib bands. The base and interior are unglazed exposing the buff ware. Covered overall with a brownish glaze body and highlights in blue and straw glazes. Height: 14in (35.6cm) Width: 8¾in (22.2cm) $8,000 - $15,000



清 乾隆 漆雕剔红静心齋 四重山水楼台盘 精心雕刻的北海静心齋的场景,是皇 太子 的书斋,整体画面髹漆润厚,以精工刀 雕, 叠石为主景,周围配以亭榭楼阁,小桥 流水,叠石岩洞,幽雅宁静,层次清 晰,刀法流利豪放。经岁月沉淀使其色 泽深沉,包浆古旧莹润。 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行方框隶书款

Qing, A Finely Carved Cinnabar Lacquer Plate of Beihai Park, Meditation Garden

Well carved with a landscape scene of the Meditation Park in the Palace with layered pine trees, scholars’ rock,bridges and pavilions on a diaper background. Base lacquered black with reign mark. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 10 in (25.40 cm) $3,000 - $5,000


明 宣德 铜铸五僧护寿三足炉一对 (宣德年製)四字双行凸雕款 炉呈筒式直腹,圆口,口沿上铸三坐僧形耳,平底。铜色泽醇厚,铜身简洁大气,镌刻寿图案,寓意美好。 底饰三坐僧形实足,上下纹饰呼应,极富立体感。

Ming, Bronze Tripod Censer with Monk Figure as Tripod Stand and Handle with Incised Shou Character


Ming Dynasty, Xuande Four Character Incised Mark and of the Period. Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) Weight: 604 g, 539 g $2,000 - $3,000

Distemper on cloth, exquisitely embroidered in gold thread and brilliant colored silk threads on silk. The Panchen Lama is shown seated in relaxed posture on a cushion in front of an altar table with offerings, backed with double Mandora. His right hand in vitarkamudra while the left supports a bowl containing offerings. Flanked by divinities to the top and guardians below. His vibrant and hypnotic mandalas are detailed with religious and meditative Buddhist art including dragons. Tibetan Inscription on the reverse of the Thangka: ཨོཾ Om indicate to body of Buddha ཨཱཿ Ah indicate to Speech of Buddha. ཧཱོུཾ Hung indicate to Mind of Buddha (It is a “Metta Prayer“) (Cultivate the body mind & speech, as offerings in purity.) May all beings be peaceful. May all beings be happy. May all beings be safe. May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature. May all beings be free. Length: 37¾ in. (95.9 cm.) Width: 32⅛ in. (81.6 cm.) $6,000 - $8,000

Backside 背面 165

清 藏族六世班禅唐卡 Qing Dynasty, Tibet, A Thangka Depicting the Sixth Panchen Lama 唐卡形制为棉布矿物胶彩 主尊为六世班禅。头戴桃形尖帽,面容祥和。身穿僧坎和袈裟,僧衣上以金汁描绘出各种花纹 图案,富丽绚烂。双手于胸前结说法印,手指纤细柔软。跏趺坐于卡垫上,宝座为中原家具风 格,搭脑两端装饰龙头,背后具身光和头光。画面上方为菩萨、绿度母。阎魔敌和吉祥天母两 位护法被绘制于画面下方的左右两侧。整个画面构图饱满,设色沈稳,勾勒精细灵活,人物形 象生动,画师以熟练的工笔重彩技法,勾勒晕染,敷色上进,展现了超强的写实功力。各尊造 型精准规范,主尊安详静谧,其神像各据神能,生动表现了各尊神不同的宗教品格与外在特征 以佛教内容为题材的唐卡作为供奉物,必须装藏、开光,在唐卡的背面,佛像之首、颈、心口 处用红笔写上梵文唵、阿、哞三字,并请喇嘛念经加持,予以开光。唐卡的背面有红笔书写的 装藏文字,说明唐卡在完成以来,已经被寺院或私人清活佛等装藏并开光供奉过。 唐卡背面開光:竖向字“嗡啊哄”、横向第一排“吉祥之吉祥”、横向第二排“法螺音吉祥” 、横向第三排“妙时闻之音”和一双大師的手印。



战国 铜胎金银错嵌白玉凤首带钩 钩体弧形,构面宏阔,以错金银工艺勾勒出细纹繁密的凤纹,并嵌镶白玉三 组,气势雄壮华丽,工艺精绝,为稀有的可贵国宝。

Warring States, Gilt Silver Inlaid with Jade Bronze Garment Hook, Daigou

The ‘S’-curved body surmounted by a small phoenix head gracefully curving to a widening contours highlighted with intricate phoenix-zoomorphic patterns in gold and silver inlay set between three jade cabochons, the reverse cast with a round knob. Scattered traces encrustation found in dense patches on the reverse. Length: 8 in (20.3 cm) Weight: 277 g $1,500 - $2,000


唐 银鎏金立凤凰饰 Tang Dynasty, Parcel Gilt Silver Phoenix

Cast standing with spread wings in a ring-punched ground. Height: 5 in (12.7 cm) Weight: 119 g $800 - $1,500



战国 稀有玉雕兽纹双连豕头枕 玉枕背对卧姿双豕造型,上托弧形枕面。雕饕餮纹饰、线条流畅、玉质坚美。玉在中国的历史上十分特殊,隐藏着 一种灵性,不但可以辟邪,还可以与冥冥间的神灵相通。此高古玉枕是一种身份的象征,不仅是实用品,更是 集造型、绘画、诗文为一体的精美艺术品。

Warring States, A Rare Jade Pillow Carved with Recumbent Hogs

Animal form moulded in the round with a ruyi-shaped headrest on the top. Each end depicts a recumbent hog resting on its paws. Overall carved with zoomorphic masks. Pillows in animal forms were believed to ward off evil spirit and enhance peace and wellness. Height: 4 in (10.2 cm) Length: 10½ in (26.7 cm) Weight: 2448 g $2,000 - $4,000


清 铜鎏金嵌翡翠绿福寿灵芝如意一对 Qing Dynasty, A Pair of Jadeite-inlaid Gilt Bronze Ruyi Scepter

Cast in the form of a gnarled, leafy branch bearing two peaches at one end to form the head of the scepter and the leaves are inlaid with jadeite. Length: 11¼ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 578 g, 574 g $2,000 - $3,000



吴昌硕 (1844 - 1927)

兰石图 水墨纸本立轴 1923 年作 款识:癸亥八月 吴昌硕年八十 钤印:(缶老)(苦铁)

Wu Changshuo Orchid and Rock

Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1923

Signed Wu Changshuo, with two artist seals 53⅞ × 13¼ in. 136.8 × 33.7 cm.


$15,000 - $20,000


清 金农 (1687 - 1763)

梅花带春图 水墨纸本立轴 1761 年作 款识: 画梅之妙在广陵, 得二友焉。 汪巢林画繁枝, 高西唐画竦枝, 皆世上不食烟火人。 予画此幅居然不竦不繁之间, 观者拟我丁埜堂一流, 俨如江路酸香之中也。 乾隆辛巳+月望后一日 稽留山民漫题于惜耶之庐。 钤印:(金农私印) (冬心先生) 鉴藏印: 缪荃孙(缪荃孙藏) 庞元济(莱臣心赏) 汪士元(向叔审定真迹) 沉树镛(韵初审定)

Qing Dynasty Jin Nong Spring Plum Blossom Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper Dated 1761 Inscribed and signed Jiliu Shanmin, with two artist seals Four Collectors’ seals 50½ × 25⅛ in. 128.3 × 63.8 cm.

$100,000 - $150,000



黎雄才 (1910 - 2001)



设色水墨纸本立轴 1985 年作 款识:乙丑初夏 写于羊城 雄才 钤印:(岭南黎雄才)

Li Xiongcai Waterfall

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1985

Signed Xiongcai, with one artist seal 26¼ × 17 in. 66.7 × 43.2 cm.

$3,000 - $5,000


元 王渊(若水) (13 - 14th C )

锦鸡桃花 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:王渊若水画 钤印:(王若水印) 鉴藏印:故宫藏印七方 项元汴 (项子京家珍藏) (退密) (天籁阁) (墨林) 高士奇(高氏江邨草堂珍藏书画之印) (高氏精吟堂鉴藏书画) 于腾 (飞卿过眼) 戴植 (戴芝农鉴赏章) 方濬颐(曾藏方梦园家) 吴大澂(客斋鉴藏书画) 邵松年(海虞邵氏珍藏金石书画之印)

Yuan Dynasty Wang Yuan (Ruo Shui) Plum Blossom and Phoenixes Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Wang Yuan, Ruo Shui, with one artist seal Seven Emperors’ seals Eleven Collectos’ seals 50⅜ x 24¾ in. 127.9 x 62.9 cm.

$60,000 - $80,000



刘继卣 (1918 -1983) 设色水墨纸本立轴 1977 年作

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1977

款识:丁巳春于北京 继卣作 钤印:(推陈出新)

Signed Jiyou, with one artist seal



Liu Jiyou Panda

26 × 26 in. 66 × 66 cm.

$15,000 - $20,000


吴昌硕 (1844 - 1927)

双鹤图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1915 年作 款识: 昔人云鹤寿不知其纪, 又云鹤寿千年; 鹤之以寿称者由来久矣。 吾家匏老人藏雪个画鹿 题曰百翔予写是帧 是为两好鹤鹿回春 无量寿叔未解元白也。 兹录以补空 乙卯深秋雨窻 吴昌硕 老缶 钤印:(吴俊卿)

Wu Changshuo Two Cranes Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1915 Inscribed and signed Wu Changshuo, with one artist seal 52 x 16⅝ in. 132 x 42.2 cm.

$40,000 - $50,000




张大千 (1899 - 1983)

浓阴文会图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1943 年作 款识: 了无一事尚耽书, 眼倦尤贪夕照余; 我与雏孙同一笑, 待看归鸟生枝株。 癸未夏日大千居士爰 故人相约到山家, 行过柴门路转斜; 瀑布声喧鱼眼起, 急呼儿子与煎茶。 大千居士爰 青鸾飞过转参差, 摇曳争为至数枝; 自爱山中好明月, 即印须银独照题诗。 大千居士爰 世嚣都不到大造意偏精, 奇石当人禽浃耳鸣冷冷, 三叠乡恻,五铢轻堪笑, 秋风客,金丹尚未成。 大千居士爰 钤印:(张大千) (张爰之印信) (外双溪)

Zhang Daqian The Gathering of Scholars

A set of Four Hanging Scrolls, Ink and Color on paper Dated 1943 Each scroll inscribed and signed, Daqian Yuan, with three artist seals 53¼ x 13¼ in. 135.3 x 33.6 cm.

Estimate Upon Request 议价



谢稚柳 (1910 - 1997)

工笔花鸟 设色水墨纸本立轴 1981 年作

Xie Zhiliu Bird on Maple

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1981

Inscribed and signed 款识: Zhiliu, 落墨为格杂彩副野 with two artist seals 逸江南写生 主别裁新欉骋 37½ × 13¾ in. 青奇高韵 94.5 × 34.9 cm. 自标不薄古 辛酉二月偶写此图 越三日后作此 $3,000 - $4,000 二十八字壮暮翁 稚柳并记 钤印:(谢稚之印)(稚柳)


朱屺瞻 (1892-1996)

玉米图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1973 年作 款识:一九七三年 画于上海 屺瞻 钤印:(屺瞻)(屺瞻) (家在娄水边)

Zhu Qizhan Corn

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1973 Signed Qizhan, with three artist seals 38 × 19⅛ in. 96.5 × 48.6 cm.

$2,000 - $3,000



元 赵孟頫(子昂) (1254 - 1322)

东丹王松溪放马图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识:子昂 钤印:(赵氏子昂) 题跋: 元 宋克: 神骏萧萧白黑文, 围人调习未能训。宋克书 徐賁:松溪放马图 鉴藏印: 清 宣统帝(宣统之宝) 载荃(曾藏定府行有恒堂)

Yuan Dynasty Zhao Mengfu (Ziang) The Emperor of Dongdan Riding Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Signed Ziang, with one artist seal Colophons by Song Ke and Xu Ben One Emperor’s seal One Collector’s seal 33¾ x 14½ in. 85.7 x 36.8 cm.

Estimate Upon Request 议价


181 180

张大千 (1899 - 1983)

夜色隐青山 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 小坐茅庭夜色微, 满身花气欲凉衣, 市喧已定万缘寂, 一一流萤佛面飞。 大千居士爰 钤印:(张爰)(蜀客)

Zhang Daqian Mountains at Dusk

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Yuan, with two artist seals 39⅝ x 12 in. 100.6 x 30.5 cm.

$20,000 - $30,000


齐白石 (1864 - 1957)

醉宰相图 设色水墨纸本立轴 款识: 宰相归田囊底无钱, 宁肯为盗不肯伤廉。 借山老人齐白石 画于京华 钤印: (木人) (白石翁)

Qi Baishi The Drunk Minister Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Qi Baishi, with two artist seals 21⅜ x 14⅜ n. 54.3 x 36.5 cm.

$8,000 - $12,000


傅抱石 (1904 - 1965)

老虎渔港 设色水墨纸本立轴 1963 年作 款识:老虎渔港 一九六三年五月 中浣傅抱石南京并记 钤印:(抱石之印)

Fu Baoshi Harbor View

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1963 Entitled, inscribed and signed Fu Baoshi, with one artist seal 53⅝ x 26 in. 136.2 x 66 cm.

$40,000 - $60,000



张大千 (1899 - 1983)

绿树泛阴山水轴 设色水墨纸本 款识: 绿树浓阴盖四邻, 苍苔日暖净无尘; 科头箕踞长松下, 白眼看他世上人。 戊子之秋 蜀都大千张爰 钤印:(张爰之印) (大千)

Zhang Daqian Landscape

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Inscribed and signed Daqian, Zhang Yuan, with two artist seals 34¼ x 12⅜ in. 87 x 31.4 cm.


$10,000 - $20,000


元 冷谦 (生卒不详)

危峰孤峭白云封 设色水墨纸本立轴 1342 年作 款识: 危峰孤峭与天通, 尤有当时羽化踪, 仙驭自随鸾鹤去, 玉楼金锁白云封。 至正二年七月 既望启敬道人冷谦画 钤印: 题跋: 张鹏翀: 稠林乱石拥柴门, 九子峰前路不分; 留得空明舒远目, 不妨身在万重山。 臣 张鹏翀恭书 (张鹏翀印) 鉴藏印: 故宫藏印八方 耿昭忠(信公鉴定珍藏) 毕沅(秋颿书画图章) 项元汴(天籁阁)(退密) 吴大澂(客斋鉴藏书画) 安岐(仪周鉴赏)(安) 载荃(曾藏定府行有恆堂) 庞元济(莱臣心赏) 缪荃孙(缪荃孙藏) 唐翰题(嘉兴新丰乡人 唐翰题收藏印)

Yuan Dynasty Leng Qian Landscape

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1342 Inscribed and signed Leng Qian, with two artist seals Colophon by Zhang Pengchong, with two seals Eight Emperors’ seals Eleven Collectors’ seals 50⅛ x 23½ in. 127.3 x 59.7 cm.

$40,000 - $60,000



潘天寿 (1897 - 1971)

浓艳 设色水墨纸本立轴 1965 年作 款识:浓艳 澹卢同志鑑之 一九六五年 槑(梅)花开上佳 寿 钤印:(寿)(潘天寿)

Pan Tianshou Lotus Bud and Flower

Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1965 Entitled and signed Shou, with two artist seals 33¼ × 19½ in. 84.5 × 49.5 cm.

$20,000 - $40,000



清 李鱓 (1686 - 1762)

菊花芭蕉螃蟹图 设色水墨纸本立轴 1731 年作 款识:辛亥八月 李鱓 钤印:(李鱓) (宗杨) (神祖宰相之家) (顽皮)

Qing Dynasty Li Shan Chrysanthemum, Banana and Crabs Hanging Scroll, Ink & Color on Paper Dated 1731 Signed Li Shan, with four artist seals 53⅞ × 23⅞ in. 136.7 × 60.6 cm.

$40,000 - $60,000


清 像生瓷集实用性和观赏性于一体,神情与姿态兼备,其塑造亦注重立体感。栩栩如生。富有自然物纯 真的气息,因为釉色和形状都达到了逼真的程度,故有像生瓷之称。 During Qing Dynasty, naturalistically modelled ceramics combines practicability and ornamentally with both expression and posture. Its models also emphasize three dimensionality, life-like with glazes and shape reached photo-realistic quality.


清 康熙 像生瓷香蕉水注赏件 (大清康熙年制)款

Qing, A Simulated Yellow Glazed Banana Water Dropper Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six Character Mark and of the Period. Length: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm) $600 - $800


清 康熙 像生瓷辣椒水注赏件 (大清康熙年制)款

Qing, A Simulated Red Glazed Pepper Water Dropper Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) Length: 5¾ in (14.6 cm) $600 - $800


清 康熙 像生瓷茄子水注赏件 (大清康熙年制)款

Qing, A Simulated Yellow Glazed Eggplant Water Dropper Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Six Character Mark and of the Period. Length: 5⅞ in (14.9 cm) $600 - $800


清 乾隆 蓝料洒褐彩万寿碗 (乾隆年製)款

Qing, Blue with Aubergine Overlay Peking Glass Bowl Carved in Relief with Auspicious Peaches Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Impressed Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 5 in (12.7 cm) Height: 2½ in (6.4 cm) Weight: 274 g $1,000 - $1,500


清 乾隆 红地绿料洒金莲池水禽碗 (乾隆年製)款

Qing, Red with Green Overlay Peking Glass Bowl Carved in Relief with Aquatic Scene Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Impressed Mark and of the Period. Diameter: Diameter: 4⅞ in (12.4 cm) Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 289 g $1,000 - $1,500



清 乾隆 青花云龙纹龙耳大抱月瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行楷书款 造型优雅隽秀,直口短颈,颈、肩处饰对称夔龙耳,作抱月形。扁圆鼓腹,椭圆形圈足。玲珑别致,釉质温润莹白,瓶身前后均绘饰 青花立龙海水纹,龙身凶猛强悍,盘旋翱翔于蝠祥云与浪涛间,蝠祥云迤逦,形态各异, 漫天飘飞。胎质洁白细腻,青花色泽翠蓝 幽靓,层次清晰,极富动感,乃官窑精品。底书“大清乾隆年制”六字三行篆书款。

Qing, A Rare and Large Blue and White Dragon Moonflask

Skillfully potted with a broad, gently compressed, rounded body rising from a short oval foot to a waisted neck flanked by a pair of archaistic chilong handles. Inspired by early Ming design, both sides of the body are exquisitely and richly painted in vibrant shades of cobalt blue with a five-clawed side-facing dragon with scaly body, and a smaller attendant dragon leaping from turbulent waves, soaring sinuously around amidst flaming wisps and stylized clouds with auspicious bats in flight, all above rolling and cresting waves. The neck with a central bat flanked by clouds below a ruyi band bordering the mouth rim. An emblem of the imperial grandeur. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 12in (30.5cm) Width: 9¾in (24.8cm) $60,000 - $80,000




南宋 钧窑天蓝釉紫斑鼓钉花口盘 Southern Song Dynasty, Sky-Blue-Glazed Foliate Rim Dish Molded with a Band of Bosses atop the Petal-Fluted Well and a Purple Splash in the Interior

宋 钧窑天青釉折扣盘 Song Dynasty, Junyao Celadon Bowl with an Everted Rim and Two Thumb-Rest and one Underside Spindle Handle



宋 临汝窑 青灰釉内印花双凤纹鼓钉水洗

宋 蛋青釉弦纹三足炉



Song Dynasty, Greyish-Green Glazed Linruyao Washer

Song Dynasty, Celadon-pale-glazed Tripod Censer

Diameter: 7½ in (19 cm) $1,500 - $2,500

Moulded with confronting phoenixes in the interior and boss decorations on the mouth rim. Across: 6½ in (16.5 cm) Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) $800 - $1,500


Across: 5¼ in (13.4 cm) $300 - $500

Moulded with three ribbed bands and supported by three cabriole legs. Height: 3⅛ in (8 cm) $1,000 - $2,000

Qing, An Exquisite Monochrome Melon-green Glazed Vase with Phoenix-ear Handles

A baluster body supported on a splayed foot with a cylindrical neck encircled by a bowstring band. Overall luminous glazed in jade-like melon green, with its ears shaped like two archaic patterned phoenixes. Recessed white base inscribed in underglazed blue reign mark. Its everted mouth and phoenix ear handle has been inspired by Song Longquan celadon vase. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six-Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 13⅞ in (35.2 cm) $30,000 - $40,000


清 乾隆 粉绿釉弦 纹凤耳瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字 三行篆书款 通体饰粉绿釉,釉色 青绿淡雅,釉面光泽 柔和,色泽清新,达 到类玉的效果。颈部 凸起弦纹,两侧饰凤 耳。本器形制撇口及 凤耳之组合源自宋代 龙泉窑。



清 道光 绿釉刻花龙戏珠怀山浩 海龙耳扁壶 (道光年制)四字双行篆书刻款 外壁满施苹果绿釉,釉色翠丽莹亮。腹部 主饰浅浮雕龙戏珠纹,龙姿飘逸生动,扭 曲飞腾,极富动感,饰水波纹,刻刀精 美细致。

Qing, A Finely Carved Green-glazed Dragon Moon Flask

Modeled after an archaistic bronze bianhu, the flatten ovoid body is covered overall with an opaque enamel of apple-green tone. Rising on a short-canted foot with a classic scroll, the body is crisply moulded and carved in shallow relief with a ferocious five-clawed dragon striding amidst lingzhi-shaped clouds above cresting waves and rocky outcrop, chasing a flaming pearl. The powerful five-clawed dragon with horns is carved in mirror image decoration, same on front and reverse of the flask. Two Qilin beast head handles flanked the short neck. Impressed reign mark on the recessed base. Qing Dynasty, Daoguang Four Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 7½ in (19.1 cm) $10,000 - $15,000


明 宣德 牛血红釉弦纹高足盘 (大明宣德年制) 碗撇口,弧壁,高圈足。通体內外施红釉,口沿有一道 白边出现。把足中空,內横书。

Ming, A Rare and Fine Bovine-Blood Red Glazed Stem Plate with a Ribbed Stem

Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 6½ in (16.5 cm) Height: 3.9 in (9.8 cm) $5,000 - $8,000



元 釉里红塑雕神兽花卉连珠纹罐 通身外施釉里红,釉质肥厚滋润,再罩以一层无色透明釉。胎体厚重,宽圈足,直口短颈,溜肩圆腹,肩下、近足处堆塑围绕以珍珠型颗 粒组成兩红线纹。腹部以堆塑、模印和刻划神兽及缠枝花卉图案,神兽于麒麟身上生有鹿头牛蹄马尾。腹部内外所见接胎痕明显,堆贴技 法成熟,具浮雕效果。发色艳丽,艺术品位极高,为元代釉里红不可多得的珍品。

Yuan Dynasty, A Rare Copper-Red Jar, Guan with Mythical Beast

Boldly painted in a deep mushroom pink tone with two trailed slip beaded lines moulded on the round shoulder and above the foot, decorated with luted blooms circling the body interspersed with two relief carved mythical beasts, Qilin, portrayed with a deer head, buffalo hoof and tail of a horse, roaming amidst floral scrolls with blooms. Monochrome copper red porcelain from the Yuan is known to be particularly unstable during the firing process. This Guan represents one of the rare successful specimen. Height: 7¾in (19.7cm) Width: 9½in (24.1cm) $15,000 - $20,000


201 明 万历 珊瑚红釉敞口盘 (大明万历年制)六字双行双圈楷书款

Ming, Coral-Glazed Conical Bowl with Flared Rim

The rounded side rising steeping to a flared rim covered all over with a lustrous coral glaze with a short foot and a recessed reign mark. Ming Dynasty, Wanli Double Circles Six Character Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 5½ in (14 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

203 青花釉里红双凤穿云敞口瓶 (大明宣德年制)横款

An Underglazed-Blue and Copper Red Phoenix Vase


The body is decorated with two phoenixes chasing pearl amidst flaming cloud beneath a long flaring neck with upright lappets. Xuande Mark. Height: 8¾ in (22.2 cm) $1,500 - $3,000

202 碧玉浮雕人物山水山子(连木座)

A Spinach Green Jade Boulder Relief Carved with Figural Landscape Scene (with fitted stand) Height: 8½ in.(31.6 cm.) Width: 6 in. (15.24 cm.) Weight: 2179 g $1,000 - $1,500

204 清 康熙 豇豆红窑变釉敞口直管瓶 釉色中含有深浅不一的斑点及绿苔自然晕散,呈现出桃花 春浓般的奇趣。

Qing Dynasty, Kangxi A Peach-Bloom Flambé-Glazed Bottle Vase

Mottled in dusky peach-bloom glaze of rich mottled plum tone thinning in patches to a softer mushroom color and concentrated in a rich raspberry ring at the foot, the body suffused with moss green areas. Height: 9¾ in (24.8 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


清 乾隆 冬青釉浮雕花卉纹绶带如意蒜头瓶 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行篆书款 通体满施青釉,釉质滋润细腻,如意、莲瓣、弦纹等组合纹样,按层布置,清雅简单中又富于变化。纹饰凸出处露胎而颜色浅淡。

Qing, A Fine Celadon Glazed Garlic Head Vase with Double Ruyi-Shaped Handles and Floral Reliefs

The pear-shaped body surmounted by a lobed garlic bulb mouth and covered with a soft glaze of pale sea-green tone and delicately carved and moulded to depict a dense network of floral scrolls and ruyi head classic bands. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six-Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 10¼ in (26 cm) $40,000 - $50,000



北宋 定窑印花五管瓶 北宋 楷书 (官)字款 瓶宽口,如倒放的莲花,花瓣斜伸为肩,其上有六角形大小适宜之五 管,五管与瓶不通,只为装饰而已。瓶体上黏有叁层状如叶片所围 绕。叶下雕刻如云状的圈花纹。撇足。此瓶造型奇特,应为北宋定窑 之极品。

Northern Song, A Rare Dingyao Vase with Five Decorative Spouts

Below the spouts is a flanged foliate shoulder and set above the bands of incised lotus-petals encircling the ovoid body. Above the foot is a scroll of cloud-pattern. Overall the vase is of exquisite creamy-white glaze of even ivory tone. Northern Song Dynasty Incised ‘Official’ Mark at Bottom. Height: 8¼ in (21 cm) $3,000 - $4,000

207 元 龙泉窑黏花折枝三桃小鸟露胎葵花口盘 盘折沿,浅腹平底,下承矮圈足,足底露出铁灰色胎。通体施以肥厚 青釉,盘内贴塑露胎小鸟叶桃纹。

Song Dynasty, A Longquan Celadon Biscuit Plate with Foliate Rim


With eight-petal-lobed rim, the interior well is molded with three biscuit sprigs of bird and peach. The underside base with a buff ring. Diameter: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm) Height: 1⅝ in (4.1 cm) $3,000 - $5,000

208 明 龙泉窑刻花花卉莲瓣纹碗 碗外划莲瓣纹一周,碗内壁刻缠枝花卉纹。通体施青釉,釉面温润凝 致,色泽淡雅细腻。

Ming Dynasty, Longuan Celadon Lotus Petal Bowl

Carved on the exterior with petals rising from the foot and the interior with a central medallion enclosing floral sprays. Covered all over with a glaze of pale sea-green color thinning to a paler tone on the rim. Diameter: 8⅜in. (21.3cm.) Height: 3½in. (8.9cm.) $1,500 - $2,000


明 宣德 青花龙穿花如意僧帽壶 (大明宣德年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 僧帽壶原为西藏喇嘛使用的宗教器皿,因壶口形似僧帽而得名,此壶造型为口沿上翘,前低后高,鸭嘴形流,壶盖卧于口沿内,束颈,曲 柄,鼓腹,圈足略撇。流自腹而出,渐尖。另一侧附曲柄,器颈绘穿莲双龙纹,肩饰六勾连如意形,内各加饰莲花一枝。腹部书藏文吉祥 经文一周。底旁绘瓣纹一周,足圈绘卷草纹一周。釉质肥厚细润,釉面多白中泛青,青花浓重,散见铁褐结晶斑。

Ming, a Fine and Rare Blue and White Monks’ Cap Ewer, Sengmaohu

Monk’s-cap ewers were used in ritual ceremonies of the Lamaist sect of Buddhism. The pear-shaped globular body painted in vibrant cobalt with six lobed medallions of ruyi enclosing floral branches, with a tapering curved spout which projects from the galleried rim and outline painted with floral sprays, the peak of the rim rising above a small lug on the interior and beside the curved strap handle molded with a median ridge and painted with further floral sprays, the domed cover of conforming shape painted in similar fashion beneath the knop finial, resembling a monk’s hat. The waisted neck is finely painted with two confronting dragons amidst a lotus meander. Below the ruyi medallions is a continuous frieze of lanca characters. A floral scroll band encircled above the foot. Applied overall with a transparent unctuous glaze, save for unglazed ring on the base revealing the buff body, with reign mark on the underside. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Six Character Mark within Double Circles and of the Period. Height: 7 in. (17.78 cm.) Width: 8 in. (20.32 cm.) $60,000 - $80,000


作为一种树脂化石,琥珀是非常稀有且极为珍贵的自然材质。琥珀的昂贵价值不仅来源于其迷人的自然色调,更被 认为是一种可以达到趋利避害效果,具有自我疗愈、能量转化且具有解毒功效的护身之宝。

A fossilized tree resin, amber was a rare and highly treasured material which appealed not only for its attractive natural hues but also for the beneficial properties it was believed to possess, such as self-healing, transmuting negative energy into positive, as well as being effective for detoxification.


琥珀雕凤凰背尊 因其颜色为金黄色而得名金珀,且如此晶莹剔透,珍贵异常。

A Carved Amber Figure of Phoenix Holding Jun

Carved in open work a standing phoenix carrying a Jun on her back. The amber is of translucent honey hue. Height: 7in. (17.8cm.) Weight: 500g $1,500 - $2,000



琥珀观音如意莲台座像 观音神情祥和,晶莹剔透,颜色浓正,呈透明红色。由于琥珀 形成的条件苛刻,因此像这原材料这么大的琥珀较少。

A Carved Amber Figure of Seated Guanyin with Ruyi

Finely carved wearing long flowing robes and holding a ruyi scepter on one hand and seated on a lotus with serene expression. It is rare to find Guanyin of this size carved from amber. The amber is of rich and deep red tone with good translucency. Height: 12 in. (30.5 cm.) Width: 6 in. (15.2 cm.) Weight: 2469 g $2,000 - $3,000


琥珀如来佛祖莲台座像 A Carved Amber Figure of Seated Buddha on Lotus Holding an Elms Bowl

Seated on an elevated double lotus pedestal with draping robes. Holding an elms bowl below a serene expression with hair arranged in whorls. The amber is of deep red tone. Height: 7⅜ in. (18.7 cm.) Width: 3⅝ in. (9.2 cm.) Weight: 800 g $1,200 - $2,000


明 琥珀堆塑陆羽品茶树瘿把壶 (大明宣德)底款 整器用材极大,圆雕而成。壶面树瘿随形作凹凸坑和皱纹, 壶身侧面堆塑陆羽品茶,雕工精美。应为文人雅士赏玩之物。

Ming, A Well Carved Amber Teapot of Poet Lu Yu Sampling Tea

Carved with a burl surface and a teapot as knop, the poet Lu Yu is depicted sampling tea with with a tea cup on his hand. Ming Dynasty, Xuande Four Character Impressed Mark on the underside Height: 4⅜ in (11.1 cm) Width: 6½ in (16.5 cm) Weight: 398 g $1,000 - $1,500


清 琥珀雕财神送宝来 财神有辟邪镇宅、招财进宝的美好寓意。面相喜人。

A Carved Amber Figure of the God of Prosperity

Height: 6¾ in. (17.1cm.) Width: 5 in. (12.7cm.) Weight: 1065 g $1,200 - $2,000



琥珀浮雕罗汉戏仙童山子 罗汉开相喜乐,着交领宽袖衣衫, 与仙童玩耍。山子色泽金黄透亮。

Amber Boulder Carving of Luohan and Children at Play Carved with a Luohan and two boys clamoring around. The amber is of transparent orange -brown tone. Height: 6 in. (15.24 cm.) Width: 6½ in. (16.5 cm.) Weight: 831 g $1,500 - $2,000


明 琥珀雕灵猴献寿大水洗 水洗以大块琥珀整料雕琢而成,用料 颇奢,掏膛去地不计工本。外形为一 个成熟的蟠桃,枝叶茂盛,茎部盘 曲。上浮雕一攀爬向前猴子,寓意吉 祥。琥珀色泽深沉醇厚,晶体通透。

Ming Dynasty, An Amber Carved Monkey and Peach Washer

The large washer is shaped in the naturalistic style as a peach carved on the exterior with a playful monkey embracing the fruit, with leaf veins and coiling stalk incised, conveying harmony and longevity. The amber is of a rich warm reddish brown tone. It is rare to find amber carving of this size. Height: 6½ in. (16.5 cm.) Width: 5½ in. (14 cm.) Weight: 953 g $1,500 - $2,000



明 宣德 外霁蓝釉内青花白釉暗龙纹盘 (大明宣德年制)六字双行双圈楷书款 霁蓝釉面莹润,釉色菀如蓝宝石般。里为白釉,菱口,内壁口沿绘制几何纹一周,內壁刻暗云龙纹盘, 盘心双圈内绘以青花云龙纹栩栩如生,尽显龙纹霸气。

Ming, A Sacrificial Blue-glazed Moulded Dragon Bowl

Well potted with deep round sides rising from tapering foo to an everted foliate rim. The exterior is overall glazed with a deep cobalt blue except the recessed base and the foot rim. The interior well is painted in shaded tones of blue a wreathing dragon striding amidst scroling clouds inside a central medallion surrounded by anhua decorations of dragon scroll around the cavetto. The mouth rim bordered with a geometric scroll band. Ming dynasty, Xuande Six Character Mark inside Double Circles and of the Period. Diameter: 8 in (20.3 cm) Height: 3¾ in (9.5 cm) $15,000 - $30,000


元 釉里红飞凤云鹤纹罐 罐上绘一飞凤,二只云鹤。因时代久 远,红釉已转变成暗红色,并且上有 绿斑。由此可以证实此罐 为元代无疑。

Yuan, Copper-red Jar with Phoenix and Crane

Freely painted with the Phoenix in the center with crane on each side, amidst wispy cloud. The copper red glaze with grayish color and dotted with green. The unglazed foot in dark bluff. Height: 5¼ in (13.3 cm) $6,000 - $8,000



和田白玉莲蓬观音图珮连 珠链 A Hetian White Jade Pendant with Guanyin and Lotus Pod with Bead Necklace Height: 2⅞ in (7.3 cm) Width: 1¾ in (4.4 cm) Weight: 104 g $800 - $1,500

220 清 乾隆 铜胎画珐琅仙鹳鼻烟壶

Qing Dynasty, Famille-Rose Enamel on Copper Flask Snuff Bottle with Flying Crane on Clouds Motifs


Qianlong Mark Height: 3⅛ in (8 cm) $500 - $600

精雕痕都斯坦青玉花卉鼻烟壶 A Green Jade Mughal-Style Snuff Bottle

Height: 2¼ in (5.7 cm) Weight: 68 g $300 - $500


白地套五彩料胎金鱼 鼻烟壶 Overlay White Glass Gold Fish Snuff Bottles Height: 2¾ in (6.7 cm) $500- $600


和田白玉观音把玩 Jade Guanyin Pebble


Height: 3⅛ in (7.9 cm) Weight: 185 g $300 - $500


水晶精雕弥佛配木刻 浪涛座赏件 大料水晶,质地干净透 润,晶莹璀璨。整料圆 雕弥勒佛。白水晶是佛 教七宝之一。

A Finely Carved Rock Crystal Maitreya with Fitted Stand Height: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


清 乾隆 铜胎画珐琅西洋母子图鼻烟壶 (乾隆年制)四字双行青花款

Qing, Famille-Rose Enamel on Copper Pouch-Shape Bottle with Western Figures of Mother and Child Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 2⅜ in (6 cm) $1,000 - $1,500


清 乾隆 铜胎画珐琅花卉图肾子形鼻烟扁壶


清 马少宣 水晶精绘四美图双连体内绘鼻烟壶


马少宣 (少宣)款

Qing, Famille-Rose Enamel on Copper Flask Snuff Bottle with Floral Design

Qing, A Fine Inside Painted Conjoined Snuff Bottle, Ma Shaoxuan

Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Four Character Mark and of the Period. Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) $1,000 - $1,500

Two overlapping flattened ovoids of crystal glass separate but conjoined snuff bottle, nicely hollowed out, flat bottom. Meticulously painted with portraits of the four beauties, with metaled coral stoppers. Height: 2¾ in (7 cm) $800 - $1,500




明 万历款墨釉敞口折腰玄纹高足杯 Ming Wanli, Mark A Dark-Glazed Stem Cup with Waisted Neck Ending in an Everted Rim with Ribbed Stem

宋 耀州窑印花花卉纹盘 Song Dynasty, Yaozhou Celadon Molded Floral Shallow Plate

Height: 3¼ in (8.3 cm) $400 - $600

Diameter: 7⅜ in (18.6 cm) Height: 2⅜ in (5.9 cm) $400 - $600



清 紫檀木杆狼毫笔一对 毛笔以紫檀为杆。狼毫,以黄鼠狼尾毛为原料,其锋颖锐利、粗细 均匀、长短整齐、富于弹性,宜书宜画。

Qing Dynasty, A Pair of Zitan Brush Length: 11½ in. x 2 (29.2 cm. x 2) Weight: 34 g, 38 g $1,500 - $2,000


十三眼雷电流云纹带皮端砚 砚首利用砚皮做流云纹,巧用砚眼,线条简练, 利用石林本身的天然纹理。

A Rare Duan Inkstone with Thirteen Eyes

Relief carved thunderous wispy cloud swirling atop the water receptacle. Buff inclusion. Length: 7 in (17.8 cm) $600 - $800

232 清 青花人物故事笔筒 直口,筒腹,圈足。瓷质洁白,绘画人物故事图,青花发色、 色泽匀润。

Qing, Blue and White Brush Pot with Greeting Story Scene Height: 6⅝ in (16.8 cm) $800 - $1,500

234 竹雕阳纹“贼退示官史序”笔筒

Bamboo Cylindrical Brush Pot Inscribed with Selections from a Tang Poem “Rebuking the Ruler for Disregarding Hardships of Civilians” in Raised Text Height: 5½ in (14 cm) $500 - $800

233 紫檀刻花喜上梅梢纹笔筒

Zitan Relief Carved Birds on Floral Twigs Cylindrical Brush Pot Height: 6 in (15.2 cm) $1,500- $2,000

235 铁梨木天然树瘿笔筒

A Rare Tieh-li-mu Cylindrical Burl Brush Pot in Trunk Section with Yellow and Black Coloration Retaining its original light color, the wood grain, whorls and knots. Height: 5½ in (14 cm) $1,500 - $2,000


236 清 乾隆 彩绘堆瓷螭龙云水纹笔筒 (大清乾隆年制)六字三行雕刻篆书款 笔筒内外壁通施酱,上点缀堆瓷四线纹螭龙,螭龙动作灵巧, 动态活泼,趣味十足。整器线条细腻流畅,造像鲜活灵动, 神形兼备,实为佳作。

Qing, A Fine Brown Glazed Relief Carved Qilin Brush Pot

Well potted on a cylinder, the exterior applied with high relief Qilin in scroll, spewing amidst flaming cloud above arrested wave band bodies. The recessed base bearing the molded six character mark in seal script. Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Incised Mark and of the Period. Diameter: 5 in (12.7 cm) Height: 5⅜ in (13.7 cm) $2,000 - $3,000

238 清 道光 陈国治 白釉雕瓷竹节连升笔插 (陈国治作)四字双行款 陈国治,安徽祈门人。道光至咸丰年间景德镇雕瓷名手。精于瓷上雕 刻,将瓷雕与釉色相结合。笔筒仿竹而制,构图将文人的艺术精神融 入创作之中,极富立体感,有别于普通工匠的雕瓷。

Qing Dynasty, Daoguang Period A Carved White Glazed Tri-Linked Bamboo Sections Brush Pot by Master Potter, Chen Guozhi


Well potted in the form of three bamboo sections, carved in varying relief with bamboo vines. The base with a square seal in positive seal script reading Chen Guozhi. Height: 5½ in (14 cm) $1,000 - $2,000

237 清 雍正 珐琅彩广彩雅集图诗句笔筒 (雍正年制)四字双行双框红款 广彩瓷可归为画珐琅瓷一类。绘仕女于庭院戏耍生活图,亭台楼阁、 远山近水浓墨重彩,设色浓艳。 (名贤聚会桃园中,光明月夜乐陶然)

Qing, A Fine and Rare Famille-Rose Enamel Brush Pot with Palace Ladies

Of cylindrical form, finely enameled in vibrant colors a continuous scene of ladies in leisure pursuit on terraces, amongst birds, blossoming flowers, peaches and rockworks, in an open courtyard, bordered by key-fret bands. Poem inscription with three red seal marks. Red reign mark in the undersunken base.Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Four Character Mark within Double Squares and of the Period. Height: 7⅞ in (20 cm) $3,000 - $5,000

239 清 雍正 竹胎描金漆彩绘开光庭院人物笔筒 (雍正年制)四字双行单框楷书款 笔筒髹黑漆,外饰有描金彩绘人物,山水亭阁,人物造型生动。

Qing, A Rare Lacquer Painted Bamboo Cylindrical Brush Pot with Cartouche of Pavilion Garden Scene

Delicately decorated on a dark ground and lacquer painted with gold brown and green. Qing Dynasty, Yongzheng Four Character Mark within Square and of the Period. Height: 7 in (17.8 cm) $2,000 - $3,000


顾景舟 梅花诗句平盖壶 梅花香自苦寒来 盖内款(景舟) 底款(顾景舟)

Gu Jingzhou, Yixing Zisha Teapot Moulded with Plum Blossom and Inscriptions Gu Jingzhou artist mark on the base and Jingzhou on the underside. Height: 4⅞ in (12.4 cm) $1,000- $2,000


尹勤康 紫砂树瘿桃子猴钮壶 (尹勤康制)四字浮雕方款 (勤康)盖款 尹勤康,1957年出生于宜兴丁蜀镇,紫砂世家,自小耳读目染 母亲制壶,风格技艺不拘一格,灵活多变。

Yin Qinkang, Zisha Burl Teapot Carved with Monkey Knop

Ascribed and signed with two artist marks, Yin Qinkang on base and Qinkang on inside cover. Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) $400 - $600


杨凤年 紫砂刻兰花诗句壶 底款(杨凤年) 杨凤年,清嘉庆年间制壶名艺人,荆溪人,杨彭年之妹。

Yang Fengnian, Yixing Zisha Teapot with Carved Orchid and Inscription Yang Fengnian artist mark on the base. Height: 4¾ in. (12 cm.) Width: 7½ in. (19 cm.) $300 - $500

243 邵正来 紫砂划花树瘿壶 盖内款(邵)(正来) 底款(邵正来制) 邵正来,是清代嘉庆、道光时期屈指可数的紫砂名家,历史对其记载 不详,但并不能掩盖其光辉。

Shao Zhenglai, Yixing Zisha Burl Teapot

Shao Zhenglai artist matk on the underside and base. Height: 4⅜ in. (11.1 cm.) Width: 7⅛ in. (18 cm.) $300 - $500

244 徐汉棠 紫砂龙首刻花山水诗文“见贤思齐”壶 盖内款(徐)(汉棠) 壶把款(徐) 底款(徐汉棠制) 丙申年石钰书圆。 徐汉棠,1932年出生于江苏宜兴,中国工艺美术大师。

Xu Hantang, Yixing Zisha Dragon Spout Teapot Carved with Landscape Scene and Inscription Ascribed and signed Xu Hantang on the inside cover and underside. Height: 3¾ in. (9.5 cm.) Width: 7 in. (17.8 cm.) $200 - $300


245 惠孟臣 紫砂划花山水诗句如意壶 底款(孟臣) 惠孟臣,大约生活在明代天启到清代康熙年间,荆溪人,著名壶艺名 家。

Hui Mengchen, Yixing Zisha Teapot with Landscape Ruyi Scene Mengchen artist mark on the base. Height: 3½ in. (8.9 cm.) Width: 7⅜ in. (18.7 cm.) $600 - $800

247 顾景舟 紫砂花瓣形四足壶 盖内款(顾)(景舟) 底款(顾景舟)

Gu Jingzhou, Yixing Zisha Petal Teapot

Gu Jingzhou artist mark on the underside and base. Height: 3½ in. (8.9 cm.) Width: 7⅜ in. (18.7 cm.) $600 - $800

249 顾德根紫砂荷叶壶 盖内款(德根) 顾德根(1895-1960),世居宜兴,清代紫砂壶艺人。

Gu Degen, Yixing Zisha Teapot with Lotus Leaf Motif and Knop Degen artist mark on the underside and Golden Ding studio mark on base.


Height: 3¾ in. (8.3 cm.) Width: 7⅛ in. (18 cm.) $300 - $500

246 俞锡山 紫砂浩然之气壶 盖内款(俞)(国良) 底款(锡山俞制) 俞国良(1874-1939),又名祖琳,江苏无锡锡山人,作品精美雅致,宜 兴紫砂制壶名家。

Yu Guoliang, Yixing Zisha Teapot Molded with Inscription Yu Guoliang artist mark on the underside and base. Height: 4 in. (10.2 cm.) Width: 7½ in. (19 cm.) $200 - $300

248 周桂珍紫砂莲藕壶 (周桂珍造)底款

Zhou Guizhen Zisha Lotus-Root-shape Teapot Ascribed and signed Zhou Guizhen on the base. Height: 3⅜ in (8.6 cm) $1,000 - $1,500

250 吴云根 紫砂四花瓣盖壶 盖内款(吴)(云根) 壶把款(吴) 底款(吴云根制) 吴云根(1892-1969),又名吴芝莱,生于宜兴和桥,是著名的“紫砂七 大名艺人”之一。

Wu Yungen, Flask Zisha Teapot Carved with Sunflower Motifs Ascribed and signed Wu Yungen on the inside cover and underside. Height: 3 in. (7.6 cm.) Width: 6⅜ in. (16.2 cm.) $300 - $500

251 顾景舟 紫砂荸荠圆钮壶 底款(顾景舟)(顾)(景舟) 盖款(顾)(景舟) 壶把款(顾) 身作扁球形,直颈曲流,鼓腹。扁球形盖,荸荠钮,环形柄, 式简洁美观。

Gu Jingzhou, Zisha Teapot

Compressed round form with everted mouth rim, C-shape handle, and short protruding spout, the slightly domed cover with a water chestnut round knob. Ascribed and signed with six artist marks, Gu Jingzhou, Gu, Jingzhou on base, Gu and Jingzhou on inside cover, and Gu beneath loop handle. Height: 4¼ in (10.8 cm) Length: 7⅞ in (20 cm) $1,500 - $2,000

王寅春 紫砂八棱瓜形壶 252 盖内款(王)(寅春) 底款(王寅春) 王寅春(1897-1977),生于江苏镇江,现代著名的紫砂壶制作大师。

Wang Yinchun, Contemporary Yixing Zisha Octagonal Melon-form Teapot

Wang Yinchun artist mark on the underside and the base. Height: 4⅜ in. (11.1 cm.) Width: 6½ in. (16.5 cm.) $600 - $800

253 顾景舟 紫砂划花山水诗句壶 盖内款(景舟) 底款(顾景舟)

Gu Jingzhou, Yixing Zisha Teapot Molded with Landscape and Inscription Gu Jingzhou artist mark on th underside and base. Height: 3⅛ in. (8 cm.) Width: 6½ in. (16.5 cm.) $600 - $800

王南林 紫砂划花山水阔口鼓形壶 254 底款(王南林制)

Wang Nanlin, Zisha Teapot Carved with Landscape Scene and Poem Inscription Ascribed and signed Wang Nanlin on the underside.

Height: 5 in. (12.7 cm.) Width: 7⅛ in. (18 cm.) $400 - $600

255 蒋蓉 紫砂贴花双鲤荷塘清趣壶 盖内款(蒋蓉) 壶把款(蒋蓉) 底款(蒋蓉) 蒋蓉(1919-2008),别号林凤,江苏省宜兴人。1995年被授予“中国工 艺美术大师”称号。 蒋蓉作品曾在全国工业会议上评为“特等奖”, 并为周恩来总理出访东南亚等国家制作礼品。

Jiang Rong, Yixing Zisha Teapot Molded with Lotus Pond Scene Jiang Rong artist mark on the underside, base and handle. Height: 3¼ in. (8.3 cm.) Width: 6½ in. (16.5 cm.) $500 - $600

Next Auction下期夏季拍卖会 6/2020


Index of Artists 画家索引 Name


Lot No.



Lot No.

Cheng Shifa



Mei Lanfang


79, 103

Cheng Zhang



Pan Tianshou


83, 107, 185

Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后


Pu Ru (Xin Yu)



Dong Qichang



Qi Baishi


Du Qiong



57, 76, 78, 84, 87, 181

Fu Baoshi

58, 110, 182

Qi Gong



24, 31

Guan Shanyue


Ren Yi (Bonian)




Hong Ren

Ren Yu


(Jianjiang Xueren)





Tang Yun



Hong Yi (Li Shutong)

弘一(李叔同) 114

Tao Lengyue



Huang Junbi



Wang Mian



Huang Yongyu


86, 112

Wang Yuan (Ruo Shui) 王渊(若水)


Huang Zhou


32, 54, 150

Wang Zhenpeng



Jin Duo



Wu Changshuo


30, 152, 170, 175

Jin Nong



Wu Guanzhong



Ju Lian



Wu Wei



Leng Qian



Xie Zhiliu



Li Keran



Xu Beihong



Li Kuchan



Xu Gu


65, 106

Li Shan


158, 186

Zhang Daqian


Li Xiongcai



64, 77, 105, 108 148, 160, 176, 180, 183

Lin Fengmian



Zhao Boju



Liu Guandao



Zhao Mengfu (Ziang) 赵孟頫(子昂)


Liu Jiyou

81, 174

Zhao Shaoang



27, 62

Lum Kwong

80, 85

Zheng Xie (Banqiao)




Zhu Qizhan





EST. 2002

紐約貞觀國際拍賣公司 Gianguan Auctions

EST. 2002

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Lot 91

清 雍正 斗彩松竹梅 岁寒三友瓶 (大清雍正年制)六字双 行双圈楷书款

Qing, A Fine Doucai ‘Three Friends’ Bottle Vase Height: 13¼in. (33.7cm.) Width: 7¾in. (19.7cm.)

Lot 126

商 黄玉雕虎食人鹿钮饕餮纹出戟盖尊一对 Shang Dynasty, A Pair of Jade Carved Tiger Cannibal Zun (Wine Vessel) Height: 7¼ in (18.4 cm) Weight: 1551 g, 1744 g

39 West 56th St. New York, NY 10019

Gianguan Auctions Tel: 212 867 7288


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