Zappa Club Night

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Zappa Night

Club Š Jerry Schatzberg

Zappa Club Night The HKNME is looking for extra musicians from our musical community to perform with us in ZAPPA CLUB NIGHT, an extraordinary concert in a chic setting! Defying all assumptions of formalities of a “concert”, this performance will explore the work one of the most distinctive voices of the 20th century and his artistic ancestors. American rock icon Frank Zappa (1940-1993) was highly influenced by the music of Edgard Varèse, Anton Webern and Igor Stravinsky (amongst others). He mined the border between rock, avant-garde sound collage, jazz, orchestral and blues, producing some of the most innovative output in the industry. Our Zappa laboratory will be led by up-and-coming Singaporean conductor Wong Kah Chun now invites the participation of extra performers. In a series of intensive workshops closely working with Wong under the professional mentorship of the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble and the Asian Contemporary Ensemble (Singapore), we will together produce new arrangements of Zappa’s music.

香港創樂團現誠徵樂手,與我們在ZAPPA CLUB NIGHT這個破格的音樂會中一同演出。跳 出音樂會的傳統框框,這場演出將帶領觀眾探索20世紀其中一把最具個性的聲音及他的藝 術源頭。 美國搖滾偶像弗蘭克·扎帕(1940-1993)的音樂深受埃德加·瓦雷茲、安東・韋伯恩、斯達拉汶斯基等影響, 打破搖滾、前衛聲音拼貼、爵士、交響樂和藍調的邊界,扎帕的作品被喻為音樂界最具創新性的經典。 由新加坡矚目年輕指揮家黃佳俊領導的扎帕實驗室現邀請樂手加入,在為期一星期的的工作坊中跟香港創樂團及 亞洲當代樂團(新加坡)的專業導師一同較勁,將扎帕的音樂作品以全新面貌帶給香港觀眾。




to perform Zappa’s works and arrangements of some imaginative instrumentations: 組成各種耳目一新的組合演出扎帕的音樂 :

Strings 弦樂/ Winds 木管樂/ Brass 銅管樂/ Percussion 敲擊樂/ Electric Guitar 電結他/ Electric Bass 低音電結他/ Drumset 套鼓/ Chinese instruments 中國樂器

Application 報名 Applicants are required to submit full CV and at least one video or audio recording (5 minutes at least) for panel screening to (via Dropbox link). Audition may be required upon appointment. Pre-formed groups are welcomed to apply and would be given preference. Participation is free. Applicants must be available for the entire workshop period. 需提交完整履歷及最少一段演出錄影或錄音(不少於5分鐘)作初選之用 (請將Dropbox 連結網址電郵至 或會另作甄選 歡迎以組合形式報名,組合優先考慮 參加費用全免 參加者須出席所有工作坊 Application Deadline 報名截止日期:


工 作 坊


音 樂 會


15-21.6.2015 21.6.2015 9pm 查詢 Further information: +852 3568 8470


Hong Kong New Music is financially supported by the ADC

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