1 minute read
HOO’s learning
• Modeling clay
• Red food coloring (optional)
• Water
• Clear straw
• Rubbing alcohol
• Small clear, narrowed neck bottle
• Thermometer (optional)
Panic Attacks are episodes of intense fear that can cause frightening symptoms such as changes in heart rate and heart rhythm, shortness of breath, shaking, dizziness and a sense of impending doom. The episodes occur suddenly and are sometimes triggered by a stressful event, but in some instances, the panic attacks may occur with no warning and without a trigger. Some people only experience a panic attack once or twice in their lifetime, but some patients experience panic attacks frequently and are diagnosed with a panic disorder by a medical professional.
SYMPTOMS: The symptoms of a panic attack are due to the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response, and the combination of symptoms caused by a panic attack can be very uncomfortable. Sometimes the symptoms are so severe the person having them is convinced they are having a heart attack. The symptoms of a panic attack can last up to, and sometimes longer than, a half hour.
A person having a panic attack is aware of what is happening to them and has not ‘lost their mind.’