1 minute read
Techniques such as deep breathing and focusing on sensory inputs, such as strong smells or touching something soft, may help the patient cope with the symptoms of the panic attack. However, these coping techniques will not stop a panic attack that is in progress.
CAUSES: It is not known exactly what causes panic attacks and panic disorders but certain factors, such as anxiety, stress, PTSD and a family history of panic disorders, can make developing a panic disorder more likely. The symptoms can be similar to those associated with serious medical conditions. Seek a medical evaluation to eliminate the possibility that the symptoms are due to a serious medical condition. If a patient is diagnosed with a panic disorder, treatment typically includes therapy, and if needed, medication. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is often used to treat panic disorders.
RESOURCES: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/4451-panic-attack-panic-disorder
Earth Day is Saturday, April 22. You can make a big difference for our planet even by making little changes.
While grocery shopping:
• Pick out organic food choices. Did you know that eating organically supports the idea of eliminating toxins like herbicides and pesticides from the soil?
• Reuse your shopping bag. Investing in reusable shopping bags can decrease plastic pollution.
• Buy in bulk. Buying in bulk reduces the amount of plastic being used for packaging purposes, and your carbon footprint to make multiple grocery store trips.

• Buy local resources and seasonal foods. Buying locally actually decreases the use of fossil fuels, since less fuel, labor and packaging are needed to get the food from the grower to a local distributor.

Prevent food waste by preparing smaller portions, saving leftovers, and freezing anything you won’t eat by day three.
While on vacation:
• Visit a Zoo or aquarium. Zoos and aquariums support conservation and biodiversity by teaching people about how to preserve the environment and the animals in it.
• Instead of going to a theme park, spend the day at the beach or go hiking in the mountains. Pick up any trash you see along the way.
While at home:
• Plant a tree in your yard. Trees provide oxygen for our planet and are important to conservation.
• Conserve by taking a shorter shower, running a quicker wash cycle; don’t let the water run while brushing your teeth and turn off lights that aren’t in use.
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