1 minute read
HAPPY to clean
By Amanda Merrill, Family & Kids
sPringtime is A greAt time to Purge And orgAnize. Does the popular saying “spring cleaning” sound familiar? There is a little bit of science behind the saying. During the winter months, the lack of sunlight increases the production of melatonin in our brain causing us to feel tired. However, because of more hours of sunlight in the springtime, we have increased energy and may suddenly get the desire to reorganize or clean. So, seize the opportunity to purge, clean and improve the organization of your home.
cleAning Your House cAn imProve Your overAll mood. Researchers have found several health benefits to keeping a clean house. According to research, a tidy house gives us a sense of control and the ability to easily find items. Having a clean house also helps us stay organized, eliminating the distractions of clutter and focusing on the task we are completing. It gives us a project to focus on and create a beautiful result. Cleaning your house can actually reduce stress and even provide a physical workout. At the end of the day, when the tasks of cleaning have been fulfilled, cleaning also creates a sense of accomplishment. Spring is the perfect time to get that fresh start!
BreAk it uP into one tAsk At A time. Although cleaning your whole house may feel overwhelming at first, Doctor Dawn Potter recommends for people to just start. Maybe it’s cleaning out the garage, or just a closet, or how about the junk drawer! Begin by sorting items ‘to keep,’ ‘to dispose’ and ‘to donate.’ Then deep clean the area, in top to bottom fashion, before re-organizing your ‘keep’ items. If you need an extra hand, involve the kids. Make it fun for them with a game of sorting or speed. Entice them with a fun group activity once the chore is complete. Package up the donation items and bring your kids with you to the donation center or area non-profit so they can see the needs in your community, to encourage them to help others. That should make everyone feel good about cleaning their space this spring.
REFERENCE: http://bit.ly/3WkKAXi