2 minute read

March Events


20 Code Club: Videogames. 5-12yrs. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813


21 Lego®s in the Library. Ages 5-12yrs. 3pm. South Columbus Library; 706-6838805

22 Mama B.E.A.R.S. Breastfeeding Support Group. 12:30-1:30pm. Columbus Pediatric Associates; 706-221-4602

22 MOPS of First Baptist. 6-7:30pm. First Baptist Church, Columbus; odonawhiddon@gmail.com

23 Columbus Rapids Indoor Soccer Game. 5pm. Columbus Civic Center; 706653-4460

23-26 Guys & Dolls. Times vary. $22$42. Springer Opera House; 706-327-3688

24 My Mad Science Lab: Bacteria and Viruses. Ages 7-12yrs. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813

24 TBR: Teens Be Reading. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2811

24-26 Glass Makers Workshop: Spring Flowers. Times vary. Columbus Museum; 706-748-2562

25 Get Your Game ON! - Unplugged. 3pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2811

28 Picture Book Playdates. Ages 5-12yrs. 3pm. South Columbus Library; 706-683-8805

28 Teen Takeover. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2811

30 Legos® in the Library. Ages 5-12yrs. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813

30-31 Guys & Dolls. Times vary. $22$42. Springer Opera House; 706-327-3688

Weekly Events


Simple Steps Storytime. Babies & Toddlers (Ages 0-36mo.) 10am; Preschoolers (35yrs.) 11am. Columbus Library; 706-2432813

Teen Takeover: Merry Pop-Ins. 3pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2811


Simple Steps Storytime. Babies (0-24 mo.) 10am; Preschoolers (2-5 yrs.) 11am. North Columbus Library; 706-748-2855

Simple Steps Storytime. Families. 10:30am. South Columbus Library; 706683-8805

Unplug…For Chess’ Sake! Families. 4:30pm. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-2432782


Simple Steps Storytime. Preschoolers (3-5 yrs.) 10am; Babies (0-36 mo.) 11:15am. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782

Discovery Hub. Ages 3-5yrs. 11am. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813

Teen Takeover. Teens. 4pm. South Columbus Library; 706-683-8805

Library Games. 4pm. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813


Simple Steps Storytime. Ages 0-5yrs & Families. 10am. Columbus Library; 706243-2813

Discovery Hub. Ages 3-5yrs. 1pm. North Columbus Library; 706-748-2855

Sight Words Support @ Your Library. 3-5pm. 30-minute one-on-one practice session. K-3rd grade. Mildred L. Terry Library; 706-243-2782

Get Your Game ON! 4pm. South Columbus Library; 706-683-8805

Teen Takeover. 6pm. North Columbus Library; 706-748-2855


Simple Steps Storytime: Rhythm & Rhyme. Ages 0-5yrs. & Families. 10am. Columbus Library; 706-243-2813

Fun Friday. Ages 5-12yrs. & Families. 3pm. North Columbus Library; 706-243-2813


Toddler Time. 10am-Noon. $10. Ages 5 and under. Launch Trampoline Park; 706221-8680

Please call ahead to confirm event dates, times and age-appropriateness, in case changes were made after the info was obtained.

On March 12, most of the US will set their clocks forward an hour as the time ‘springs forward’ and Daylight Savings Time ends. Daylight Savings Time first started in Canada back in 1908 as a way for communities to make better use of the additional hours of sunlight within each day as a way to save the energy costs from burning fuel lanterns. In 1918, America adopted this same process.

Growing up, you may have thought that it benefited farmers in the 1900’s by having extended hours of daylight at the end of the day to harvest crops and tend to livestock. Surprisingly, many farmers preferred to keep the day length the same. The time change was an adjustment for dairy cows producing milk and the farmers preferred to complete their work in the morning versus the afternoon.

By Amanda Merrill, Family & Kids

Hawaii are the only two of the fifty states that have a permanent standard time.

A sleep specialist at Northwestern Medicine, Phyllis C. Zee, MD, PhD, stated that, “if we adopt permanent standard time, our internal clocks will more likely be in sync with the rotation of the Earth, seasonal changes and the sun clock.” According to research, if we made the switch to a permanent standard time, it could positively affect our mental, cardiovascular, and digestive health as well as the bodies’ ‘sleep clock’ or ‘circadian rhythm’ for the better.

In 2022, the U.S. Senate passed the Sunshine Protection Act which considered making daylight savings time permanent. If it becomes a law, changing clocks twice a year would be a thing of the past. Regardless of the time change, keeping a regular bedtime, spending time outside and/or exercising in the morning will help keep your circadian rhythm

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