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Sara Spano PTA Clothing Bank
When an eligible request is received, clothing items are selected for the student by Clothing Bank volunteers and delivered to the student’s school. Volunteers sort, clean and prepare the clothing for selection and delivery. The Clothing Bank receives all its donations from the community. Gently used children’s clothing items (including uniforms, jackets, shoes) and funds to purchase such items are always appreciated. Any adults interested in volunteering for or donating to this project are encouraged to seek more information on the Sara Spano PTA Clothing Bank Facebook page. A drop-off time and date may be scheduled for donations by sending an email to spanoclothingbank@ gmail.com. Monetary donations may be sent to P O Box 12474, Columbus, GA 31917.
Items that are especially needed at this time include children’s belts, children’s long sleeve shirts and khaki pants and jeans in larger girls sizes (14 and up, especially Husky sizes). The following hygiene items are also needed at this time: toothbrushes, toothpaste, gender-specific deodorant, 3-in-1 bodywash.
For more information, find the Sara Spano PTA on Facebook.