Art direction Photostyling
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication� This is a quote once said by Leonardo da Vinci and a quote I try my best to live by. Beauty is in the little things and I strive to achieve this in all of my work.
Table of Contents Art Direction “Spellbinding” 4-7
“Speakeasy” 8-9
“Bohemian Babe” 10-11
S pellbinding Taking a trip through the grounds of Peach Tree Farms.
4 4
5 5
Model: Taylor Barber Photographer: Jamie Warren
6 6
Model: Bella Fernandez Photographer: Neesha Edwards
7 7
8 8
Speakeasy A low-key night after a long day of work. Photographed at Quinton’s.
Model: Bella Fernandez Photographer: Sarah Vital Featuring Kendra Scott earrings from Cha Boutique, Columbia MO
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10 10
BOHEMIAN BABE Shot at the lush gardens of Helmi’s.
Model: Megan Kelly Photographer: Hope Crutcher Featuring Turquoise Bib from Swank, Columbia MO
HOPE Crutcher