Holy Week

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Thank you for joining with us as we take time out during this week to remember, celebrate, and reflect on the amazing life of Jesus Christ. During this week you will walk along the Way of the Cross, which reflects on the last days of Jesus’ life. You will travel with Jesus from the moment He entered Jerusalem hailed as a triumphant king until the victorious moment of His resurrection. Each day you will find a summary of what Jesus went through along with the reference from the Bible where you can read the story in its entirety. After the story, you will find a prayer or an activity for you or your family to do together. Take time each day and set aside a couple minutes to do this. Remember that this is not just an ancient story but a personal narrative of a loving and caring God that did all this for you. As you will read on one of the later days of this guide, “It is finished.” Jesus did all the work for you, now you get to sit back and relax in the loving embrace of a God who gave up everything so that you might know His amazing love.


M O N D AY The crowds were abuzz with excitement. People shouted praises to the king that was coming into their city. He is the chosen one, the one who had come to set them free from their oppression - He is their king. People laid their cloaks on the road before Him while others cut branches from trees and spread them out on the road. Here came Jesus riding on an unassuming colt and for the moment He was the fulfillment of their hope. (Matthew 21:1-11) Fill the empty spaces on these 2 pages with all the things that Jesus means to you. If you are doing this with others, pass the booklet around and have everyone “spread outâ€? their praises to Jesus on the pages. After you have written down your praises, take a moment and read out loud all the various things written down. He truly is the fulfillment of all your hope. God is good. If you have younger kids. Have them draw a picture of what Jesus means to them. Explain what Jesus means to you.


T U E S D AY Jesus entered the temple area, an area consecrated for worship, and there He saw people buying and selling items so they could line their own pockets with gold. He was furious and overturned their tables and yelled, “This temple was meant for prayer, not for robbers!” The rulers of the Jewish law saw this and took note of this unordinary behavior of the one who the people were proclaiming as king. (Matthew 21:12-17) Take a few moments and imagine Jesus walking into your heart and mind. What would He need to clear out so that your temple would be more fully dedicated to God? Bow your head, close your eyes and imagine standing before Jesus. Tell Him your sins, your struggles and your pain. Ask Him to clear it away and overturn it for you. After a few moments of reflection say this prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, my heart and my mind are Yours. I need You to clear away all the junk so that I can be more fully dedicated to Your ways. I am in so many ways powerless to clear it all away, I need You. Thank You for loving me so much that You will never leave me but will always clear the way for me to be with You.” If you have younger kids. Ask your kids, “Is there something you have done that you feel sorry for, like disobeying a parent or saying something mean to a friend?” Say this prayer with them: “Jesus I am sorry for ___________. Thank You for forgiving me and cleaning this out of my life. Help me to do better next time.”


W E D N E S D AY It was now time to remember the Passover and reflect on God’s deliverance for Israel. Jesus and his disciples reclined at the table when Jesus told them it was now the appointed hour for the Passover to be truly fulfilled. He took the bread and said, “This is my body, given for you.” He took the cup and said, “This is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.” However, Jesus knew that there were great trials ahead not only for Him but for those that followed Him. (Luke 22:7-38) This Friday night at 7 PM there will be a live online devotional led by Pastor John McKenzie and at that time we will take communion together. We ask that you gather some communion elements for your time. We suggest some bread and grape juice for the elements. These things will represent the body and the blood of Christ which was broken and ultimately poured out for you. This Holy ceremony can be called communion, the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist. It is a time to reflect, remember, confess and to trust in the amazing work of Jesus Christ on the cross. All people are invited to come. All people are invited to experience the forgiving power of Christ.

Today, as you reflect on Jesus and the disciples eating the passover meal together, take a few quiet and alone moments to reflect on these questions: What does the idea that Jesus’ body was broken mean to you?

What does the concept that Jesus poured out his own blood for you really represent for your life?

If you have younger kids. We have on online video library run by a company called Right Now Media. It’s like Christian Netflix. They have lots of great kids’ videos - some favorites are: “What’s in the Bible?”, “Veggie Tales,” and“Pahappahooey Island.” Sit down and watch a great Christian video with your kids. If you don’t have a password, email Sarah Tolbert at stolbert@hopefellowship.net and she will get you set up.

He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who b

o believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. JOHN 3:16 (NLT)


T H U RS D AY Jesus knew that His final hours of life were upon Him, so He gathered together all of His disciples to show them how much He loved and cared for them. At the dinner table, Jesus got up and took on the role of a lowly house servant and began to wash each of the disciples’ feet. Simon Peter tried to stop Jesus from doing this, but Jesus understood that this must be done. He knew that He must ultimately serve and cleanse all of us. The message was received by the disciples we must serve like our master has served us. (John 13:1-17) Make a list of the people God has called you to serve and to put their needs above your own. Beside their name, write down something you could do today to serve them so that they could know of your love and God’s love working through you. Now go and serve them, just like your master has served you. If you have younger kids. Ask your kids, “What is something you could do to help someone in your family, school, or in your neighborhood this week?” Be creative and do something nice for them.


F R I D AY Jesus had gone to a quiet place to pray because He was filled with great sorrow about His impending suffering. While there, Jesus was betrayed by one of His own and was subsequently handed over to the Jewish leaders who put Him on trial for proclaiming that He was the King of the Jews. Jesus was turned over to the local authorities and ultimately condemned to suffer the pain of a public flogging and then be crucified on a cross. Jesus was taken to the place called Golgotha where He was crucified and hung up before all to die. (Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:1-6, 47-62, & Matthew 27:11-26) Here are His final words on that cross: Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. (Luke 23:34) I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise. (Luke 23:43)

Dear woman, here is your son. And to the disciple, Here is your mother. (John 19:26-27) My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me? (Mark 15:34) I am thirsty. (John 19:28) It is finished. (John 19:30) Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit. (Luke 23:46) Take a few moments and reflect on the pain and anguish Jesus endured so that you may find life. Jesus truly, truly loves you. If you have younger kids. Be sure to watch the communion service online as a family. Start a conversation with your kids on what communion means to you.


SAT U R D AY When Jesus breathed His last breath, the curtain at the temple was suddenly torn in two. This curtain separated all from the holy place of God. Jesus’ death opens up our relationship with God. We now have direct access to God. We no longer need priests or sacrifices to get to God - Jesus was the sacrifice. He paid the price we couldn’t pay. (Luke 23:44-46) Then a rich man named Joseph of Arimathea asked for Jesus’ body. Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean cloth, and placed the body in his own tomb that was cut out of rock. He had a big stone rolled in front of the entrance so it would be sealed. Roman soldiers stood guard outside. It was over. Jesus was dead. (Matthew 27:57-66) Reflect on this moment and the emotions that must have overwhelmed Jesus’ followers. When you have finished with your time of reflection, focus on this prayer: “Give me trust that Your plans are higher than mine. For even when all seems lost, You’re still at work. Death is not the final word for You.”

What are some dreams that seem to have died inside of you? What are some plans that seem to have died? Jesus takes things that seem to be lost, destroyed, and even dead and proclaims that they are only temporary victories. It may seem dark now, but life is coming. Where do you need life? Where do you need hope? Give your broken dreams and hopes to God and be filled with His hope today. Life is coming. If you have younger kids. This might take a little extra work, but should be a great teaching moment. Go online and search for Resurrection Cookies. Follow the directions and ideas to talk about what Jesus did. Have fun and let us know if the cookies were tasty.


S U N D AY On Easter morning, the stone is rolled away, the tomb is empty except for some burial clothes. First the women find it this way, and soon after the disciples come to investigate. The word goes forth: He is risen! Death could not win, the tomb does not have the victory. Jesus Christ is stronger even than death! (John 20:1-22) Go to church and celebrate with God’s people all over the world - He is risen, He is risen indeed! Take a few moments, say the following prayer, and thank God for His amazing love for you. “My heart rejoices, Jesus, that the tomb could not hold You. You burst forth with new life, and you give me new life. You have redeemed the world!!!!”


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