3 minute read
Brands You should be Investing in
A list of brands taking action towards better environmental choices
By Anna Call
With the holiday season approaching, the amount of time we will spend shopping for our loved ones increases dramatically. Perhaps this year you have decided to be more sustainable in your shopping choices. Although we are not oblivious to the movement brands are making toward better environmental choices, it can be hard to find which ones are actually taking matters into their own hands.
With the fashion industry’s waste weighing in at about 92 million tons globally and 17 million tons within the United States alone each year, it is important to invest in brands trying to limit their textile excess. These textile scraps can take up to 200 hundred years to decompose. Throughout the course of decomposition, textiles create greenhouse methane gas and leak dangerous chemicals and dyes into our water and soil.
The term “green-washing” was coined for brand marketing strategies to convince consumers that their practices are green when, in reality, that is not really the case. This can be very deceiving when coming from stores we habitually shop and love. Therefore, after researching which brands are rolling up their sleeves and putting in the environmental work, we rounded up a list for you to know which ones are worth the investment!
Naked Cashmere nakedcashmere.com
Naked Cashmere has truly upped the cashmere game. Not only are their materials sustainable and traceable, but they have also created a collection called Cashmere Reborn. Within this collection, there is luxurious loungewear made entirely from postconsumer cashmere sweaters. This is completed by washing, cutting, sorting by fiber length and spinning back into 100% cashmere yarn. Joggers, buttonups, pullovers, tanks and hoodies are all available in recycled material. This is a must-have for your Christmas list.

Eileen Fisher eileenfisher.com
Eileen Fisher is not new to the sustainability game plan. For years now, she’s been leading the pack in improved environmental practices. On her website, she has her goals bulleted for today, tomorrow and the following year. While working on regenerative fibers, renewable energy and repurposing materials, she wants to continue setting goals. One of these goals included using sustainable materials in 100% of their products by 2020. Eileen Fisher’s products consist of minimalistic, comfortable pieces that are the perfect addition to any wardrobe. Do yourself a favor and check out her garments.

Sleeper the-sleeper.com/en
Sleeper may be known throughout the fashion industry as the it-girl brand that put feathered pajamas on the market, but now they’re getting recognition for their textiles. With 90% of their garments made from 100% natural linen, cotton, silk and rayon, Sleeper studies their materials before purchasing to guarantee textiles are approved by international standards and certificates. Becoming circular instead of linear in their manufacturing process is at the top of their to-do list. As stated on their website, the eight strategies to accomplish this goal consist of innovation, efficient distribution, optimized end-of-life, animal welfare, low-impact materials, low-impact use, optimized manufacturing and optimized lifetime. Helping the environment has never looked so stylish.

Levi’s levi.com
When it comes to producing denim, the waste can be severe. Not to fear, Levi’s has found a way to continue delivering our favorite jeans without the side effects. The goals set to accomplish by 2025 consist of consuming 100% sustainably sourced cotton, using 100% renewable energy in Levi’s facilities and reducing their greenhouse emissions by 40% throughout their whole supply chain. Not only is Levi’s taking these changes into their practices, but they have also started using new fabric such as cottonized hemp that demands fewer resources to create. Jeans are an essential piece needed for any closet. Make sure to get yours from Levi’s.