Photo by Abbey Pint, May 2015
New Students &
Guests on Campus! PG.4
Potter’s Hand Ministries &
Savings Groups
Sentiment: Hope
Mothers Helping Mothers
C O N TA C T U S !
New Students By Abbey Pint
H o p e H ave n ’s nu r s e r y bu i l d i n g has we l come d j u s t ove r n i n e t y n e w s t u d e n t s i n t o the baby cl as s t h i s ye a r ! T h i s i s ve r y e x c i t i n g a s we ar e mult i p ly i n g q u i c k ly a n d bu i l d i n g n e w r e l ati ons hi ps w i t h f a mi l i e s i n Mu r i n d i . T h e t e a c he r s have be e n bu s y wo r k i n g w i t h t h i s n e w c l a ss of chi l dr e n a g e s 3 - 5 . T h e f a bu l o u s t e a c h e r s q ui ckly i ns ti l l e d d i s c i p l i n e , a s yo u c a n i ma g i n e t h e ne w s tude nts h a d n e ve r s a t i n a c h a i r fo r h o ur s at a ti me . Wi t h i n we e k s t h o u g h , t h e s t u d e n t s we r e abl e to r e c i t e t h e a l p h a b e t a n d s i n g s e ve r al s ongs .
Guests on Campus!
By Abbey Pint
It’s been a busy couple months on campus with guests coming and going. In May, three students from Clemson University and their parents came for a week to volunteer. Two students from Baylor University made a return trip to work in the classrooms, following a team of college students from Global Livingston International. Founder, Susan Hollern and her family arrived to contribute to the evergrowing campus. This summer, a team from Valor Christian High School will work the land and help the teachers. Hope Haven loves guests. If you are interested in volunteering, visit
Potter’s Hand Ministries +
H o p e H ave n R w a n d a
By Abbey Pint
Church services are now available to the Murindi community. Hope Haven partnered with Potter’s Hand Ministries from Kigali, Rwanda. Hundreds of adults and children gathered at Hope Haven to hear Pastor James’ powerful sermon on Sunday, May 10. Many guests gave their lives to Christ on this beautiful evening under the pavilion. The prodominately Christian community has hope to grow in faith now that a church has been planted. Church and Sunday school will continue to meet every week at 8:00AM. Leading up to this exciting day, volunteers from Hope Haven and Potter’s Hand Ministries walked several miles along the main dirt road where many families live. The Gospel was shared and invitations were given to the campus’ first church service. The night was blessed by a large crowd and the worship team was radiant as they powerfully called out to Murindi. God was most certainly present at Hope Haven on this evening.
Savings Groups By Abbey Pint
Hope Haven is excited to teach financial savings and business management to the Murindi community. This is the first opportunity for adults to listen and ask questions about financially related topics. Teachers and leaders from Hope Haven are eager to apply the material, so stay connected to hear their success stories.
Sentiment: Hope By Abbey Pint
I headed out with a roll of film and a vintage camera. It’s always a mystery whether the photos will turn out, and it’s risky when you consider the beauty of the scene and the value of each shot. Why not just use a digital camera? There are a million “what if ” scenarios that could botch all your precious snapshots, yet there is something so pure and sentimental about following through with those 24-exposures. I took my Canon AE-1 out to the main dirt road where many of our students live and began to walk. Nearing the first house as the sun began to set, I was greeted with familiar voices. Fabrice, Ruth, Sonia, and Ornella welcomed me to an evening on the road where the sunlight was perfection and the colors were unreal.
These four siblings are students at Hope Haven. I’ve been blessed to watch Fabrice, Ruth and Sonia grow physically, educationally, socially, and spiritually over the last three years. The youngest, Ornella is thrilled to be starting school this year. The children’s mother and grandmother work at Hope Haven and have built a strong sense of community with other adults in Murindi. Accustomed to the ease of a digital camera, I took these photos with no expectation but a whole lot of hope. I think that’s the sentiment in these photos... These children have been a part of the Hope Haven family from the beginning. They continue to learn and grow at a fast pace, and they are a reminder that hope is a reality in Murindi, Rwanda.
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Mothers Helping Mothers By Abbey Pint
Thank you to ever yone who contributed to the Mothers Helping Mothers campaign! The campaign was a great success. The first of four blocks on the mural looks wonderful, thanks to your contributions. Each of the honorees’ names were placed on the mural and prayed for by the women working at Hope Haven. These construction and field workers have a Bible study each morning before work underneath the honoree’s names.
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AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Hope Haven every time you shop, at no cost to you. Just hook up Amazon Smile to your Amazon account and you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as always, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Hope Haven! Just visit and search for Hope Haven Charitable Trust, select it and continue shopping on your Amazon account! It’s too easy!
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Photo by Abbey Pint, May 2015
P L E A S E D O N ’ T H E S I T AT E T O R E A C H O U T I F Y O U H A V E A N Y I N T E R E S T I N I N V O L V E M E N T AT H O P E H A V E N . S U S A N H O L L E R N | S U S A N @ H O P E H AV E N RWA N DA . O R G H O P E H AV E N C H A R I TA B L E T R U S T E I N 4 5 - 3 0 6 6 1 7 9
YO U C A N F I N D H O P E H AV E N O N F A C E B O O K , I N S TA G R A M & T W I T T E R
@ H O P E H A V E N R W A N D A
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