Stylish Flower Power Looks
WHEN I WAS SINGLE AND STILL IN SCHOOL, I WORKED RELENTLESSLY. I inherited this mindset from my hardworking parents. I wanted desperately to finish my education, but at the same time, I insisted on working as much as possible to keep a little money in my pockets. After graduation, I continued the rigorous work ethic as I pressed forward to accomplish my goals. Then, the Lord called me to marriage, entrepreneurship with my husband, and eventually to be a stay-‐at-‐home mother. Now that I have been married almost 19 years and have two children, I learned I am no good to anyone when I am tired and stressed out! Every mother knows it’s hard to have time for herself. A trip to the bathroom “alone” can be like a luxurious spa visit, even if it only lasts for a few minutes! It seems like there is never enough time and my work is never done. In my early days of marriage and motherhood, I did not take much time for myself. I never wanted to send the message to my family that they were unimportant or neglect them in any way. I multitasked through my days as if I were running on superpower batteries. Well, we all know batteries work best when they are fully charged. As they begin to lose power, the performance of the product they’re charging starts to decline. If the batteries aren’t replaced, the product stops working altogether. Isn’t it frustrating when you go to use a product only to find it will not work because the power had been left on and the batteries ran out? That is exactly what happened to me. I was operating on dwindling power. I was burned out, crabby, depressed, unhealthy, and, most of all, lax in my fellowship with God. For this reason, my family has dealt with me through these stages where my loving service turned to disservice. I started to check myself and seek God for help. I found authentic sustaining power comes from God alone. God’s power is incomparable because it is infinite and constantly available to all those who seek it. (Romans 15:13, 1 Corinthians 2:5, Ephesians 6:10, 2 Peter 1:3-‐4, Revelation 19:1) Are you running yourself down? Time with God is the best way to recharge and rejuvenate. We are called to be the heart of our homes and to positively impact our diverse spheres of influence. I hope and pray these writings will inspire you to be intimate with God and grow in Him through His Word and prayer. Take your cares, hurts, worries, and mistakes to Him. He w ill see to it that you are no longer burdened and find rest from your troubles (1 Peter 5:7, Matthew 11:28-‐30, Acts 3:19). God promises to refresh the exhausted and satisfy the weak (Jeremiah 31:25)! Worship Him, and He will make you refreshed and well (1 Samuel 16:23). As you get refreshed, you can refresh others (Proverbs 11:25, 1 Corinthians 16:18, 2 Corinthians 7:14, 2 Corinthians 1:3-‐4, Philemon 7, 20). Not even the most elaborate spa treatment can compare to or take the place of the experience we have in the presence of God. He gives us ultimate, unlimited refreshing times at no cost. Keep regular appointments with God, and let Him refresh your heart now and forevermore!
Regal Heart
Regal Heart Magazine, Issue 1 (June 2016) © 2016 Hope N. Jones for HopeAbound Publishing. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication prohibited by all applicable laws. Scripture references in Regal Heart are noted by the abbreviations below. Scripture quotations marked NIRV are taken from The NEW INTERNATIONAL READER'S VERSION® Copyright © 1996, 1998 by Biblica. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
In The Garden With Eve Spring Everyday
Lady Abloom How To Pick Real Friends REGAL HEART MAGAZINE 2016 Issue 1
EVE THINK OF THE BEAUTY THAT SURROUNDED HER. A verdant paradise made by God Himself with everything she and her husband Adam needed to thrive and live forever. Luscious trees, flowing rivers, and all kinds of blossoming goodness to enjoy. There was only one exception. “The Lord God gave the man a command. He said, “You may eat fruit from any tree in the garden. But you must not eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you do, you will certainly die.” Genesis 2:16-‐17 NIRV Here God spoke directly to Adam. According to the sequence of the verses, Eve hadn't been fashioned yet. The Bible does not record when Adam told her about God’s command. Yet, Eve was undoubtedly told at some point based on her responses to the serpent's challenge in Genesis 3. Let’s take a close look at their conversation. REGAL HEART MAGAZINE 2016 Issue 1
The serpent was more clever than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. The serpent said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat fruit from any tree in the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden. But God did say, ‘You must not eat the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden. Do not even touch it. If you do, you will die.’ ” “You will certainly not die,” the serpent said to the woman. “God knows that when you eat fruit from that tree, you will know things you have never known before. Like God, you will be able to tell the difference between good and evil.” The woman saw that the tree’s fruit was good to eat and pleasing to look at. She also saw that it would make a person wise. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her. And he ate it. Genesis 3:1-‐6 NIRV
The exchange contains statements contrary to God’s instruction in Genesis 2. Clearly, Eve misinterpreted God’s order. The major discrepancy with Eve’s comeback to the serpent is: You must not eat the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden. Do not even touch it. Genesis 3:3 NIRV First of all, the tree of knowledge of good and evil was not the only tree in the middle of the garden. There was also the tree of life, from which eating was permitted freely by God (Genesis 2:9). Secondly, God never said anything about “touching” the trees. The cunning serpent, who initiated the conversation with Eve, successfully planted seeds of confusion and disbelief in her mind. As a result, Eve began to: Question God’s directives and motives. Misinterpret God’s Word. Look within herself and find other sources for knowledge. Believe God did not really have her best interest at heart. Stop believing and trusting God’s Word. Draw away from the things of God and go her own way. Find pleasure in things that were really bad for her. Lead others astray. Let shame subdue her. Blame others for her actions. 6
Eve had no idea who she was dealing with. The serpent was a mischievous disguise for Satan, who was first known as Lucifer, angel of light. Lucifer was banished from heaven for his pride and desire to exalt himself above God (Isaiah 14:11-‐15). Other angels followed his lead and were thrown out with him (Revelation 12:7-‐9). Lucifer became Satan, a fallen angel, cursed to darkness. As Satan, he became God’s enemy and an enemy of God’s children. Most popularly known as the devil, he is a master of evil, deception, and disruption. His main mission is to pull everyone he can into darkness and destruction. Satan never lost his desire for supremacy. He does not want anyone to follow God, and he is good at finding ways to lead people away from the things of God. Eve listened to this joker’s lies and allowed him to corrupt her thoughts. God was quite clear about the consequence of not following His directions. Sad to say, Eve and Adam gave in to their own desires and chose the way of death over God’s way of life. They were overtaken by shame. Pain and hard work were part of God’s judgment. Ultimately, Eve and Adam were banished from the beautiful Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:23). Why didn’t God intervene and stop the encounter between Eve and the devil? Why didn’t Eve run to Adam or God? Why didn’t God stop Adam and Eve from eating from the forbidden tree? God had a bigger plan in mind. It was never His intention to force us to live for Him. He wants us to willingly and wholeheartedly follow Him. When we are forced to do something, more times than not, we rebel. God’s love for us is greater than any love. He showed this love by sacrificing His only son Jesus to save our lives. When we accept Jesus as Lord over our life, we have reconciliation with God, redemption from sin, and freedom from curses of any kind. Jesus came to crush Satan and destroy his evil work (Genesis 3:15, 1 John 3:8, Hebrews 2:14-‐15, Romans 16:20). Jesus defeated the devil by conquering death through His resurrection, and He restored God’s design for us to have eternal life. All power and victory belong to God alone (Colossians 2:13-‐15).
But Eve’s mind was tricked by the snake’s clever lies. And here’s what I’m afraid of. Your minds will also somehow be led astray. They will be led away from your true and pure love for Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:3 NIRV What are the lessons we can learn from Eve and her significant time in the Garden of Eden? When you are challenged, seek and know the whole truth and God’s will before you act.
When you consider doing things your way, remember God created you. He’s your Father and knows what's best for you.
When you face times of confusion, do not pull away from God – run to Him instead.
When you lack understanding, cry out to God and pray for fresh revelation.
When you are tempted, do not fall for the devil’s mind games and debate about the things of God. Otherwise, you will fall for misleading traps and maybe even lead others astray.
When you sin, take responsibility for your own actions, repent, and seek God’s forgiveness. Do not allow shame to overpower you. REGAL HEART MAGAZINE 2016 Issue 1
Unlike Eve, you see how the enemy of your soul works. Many things will tempt you, but there is no temptation greater than God’s deliverance because He always has a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13). The temptation is really not the problem – it is giving in to it (James 1:13-‐16). It is never too late to say no or walk away from an ungodly or unhealthy situation. You are never helpless, and you always have a choice. Make a decision to follow God and choose His way of life!
LIFE Deuteronomy 30:19
SOW SEEDS FOR A BEAUTIFUL LIFE I WAS AWARE OF THE SEASONS AS A YOUNG GIRL, BUT I REALLY HAD LITTLE APPRECIATION for them until my adult years. Each season has great moments, but spring has become one of my favorites. I believe spring elegantly represents Earth’s beauty at its finest! The most active growth is seen during spring and newness is all around. Every color of the rainbow can be seen in nature. Soaring freely through the sky, birds greet each day with lovely songs. The morning air smells of fresh dew. Sunshine penetrates to the depths of the dark soil and warms the ground. The rain comes and turns the packed dirt into lush soil. Moreover, spring provides the perfect timing for gardeners to sow, feed, water, weed, and prune. The seasons of nature are determined by the calendar. However, in no particular order, we go through many seasons of growth and beauty as well as sunshine and storms during our lifetime. Our experiences and choices tremendously affect the seasons of life. You may be a young lady pursuing education, a professional career woman establishing yourself in the workplace, a newlywed adjusting to married life, a wife and mother making your house a home, a hardworking single mom raising your children to the best of your ability, or a seasoned emptynester enjoying the new chapter of your life. No matter where you are in life, God is with you. Preserving a strong relationship with Him is a sure way to make it through any season of life. You are His field (1 Corinthians 3:9). He seeks to grow spiritual seeds of virtuousness into every part of your life – heart, soul, mind, and body. If you make a daily commitment to sow seeds of godly thoughts and actions, God will cultivate your life into a beautiful garden for the rest of your days (1 Corinthians 3:5-‐9). I want to share with you some basic seeds to impart daily to ensure you have good grounding and lasting growth in your walk with God. Now, let the planting begin! 10
Seed 1: DEVOTION Let God’s Word feed your heart. God is the Master Gardener of your life, and His Word is the ultimate seed that must be planted in your heart for optimal spiritual health. You can choose one scripture a day or per week. You could even study a specific topic or part of the Bible. Pray for understanding, wisdom, complete revelation, and discernment. God will reveal Himself to you. He has carefully constructed your path so trust Him to lead you.
Seed 2: HEALTH Take care of yourself. Often times, we neglect ourselves because we are constantly busy with duties, jobs, and other people’s needs. It is time for us to feel and look our best everyday! It is God’s will for us to accomplish daily tasks with freshness and vitality. Resolve to eat healthy foods, drink lots of water, exercise, take relaxing baths, get fresh air, and rest. God will bless you with strength to carry out your responsibilities and fulfill your calling. He will also reward you with a long life.
Speak words and do things to bless everyone around you. With words and actions, we can make or break someone’s day. Ask God to give you words of wisdom and encouragement. Be sensitive to the needs of others so you can help them. Let the love and compassion of God flow through you. Be a generous, cheerful giver, and in return, God will bless you!
Psalm 139:15-‐16 Psalm 91 Matthew 13:1-‐23 John 15:1-‐17
Song of Solomon 1:6 Proverbs 31:17 1 Corinthians 9:24-‐26 Philippians 3:14
Ephesians 4:29-‐32 Colossians 3:12 Proverbs 16:23-‐24 Proverbs 31:26 2 Corinthians 9:6-‐15
Seed 4: DELIGHT Soar high in freedom, joy, peace, and song. Rejoice in God no matter what is happening in your life because He is in total control. He is the God of Peace and the Father of the Prince of Peace, Jesus. Because of Jesus, there is freedom and peace that passes all understanding. God will lift you up and over your woes and give you strength to rise high above them all! While riding on His powerful wings, give God glory by listening to and singing songs of worship and praise!
John 8:36 Isaiah 9:6 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Psalm 33 Isaiah 40:28-‐31 Colossians 3:15-‐17 Philippians 4:7
It is God who makes things 1 Corinthians 3:7c NIRV REGAL HEART MAGAZINE 2016 Issue 1
In addition to sowing seeds of virtue, the continual development of a garden life depends on elimination, endurance, and power.
The Process of ELIMINATION Recognize and get rid of the weeds in your life that are hindering your growth. There are many kinds of weeds in the earth. Some disguise themselves with pretty flowers, and others are just unsightly. Nonetheless, weeds choke out and take nourishment from the good growth and must be removed to maintain a healthy garden. We have weeds that invade our lives like anger, hate, confusion, hopelessness, fear, lies, and even unhealthy relationships. The list could go on, but here is how you identify weeds in your life. If “it” is causing you to be unhealthy mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually and leads to sin, then it is a weed! Sin blocks our prayers so we must get rid of it! Ask God to show you the weeds in your life, then confess and repent of your sins. Pray for God to restrain anything that tries to take away the seed of His Word. Ask Him to remove whatever keeps you from flourishing!
Psalm 66:16-‐20 Colossians 3:1-‐10 Hebrews 12:1
The Blessing of ENDURANCE Embrace and endure the downpours of life because they refresh you and help to make you grow. God sends “rain” to our lives by way of tests, trials, and challenges. If you have not fully believed and received the Word of God, the message could be washed away when you face problems. As the clouds and storms of life rage, you can call out to God and He will hear you. Like rain to the earth’s soil, He is making you better and preparing you for something great. He is stirring your spirit and faith. He wants your hope to be in Him and not your circumstances. Be thankful for how He has blessed you, and find joy where you are! Learn to laugh and rejoice in the midst of the storm! The rain will not last forever, and the sun will shine again. Thirst for God’s outpouring, and let Him shower you with His love and His Spirit. Your perseverance will encourage others.
The Supply of POWER
Job 12:22 Psalm 18:28 Psalm 27:1 Psalm 119:105 John 3:19-‐21 1 John 1:5-‐10 2 Corinthians 4:6
Stay in God’s light, your power source. You come into God's light by accepting His call on your life, pursuing a close relationship with Him, and seeking the things of God. His light is revealed through His Word and the life of His son Jesus. God’s light keeps you on the right path and out of spiritual darkness. You gain spiritual knowledge and learn moral truths. God’s light will help you through tough times by helping you see life from God’s perspective and stay focused on what matters most. Even beyond the storm clouds, the light of God is there. Enjoy His light, and let it energize you everyday.
Psalm 68:9 Psalm 147:8 Isaiah 30:23 Isaiah 32:15 Isaiah 55:10-‐12 Joel 2:28 Romans 5:5 James 1:1-‐12
W O R & G OW
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The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a
well-watered GARDEN, like an ever-flowing spring.
Isaiah 58:11 NLT
Stylish Flower Power Looks
KEEP YOUR WARDROBE BLOSSOMING ALL YEAR LONG by grafting in delightful flower looks. Forget the notion of floral prints being appropriate in spring and summer only or for specific body types. Today, fashionable floral designs are available in every category of apparel. You can easily add florals to your palette for any occasion including school, work, special events, working out, or relaxation. Bedecked with small florets to grand flowerheads, these garments can be used to make a bold statement or act as a complementary piece. I usually like to pair a garden style motif with a solid color found in the array of flowers. Denim also pairs well with these strong patterns. In the fall and winter, a spring piece can be kept alive by combining it with sweaters, jackets, scarves, tights, and boots. To add accents to your wardrobe use floral clustered jewelry, shoes, or handbags. How lovely it is for clothing designers to capture God’s beautiful bounty in a way we can experience and appreciate it whenever we desire – rain or shine! There is something invigorating about wearing flower attire. When I put on nature inspired pieces, my mood is instantly livened as if I were in a real garden. I see it as one of the practical ways I can stay connected with God and His beautiful creation. I have found that floral garments bring cheer to any atmosphere because they are visually stimulating and gracefully gorgeous. They also inspire great conversation. The next time you shop don’t forget to gather fresh looks to make your style burst forth! Take a look of a collection of “Lady Abloom” flower designs I created on Polyvore to help you awaken your flower power!
For i tem detai ls in my Polyvore set: y_abloom_awaken_your_flower/set?id =198827704 Styled by Hope N. Jones, MERCHANT GIRL
See more at http://mercha ntgirl.po /
“If I can have any impact, I want women to feel good about themselves and have FUN WITH FASHION.” 16
- Michelle Obama
REAL FRIENDS FRIENDSHIPS CAN BE REWARDING BUT SOMETIMES CHALLENGING. Cattiness, unrealistic expectations, and hurt feelings top the list of things that sabotage them. I had many issues with friendships during my school days and a few as an adult. Growing in my relationship with God helped me really understand the heart of friendship through His eyes.
A real friend loves and forgives. Jesus, our greatest Friend, commanded us to love and showed us how to be a true friend through His love and sacrifice for us (John 15:13). A real friend loves all the time (Proverbs 17:17a). The love of a friend is sincere (1 Peter 1:22). Real friends forgive each other and do not hold grudges. They work together to overcome problems and disagreements. Proverbs 10:12, Proverbs 17:9, Colossians 3:13-‐14 A real friend is there when it really counts. A friend unselfishly considers the needs of others and will always be there to help out. When people come against you, a friend will stand up for you and with you. Whether you talk to a friend everyday or not, you know you can go to one another when you need to share your heart. You can always pick up where you left off. True friends never turn their backs on each other. Proverbs 18:24, Proverbs 17:17b, Proverbs 27:10, Ecclesiastes 4:9-‐12 A real friend makes you a better person. If you constantly hang around people that make unwise choices or live an unhealthy lifestyle, they could influence you if you are not careful (Proverbs 22:24-‐25, 1 Corinthians 15:33, Proverbs 12:26, Proverbs 16:29). Take note and learn from misguided people what “not” to do. You want a friend who will tell the truth when you need to hear it and one who can also receive the truth when they need it. Proverbs 27:17, Proverbs 13:20, Proverbs 27:5-‐6, Galatians 6:1, James 5:19-‐20 A real friend is not jealous of you. Watch out for people who get upset when something happens good in your life or constantly gripe about what they do not have compared to you or others. A person who feels this way will in turn become spiteful and hateful. Jealousy and envy fester in the mind and heart and most times lead to evil actions (James 3:14, 16). Friends admire, appreciate, and celebrate each other.
As iron sharpens iron, so person sharpens Proverbs 27:17 NIRV
A real friend will not say or do things on purpose to make you feel badly. When a person starts to hurt you intentionally without regard to your feelings, you know that friendship is not of God. You do not need someone in your life that enjoys watching others hurt. Friends build each other up, not tear one another down! Ephesians 4:29, 1 Thessalonians 5:11 A real friend does not talk about you behind your back. Saying things to others about your friend when they are not around is only cool if you have something good to say. However, when you start to repeat issues or problems your friend has shared with you or speak negatively about them to someone else, you become a backstabber. Gossip is never okay and usually leads to rumors. When a person talks badly about other people to you, they might also talk wrongly about you to another person. Friendship is based on trust and loyalty. Now, if you feel your friend is in trouble, you should consult someone you trust so your friend can get help. Just remember, do not say anything about your friend that you would not want repeated or cannot say to the friend yourself. Proverbs 11:13, Proverbs 16:28, Proverbs 18:8, Proverbs 20:19, Proverbs 26:20 A real friend is not motivated by benefits and gifts. Some folk are driven by selfish ambition, materialism, and influential gain. They pose as allies, but in fact, they solicit the potential benefits they may receive from another’s life and connections. They spend a lot of time trying to see how others live. They prey on people and manipulate situations to get what they want. These individuals are fickle because they are always chasing the next “best friend”. They spend most of the time hobnobbing from one social circle to the next. When the benefits stop or do not come through as hoped, so does the friendship. God looks at everything that motivates us, even when we think we have good intentions. Our pursuit of friendship should never hinge on what we can receive but rather what we have to offer. Proverbs 16:2 A real friend does not leave you or anyone else out. Cliques and exclusive social circles exist in all generations and cultures. Anyone who is not like them is a lowly outsider and gets the cold shoulder treatment. These groups always find reasons to justify their haughty behavior. These people strategically leave others out, only to isolate a certain inner circle. Getting along with others is problematic for them. So what makes you think they will continue to get along with you? If other people are excluded, you will eventually be excluded too, especially if you get on that person’s bad side. Friendship is about unity and inclusion. You cannot build friendships based on exclusion. Seek relationships that promote peace (Psalm 133:1). Be open to engage with people of different backgrounds. You never know what you will learn and how God will use you to bless each other. Philippians 2:1-‐11, Romans 12:16 A real friend respects your time and commitments. In the age of mobile communication, the expectation is you should be easy to get a hold of or at least return calls or texts quickly. Each one of us has obligations, some more than others. Just because you cannot answer a friend’s call immediately does not mean you do not care or do not want to be there to listen. A friend in need of serious help is different than a codependent person. A person with temperamental attitudes, selfish behavior, and unreasonable demands pollutes the health of a friendship. 1 Peter 2:17, Romans 12:10 REGAL HEART MAGAZINE 2016 Issue 1
Next to God and family, friendships can be some of the most meaningful relationships in your life, but they are no good without God’s help! Real friendships are developed and rooted on biblical principles. These attributes of friendship should be established in your own heart before you can recognize them in someone else. When you follow these ground rules, bona fide friendships bless your life in a special way. “Two people are better than one” yet “a rope made out of three cords isn’t easily broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:9, 12 NIRV). You must not leave God out of your friendships because doing it His way will save you a lot of heartaches, trouble, and time. There is a big difference between real friends and occasional associates. Your closest confidants should be people who understand and live by the things of God. Otherwise, these principles will be difficult to grasp and carry out. God loves when His children are in agreement and unity (Matthew 18:19-‐20). He promises to answer their prayers and be with them. Ask God to help you pick authentic friends who are loving and trustworthy. Commit to pray for your friends and foes (1 Timothy 2:1, Matthew 5:44). As you go through life, friendships may come and go, but no matter how long they last, you make the most of each one when God is leading you!
Godly people are about the friends they choose. Proverbs 12:26 NIRV 20
Dear God,
You will always lead me and guide me. You will be sure I have everything I need – lack nothing, want for nothing. I will be fully satisfied. You will keep me healthy and strong. I will be quenched and drenched by Your ever-‐flowing living waters. I will be deeply rooted and grounded in You. Thank you Lord for meeting my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. You alone can satisfy me. Let my life be a display of a beautiful relationship of love from You. May I grow, bloom, and flourish as I commit and submit to follow You. Even in tough, challenging times, You are right with me. I love You God and I know You love Me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Love, H
from the journals of
Taken from my personal REGAL HEARTm MAGAZINE 2016 Issue journal editation on 1 21 Isaiah 58:11 October 15, 2015