H Hi i g guuyyss, , w weellccoomme e tto o V VEENNTTSS! ! H Hoow w h haavve e y yoou u b beeeenn? ? Hello there! We’ve been great, it’s been a great couple of months since the release of our first record, and we got to play some very nice shows.
W Whhaat t c caan n y yoou u tteelll l u us s a abboouut t tthhe e ttiittlle e a annd d m meeaanniinng g b beehhiinnd d y yoouur r m moosst t rreecceennt t rreelleeaassee? ?
Our new album “Children From Eden” looks to represent everyone who feels like an outcast. May it be for any disability, disease, or simply by not fitting into society's extremely demanding standards. Our title is the way we found to categorise every single one of those people. On the album you’ll find the track “Children From Eden” that through it’s lyrics and music video looks to pass on that message, that no matter our
differences we’re all children from Eden. It’s a nod to the garden of Eden, connecting directly to the name of the band “Lilith’s Revenge”, since according to some gospels Lilith was Adam’s first wife that was expelled from paradise for refusing to be submissive.

H Hoow w w waas s tthhe e rreeccoorrddiinng g a annd d w wrriittiinng g p prroocceessss? ?
The writing was tough due to strict covid restrictions we were going through in our country at the time. We all came up with demos and we would share online with each other, with everyone adding their part to them to try and build stuff that meant something to everyone, and that everyone could feel part of. In the recording process it became a bit easier, since most of the restrictions were lifted and we were able to go into the studio
and record. It took about an year from the first demo being written to having the physical version of the CD in hands.
W Whheerre e d diid d y yoou u g guuyys s ffiinnd d tthhe e iinnssppiirraattiioon n ffoor r tthhe e s soonng g a annd d llyyrriiccss? ? We’re all very sensitive people, and we take inspiration from the events going on in our lives, and of course the world around us. Considering the major events our world has been through these last years, we were very inspired at the time of writing. Our writing came easily because we simply poured the emotions of all we were keeping inside with the ongoing changes, and of course we also stayed loyal to the theme we have for the band, of fighting for gender equality, and to fight for those who feel oppressed or outcasted, and to give them a source of strength to fight back and stay strong.
W Wiilll l y yoou u b be e h hiittttiinng g tthhe e rrooaad d tthhiis s y yeeaarr? ?
We’ve had a couple concerts since the release of the album, and we have some dates aligned with some venues, just pending on deciding a date. As of now we’ll only hit the road on a national level, but it’s in our plans to play outside of Portugal as soon as we get the chance.

W Whhaat t e ellsse e iis s h haappppeenniinng g n neexxt t iin n y yoouur r w woorrlldd? ?
As of now we’re looking into recording a music video for another song of the album. We also have a couple demos we’ve slowly started working on, but as of now we’re focused on playing live as much as we can and promoting our recent release “Children From Eden”.