Hopkins School 986 Forest Road New Haven, CT
Vol LXVI, no. 5
February 7, 2020
Changes to Relieve Stress: The New Midyear Exam Schedule Zoe Kim '20 Senior News Editor This past January, Hopkins students experienced a new term exam schedule. Having been instituted a few years ago, midyear exams are the culminating assessments for the first half of the academic year. Casey Goldberg ’20 described exams as “a source of constant stress and anxiety culminating in a few tests.” With this stress, some students, such as Sabaga Kombo ’24, wished “for there to be no exams at all.” In an effort to relieve student anxiety, the academic History teacher Sarah Belbita photodepartgraphed seventh graders at the Pequot ments made Museum during exam week. c h a n g es. Classes have the option to replace term exams with a final project. The Junior School had minimal required exams, with the seventh grade sitting for Math and the eighth grade for Math and English.
With the exam schedule having undergone several adjustments in the past few years, Goldberg stated that the new schedule “came as no surprise.” Kristine Waters, Dean of Academics, stated the purpose of the change: “The goal was for students to have one exam per day.” Elaine Plante, the Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Academics, added that the addition of Thursday morning exams was meant to “reduce student stress and the ‘crunch’ that was often found in the first two days of exam week.” With this, tests were pushed to Thursday in hopes of spreading out the week of study. However, the new schedule has gotten a mix of reviews from students. Serena Ta ’20 thought the additional Thursday made the exam week “too spread out.” Because Ta had no exam on Tuesday, she stated, “I didn’t like the day off in the middle of my exams because I lost momentum to study.” Although the schedule was successful in elongating the week of exams, Andrew Sack ’22 thought it would be “more efficient to leave the previous schedule of three days of exams rather than four,” saying it would be “more preferable to get it over with.” Other students, however, enjoyed the change. Cyrus Sadeghi ’24 preferred the new schedule: “I thought it was helpful because it gave me more time to study in the afternoon.” Although admitting that an extra day of break would have been nice, Josh Seidner ’20 agreed, saying that the schedule “made it easier to study for the tests one at a time” therefore “lessening stress levels dramatically.” Additionally, many students enjoyed having their one exam of the day in the morning. Katie Park ‘21 found having one exam a day in the morning
“extremely helpful. It was nice to get the tests over in the morning and have the rest of the day to study for the next one.” Speaking on the alternative of having an extra day of the long weekend, Park stated, “Because the entire week is already dedicated to exams anyway I didn’t mind the extra day, being that I was already in the mindset.” Not only has student opinion varied, but teacher thoughts have also been varied. With English shifted to the last day of exams, the grading time changed for some teachers. Although recognizing that the new schedule “sets a more reasonable pace for studying,” English teacher Dan Drummond commented, “the only downside was having the longer Shakespeare exam (a senior elective) on the last day.” Due to the fact that senior grades are due earlier than other classes because of the college application deadlines, Drummond pointed out the new schedule “made it more of a push” to finish grading within the allotted four days, compared to last year’s six days. With the science exam only shifting from Tuesday to Wednesday, however, Science teacher Emilie Harris “did not notice much of a change with her grading process.” Despite this, Harris agreed with Drummond, saying “the exam schedule was successful in getting the majority of students to not have two exams a day and allowing more time in the afternoon.” The 2020 Term 2 exam schedule has not been finalized. Plante added that “the Academic Policy Committee has not decided if we will do the same thing next year for Term 1 exams.” She stated that next year will be determined “after evaluating how this year went and then making a decision."
A Reflection on Faculty Reflections Juan Lopez '22 Assistant News Editor A chance for teachers to volunteer to speak at Assembly has newly arisen this year at Hopkins; the speeches are called Faculty Reflections. The Faculty Reflections program allows teachers to express their love for the subject they teach as well as for their students. With minimal restrictions, teachers are able to connect with students and communicate a message that would only be heard otherwise by the students they are able to teach; however, the teachers only have five minutes to speak. Erika Schroth, Director of Choral Music, presented her reflection during a winter Assembly. Schroth found it difficult to fit so much into a short amount of time. She said, “It's more difficult figuring out what to leave out! There are lots of things that I care about related to my work. I tried to focus on the thing that I find most essential: fostering a deep sense of empathy and vulnerability. This makes us kinder and more compassionate citizens of the world.” Classics teacher John Anderson also presented his reflection this winter. Experiencing the problem of wanting to say a lot in a short period of time, Anderson stated, “I actually had more that I wanted to say, but as you only have five minutes, you have to make sure it's tight without being dense. Always a balancing act. On the other hand, if what you have to say isn't so helpful, your audience is relieved that it was only five minutes. I think that our school has a tendency to be overly Inside: News........1-2 Features....3-4 Op/Ed.......5 Arts...........6-7 Sports........8
results-oriented. I worry that students think that in some way not all of who they are matters in achieving those results. I wanted to remind students that they matter no matter whether the results are achieved; their importance is absolute.” Some students were appreciative of Anderson’s message. Max Gordon ’22 said, “At times it feels like the only thing Hopkins cares about is your grades. A’s are seen as gold and B’s as silver. One is obviously more valuable and sought after. Mr. Anderson’s speech was the start of a conversation that is needed at Hopkins. Hopkins needs to relieve the idea from the minds of students that results are the only things that matter and instead promote that things like mental health matter just as much.” Anderson’s reflection focused on how to show his love and support for his students: “I guess my concern is how that love is expressed. Students are incredibly sensitive to the messages we teachers send. I've heard on countless occasions from students that Mr. So-andSo hates us or Ms. So-and-So thinks our class is hopeless. Over time I've wondered how I can make sure that my students don't pick up that message from me. I want them to know that I care and that I'm not giving up on any of them. I certainly find myself giving students more positive feedback and reinforcement than I think I did earlier in my time at Hopkins. I try to remind students that grades aren't everything, even though I'm aware Continued on Page 2
Features Page 4: Hopkins School's Relationship with Native People
The Martin Luther King commemorative Assembly kicked off the beginning of Black History Month. In collaboration with the Black LatinX Student Union and Students United for Racial Equity (SURE), the Diversity Board planned numerous events held on campus throughout February, including a screening of the movie Harriet and guest speakers, such as poet Jericho Brown.
Arts Page 6: Welcome to the New World in Keator Gallery
Sports Page 8: Sports Team Features - Swim & Dive and Wrestling
February 7, 2020
The Razor: News / Features
Page 2
Celebrating Coeducation
Faculty Reflections Continued from page 1... that I can’t help but send a mixed message due to my role as a teacher.” Schroth centered her speech around how to use vulnerability as a tool to learn to become better people and create better connections with others. As she explained in her speech, “Being vulnerable is hard. We protect ourselves in many necessary ways; from the world, from other people, from fear of messing up, of not seeming strong, or in control, or on a path to success. Our defenses, day to day, are strong. Singing requires us to allow a crack in those defenses, for our vulnerability to show, and it is uncomfortable, and unsettling. When one person needs to breathe, the person next to them sings, to keep the sound going, and the favor is returned later in the phrase.” The new Faculty Reflections program seems to be well received by the Hopkins community, as many students find the reflections a positive way to start out their day. Matthew Booth ’22 said, “I can’t speak for all of Hopkins but having teachers speak in Assembly, motivating and showing care beyond the classroom, makes my day and sometimes my week much more positive by knowing I have support from a community.” Annie Burtson ’21 agreed with Booth, stating, “The Faculty Reflections influence my Hopkins experience because I feel a closer connection to the adults around me. My classes seem to have a greater purpose than just learning the information. [The Faculty Reflections] make the teachers seem much more human (for lack of a better word). I feel more connected to my teachers and now better understand that they truly care about us as individuals.” Some students also believe the Faculty Reflections are a great way to learn new things about their teachers. Burtson said, “I look forward to hearing the teachers speak about their experiences. They are all unique. They provide me with the opportunity to better understand a teacher I would otherwise not have the opportunity to know. I really enjoy the Faculty Reflections because they provide me with new information about teachers I know and don’t know. It is really interesting to learn about the things that inspire the teachers and how they apply it to their teaching.” The next Faculty Reflections include English teachers Ian Melchinger on February 7 and Alexandra Kelly on February 24.
Alexander ’84 emphasized advance- know today. At the time, F. Allen Sherk Anushree Vashist ’21 ment saying “We belong to an evolving was the HGS Head of School (1953 to News Editor Throughout the 2019-2020 entity that believes in the strong spine 1974); trustees and alumni commonly academic year, Yale University is cel- of certain traditions but also evolution. credit him with the execution of the ebrating 50 years since becoming co- Yale has changed; you have helped merge. Anna Bowditch led DPH but educational and 150 years since women change it; it will continue to change.” after the merger, she retired. While we The Yale Alumni Magazine do not know if she retired out of preferfirst attended the University’s School of Art. After universities like Yale be- also honored many of the women pio- ence, Thom Peters, the School Archivist came coeducational, private schools neers who created a path for future noted that “she and Mr. Sherk were both like Hopkins followed suit and, in two generations to follow. Many of their strong personalities, and I’m not sure years, we will have our own oppor- struggles involved the typical difficul- there was really room for both of them.” Wendy Parente, the Accounts tunity to recognize this achievement. ties in adjusting to college life, but some Payable Manager in 50WomenAtYthe Business Office, ale150, the university’s Mara Lavitt was a student during initiative, hopes to recthe merger. She was a ognize the women who student at DPH from pioneered coeducation, grades seven through encourage schools at nine and attended HopYale and alumni to rekins Grammar Day search and exhibit the Prospect Hill School contributions by female for her last three years students, and explore of high school. Parthe “unfinished agenda” ente called the merger of women both within a “wonderful thing for Yale and the world at both schools,” but she large. To that end, varinoted that “some of the ous committees have organized a series of Yale alums pose with the stone honoring coeducation during the Commemo- long DPH traditions rative Weekend on September 21 were lost.” For example, events, including confer“The girls looked forences, discussions, and a commemorative weekend. Some events were especially difficult due to the move ward to becoming juniors and having have been geared towards specific mem- towards coeducation. One woman, Su- their ‘ring ceremony,’” but the pracbers of the Yale Community while others san Ellen Waisbren ’71, mentioned tice died soon after. Some troubles also have been open for the general public. that “many of the school buildings did emerged due to athletic scheduling and During the Commemorative not have ‘ladies’ rooms,’ and there was “the lack of gym time for sports.” DeWeekend, Yale University installed a no gynecologist at Yale Student Health spite these initial hurdles, Parente noted commemorative stone on Old Campus, Services.” Another, Julia Preston ’73, that throughout her time working at beyond Phelps Gate. The stone reads, commented on the administration’s Hopkins, “the two schools have survived “In September 1969, the first women concern regarding the lack of bathtubs the merge and it is a wonderful place.” In two years, Hopkins will undergraduates arrived on campus. in Vanderbilt Hall (the freshmen’s resiWith spirit and determination, these dence), claiming that their “bodies were have its own opportunity to celebrate women of the classes of 1971, 1972, harboring yeasts and fungi that had been 50 years of being coeducational and to and 1973 transformed life and learn- unknown at Yale when the undergradu- honor those who allowed such an efing in Yale College.” Peter Salovey, ates were all men, and which could only fort. Parente believes that “the girls the institution’s president, performed be controlled by immersive soaking.” school should somehow be rememLike Yale, Hopkins’ history bered.” She continued, “Whether it is the dedication, saying that “the five hundred and seventy-five trailblazers features the transition to a coeduca- through past sport teams or past female … changed this university forever.” tional institution. In 1972, the all-boys teachers we had at the school, without He continued by saying these women Hopkins Grammar School (HGS) and the girls schools (all of them The Day “inaugurate a new era” whose “legacy the all-girls Day Prospect Hill School School, Prospect Hill, and DPH) Hopis all around us.” Yale Alum Elizabeth (DPH) merged to form the school we kins would not be what it is today.”
Snowdays? Snow problems! Anjali Subramanian ’22 Assistant Features Editor When the latest weather forecast calls for an imminent storm, students’ first reaction may be to use the Snow Day Calculator. But the same cannot be said for John Roberts, Assistant Head of School, David Baxter, Chief Financial and Operating Officer, and Kai Bynum, Head of School. They have to research the storm, talk to a variety of sources, come up with a decision, and inform the public. The process begins days before a storm, when Roberts and Baxter familiarize themselves with the possible weather conditions and impact. Roberts says, “We decide after watching a bunch of weather reports (to try and be able to tell a likely weather scenario for the day).” Similar to Roberts, Baxter tracks forecasts to “get a sense of when snow is likely to start, how much accumulation is expected, when it is likely to stop and expected temperatures.” He believes that “timing is critical as heavy snow right before, or during the peak travel times (for Hopkins that is from 6:30-8:00 am), can create unsafe conditions on the roads and on campus.” According to Roberts, the next step is to “talk to the maintenance folks about how things are on campus and what they need before the hills and driveways
and stairs are ready for us all.” One person the decision.” He continues, “If Dr. Bynum Baxter and Roberts talk to is Liz Climie, the decides to delay or close, then Mr. Roberts Director of Facilities. Her biggest concern and I each play a role in getting the word for students and faculty is “getting around out.” Roberts sends the Honeywell Alert campus safely.” Her worries include “thaw- to warn Hopkins families, while Baxter ing and refreezing,” “ice falling off trees informs Climie and Andrew Burke, Head and buildings,” and “people not paying of Community Safety, as well as several attention television to where stations they are of their stepping decision. because Hopthey are kins studistracted d e n t s by things c o m e like elecfrom a tronic l a r g e devices.” region T h e n , of ConRoberts necticut, explains, making it Emmett Dowd ’21 they “talk d i ff i c u l t to the bus to decide companies about what they would sug- on delays and cancellations. Baxter says, gest.” One bus company Hopkins uses, “Students come from over 60 different B&B Transportation Inc, “operates along towns stretching from the southeastern I-95 and Merritt Parkway,” and can tell shoreline to deep Fairfield County and as them “their view of travel conditions.” north as Rocky Hill. So it is important that Finally, a phone call at 5 a.m. takes we take that into account as we need to place between Roberts, Baxter, and By- consider the safety of everyone.” He does num. Baxter says, “Mr. Roberts and I will this by “watching to see what other school give a recommendation to Dr. Bynum. He systems are deciding,” as that “can give us weighs all of this information and makes a good indication of conditions in those
towns.” Roberts agrees with Baxter, saying “I’m always a little envious of the school administrators who only have one town to worry about! That must be so easy! We’ve got people from everywhere and each storm hits different parts of the state with various intensity so we try and be mindful of the whole state and all our people.” Another difficulty is cleaning up the snow. Climie says, “This is a campus of steps, and each step has to be hand shoveled. How much snow falls, plays a big role in determining how long it takes to do a cleanup.” If there is a large accumulation of snow or if the snow is heavy, then “steps may have to be done more than once because it is almost impossible to shovel a foot of heavy wet snow off the steps.” The many parking lots of Hopkins also have to be cleaned. Climie says, “For long duration storms, parking lots have to be plowed multiple times because you can only push about six inches of snow at a time. If it is heavy wet snow, it may even be less.” Regardless of the ultimate decision, Roberts says that the Snow Day Calculator; “is super fun and a kid’s best friend.” He warns, “Don’t rely on it too much! It’s way more fun than accurate!” But if the Snow Day Calculator turns out to be accurate, then Roberts can “go back to bed until it’s time for The Price is Right, and then make waffles for breakfast!”
February 7. 2020
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The Rise and Conquest of TikTok at Hopkins you look at my page, a ton of my videos are about subjects I struggle with, like Chemistry and Math, but I like turning my problems into funny videos,” said EveIn an era when attention spans are shrinking, Tik- land. While Eveland “did not expect for [his] videos to Tok, a video-sharing platform, is infiltrating every aspect go viral,” he credits part of the success to “using trendof student life. TikTok was started in 2017 by the Chinese ing sounds and making TikToks students can relate to.” company ByteDance and merged with the popular social Connecticut has a handful of famous TikTok media video platform Musical.ly in 2018. On the app, users stars: Fairfield’s Mark Anastasio has five million fans can watch and interact with videos on their “For You” page, while Norwalk sisters Charli and Dixie D’Amelio have an algorithmic feed based on one’s liked videos. Users can 20.3 million and 7.7 million followers, respectively. Laualso create and share their own videos. “It has the entertain- ren Sklarz ’228 and Michelle Grutzendler ’22 snapped a ment of YouTube, the impermanence of Snapchat, and the picture with the D’Amelio sisters at the Norwalk mall, humor of Vine all in one app,” said Emi Aniskovich ’20. while plenty of Hilltoppers met King School senior DiAt Hopkins, TikTok manifests itself in all types of xie D’Amelio at the Volleyball Fairchester Athletic Assoways: as homework procrastination, ciation (FAA) Finals game between a source of entertainment, or even an Hopkins and King. Sklarz said she in-class assignment. Aanya Panyadawas “surprised at how nice the two hundi ’23 uses TikTok as a reward for sisters were.” Ellie Collier ’23, who completing her work: “If I finish all met D’Amelio at the FAA Finals my homework by a certain time, then game, agreed with Sklarz saying she I’ll allow myself to go onto the app.” was “approachable” yet hoped her On the other hand, Sydney Matthews presence on campus was “not get’23 explains: “I either make my Tikting more attention than the game.” Toks at school during my frees, before TikToks have even found their advisory with my friends, or at home way into the classroom. Jennifer while procrastinating homework.” Roach’s English 10 students made Like many Hopkins stua TikTok to wrap up Macbeth while dents, Lilly DeLise ’20 “downloaded Ian Guthrie’s Atlantic Communities TikTok as a joke and now [is] adII students made TikToks in groups dicted.” DeLise said she mainly for a unit review. Chris Takoudes “makes TikToks for [her] friends, but ’22, a student in Guthrie’s ACII keeps them as private, or comments class explained the assignment: on funny TikToks found on [her] For “Guthrie had us make a History TikYou page.” Her most famous TikTok Tok by choosing four terms from a comment amassed over 6,000 likes. long list to include in the TikTok. Victoria Aromolaran ’20 said she For example, our group reviewed downloaded TikTok in November to the Election of 1824, so we used “make dance videos to export and post The Corrupt Bargain, Andrew Jackon [her] Instagram.” She now “posts son, Henry Clay, and John Quincy Ty Eveland ’22 Adams. Creating the video helped whatever [she] wants from dance videos to comedy bits” and soon me to see how multiple terms and hopes to post singing videos as well. Sophomore Ty Eveland ’22 has over 5.5 people tied together in the unit.” million likes across all of his TikToks. While most Hopkins stuTalia Chang ’22 took her hisdents have anywhere from zero to 50 followers, Ty Eve- tory TikToks one step further and created an Instagram land ’22 (@tythecrazyguy) has over 38 thousand fol- account (@historytiktoks) to showcase bits of her history lowers and 5.5 million likes across all his videos. “Most knowledge through TikToks. “In my history classes, I’ve of my videos come to me randomly during class. If learned a lot of really interesting, yet complex and compliKatherine Takoudes ’20 Senior Features Editor
cated information. I thought it would be fun to create simple and memorable videos about historical concepts to help my friends understand their material,” explained Chang. While Chang enjoys creating both “historically based and current political event based TikToks,” her favorite TikToks to make are those that “discuss Western obliviousness.”
Ellie Collier ’23
Jenny Alaska ’22, Dixie D’Amelio, Sofia Karatzas ’22, and Ellie Collier ’23 pose at the Volleyball FAA Finals Game between Hopkins and King. TikToks even made an appearance at the 2019 Holiday Assembly. Senior Class President Burton LyngOlsen ’20 explained his choice to incorporate senior made TikToks into a Five Golden Rings Skit: “Even if you don’t know what a TikTok is, they are videos that everyone can laugh at; the trend has managed to spread from sevies to seniors.” After Lyng-Olsen played a handful of senior TikToks, Ryan Caine ’20 dressed as TikTok star Charli D’Amelio to dance for the school. “I practiced for maybe half an hour in the Upper Athletic Center bathrooms to learn the dance,” said Caine, “I’m not really much of a dancer myself, so I can’t speak for [D’amelio’s] talent, but I do respect [D’amelio] for putting herself out there on social media.” Aniskovich explained why so many students continue to use the app: “TikTok isn’t scripted as much as Netflix. It’s not edited like YouTube. The videos are short and easy to follow. As students, we don’t have much free time and often have short attention spans, so the 15 second clips are a perfect source of entertainment.”
Peter Sachs: Private Investigator, Attorney, Photographer Aanya Panyadahundi ’23 Hopkins students see Peter Sachs every day on campus. Working as one of the campus security guards, he spends the majority of his day in either the Knollwood or Forrest gate house. As of now, Sachs has worked at Hopkins for seven years. He came here through a private detective agency he has worked at for seventeen years. Sachs was trained as a lawyer, and he started in the private detective business as an attorney. However, practicing law was not his “favorite thing in the world” so he trained to be a security guard, keeping his position as a private detective. Sachs describes his job, as “ensuring campus safety and security for all the people on campus.” A typical day in his job lasts from around 7:00 a.m. and goes until 6:00 p.m., consisting of rotations between the two parking lot gate houses. It is a priority of theirs to “make sure everyone coming on and off campus is invited, a student, or is an employee.” To enforce this, they do their best to maintain access control to prevent people who are not supposed to be at school from being there. In his interview with The Razor,
Sachs motioned towards a computer screen he moved to Florida where he obtained his service provider company and worked in the gate house which displays live feeds helicopter pilot’s license and worked in an with it for around ten years before gofrom cameras placed all around campus to aviation field. He then moved to Califor- ing into the private detective business. the gate house. He and his colleagues mon- nia to work in Hollywood. He enrolled in Sachs credits his father with beitor these throughout the day. college when he was twenty-seven. After ing the most influential person in his life. In addition to the camera sys- his graduation, Sachs returned to Con- While he was inspired by both parents tem, there are also frequent patrols around necticut to attend Quinnipiac University growing up, his father inspired Sachs’ campus and within the career interest. “He too buildings. Sachs’s job also Peter Sachs was an attorney and was consists of greeting and inprobably the reason I structing visitors on where ended up going into law.” to go, as he is often the Sachs enjoys first person new people see photography in his spare when entering Hopkins. time. He was inspired by He said, “We get an awful a relative and started at amount of visitors for inthe age of fourteen. Sachs’ terviews or shadow days.” passion for photograIt is his job to help answer phy carried on throughany questions they may out his life, eventually have as well as monitors leading him to work at the departure of visitors. 20th Century Fox for a Sachs’s duty is to also parcouple of years. To this ticipate in investigations day, Sachs always keeps of any security issues that a camera by his side in arise (if they are necessary). the gate house and is on Growing up fairly the lookout for the Hopclose to Hopkins, Sachs kins wildlife, including Peter Sachs uses his drone to take aerial photographs of campus. spent most of his childthe occasional bald eahood in Orange and attended Amity High School of Law. Around the same time, in gles. You can find his pictures scatSchool in Woodbridge. After high school, the mid 90’s, he also started an internet tered throughout the Hopkins webpage.
The Razor: Features
Page 4
February 7, 2020
Hopkins School’s Complex Relationship with Native Peoples Julia Kosinski Features Editor In the September 2017 issue of The Razor, Eli Sabin ’18 wrote an article titled “Hopkins School’s Relationship with Slavery,” in which he assessed the implications of how we remember our namesake and original benefactor, Edward Hopkins. As a result, a committee made up of Assistant Head of School John Roberts, History Teacher Thomas Peters, History Teacher Tisha Hooks, as well as Elena Brennan ’20 have worked to address the questions raised in Sabin’s article. However, what began as an investigation into Edward Hopkins’s relationship with slavery soon evolved to encompass his involvement with the Native tribes of Connecticut. As Roberts remarked, “The story of Edward Hopkins is the story of English settlement and expansion at the expense of Native people.” This research has far reaching implications for the Hopkins community as we reflect on our anniversary. Roberts touched on the complexity of what this history means for Hopkins: “You have to do more than just satisfy your institutional conscience. I believe that, given our history, and given the complexity of the mid-1600s, we not only have an institutional obligation and responsibility, but also an awesome opportunity to teach how to do good history, and how to deal with complex moments of the past.” Brennan shared a similar motivation for joining the research committee: “My initial interest stemmed from my love for local history. I was excited to gain more hands-on research experience in New Haven. Additionally, I needed to help hold Hopkins and myself accountable. While no one at Hopkins today played a role in the Pequot Genocide, each and every one of us has benefited from it. I find it imperative that, as a school, we confront this undeniable truth.” While the committee has spent countless hours exploring local museums, archives, libraries, and historical societies in pursuit of the true story of Edward Hopkins’s connection with Native tribes in Connecticut, the search is far from complete. “We do not want to conclude
this historical inquiry until we are really confident that other minor conflicts between tribes as well as between we have found everything we can possibly find-- because tribes and settlers. We also know that Hopkins’s estate one or two pieces of new information could completely included an unnamed slave. What we do not know, and change the story. That’s how fragmentary the evidence what the committee is in the process of investigating, and primary sources of the 1600s are,” Roberts explained. is whether this slave was Native American or African. Although we do not have the full story yet, we In addition to Edward Hopkins’s role in the early know that before European colonization, Connecticut was history of the Connecticut colony, we know that our bethe home of many Native tribes including the Pequot, Jemma Williams Mohegan, and Quinnipiac. We know that Edward Hopkins played a key role in the subjugation of Native people in Connecticut; as governor, deputy governor, and magistrate of Connecticut, Hopkins was instrumental in the affairs of the Connecticut colony. On September 21, 1638, Hopkins negotiated and signed the Treaty of Hartford, a tripartite treaty between England and their Native American allies in the Pequot War-- the Mohegan and Narragansett. This treaty eradicated the Pequot tribe. The treaty divided the two hundred surviving Pequots who were not taken captive by the British among the Mohegans and Narragansett tribes. The Pequots were forbidden to call themselves Pequots and unable to live in their former territory. The Pequot members taken by the British were sold into slavery Eva Brander Blackhawk ’20 poses for a photo with Megan Red Shirtin New England or sent to the West Indies. This treaty Shaw who spoke at Assembly for Native American Heritage Month. also empowered Hopkins and other Colonial leaders to become the arbiter of any disputes between the two tribes. loved hill was once home to the Quinnipiac tribe. DeciWe also know that in 1641 and 1642, Hopkins mated by an epidemic that was introduced by Europeans served as one of two representatives from Connecticut in in 1633, the English pressure the remaining Quinnipiac the newly formed New England Confederation which ar- to sell their lands throughout the remainder of the 1600s ranged for the division of spoils from Native American with unjust policies and laws. In 1638, the Quinnipiac conflict “whether it be in lands, goods, or persons.” We and English signed the Momauguin treaty that established know that when Hopkins was involved in the commis- the first Native American reservation in America, a 1200 sion that warned the Nameoke people that if they refused acre plot of land to the East of the New Haven harbor that Mohegan authority, the Mohegans would “have order the Quinnipiac were confined to. By the outbreak of the and liberty by constraint to enforce them.” Later, Hop- American Revolution, after decades of Puritan encroachkins became the decider of where the Nameoke people ment and ethnic cleansing, the few Quinnipiac people would live. In addition to officiating these major trea- left in New Haven sold the last thirty acres of Quinnipiac ties and disputes, during his years as governor and dep- land to fund their emigration to Farmington where they uty governor, Hopkins acted as the arbitrator in many joined the Tunxis tribe and ceased to exist autonomously.
The Native Experience at Hopkins: An Interview with Eva Brander Blackhawk As Hopkins commemorates its 360 anniversary this year, how will the school acknowledge its connection to Native American erasure in Connecticut? In the Calarco Library stairwell history display, the narrative that Hopkins presents is missing any acknowledgement of the Native people who once lived on what is now Hopkins’s campus, and Edward Hopkins’ involvement. The expansive 1660 and 360 campaigns glorify the length of Hopkins’s history, but fail to recognize its weight. We asked Eva Brander Blackhawk of the Western Shoshone Te-Moak tribe to share a glimpse of what it means to be Native at Hopkins, and to share her perspective on the importance recognizing Native history.
tive student because it is exhausting to explain that Native people still exist. It is embarrassing to always be the one to speak up. Sometimes, it’s easier to be complicit than to be brave. Sometimes, it’s too tiring to stand up for myself and I let people say racist, ignorant things because I don’t want to have to be the person always fighting for things to be better. I also get a lot of comments about my race that are hurtful. When I was applying to colleges, people told me that I would only get into college because I’m Native. This discredits the work that I do and the person I am. This comment implies that people are surprised that someone who’s Native American is getting into a college. The same people who label me Could you share how it feels to be a Naas a “diversity checkbox” don’t realize tive student at Hopkins? that these colleges only have maybe 30 Without any Native teach- Native students maximum. Ask yourself ers, faculty, coaches, or mentors there why colleges don’t have Native students, is no one at Hopkins that I can talk to and why Hopkins doesn’t, instead of makabout being Native. When there are no ing assumptions about me and my race. other Native students or faculty, I beAnother common comment I get gin to question myself; I cannot help is “are you really Native?” which is hurtbut feel that I am weird and don’t fit in. ful because they’re implying that I’m not Especially in Native Monica Jorge a period of my enough. life where I am When you trying to figask me if ure out who I I am “ream and who I ally Nawant to be, it tive” you is crushing to are perhave no way petuating to connect to an archaic such a big part way to of myself. I erase Naam lucky to tive peohave my dad, Ned Blackhawk, Brander Blackhawk’s father, gives a speech on ple. The his Native stuUnderstanding Indigenous Enslavement. people who dents at Yale, make these and his help in finding Native com- comments (and are white) never have munities. I’m grateful to have his help their race questioned. No one says “you’re and knowledge, but I can’t find my own white so getting into college is easier for Native identity when my dad is my you,” despite almost every college beonly connection to any Native identity. ing largely white. No one ever says, It is also difficult to be a Na-
“Are you really Italian? How Italian are you?” People don’t doubt the legitimacy of being white, but people constantly try to assert that I am not Native enough. In my time at Hopkins I’ve been scared and ashamed of my Native identity. I have not spoken up despite seeing these problems for six years. It is hard to not feel guilty about not doing something sooner. And the darker truth is that I struggle with these things because, for generations, people have tried to kill native people and native culture. Why is it important to acknowledge and understand Hopkins’s connection with the Native people of Connecticut? History informs and is present in everything we do. My dad, the first ever Native full-time professor at any Ivy League, teaches Native history at Yale so I have been taught to appreciate Native history and the ways it manifests. I think it is important to acknowledge and understand the history so that we are informed in the ways we choose to live our current lives and the ways we hope to live in the future. A complete understanding of this country requires knowing about the people who lived here before European colonization and who still live in this country. The isolation and shame I felt around my Native identity has come from the legacies of colonization. The reason my grandfather does not want to share and pass on knowledge of their culture is because they were so deeply traumatized by boarding schools that punished them for having this culture. Why am I one of the only Native students at Hopkins? What happened to the Native people who were in this area? Why don’t they go to Hopkins? What do you want the Hopkins community to learn and or gain from this research? I hope that students at Hopkins can learn that, to some extent, they have been lied to. To market Hopkins so aggressively as “1660” and “360 years” without
even remotely addressing the historical weight this has is not only inaccurate to that history, but perpetuates the cycle of ignoring and erasing Native history and culture. I hope that Hopkins students can question what they are taught and what is missing. I hope they can question the way they live at Hopkins, what’s missing from that, and think about how many people do not get the same opportunity. I hope that teachers at Hopkins can continue to try their hardest to teach truthfully and completely about their subjects and that they learn more about Native history and culture and teach more about it. I hope the school institutionally can do better. I know they can. There is so much that Hopkins can do to give back to Native communities in Connecticut and to establish a relationship with those communities. There are many other schools that are setting examples; it’s time Hopkins follows these examples. I hope that Native people at Hopkins feel less alone and I hope they know they should not be ashamed of their culture. They should be allowed to embrace it. I want to make the community and school I wish I had. I also hope that Native people at Hopkins can feel confident enough to continue to push for greater inclusion for other Native people. I ultimately hope that someday there will be a Native community within the community of Hopkins. How do you hope this history is acknowledged or displayed at Hopkins? A very common way to recognize the history of Native genocide and colonization is through a land recognition. Many schools also offer students Native to the land on which the school was founded free or lowered tuition. For example, McGill has free tuition for all Native people from Canada or the United States. Many schools also have written commitments to hiring or recruiting students of different minority races. I think at the very least Hopkins needs a land acknowledgement and a commitment to more diversity.
Surviving the Senior Grind Eleanor Doolittle ’20 Editor-in-Chief
First term senior year has come to a close, and having lived through the grueling college process, copious amounts of work, and the crushing blow of rejection (or deferral) I write to those who may be stressed, defeated, or cautious of the future beyond the security gates of Hopkins. Tip one: Dodge the “What are you majoring in” question: Hearing you’re a senior, I have found that there are two pressing questions. One, is, “Do you know which
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college you are attending,” and the second, “What’s your major?” This question has been a source of angina since the very beginning: the Common Application. But when asked in person, probably by elderly relatives, family friends, or even the man at the glasses store angina can evolve into sudden heart attack. I am seventeen! Am I supposed to know what I want to do with the rest of my life? For those who seem to have it all figured out, I envy you. Seniors can avoid this question in one of two ways. The more socially acceptable options is an uncomfortably quiet laugh paired with a polite “not yet.” Personally, I make up a new major every time, and see the mixed reactions. A few highlights have been Bagpiping, Canadian Studies, Floral Design, and Puppeteering. Tip two: Rejection happens. Here at Hopkins, many got happy news the day their
“I am seventeen! Am I supposed to know what I want to do with the rest of my life?”
Jon Schoelkopf ’22 depicts the suffering wildlife in Austrialia
dream school released binding early decisions. However, even more get a first taste of cold rejection. I mean, what is harder than a “no thanks” from a dream school? Perhaps deferral, the dreaded in between. College rejections are degrading and stressful. Everyone tells you, “It is going to be alright.” But the self doubt inflicted after being turned away from a top choice can make the future seem daunting. It is hard to live with doubt and uncertainty, and it can be hard to accept what we cannot control. Everyone will be turned away at some point - jobs, relationships, gyms, classes, clubs. We bloom where we are planted, and it will be okay. Tip Three: Don’t let life Pass Too Quickly. I was a freshman yesterday, truly. Don’t be too rushed to leave high school, whether you’re a freshman, sophomore, junior, or second term senior. Life passes too quickly as it is, no need to be stressing for the future when you can enjoy the now. Sorry, I know that was cheesy. Spend time with your friends! Have dinner with the family! Make time for adventures! Juniors, it gets worse before it gets better. I thought there could not be a more rigorous workload than junior year, but at that point, I didn’t comprehend the amount of time taken over by college supplements, campus tours, and interviews. Sophomores, be prepared, but don’t take life too seriously. You are in that in-between year of high school, which can be wonderful, but also awkward. Freshman, don’t even begin to think about what comes next. You have just turned to your first chapter of high school—do not take things too seriously yet. Junior Schoolers, have fun! It can be an awkward time as the babies of the school, but you’ve got this. I suppose the best advice for that would be work hard, but not too hard. The next adventure awaits, it will all be okay!
The Future of Gene Editing Saira Munshani ’20 Senior Op/Ed Editor
Almost immediately after the incident, scientists called a moratorium “on all clinical uses of human germline editing — that is, changing heritable DNA (in sperm, eggs or embryos) to make genetically modified children,” as cited from an article published in Nature in March of 2019. The goal of the moratorium was not to completely halt all CRISPR related research. Instead, scientists hoped to establish limits on the use of clini-
Gene editing and therapy, like Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR), are revolutionizing the way we view and treat disease. There are many factors to consider such as the larger effects of seemingly small changes on an individual’s genome and the over arching ethics. The use of CRISPR spans disciplines - science, technology, politics - which makes it harder to find a single answer regarding regulation. The search for a universal protocol and limit becomes more complex with every scientific advancement. Two years ago, Dr. He Jiankui of the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China, modified human embryos with CRISPR. The father was HIV-positive, so Dr. He and his team used a CRISPR system to prevent his children from contracting the disease as well. Scientists have long been searching for a way to prevent HIV-enabling pathways in order to eradicate the disease. With the use of modern laboratory techniques and knowledge of CRISPR, Dr. He and his team used CRISPR to knock out the CCR5 gene, which allows HIV to enter immune cells and infect them, in embryos that were a day old. He did this with sixteen embryos and implanting them in wombs, he achieved a viable pregnancy. In November 2018, as a result of Dr. He’s work, twin girls were born healthy. This sparked a myriad of questions from scientists all over the world. Would the changes to the genome cause issues for the twins later in life? Is it ethical to impact the DNA that will be passed down for generations? Who gets access to CRISPR related technologies? Gene editing has revolutionized how we think about disease prevention cal genetic editing in order to investigate the ethics surrounding altering the human genome. Authorities later revealed that Dr. He forged ethical documents and misled doctors into implanting the edited embryos. There is still little known about his exact activities; however, Dr. He was sentenced to three years in jail for his actions this past December. CRISPR research is still ongoing and studies that eliminate the risk of heritable changes have been successful. For instance, Dr. Haydar Frangoul in Tennessee has been able to modify bone marrow cells inside a sickle cell disease patient’s body so that they create a protein which helps to alleviate the effects of the disease. These advancements are happening all over the world - the same type of modified sickle cells are helping another patient in Germany. In contrast to Dr. He’s work, bioethicists are now heavily involved every step of the way, and work with the scientists, doctors, and patients. Determining the definitive and ethical uses of CRISPR is a persistent process. Currently, many studies involve systems in vivo (live animal experiments) and in vitro (experiments on isolated cells), and these will help provide insight into how CRISPR can be most effectively used. Whether it be to create “knockout” versions of a gene for transcriptional repression/activation, or for patient treatment, this technology has the power to change our world forever. CRISPR is unlike other scientific advancements because of its multifaceted impact on society. It is up to both scientists and citizens to find a balance between globally spanning advancements of CRISPR and the ethics of implementing it.
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Welcoming New Artwork to the Keater Gallery ued, “if we can trust, this fear of divide can be eroded.” Soon, conversations were flowing and the process of creating the weekly cartoon began. Sloan described On Friday January 10, writer Jake Halpern the rapid process: “The script went through an editorial and artists Michael Sloan and Adeebah Alnemar vis- process at The New York Times before I received it, usuited Hopkins and spoke with the community through ally on a Monday morning, and the final art for the comassembly speeches, panels, discussions, and time spent ic was due on Thursdays. Then I emailed the completed in the Keator Gallery. While they have all produced sketch to the editors and Jake by Wednesday morning. work on their own, it was their joint project, a cartoon Finally I emailed the art to the Times by the end of the day Thursday. I think the digital version John Galayda came out on Friday (the print version came out on Sunday).” Despite the rapid process, it was rewarding for Sloan - “It was always a thrill to see the episodes published in the Times’ Sunday Review section, and to share it with my family.” While Sloan drew the cartoons, the illustrations still involved a level of collaboration. Sloan created the cartoons by first “drawing a pencil sketch, placing Jake’s text into speech balloons in each panel so I’d know how much room there would be left over to sketch the visuals.” After discussions about the accuracy of his sketch, he “traced it onto a sheet of Bristol board paper and begin inking. Then I scanned the finished inked drawing into Photoshop, added color, Adeebah Alnemar, Naji Aldabaan, and Ibrahim Aldabaan visited Hopkins and formatted the art for both the print to share their journey amd talk about Welcome to the New World. and digital versions of the newspaper.” The drawing process would involve lots of called Welcome to the New World, that brought them together and was the focus of their time at Hopkins. dialogue and feedback between Sloan, Halpern, and Welcome to the New World focuses on Adeebah’s the Alnemar family to make sure that the pictures, family, who fled Syria, went to Jordan, and after getting like the dialogue, painted an accurate picture of their approved to come to the US, arrived on election day in life in Syria and their journey since then. Sloan de2016. Halpern said, “This family has landed in one coun- scribed, “it was a collaboration between me, Jake, try and woke up the next day in another country.” Halpern and the refugee family, requiring face-to-face meetmet the family soon after they landed, and since then has ings and time spent together getting to know one developed a close relationship with them through telling another, exchanging ideas, and developing trust.” The dialogue was a similarly collaborative protheir story. He explained how, “a lot of people who survive these sorts of things - they don’t talk,” but the Aldabaan- cess. Halpern described the process for writing the diaAlnemar family soon wanted to share their experience. logue in the cartoon: “I would go out there every week Alnemar said she chose to speak to Halpern and get the update, asking questions, taking notes. This because “I just want to see how I can save my family. family made it easier. Looking at my notes, now I had to I had been in America for one month. We wanted to turn it into a scene. Outlines, blanks. When I had my diashow the real side of the Middle East, not the side that logue, I’d go back a third time.” The third time focused on the media shows.” Halpern agreed that telling their making sure the dialogue was true to what actually hapstory went beyond giving a simple tale of a family who pened; Halpern recalled the discussions the Alnemars moved to America; he could, “get the truth out there had when going over the dialogue: “I didn’t say it just and the truth will do something to tell about the tyran- like that. How did you say it? I said it a bit more like this.” ny and oppression of this (Syrian) regime,” He continContinued on page 7 Lily Meyers ’20 Senior Arts Editor
February 7, 2020
A 360 View of the Arts Zach Williamson ’22 Assistant Arts Editor In early November of last year, Hopkins rolled out the Hopkins 360 Plan, announcing to the community a set of ambitious objectives spanning nearly all departments on campus. The plan focuses on programmatic growth, while maintaining equity between departments. A significant focus will be the construction of a new theater and home for the performing arts here at Hopkins. Though conversations about the Hopkins 360 Plan started in 2015, strategic planning began in earnest when Head of School Dr. Kai Bynum started at Hopkins in 2016. In order to get the full scope of perspectives within the Hopkins community, discussions for the plan involved everyone from members of the Committee of Trustees to alumni to then-current Hopkins students. “We started a number of conversations in faculty meetings, focus groups, and subcommittees of the Board of Trustees with trustees, faculty, and staff involved,” said Bynum, “We also had an alumni survey and about twelve parent gatherings.” The foundations of this plan went beyond such meetings, however, also looking at economic and population trends within Connecticut. In subcommittees for arts-centric aspects of the program, Arts Department faculty member Derek Byron and department chair Robert Smith were major advocates for the needs of their department. Byron defined the 360 Plan as “at its core very much about bridging the arts and sciences: bringing interdisciplinary opportunities, un-siloing a lot of Continued on page 7 John Galayda
Head of School Kai Bynum presents the Hopkins 360 Plan on the Hopkins Instagram
A Flood of Streaming Services Chiu Yen Vergara ’23 According to a CNBC survey, 57% of Americans have some form of streaming service. Big entertainment streaming companies such as Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ compete for viewership while trying to differentiate themselves from the others. Netflix is amongst one of the most popular streaming services due to its large assortment of binge-worthy films, including Netflix originals. However, the amount of content can be overwhelming. History teacher Sarah Belbita said, “There’s just too much. We’ll say ‘there’s nothing to watch’ and have literally thousands of shows at our fingertips.” When comparing Netflix to other streaming services, Assistant Director of Admissions Carolyn Traester said, “there’s better original content and so much of it. Also no hidden costs, everything John Galayda is included. You don’t have to pay extra for certain movies or shows.” Netflix has a variety of genres users can choose from; however, Channing Malkin ’23 said, “Netflix is taking everything off, specifically The Office and John Aslanian ’21 watches Disney+ in Upper Heath.
Friends and adding more Netflix originals.” In terms of pricing, Netflix leans toward the more expensive range, charging 12.99 a month. Hulu is a streaming service filled with a variety of different TV series and movies. The streaming service provides the user with new episodes shortly after they air. Ava Littman ’23 enjoys the service because “you can watch the Bachelor right after it comes out.” Hulu offers a basic subscription plan for 5.99 a month but the charges for Live TV are higher. However, the Live TV option presents some enticing opportunities, like the ability to stream sports games when they air. For example, Sebaga ’23 enjoys it because “I can watch the Australian Open live.” Shoshana Epstein ’23 “Hulu has a variety of shows and different networks like ABC; however, some shows require you to watch ads.” Also, compared to other streaming services, Hulu lacks engrossing originals. Amalia Tuchmann ’23 pointed out another setback: “Hulu has so many shows, but you can’t download films.” A Hulu Premium account provides an option to download films for users who are willing to pay a higher subscription price. Disney+ is the newest streaming service. It debuted in November of 2019. Disney+ is quite popular among the younger audience. Reagan Botti ’23 described the streaming service: “Disney+ has all the throwbacks; the shows we grew up watching.” The streaming service has tons of Disney content available for users to stream. Arts and Math teacher Chris DeVona said,“Disney+ is my favorite streaming service, but the content selection is somewhat limited.” Recent movies and new content such as Disney originals will be added to the streaming service in 2020. Disney+ charges 6.99 a month. The user will have access to Disney originals, Pixar movies, Star Wars, Marvel, National Geographic, and other Disney Channel shows/movies. When asked why he likes Disney+, Jonathan Leite ’23 replied he “enjoys watching The Mandelorian and Marvel movies.” Sarah Roberts commented that while she loves the variety between the different services (she has Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+), the plethora of sources bas brought some unseen challenges: “I can’t remember all my passwords!” Head of School Kai Bynum commented, “So many options and so little time.”
The Razor: Arts
February 7, 2020
Hopkins 360 and the Arts mented Bynum. “It amazes me to see the beauty of the performances that our kids put on with the direction of Hope, Mike, and the rest of the team. It’s astonishing, and we want to do what we can to make sure that the excellence of Eleanor Doolittle ’20 that experience is sustained in the long term.” The concept of sustainability came up multiple times in conversation with Lovell Hall, Hopkins’ hub for drama and film Bynum about production. the 360 Plan. He placed particular emlarge part of this push for phasis on the importance of departmental collabora- sustainability to see HDA tion will be realized in “a and the drama department maker space and flexible last for as long as possible, classrooms” that will “sup- remarking, “At Hopkins, port [Hopkins’] STEM ini- academics are prominent, tiatives and project-based and rightly so. We’re proud learning experiences.” of that. But, we also care Although addi- about programmatic baltions of a maker space and ance. It’s vital that we cona new fitness space are also tinue to celebrate and supin the works, a new theater port the Arts department. and performing arts space We have an excellent prois at the forefront of plans gram, and it’s an integral for new facilities on cam- part of the community.” pus. Though Lovell Hall Sustainability has undergone several mi- came up in a different light nor renovations in its sixty- in discussion with Elizayear history, the Hopkins beth Roy ’20, an avid memDrama Association (HDA) ber of the HDA commuand The Razor’s major on- nity. Roy asserted, “I want campus hub has yet to see a new theater as much as any major refurbishments. the next member of HDA, “Lovell is not a great place, but I think we need to lay let’s just say that,” com- a groundwork of the intanContinued from page 6. department and student relationships, and bringing together a larger collaboration. According to details on the Plan’s website (hopkins360plan.com), a
gible things first. Before we build a new space, we need to have enough funding for a tech director, as well as higher lighting, costuming, and general production budgets. The amazing work Hope and Mike do to put on these great shows needs to be supported by proper administrative support. A new theater is the ultimate goal, but, without the funding and support, we won’t be ready for it.” As with any strategic planning effort, the 360 Plan’s success is very much dependent on funding. Bynum commented, “This is not the first time we’ve had a conversation about trying to build a new theater; previous discussions have fizzled out because we haven’t been able to raise the funds for it. The benefit of those early conversations is that we have a pretty good sense of what the needs are.” So what can the average Hopkins student do to get involved? “Keep delivering amazing performances!” said Bynum. “As we embark on raising money for this, it’s going to be a community effort, and what gets people excited is seeing the kids do excellent work every performance. For me, that’s the most golden thing, when we see this energy that’s coming from you.”
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WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD tors that I decided to become one myself. My first published illustration appeared in The New York Times Op Ed page; I liked seeing my work in print, and decided that this was something I wanted to pursue.” For Alnemar, her career as an artist developed with her journey out of Syria and to the US. Similar to Sloan, she had always enjoyed drawing; she said, “It was a hobby from God. When I was in middle school, they used to call me ‘the artist Adeebah.’ Whenever there was a test about drawing, my friends used to ask me for help.” While her drawing started out as purely a hobby, “when I came to Jordan, while it was something I had John Galayda kept for myself, I knew I had to open it - it would help my family.” While at first she, “thought I was a normal artist,” when, “I came to Jordan and started working hard, I saw was good and that women can do anything.” Since then, Alnemar has continued drawing in charcoal. She chose charcoal because it “describes both sadness and hope at the same time.” She explained Welcome to the New World illustrator Michael Sloan, her process, saying, “I like to pictured in the Keator Gallery. start drawing when it’s all quiet and when I can sit down and think. Somesider’s perspective who can step back. times, I’m in so much pain that I can’t hold I hope people get the right picture, rac- the pencil of draw, but sometimes I feel the ism stops - that’s why we tell our story.” pain and emotion and I draw anyway.” In Before coming together for Wel- her drawings she tries to “send a message of come to the New World, Halpern, Sloan, how I lived, how I had a hard time. I bring and Alnemar all discovered their passions in real events, and when I add them into for writing and making art along separate art, I can explain real things happening.” paths. Halpern worked in internships at Alnemar said, “I always try to many publications along the way, includ- send a message to people. You can see ing being a copy boy at The New Republic. some sadness in my pictures, but I alSloan knew he had a passion for drawing ways try to put colors and happiness, early on: “I’ve been drawing since I was because after every dark time is a light two or three years old. I went to the Rhode one.” You can read Welcome to the New Island School of Design, though it wasn’t World on The New York Times website and until I moved to New York City several see Alnemar’s artwork at adeebah.com. years later and met some freelance illustraContinued from page 6. Halpern also drew information from outside the family, “calling people who I know in Jordan, fact checking to get as close to the truth.” While the process to make the cartoon realistic was strenuous at times, it was worth it for everyone involved. Halpern commented, “I don’t want a Syrian to read it and say, this is not right.” He knew that as a white man in the US, “you could look at this and think, you should not be writing this story,” but he “also had faith that sometimes it’s good to have an out-
Artist of the Issue: Corinne Evans ’20 Sophia Zhao ’23
Corinne Evans ’20 has been a crucial part of the Hopkins Drama Association (HDA) since her sophomore year, and since then has worked on thirteen HDAproductions. Evans got involved in theater when a few of her friends were acting in Canterbury Tales, so she decided to try out for running crew. She became the Assistant Stage Manager (ASM) of Heathers: The Musical and in the past two years she has been an essential part of HDA’s shows, going Peter Mahakian
Evans working backstage as PSM for Hamlet.
on to stage manage shows including Hamlet this past fall. When asked about the nature of her role as Production Stage Manager, she explained, “I think of stage managing in two parts: rehearsal stage management and mid-show stage management. During rehearsal, I am in charge of noting where the actors stand and how they move on the stage as well and writing rehearsal reports
with notes on technical elements that need to be completed before opening night. I also make sure actors learn their lines and blocking, as well as working with Mike and Hope with various tech jobs - constructing the set, figuring out actors’ and set pieces’ traffic patterns, and creating the light and sound cues, for example.” Evans continued, “During the show, I sit in the booth on a headset connected to the Assistant Stage Manager backstage and the sound and light operators in the booth. I’m in charge of calling the show. That means I tell the lights and sound people when they should play their cues. For example, when a show starts, I make sure everyone in the audience is in the theater before calling ‘lights go,’ signalling to the lights technician to dim the house.” She went on, “My role changes with every show, just as actors are cast in different roles. So far I’ve been Production Stage Manager, but I’ve also filled other roles, like ASM, runner, house, lights/sound for cabaret or Haunted House.” Evans’ favorite part about stage managing is being in the booth and calling the show. She went into more depth, explaining, “I think it adds an artistic element to my role. When you call a show there’s a certain rhythm to it. You have to time lights with sound cues and think about what each audience member is experiencing and how you make it simultaneously unnoticeable but correct to them. If the sound cue comes too late, it’ll seem wrong. If things don’t work out and aren’t designed perfectly, the audience will be distracted from what they should be focusing on: the show, the actors, and the characters.” Her favorite plays to stage manage have been Hamlet and Anon(ymous). She recalled of the latter, “It was the first show I stage managed; it was really fun because we had tons of cues, a great cast, and really cool lighting and set effects.” When asked about any particular memories from her time as part of HDA, she said, “I remember with Anon(ymous) we had a bit of a disaster on opening night. An actor got his shoelace stuck in a large set piece he had been moving on
stage. As a scene was happening on top of the set piece, the whole audience could see him crouching underneath. We had to cut his shoelace off, but it all worked out in the end.” Highpoint Pictures
She plans on continuing with theater in the future, saying, “I’m hoping to do it at least in college. When I get out of college I probably want to do community theater.” She explained, “I think I will not continue into arts as my career but I do hope to continue to do theater tech as a side hobby.” While reflecting on her experience as part of HDA, she said, “It has taught me a lot about managing people. I’ve learned a lot about the technical side of putting on a show, too - how the light board works, how you connect the light board to the actual physical light, and the same with the sound board. I’m expecting to learn a bit about microphones during the musical. I learned a lot during Hamlet about theater ‘tech theory’ What’s the best way to light a stage with three point or four point lighting? Just interesting things you wouldn’t have really thought of.”
Wrestlers Rally Throughout the Season Cyrus Sadeghi ’23
You have to fight to win. Though this is a figure of speech in most sports, it’s a reality on the wrestling mat at Hopkins. The team, which has members of all ages and of different genders, is “one of the hardest working teams,” according to captain Brandon Smith ’20. Their work ethic is reflected by the sacrifices the team makes so they can be successful.
Coach Adam Sperling gives pointers to Pearson Hill ’23.
To start, the wrestlers must watch what they eat. This includes avoiding “junk food,” said Pearson Hill ’23. Smith said,“Wrestlers know that eating that extra cookie might cause problems with keeping their weight where it needs to be.” Tanner Lee ’23 explained, “wrestlers have to be under a certain weight to wrestle in a match;” any variance from their weight can disqualify the wrestlers from participating in a match, so wrestlers know that it’s crucial to make sure their weight is “on point,’’ said Pearson.
February 7. 2020
At practice, you can expect to see all types of have wrestled to their limits, the coaches give out poker wrestlers, but one individual stands out: Izzy Melchinger chips to certain players who excelled. This includes, said ’21, who is the lone female athlete on the team. Melch- Lee, “grey chips that about two wrestlers get after each inger said, “Being the only girl on the team doesn’t really practice.” He went on to explain the circumstances in which have an impact on me because, once we’re in the room, other tokens are awarded: yellow chips are awarded if a we’re all just wrestlers.” Melchinger encouraged other fe- wrestler places in a tournament, and orange chips are for male athletes to join the when a wresteam; citing that she’s tler “brings been “welcomed and the juice,” accepted” regardless which means of her gender. She de“putting a scribed the team chemlot of good istry as “phenomenal” energy into and the atmosphere a match.” as “enjoyable.” For These chips Melchinger, the switch are rarely to wrestling as a junior awarded, Lee is a “bigger challenge” pointed out. than being the only girl. The last chip In an average (black) is a practice, the wrestlers sort of “man start by doing drills, like of the match the ‘head hunt’ drill. In chip for whothis particular drill, a e v e r … d i d wrestler must try to esthe best.” cape from a position in Hill, a which they are underNew Engneath another wrestler; land chamCoach Adam Sperling and Hopkins Wrestling at the Rumble on the Hill. the wrestler on top must pion as an attempt to stop the other player from escaping. When the eighth-grader, characterized the team as “great.” coaches decide the time is right, they gather everyone to- Smith said that leading the team is “a tremendous hongether. Hill explained that “the coaches first teach us some or.” Though these players are “pushed very hard,” moves, and things we should do, and then when we go live Smith said, “This team looks…challenges dead in [start wrestling], we can work on them…and get better.” the eye and conquers every obstacle in our way.” At the end of every practice, after all the wrestlers
One Big, Happy ‘Swamily’: Hopkins Swim and Dive Melody Cui ’23
coaching style is very strict and he expects that when we get on the board, we never back down and always finish the dive in the pool. Although his coaching is intense at times, he pushes us to do what he believes we are capable of.” Elrick gains the trust of the swimmers and divers by showing them that they can succeed at what they previously thought was impossible. Elrick explained, “I’m never going to have somebody do something that I don’t think they can do. I’m not going to put you in that situation and embarrass you. But if I think you can do it, I know you can do it, and you’ve got to believe in that too.” For all the swimmers, Elrick begins practice with a 45-50 minute warm-up
Heading into a new season always proves challenging, especially with the loss of last year’s seniors. Rita Roberts ’20, one of the captains of the Hopkins Girls Swim and Dive team, reflected that, “There were some quality seniors last year and I miss them a lot.” Nevertheless, the team gained new members, and have already kicked off their season with a win against Kingswood Oxford. At the beginning of the season, everyone on the Swim and Dive team writes down their personal and team goals. Co-captain of the Girls Swim and Dive team, Veronica Yarovinsky ’20, elaborated: “Most of the personal goals are to beat previous record times in specific events, or make finals at the New England Championships. Common overall team goals are to win the FAA’s, avoid Chuck’s jacket practices The Girls Swim Team poses for a picture after a meet. [ e x t r e m e l y difficult practices when someone is caught swim of about 2000 yards. Next, Elrick’s without a jacket], or place in a top spot at main sets focus on stroke technique, endurthe New England Championships.” Every ance, and distance. However, on occasion, time the Hopkins Swim and Dive team the main sets involve time sets, in which the jumps into the pool, they keep these goals swimmers are recorded at race pace. Arin in the back of their head for motivation. Bhandari ’23 described the time set days When it comes to coaching, El- as “the low point of any swim season.” rick admits that he’s “not the guy that’s These sets are notably difficult for all of going to tap you on the back.” New div- the swimmers because Elrick expects them er Arielle Rieder ’23 agreed, “Chuck’s to swim as fast as possible with a short rest.
Among other difficult workouts inside the pool are the challenge sets and threshold sets. In a challenge set, swimmers are split up into different lanes, de-
“‘Stacy’s Mom,’ ‘Country Roads,’ or pretty much any Taylor Swift song are some team favorites for improving everyone’s mood.” This team is a unique size, but
The Swim Team celebrates a teammate’s success in the pool.
pending on skill, and race each other by heat. Each group has to swim a 100 (four laps) ten times within a specific time given by Elrick. After each 100, the allotted time loses two seconds. If they don’t beat the clock, they get out of the pool and cheer their teammates on. Juliette Henderson ’21 said, “I prefer the threshold sets compared to other time sets because they are shorter, and therefore I can push myself harder than when I have rest in between sets.” Elrick includes a series of upper and lower body dryland exercises at the end of each practice. To ease the mental and physical pain of practice, Roberts said, “When someone has a bad day, or the time sets are really challenging, it’s comforting to know that we’re all in the same boat together! We also play fun music to make it a little less miserable.” Yarovinsky agreed, adding that
they are able to bond really well with each other. Steven Broun, ’21 said, “We call ourselves a swamily, and everyone on the team genuinely cares about one another. Even though swimming is an independent sport, we all want each other to improve our records or complete that back dive we’ve been working so hard on.” Despite the mental and physical struggles, swimmers overcome difficulties together. Whether teammates are racing alongside one another in the pool, squatting together after a challenge set, or grabbing brunch at Chip’s after an especially grueling practice, this team really is the “swamily” they call themselves. Jason Guo ’20 remarked, “Regardless of how the meets go, people never quit the team because the best parts are the team dinners, long bus rides, and the close bonds made over time.”