The Razor - October 2021

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Hopkins School 986 Forest Road New Haven, CT

Vol LXVI, no. 8

October 22, 2021

New School Year Brings New Schedule for The Hill

Hopkins has a new schedule for the 2021-22 school year. Changes include longer class periods, adjustments to the middle of the day, and the return of in-person Assemblies. One major alteration is that classes now last 65 minutes instead of 55 minutes. Student opinions vary on the longer class periods. Rohan Kalaria ’24 says that “the new schedule takes some time to get used to; however, once you get used to longer periods and managing free time, the 65 minutes can be used efficiently for getting homework done.” PJ Cooney ’23 states, “The new schedule is beneficial to our overall class experience, but it can become very exhausting at times.” Other students report feeling tired and unable to focus by the end of a period. Nicole Yan ’23 says, “I find myself zoning out on the tail ends of each class period.” Sylvia Franz ’23 agrees, “It’s been tough for me to stay focused in the longer classes.” Another modification to the schedule is the introduction of Community Free Time, a 15 minute block after lunch (except on Mondays) when all students and teaching faculty have no scheduled obligations. Students are split on this addition. Ryan Schatz ’23 attests, “The Community Free Time makes meeting with teachers easier.” By contrast, Chris Ruano ’22 comments, “The 15 minutes … is more symbolic than it is real, especially with the myriad activities that bleed into it.” Community Free Time isn’t the only change to the middle of the day. On Mondays and Fridays, Activities are allotted a 25 minute time slot. Cooney expresses Riley Foushee '23 News Editor

excitement at this addition: “Last @hopkinschoolct year, it was hard for clubs to meet without a scheduled time, so I’m happy that I can do more stuff with clubs this year.” In-person Assembly, after being put on hiatus last year due to Covid-19 risks, has also been moved to the middle of the school day. All-school Assemblies now occur on Mondays on the quad (weather permitting). Shreya Rao ’25 remarks, “I like having Advisory and Assembly in the middle of the day.” Schatz points out, “It’s better to have Assembly in the middle of the day when I’m more awake and focused.” Some facets of last year’s Students were told of the new schedule at orientation. Hybrid Model schedule are being retained, such as having five class The new plan also has some unintended effects. blocks per day and each class meetOne is the homework load. Yan says, “One thing I like ing three times per week. History teacher Megan Maxwell about the new schedule is that I have less homework per is content, but not ecstatic with this system. “The schedule night.” Another effect is time spent hanging out. As Kalarmy first year, with classes that met three times one week ia points out, “Longer free periods mean that I have more then four times the next, was confusing. The Hybrid schedtime to spend with friends.” But these effects are not all ule my second year meant that I didn't see my students positive. Rao states that “the longer classes often make me nearly often enough. I would prefer to get my 200 teaching late to [sports] practice.” minutes with four 55-minute meetings per week, but 195 It is difficult to gauge if there is any consensus reminutes over three meetings is good enough.” Ruano com- garding the new schedule. Perhaps Cooney best represents ments that he “appreciates [the administration’s] response what most are thinking: “It’s only been a month. I’ll wait to student input with less classes per week.” Schatz echoes and reserve my judgement.” the support for this system: “It’s nice to only have five classes per day and only two in the afternoon.”

Hopkins Remembers 9/11 on 20th Anniversary

Kallie Schmeisser '22 Lead News Editor Conor Tomasulo '24 Assistant Editor-At-Large September 11, 2021 was the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, as well as the hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 which, diverted by brave passengers, crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Many of Hopkin's faculty vividly recall September 11, 2001. Librarian Debbie Dubois was working at Hopkins when the attacks occurred. “I came to work at...7:30, as usual, that day. Everything was going along as normal. My phone rang and it was my husband who told me a small plane hit one of the towers - at least that was the initial thought. It was an accident. Shortly after DJ Plante...came in with a TV on a tall cart and set it up in the library classroom…students started coming to the library to see what was happening. We all stood and watched in horror as the second strike happened. The day itself was emotionally exhausting, trying to keep students and teachers alike comforted and calm." In 2001, access to the Internet, and the information within, was far more limited than it is today. Instead of getting their news through phones or computers, the students and faculty of Hopkins got information on the attacks while crowded around a few TVs on campus. History teacher Daniel Levy, who was working in New York, recalls, “I remember looking out the window with the kids and seeing smoke coming from the Towers...I managed to get on one of the last Inside: News........1-2 Features....3-4 Arts...........4-5 Op/Ed.......6 Sports.......7-8

trains going back into Manhattan. I vividly as a nation.” remember the train ride as we went over Charlie Wich ’22 thinks proximity the Manhattan Bridge. I was surrounded and education are key in his understanding by people of many different backgrounds, of 9/11: “Although the attacks were twenty ethnicities, races, and probably religions, years ago, they still feel recent and weighty and we were all eerily quiet. Many had partly because of how they’ve been taught tears in their eyes. I think it was probably to me, but also because of how close New the best depicYork is tion of what it @hopkinschoolct to Hopmeans to be an kins... American I have Since I ever had.” personal For stuly wasn’t dents, the events alive at of 9/11 can seem the time somewhat far of these off. Lara Jasaitis attacks, ’22 states, “OfI have ten, understandrelied ing the appalling heavily events and being on teachable to relate ers to personally [is] educate confus[ing]. We, me." as students, feel J a the momentoussaitis and ness of the day W i c h without being agree that able to immedithey need ately connect.” t h e i r Jasaitis hopes teachers there are ways in order Hopkins gathered for a rememberance Assembly. for folks her age to learn to internalize the and undertrue importance of 9/11: “I think one of the stand the significance of 9/11. Similarly, biggest obstacles is for older generations to Hopkins faculty and staff wrestle with be able to pass on the feelings, stories, and providing the context necessary to reflect depictions to the younger generations [so] on all the consequences that stemmed from as to not only not forget but also not to let that day. English teacher Ian Melchinger this become just another part of our history states, “I'd like our students to consider the Features Page 3: Live Music Returns to Hopkins

Arts Page 5: Mural of Hopkins Alum

heartbreaking rate of suicide among people who served in the military during our country's response to this horrible attack... Those good people have seen and experienced things that we can only guess at.” Melchinger, citing the role violence plays in American culture, continues: “We get very moved and excited by the most explicit and violent moments of a crisis, but the purpose of school and scholarship is to perceive the forces that move those waves to crest." Levy reflects on the messages often attached to the attacks and America’s War on Terror: “Military force alone won’t make us safer, nor will oversimplifying what motivates people who hate our country. Saying that they attacked America because they hate our freedoms is such an oversimplification that it does not get us anywhere." Librarian James Gette thinks it is possible for America to move past the post-9/11 era: “I'm not sure if you [all] can understand how much more fear there was, and how it was a driving force of the country for a long time. Maybe it still is. But it doesn't always have to be that way.” English teacher Terence Mooney suggests that reflecting is how we might understand the lessons of 9/11, “I hope we can heed the many voices framing history, not as past but prologue, and not even passed; all of us continue to be shaped by forces beyond our very lives. As an increasingly interconnected global society, perhaps that might remind each of us the value of humility when facing humanity— when facing one another and ourselves alike.” Op/Ed Page 6: New Schedule Sparks Frusturation

The Razor: News

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October 22, 2021

Global and Local: The Climate Crisis and Hopkins Evie Doolittle ’23 News Editor As we recover from our past year of quarantine, we begin to reflect on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the environment. Members of the Hopkins community speculate that Covid-19 contributes to a worsening climate. Brad Ridky, the Faculty Advisor of the Sustainability Committee (SusCo), states, “Beyond the pile-up of disposable masks and lunch take-out containers (and maybe the temporary drop in CO2 levels as people stayed home), the immediate climate effects of a virus are not so clear.” In order to prevent infections and abide by Covid-19 protocols, we altered our daily lives to include singleuse items. To prevent a Covid-19 outbreak in the school, the Hopkins students body would participate in weekly PCR tests, which entailed single-use nasal swabs. Amalia Tuchmann ’23, an intern for the Climate Health Education Project (CHEP), elaborates on the influence that Covid-19 had on waste production, “On a sustainability level, all the plastic waste that is Covid-related, masks and tests, has generated [and] is not great for the ocean and all of the treatment plants that are receiving it.” Although the environmental changes might be subtle here at Hopkins, the community is still affected by climate change. Colin Gray ’22, head of the Natural Disaster Relief Club, explains the ways in which the climate crisis affects everyone, “We are experiencing hotter and drier summers, spring comes earlier but brings a lot of heavy downpours.” He continues, “We need to begin combating climate change together because climate-related disasters - disasters that are taking the lives of innocent people - have tripled over the last 30 years and there isn’t an end in sight.” Tuchmann provides examples of localized instances that demonstrate the negative results of climate change, “The climate crisis impacts New Haven, and I think that Hopkins should be paying a lot more attention to it. New Haven’s most vulnerable neighborhoods to flooding, like Fair Haven, are also its most low-income neighborhoods. It’s a real issue considering that flooding is becoming a bad problem, and it’s going to become an even worse problem.” She chastises Hopkins’ lack of engagement with the climate crisis in its community, “The fact that Hopkins is up on a hill makes the school seem to be removed from all of New Haven. We don’t really do too much outreach, fundraising, or groundwork, and [this] is something that should be addressed.” The existential and global nature of the climate crisis is imminent, regardless of the pandemic. Joy Xu ’23, co-head of SusCo, articulates, “It’s more like we have a constant awareness that the clock is ticking and something needs to be done soon, rather than a specific event happening that triggered our actions.” Ridky comments on the connection between the epidemic and the environment, “What I hope is obvious in both cases, though, is the need to depend on science and to act at more than the individual level. Scientists have been warning us for decades about both global warming and the likelihood of pandemics.” However, the head of the Society of Women Engineers

(SWENext) club, Amy Zhang ’22 believes, “The reduction in human activity in general (reduced transportation, fewer materials that were used because we all had to rely on the Internet, etc)” during the pandemic “might have been beneficial for the climate crisis because less human activity means fewer carbon emissions or fewer activities that would harm the planet, such as deforestation or slash-and-burn agriculture.” Hopkins is not in a position to evaluate macro-level changes to the environment in relation to Covid-19; but some members of the Hopkins community acknowledge that campus practices may have had an adverse impact, especially the use of single-use items.

Evie Doolittle

NHCM protest on October 1 on the New Haven Green. At the beginning of the pandemic, the Hopkins community was distracted by the priority of combatting Covid-19. As the virus becomes less threatening, students are refocusing on reversing the pandemic’s effect on climate. Tuchmann describes the footprint that the pandemic had on local climate activist organizations, “I think that, with Covid, the fact that people have not been able to organize as much has definitely been an issue for getting the work out because we weren’t able to have big public events.” However, during the pandemic, the New Haven Climate Movement (NHCM) found ways to safely encourage other New Haven residents to join the fight against climate change. Tuchmann explains that as a Climate Health Education Project intern, she and a team of environmental activists “planned three different tabling events...We organized signs, posters, informational fliers, and activities like planting seeds and decorating plant pots. We set those up at the City Seeds farmers market for a few weekends. We tried to get people to join NHCM and get signatures on our petition.” SusCo worked with other organizations and clubs within Hopkins and the New Haven community in order to expand their outreach. Natalie Card ’23, co-head of SusCo, adds that Hopkins Climate Week was inspired by the actions of the NHCM, “The Climate Week was part of my involvement with the Climate Health Education Project, a branch of the New Haven Climate Move-

ment. I came to SusCo with the idea for Climate Week and we worked out how best to implement [it] within Hopkins.” SusCo partnered with other groups to encourage involvement and activism. Card continues, “We will focus more on collective actions rather than individual actions, so instead of encouraging individuals to take shorter showers, for example, we would organize a group trash pickup. With this focus, we can pool students’ efforts and their unique talents in order to work together on projects that have a large environmental impact.” In the Hopkins community, SusCo works to reduce Covid’s transform on the environment within the Hopkins community. Xu explains the inspiration behind SusCo’s waste-reduction initiatives, “Last year, with the changes in the lunchroom in response to Covid, we felt the pressing need to address the amount of waste generated at lunch every day, so we tried to advocate for students to use reusable containers.” SusCo and SWENext worked together in order to reduce waste during lunch by encouraging the use of reusable containers. Zhang, describes the way they chose which issues to prioritize, “We were doing a sustainability design competition where we had to implement a solution to make something more sustainable, and one of the first points we thought of was how much waste was being produced every day last year just from lunches. Encouraging people to use their own containers instead of plastic ones that could only be used once seemed like the easiest (and most effective) solution.” In addition to the issue of reusable containers, post-pandemic, Hopkins is making other sustainable changes at the institutional level. Karen Silk, Hopkins Front Office Administrative Assistant, purchases recycled paper for the school, “I go through around twelve cases of paper a week now that we’re back to full-time school. I place the order for the printers and copiers, and the paper [is] recycled.” Liz Climie, Director of Facilities, explains the work she has been doing to reduce Hopkins’s footprint, “We have been updating our lighting systems to be more energy-efficient. Actually, this summer, we upgraded the lighting in Lovell, Heath, Malone, Baldwin, and the library. We have been upgrading mechanical equipment as well. Next summer, we are replacing the boilers in Baldwin and Alumni House with more energy-efficient equipment.” Students engaged with the climate crisis are brainstorming new strategies for this upcoming year. Xu and the SusCo are designing new events to spread awareness about the environmental crisis, “We are planning on taking on projects around campus, such as finishing our bioswale.” Gray has set goals for the Natural Disaster Relief Club, “NDR Club has big plans for this upcoming year. With hurricane season having just ended, wildfires still raging, and volcanoes erupting across the globe; much has to be done. NDR has made its goal to raise over $15,000 this year to go toward those impacted by natural disasters.” Lastly, Zhang is organizing community service events and competitions to engage the community, “This year, we hope to continue doing more activities, like STEM-related competitions or challenges, bring in speakers, and maybe even venture out to some outreach/community service events!”

Student Activities Fairs Return to Campus @hopmock

Amir McFerren ’24 Assistant News Editor

The Hopkins Activities Fairs took place on Monday, September 27, and Friday, October 1. The first fair was dedicated to community service based activities such as Maroon Key, Peer Tutoring, and the Natural Disaster Relief Club, while the second was for activities like Model UN, The Razor, and Robotics. “The Activities Fair was quite important to the Chess Club as it was the main recruiting event for us,” said club head Sarvin Bhagwagar ’24. “It’s more difficult to get people to join the club in the middle of the year, which is why the other Chess Club captains and I consider the Fair a very important event.” Bhagwagar was one of many club heads who experienced their first Activities Fair this year, as last year’s event was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. “It’s an event that occurred before Covid-19 and I’m glad I got the chance to experience normalcy,” he said. The Fairs offer the biggest chance exposure most clubs will get all year, so heads are focused on making an impression and drawing in people who share their interests. “I’m just looking to put our club on the map, seem friendly and grab people’s attention,” said Head of the Ping Pong Club Drew Williams ’23. “I created this club literally because I enjoy what it is about, and I am especially looking forward to seeing everyone who shares my interest,” said Matthew Cotaj ’22, Head of the new Esports Club. Different heads took different strategies to prepare for the Fairs. Some, such as Head of the American Sign Language Club Julia Brennan ’23 prepared extensively. “My sister and I prepar[ed] for the Activities Fair by creating a Google Classroom page, setting up lesson plans, organizing our set up for the Fair and more,” she stated. Others, such as Cotaj, were less focused on specific preparations. “The confidence I have in the commu-

Mock Trial poster and table from the Activities Fair. nity is why I believe excessive preparation would really just be redundant because if they like the idea of our organization, then they will find their way to our space,” he explained. Ultimately, the purpose of the Fairs was to allow students to come together around shared interests, and to help find some new ones as well. Cotaj in particular was “keeping an eye out for new members who I can share my passion with. Hopefully, they can see video games as an outlet just like me!”


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October 22, 2021

New Clubs Enrich Student Life Senior Advice to Underclassmen Vivian Wang’23 Lead Features Editor Each year, Hopkins students take the initiative to start their own clubs in support of the diverse interests of the student body. Hopkins welcomed the addition of 33 new activities this year, each representing various fields of interest, ranging from sustainable fashion and environmentalism to Tetris tournaments and E-Sports competitions. Of the 33 newly-established clubs, twelve are community service-based. The Helping Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Club (HAAPI) plans on engaging in fundraising. HAAPI co-head Amanda Wang ’23 noticed the absence of an Asian American activism club on campus; she created the organization in hopes of helping “underprivileged Asian communities and small Asian businesses that have been affected by the pandemic,” as well as combating “anti-Asian hate in general.” She describes some of the project ideas she plans on implementing: “This year we are planning a couple of fundraisers, including making and selling merch. We might also take trips to local Asian restaurants and businesses.” The other 21 clubs focus on a particular subject or interest, both academic and non-academic. Quiz Bowl, a new club for Science and Humanities enthusiasts, allows students to test their knowledge at local and national competitions. Arin Bhandari ’23, along with co-heads Cyrus Sadeghi ’23 and Nao Tomita ’23, “[took] part in some Quiz Bowl competitions last spring and thoroughly enjoyed them” and want to provide other students with this opportunity as well. Bhandari also shares some of his plans for this year: “We currently have some tournaments lined up for the fall and winter as part of the American Quiz Bowl League (AQBL), a quiz bowl league in the Northeast. [Additionally], we also are planning on hosting a tournament here at Hopkins where anyone can take part.” The Mock Trial club also hopes to appeal to the competitive side of Hopkins students. Co-head Esther Gao ’23 looks forward to competing in Connecticut’s regional mock trial competitions hosted by Civics First, an organization that holds law-related competitions for students of all ages. To prepare for these competitions, club members will participate in “mock trials, [touch upon both the] prosecution and defense side, and work on scripts.” Gao notes that the club isn’t strictly academic; members must act out trials and come up with arguments on the spot, hence why “there’s a degree of creativity and improv to it.” Also new to Hopkins this year is the way Activities are scheduled. Unlike during the pandemic, where clubs convened online after school, this year’s Activities block takes place on Mondays and Fridays during the lunch waves. Bhandari preferred virtual meetings because they “were useful [for] meeting up after school.” He continues, “We wish that the designated in-person meeting blocks were longer, instead of two short meeting blocks per week.” Gao disagrees, mentioning that the new schedule “might be better for juniors and seniors who need their after-school time to work on their homework.” Club leaders share their outlook for the year. Cho feels “a little more nervous because of the scheduling changes” as compared to previous years, but is still excited to carry out the mission of her club. Wang anticipates that “as long as [the pandemic situation] holds up and we all cooperate as a community, we can really pull it off this year!”

Zoe Sommer’23 Features Editor This fall, Hopkins welcomed over 100 new students to campus. To help new students, The Razor reached out to the Class of 2022, asking them to share advice about navigating life on The Hill. Here’s what the seniors had to say about the Hopkins experience. What advice would you give to incoming seventh graders? @hopkinsschoolct

“Don’t restrict yourself; give yourself room to grow. The things that interest you now and the things that you’ll be passionate about in a few years might be far more different than you’d expect. Try new things, understand that there’s no such thing as failure—only opportunities to learn,” Alexandra Matthews.

“Be patient. Junior school is for learning about how you learn, about your classmates, and the school. Don’t worry too much about your grades, ask for help, and have fun,” Anony- New students gather on the Quad for orientation. mous. What advice would you give to incoming freshmen? “When teachers or other people say to ask for help, they really mean it. High school is a tough time, and anybody that you ask would be happy to help out with whatever you need. High school is also a fun time, though! Make tons of good memories, good relationships with your classmates and teachers, and find your ‘thing’ that makes you feel special,” Brandon Faunce. “Ninth grade is the time to try a bunch of new things, whether it be working on a production with HDA, trying out for a team, or just joining a club or an intramural sport. It gets harder and harder to try lots of things as you get busier, so it’s super important to get outside of your comfort zone and experience. Even if you missed some clubs at the activities fairs, you can always reach out to club heads or members to join mid-year,” Zach Williamson. What is one essential piece of information you think all Hopkins students should know? “Ask teachers for help! This is definitely echoed a lot around campus, but I was super hesitant to reach out to my teachers when I first came to Hopkins. If you’re confused, more likely than not your teacher will be able to explain the concept in a different way that will help you understand. Teachers at Hopkins really want to get to know you and help you improve, and are always happy to meet with you for extra help,” Zach Williamson. “Come to school events like Back to School Bash and Ski Lodge Night, participate in activities and clubs and dress up for Spirit Week. Have fun!” Alexandra Matthews. What is one big mistake you made during your first year at Hopkins and in retrospect how would you have handled the situation differently? “I spent a lot of time searching for the “right” friend group and not realizing the potential of the people I did hang out with. I think it’s important to value your friends, and especially to do things with them. If I could go back and change that, I would have done a lot more fun things with my friends outside of school and overall just tried to spend more time with them.” Brandon Faunce. What advice would you give to your past self before starting Hopkins?

Vivian Wang

HAAPI club heads, Rachael Huang ‘23, Julia Fok ‘23, and Amanda Wang ‘23 promote their cause at the Activies Fair.

“Absolutely get your homework done early. You’re going to have way more stuff to do than you think you do when it comes down to it, especially if you’ve been pushing a ton of things off. It isn’t worth the stress,” Brandon Faunce.

Hopkins Rejoices Over the Return to Live Musical Performances Megan Davis ’23 Features Editor For the past eighteen months, the Covid-19 pandemic forced Hopkins musicians to figure out how to maintain their skills and their love for performing when gathering in large groups was prohibited. As the school loosens its Covid-related safety measures, it is also introducing the return of in-person concerts. As co-head of the Spirens a cappella group, Anjali Subramanian ’22 especially misses “Hopkins traditions like Pumpkin Bowl, 5 Golden Rings, and the CT Food Bank Fundraiser. We always dress up in Halloween

costumes related to the song we’re performing for Pumpkin Bowl. For 5 Golden Rings, we wear holiday onesies. I like those performances a lot because of all the excitement around them.” Subramanian’s co-head Erin Low ’22 agrees that in-person performances are full of unique energy and excitement. She feels that “look[ing] over at everyone else [in the group] and catch[ing] someone’s eye in the middle of the song [is something that] makes [performing] a lot more fun and brings a whole different energy.” Subramanian reflects on the difficulties last year brought when attempting to continue practicing: “All of our performances were virtual except for Spam Jam at the end of the year, and so we had to put together a

video and voice recording for each song we learned. This was very tough because we had never done this before the pandemic, so there was kind of a learning curve.” With Zoom audio feedback and poor connection issues, “practices are so difficult because you can not listen to each other, which is a huge part of singing. It’s really hard to tell if you’re singing your part correctly and if everyone in the group is comfortable with their part.” Concert Band member Amy Metrick ‘23 explains, “During the pandemic, we shifted away from preparing pieces as a group for performance because Continued on Page 4

The Razor: Features

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October 22. 2021

Live Music Back on The Hill A Newbie’s Guide to the Cafe

of something bigger again.” An overwhelming sense of camaraderie we did not know when we would be able to and support keeps the music program at Hopkins perform again, and moved toward individual or strong. Treble Choir member Julia Murphy ’23 small group recording and arranging projects loves the “sense of family that we form during that helped me gain a new perspective on music.” rehearsals, and performance is the culmination However, the experience hard Megan Davis of came with many diffiwork and culties: “The in-person dedicacohort would work on tion. It’s group pieces in class and amazing the virtual cohort would being able either play along on mute to pres[on Zoom] or have group ent the projects to work on in art we’ve breakout rooms.” worked Art Department on.” Ava Chair Robert Smith alCho ’22, ways loves the culminaw h o tion of a performance played during his work at Hopviolin at kins. As Covid-19 cases From left to right: Ava Cho ’22, Joanna Lu ’22, and Brandon A s s e m Faunce ’22 performing at an all-school Assembly. slow and vaccination bly on the rates rise, Smith is “lookfirst day of ing forward to having that [performance] experi- school, finds joy in the close bonds that Orchesence happen in real-time. There is something su- tra members form. She says, “I look forward to premely valuable in knowing that you only have connecting with the whole orchestra again. With one opportunity to perform and do your best.” our orchestra whole again, we [will be] able to do Smith continues, “the only way to truly get better more concerts and challenging pieces as well.” at one’s craft is to do it. For musicians, live per- Despite past difficulties, the Arts Deformance is the pinnacle of our craft.” Metrick partment believes the performance culture at Hopkins @hopkinsschoolct has a bright future ahead. Smith encourages the community to come and support the hard work of the students on campus this year. Concert Choir practices socially distanced in 2020. He shares that “there emphasizes, “We really missed the opportunity is a Halloween Concert coming up on the eveto listen around and be part of a larger group ning of October 29th, and the gears are quickly when we played. We were able to focus last year turning on how we’re going to make this [conon improving our [own] playing, and I’m excited cert] a festive and memorable one!” to bring that to the full group setting and be a part Continued from Page 3

Serving students in previous years, the Cafe was a space for them to grab a snack and hang out during the school day. Because of the pandemic, the Cafe had to be shut down and converted into classroom space for the 2020-2021 school year. Now that the Cafe has reopened and returned to its original state, students and faculty alike are beyond excited: History teacher Ian Guthrie refers to it as the “Upper Heath Cornerstone of Community,” where he is often “lucky enough to chat with Peter Ziou in the coffee line!” In addition to being a hub for interactions among Hopkins people, the Cafe also strives to serve! The Razor presents this “Newbie’s Guide” to help new students navigate their way into the Cafe. Over 60 Hopkins students stepped in to give their opinions, feedback, and advice in order to help their peers have the best experience possible. A communal space for many, the Cafe has a constant influx of students. Benjamin Simon ’24 considers the Cafe a “fun and positive break from work” and recalls “going to the Cafe with friends during study halls in J School.” Johnny Guo ’26 states it is the “best place on Hopkins campus” as he “always sees [his] other friends there.” Sarvin Bhagwagar ’24 emphasizes the sense of community created in the space: “The value of the Cafe shouldn’t be underestimated,” he states, “It’s a good place for kids to go and get a snack if they need cheering up.” Faculty and staff also find the Cafe a useful place for meeting up with co-workers. Drama teacher Michael Calderone says, “It is the perfect place to catch up with fellow faculty members who I don’t see very often” and that it is “also where big plans can come out of casual conversations.” Data collected from a school-wide poll showed that about 64% of students surveyed visit Aanya Panyadahundi ’23 Features Editor

the Cafe once or more every week and less than 6% had never been. According to students, the best time to make a trip to Upper Heath is not during G and H blocks, the athletic free periods for Middle and Upper School students. Most students recommend going in the earlier hours of the day to avoid the rush later in the day. Esme Olshan-Cantin ’23’s ideal time is at “7:45-50, before school starts and the line gets long.” Avani DeLuna ’26 has found that “during a study hall or during a free period if it is open” is the most convenient for her. So now, some friendly student guidance to the spirited place: What is the best thing to get at the Cafe? The majority of Hopkins students seem to enjoy the muffins and churros baked and sold at the Cafe. Rosie Lu ’25 testifies, “I once had a chocolate muffin, and it was the best thing I have ever tasted.” Shriya Vaid ’26 comments on the coveted churros that make an appearance from time to time: “I love the churros but they’re never there,’’ so as a temporary substitute, “I also like the apple cider donuts.” Other student favorites include Arizona Iced Tea, breakfast sandwiches, Hot Tamales, chips, Welch’s Fruit Snacks, milkshakes, coffee cakes, and donuts. But the sweetness does not stop at the delicious treats offered. When asked to comment about any additional things they liked about the Cafe, numerous students praised the kind staff. Chris Ruano’ 22 shared that “Lissa and [he] chop it up on the regular; the conversation is always pleasant and she gives me spoons for my yogurt.” The kind and welcoming staff have already made their impressions on newer students like Laila River Good ’27 who states, “I just know [Lissa], the woman that works there, is really nice.” OlshanCantin gives a “Huge shoutout to all the staff there- they always rock and have so much patience for giving change and waiting for kids rummaging through their bags for quarters!”

The Razor: Arts

Artist of the Issue: Ava Cho

Rose Robertson ‘24 Assistant Arts Editor Ava Cho ‘22 was encouraged to learn an instrument at the age of seven, and has been enthralled with the violin ever since. Whether through studying AP Music Theory at Hopkins, or enjoying the work of Tchaikovsky, Mendelssohn, Berlioz, and Beethoven, Cho has been persistent in honing her violin virtuosity. Cho described the start of her musical journey: “After sitting in a Highpoint Pictures couple of lessons at a music school, I felt myself drawn to the sweet, melodious sound of the violin.” She discovered her “true passion” for the instrument three years later, with the help of a new teacher: “She pushed me to unlock an emoAva Cho ’22 tional connection with music, where I learned how to physically portray my playing through movements and discover stories through the phrasing and dynamics.” That same year, Cho first encountered chamber music and a commonality with other young musicians. After almost ten years of playing the violin, she is currently tackling the Sibelius Violin Con-

certo, “one of the most famous, difficult pieces of violin repertoire.” Cho plans to continue studying music in college, as either a minor or as half of a double major.

allowed me to connect with these musicians on a very deep level through hours of practice and laughter together. Same thing goes with my piano trio that performed at the opening day Assembly this year; I beAva Cho lieve chamber music builds a strong community.” Cho also wants others to reap the benefits of music, so she founded the Busking for Change (BFC) Club, which raises money for non-profit organizations through the performance of music in public spaces. The club began at Weston Middle School, spreading to Weston High School and then to Hopkins where Cho effectuated it in her Sophomore year. Her previous experience in busking drove the idea for the club: “I had previously busked on my own back in seventh grade, but I wanted to further use my violin and busking experiences to help my community.” The group strives “to bring musicians together and connect the community through the joy of music.” The Covid-19 pandemic Ava Cho performing at the Spring 2021 Orchestra Concert. has not halted the BFC’s positive impact. Cho said, “Members and I organized several in-person and vir The shared love of music between Cho and her tual performances over the past few years, raising over fellow performers brings them closer together. Despite ten thousand dollars for various non-profit organizations.” her enthusiasm for being a member of an orchestra, she Cho advised young musicians hoping to make prefers performing chamber music. Cho recalled a cher- their mark creatively to find a compelling motivation beished musical experience at the 2019 Hopkins Spring hind their work: “I would recommend searching for an Orchestra Concert: “One of my favorite, memorable mo- inspiration that will help influence both practicing and a ments was performing the second movement of Shosta- love for music. Whether it be from a famous violinist or kovich’s 8th Quartet along with alumni Alex Zhang ‘19, working with other musicians in a chamber/orchestral setKyle Shin ‘20, and Noah Stein ‘21.” She said, “Music ting, inspiration goes a long way when trying to improve.”

October 22. 2021


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New Haven Artists Create Mural of Hopkins Alum

there was no opportunity for people unaffiliated with these by adding trees to New Haven’s urban forest.” Kwasi Adae Sophia Neilson ’23 academic institutions to honor his accomplishments.” also gave thanks to the benefactors: “The New Haven DeArts Editor This lack of representation and awareness of partment of Arts, Culture, and Tourism, the Yale Office of On September 15, 2021, artists Kwadwo and Bouchet’s accomplishments inspired Adae to create the New Haven and State Affairs, and of course Hopkins.” Kwasi Adae completed their mural of Hopkins alumnus mural in his honor. Adae said, “As a public artist, design- This project was not the first time that father Dr. Edward Alexander Bouchet. The mural was revealed ing a mural to commemorate Dr. Bouchet was the perfect and son worked together. Adae said, “It was incredible on what would have been Bouchet’s 169th birthday, on opportunity to spread further awareness of his accomplish- working with Kwasi. He’s been an artist in his own right Henry Street in downments.” The mural was not only since he was a little boy, since he basically grew up in Adae Fine Art Academy town New Haven. to give Bouchet the representa- an art studio, and he’s been working on murals with me Bouchet was tion he deserves, but also to since he was nine years old, so it was not unfamiliar to born and raised in New shine light on the lack of diver- work with him. He just can do so much more now than Haven and was later sity in the world of public art. he could a few years ago. It’s really incredible, I never buried in Evergreen Adae mentioned that “the over- pushed him to be an artist, but I’m so happy that I get to Cemetery after his whelming majority of public spend time with him and work with him on these public death in 1918. Bouchet art that [he sees] excludes the art pieces every summer.” Kwasi had a similar experience, graduated valedictodiversity of women and BIPOC sharing positive feedback on his experience working with rian of his 1870 class representation. It is important his father, while also commenting on some of the chalat Hopkins Grammar to have depictions of other lenges: “I wouldn’t trade this job for the world. There are School, before matricupeople besides white men.” not many jobs where you can decide to go get milkshakes lating to Yale, where From there, Adae and his six- after work with your boss; then again, there are not many he studied Physics. teen-year-old son Kwasi went jobs where you go home and your boss is still there.” When he completed to work bringing Bouchet The duo wants Hopkins students and New Hahis Ph.D. program in to life. When asked how the ven locals alike to remember Bouchet and honor his ac1876, he was the first complishments. Adae The mural of Dr. Bouchet on Henry Street in New Haven. process beAfrican American to gan, Adae Hopkins Anthony DeCarlo reminded receive a Ph.D., and the sixth person of any race said “It started with a watercolor of students that they “alto receive a Ph.D. from an American university. Dr. Bouchet’s graduation portrait ready know they are Artist Kwadwo Adae has been creating art since from 1876, which was converted to part of an amazing acahe was seven years old. He is the founder and owner of the triple portrait that is depicted in demic legacy. The muthe Adae Fine Art Academy in New Haven. Adae said he the mural with Photoshop and paintral is meant to honor “founded the Adae Fine Art Academy after [he] graduated ed in color gradients as a nod to Dr. the accomplishments from NYU with [his] Masters in painting was unable to se- Bouchet’s thesis on “Measuring Reof a brilliant Black scicure a job teaching at any college or university within a hun- fractive Light Indices.” Kwasi Adae entist, beautify a comdred-mile radius of New Haven.” He added that he thought added, “We started by priming the wall, munity, and inspire to himself, “Instead of waiting for an institution to hire me, then projecting the design my father people who are fightwhy don’t I just open my own art school and hire myself?” made onto the wall using a projector ing adversities to fight Adae visited Bouchet’s grave at Evergreen Cem- at night. Then we traced the projec- Kwadwo and Kwasi Adae pose in front of their work. harder to achieve their etery in 2019. Adae said he went there “to have a con- tion with sharpies and proceeded to goals.” Kwasi Adae versation with him about how compelled [he] was to paint the mural with exterior semi-gloss latex paint.” said, “I’d like you to remember Dr. Bouchet’s story. To honor his legacy and [to] ask him for help.” Adae “was This project was local in multiple ways. The tell it to your children and learn from it yourselves. Don’t confused as to why there was no public monument, no father-son duo also worked with many local kids through forget that any of you can be valedictorians, innovators, statue, or commemorative dedication for a man who Squash Haven, who helped them to paint the black back- bastions of change if you so desire. Your institution is a was born in New Haven, educated here, and is currently ground of the mural. Adae said that he is “also working stepping stone for your careers and your interpersonal buried here.” When he visited the grave, it had been 146 with the Urban Resources Initiative that will be planting a developments and I urge you to use it to the fullest exyears since Bouchet had received his Ph.D. from Yale, Sweetgum and a Scarlet Oak tree in front of the mural so tent you can muster. If you’re willing and able you can and “with the exception of a few small portraits of him that these works of public art officially fight climate change accomplish pretty much anything you set your mind to.” on the Yale University and Hopkins School campuses,

Asian Representation in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Anand Choudhary ’22 Lead Arts Editor On September 3, 2021, Marvel Studios released its first solo film to have an Asian-Canadian person as the lead character. Shang-Chi and the Legend of Ten Rings, starring Simu Liu, features a predominantly East Asian cast and follows the story of Shang-Chi, a man who leaves his life as a valet parker in San Francisco to confront his father, Wenwu, and the crime organization he built: the Ten Rings. The film is based off of the comic book series The Mystery of Dr. Fu Manchu, written by Sax Rohmer in 1913. Dr. Fu Manchu was portrayed as the embodiment of the term “yellow peril,” which stemmed from the fear that Western countries had of East Asia. When addressing this topic, the creators of the film decided to exclude Dr. Manchu from the story entirely, and replaced him with ShangChi’s father, Wenwu, a loving family man turned villain after the death of his wife. Shang-Chi breaks away from old traditions in Chinese culture and introduces new ones, like in Ta Lo, where all genders are treated with equal respect and have equal opportunity. Shang-Chi’s sister, Xialing, played by Meng’er Zhang, expresses a similar sentiment as Shang-Chi in wanting to avoid their father. However,

Xialing also deals with the gender inequal- wood typically are centered around, such ity of the Ten Rings organization, where as martial arts and kung fu, but director only men are trained to be assassins. Xi- Destin Daniel Cretton spoke to the Washaling does not let this stop her, and she ington Post about fighting against that teaches herself. The film introduces Ta Lo stereotype. In his interview, Cretton said as an alternate realthat the “primary hope Marvel Studios ity to the Ten Rings for ‘Shang-Chi’ was organization, to find an actor who where Xialing’s would help to break the deceased mother stereotype of a kung-fu lived before marryAsian dude. We have ing Wenwu. When seen that archetype Xialing finds her of that character over way to Ta Lo, she time. And particularly is presented with in Western cinema, the opportunity it’s often the butt of to learn and train. a joke. We wanted to In Chinese hiscreate a character that tory, male family was surprisingly remembers are held latable to anybody.” in higher regard, Cretton did as we can see this by making Shangwhen Shang-Chi, Chi unlike any other Wenwu, Xialing, Marvel superhero that and Katy (played viewers have seen. by Awkwafina), Characters like Iron Shang-Chi’s best Man and Captain The poster for Shang-Chi. friend, arrive at the America have no trouble Ten Rings compound. Upon their arrival, inserting their superhero identity into their Wenwu announces that his son has returned everyday lives, whereas Shang-Chi makes and to take the women to their rooms. a conscious effort to separate the life his The film still deals with the tropes father wanted for him from his own life that East Asian-centric movies in Holly- in San Francisco. At the end of the movie,

when Shang-Chi accepts his fate as the bearer of the Ten Rings, there is a clear sense of the character’s humor and humility, making him relatable to everyday people and moving away from stereotypes. Despite Shang-Chi’s struggles to separate Asian characters from societal stereotypes, the film takes a big step in the right direction for Asians in Hollywood. According to a study done at the University of Southern California, from 2007 to 2019 Asians only held 7.2 percent of speaking roles in the top 100 movies. The study concluded that “white male actors named Ben, Chris, Daniel, James, Jason, John, Josh, Michael, Robert, Sean, or Tom were far more likely to be hired as the top actor in a film than an API [Asian Pacific Islander] woman actor with any name auditioning in all of Hollywood.” Shang-Chi includes multiple Asian female leads, such as Meng’er Zhang who plays Shang-Chi’s sister, along with well-known actresses Awkwafina and Michelle Yeoh. Since the start of the pandemic, Shang-Chi has been the first movie to earn two hundred million dollars in the North American box office. Given ShangChi’s positive reviews from critics and viewers alike, Marvel fans can hope to see a sequel to the movie--and more cultural representation--on the big-screen.


October 22, 2021

Hypocritical Texas Abortion Laws Target Women’s Rights Abby Regan ’22 Lead Op-Ed Editor A recently-passed law in Texas bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, or when the first signs of cardiac activity can be detected. Six weeks is before most women realize they’re pregnant. If a woman is tracking her period closely enough, she may realize she’s late at about four weeks, leaving her two weeks to confirm the pregnancy with a test and make a decision. The Texas law, among other “heartbeat” laws in states like Mississippi, Georgia, Kentucky, and Ohio, bans abortions 18 weeks earlier than the precedent set by the 1973 Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade. The monumental case sparked the right to privacy for abortions and the right to have one before 24 weeks of pregnancy. In the Texas law there are few medical exceptions, and rape and incest are not included among these. According to The New York Times, there are seven million women of childbearing age in Texas. For many, such as teens, low-income individuals, and undocumented immigrants, the obstacles created by this law are too vast. Advocating against the Texas law or being prochoice does not necessarily mean pro-abortion. It recognizes that the only people who should make a decision about a woman’s body is herself and her doctor. From a legal standpoint alone, the Texas law is hypocritical and targets women, their health, and their bodily autonomy. The Texas law is purely about sexism and controlling women’s bodies. Depending on the woman and her individual menstrual cycle, on average women are fertile (able to get pregnant) six days per cycle, or 36 days per year. Men, on the other hand, are potentially fertile every day of the year. Let’s entertain a hypothetical: What if the government forced all men to undergo a reversible vasectomy, only to be reversed when the man is ready to have

children? Wouldn’t this be considered an infringement of basic human rights, taking away bodily autonomy from men? Why is it different for women? If a child got in a car accident and needed a blood transfusion to live and you were the only person able to provide that blood, you are not legally forced to do so. You are not required to give away ACLU of Texas

Protests against new abortion laws underway in Texas. any part of your body for another person. Even if your blood is the only hope of survival; even if the child is a saint or a genius; even if your rationale for not giving blood doesn’t make sense to someone else. The point being you are not legally obligated to give blood if you do not consent. Similarly, after we die, we don’t have to give away our organs if we did not consent to it while we were alive. A woman’s uterus is an organ. She does not have to give it up after she dies nor use it to have a child if she does not want to. To the people promoting pro-life or trying to force a woman to carry out a pregnancy, regardless of her

consent in the matter: do you support universal health care so the child bearer and child have full access to necessary medical care? Or do you support better sex education in schools so adolescents are well-informed about contraception, sexual assault and consensual sex, and more? Do you support more widely accessible contraception? Do you support financial aid and care for low-income families with children? Do you support orphans or advocate for adoption? If you answered no to any of these questions, can you in good conscience force a woman to have a child? In 1984, the Netherlands fully legalized abortions; abortions can be performed up until the 21st week of pregnancy, or the 24th if for medical reasons. The Netherlands also has one of the lowest abortion rates in the world. Unsafe abortions are very rarely practiced. In addition to the abortion laws, there is extensive and real sex education happening, as well as easy access to contraceptives. Health and safety is the priority. In most cases, restrictive abortion laws don’t actually curb the number of abortions; they just lead to unsafe ones. In 2020, the abortion rate in the Netherlands was less than half of the rate in the United States. It is important to recognize the legal and moral sides of the abortion debate. Morally, it is up to you to decide. Legally, individual religious or other beliefs cannot be factored into decisions about laws without clear and truthful evidence and support. The Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade already granted rights to abortion and it should not be overturned nor should states be finding loopholes. It is unconstitutional to deny women the right to make decisions about their own bodies. The Netherlands and countries with similar policies set an example while the United States fails to curb abortion rates and teach young people about safe sex, all while codifying sexism into law.

New Schedule Causes School-Wide Frustration Shriya Sakalkale ’24 Assistant Op-Ed Editor I remember my first year at Hopkins; I can vividly recall how much I dreaded the trek from Baldwin to Thompson, something nearly impossible to do under five minutes and still be on time to class. It’s a predicament almost every Hopkins student has faced, and now with this new schedule, we find ourselves having to face it once again. Under last year’s Hybrid Model schedule, ten minutes of passing time was allotted between classes. While the change was made to help accommodate time for the

new Covid protocols on campus, I found myself relying on the time for other purposes, whether that be to ask one of my teachers a question after class or to just take my time to pack my stuff. But with the switch back to five minute passing periods, I find myself barely getting to classes on time, let alone having the time to do anything else. Especially walking from Baldwin to Thompson, I barely have time to take a breath and shift my focus before my next class. To some, the time change may seem insignificant, but 5 minutes can make all the difference. If one class gets out a few minutes late, I’ll be late to my next class, which can get my whole day off track. This is extreme-

ly stressful, given our tightly Kristine Waters packed Hopkins schedules. That’s not all. One of the biggest changes to the schedule is 65-minute classes. Before the pandemic, we had 55-minute blocks, with each block meeting seven times in the two-week rotation schedule. This then shifted to three times a week under the Hybrid Model, with classes still being 55 minutes long. But now we’re stuck with an in-between scenario, trying to preserve the three times a week class schedule by adding time to the classes themselves. Maybe this is a good The new 2021-2022 daily schedule. idea in theory, but in reality, efforts and good intentions, it simply isn’t those extra ten minutes make classes nearly enough. The problem isn’t just the time we impossible to get through. Focusing for 65 spend waiting for lunch, it is the lack of minutes straight is tedious, and I often find time overall. What happened to lunch bemyself staring at the clock watching the ing a time to eat and catch up with friends? minutes go by. I have to push myself to stay With our busy schedules, shouldn’t we get engaged with the class and not zone out, the chance to give our minds a rest after which is difficult for those of us with short pushing ourselves so hard through a mornattention spans. Whether or not teachers are ing of classes? Some might say that we do happy with the added time, it only makes have the time to relax in the form of the free things harder for me, as a student, to learn. time built into the lunch waves. The accom With the bulk of our time spent in modated 30 minutes certainly seemed nice class, we all expect to get a chance to take a at first, but it doesn’t provide enough time step back and breathe during the day. That for students to properly relax, do work, time is during the lunch waves; or, at least, or even schedule meetings with teachers. that is the assumption. As a sophomore, I The new schedule was supposed have the first lunch wave of the day. Most to help us smoothly transition back to fastdays I have a class in Malone before lunch. paced life at Hopkins, but it just doesn’t I should be able to get lunch pretty quickly, take into account the things that matter to right? But alas, that is not the case. I find us or to the ways we learn best. The fact myself waiting in line for 20 minutes just that such simple, yet important, details to get lunch, with only a few minutes left were overlooked is indicative of the larger to actually eat before I have to head off to issue at hand: an evident lack of communiAdvisory. Now, several measures are becation between the administration and the ing taken to lessen the amount of time we spend waiting in line. But despite all best student body. It is about time this changes.


October 22, 2021

Athletes of the Issue Nana Dondorful-Amos: Resilient Runner

Melody Cui ‘23 out with each other and play games in a Co-Lead Sports Editor non-school setting,” said Dondorful-Amos. As captain this year, Dondorful Nana Dondorful-Amos ’22, co- captain of Girls Cross Country, began her Amos is taking on additional responsibiliHopkins athletic career with a brief stint ties, including leading exercises and runs on the Junior School Girls Soccer Team. during practice. Teammate Ava Maccaro After finding herself wishing for “more ’24 described Dondorful-Amos as a “trerunning in [soccer] practice,” Dondorful- mendous leader, guiding the team through Amos joined Cross Country in eighth [their] runs, workouts, and stretches [with] grade and hasn’t stopped running since. a sense of humor and a constant smile on Part of Dondorful-Amos’ love for her face!” Co-captain Suthi Navaratnamrunning comes from the feeling of accom- Tomayko ’22 added that Dondorful-Amos plishment that accompanies improvement, is “excellent at keeping everyone on task which can be easily measured through race and motivated.” Coach Miguel Pizarro obtimes. When training, Dondorful-Amos served, “[Dondorful-Amos] leads by exadmits that it can be “intimidating.” But ample and has the respect of [her] team.” As one of the once she “see[s her] more experiplace and time” enced members after competing on the team, in a race, all the Dondorfulhard work “feels Amos also acts like it’s worth it, as a mentor to which is such a many of the great feeling. Runnewer memning is rewarding.” bers. Ques As much tions “about as Dondorful-Amos the workout or loves to run, even ‘what should I she is not immune do in this situto the difficulties ation?’” said of the sport. “RunDondorfulning is hard for Amos, are often everyone,” said directed to her. Dondorful-Amos Even before asbluntly. She consuming the role tinued: “Even if of captain, Donyou’re a fast rundorful-Amos ner, it’s still really difficult.” However, Peter Mahakian was a “kind face” to turn to, Dondorful-Amos has learned how to Captain Nana Dondorful-Amos runs at the Wilton said Maccaro. Cross Country Invitational. “She welcomed move past the menme as an eighth tal barriers that can often get in the way: “Your brain is not grader when I first ran with the high school always trying to do what’s best for you; team and has been by my side ever since.” While the Fall 2020 season was it’s just trying to make you feel comfort- able,” she explained. “Sometimes what largely marred by the pandemic, Dondoryour body needs is a little push, because ful-Amos still has plenty to show for her you can’t always improve without really time on the team. In Fall of 2019, Dondorful-Amos pushing yourplaced sixth self.” At the at the FAA same time, (Fairchester DondorfulAthletic AsAmos warned sociation) against pushChampioning oneself ships, maktoo far, eming her part phasizing the of the FAA importance of First team. “listen[ing] to That same your body, not season, the your brain.” Hopkins Cross-CounThe closeness Peter Mahakian try team of the team, the which Don- Dondorful-Amos races at the 2019 FAA Championships. won FAA Chamdorful-Amos pionships. described as This year, Dondorful-Amos is “a big friend group,” has made cross-coun- try a highlight of Dondorful-Amos’s time working towards achieving the goals she set at Hopkins. Some of Dondorful-Amos’s at the beginning of the season. Her personfavorite moments have been spent with her al goal is straight-forward: “get faster.” She cross-country teammates. Team dinners also hopes “to win FAAs” with her team. are “especially memorable” to Dondorful- But most importantly, Dondorful-Amos Amos. A staple of team sports at Hopkins, is looking forward to “spending one last team dinners “help [facilitate] team bond- cross-country season with [her] friends.” ing,” as teammates get the chance to “hang

Andrew Woolbert: Wonderful Water Polo Captain

[games] and where to be playing.” Woolbert has been a crucial part of Hopkins’ six wins so far this season. Hopkins coach Chuck Elrick said, “Andrew is a born Andrew Woolbert ’22 has leader. As a water polo player it’s like been a key member of the Boys Var- having another coach in the water. He unsity Water Polo program since his fresh- derstands the nuances of the game and is man year. This season, he is serving as always striving to do better. Every coach captain along with Nick Hughes ’22. should have an Andrew in their program.” This year, both Woolbert and Despite having no experience the team have high aspirations. He said, prior to ninth grade Woolbert quickly “[My goal for the team is] definitely getgrew to love the sport. He said, “I started ting into the New England championships playing in the fall of freshman year and and getting second or third position so that then I played club in the spring and sumwe have a chance of making it to the fimer as well every year since.” In Woolnals.” After having the best start to their bert’s first season, he remembers “there season in twenty being a lot of big kids on Peter Mahakian five years, each the team like Brian Seiter game brings the ’19, Zubin Kenkare ’19 team one step and Julius Herzog ’20, closer to realizso it was a little bit ining their dreams timidating at first, but it of finishing first was pretty fun once we at the New Engall got into it and started land championhaving games.” One of ships. Woolbert Woolbert’s most memoadded, “Personrable games came in ally, I want to be that same season against able to direct the water polo powerhouse game from up Phillips Exeter Academy. top, play solid “We were down one goal defense, and with fifteen seconds left see if I can get in the game. We needed the goal record, to get up two full courts which is 120 in to win and we did.” a season.” Wool Outside of bert is on pace school, Woolbert plays competitively for his Captain Andrew Woolbert convenes with to do so with four club team. He said, “I the team during a game against Suffield. twenty goals already heard about it from a through his first couple of kids on the six games. team, mostly Brian. He had played at Woolbert has also admired his Chelsea Piers and I just wanted to try it coach for his club team, who is a European out, and then I went to Junior Olympics professional player himself. “He started that year, and it was just really fun.” in Denmark, and changed his citizenship Woolbert usually plays the point to Germany to be able to play with their position for Hopkins, which means his job team. And now he’s come over to the US to is to direct the offense from the very top coach and he’s playing on the Senior New of the pool as Yo r k well as iden- Andrew Woolbert Athtify gaps in letic the defense, Club as the point is A the only positeam, tion that can a n d see the entire they set offense. actuWoolbert exally plained, “I like just being able to won see everything S e and know nior what everyNaWoolbert begins his water polo career at an early age. one’s doing, tionso I can direct als. people to drive if there’s open space and I It was fun to be able to watch him play,” can see people driving if there’s open space and also push in my defender and shoot said Woolbert. Woolbert gave advice to water if we’re having trouble moving around.” polo players: “Definitely just try your As captain, Woolbert has a lot hardest in practice. If you have good funof responsibilities during practices and damentals and fitness, you’re going to be especially during games. He said, “I have able to beat a lot of teams. Water polo is a to make people swim 500 meters at the lot of work. It’s a lot of time put in to be beginning of practice. Other than that, able to do the sport you want to do. You [my responsibility] is mostly to organize just have to be willing to commit and sacrithe team while we’re playing in games. I fice other things to be good at your sport.” have to remind people what to do during Tanner Lee ‘23 Co-Lead Sports Editor Sam Cherry ‘23 Assistant Sports Editor

The Razor: Sports

Page 8

October 22, 2021

Fall Sports Competition Returns to the Hill Lily Panagos ‘23

Maria Cusick ‘22 leads the attack for Varsity Field Hockey against Convent of the Sacred Heart.


Will Cooper ‘22 of the Boys Varsity Cross Country team competes in the Wilton Invitational. @hopscorect

Varsity Football plays in a preseason scrimmage against Platt Tech.


Hopkins Boys Varsity Water Polo prepares for a grueling matchup against Suffield.

@hopscorect @hopscorect

Sofia Karatzas ‘22 dribbles by the defense for Girls Varsity Soccer. @hopscorect

Varsity Volleyball celebrates after a big win against rival Hamden Hall. Abigayle Bleil

Girls Varsity Cross Country runner Suthi Navaratnam-Tomayko ‘22 competes in the Wilton Cross Country Invitational.

Boys Varsity Soccer player Moustapha Gassama ‘23 dribbles into open space against Greenwich Country Day School.

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