The Razor - September 2021

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Hopkins School 986 Forest Road New Haven, CT

Vol LXV, no. 1

Normalcy Returns to The Hill Evangeline Doolittle '23 News Editor

the pandemic. Director of Medicine Don Bagnall explains that the Covid protocols vary depending on the sport, “... mask usage may be altered in terms of practicing/playing athletics. We require masks usage inside buildings, and sidelines, but do not need to wear masks on the outside fields & courts.” Bagnall provides an example of this in the volleyball team: “if volleyball is inside, they may be required to wear masks while practicing/playing matches.” Students anticipate the upcoming sports season to be uncertain. Co-Captain of Girls Varsity Soccer Jenny

The 2021-2022 school year marks the in-person return of all clubs, sports, and Student Council (StuCo) activities. With the new schedule allotting two 25-minute periods to activities, clubs will move from Zoom meetings to in-person meetings. Additionally, the long-anticipated Activities Fair will take place in person on September 20 and 24. Head of PAWS Caroline McCarthy ’22 explains, “I think the Fair is a unifying time on campus and it really kicks the fun parts of school into gear.” Coordinator of Student Activities Teresa Picarrazi describes the importance of inperson activities, “Clubs and activities help build community in so many ways!” McCarthy explains that she feels better connected to the community while in person, “I’m excited to have a...fair this year and to get as many people to sign up for my group as possible, and to join a bunch of clubs too.” Picarrazi echoes this idea, “It is important for students to gather together and share their interests outside of the classroom and to work toward tangible objectives. Reinstating in-person Activities will bring Hopkins one step closer toward being a more inclusive and cohesive space.” McCarthy describes the struggles of @hopkinsschoolct online Activities and the decline of Club particStudents gather at the 2019 Back-To-School Bash. ipation, “Clubs were having so many fewer meetings as it was hard to motivate people to get on another Zoom at, like, 7:00 p.m.” She continues, “I think having Alaska ’22 says that this year, “our big challenge is trying in-person club meetings during the school day is going to to make sense of a team with many younger players that increase participation which will be especially great for the we’ve never seen play before, and building up a team that students, and the organizations that various clubs assist.” hasn’t played together at all. We also have no idea what Athletes are also preparing for preseason and the our competition will look like either since the last time we return of sports games. Although Covid preventions will played our big rivals was about two years ago, and we really be in place, the season will be similar to that of before only saw the older talent play. ” However, she is excited for

September 10, 2021

the season to start and meet the new teammates, “There are so many little traditions that make our team so special and it makes the fall time my favorite time on campus. I think soccer friendships are some of the best ones you can find!” Lastly, StuCo plans to bring back in-person events such as the Back-to-School Bash and the Connecticut Food Bank Fundraiser (CFBF). Junior Class President Dev Madhavani ’23 expounds on his excitement to share traditions with new students, “During the past year, StuCo created a lot of virtual events to make up for in-person events that were canceled. It was very tough to do fundraising or dances virtually, so some of our events were trivia nights or game nights over Zoom.” He continues, “We can finally return to some of our beloved traditions that many new students from the past couple of years haven't been able to see. I remember how cool Five Golden Rings was my first time, so a lot of kids will be looking forward to these types of events.” However, Student Council President Albert Yang ’22 explains how the evolving safety procedures could impact StuCo events: “In response to the changing guidelines, StuCo will make sure that all events are run safely and responsibly, following all policies in place. We are looking forward to integrating virtual with in-person events if needed.” Seniors are excited to begin their final year on The Hill. Yang elaborates, “I can’t wait to get back to school and see the entire Hopkins community in action.” McCarthy wants to make up for lost time, “I really hope to be able to look back on my senior year in June and feel that I was able to help Hopkins and the New Haven community through my Club participation.” Alaska comments, “I’m looking forward to a year that mimics the first half of sophomore year. That means all of the dances and Homecoming festivities that come with fall time. I’m also looking forward to jumping back into our normal routine- except now I’ll get to have all of the new excitements of being a senior on campus."

Cultivating Young Artists: Hopkins Students Teach Drama Rose Robertson '24 Assistant Arts Editor As Hopkins students have spent their summer in pursuit of new outlets through which to serve the community, Anand Choudhary ’22, Orly Baum ’22, and Will Schroth-Douma ’23 brought drama to students at the Discovery Interdistrict Magnet School in Bridgeport, CT. Following the disHighpoint Pictues solution of the drama department at Discovery, Choudhary, Baum, and SchrothDouma sought to reintroduce theater and all its joys to about 25 students aged 11-13 for six hours each week. Typical daily activities started with warm-ups and games, followed Anand Choudhary '22 by a main activity which “switched between doing scenes, telling them a story, and leaving out the ending and having them come up with and act out their own endings in groups, lip-sync battles, [among other things].” The trio looked to Hopkins Drama teachers and directors Mike Calderone and Hope Hartup and Director of Choral Music Erika Schroth for curriculum inspiration. Choudhary said that nearly “every single improv game we played with them was something Will, Orly, or I learned at Hopkins. My love for acting and theater started just before I got to Hopkins, but it's because of Mike, Hope, and Mrs. Schroth that I feel so passionately about it.” Inside This Issue: News............1 Features........2 Op-Ed/Arts...3 Sports...........4

An alum of the Magnet school, Choudhary felt a strong personal connection to the project: “The first show that I ever did, The Lion King, was [at the school] where the program took place… I thought that bringing [the drama program] back would be awesome because that's where my love for performing started.” Similarly, Baum’s own positive experiences with theater programs at Hopkins, as well as others, motivated her to help students reap the benefits of drama. She said, “Theater and improv are both such good ways to learn more about yourself and about the people and the world around you, so I wanted these students to have the opportunity to do that in a fun and relaxed environment.” Schroth-Douma added his motivation, “There are truly few things more sacred and special to me than theatre and the arts—performing with a group of people is this spontaneous, unpredictable, and as a result, magical thing—and if we could share with these kids a portion of that “magic”, then I would’ve been satisfied.” The added social pressures and anxiety caused by the Covid-19 pandemic were also a consideration for Choudhary: “Since Highpoint Pictures the program was in-person, I'm hoping that performing in a low-stakes environment was a jumping-off point for [the students] to be reintroduced into inperson life again.” He continued, “the performing arts have been a great way to Orly Baum '22 stay connected in

Features Page 2: New Faculty Profiles

the Hopkins community for me, and I hope that I was able to pass on that experience to the kids.” Choudhary shared that the group watched their pupils’ growth with pride: “On our first day, we were looking at a group of mostly shy kids who didn't want to come up on stage and participate, but on our last, we had a group of kids who Highpoint Pictures were sad that the class was over and were eagerly raising their hands to participate in all the activities we did. I'd definitely call that a success.” The most valuable lesson for the drama mentors was the importance of adapting to those you are working with Will Schroth-Douma '23 and to the situation. Baum said, “Go with the flow! Programs like this are so everyone, including teachers, can have fun and learn something new. [It’s important to] trust yourself: you know what you're doing and you love what you're sharing, so be confident and have fun.” Choudhary suggested that students considering a similar initiative should: “just go for it. If you really love something enough, you'll find a way to spread your love and passion for a certain thing in a way that works best for you.” He concludes, “It would be nice if I was able to instill a love for performing arts, and just arts in general, in the kids, but at the end of the day, I really just hope they had fun.”

Arts Page 3: A Midsummer Night's Dream

Sports Page 4: Summer Exercising

The Razor: Features

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Welcome to The Hill!

September 10, 2021

The Razor welcomes new faculty and staff to Hopkins. Here are some personal introductions and tidbits. Be sure to give them a warm welcome!

Susan Watson

Lucas Asher

What will you be teaching/coaching/advising this year? I’m so excited to join the Hopkins community as the school’s psychologist. In that role, I’ll meet with students individually to provide counseling and will collaborate with Ms. Romanchok, students, families, faculty, and staff to support students’ emotional well-being. I’ll also be a ninth-grade adviser and will be teaching the Introduction to Psychology course.

What are your hobbies/what things do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I am an avid player of RPGs (Dungeons & Dragons and similar games). I also enjoy working behind-the-scenes with theater as a lighting designer and watching theater. I’m super excited to watch all the Hopkins productions and to be a lot closer to the NYC theater scene than I was in Kentucky.

What are your hobbies/things you enjoy doing in your spare time? I love to hike and am looking forward to exploring the trails in this area (I just moved from western Massachusetts, where my family and I did a lot of hiking together). Reading is a favorite activity (I especially love historical fiction and YA novels), and I read every night before I go to sleep. My husband and I are both certified scuba divers but haven’t had a lot of opportunities to dive since we are kept really busy by our three kids (twin nine-year-old daughters and seven-year-old son) and three pets (two dogs and a cat).

What is your favorite book/movie/TV series/performance and why? I have a lot of favorite books, so it’s difficult to pick just one. I love pretty much anything that Ursula LeGuin has written, especially The Word for World is Forest and Eye of the Heron. I’m also a fan of John Scalzi’s The Interdependency series. For history, one of the best books I’ve read recently is H.W. Brands’s Heirs of the Founders. I’m always looking for recommendations for good sci-fi/fantasy novels and history books.

Susan Watson

Where did you grow up? Lucas Asher Where did you grow up? I grew up in Louisville, Kentucky, before I was born in Jackson, Mississippi, where I lived going to college in Chicago. I moved back until I left for college. home after graduating in 2020, so I’ve spent the past year back in Louisville. What is your academic background? I attended a private day school in Mississippi (St. What is your academic background? Andrew’s Episcopal School) for high school, then I double majored in History (with a focus went to Yale University for college. I began as a on Medieval Europe) and Geophysical pre-med English major but ended up loving Psy- Sciences at the University of Chicago. chology and switched my major and career path. After graduating from college, I attended Harvard What will you be teaching/coaching/ University for graduate school, where I initially advising this year? engaged in research on developmental psychol- I will be teaching two sections of Atlantic Communities II, and will be helping out with ogy. Model UN and Middle School Fencing.

Dawn Card

Do you have any pets? Tell us about them! Pets have always been a part of my life, and I consider them all family members. Currently my (pet) family includes: 1. a tiny, five-pound, thirteen-year-old, tooth- Where did you grow up? less Yorkie named Bridget, 2. a medium-sized, eight-year-old rescue terrier mix I was born and raised in Puerto Rico named Baxter, and 3. a giant, one-year-old fluffball Ragdoll cat named Dash. and moved back to the continental U.S. when I was in seventh grade.

Hsuan-Hui Smith

Where did you grow up? I was born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan.

Hsuan-Hui Wang

What is your academic background? Master of Arts in Teaching in Secondary Education What will you be teaching/coaching/advising/etc. this year? I will be teaching Chinese 2 and Chinese 3 this year.

What drew you to Hopkins? I came to know Hopkins through my husband, Rodrigo Maltarollo, who teaches in the History Department and coaches here. Together we have two kiddos, Sophia 9, and Jojo 7.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV series/performance and why? I enjoy watching comedy TV shows such as Life in Pieces, The Good Place, Modern Family, etc. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? Japanese food! Seafood is irresistible!

Erik Elligers

What is your academic background? I graduated from Windsor High School and received my Bachelor of Music in Studio and Jazz Performance from the University of Miami. What will you be teaching/coaching/advising/etc. this year? I will be teaching AP Music Theory, Jazz/Rock Ensemble, Concert Band, and Junior School Instrumental Band.

What is your academic background? After earning an undergraduate degree in Geology from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, I joined the Peace Corps where I spent four years living and working as an agroforestry volunteer in El Salvador, Central America. What will you be teaching this year? I will be teaching seventh-grade Science and Biology, and will also be part of the seventh-grade advisory team.

What are your hobbies/what things do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I enjoy going to New York and Boston to attend exhibitions and activities. They are my two favorite cities on the East Coast .

Where did you grow up? Windsor, CT

Dawn Card

What are your hobbies/interests? Having grown up in the tropics, there is something so refreshing about the seasonality of things in New England, from apple cider donuts in the fall to perennial flower gardens sprouting in the spring, two things that I really enjoy. A couple other interests of mine include practicing yoga and coming up with creative ways to reuse wood pallets.

Shanti Madison Erik Elligers

Shanti Madison Where did you grow up? I grew up here in New Haven, CT. What is your academic background? I graduated from Southern Connecticut State University with a degree in Environmental Systems of Sustainability. My background is in Geography! I spent my undergrad reading Nature Literature in England, studying hypoxia in the Long Island Sound and researching soil profiles in Iceland.

What will you be teaching/coaching/advising/etc. this year? I will be teaching English 10 and assistant coaching rowing.

Do you have any pets? Tell us about them! What are your hobbies/what things do you enjoy doing in your spare time? We have a twelve-year-old HimaI love painting and hiking. Currently I am spending a lot of time walking around layan cat named Batman. He loves lying in the sun, hiding in back- Maltby Lake and collecting interesting flowers like Birds-Foot Trefoil to paint. packs, eating parmigiana cheese, and has his own Instagram page. What drew you to Hopkins? If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? I was amazed to discover that I had lived just around the corner from Hopkins my It would have to be my Grandma’s pasta sauce. It’s the best comfort food entire life! I was drawn to Hopkins’ love for knowledge and commitment to enand could easily be eaten every day. However, no matter how many times couraging life-long learners. I am inspired by all the possibilities Hopkins has I’ve tried recreating her recipe, it will never be as good as Grandma’s. to pour into our city to motivate more to become passionate about education.

The Razor: Features/Arts/Op-Ed

September 10, 2021

New Faculty Profiles

Brittany Soto

Where did you grow up? Ridgewood, New Jersey.

Where did you grow up? I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and moved to Connecticut roughly three years ago.

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Dan Altano

What is your academic background? I have an undergraduate degree in Communications from Quinnipiac University as well as an MFA in Creative Writing from the City College of New York.

What is your academic background? I hold a BS in Chemistry, MS in Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, MS in Actuarial Science, and a 6th Year in Secondary Education.

What will you be teaching/coaching/advising/etc. this year? I have stepped into the role of Director of Communications.

What will you be teaching/coaching/advising/ etc. this year? I will be teaching Algebra I Enriched and Geometry Enriched, coaching Varsity Girls Soccer, and advising seventh grade.

Dan Altano

What are your hobbies/what things do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Outside of school, I am a stand up comedian and have toured the country doing comedy. I was recently named a 2021 Artist of the Year by Caroline’s on Broadway in New York City.

Do you have any pets? Tell us about them! Brittany Soto I have 4 cats, Booford, Neyland, Copa, and Emmett, who are the loves of my life. Booford is a grumpy, sarcastic, orange tabby who loves to hang out, Neyland is our silver-tipped, princess who was named after Neyland Stadium at the University of Tennessee, Emmett is a young, silver-tipped tabby who was named If you could only eat one meal for the rest of after Emmett street at UVA, and Copa is a young orange tabby who was named after the your life, what would it be and why? ADIDAS Copa cleats. I would have to go with Rigatoni Bolognese! My mother was an Italian immigrant and we have a Are you a sports fan? If so, which sport and what teams? family recipe that has lasted generations. My mom made the sauce for our family evI am a huge sports fan, especially soccer. I enjoy watching college sports and am a fan of ery single Sunday throughout my entire childhood and now I cook it for my 4-year The University of Tennessee. old son Luke every weekend. It’s certainly a special dish and holds a lot of meaning.

StuPro Director Calderone on A Midsummer Night’s Dream Amalia Tuchmann ’23 Assistant Arts Editor

On September 9 and 10, sixteen Hopkins students took to the stage in the summer production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by Eli Calderone ’22. Midsummer was not Calderone’s first time directing, as he directed a One Act in the 2019 Winter Show titled Please Have a Seat, but this was his first time bringing to life an entire play. His experience directing Please Have a Seat gave him valuable insights which he was able to use during A Midsummer Night’s Dream. “During the One Acts, I was able to get my footing, and learn how it feels to be the director and not the directed. It also showed me just how important communication between actors and directors in a show is.” Calderone notes that the importance of communication re-emerged during Midsummer: “In rehearsal, the actors would sometimes ask ‘Can I do this during the scene?’ and I would say ‘Sure, let’s try it.’ And they would do it, and then afterwards I would sit there thinking ‘That was incredible, please do that again.’”

The production is entirely student-led. Calderone explains that “the extent of the faculty’s influence was deciding the director. The actual audition process, casting, rehearsing was all me, which was very scary but also a lot

Eli Calderone

Midsummer cast rehearses in Lovell. of fun.” On opening night, Calderone says he was “really excited for the audience to see the work that the actors have done, because they are working really hard right now. It is not easy to memorize Shakespeare, but when

we ran through the first three acts [during] rehearsal, there were minimal mistakes, which I was very proud of.” Even through all of their hard work, the cast has still managed to find time to enjoy themselves and have fun: “Backstage, we’re always hanging out, having a good time, and on stage everyone’s very supportive of each other. I’m really happy with this group.” As the director, Calderone was able to decide in what ways this production should follow or break with tradition. “I grew up with Midsummer as a bedtime story, and there were certain things while I was growing up that I didn’t like about it, including its tone of misogyny. I worked closely with my actor for Demetrius, whose character is traditionally very terrible to his love interest Helena, to change that, which is something that I’m proud of.” Reflecting on his directing experience, Calderone says, “I’m just having such a good time doing this. I mean, it’s very scary to put something out into the world that you have led, and have people watch it, but it’s also incredibly exciting and rewarding, and this experience has definitely solidified that this is something I want to continue doing in the future.”

Chick-fil-A: Cancel Culture Calls for Justice Anika Madan ’24 Assistant Op/Ed Editor This past June, corporations like LEGO and UGG celebrated Pride Month by launching themed ad campaigns and donating to pro-LGBTQ organizations. Some even actively pursued the Equality Act, a proposed bill to ban discrimination by sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Chick-fil-A, on the other hand, has used its extensive platforms and resources to promote the company’s “traditional” beliefs for seven years. However, lately the company has redirected its focus into making positive change, and the cause was none other than ‘cancel culture’. Chick-fil-A’s billionaire CEO Dan Cathy has a lengthy history as a major donor to anti-LGBTQ organizations, though his efforts were eventually reversed. Cathy’s most recently recorded donation was in 2019, where he gave $5,750 to the National Christian Charitable Foundation (NCF). According to Forbes, this organization is known to donate money to charities that oppose the Equality Act, such as the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, and legal advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom. Chick-fil-A faced backlash from millions of people through boycotting outside restaurants. Two University of Notre Dame undergraduates, Tilly Keeven-Glascock and Joey Jegier, pushed their school to remove Chick-fil-A as a food option from campus following Pride Month this year. In 2020, Chick-fil-A pledged to donate

$5 million to Black-led and Black-benefitting nonprofits, quadrupuling a similar donation in 2019. According to CNN Business, the company promised to only collaborate with organizations that improve education, homelessness, and hunger, including Junior Achievement USA, Covenant House International, and local banks. Although the LGBTQ community does not gain from this proposal, they are not being directly opposed anymore. It is a small step, though one in the right direction. These efforts led Notre Dame students to drop their campaign against Chickfil-A’s continued on-campus presence. For some communities, such as New York University, this initiative was still not good enough. NYU’s Senior Director of Campus Services states in an email to students that the “long-term space, brand, and capital requirements… do not work.” They let Chick-fil-A go because of conflicting core values. Cancel culture, in the form of social media comments and protests, reduced antiLGBTQ influence in our country. Platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook provided Americans a chance to respond to Chick-FilA’s announcements and push for social equality. This movement stirred controversy and raised awareness at the University of Notre Dame and New York University, among other communities and institutions. Although the motive for this company’s changing philanthropic initiatives is unclear, at the very least, Chick-fil-A no longer funds anti-LGBTQ organzations.

The Razor: Arts/Sports

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September 10, 2021

A Metropolitan (Museum) Summer Anand Choudhary ’22 Lead Arts Editor

This past summer, Talia Chang ’22 commuted to New York City every day to work as an intern at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Chang wasn’t able to visit any museums, something she loves to do, so, when restrictions eased up in the spring, she found herself admiring the art in the Met. Chang said that she “was eager to be surrounded by art, and when I got to the museum, which was mostly empty, it felt surreal. I knew that I wanted to have an internship here and be surrounded by professionals who valued art the same way I do.” In April, Chang applied and got accepted to work as an intern at the museum. Chang interned in the Education department of the Met, with Social Media and Teen programs. This includ-

ed helping out with the Met Teens Instagram account, @ themetteens, and heading the initiative Humans of the Met,

Talia Chang

Talia Chang ‘22 with other Met Museum interns. a play on Humans of New

Student Athletes Make The Most Of Their Summer

der to attend swim practice at 6:30 AM, which is “even earlier than for school.” Part of the reason students ease During the school year, Hopkins’s up on exercise during the summer is the three-season athletic requirement ensures belief that the summer should be a time to that students maintain a healthy level of ac- relax and recharge before the school year tivity on top of a rigorous academic load. and its athletic demands begin. Bhandari But when summer arrives, athletic require- stated that “the summer, and especially ments go out the window, giving students August, is used as a bit of a breather bethe freedom to exercise as they please. fore the fall season begins.” Fiona Li Even without any athletic require- ’22 emphasized that “summer is time ments in place, some Hopkins students con- away from school and a break from [the] tinued to exercise during the summer as fre- strenuous activity and stress that comes quently as they did during the school year. from school.” Instead of the “two hours Rhea Ahuja ’23 stated that she exercised a day [of swimming and] drylands” done “four to six days a week [during the sum- during the school year, Li “favor[s] light mer], which is similar to how often [she ex- exercise, like walking or dancing to muercises during the school year].” Ahuja at- sic in [her] room” during the summer. tributed her consistency to her love for her A lack of motivation and other sport: “I really like squash, so I love play- mental hurdles during the summer are ing all summer.” Some Hopkins students other significant contributors to a decrease even increased the intensity of their exer- in exercise for some students. The lack of cising regime during the summer. Brandon an athletic requirement means students Chung ’23 noted that he “work[s] out less must be the ones to push themselves to during the school year” because he doesn’t exercise, which can be a demanding task always “have enough time to do school- for some. Samuel noted that it “becomes work and work out.” The result? “Sum- difficult to force yourself to [exercise] mer is when I am most fit,” said Chung. when you don’t have a commitment forc On top of exercising regularly, stu- ing you to [do so].” The support system dents also used the summer to seek out ad- usually found in a sports team is also not ditional athletic opportunities not available easily accessible, adding another chalduring the school year. Dancer Zoe Som- lenge to exercising during the summer. mer ’23 explained that “a lot of dancers at- Nana Dondorful-Amos ’22 commented, tend summer intensives to work with a va- “it can be hard to find motivation to be acriety of teachers outside of their studio and tive when you’re on your own.” Li agreed, advance their training.” Sommer attended adding that without “your coaches and two intensives this year that entailed “danc- teammates [...] keeping you accountable,” ing over six hours a day.” The intensives, you “have to push yourself to [exercise].” Sommer continued, “allowed her not only Regardless of the intensity or to improve [her] frequency ballet technique of summer but also to approaches learn a variety to exercise, of repertoire.” students On the concur that other side of the it should be spectrum, some maintained students found throughout themselves exthe school ercising less year and during the sumsummer mer than during because of the school year. the mental Laila Samuel and physi’23 “[ran] three cal benetimes a week” fits. Chung Zoe Sommer stated: compared “I to five times Zoe Sommer ’23 performs during a ballet summer inten- like worka week during out in sive at the Nutmeg Conservatory for the Arts. ing the school general; year. Likewise, Arin Bhandari ’23 at- [it] gets my mind and body right.” Simitended swim practice “three to four times larly, Dondorful-Amos finds that exera week” during the summer, down from cising “makes [her] happier and more the “five days a week” during the school productive,” so she “[tries] to incorpoyear. However, exercising during the sum- rate something active in [her] everyday mer remained gruelling, despite the de- routine.” Li concluded, “Just because we crease in frequency. Bhandari described are on summer break doesn’t mean you having “a 6 AM wakeup alarm” in or- have to take a break from exercising.” Melody Cui ’23 Co-Lead Sports Editor

York by Brandon Stanton.

Chang interviewed many different teen artists to showcase on the Met’s teen social media accounts, and “became familiar with different design programs, such as Canva.” Chang decided that this internship opportunity would not only immerse her in the world of art, but help her reach out to teens around the world. Although the internship is only available to forty-six teenagers from the tri-state area, Chang said the program she was a part of had a lot of outreach. “One of the events we did was Teens Take the Met, which happened virtually. It’s basically two days filled with engaging conversations with teens from around the world that connect art with current events. We talked about the connection between race, sexuality, politics, and how they influence and are influenced by many different forms of art. I really think that this program is bringing up a generation of more empathetic and open-minded teenagers to make the world a better place.”

2020 Tokyo Olympics Overview come back and stay supportive of her team even though she had to leave some events.” First-time US Olympian Sunisa “Suni” Lee This summer, thousands of world- displayed incredible skill throughout her class athletes from around the globe com- summer games as well, winning a gold, silpeted in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, ver, and bronze in the Individual all-around Japan. The games, originally set for last competition, the Team competition, and the year, were rescheduled for 2021 due to Co- Uneven bars respectively. vid-19. The Tokyo Olympics kicked off on In Track and Field, one of the most July 23 with its iconic opening ceremony, impressive feats was during the Women’s in which countries normally present their 100m race where all three Jamaican runathletes ners topped to eathe podiger fans. um. Elaine M i k o ThompsonCoakley Herah won ’23 said, gold and “ T h e broke the drones Olympic reforming cord, while a globe teammates over the Shelly-Ann stadium Fraserfelt like Pryce and e v e n Shericka though Jackson the Olymbrought Tanner Lee pics had home silver A school-wide survey found that swimming was the most no spectaand bronze watched Olympic sport. tors, evrespectively. eryone was Demi Adthere together.” At the end of the ceremo- eniran ’23 said, “[It was amazing to watch] ny, Japan’s own tennis superstar Naomi Jamaica sweep the podium in the Women’s Osaka lit the Olympic cauldron to official- 100m and then winning the 4x100m later ly begin the summer games. on.” The three aforementioned women For the next sixteen days, athletes along with Jamaica’s Briana Williams neartook part in over three hundred events ly broke the world record in a clear-cut win across thirty-three sports. These games during the 4x100m Relay. consisted of classic sports, such as Swim- Meanwhile, the US Women’s team saw twoming, Track and Field, and Gymnastics, time Olympian Sydney McLaughlin take but also included new ones, such as Skate- home gold and shatter the world record in boarding. the Women’s 400m Hurdles. Her team Swimming this year was mainly mate Dalilah Muhammad finished in second headlined by Team USA’s Caeleb Dres- place. These two, along with teammates sel, who finished his games with five gold Athing Mu and Allyson Felix, also secured medals and two world record-setting races a gold medal in the 4x400m Relay. In this in the Men’s 100m butterfly and Men’s race, Felix won her eleventh medal, making 100m freestyle. “[My favorite part about her the most decorated American Track and the Olympics was] Caeleb Dressel win- Field athlete ever. ning the 100-free because it was such a The Olympics as a whole was a close race, and he was extremely emotion- huge success, even though it was held dural afterwards,” said Alexander Skula ’25. ing a global pandemic. Alexandra Matthews Gymnastics was particularly event- ’22 summed up the strange circumstances: ful this summer because of seven-time “[I enjoyed] seeing everyone come togethOlympic medalist Simone Biles. She de- er---not only after nearly two years of becided to take a mental break during the ing separated by the pandemic, but also as Olympics, originally withdrawing from changed individuals in a revolutionized the entire Individual all-around competi- society. As demonstrated perhaps most retion. Ripley Chance ’26 commended her soundingly by Simone Biles’s message on and other athletes’ decisions, saying, “I the importance of mental health, the Olymliked seeing a lot of very talented people pics symbolized how we, as a human race, lifting each other up, and also taking a will emerge from this pandemic superior to break if they needed to. It’s a good mental- our pre-pandemic state.” Thomas Pittard ’27 health message to all.” Ultimately, she was echoed Matthews’ quote, saying “[I loved] able to make a remarkable comeback to se- the way they managed to pull through decure a bronze medal in the Balance Beam spite the circumstances. The Olympics just final for Team USA. Natalie Billings ’27 showed how the world has managed Covid said, “I really liked seeing Simone Biles and, for the most part, come out on top.” Tanner Lee ’23 Co-Lead Sports Editor

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