HOPS Magazine Issue 16

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ISSUE 16 | SPRING 2014 Cost: 元20 rmb, $3usd, €2eur www.hopsmagazine.com 北京亿邦联合广告 中国连锁经营协会会员 中国商标注册证:1789570 固定形式印刷品广告登记证号: 京工商印广登字 20120017号 DM



HOPS is the only publication in China dedicated exclusively to beer culture. We strive to provide in-depth and accurate coverage of the evolving beer market, including venues and events, the professional market place and the science of beer brewing. Delving into the culinary arts through beer pairing and innovative recipes, we hope to expand our readers’ understanding of beer. We will also strive to broaden our readers’ knowledge of the history, science and culture surrounding beer, both in China and abroad. MANAGING EDITOR


Kathryn Grant

Luke Kelly


Devin Busam Comrade Flores Marion Jocelyn Fraser Kennedy Heather Laducer Drew Lietzow Leslie Ruskin Mike Sherretz Chase Wiliams Chengxi Wang Keith Vincent

PHOTOGRAPHY Santiago Ezcurra David Wang


Suite 720, KIBS,928 Xikang Road, Jing An District, Shanghai 021-32270086-208 GENERAL

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ISSUE #16 21



10 The Great Spring Forward



Guest Chef: Markus Paul 4 | SPRING 2014 | HOPS


Homebrew Competition

SPRING 2014 Issue #16 www.hopsmagazine.com


Contents BREW OF THE SEASON 6 Mikkeller AROUND TOWN SHANGHAI 8 Funkadeli 8 Flamen Hot Review 10 Great Spring Leap Forward BEIJING 12 Great Leap Brewery 14 Happy Beer House 15 Trouble Bar 15 Jue Festival

Shanghai International Beer Festival

46 Tawain’s Beer Scene



More Great offers in coupon form... don’t miss out! (now including Beijing)

EVENTS 16 Shanghai International Beer Festival SPOTLIGHT 16 Kwak Rekindled COVER STORY 21 Beer Hunt 2014 CUISINE 28 Guest Chef: Markus Paul 30 Markus Paul’s Home Recipes 32 Boxing Cat review 34 Cooking with Beer BREWING 36 Quarterly Homebrew Recipe 38 Brew Tales 40 Homebrew Competition TRAVEL 42 Microbreweries in Mainland 44 Strand Beer Cafe 46 Tawain’s Beer Scene 48 Crossword 49 FREE BEER! HOPS Coupons 52 Beer Reviews: New Arrivals 56 Shanghai beer guide 58 Beijing beer guide HOPS | SPRING 2014 | 5

TOP SHELF ASIA is proud to be adding BrewDog to our outstanding selection of craft beers. We will make an expanded range of BrewDog bottles and kegs available across China. Contact: jason@topshelfasia.com or call Jason on 13510575876 to find out how to purchase BrewDog in your area.

Spring Now is the time to find any excuse to be outside. It won’t be long until the suffocating, concrete baked heat pushes the crowds inside and not long ago that the bitter cold winter had us huddling by space heaters. Granted the AQI isn’t abysmal, take advantage of the fleeting spring moments by grabbing a seat outside and enjoying a fantastic new beer with old friends. We at HOPS encourage this so much that we have created the second official HOPS Beer Scavenger Hunt. China’s most discerning beer drinkers have scoped out Shanghai and Beijing for the city’s best beers at the best bars and microbreweries. Our team of professional drinkers have also decided upon spring’s best seasonal – Mikkeller’s Not Another Wit Beer. Decide for yourselves if this is worthy of our Brew of the Season title, and if you disagree then try a plethora of other choices, including new imports or microbrew favorites. If you’re tired of the same old standard beer choices, indulge in one of the world’s greatest hobbieshomebrewing. HOPS is proud to announce Shanghai’s very first Homebrew Competition as part of Shanghai Beer Week from 23rd May through 1st June. The beer-themed week concludes with Sinan Mansion’s Beer Festival, where the lucky winners of our Homebrew Competition will be announced on stage. So, whichever type of beer you choose to sit outside with, make sure it’s one you are thoroughly enjoying while toasting another gorgeous spring in China


Mikkeller Not Just Another Wit

With a mild winter finally yielding to a promising spring, it is time to cast aside the heavy stouts and gut warmers of winter for a whole new set of enjoyable brews to imbibe. With an ever-expanding selection flowing into China, we now have old favorites from Belgium, craft staples from Oregon, and blossoming treasures from Denmark to choose from. Chase Williams “Not Just Another Wit,” a witbier brewed by the Danish brewery Mikkeller, first arrived in Shanghai just over a year ago. The Belgian witbier (Dutch for “white beer”) style, characterized by large amounts of wheat, added spices, and an unfiltered finish, is a brewing relative of neighboring Germany’s weissbiers (German for “white beer”). Poured into a weizen glass, Not Just Another Wit pours beautiful hazy golden amber, the color of straw. The white and frothy head is over 2 fingers thick and dissipates very slowly due to the wheat throughout the duration of the beer leaving mild lacing along the insides of the glass. At first smell, lemon and coriander notes prevail which gradually are accompanied by yeasty spice as it warms up. The abundant American hops used don’t stand out independently but instead blend nicely with the other citrus aromas. Here we have all the familiar properties of a traditional witbier: plentiful wheat and malt presence blending with the citrusy and spicy flavors, with a background assortment of tropical fruits like orange and pineapple. The mouthfeel is creamy and smooth with medium carbonation. Rounding out a fantastic new age take on a historic style, the beer finishes with a tad of hop bittering and sweet and creamy tones, concealing nicely the 7.6% abv. Thought to have existed for as long as a millennium but generally recognized as being developed in 16th century Bavaria when ingredients were less important to the naming of a beer than its color was, wheat beers were generally just known as white beers because of the paler colored wheat used in the brewing process. The style was very popular until the middle of the 19th century, when the creation of the pilsner brought popularity to brewing lagers buoyed by the advent of refrigeration systems. Sadly, along with most other ales of the time, wheat beers gradually declined for nearly a century. Not until 1966, when the witbier style was nearly extinct, did a local milk man attempt to revive the style. The

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attempts, failures, and successes of Pierre Celis in his hometown of Hoegaarden, Belgium, led the way for the beer which goes by the same name. Recreating the traditional recipe from an ancient time, Celis made use of gruit, a blend of various herbs and spices commonly used before the extensive and often sole use of hops. Gruit in a witbier, often containing differing amounts of coriander and orange peel, gives the style its distinctive lemony citrus aroma and flavor. Today, popular modern examples of the witbier style include the before mentioned Hoegaarden and Blue Moon; a style which Mikkeller ramps up with their Not Just Another Wit. Founded in 2006 by Homebrewers Mikkel Borg Bjerso and Kristian Klarup Keller, Mikkeller has established itself as a brewery not afraid to challenge and defy the norm. Originally a physics and math teacher, Mikkel, and his childhood friend, Keller, took a liking to imported beers and set out to create clones of their favorite Danish IPA, Brockhouse IPA. With an inspiration from and affinity towards hopped up microbrews, homebrewing success transformed into local and international acclaim, and the path was paved for increased production and distribution. A brewery known for its radical take on traditional styles and collaboration brews, such projects include their single hop series, yeast series, and even lambics and 1000 IBU hop-bombs. These examples showcase particular ingredients commonly found in craft ales, and serve as educational instruments for intrigued beer drinkers and homebrewers alike. Not Just Another Wit, for example, contains orange peel and coriander seeds along with goldings, amarillo, saaz, and cascade hops. As a “phantom” brewery with no brewing facility of its own, Mikkeller contracts existing skilled breweries to create its innovative and experimental brews. Currently, the Danish brewery is having most of its beer brewed at de Proef


At first smell, lemon and coriander notes prevail which gradually are accompanied by yeasty spice as it warms up

Brouwerij in Belgium while it also engages in various other collaboration brews around the world. With several Mikkeller beer bars opening in international locations from San Francisco to Bangkok, the concept of mass market tastes is being thrown out the window. Despite Keller now pursuing a career in journalism, Mikkel continues to create at a rapid pace. With no ingredients off limits and no invested brewing facilities to cap his production or freedom, an astonishing diversity of varieties of over 200 are considered current on their Beer Advocate profile with 124 made in 2013 alone. With distribution now stretching to over 40 countries, the future appears bright for Mikkeller with its innovative approach to the industry. This spring, as the temperature warms and your beers begin to sweat, drink a Mikkeller Not Just Another Wit and get a glimpse for yourself of what kind of experimental madness is sweeping the world

Where can I get a glass? Shanghai: Cheers In, City Shop, Boxing Cat Brewery, Inferno, Jackie’s Beer Nest, Andaz Hotel Mr. and Mrs. Beer, Deli-deli

Beijng: Passby Bar, NBeer Pub, Heaven Supermarket, Trouble Bar, Beer All

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ITALIAN BEER COMES TO SHANGHAI Funkadeli 46 Yongkang Lu, near Jiashan Lu

Marion Jocelyn


t can be difficult to choose amongst the many small, high quality bars and restaurants along Yong Kang Lu. However, one small Italian spot caught our eye as one of the more recent additions to the street- Funkadeli. Now their second location in Shanghai, this small, quality Italian eatery and bar offers one of the best Paninis in town with an impressive selection of craft beer to pair. Of course, the “everyman’s drink”, of Italy, Peroni, is sold here, however more interesting is their selection of Italy’s

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newest beer import, Gjulia. Served in a lovely Champaign bottle, this fine Italian beer is a tantamount to the richness of beer culture in Italy, although not normally exported. Additionally, the small eatery boasts a selection of Menabrea, Brunehaut, PALM, and Delirium Tremens. This fine selection makes Funkadeli a rarity in its focus on beer, as opposed to wine. A couple could easily split a bottle of Gjulia, order a fine Panini and enjoy the spring weather on Yong Kang Lu as the warm days approach Shanghai

Flamen Hot 2/F, 323 Tianyueqiao Lu, near Nandan Dong Lu 天钥桥路323号2楼, 近南丹东路



few years ago Hops made a visit to “Flamen’ Hot”, one of the most bazaar and surprisingly quality microbreweries in Shanghai. This highly eclectic, loosely “Carnival” themed microbrewery and restaurant did not blow us away two years ago, however standards for microbrew are much higher now in2014, and with the hire of a new brewmaster and beer/food pairing emphasis, Flamen’ Hot is a welcome “new” spot in Shanghai’s developing craft beer scene. The brewery has a standard eight different beers on tap, including Czech Pilsner, Belgian Fruit, German-Style Weiss, American IPA, German Black Beer, Irish Stout, and a season

shandy-type beer with citrus notes. In the opinion of this writer, the British style IPA was the best choice, seconded by the smooth Irish Stout. As mentioned before, Flamen’ Hot has a bit of an identity crisis (which is more amusing than obnoxious), and much of the food on the menu is German. Their newest item is Wienerschnitzel, and makes an excellent companion with their malty IPA or Black Lager. One of the aspects that drew us in last time was the affordability of Flamen’ Hot and we are happy to say that this has not changed. 88rmb buys you a sampler of their eight different beers, 32-58rmb buys you a pint of your choice, and 88rmb buys you all-you-can drink every night of the week from 8:30-11:30pm. Perhaps the best deal on offer is the 88rmb all-you-can drink, although it’s worth it to try the sampler at first to determine which beers you might come back for. Considering the other prices in Shanghai for microbrew and western cuisine, this is truly the best deal in town

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s we anticipate the arrival of spring here in the Middle Kingdom, it behooves us to prepare ourselves for its arrival. We at Hops Magazine have developed an essential list of items that we believe will surely put a spring in your step as you soon explore mysterious hutongs, cultural sites and little attended tourist attractions. Go fourth ye intrepid! Nectar of the Gods If you’re into drip, French press or a pour-over, it’s clear that to get good coffee, you’ll have a long march ahead of you to satisfy your cravings. Thank the Java gods there is SumerianCoffee. Roasting in Shanghai and available nation wide, try their Calypso blend for a percolating morning.

What to look for:

2 Wheeled Revolutions

A pour of Sumerian Nitro Coffee. Ready your self for a uniquely presented cup of coffee with the smooth velvety appearance of Guinness sans the alcohol.

Cruise the city streets with a gorgeous custom-made two-wheeler from the style kings at Factory 5. Whether you’re into the fixed gear movement or need a reliable commuter for work, Factory 5 can satisfy your cycling needs. Bonus: orders in Shanghai shipped free!

Info: www.sumeriancoffee.com info@sumeriancoffee.com

What to look for: How about Tuesday evening rides with the F5 team? Meet at Factor Five, 876 Jiangsu Lu (near Huashan) for a 9pm departure. Note: be safe and come prepared with a helmet and a light, rides typically go for an hour.

Info: www.wearefactoryfive.com shoutout@wearefactory5.com

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Cutie Patootie Harkening back to a time when Shanghai grannies would vogue down the Bund promenade, slippers and shoes from Suzhou Cobblers will inspire you to strut your inner fashionista. All slippers are handmade from high quality silk and are available for purchase online. Boutique shop has a larger variety of items including bags, hats and small toys and conveniently located near the Bund.

What to look for: Green tea in your cup and Green Tea slippers on your feet.

Info: suzhou_cobblers@yahoo.com www.suzhou-cobblers.com

Wax on, Wax off The old adage goes that “what’s old will be new again” and that couldn’t be any closer to the truth as music on vinyl records makes a roaring comeback. While it may be difficult to curate your collection from China, Genjing Records out of Beijing gives you local acts on wax and thus cache among hipster friends.

What to look for: First, get a record player and then pick up the limited edition (only 500 copies) of Carsick Cars on red vinyl!

Info: info@genjingrecords.com www.genjingrecords.com

RWARD Get Plastered

Got your copy of the Little Red book but looking for more Red Era nostalgia? Look no further than the nuevo vintage look of shirts from Plastered out of Beijing. Bonus: makes a great gift idea for friends who pestered you all year long for a shirt from China!

What to look for: Check out their varied selection of shirts, hoodies and accessories online at their T-mall store by going to plastered8.tmall.com.

Info: www.plasteredtshirts.com dominicbj@plastered.com

From Field to House It has become de jure to cleans your body of toxins at the beginning of spring. What? You didn’t know that? Well, now that you do, make sure to use the professionals at Farmhouse Juice for your spring dietary needs. Farmhouse Juices are mixed with fruit, vegetable and herbal blends give you the maximum amount of detoxifying antioxidants.

What to look for: For an energizing boost, try Spicy Lemonade full of citrus fruits and an abundance of yummy vitamins.

Info: www.farmhousejuice.com juice@farmhousejuice.com

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BEIJING GREAT LEAP’S ORIGINAL NO. 6 GETS ITS FIX HOPS goes onsite to check out the changes at GLB’s Hutong Location.


reat Leap Brewing’s first suds were poured in 2010 at Doujiao Hutong No. 6. Back then, the humble hutong digs did well to meet the needs of a growing but limited customer base. Anyone in search of a fresh beer could pull up a stool and taste their way through the day’s brews on offer. However, as GLB’s beer won palates and the Beijing beer scene expanded, its craft beer carve-out was not enough. A much largerbrewpub – considered GLB’s flagship location and home to its brewing operations – opened in April 2013, complete with a kitchen and capable of serving bigger crowds.

Drew Lietzow

But what of the original, where for Great Leap they took their first leap? As Carl Setzer, GLB founder and brewmaster, says, “The idea to renovate it just came from the fact that this location treated us really well for three years. And then we opened up the new place [Xinzhong location] and saw working with professional construction crews and designers,how painless the process could be. And how they could preserve the actual spirit of the location.” Very much aware of the uniqueness of that is No. 6, he added, “The customers who come here are very much beer enthusiasts. We wanted to make sure the design we presented to them did not interfere with their good memories here.” And so began the renovation of GLB’s first location at the tail end of 2013. On December 24 – just 22 days after the renovation project began – the Original No. 6 location was once again open to GLB diehards and Christmas Eve revelers alike. A considerable transformation, to be sure. Easy-to-notice changes like repositioning and extending the bar –which is now L-shaped, features 20 glistening taps from a previous 14, and capped off with a slab of Russian oak. The space is also equipped with excellent heating, a critical amenity to any business in North China serving a cold product in the winter. Inside seating capacity has increased, with 2 large booths each able to seat 8 around the white pine tables sourced from Heilongjiang, room for another 9 at the bar and a handful of standing-room tables alongside the traditional lattice pattern windows. Other than the addition of more seating, the popular outdoor courtyard was largely left unchanged for patrons who want to soak up the summer sun and be nearer to the alleyway action. GLB takes their craft brews seriously, and the original now has the tap system to match. (The equipment was designed by Micro Matic USA, Inc. and is the same as what’s found at the flagship location.) Beer enthusiasts will welcome the changes the upgraded system provides, including improved climate control and dispensing. Quicker are frothy brews poured than before. “Now all our beers pour in 10

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Great Leap Doujiao Hutong, #6, Dongcheng District

The customers who come here are very much beer enthusiasts. We wanted to make sure the design we presented to them did not interfere with their good memories here. seconds,” says Setzer. Welcome news to No. 6’s two typical groups of customers: regulars who enjoy the respite afforded by a hutong hide-out,and tourists all too eager to find a spot to wet their whistle after snapping a few photos of nearby attractions, such as Drum and Bell Tower. So too does the new draught system bring patron and purveyor closer together. Whereas the old system had the bartender’s back to the customer as they poured, the new one allows for the two to remain face-to-face, no matter to catch up on the week’s events or provide insight on the beers on offer for the day. The system is both a better conduit for conversation and the liquid inside the beer lines. So after all the dust had settled, was the cozy atmosphere and feel of the original retained? Or did it get swept away, its surrounding hutong walls defenseless against the modern times? Before the renovation, No. 6 may have been described by some as charming or others perhaps a bit random, the updated space (approx. 40 sq.meters inside, 70 sq.

meters outside) certainly draws similar visual connections to the flagship location, but still enough independence and hutong homage to create distinction between the two which Great Leap is all too happy to offer. As a result of the renovation, once-empty kegs occasionally caught doubling as room decoration are now securely tucked away and out of sight. Softened lighting, balanced use of colors, a repositioned bar and top-notch draught delivery system – all signs the original’s adolescence has come to pass.Sure, some may get nostalgic remembering the days when the original first opened up, but does anyone actually enjoy waiting for a beer to be poured? For GLB, their beer and its reception first served from the Original No. 6 allowed for the expansion of their business. How many times has it been witnessed that at the first sign of success, a business’s first location was either shuttered, changed so much it felt foreign to the regulars, or was so neglected it became nothing more than an afterthought? Not so with this renovation. The updated digs and new tap system at No. 6 now allow for anyone sipping on one of Great Leap’s beers to feel a little more grown up while doing so

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BEIJING HAPPY BEER HOUSE Happy Beer House 3-34 XingfuyicunXili • Tel: (10) 6416 8837

Another easy-on-the-wallet Gongti spot opens, offering chilled beers for stadium goers.


ooking for a spot in Gongti to engage in a bit of pre-game on the cheap? Happy Beer House, directly opposite the north entrance of Workers’ Stadium, hopes to serve as a night out optionfor those who needed payday yesterday but who still want to sip on quality brews. It’s worthy of consideration for anyone looking to save a few kuai on keeping a well-stocked refrigerator for the coming warmer weather, too. In several aspects, Happy Beer House operates in similar fashion to the handful of like-minded shops operating in the samearea of town: the focus is less (or perhaps not at all) on atmosphere or aesthetics,more so offering a variety of products at minimal cost. One might get “reverse sticker shock”upon first glance of the tagged bottles – or perhaps wonder if they have just discovered a weekend fire sale.(The prices are here to stay, however.)

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Drew Lietzow

No wait staff or dart board to be found, although there was a TV (turned off) and a fish tank (strangely without a light or placed anywhere a customer might sit to drink). On one side of the store sit a bevy of both chilled and non-chilled beers priced around ¥30. On the other side, dozens of bottles of wine are lined up behind a bar (sans bartender) and a few bar stools and 2 small boothsawait anyone looking to get comfy. Liquor and non-alcoholic beverages dot the shelves on both sides of the store, in addition to a small selection of packaged snacks (crisps, cookies and nuts). A recent visit found WarsteinerVerum (Germany) for ¥15, Agrumbocq(a Belgian citrus beer from…you guessed right)for ¥28, ¥35 for Brew Dog Punk IPA (Scotland), and varieties of Organic Samuel Smith’s (England) for ¥58. If you’ve scored tickets to an event taking place at the stadium just across the street, there’s a good chance the shop could be on your radar, considering they’re open 11:00-04:00 daily. A few beers here will put you in good spirits for the night’s show, and leave a few extra coins in your piggy bank for the next

Trouble Bar China View, 2-101 Gongti Donglu, Chaoyang district Tel: 13911136564 • Open Time: 5:00pm—2:00am www.beijingdrivethru.com

TROUBLE BAR Chengxi Wang


rouble Bar is something one shouldn’t miss out on. Run by husband and wife, Brick and Cici, Trouble Bar is located near the Easter Gate in Gongti, Hong Street. Together with the “Brick” in Shuangjing and the fixed gear concept beer bar “The Drive-THRU”, “Trouble Bar” is their third beer bar in Beijing. Maintaining the features of both “The Brick” and “The Drive-THRU”, “Trouble Bar” is adorned in red walls, wooden tables and fixed gear bikes. Brick decided to name his third bar “Trouble Bar” after being such a trouble maker as a child.

This is a great place for their tastings, seminars, and even small live concerts from time to time. Brick and Cici only import beers thoughtfully after a strict tasting process and a solid seal of approval.

Brick and his wife have hosted several beer tastings since 2012, including Summer Beers, Belgium Beer Tasting, and other beer and food themed tasting. Although the prices are quite high, Brick believes that it is worthy to have specific beers on display to attract beer enthusiasts and have the options available for everyone.

Brick and Cici are more than just an intimate couple- they also work fantastically as business partners. “Cici is a perfect wife” Brick says, “I wouldn’t be who I am without her help. I’m more like her assistant in our business development.” Brick takes charge of beer tastings, import selections, food pairings and delivery service. Cici is in charge of outreach and purchase and price fixing. Both Brick and Cici have a very easy-going personality and it’s not surprising that they make friends with their customers. “Trouble Bar gets promoted through word of mouth most of the time,” says Cici.

There is a small stage at the staircase, which was built with Himalayan sea salt blocks.

So, drop by this fine establishment any time and spoil yourself amongst fellow beer lovers

Currently, they serve over 200 craft beers, including selections from Rogue, Brooklyn, North Coast and Brewdog. There are 3 draught beers served, including Morimoto’s Daddy’s Little Helper, Panda Brewery, and Schofferhfer.

JUE FESTIVAL Brewers help quench thirsts at Beijing’s JUE Festival closing market

Warm weather, exclusive Jing A brew helped make for long queues at the taps The Beijing edition of JUE Festival capped things off with a closing market which showcased the artisanal goods of local vendors, including eateries and microbreweries. Two of Beijing’s own, Great Leap Brewing and Jing A Brewing Co. (also known as Capital Brewing Co.) were on hand to providethe masses – some sporting some impressive

body paint – with craft beer to help pass in style the unseasonably warm March day. In collaboration with two other parties involved with the festival, Jing A released a JUE-only beerto help show festival-goers art comes in many forms – including pint glasses. “This festival is all about art and the creative community in Beijing. We love to collaborate – and not just with other brewers,” said Jing Aco-founder Alex Acker. Shua Ye (5.3% ABV, 28 IBU, lit. paint the town) was made with sweet potatoes and cumin. Tasting a glass of the golden-amber ale, one detectedsmokiness and spiciness – a unique flavor profile but smooth enough to please the artsy crowd. “Some people even used the word ‘bacon’ to describe it,” said Kris Li, co-founder of Jing A. If the throngs of people were any indication of the festival season to come, it’s going to be a busy summer. Good news for beer lovers

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Shanghai International Beer Festival The International Beer Competition Results This last April marked the third addition to the now bi-annual Shanghai International Beer Festival, and the turnout was fantastic. Although the festival itself was a great success, the aspect which really stood out the most was the presence of the Brewers Association. Fresh from the 2014 Denver Brewers Conference in The U.S., top members of the BA were flown in for this year’s event and to be part of a judge panel for Shanghai’s first official beer competition. Leading members of the BA, such as COO Bob Peace and multi-award winning brewers such as Doug Oddell (Oddell Brewery), made up the distinguished judging panel. The panel also included highly distinguished local beer enthusiasts, including Master Gao of Nanjing, Pan Ding Hao of Panda Brewery of Beijing, and Yin Hai of NBeer in Beijing. Nearly every beer available at the festival was tasted by the judge panel for a series of hours before each day of the festival. The competition was broken into seven categories, and winners varied from local Chinese brewers to South Korean microbreweries, to craft beers only available in The U.S. Here now Hops presents the winners of China’s first Beer Competition.

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Lager Category 拉格啤酒 (36 entries):

Ale Category 艾尔啤酒 (31 entries):

1. Gold金奖: Norrlandsguld Export (Spendrups Bryggeri AB)

1. Gold金奖: Brooklyn Local 1 (Brooklyn Brewery)

2. Silver银奖: Stockholm Festival Beer (Kronleins Brewery, Halmstad Sweden)

2. Silver银奖: Runoff Red (Odell Brewing Co)

3. Bronze铜奖: Spendrups Premium Lager (Spendrups Bryggeri AB)

3. Bronze铜奖: Brainless Raspberries (Epic Brewing Co)

Wheat Category 小麦啤酒 (15 entries):

Pale Ale/IPA Category 淡色艾尔及IPA(32 entries):

1. Gold金奖: Odell Easy Street Wheat (Odell Brewing Co)

1. Gold金奖: Odell IPA (Odell Brewing Co)

2. Silver银奖: Too Young Wheat (Pandabrew熊猫精酿)

2. Silver银奖: North Star IPA (Shanghai Brewery)

3. Bronze铜奖: Nbeer German Hefeweizen (NBeerPub北京牛啤堂)

3. Bronze铜奖 : Seveboris (Boris de Mesones)

Hybrid/Mixed Beer Category 混合风格啤酒(15 entries):

Dark Ale Category 深色艾尔啤酒 (23 entries):

1. Gold金奖: Young’s Double Chocolate Stout (Wells & Young’s)

1. Gold金奖: Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar (Rogue Ales)

2. Silver银奖: Dogfish HeadPalo Santo Marron (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery)

2. Silver银奖: Founders Breakfast Stout (Founders Brewing Co)

3. Bronze铜奖: Bart Vanilla (FiftyFifty Brewing Co)

3. Bronze铜奖: Eclipse Imperial Stout 2013 (FiftyFifty Brewing Co)

Dark Lager Category 深色拉格啤酒(9 entries): 1. Gold金奖: 1906 Special Reserve (Estrella Galicia) 2. Silver银奖: Dunkel (Reberg上海莱宝鲜啤) 3. Bronze铜奖: Evans Black Lager (Evans Brewing Co) HOPS | SPRING 2014 | 19


Kwak Rekindled Heather Laducer

Most love affairs begin in secret obsession and awkward smiles of feigned interest, however mine was different.

My obsession left me tossing in my sheets in the early morning hours as I would awake dressed head to toe in the clothing of the night before. A smile upon my, face I’d trip happily towards my fridge, thoughts of hazy memories only hours earlier in my little life crept up my unshaven legs. The first recollection was lost until just seconds earlier. I arched my head back in embarrassed mockeries at my actions. The night began as most nights normally did in that small French town. A gathering of us would drink Belgium’s hoppy, bready delicacies known for their charming, muscle relaxing, guard releasing, pleasure-inducing beers of high alcohol content that were so easily masked by the freshness and coldness, not to mention, the emotions that filled me. The first time I took a serious notice of my obsession was in a small bar called, Le Brigand, on Richelme Place only moments from my apartment. The walls were painted a musty dark color of smoke and aged black, covering those walls were small framed photos, large framed photos, giant clothe banners pinned up and a mural of a man whose appearance is that of a slightly beer bellied fellow dressed in green with brown tights and wooden Dutch shoes, he bore a sword, a badge and a look of anger. The next memory isn’t my finest; it’s of an apple juice spiked shot of a feeble attempt at a typical tequila. Sadness and desperation were rushing through me as I had breaths of longing for my hometown. The next recollection is that of happiness as a strange, tall, curvy, rounded-bottom beauty came my way. She placed herself down before me in full glory with her carefully sculpted bodice of crafted wood. Curiosity was itching through my skin as I leaned closer to the spectacle that enraptured me. The glass was bubbled at the bottom and unable to stand up without the wooden casing but instead of being a hindering thought it was a stunning and modern and ancient attraction all at once. Kwak was her name, Pauwel Kwak. A Belgian doll with a golden brown glossiness oozing from her nectar that filled the glass. A nectar that would glow an amber sparkle when the light filtered through her curvaceous body. Wafts of honey and caramel entered the air with delicate notes of bread and banana teasing my senses. Entranced by this elixir

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I lost those around me, they no longer existed in this moment, I was warped away from all the noise, the music, the chatter and I was alone with this beer. I had to have her. I moved my hand towards the slender, wooden, handle-like encasing that surrounded the base of the glass and the lower part of the neck and with just the slightest stir of air I gently lifted her up worried that fast motions would rock the glass and the masterpiece that was before me would be lost forever. Alas, I had her to my lips and I tilted the glass up and took in my first taste. The buttery sweet liquid enlivened my taste buds. She wasn’t a coy brew, she smelled of caramel and tasted of caramel and the alcohol content was apparent in a straightforward but deceptive way- if you can understand my meaning. The spicy finish warmed my body and as I set the glass back down on the table the bar was awoken. When your glass begins to get empty and your beer is resting just centimeters above the bulbous base you’ll find, if the room is quiet, a noise that is rumored to be the namesake of this elixir will burst out of the glass like an award for drinking her. She became my night starter, my weekend starter, my party starter. Whenever an occasion called for alcohol, I thought of her. I continued this love affair for several months before the winds of destiny changed my course and I was set for South Korea. Arriving in Seoul I searched for her, but she was nowhere to be found. I started boring my friends with the stories of good times that passed and the everlasting impression she had left on my mind. Years eventually past and I began to forget her. I forgot how her aroma danced upon my senses, I forgot how she tasted, and forgot the sounds she would make as I would take her in. It was until I stepped off the plane in Shanghai that all her gorgeousness would consume me once more. Alone in a city of twenty-two million souls I found tucked away in a small street full of shops selling trinkets, clothes, shoes, hats and food a small Belgian brasserie, called De Refter. Entering, I quickly eyed the customers who were drinking beers that I was familiar with but not the one I longed for. I walked further inside and found a seat in the corner. The waitress presented me with a menu and I perused it with the eating feeling that I would not be meeting my golden beauty when suddenly I spied her coyous name written upon the paper. Surely they don’t have her, surely this is a joke on me. I waved over the waitress and pointed to her name. In a flash she was gone, an impending doom was looming over me, I was confident that if the waitress came back with bad news I would be wounded eternally. Minutes felt like hours and as I watched her in the room, my anticipation was bubbling inside me. A glimmer caught my attention near the bar and my eyes were met with Kwak’s glistening body being poured gently into her lovely glass. Jubilation, exhilaration, and ecstasy coursed through my body as all the long forgotten memories poured back into my life. I could tell you that I don’t still love her today but those words would be a lie. She will always hold a special place in my heart. My advice to all those who are tempted by her beauty is to heed caution. If you must leave her, you may never find her again, no other lady will ever take her place

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B E E R HUNT 2014

For the spring 2014 addition of Hops Magazine, we present to you the 2nd Hops Magazine Beer Scavenger Hunt for Shanghai and Beijing! Whichever city you call home, take advantage of the nice weather and try our Hops selection of the best beers these wonderful cities have to offer!

SHANGHAI SELECTION: The Brews Shanghai, an incredible diverse city of 24 million, currently boasts Slow Boat First Immortal Double IPA a beer selection dwarfing that of a Staxx Wine • Rm. 2-3, 293 Jiaozhou Lu mere 3 years ago. With carefully Tie Guai Li (铁拐李), the first of China’s Eight Immortals, is the behind this beer. His gourd held elixirs that eased selected styles and brews, unique inspiration suffering just as this beer will. Slow Boat’s Double IPA is copper in color with hop forward citrus aromas, strong floral experiences await those who notes and a solid malt backbone exuding flavors of caramel accept this challenge, as we and licorice. Originally from Beijing, Slow Boat can now be found in bottles in selected locations around Shanghai. Staxx promise to expand your beer Wine is an excellent place to begin your Shanghai hunt, as they are open during the day and have pleasant outside horizon and introduce you to seating on tree-lined Jiaozhou Lu. 8% ABV. some of Shanghai’s finest beer Black Eyed Bear Stout offerings and watering holes. Chase Williams

Shanghai Brewery • 15 Dongping Lu and 21C, Hongmei Pedestrian Street, 3338 Hongmei Lu

A homegrown product, Shanghai Brewery’s Black Eyed Bear Stout pours dark brown near black on draft into a signature Shanghai Brewery glass. With a thick tan head leaving lacing along the sides of the glass, hints of coffee and chocolate can be detected from this very drinkable stout. At 4.2% ABV and not overpowering, this would be a great choice to start off the night.

Rogue Dead Guy Tap House • 74 Yongkang Lu Brewed by Rogue Ales in Newport, Oregon, Dead Guy Ale is a 6.5% ABV maibock. Fresh on draft at Tap House, this beer pours a copper-amber in color with a pleasant caramel and citrus aroma. Tasting of sweet malts with a moderate amount of hop flavor, at 40 IBU’s this is not an overly bitter beer but very pleasant for experienced and novice craft drinkers alike.

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The Rules of the Game Preferably with great friends, drink the following beers which have been chosen as excellent imported and home-grown representations of their styles. Although arranged geographically and stylistically in a sequence designed for the best route to traverse, please keep in mind that the scavenger hunt does not need to be completed in 1 night.

We at Hops will determine three winners from each city, depending on the quality and creativity of photos submitted.

To win, take a picture of you and your friends at each location with the specified beer and a visible menu. Then, send the pictures along with your name and contact details to Editors@ HopsMagazine.com by July 15th, 2014 to receive your prize.

Amongst the excellent prizes are selections of beers offered from each participating bar, as well as glassware, T-Shirts, and gift certificates. Because sometimes food is required amongst excessive beer drinking (or at least should be), we have also teamed up SHERPAS to offer each winner a 100rmb gift voucher.

La Chouffe Houblon

Queue de Charrue Blonde

Kaiba • 479 Wuding Lu, 739 Dingxi Lu and 169 Jianguo Zhong Lu

Cheers In • 25 Yongkang lu, 129 Daxue Lu (Jinjia Lu), Yangpu District, Shanghai

A Belgian IPA, think of a hopped up tripel if you’re unfamiliar, this brew by La Chouffe is an excellent take on a very modern style. Pouring an orange-yellow into a tulip glass with a large head and excellent lacing, citrus and pine aromas blend nicely with the Belgian yeast. A crisp finish and full of fruity flavors, at 9% ABV this is a must try in a beer bar full of may excellent choices.

Sucker Punch Pale Ale Boxing Cat Brewery • 519 Fuxing Zhong Lu and 82 Fuxing Xi Lu Brewed by Boxing Cat Brewery and available at both the Sinan Lu and Yongfu lu locations, this American Pale Ale is a local favorite and available year round. With a golden-orange hue and slightly malty profile blending with the American citra hops, the 5.5% ABV stands out just a little in an exceptional representation of a classic stateside pale ale.

Rochefort 10 The Beer Shelf • 232 Danshui Lu An original Trappist and one of the best at that, Rochefort 10 is a Belgian quadrupel brewed by monks at the Abbey of Notre-Dame de Saint-Remy. One of the premiere representations of its style and a mainstay near the top of every top beer list, this 11.3% ABV beauty is dark brown in color and full of nutty and fruity aromas from the Belgian yeast. Drink this from a proper chalice and try to spot the caramel and raisin aroma and flavors. Make sure not to drive home after enjoying one of these at The Beer Shelf.

“Queue de Charrue” Blond is a top fermented beer with a sweet and generous taste. It has less bitterness than the Triple but stays marrowy in mouth and has a slight fruity aroma. Brewed with pure spring water and carefully selected hops and malts, this blond beer with its soft and full flavour is preferably served cool. 6.6% ABV.

IPA Pale Ale The Brew • 1/F, 1388 Huamu Lu A classic characterized by intense hop bitterness and medium alcohol content. This ale combines everything we love about beer, cementing itself as an anchor brew. American citrus hops are dominant with a well-balanced malt sweetness for easy drinking. 5.2% ABV.

Köstritzer Schwarzbier Ron Champs • 75 Yongkang Lu, near Xiangyang Lu This is a fantastic warm weather “dark” beer that is not too strong and is highly enjoyable on a pleasant day on Yong Kang Lu. Nice malty roasted flavor, with a surprisingly crisp and fresh mouth feel. It doesn’t feel too heavy or warming and instead tastes light and refreshing. Malts are pronounced but mild enough for this beer to be highly drinkable. 4.8% ABV.

Happy Hunting! HOPS | SPRING 2014 | 27


BEIJING SELECTION: Beijing’s beer scene has developed at perhaps an even quicker rate than that of Shanghai, with a craft beer scene that would be unrecognizable five years ago. With that in mind, we have scoped out the cities finest imports and microbreweries for you to enjoy from the darkest hutongs to the thriving downtown centers.

The Brews

Drew Lietzow

(Arranged in order of east to west across Beijing’s landscape.)


Mandarin Summer Wheat

PaulanerBräuhaus, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (inside Kempinski Hotel)

Jing A Brewing Co. 57 Xingfucun Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (inside The Big Smoke Bistro)

Much like German beers and brew making have influenced the world over, PaulanerBrauhaus and its in-house microbrewery have made a huge impression on Beijing locals and tourists alike. Impressing for 22 years, in fact. This dunkel has a smooth, foamy head and comes in a stein so big you might need a few friends to help you savor it. You will not likely want to share, however, as the richness and depth of this dark lager is well balanced, more than capable of aiding parched throats. It is nice to know a meticulous brewmaster is overseeing everything that goes into your glass but an even bigger smile will develop after seeing the sprawling outdoor beer garden calling your name. The beers of Bavaria await. 5.3% ABV.

Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA BEER ALL, 39 DongsanhuanZhonglu, Jianwai SOHO, Bldg 17, BF, Unit 8821 Until recently in China, sipping on brews from Dogfish Headwas likely due to kindness displayed by a continent-crossing friend with luggage to spare.From one of the most reputable brewers in the U.S., this East Coast IPA lets the hops do the talking, with refreshing citrus notes and a bit of grass. For anyone new to IPAs, thisversionhelps serve as a benchmark on your journey – indeed for many, tasting the 60 Minute is a lasting memory (similar to how the hops lingers on your palate after tasting this beer). BEER ALL’s got plenty of other options to choose from, including for hops enthusiasts, the Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA. 6% ABV.

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Deliciously refreshing, with a smooth, light body and subtle spiced citrus notes, the Mandarin Summer Wheat combines pale wheat malts with local mandarin orange zest and coriander additions for a beautiful sunny color and rounded, dry finish. Sipping on it on a lazy afternoon, one can quickly be transported to a windswept wheat plain,far removed from the mopeds darting around the outdoor alleyway seating. 4.1% ABV.

Endeavor Vienna Lager Slow Boat Taproom, 56 DongsiBatiao, Dongcheng District Vienna Lager was first crafted in the 19th Century by Munich brewersafter studying different beer styles throughout Europe. A type of lager that is a bit endangered, this variant of the “species”has been granted full “protection” by Beijing’s own: Slow Boat Brewery. A characteristic amber color meets the eye while a nuttiness and a reserved lingering sweetness delight other senses. The Endeavor has a complexity of an ale but the drinkability of a lager and makes for mighty fine company on the hot, humid nights of Beijing summers. 5% ABV.

in association with

Red Honey Ale

NBeer Summer IPA

Panda Brew, 61 WudoayingHutong, Dongcheng District

Nbeer Pub, 85 HuguosiDajie, 1F-6, Xicheng District

Stealth-like. That is the way in which Panda Brewery’s Red Honey Ale works its magic. Sure, the bottle’s innocent eyes of China’s most popular creature seems to reassure you it’s not after your carcass, but all the while it’s simply lollygagging you to its peaceful habitat of bambooladen forest. Unassuming at just 9 IBU (for an ale!), the lipsmacking goodness that ensues, well, it’s like sweet honey when it hits the lips. Oh wait, it contains actual honey, but is complimented by a hefty 5.5% ABV (which according to the brewmaster, was later discovered to be an actual ABV of 6.2%!). It will not require much time for you to realize this crushable ale slowly but most assuredly sneaks up on you.

Arrow Factory Brewing, Catcher In The Rye Stuff’d, 9 Jianchang Hutong A medium alcohol Rye P.A. with a nice chunk of said grain in the grain bill, giving it a subtle rye spiciness. German bittering and aroma hops from the U.S. provide the hop backbone which is then backed up by dry hopping, bringing a powerful aroma when combined with its imported types of yeast. 6% ABV.

As of the writing of this article, there was no NBeer Summer IPA available for me – or anyone – to try. But rest assured, the folks behind the brews at NBeer are always tinkering away at recipes, eager to concoct its next take onliquid bread and showcase seasonals(which can at times be months in the making). Always more than a dozen craft beers on tap, and many a bottled import waiting to be popped open, it is nice to find a watering hole so adroitly capable of surrounding one with pints of the good stuff. Their famous Summer IPA will surely be available for the months of May, June, and July so stop by and give it a try.

Kasteel Hoppy Container, 11 Fu’an Xi Lu, GF, Chaoyang District A well-balanced Belgian Pale Ale from Castle Brewery Van Honsebrouck. A very new beer having been released in 2013, this particular Kasteel will not overwhelm but rather subtle hop notes will pull through. The hops used for this beer (all grown in Belgium) are expertly contrasted with malt, with a floral hint detected in the aftertaste. The thirst-questing comes from the restrained used of hops and refreshing carbonation. Container has outdoor seating perfect for a session. 6.5% ABV.

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Guest Chef Paulaner’s Markus Paul 30 | SPRING 2014 | HOPS


he landscape of craft beer in China was almost unrecognizable ten years ago – one of the aspects of the new luxury market that just continues to expand. However, German beer has been a solid choice amongst Chinese beer lovers since the 90’s, and Paulaner was one of the first western breweries to make their mark in Shanghai and Beijing. With such a solid reputation for quality German beer and food in China, it was only a matter of time before Paulaner paired the two and we at Hops recognize an excellent beer recipe when we see one. Head Chef, Markus Paul has created a delectable dish using Paulaner’s Salvator beer in a fantastic sauce that is poured over Beef Tenderloin, Lamb Chops, Chicken Shanks, Tiger Prawns and grilled vegetables. This dark and hearty beer is the perfect ingredient for a rich sauce and can be enjoyed on both Paulaner’s seafood options and red meat. Hops was recently lucky enough to meet with Paulaner’s Head Chef, Paul, and he has graciously offered to share some fabulous beer and food recipes with our dear readers. If you can’t be bothered to make up these mouthwatering recipes at home, stop by Paulaner and order your favorite!

Shanghai Paulaner locations: 150 Fenyang Lu, 555 Shibo Avenue, Pudong, 2967 Lujiazui Lu and No.19-20, North Block Xintiandi, Lane 181 Taicang Lu

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Paulaner Chef, Markus Paul’s home recipes If you have never cooked with beer, you are missing out on simple and delicious recipes. Pick up some bottles today and try out these fantastic, simple recipes at home.

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20g Butter / 20

Melt the butter in a pan. Then add the onions and sauté them until golden brown. Add all other ingredients and bring to boil. Reduce heat to simmer until sauce thickens.

15g Onions diced 70ml Dark Beer 10g Thyme 120ml Beef Sauce Salt and Pepper

PAULANER BREWER GRAIN BREAD METHOD Mixing time in a house hold mixer : 4 minutes slow, 7 minutes fast Dough temperature: 26 – 27 °C Bulk fermentation time: 2 x 45 minutes in oiled plastic trays/bowls (after 45 minutes knock back & repeat) Initial baking temperature: 250 °C, dropping to 190 °C and between spray a bit water in the oven Baking time: approx. 90 minutes



300 g Bread Flour

3 g Salt

300 g Dark Rye Flour

300 ml Paulaner Dark Beer

5 g Brewer Grain

125 ml Water ( add in two steps)

6 g Instant Yeast

After scaling mould slight round, roll the dough pieces in flour and place them top side down in baskets. After 30 minutes proofing time turn over on setters or trays and allow final proof. Dock before load.


250 ml Wheat Beer

80 g Icing Sugar

Pinch of Salt

2 g Vanilla Sugar

200 ml Whipped Cream

3 leaves Galantine 500 g Mascarpone

12 Pcs. Lady Fingers

METHOD Split the Egg White from the Egg Yolk. Whisk the egg yolk with 60 g icing sugar, 2 g vanilla sugar and 125 ml Wheat Beer on a Bain-marie till all is foamy and has volume Soak the galantine in water and afterwards squeeze it Mix the Galantine under the foam and add slowly the mascarpone. Afterwards keep all cool in a fridge till the firmness starts. Meanwhile take the egg white and add a pinch of Salt and whisk it all till it is foamy and gets volume.

Whisk the whipping cream till it has the right whipped consistence. Then mix all carefully together. Add the Lady’s Fingers in a proper dish and imbue them with the other 125 ml Wheat Beer. Then add the creamy mass on top and place it again in the fridge for minimum 4 hours. Before serving top the Beeramisu with dark chocolate powder.

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The Ultimate American Food & Beer Experience Boxing Cat Brewery, Shanghai Leslie Ruskin

With so many new seasonal and limited edition beers now on tap at Shanghai’s Boxing Cat Brewery locations, along with the many new delicious items that new Group Executive Chef, Sean Jorgensen, has added to their food menu, I was delighted to be invited to stop by and give some of them a try. Everything was so tasty that I’m happy to share my thoughts here with my favorite magazine dedicated to beer in China. We started our meal with a culinary twist on a classic bar snack, the Blackened Fish Tacos (¥95) topped with mango salsa and jalapeno cucumber sauce served with black beans and herb rice. Tasty, meaty, and flaky chunks of Icelandic, “frozen at sea” cod, line-caught in crystal clear waters fill the three soft corn tortilla tacos. We enjoyed the way the complex and clean tastes of the Brawlin’ Belgian Witbier (4.7%) paired with these delicious tacos. This typical Belgian style spring seasonal wheat beer came out just in time for this great Shanghai spring weather. BCB achieves additional complexity in this unfiltered ale by adding some orange peel, pear sugar, and organic pink peppercorns. The resulting subtle notes of orange, citrus, and spiciness mixed great with citrus tastes from mango salsa and the bright flavored fish. Another classic bar snack that any beer lover will order are chicken wings. So I’m sure that all of you chicken wing lovers will appreciate that BCB offers two different and tempting choices. Lacking any sense of will power, we naturally had to try them both. The locally sourced Fists of Fury (¥75) chicken wings are tossed in a tangy, firecracker spicy Buffalo-style sauce. The nature of the Riwaka Single Hop ale (5.8%) presented an oily, slightly bitter, straightforward, crisp taste and fragrant nose, and proved a delicious way to enjoy the powerful taste of the sauce and soft chicken meat. The stickiness and the sweet and tangy tastes of the second style

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Boxing Cat’s famous fish tacos

– Sesame Glazed Wings (¥75) – reminded me of eating chunks of my favorite American-style Chinese dish, Sesame Chicken. The New Zealand hops in this single hop ale offer powerful grapefruit “citrus” characters that also accentuate the tangy elements present in both styles of the sauces. As with most wing platters, BCB’s comes with celery and carrot

Cranberry Porter

Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch Cake

strips and bleu cheese dressing, which, despite not being as thick as I prefer, still packed a nice strong bleu cheese flavor. Dedicated to the original founder of the brewery restaurant, Gary Heynes , the G-Man’s Swampy Southern Gumbo (¥40/ cup) is made with house-ground Andouille sausage, duck, smoked Hunan bacon, okra, green and red peppers. The clean and crisp taste and finish achieved from additional cold lagering, low malt, and floral Czech “noble” hops make the Standing 8 Pilsner (4.9%) a great complement to the complex sensations from the Louisiana Gumbo powder and myriad spices. We also found that the deep, smoky, coffee, and chocolaty tastes, and creamy, rich, and velvety smooth mouth of the King Louie Imperial Stout (8.0%) is another great choice to wash down the smoky gumbo roux taste and rich, thick texture. One taste of this stout, brewed with several roasted malts, a bit of smoked malt, coffee, and fragrant hops, made obvious to me why Michael Jordan, BCB’s Head Brew Master, won Silver Medal at 2013 Australian International Beer Awards for this well-balanced, hoppy, black ale. The name used for this beer, as with the naming of many other beers and food found in BCB, helps to memorialize Gary and his mark on the venue. In this case, Louie was the name of Gary’s cat that inspired the name Boxing Cat.

Just as we were licking all the remaining delicious wings’ sauce off our fingers and finding our beer glasses empty, we saw a plate of ribs coming set onto our table that can best be described as something out from the animated Flintstones TV show. The fall-off-the-bone tender Big Daddy’s Smoke House Pork Ribs (¥135) are slathered in sweet and spicy chipotle BBQ sauce and served with apple slaw. The pigs are locally grown and the ribs are four days in the making (Day 1 soaked in a salt and spice brine, Day 2 rubbed in seasoning, Day 3 smoked in house for 9 hours using Apple wood, Day 4 to let the meat rest) and are finished on the grill upon order. Over 10 different ingredients – one is a secret – makes up this classic North Carolina style mustard-based BBQ sauce. We found that the robust and complex tastes of the Donkey Punch Porter (5.6%) was a nice match up with these monster ribs with a monster taste. This porter gets a big taste by using six different malts and three different hops, plus chocolate notes from cacao powder and spicy notes from dried Ancho peppers. I was very glad that I made sure to leave a bit of room left in my already nearly full belly for a taste of some of the brewery’s legendary desserts. In fact, our mouths all dropped open as we gazed upon the nearly 6” tall Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch Cake (¥45). This hedonistic treat comprises decedent layers of creamy, rich peanut butter mousse made from house-ground roasted peanuts, chocolate ganache, bitter-sweet Valrhona chocolate crunchies, and milk chocolate cake. The silky-smooth, tart and sweet, limited edition Cashmere Cranberry Porter (6.2%) proved an excellent pairing with this monumental cake. The eclectic recipe brews together Belgium dark chocolate and U.S. Cranberry puree. The resulting hints of berry, chocolate, and roasty caramel will naturally pair great with many desserts. I personally couldn’t get enough of this delicious novel brew. One extra exciting surprise that we learned on the night of our dinner is that the group is almost ready to open a new venue, to be called “Liquid Laundry”. Think of an upscale Boxing Cat, the new brewpub and restaurant will feature in-house cured and smoked meats, new craft beers, open kitchen and brewery, and is located in K. Wah Center on Huai Hai M. Road. Stay tuned for a review as soon as it opens

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Photo: Lisa Brewster • flickr.com/photos/sophistechate


Mike Sherretz, Owner of MY HOMEBREW STORE, in Shanghai, presents...

COOKING WITH BEER Tis the season to think of all things outdoors. With the weather warming and the flowers starting to show, my thoughts are streaming to the hot summer months when we will be gathering around the BBQ grill or sitting down to a great home-cooked classic meal. I start to salivate as I dream of the beer brats, ribs and steaks sizzling on the charcoal fire. I guess now is the time to divulge of a couple home secrets. Our homemade coarse ground beer mustard and the Classic Meatloaf with a twist. There is something that just warms me to the bone when I think of the hot meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans with fresh homemade bread and butter. Don’t forget a nice cold IPA, Schwartzbier, Stout or Porter to go along with this.

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COARSE GROUND MUSTARD INGREDIENTS 3/4 cup brown mustard seeds 1/4 cup yellow mustard seeds 1 cup dark beer, or as needed 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 3 half pint canning jars with lids and rings or 3 to 4 jelly jars and lids.

METHOD 1 Soak brown and yellow mustard seeds with dark beer in a large bowl set in the refrigerator for 24 hours. If the seeds soak up the beer too quickly, of course add more beer as needed. 2 Transfer the soaked mustard seeds to a food processor along with garlic, apple cider vinegar, brown sugar, salt, and black pepper. Pulse until desired consistency is reached. A blender can also be used but produces a finer grind. 3 Sterilize the jars and lids in boiling water for at least 5 minutes.

5 Place the jars in a microwave on high until they start to bubble. Then remove and handle them while still hot. 6 Wipe the rims of the jars to remove any food residue and quickly top with the hot lids right from the hot water, and screw on rings. The use of a thick kitchen towel will make this process much safer and easier. 7 Allow to cool sitting upside down and then refrigerate the jars of mustard for 2 weeks before using.The stored jars can be used after 3 weeks of aging.

4 Pack the mustard into the hot, sterilized jars, filling the jars to within 1/4 inch of the top.


3 tablespoons ketchup or Sweet BBQ Sauce

cooking spray

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

1 pound ground beef

2 teaspoons dried basil

1 pound ground pork

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 tsp. liquid smoke (Mesquite or Hickory)

1 teaspoon salt

2 eggs

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

2/3-3/4 cup dry bread crumbs

1/3 cup Ketchup or Canned Spaghetti Sauce

1/2 cup Pale Ale or Dark Beer all types are OK.

1/4 cup Shredded Pizza cheese

1/2 cup chopped onion or 2 tablespoons of dried onion

METHOD 1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Coat a casserole dish with cooking spray. 2 Combine ground beef, ground pork, eggs, bread crumbs, Beer, onions, 3 tablespoons ketchup (or Sweet BBQ Sauce), mustard, basil, garlic powder, salt, and pepper in a large bowl; mix well. Transfer mixture to prepared casserole dish; shape into 10x5x2-inch loaf. Spread 1/3 cup ketchup or Spaghetti Sauce on top of the loaf. 3 Bake in the preheated oven until no longer pink in the center, 60 to 65 minutes. [An instant-read thermometer inserted into the center should read 160 degrees F (70 degrees C).

4 Add the cheese on top and allow to remain in the oven until the cheese has started to brown (3 to 5 minutes). Remove and allow to cool 10 minutes before slicing. 5 This is also great with some dried Chili seeds (like used on pizza and spaghetti) both inside the meat loaf and sprinkled on the finished dish as you like it. An added plus is a nice helping of Mashed Potatoes with the Spaghetti sauce and butter added on top of the potatoes to accompany the meatloaf and a side of green beans. For desert, Peach cobbler and ice cream.

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Mike Sherretz


The perfect brew for colder months, this Pumpkin Ale recipe is clean and sweetly malty, with just enough hop bitterness to balance. A dose of select spices at the end of the boil infuses the beer with a complex, lingering spice profile full of nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger that persists from the pour to the last swish in the glass. If you want to incorporate actual vegetables in this pumpkin beer recipe, you’ll need to purchase an additional 2 or 3 pounds of 6-row malt and provide your own 8 to 10 pound pumpkin, winter squash like Hubbard Squash, butternut or acorn squash. Cut up the gourd, discard the seeds and innards, and roast or microwave the pieces until soft and cooked through (350 deg oven for 30 minutes) then peel and discard the peel. Mash the cooked pumpkin flesh with the 6-row and the grains at 152°F (67°C) for 1 hour before sparging and proceeding with the boil. Canned pumpkin pie filling can also be used. Just bake it for ½ hour to develop the flavor and proceed as above. NOTE: The addition of the vegetable matter adds a lot of sediment to the fermenter and is harder to remove. You will lose more liquid and the flavor addition of the pumpkin is only slight.

INSTRUCTIONS O.G: 1.054 • READY: 6 WEEKS 1–2 weeks primary, 2 weeks secondary, 1–2 weeks bottle conditioning

STEEPING GRAINS 0.5 lb Caramel 40L


3.15 lbs Amber malt syrup @ 60 min (1.5kg) 1.0 lb Pilsen dried malt extract @ 60 min or .75 lb Pilsen malt syrup (.45 kg or .35 kg) 3.15 lbs Amber malt syrup late addition @ 15 min (1.42 kg)


1 oz Cluster @ 60 min or ½ oz Chinook hops 1 to 2 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice @ 0 min


Dry Yeast: Safale US-05 Ale Yeast. Optimum temp: 59°-75° F or Liquid yeast option: Wyeast 1056 American Ale. Optimum temp: 60°-72°F.

PRIMING SUGAR 5 oz Priming Sugar

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(approx ¼ kg)

THE DAY BEFORE BREWING 1. Remove the liquid Wyeast pack from the refrigerator, and “smack” as shown on the back of the yeast package. Leave it in a warm place (70–80° F) to incubate until the pack begins to inflate. Allow at least 3 hours for inflation; some packs may take up to several days to show inflation. Do not brew with inactive yeast. If you are using dry yeast, no action is needed.

ON BREWING DAY 2. Collect and heat 2.5 gallons of water. 3. Pour crushed grain into a mesh bag and tie the open end in a knot. Steep for 20 minutes and heat the water until it reaches 170°F. Now remove bag and discard. Do not squeeze the bag! 4. Bring to a boil and add 3.15 lbs Amber malt syrup and the Pilsen DME or LME. Remove the kettle from the burner and stir in the Amber and Pilsen malt syrup/DME. Remove from heat to avoid scorching the sugar on the bottom of the pot. 5. Return wort to boil. The mixture is now called “wort”, the brewer’s term for unfermented beer.

– Add 1 oz Cluster or ½ oz Chinook hops, and boil for 60 minutes.

– Add 3.15 lbs Amber malt syrup 15 min before the end of the boil.

– Add 1 tsp of Pumpkin Pie Spice at the end of the boil.

6. Cool the wort: When the 60-minute boil is finished, cool the wort to approximately 100°F (37°C) as rapidly as possible. Use a wort chiller, or put the kettle in an ice bath in your sink or tub. 7. Sanitize fermenting equipment and yeast pack. While the wort cools, sanitize the fermenting equipment – fermenter, lid or stopper, fermentation lock, funnel, etc – along with the yeast pack and a pair of scissors. 8. Fill primary fermenter with 2 gallons of cold water, and then pour in the cooled wort. Leave any thick sludge in the bottom of the kettle. 9. Add more cold water as needed to bring the volume to 5 gallons.

BEYOND BREWING DAY, WEEKS 1–2 15. Active fermentation begins. Within approximately 48 hours of Brewing Day, active fermentation will begin – there will be a cap of foam on the surface of the beer, and you may see bubbles come through the fermentation lock. 16. Active fermentation ends. Approximately 1–2 weeks after brewing day, active fermentation will end: the cap of foam falls back into the new beer, bubbling in the fermentation lock slows down or stops. 17. Transfer beer to secondary fermenter. Sanitize siphoning equipment and an airlock and carboy bung or stopper. Siphon the beer from the primary fermenter into the secondary.

BEYOND BREWING DAY — SECONDARY FERMENTATION 18. Secondary fermentation. Allow the beer to condi¬tion in the secondary fermenter for 2 weeks before proceeding with the next step. Timing now is somewhat flexible. Be sure to leave the sediment behind now.

BOTTLING DAY—ABOUT 1 MONTH AFTER BREWING DAY 19. Sanitize siphoning and bottling equipment. 20. Mix a priming solution (a measured amount of sugar dissolved in water to carbonate the bottled beer) of 2/3 cup priming sugar in 16 oz water. Bring the solution to a boil and pour into the bottling bucket.

10. Aerate the wort by vigorous pouring or stirring. Seal the fermenter and rock back and forth to splash for a few minutes, or use an aeration system and diffusion stone.

21. Siphon beer into bottling bucket and mix with priming solution. Stir gently to mix—don’t splash.

11. Measure specific gravity of the wort with a hydrometer and record. This is your O.G. number. The difference between OG and FG determines the amount of alcohol.


12. Add yeast once the temperature of the wort is 78°F (26°C) or lower (not warm to the touch). Use the sanitized scissors to cut off a corner of the yeast pack, and carefully pour the yeast into the primary fermenter. 13. Seal the fermenter. Add water to the sanitized fermentation lock. Insert the lock and seal the fermenter. 14. Move the fermenter to a warm, dark, quiet spot until fermentation begins. 60°-72°F (16°- 22°C)

22. Fill and cap bottles. 23. Condition bottles at room temperature for 1–2 weeks. After this point, the bottles can be stored cool or cold. 24. Serving. Pour into a clean glass, being careful to leave the layer of sediment at the bottom of the bottle. Cheers! All ingredients and equipment is available at “My Homebrew Store” in Shanghai. Contact Mike at sherretz_china@yahoo. com and make an appointment to have all of your home brewing needs answered.

HOPS | SPRING 2014 | 39


Summer Session Pale Fraser Kennedy

For better or worse, homebrewing lends itself to some fantastic stories best told while enjoying…homebrew! Our column, Brew Tales is a chance for those homebrewers to showcase these stories. Our newest “Brew Tale” come from Fraser Kennedy, the brewmaster behind Dr. Beer in Shanghai. Like most great brewmasters today, Kennedy started as a homebrewer. He has been kind enough to share this fantastic Summer Session Pale Ale recipe for those homebrewers out there who want to brew like a master! My idea of a great summer beer involves low alcohol, moderate IBUs and a nice crisp finish that leaves you wanting more. Refreshingly awesome, and perfect for the summer heat. This beer rides the line between a blonde ale and an APA, and is predicated on the use of Mosaic and Galaxy hops through the late additions, giving a smooth bitterness and massive tropical fruit flavor and aroma. Get a

further dry hop addition in there to leave the beer oozing with hop oils. The Pilsner base is fairly standard, but to add a little depth I’ve gone with Vienna malt as well; you could sub a light Munich if you want a fuller profile. A small addition of light crystal (10°L), rounds off the body and gives a little touch of caramel underneath the hops, while keeping the color light. A typical mash temp, in the range of 65-67°C

will keep the fermentable sugars high and produce a drier finish to the beer. If you like a little more body, mash in the dextrinization range of 68-70°C. I’m using a regular ‘Chico’ style American yeast for this brew, but you can experiment. I’d recommend a nice fruity London Ale strain as a good variant, or mix it up with a spicy Belgian culture.

Agent Scully Montanita Remix

(A retake on a classic original from back in my student days)



Vital Statistics:

Pilsner 2kg

60mins 10g Sterling (can sub Czech Sazz or New Zealand Motueka for this variety) 10mins 12g Galaxy

OG: 1.050 SRM 10

ABV 5%

FG: 1.012

IBU 20

Vienna 2kg Carahell (or caramalt) 0.5kg

40 | SPRING 2014 | HOPS






flame out



flame out

Galaxy 5-10 days


Dry Hop

This Summer Ale has a smooth bitterness and massive tropical fruit flavor and aroma.

If you are a homebrewer, writer, and reading this magazine then send in your “Brew Tale� to share with the 1.3 billion people who call China home. Document the experience further by adding photographs of homebrew consumption! Send all articles to Editors@Hopsmagazine.com

HOPS | SPRING 2014 | 41


Homebrew Competition Details and entrance form Get Brewing! Hops proudly announces Shanghai’s very first Homebrew Competition! Please submit at least two bottles of your finest homebrew to the Hops office before May 30th for a chance to win. See below the official criteria sheet to be completed and submitted with any beer entries. Additionally, have a sneak peak at the official judges card that will be used by China’s top brewers while judging your lovingly crafted homebrew! • Each entry must be dropped off or sent to our HOPS office with a printed out criteria sheet that is filled out by the homebrewer. • Each entry must be categorized according to the criteria sheet styles.

• Winners will be determined by a panel of nine judges, including brewmasters from Boxing Cat, The Brew, and Great Leap. Other judges include top-quality homebrewers from various organizations throughout China. • Each participant will receive detailed feedback from judges.

• Participants may enter as many different kinds of homebrew as they wish.

• Winners will be determined in each of the five categories, plus one grand prize for top beer.

• Enter at least three bottles of each category submitted

• Prizes will include a large assortment from My Homebrew Store.

• Drop off bottles at the Hops office before May 30th, 6pm. Our office is Suite 720, 928 Xikang Lu (cross street Anyuan Lu), Jing’an District, Shanghai. Those who wish to send bottles may also do so.

Like what you see? Share it with your beer-loving friends.

Shanghai Homebrew Competition Entry Form Name:


Name of Beer: Category (choose one): Lager





Sub-category: (circle one depending on category): Lager: Pilsner, Helles, Bock, Marzen/Vienna, Other Common Lager Beer Ale: Amber, IPA, Pale Ale, Golden/Blonde, Scotch Ale, Belgian Origin, British Origin, German Origin, Strong Ale, Other Common Ale Beer Dark: Porter, Stout, Brown Ale, Schwarzbier, Other Common Dark Beer Wheat: Hefeweizen, Dunkleweizen, Belgian Wit, Fruit Wheat, Other Common Wheat Beer Other/Experiemental: Spice/Herb, Coffee/Tea, Specialty Grain, Honey, Smoked Beer, Other

Brewers Notes:

42 | SPRING 2014 | HOPS

Hops Homebrew Competition Grand Prize! Braumeister 20 Liter Brew Machine (20,000 RMB value) Individual category winners will receive a selection of prizes from My Homebrew Store

23 May- 1 June Awards Hosted at Sinan Mansions Beer Festival - 31 May-1 June And introducing...

Shanghai’s First Homebrew competition! Beer week events Grand Opening Brew Cruise along Huangpu River – May 23 Home Brew Competition – GET BREWING! City wide beer promotions Over 40 Beer Locations City Wide Over 200 Beers!

Sponsored by My Homebrew Store and hosted by Hops Magazine Enter at least three bottles of your finest homebrew and have a chance to win prizes from My Homebrew Store, including top quality ingredients and equipment. Judging will take place on 31st May right before the Beer Festival kicks off. Winners will be announced on stage Saturday evening during the festival.



Navigate the City with our Beer Map! Win a Free Beer Trip to Beijing! Craft Brewers Conference – May 29 Sinan Mansions Beer Festival – May 31-June 1

Get Brewing Today! Submission dates 26TH-29TH MAY, 2014 Drop off or send to Hops Office: 928 Xikang Lu, Suite 720 For more information, please contact Hops at: Editors@hopsmagazine.com or 02- 32270086- 208

HOPS | WINTER 2013/14 | 43 Visit... shanghaibeerweek.com

TRAVEL Blue Wave’s warm interior

Microbreweries in Mainland Introducing “Blue Wave Brewery” in Henan N o longer are the days when microbreweries were only to be found in China’s largest two cities of Shanghai and Beijing. Like everything in the Middle Kingdom, life is changing fast, and it is now possible to see emerging microbreweries popping up all over China. 44 | SPRING 2014 | HOPS

Keith Vincent


owever much more common these microbreweries are, we at Hops still harbor the old excitement when any microbrewery emerges from the distant lands outside our fare cities. So, when we first heard of “Blue Wave Brewery” in Zhengzhou, Henan, we set right out to speak with the brewmaster and owner. Just like Shanghai and Beijing paved roads for microbreweries five or six years ago, so now are places like Blue Wave paving roads in towns that have not likely seen any appreciation for craft beer prior. Jerry Ding is the mastermind behind Blue Wave and recently sat down with Hops to discuss the origins of the place and China’s developing role in craft beer.

I want to brew some real beer for the local Chinese. I want to have more crazy beer lovers like me

Tell us how you were first introduced to beer. My first kiss with beer happened at the year when I was 5 (my parents were selling beer, Chinese Bai Jiu and brandy in a big shopping mall). I had 2 bottles (330ml) of beer, and I got drunk... Somehow after that, I became a beer lover. But there was almost no beer culture at all during that time in Henan. So the real story only began after I graduated from University. I went to Shanghai in 2009. I was a 3D designer who worked in a German company. Every week after work I went to bars like Kaiba , Boxing Cat and Shanghai Brewery. I found that it’s so different from the “beer” I had before. And I love it. But I still didn’t know much about it. Until the beginning of 2012, me and my Lithuanian friend brewed one beer in the office with my German boss (who is a really nice guy for letting us brew beer in the office). I directly got addicted with this magic. So I spend all my salary on beer and books about beer.

What made you decide to go from just consuming craft beer to opening up your own brewery? Brewing beer almost became my second job. I kept brewing and drinking different beers with my wife. The more I get into it the more I like it. Finally I made a decision that I should open a micro brewery. I was not sure about opening up the microbrewry in my hometown because there are not many foreigners. And just like 20 years ago, there is still almost no beer culture at all. In the end, I think except Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai, it’s almost the same situation everywhere. That’s the challenge, but that’s also the interesting part. I want to brew some real beer for the local Chinese, I want to have more crazy beer lovers like me. So after all the struggling, we came back to our hometown to start the brewery.

Are there any other places in Henan that sell craft beer? How about microbrew? I wouldn’t say that the market is ready. I think people need time to realise the difference between normal beer (that’s what they call it) and craft beer. But I believe it will happen very quickly. Just like 10 years ago nobody really knows about coffee, today coffee shops are everywhere in China.

Will you try to educate your consumers as to what craft beer really is? Well, I’m doing that all the time. I want people to know more about beer, to appreciate beer. Not only the consumers, I’m trying to educate everyone that I knows. But seems it still has a long way to go, haha.

In recent years, craft beer has been very popular in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing. Do you think craft beer will become very popular in the rest of China, as well? For sure, it will become very popular. So far, quite a few people in my bar already fall in love with craft beer. I think once they drink craft beer they will understand the difference. Even they can’t tell but they like it

HOPS | SPRING 2014 | 45


The Strand Beer Café:

Your Friendly Neighborhood Watering Hole Hector Flores

Led by the intrepid David Strand and his wife Xurry, Strand Brewing is the vanguard for craft brewing in thirsty Guangzhou. With Shanghai and Beijing the current darlings of the craft brewing scene in China, the southern region of the Middle Kingdom can easily be lost in the fervor and that is quite literally the way Strand Brewing likes it.

flower) and yeast. After spending several years refining his skill set and testing his batches on his unsuspecting yet appreciative friends, David and Xurry decided the timing was ripe for a larger operation.

Tucked away in a family friendly neighborhood on the forgotten side of Zhejiang New Town, Strand Brewing is a friendly welcome to the beer scene in Guangzhou. Started by David Strand and his wifeXurry in the summer of 2013, the fledgling brewery and tap house known as The Strand Beer Café has attracted locals and expatriates alike.

Difficulties arose when scaling his operation from home brewing to a larger system. David tells us that he had to modify and build his own brewing system since many of the locally made brewing systems are made for export. Problems also arose when trying to source large amounts of ingredients. “Since most of the brewing in China is done on an industrial scale, suppliers deal in tons, not pounds.” David says, “so getting someone to sell us a couple hundred pounds of barely was a challenge.” Luckily, David has managed to sort out these logistical hurdles, although, he has had to find his own work around to others. For example, since a large quantity of brewing yeast is not readily available, David has had to learn to propagate his own yeast cultures.

“We were almost immediately busy,” says David “and it has not slowed down. I guess people were waiting for Guangzhou’s answer to Great Leap and Boxing Cat (two well-known breweries from Beijing and Shanghai).” David goes on to say, “craft brewing in China is at an early stage and there is a lot of room to grow.” With their optimism and commitment to quality beers, it is clear that Strand Brewing is Guangzhou’s answerto their big city counterparts. Having lived in China for the better part of the last halfdecade, David watched from abroad as the craft beer scene in the United States boomed. David laments,“We have hadsome new breweries popping up in unlikely places, like my hometown (in Reno) and they are doing well.” With this as a source of inspiration, David threw himself into home brewing 5 years ago, at first going through the process of learning all about quality brewing, albeit from China. Without a large local brewing scene, David has had to turn to the Internet for community and camaraderie. “Brewing on a small scale is not difficult here, since many of the ingredients are readily available, although, some are tough to source.” David describes that local people were initially confused as to why he would need hops (啤酒花 lit: beer

Craft brewing in China is at an early stage and there is a lot of room to grow 46 | SPRING 2014 | HOPS

After pooling their funds, Strand Brewing was born. The tap house, located near the Wu Yang Cun metro stop (exit A), is a warm and cozy place for a pint. David tells us “We pour our beer at the café, and we also have a decent selection of bottled beers. We also offer pizza and hope to expand our menu soon.” Brewing takes place at an off site facility not far from the bar. David comments “initially, we wanted the brewing equipment to be visiblebut there was not enough room. Our long term goal is a larger facility where we can include the brewing equipment and bar under the same roof.” David brews familiar styles, an IPA named Wu Yang after the ancient name of his adopted city and Xurry’s porter named after his wife. Both have been tremendous sellers but David has set his aspirations higher, “we put on a farmhouse ale and also a Belgian, both we very popular. I really like to experiment with style and ingredients.” At press time, David’s most recent one-off includes a chestnut ale infused with dragon eye fruit. Future beers, David tells us, will be mixed with more local ingredients giving his beers a uniquely Guangzhou-esque character.

Strand Beer Cafe

Business has been brisk to say the least, with an eclectic mix of beer enthusiasts quaffing theirales alongside handmade pizzas. Local media has been quick to capitalize on the novelty of the brewery as bitter beers or full bodies ales are something of an oddity. David says, “Localsare used to drinking lagers but now they are learning more about quality craft beers. Half of my customers are Chinese and they are very appreciative of the beers.” The Strand Beer Café is not a large corporate bar with plasma TV screens showing the latest football match from the Premier league. It begs conversation with your friends or stool mate. The ambiance lends itself more to contemplation and dialog and is best enjoyed with a group of friends. “We have our regulars and we have people who hear about us through their friends,” David tells us, “and I think that is the best form of marketing there is.” We couldn’t agree more David!

For more information Address: 1 Chunfeng Road, WuyangXincheng, Yuexiu District 五羊新城明月二路春风路福安家政对面 Metro: 五羊邨站(exit B) Phone number: (020) 8735-7179 Website: www.strandbrewing.com Email: strandbeer@gmail.com

HOPS | SPRING 2014 | 47


Tawain’s Beer Scene Kathryn Grant

When you sit down to plan your next holiday, take a moment and think about Taiwan. This is not a place where most foreigners choose to spend their precious vacation time, and it is precisely this reason that makes Taiwan one of the most under-rated tourist destinations in the world. Imagine an island with an international metropolis hub, dramatic marble lined gorges, tropical forests, turquoise beaches, and a national obsession with food and beverage. Like so many places in Asia, this love-affair with food and beverage is directly related to an appreciation for beer- and Taiwan is no exception. Although microbreweries are still sparse and finding their feet, imports thrive in abundance and variety. Naturally, the most interesting beer spots can be found in the island’s two largest cities, Taipei and Kaohsiung. Various spots in these two cities boast a large amount of imports, including Seattle’s Elysian and Belgian’s famous sour beerCantillon. A very rare bottle of Westvleteran was also on sale in Kaohsiung’s famous “Craft” beer bar. Hops recently spoke with beer enthusiast and founder of Taiwan’s first Craft Beer Club, Elaine Hsieh. Hsieh is an example of how Taiwan’s youth has a growing interest in craft beer appreciation. “ In a certain way Taiwan shared the same pattern with China, however Belgian beer was imported way earlier than China and even Hong Kong. We had wide range of Belgian beer almost ten years ago- even Belgium’s Cantillon sour beer! Importantly, many of the people enjoying those beers were local Taiwanese and the population is growing. Unlike China, which really started with foreigners”, said Hseigh.

48 | SPRING 2014 | HOPS

Inside CRAFT Beer Shop with Vicky

If you are thinking of heading to Taiwan, be sure to check out the latest microbreweries and craft beer spots. These spots are always changing, and at the time of writing the majority of microbreweries in Taiwan were going through major changes. Perhaps the best person to contact regarding everything craft beer in Taiwan is Vicky of CRAFT Beer Shop, in Kaohsiung. A homebrewer and connoisseur, herself, Vicky will be sure to point you in the right direction. If you’re starting your journey in Kaohsiung, stop by her excellent beer shop of impressive imports and have a chat. Imports, including the extremely rare Westvleteran were available at the time of visiting in April, 2014

Imagine an island with an international metropolis hub, dramatic marble lined gorges, tropical forests, turquoise beaches, and a national obsession with food and beverage

HOPS | SPRING 2014 | 49


CROSSWORD Call yourself a beer sommelier? Prove it! Complete our Hops beer trivia crossword puzzle and test your knowledge of this age-old beverage. Need some beer-related incentive? Complete our crossword puzzle and receive a six pack of Shanghai’s newest imported wheat beer, Keizerrijk Van Bree. Simply send this page to the Hops office in Shanghai to prove your worth and we’ll make sure a cold six pack is waiting for you to pick up. 1



1 W hich country is the fastest developing beer market in the world? 3


What is the German Purity Law of 1516 called?

5 W ho wrote our Brew Tales article and is the brewmaster at Dr. Beer? (first name) 4



10 Which is the oldest claimed working brewery in the world? 11 For our Spring Hops Beer Hunt, what is the bar we chose to order Rochefort 10 in?


12 Cenosillicaphobia is the fear of an empty


13 Nugget, Teamaker, and Warrior are all types of what? 9 10

14 What is our Quarterly Homebrew Recipe called?

QUESTIONS DOWN 1 Which country drinks more beer per capita than any other?


2 Which sponsor is offering the winners of the hunt 1OOrmb gift vouchers? 12 13

4 What is the official name for a woman who brews beer? 6 Who is the head chef at Paulaner in Shanghai?


7 What does IBU refer to? 8 What main ingredient today was not included in the German Purity Law from 1516? 9 For our Spring Hops Beer Hunt, we chose for tainer in Beijing?

DETAILS: Send this page to the address below to receive six-pack. All applicants should include full name, email and telephone number:

HOPS Office, KIBS building, Room 720 928 Xikang Road, Jing An district, Shanghai 200032 Or Send via email: editors@hopsmagazine.com


Hops has gotten together with some of your favorite beer dispensaries around town to offer you fantastic deals to accompany your nights out. SHANGHAI COUPONS



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Offer only good for one free ticket, so bringing 5 friends still only gets you one free ticket. (Buy one get one free)

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ADDRESS: 108 Nan Luo Gu Xing, Dong Cheng, Beijing PHONE: 010-84038004

BEER ALL BIG Online Brewdog Discount!

Order Brewdog from www.cheers-in.com and get instant 15% discount on your order. Include the code: HOPSBREWDOGP9 when you place your order online. (Min 200rmb)

Valid June 16th-28th 2014

10% DISCOUNT ON ALL BEER Expires July 15th, 2014 BEER ALL B1/F, Unit 8821, Bldg 17, Jianwai SOHO west area, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环中路39号建外SOHO西区17号楼地下1层8821号商铺(近华彬大厦) Monday off, Tuesday to Friday business 18:00-00:00


Dos Equis Lager and Dos Equis Ambar Daily: 5pm to 7pm and after 10pm. Expires July 15th, 2014 Second Floor, Shanghai Grand Plaza Club House, 568 Julu Lu, near Xiangyang Bei Lu, Jingan district 静安区巨鹿路568弄四方新城俱乐部2楼, 近襄阳北路

Ron Champs

BUY ONE GET ONE FREE On Köstritzer Promotion valid 2014.05.01-2014.05.31 75 Yongkang Lu, near Xiangyang Lu, Xuhui district

PLEASE NOTE All coupons limited to one-per-customer

COCKTAILS AND DRAFT CRAFT BEERS One per customer Expires April 30th, 2014 THE BEIJING DRIVE THRU 3/F, Bldg 5, Sanlitun Soho, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路三里屯Soho5号楼3层

20% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER OF 3,5 OR 10 HALF PINT BEER SAMPLER Order only good at the Slow Boat Brewery Taproom.

Expires July 15th, 2014 SLOW BOAT BREWERY TAPROOM Beijing, DongCheng, Dongsi Ba Tiao, #56-2 北京市东城区东四八条56-2号

HOPS | SPRING 2014 | 51

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Available at Slow Boat Brewery


6 8

SH ai shangh

Six Eight

eight six



EIGHT SIX GOLDEN LAGER ADDED TO THE BREWERY’S LINE-UP In the Winter 2014 issue of HOPS, readers learned of Slow Boat Brewery’s foray into bottling and the release of their first two varieties of bottled craft beer, The First Immortal Double IPA and Zombie Pirate Pale Ale. Slow Boat’s Chandler Jurinka reports “sales have exceeded expectations” and just in time for summer, the company is releasing Eight Six Golden Lager (4.6% ABV). Not only a sessionable beer for the dog days ahead, Jurinka and

54 | SPRING 2014 | HOPS

Co. believe the lager will pair well with a greater variety of foods. What is customer feedback in general about the bottles? Frankly, we’ve been taken aback from the response. That’s Beijing magazine did a blind tasting pitting our Zombie Pirate Pale Ale against Rogue Dead Guy and I’m honored to say that we came out on top. How would you describe the Eight Six and what types of cuisine do you think matches it best? When we set out to make the Eight Six it was with Beijing and Shanghai’s brutally hot summers and food in mind. Chinese

has eight main cuisines so we had our work cut out for us. Have you ever tried to drink an IPA with dumplings? I have and it made amazing dumplings and amazing beer both taste horrible. Of course, if we tried to make a beer that paired with all eight cuisines we would have ended up Tsingtao. So what we made a golden lager with character – a beer that will go down easy with most foods (dumplings, among other things) but also stand up to scrutiny alone. Will all bottled varieties be available year-round? Yes, we plan to produce all three bottles year-round.


BELGIAN SELECTION KASTEEL HOPPY Brewery: Van Honsebrouck Taste: Kasteel Hoppy is a blonde ale of high fermentation with a pleasant bitterness. Strictly selected, Belgian hops are essential for the hoppy, spicy aroma, with a slightly bitter aftertaste. Category: Belgian Ale (ABV 6.5%)

JACK HAMMER (WEST COAST IPA) Brewery: Brew Dog Taste: Lightly malty, the balance of this IPA is definitely on the hop side; tropical fruit and grapefruit bitterness are big players here. Category: IPA (ABV 7.2%)

PASSCHENDAELE Brewery: Van Honsebrouck Taste: Beer brewed in memory of the Battle of Passchendaele in 1917. A top-fermented, thirst quenching blond with low alcohol content. A blend of Belgian Hops with a spicy aftertaste. Category: Belgian Ale (ABV 5.2%)

STASSEN CIDER Brewery: Stassen Taste: Stassen Apple Cider is a unique Belgian cider made from 100% apple juice; flavors of crisp apple skins with just the right amount of effervescence to completely satisfy. If you are a lover of cider, try Stassen other styles, including Pear, Rose, Elderflower, Peach, Lychee, Fruit, Citrus, Cherry, and Strawberry. Category: Cider (ABV 4.5%)

HOPS | SPRING 2014 | 55




Brewery: Brewers & Union

Brewery: Brewers & Union

Taste: Unfiltered, unpasteurized and bursting with flavor, it has phenomenal body and freshness. Hazy to the eye, and full on the palate with a soft, round mouth feel and a biscuit malt character.

Taste: Zippy, fresh, fruity and a gentle intro to the style of IPA, this mild hoppy beer is a fantastic summer option when you don’t want hops to dominate other, fruity flavors.

Category: Lager (ABV 5.0%)

Category: IPA (ABV 5.5%)

BERNE UNFILTERED AMBER LAGER Brewery: Brewers & Union Taste: This unfiltered amber lager is an old, rare and rather uniquely German beer style. Wholesome and buttery, with toasty bready malts and hints of salted caramel and toffee. The finish is dry and hoppy with nutty overtones. Category: Amber (ABV 5.0%)

56 | SPRING 2014 | HOPS



AIRPOCALYPSE DOUBLE IPA Brewery: Jing’ A Brewery Taste: Airpocalypse Double IPA is our hazy, unfiltered tribute to the city we know and love, and to the people who, whether it’s a blue-sky day or no-sky day, make it so great. Enjoy indoors, with windows shut, and revel in an ABV and IBUs that are truly ‘beyond index’. Category: IPA (ABV 8.8%)






MANDARIN WHEAT Brewery: Jing’ A Brewery

Taste: Our small-batch Big Slice Watermelon Wheat is loaded with fresh local watermelon for a refreshing Summer brew with a subtle watermelon kick, and a dry sparkling finish

Taste: Deliciously refreshing, with a smooth, light body and subtle spiced citrus notes, our Mandarin Wheat combines pale wheat malts with local mandarin orange zest and coriander additions for a beautiful sunny color and rounded, dry finish.

Category: Wheat (ABV 4.5%)

Category: Wheat (ABV 4.8%)

本 地 的 HOPS | SPRING 2014 | 57

SHANGHAI BEER GUIDE Don’t see your favourite beer? Know where to find the best beer in town? Let us know: editors@hopsmagazine.com Achel

Cheers In De Refter Grand Yard Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba Southern Barbarian Shangri-La Pudong The Fount Bar No. 37

Nancy’s Bakery Not Me Shanghai Brewery Shanghai Slim’s The Shed Upper East


Boxing Cat Brewery Cheers In Dean’s Bottle Shop Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba Kin MAYA Nene The Tap House Qinghua Bar

Bohemia Cheers In Cross Music Greek Taverna Gumleaf Grub & Groove Howard Johnson Kakadu The Northern Londoner Pizza Street Sasha’s Southern Barbarian T8 The Shed Waterhouse Hotel



Brew Dog 5AM SAINT

Cheers In Dean’s Bottle Shop Jackie’s Beer Nest

HARDCORE IPA Boxing Cat Brewery Cheers In Dean’s Bottle Shop Jackie’s Beer Nest


Cheers In Dean’s Bottle Shop Inferno Jackie’s Beer Nest Kin Shanghai Brewery The Tap House

TRASHY BLONDE Cheers In Dean’s Bottle Shop Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba Kin Qinghua Bar Sasha’s The Tap House

Brunehaut Deli De Li Corner store Funkadeli Ivan store Puro

Brooklyn EIPA

The Alchemist Cheers In City Shop Dean’s Bottle Shop El Coctel Feidan Food Central Kin MAYA PIRO Qinghua Bar Shanghai Brewery The Shed

BROOKLYN LAGER The Apartment Apothecary The Beaver The Camel Sports Bar Cheers In City Shop Coolplus Bar Cotton’s Dean’s Bottle Shop Feidan Food Central Jam 76 Bar & Grill

58 | SPRING 2014 | HOPS

Howard Johnson Intercontinental The Irishman’s Pub Kaiba 1,2,3 Kakadu Kangaroo Bar The North Londoner Park Tavern Sasha’s Shanghai9 The Shed Sheraton Pudong Southern Barbarian T8 Waldorf Astoria Waterhouse Hotel Woodstock Sports Yasmine Butcher


Cheers In Cross Music Kakadu La Fourchette Sasha’s

Deli De Li De Refter Funkadeli Grub and Groove Kaiba 1,2,3 Piro PURO M on the Bund Boxing Cat Shanghai Brewery Grand Yard Delight



De Refter Chambar Deli De Li Feidan Grand Yard Grub n Groove Kaiba 1,2,3 Sliders Handle Bar O’Malley’s Camel Cheers In Shanghai9 Shanghai Brewery Bar No. 37 PIRO PURO Oscar’s Dakota Jackie’s Beer Nest Sasha’s Fountain Southern Barbarian Waldorf Astoria


Franck La Fourchette

Coopers Feidan Kakadu

Microbreweries Boxing Cat Brewery The Brew Dr. Beer Shanghai Brewery Bund Brewery Papa’s Bierstube Old Captains Bar Flamen Hot

Crown Lager Bastian Bakery Big Bamboo Bubba’s The Camel Sports Bar Cheers In Cross Music Greek Taverna Gumleaf Grub & Groove

The Apartment Bell Bar Big Bamboo Cheers In De Refter Deli De Li Feidan Grand Yard Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba 1,2,3 No. 37 bar Oscar’s Shanghai Brewery Shanghai9 The Fount


Bell Bar Big Bamboo Cheers In Dada Dakota Feidan Jackie’s Beer Nest Kommune Cafe O’Malley’s Irish Pub Oscar’s Papa’s Bierstube Park Tavern Sasha’s Wings Sports Bar

Estrella ESTRELLA DAMM LAGER Azul Viva Barcelona Bocado Brownstone CASA-13 Cheers In City Shop Coolplus Bar El Coctel El Willy La Verbena LOLA Mincheng Hotel Misael Mistral Restaurant Antoni

ESTRELLA INEDIT (750) Cheers In Chicha

Coolplus Bar El Willy Intercontinental Pudong Made In Indonesia MAYA M1NT Mistral Nene Sasha’s Shanghai Slim’s


Malone’s Oscar’s Sasha’s


Metro RT-Mart Carrefour Wal-Mart Supercenter NGS

Casanova 10 Corson Como Bombana Bocca Funkadeli Severino Good Fellas Dvino

Kronenbourg 1664



Cheers In De Refter Grand Yard Jackie’s Beer Nest No. 37 bar Kaiba Souther Barbarian Shanghai9


Big Bamboo The Blarney Stone The Camel Sports Bar Cheers In Feidan Grand Yard Julie’s Bistro Kakadu Oscar’s Porta Nova Italian Sasha’s The Shed The Spot Wings Sports Bar

Hoegaarden De Refter Big Bamboo Fountain The Camel Sports Bar Cheers In Deli De Li Feidan Grand Yard Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba MAYA Oscar’s Pizza Marzano Sasha’s Shanghai 9 Sliders The Spot The Shed The Fount Kasteel Cheers In De Refter Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba Shanghai9 Sliders Southern Barbarian

Big Bamboo Cheers In Sasha’s Shanghai9 The Shed

De Refter Deli De Li Dr. Wine Kaiba 1,2,3 PURO Southern Barbarian

La Chouffe Deli De Li De Refter Kaiba 1,2,3


Bell Bar De Refter Cheers In Feidan Fountain Grand Yard Grub n Groove Inferno The Shed The Fount Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba 1,2,3 No. 37 Bar The Camel Sports Bar (both locations) Pizza Marzano Shanghai Brewery Shanghai 9 Sliders

Liefmans Cheers In De Refter Feidan Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba 1,2,3

Lindemans Boxing Cat Camel Sports Bar De Refter Kaiba 1,2,3 PURO Shanghai Brewery Souther Barbarian

Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale, (draft)


Keizerrijk Van Bree


Inferno The Plump Oyster Piro The Public

De Refter Golden Jaguar Puro Staxx Wine Shop


Big Bamboo The Blarney Stone The Camel Sports Bar

Arcade Cheers In Country Pub Munchie’s Not Me PIRO Southern Belle

Cheers In Dakota De Refter Feidan GoGa Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba 1,2,3 Shanghai9 Southern Barbarian Southern Belle

Moosehead ALE

Big Bamboo Cheers In City Bull Julie’s Feidan Gourmet Cafe Hard Day’s Night Pudong Masse Wings Sports Bar


The Alchemist The Beaver Big Bamboo Cheers In City Bull Julie’s City Shop Coolplus Bar Courtyard Marriott Pudong Courtyard Marriott Puxi The Fat Olive Gourmet Cafe Grub & Groove I Love Shanghai Kin Masse Old Shanghai Shanghai Slim’s Wings Sports Bar Yucca

Murphy’s Stout De Refter The Blarney Stone Malone’s Park Tavern

Newcastle Brown Ale Cheers In Feidan Jackie’s Beer Nest Shanghai9 The Shed

North Coast ACME PALE ALE Boxing Cat Brewery Captain Bar Cheers In City Shop Dada Bar Feidan Kaiba 1,2,3 Not Me Old Shanghai


Apothecary Arcade Cheers In City Shop Coolplus Bar Courtyard Marriott Pudong Craft Element Fresh Kaiba 1,2,3 Kin Nancy’s Bakery Qinghua Bar Shanghai Slim’s Southern Belle

OLD NO. 38 STOUT The Alchemist City Shop Cheers In Feidan Misael Not Me


Apothecary Arcade Boxing Cat Brewery Cheers In City Shop Courtyard Mariott Pudong Craft Feidan Qinghua Bar

SCRIMSHAW Cheers In City Shop Coolplus Bar Qinghua Bar


Cheers In De Refter Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba No. 37 bar Shanghai9

PALM Cheers In De Refter Sliders Ivans Shop Staxx White Shanghai 9 Sliders Kaiba


Cheers In City Shop Eton Hotel The Flying Fox Glo London Intercontinental Expo Hotel The Red Lion

Pure Blonde Barbarossa Big Bamboo Bohemia Bubba’s The Camel Sports Bar Cheers In Dean’s Bottle Shop Fairmont Peace Hotel Gourmet Cafe Grub & Groove Kaiba 1,2,3 Kangaroo Bar Park Tavern Pizza Street Radisson Xinguo Sasha’s Shanghai9 Sliders The Shed Waterhouse Hotel Wings Sports Bar Yasmine Butcher Boxing Cat Camel Sports Bar Kaiba 1,2,3


Amy’s Restaurant Bubba’s Steakhouse Bai Jia Ban Prawn Restaurant Green Apple Bar and Restaurant The Fount Good Hot Pot Madison Mexico Lindo Monsoon Thai-Yunnan Cuisine Plus Wines

Rochefort De Refter Cheers In Delight Food Deli de li Fountain Grand Yard Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba 1,2,3 No. 37 Bar PURO Shanghai Brewery Shanghai 9

Rogue ROGUE AMERICAN The Beaver Cheers In City Shop Coolplus Bar Dean’s Bottle Shop De Refter Feidan MAYA Qinghua Bar Southern Belle


The Alchemist Apothecary Arcade The Beaver Boxing Cat Brewery Camel Sports Bar Cheers In City Shop Coolplus Bar Craft Dean’s Bottle Shop Feidan Grub & Groove I Love Shanghai Inferno Kaiba MAYA Mistral Nancy’s Bakery Not Me Pier 39 Piro Qinghua Bar Shanghai Brewery The Shed Southern Barbarian The Tap House (draft) Wings Sports Bar Yasmine’s

Saison Bohemia Cheers In Deli De Li De Refter Kaiba 1, 2, 3

Sagres Bohemia SAGRES BOHEMIA Cheers In Dean’s Bottle Shop M1NT Macau Porgutuese

SAGRES LAGER Cheers In Cotton’s Grub & Groove Macau Portuguese MAYA Skyline

SAGRES PRETA Cheers In Grub & Groove Inferno Macau Portuguese

Saranac SARANAC PALE ALE Cheers In City Shop Dean’s Bottle Shop Qinghua Sherpa’s Southern Belle


St. Feuillien Cheers In De Refter Deli De Li Delight Food Kaiba 1,2,3 No. 37 Bar Sliders Waldorf Astoria

Tripel Karmeliet Cheers In De Refter Kaiba 1,2,3 Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba PURO Shanghai9


The Apartment Bell Bar Cheers In Dakota De Refter Feidan Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba 1,2,3 No. 37 bar Oscar’s Park Tavern Southern Barbarian Southern Belle The Plump Oyster

Victoria Bitter Bastiaan Bakery Big Bamboo Blue Frog Bubba’s The Camel Sports Bar Cheers In The Funky Chicken Greek Taverna Gumleaf Grub & Froove Hard Day’s Night Howard Johnson Intercontinental Kakadu Mexico Lindo The North Londoner Oscar’s Park Tavern Radisson New World Sasha’s The Shed Sheraton Pudong Southern Barbarian Yasmine Butcher

Warsteiner Sliders Deli De Li Funkadeli Camel Sports Bar PURO The Shed Grub and Groove

Westmalle Cheers In De Refter Grub and Groove Jackie’s Beer Nest Kaiba No. 37 bar Shanghai9

Young’s Double Chocolate Stout Boxing Cat Brewery Cheers In City Shop Coolplus Bar Dean’s Bottle Shop Fennel Lounge Kaiba Qinghua Bar Shanghai Brewery Stocci Chocolate Lounge


Big Bamboo The Blarney Stone Bubba’s The Camel Sports Bar Cheers In Jackie’s Beer Nest Malone’s Oscar’s Park Tavern Sasha’s

Don’t see your favourite beer? Know where to find the best beer in town? Let us know: editors@hopsmagazine.com

HOPS | SPRING 2014 | 59

BEIJING BEER GUIDE Don’t see your favourite beer? Know where to find the best beer in town? Let us know: editors@hopsmagazine.com Achel

All Beer Beer Mania Maiba The Drive-Thru The Tree

Boddingtons Hutong Pizza Kai Ba Backpacker Cafe

Bombardier Grand Hyatt Heavenly Store Let’s Burger Terra Tube Station

Brew Dog 5 AM SAINT Bang Bang El Nido Heavenly Store The Drive-Thru


12 SQM Bang Bang El Nido Heavenly Store The Drive-Thru

HARDCORE IPA Bang Bang El Nido Heavenly Store The Drive-Thru


12 SQM Bang Bang El Nido Heavenly Store The Drive-Thru

TRASHY BLONDE Bang Bang El Nido Heavenly Store The Drive-Thru

Brooklyn EIPA

Amilal Apothecary Bang Bang BGH Capital M d Lounge El Nido Embassy House Fez Bar Green Mountain Grinders Heavenly Store Home Plate Ichikura Irish Volunteer Jenny Lou’s Kro’s Nest Mao Mao Chong Mosto Nola Park Hyatt Beijing Pekotan Starfish Stumble Inn The Drive-Thru Tim’s Texas BBQ Union Bar and Grill WowNew

60 | SPRING 2014 | HOPS


12 SQM Amilal Apothecary Bang Bang BHG Chef Too El Nido Embassy House Grinders Heavenly Store Home Plate Huazai Chuan Bar Ichikura IKI James Joyce Jenny Lou’s Kro’s Nest Laker’s 798 Lush Mao Mao Chong Mosto Nola Opposite House Stumble Inn Susu The Box Tim’s Texas BBQ The Drive-Thru Union Bar and Grill Vineyard Cafe Wenzhou Restaurant WowNew


d Lounge Terra Tube Station


All Beer Beer Mania The Tree Nashville Hilton Hotel 1st Floor Im Beer D-Bar Coco Park Bocata Souk Bar Unconditional Love Cafe Stumble Inn The Serk Parkside Bar and Grill Beer All Grinders Morel El Nido The Drive-Thru Chez Julien V-Lounge


Boucherie Chez Gerard Chez Julien Sofitel The Drive-Thru

Microbreweries Great Leap Brewery Jing’ A Brewery NBeer Pub The Local The Malty Dog Red Arrow Brewery Slow Boat Brewery

Delirium Backpacker Cafe Beer Mania Beerall Bar

Morel’s Drive Thru I’M Beer Siif Temple The Drive-Thru The Tree The Serk


Beer Mania Brussels East Shore Nanjie Bar The Brick The Drive-Thru The Tree Unconditional Love Cafe

Erdinger The Brick Estrella The Drive-Thru


1st Floor Bang Bang Burgers and Beer Carmen El Nido Embassy House Fez Bar Ganges – Lido Ganges – Sanlitun Grand Hyatt Green Mountain Heavenly Store Home Plate Kro’s Nest Niajo Ole Restaurant and Bar Parkson Peter’s Tex-Mex Salud Starfish Taste of Spain The Drive-Thru Wenzhou Restaurant WowNew

ESTRELLA INEDIT Burgers and Beer Carmen Flamme Heavenly Store IKI Kro’s Nest Niajo Parkson SALT Starfish Susu Taste of Spain Terra The Drive-Thru

Grimbergen Beer All Beer Mania Chill Bar The Drive-Thru


The Brick Paddy O’Shea’s Souk Bar The Drive-Thru The Tree Unconditional Love Cafe


Beer Mania The Brick El Nido Luga’s Heaven La Pizza Modernista 12 Sqm Tim’s BBQ Little Britain CJW Lush The Drive-Thru Swiss Bar Unconditional Love Cafe


Reef Chill Bar Hilton Beer Mania The Drive-Thru The Tree Melody KTV

Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale TDT Hatsune SLT Kro’s Nest Brussels El Nido The Drive-Thru Home Plate Eudora Back Ally Bistro Pizza Squared Frost Heaven Zhou’s Bar Hilton Beijing

Keizerrijk Van Bree

Golden Jaguar MaltyDog JOMO Hippo KOP Beer All Peter’s(Jianguomen branch) Peter’s(Lido branch) Parnas

Kilkenny Grinders

King Fisher Beer All Drive Thru Ganges-Lido Ganges-Sanlitun Siif Tandoor


Beer Mania 1st Floor Migas Siif Temple The Drive-Thru

La Chouffe Beer Mania Brussels Ya Er Cafe The Malty Dog


The Brick Beer Bania 1st Floor El Nido Heaven Hutong Pizza

La Pizza Modernista 12 SQM Little Britain The Drive-Thru Swiss Bar

Lindemans 12 SQM Beer Mania Chez Julien 1st Floor Nearby The Tree The Drive-Thru The Tree El Nido Chill Bar


Bang Bang Black Sun Bar Bookworm Fu Bar Grinders Heavenly Store Home Plate Hot Cat Club Kro’s Nest Ole Restaurant and Bar Starfish Stumble Inn The Drive-Thru Wenzhou Restaurant

Maredsous Beer Mania Reef The Drive-Thru The Tree Ya Er Cafe

Moosehead ALE

1st Floor BHG El Nido Embassy House Filling Station Grinders Irish Volunteer Kro’s Nest The Drive-Thru


1st Floor BHG El Nido Embassy House Grinders Home Plate Hot Cat Club Kro’s Nest Paddy O’Shea’s Parkside Bar and Grill Susu The Drive-Thru

Newcastle Brown Ale The Brick Paddy O’Shea’s Souk Bar The Drive-Thru The Tree

North Coast ACME PALE ALE Amilal BHG d Lounge El Nido Eudora Station Grinders Heavenly Store Home Plate IKI Jenny Lou’s Kro’s Nest Metro Parkson

Star City Terra The Drive-Thru Tube Station Unconditional Love Cafe WowNew

BLUE STAR WHEAT Apothecary Bang Bang BHG El Nido Element Fresh Grinders Gungo Ho Heavenly Store Home Plate IKI Jenny Lou’s Lush Peter’s Tex-Mex Stumble Inn The Drive-Thru Tim’s Texas BBQ Unconditional Love Cafe WowNew

OLD NO. 38 STOUT Amilal Apothecary El Nido Grinders Heavenly Store Home Plate The Drive-Thru Tube Station

RED SEAL ALE Amilal Apothecary BHG Biteapitta Black Sun Bar The Brick Chef Too El Nido Eudora Station Grand Hyatt Grinders Heavenly Store Huazai Chuan Bar Jenny Lou’s Kro’s Nest Parkson Passyby Starfish Susu Tube Station The Drive-Thru Vineyard Cafe WowNew


Amilal El Nido Green Mountain Grinders Heavenly Store Home Plate The Drive-Thru Starfish Unconditional Love Cafe

Orval All Beer Beer Mania Maiba The Tree

PALM Parnas


BHG Burgers and Beer El Nido Embassy House Heavenly Store Kro’s Nest Susu Tube Station

Rochefort Beer Mania IM Beer Maiba Pass By Bar Reef The Tree

Rogue American ROGUE AMERICAN BHG El Nido Eudora Station Heavenly Store Home Plate Ichikura Jenny Lou’s Kro’s Nest Parkson Pekotan The Drive-Thru Tim’s Texas BBQ Tube Station Unconditional Love Cafe

ROGUE DEAD GUY ALE 1st Floor Amilal Bang Bang Beer Mania BHG Biteapitta Black Sun Bar Burgers and Beer El Nido Embassy House Grinders Heavenly Store Home Plate Hot Cat Club Huazai Chuan Bar Ichikura IKI James Joyce Jenny Lou’s Kro’s Nest Paddy O’Shea’s Parkson Pekotan Peter’s Tex-Mex Revolution Star City Starfish Stumble Inn Susu The Drive-Thru Tim’s Texas BBQ Tube Station Unconditional Love Cafe Vineyard Cafe WowNew

Saison Beer Mania IM Beer

Samuel Smith The Drive-Thru

Saranac Pale Ale Bang Bang Flamme Fu Bar Heavenly Store Home Plate Kro’s Nest Parkson The Drive-Thru

Slow Boat Brewery

Home Plate I & II El Gran Bocado Taqueria The Local Sand Pebbles, Tim’s Texas BBQ, East Hotel (Xian Bar), Hidden House The Brick The Bookworm 12SQM Cuju Plan B James Joyce Tavern Paddy O’Sheas Union Bar & Grille Amilal Burger Counter Hidden House NB Tang

St. Louis Parnas

St. Feuillien Beer Mania The Tree Beer Circles The Loop Pass By Bar Parnas The Drive-Thru Siif IM Beer

Strongbow The Brick Fu Bar Grinders Paddy O’Shea’s The Drive-Thru The Tree

Tripel Karmeliet 1st Floor 7D Bar Beer Mania Nearby The Tree The Drive-Thru Swiss Bar

Young’s Double Chocolate Stout Amilal Biteapitta El Nido Heavenly Store James Joyce The Drive-Thru Tube Station

Warsteiner 7D Bar The Serk Luga’s Bar Swiss Bar Hotel G Parnas Hilton Dong Cheng Molly Malone’s

Don’t see your favourite beer?


Know where to find the best beer in town?

Beer Mania The Tree Vulcan Bar Maiba The Drive-Thru

Let us know: editors@ hopsmagazine.com

HOPS | SPRING 2014 | 61


NUMBER ONE BEER MAGAZINE HOPS is distributed throughout Shanghai and Beijing to over 160 of the megatropolis’ most exciting venues. Visit us at hopsmagazine.com, or email editors@hopsmagazine.com for more information on advertising and other commercial opportunites.

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