TRALEE: ROCK ST. 066 7119418 • MANOR WEST 066 7180690 CLASH 066 71 85901
HORANS Healthstores
100% Irish Owned
KILLARNEY: BEECH ROAD 064 6622581 PARK ROAD 064 6626528 LISTOWEL: 068 24356 FERMOY: 025 42938 CASHEL: 062 62848 CLONMEL: 052 6187387 MITCHELSTOWN: 025 86868 NENAGH: 06741258 NEWCASTLE WEST: 069 77784 LIMERICK: 48 ROCHES ST, LIMERICK CITY - 061 405311
Ho Loyal ran ty s H Car eal d c ths om tor ing es oon to !
SEE INSIDE THIS MONTH Garlic Pg 3... Suffering from PMS? Pg 8... Kyolic – the new superfood your hormones Pg 5... Balancing naturally – Uk’s Leading
Health Professional, Dr Marilyn Glenville is coming to Tralee
€ • • • •
High Cholesterol? Looking for a natural solution? Zerochol plant sterols lower cholesterol in just 6 weeks. Sign up to receive tips and recipes daily -
€ 10
• Effortless body cleansing the ancient Japanese way • Simply use on the soles of your feet overnight to detox while you sleep • Includes FREE Detox Socks
• Helps fight the misery of colds and flu • Strengthens the immune system • Fresh herb extract
• Ireland’s Number 1 health food supplement • Best Value, Best Ingredients • Energy, Circulation, Immune Support
• Helps Accelerates Weight Loss • Helps Alleviates Water Retention • Helps Boost Metabolism
• Quercetin is a flavonoid (plant pigment) commonly found in fruits and vegetables • It’s a natural anti-histamine and an anti-inflammatory!
n Buy Querceti ega 3 Get Free Om
The Kerry Cork Health Link Bus is owned and operated by Kerry Cancer Support Group. The free service takes cancer patients, who need to attend Cork University Hospital, for potentially lifesaving radiotherapy treatment. This year we have helped cancer patients attend over 2900 appointments.
I seem to get mouth ulcers quiet frequently. I have a busy, stressful lifestyle and am quiet healthy otherwise. Would you have any suggestions how to stop the outbreaks?
Nutritional deficiency which can be caused by stress, food sensitivities and candida are all culprits. The link with stress appears to be that stress increases your need for extra vitamin c so ensure you are getting adequate amounts in your diet, if not, supplement with at least 1000mg twice daily. Also, if you tend to reach for sugary foods this could be causing candida which is a yeast overgrowth in your system. Mouth ulcers can be a symptom of this yeast overgrowth. I suggest taking the probiotic super 5 which is specifically formulated for the mouth. HRP is also a very good homeopathic remedy which helps to kill of the virus which causes mouth ulcers, simply take 10 drops 3 times daily until bottle is finished The information contained in this column is not a substitute for medical advice and you should always consult with your GP.
By Deirdre
Is there anything I could take to help with water retention? I am not on any medication and am healthy otherwise
Food allergies or intolerances, often to wheat and dairy foods, are a common cause of water retention. Other foods can also be involved so check out those you eat a lot of. Water retention can also be a symptom of essential fatty acid deficiency. Ensure a high intake of seeds and their oils and oily fish. If you are not drinking enough water you force your body to store what it has so aim for at least 1.5litres a day. Supplements that may help include: fish oil or flax seed oil, vitamin B6, Zinc and Magnesium. Apple Cider Vinegar tablets are also very effective at dealing with fluid retention as well as helping with sweet cravings.
If you have a health question, please feel free to email me on
Brown Rice Porridge
Serves 1 • 1/2 cup brown rice flakes • 1cup of milk or dairy free alternative milk • 1 ripe banana (optional)
1. Put the rice flakes and liquid into a small saucepan, place on a high heat and bring to the boil. 2. Once it’s boiling reduce the heat to the lowest setting. Allow porridge to simmer for a minute or two, stirring until it has thickened up a bit. If using banana, mash one half into a pulp. Add this into the porridge and let it cook for another three or four minutes, stirring occasionally, until it’s at your desired consistency. When it’s ready pour it into a bowl, add the remaining banana and any other toppings you like - enjoy!
The opinions expressed in Horans Newsletter are not necessarily those of the publisher, but of individual writers. Advice is for information only and should not replace medical care. Check with your GP before trying any remedies. Due to the current legislation in the Republic of Ireland some products mentioned in Horans Newsletter may not be available in all Horans Health Food Stores.
You may have heard it before, men are from Mars and women are from Venus, but what you may not know is that this is especially true of health matters and nutritional requirements. Women have unique health issues and can experience certain complaints more or sometimes less frequently than men and their nutritional requirements are also different. Tailored support for female health issues are important from a young age right through to later life. Empowering yourself with some simple but powerful knowledge can help improve your sense of wellness by supporting your body’s natural metabolic and hormonal balance. Some of the more common female health issues are:
cravings, fluid retention and anxiety. Both MAGNESIUM and B6 play an important role in regulating hormones and mood.
UTI (Urinary Tract Infections) It is estimated 1 in 5 women will have a urinary tract infections during their life. UTI’s have a very high (up to 20%) risk of reoccurrence. Some safe and effective ways to prevent reoccurring UTI’s are therefore very important and this is the main use of CRANBERRY. The berries are rich in nutrients which may prevent infections taking hold. It is recommended to take CRANBERRY CAPSULES along with a PROBIOTIC for long term prevention. When faster relief is needed D-MANOSE (in capsules or powder) is a good recommendation.
MACA is a remarkable super-food prized for improving energy and vitality and is known as an important remedy for female health. MACA has been used for centuries for female and hormonal balance. Indeed, modern research has found that MACA may help to improve energy and mood and decrease PMS (Pre-Menstrual Symndrome) anxiety. A number of studies have also shown MACA to be a Around 1 in 4 women suffer moderate to severe safe way to relieve menopausal symptoms and may PMS symptoms, which occur 1-2 weeks before l ima opt g inin inta ma n, help reduce hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal For wome life is vital for menstruation. The most common symptoms bone health throughout dryness, improve libido and emotional wellbeing. in older age. are irritability, anxiety, tension, mood swings, prevention of problems ular reg ing MACA is available in powder or capsule form tak ng, oki sm Stopping bloating, breast tenderness and headaches. VITAMIN D Until Next Time, exercise, CALCIUM and are key! These symptoms can be severe and some Stay Healthy, of the natural remedies shown to be helpful Deirdre are: MAGNESIUM and VITAMIN B6 – helps reduce
Brown Rice Flakes
Did you know?
Brown Rice Flakes are:
• High in fibre – good for a healthy, regular, digestive system • Bursting with B vitamins – which help support a healthy nervous system • An excellent source of slow release carbohydrates • Helpful for maintaining stable blood sugar levels • Naturally Gluten Free
Call into all Horans Healthstores to discover the new ‘True Range’ 3
k Boo ets tick r u yo now
Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD Tour Balancing Your Hormones - Naturally Tuesday 1st March 2016 Don’t miss this opportunity to come and see Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, the UK’s leading nutritionist specialising in women’s health. You will find out how to use food, vitamins and minerals to • Increase your energy • Eliminate mood swings • Improve your memory • Reduce stress • Lose weight, without dieting. Dr Glenville’s talk will cover: ✔ Learn about the 7 important dietary steps that all women should know to help balance their hormones ✔ What to eat to balance your hormones including PMS, menopause, PCOS, fibroids and endometriosis ✔ The truth about soya and phytoestrogens are they good or bad for you? ✔ The effects of foreign oestrogens coming in from our environment, how do you recognise them and what can you do to avoid them. ✔ How beneficial bacteria in your digestive system balance your hormones ✔ What vitamins, minerals and herbs help balance your hormones naturally ✔ Case study and GNC clinic protocols presented by Heather Leeson BA, Dip Nutritional Therapy, mNTOI
TRALEE Manor West Hotel
Tuesday 1st March 7 - 9.30pm
Ticket Purchase
€15 / 2 for €25
Horan’s Health Store, Manor West 066 7180690
Tickets available from all Horans Health Stores
Book your place now! Do not miss this opportunity to learn from the UK’s leading natural health professional 5
Our respiratory tract is one of the first lines of defence, so it makes sense to keep it healthy and functioning well. Salt therapy offers an ideal solution that has been used for centuries by different cultures around the world with great success. It is thought this therapy originated thousands of years ago due to the noticeable improvements in breathing following trips to the seaside where the air is humid and salty. These health benefits have prompted people from all over the world to visit curative salt mines across Europe and the Himalayas to inhale the salty vapours. Studies have shown that this is not just an old wives tale it really does offer significant improvements for those with respiratory problems. The beneficial effects are due to the micron sized particles of salt carried in the salty air. These are able to penetrate the respiratory system, helping to mechanically cleanse the airways. As an additional benefit, the sodium content of the active ingredient allows natural self-cleansing mechanisms to flush away impurities from the surface of the cells.
either a placebo or a salt pipe for 15 minutes, three times a day for three ITH weeks showed significant improvements in breathing for 56% of those with COPD and asthma. Around 64% reported improvements in night coughing and approximately 65% reported an improvement in expelling mucous.
The Higher Nature® Saltpipe Inhaler is the perfect choice because it contains salt from the Transylvanian 3 Solutions support the Praid Salt Mine in a handy inhaler thattobrings Asthma, and other benefits of salt mine therapy torespiratory your home. As well conditions as offering the same benefits3without theproblems, expensive Great for sinus and other allergies travel costs, the Saltpipe is veryhayfever easy to use. 3 Also available as a handy, Breathing in through the mouth piece and out travel size through the nose, allows the 3air to flow over natural Supported with National radio. salt crystals, stimulating the cleansing process in the respiratory system to improve breathing.
A few minutes of regular daily use may aid recovery from respiratory illnesses such as asthma, colds and flu’s. It is also great for sinus If a trip to the Himalayas is not an option, then Ask forproblems, details: hayfever and other allergies. Wholefoods Wholesale according to research, using a saltpipe may be In addition to the wonderful health benefits this equally effective. A study amongst 50 people using 01 626 2315 01 626 1233 sturdy device will last for 5 years. 6
3895 Feb/Mar Wholefoods catalogue.indd All Pages
21/12/2015 11:03
Aged Kyolic Garlic The New Superfood
“Kyolic Garlic is completely unique and the world’s biggest selling garlic due to its aged formulation.” Julie Walsh,
Wholefoods Nutritionist
Superfoods have been the buzz words of nutrition for the past number of years. These include Chia seeds, Goji berries, raw Cacao and the wonderful grain that is Quinoa. However if you are a little more ‘old school’ you may want to take a step back and reach for good old Garlic! To get the therapeutic benefits of garlic there is only one proven product to reach for. Quest Kyolic aged garlic extract takes up to 20 months to produce through cold aging
process. Unlike most foods, processing, and specifically aging, does miraculous things to garlic. It creates a cascade of powerful & valuable water and oil soluble compounds, not found in other forms of garlic (including sulphides and S-allyl cysteine). These compounds can help with a number of conditions ranging from poor circulation to high blood pressure (one of the only risk factors for a heart attack which can actually be modified to reduce risk). It can also help to lower cholesterol. Kyolic Garlic can even help your immune system! I have found it to be a great help for those suffering with sinus problems because it works not only on bacteria but on fungi, which can often cause sinus infections. In a study ran over a two month period, those taking Kyolic Garlic caught colds less frequently than the non-taking group. Kyolic consumers also recovered quicker from a cold – something to consider given the HSE stance on taking antibiotics for the common cold.
Aged Garlic Extract also enhances the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum, friendly intestinal bacteria (or probiotics) who are in themselves beneficial for the immune system. Garlic breath is not something anyone wants to live with, no matter how good the health benefits are! The good news is that the aging process renders the end product completely odourless. The process also gently modifies harsh and irritating compounds from the raw garlic, so those with sensitive digestive systems need not fear any discomfort associated with raw garlic or other garlic capsules/tablets. Kyolic Garlic 1000mg is completely unique and the world’s biggest selling garlic due to its aged formulation – It is even suitable during all stages of pregnancy! Kyolic Garlic is a potent antioxidant and a natural source of unique phytonutrients for the promotion of cardiovascular, digestive, immune and overall health. What more could you want from one little food? Maybe it’s time Kyolic entered the ‘super food’ category…
Available from Horans Healthstores 7
• On Friday 19th February we have Sandra our Iridologist in store. Sandra studies your eyes to look for underlying Health issues or signs of developing symptoms at an early stage. 9-3pm Phone 064 6622581 for appointment. • Friday 26th Feb. Feb Niall Hogan Medical Herbalist will hold a clinic day 11am-6pm. For more information or to book an appointment phone Niall on 087 2187744 • Kerry Acupuncture clinics. Instant relief from any pain and or / stiffness. Every Tuesday and Thursday. Booking essential with Declan O Donohue on 087 6972351
• Monday 15th February. Ray Nolan - Do you suffer with bloating, l.B.S., poor digestion, bad sleeping patterns. This test is also suitable for children. • Iridology Testing. Sandra is here on Tuesday February 17th from 9 to 2 pm. Costs €30 for 30 mins. Booking essential. • How is your gut working for you? Do you have regular bowel movement? Are you constipated? Loose stools? Etc. Call and talk to Roseanna on Thursday 25th of February from 10.30 to 1.30pm. • Friday 26th February. Laura Downed. General health queries plus tastings of a super food. Feel free to call, no app necessary.
• Ray Nolan - Allergy & intolerance testing is instore on Friday 5th & again on the 26th February. Appointments go fast so ring ASAP so you aren’t disappointed.
• Sandra O Connel will be back in Nenagh on Feb 16th for Iridology appointments.
• Michael from Eskimo will be here Thursday 11th February. Call in or book in for a free consultation.
• THUR 11th FEB: HELP YOUR TEENAGER DEAL WITH EXAM STRESS!!! call in and chat to Laura from Terra Nova who will be happy to offer advice on supplements which can help with the added stress and anxiety. FREE ONE TO ONE CONSULTATIONS.
• Sandra our Iridologist will be with us on Wednesday 2nd March. Again appointments go fast so book in with us. • We have Niamh from Holos with us on Friday 4th March, Niamh will be doing Free Facials using her beautiful Holos range of products. Just drop in to the store or Book in to avoid disappointment. To book in call us on 068 24356
• Mon 8th February. Ray Nolan in store by appointment, food intolerance testing. • Wed 10th February. Sandra with iridology, what does your eyes say about your health.
• Friday 12th February. 10am to 4pm. €35 for 30 minutes. Call 025 86868 to make an appointment.
• Friday, 19th Feb. Kerry from Naturalife talks about One Nutrition Range 2-4pm. • Friday, 26th Feb. 10-5pm FREE BODY COMPOSITION TESTING with Anna.
• MON 22nd FEB: How is your food effecting your health? FOOD INTOLERANCE testing with RAY NOLAN in store.. Call to book your appointment today. • FRI 26th FEB: How does your gut health effect your overall health and energy? Are you trying to deal with allergies? Call in and chat to ROSANNA from OPTIBAC, who will advise you on the correct supplements and lifestyle habits to improve your overall health.
• .....Do you suffer from tiredness, aches and pains, weight gain, food intolerances....Then come see Ray, results on the day.... Monday 1st February. Ray Nolan 10am-3pm • Saturday 6th February, 12-4pm. Dr. Mahers Skincare - Fantastic results for people who suffer with skin problems, dermatitis, dry sensitive skin, rashes, etc. Make sure to pop in to us here in Rock Street for expert advice... • Tuesday 23rd February Sandra O’Connell Irridology 9.30-2.30pm. See what your eyes say about your health: Nutrient deficiencies. Overall current health status. Can detect Strengths & weaknesses. • Thursday 25th February 2-4pm. Rosanna from Optibac Probiotics. All your queries on digestive problems, gut & stomach problems, bloating.
Lower your Cholesterol - Naturally with food While one may panic when they hear that their cholesterol is high, the good news is that you can reduce your cholesterol naturally in a short time by making some very simple dietary changes. By making better food choices, you will get more nutrition then ever before, reap incredible health benefits for your heart and body, and positive changes to your overall health and wellbeing will occur.
10 Tips to improve your diet Today! • Eat your Veggies: You cannot eat enough vegetables... have them breakfast, lunch and dinner. They are low calories, low fat and low sugar so eat up! Tomatoes, green leaves (spinach, rocket, kale, lettuce), asparagus, celery, broccoli, beets, squash and peppers are all super • Limit red meat: Try to limit red meat to a couple of times a month. Also, aim to have smaller portions of meat e.g. add sliced chicken to large salad, have strips of beef in a vegetable stir fry, or choose a 3 oz fillet as a guide for portion control. • Have fish a couple times a week: Enjoy fish a couple of times a week. Have smoked salmon for breakfast, tuna occasionally for lunch or hake, sea bass, haddock, sole or cod for dinner. Fish is a great source of protein, vitamins, minerals and low in saturated fat. • Love Fat…Get your Omega-3! While olive oil is the main fat to replace saturated fats in cooking or dressings, other healthy fats to include are avocados, nuts, seeds, oily fish, olives and eggs (7 a week). Omega-3 have many benefits for heart health - Choose oily fish - salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna, nuts such as walnuts, and seeds such as flaxseeds and chia seeds. If you don’t eat oily fish, supplementing with high quality omega-3 fish oil such as Eskimo-3 is important for achieving an optimum intake of omega-3. • Cook vegetarian meals at least once a week: This helps limit meat, and you get an extra filling of vegetables and the powerhouse of nutrition they offer. Try a bean curry with brown rice, vegetable stew or nut loaf. Yum!
• Enjoy moderate amounts of Dairy: Greek yoghurt and parmesan cheese are favourites in the Mediterranean. I recommend real greek yogurt, not greek style yoghurt. Greek yoghurt is high in protein and low in sugar. If you miss cheese, parmesan is a good choice - its lower in cholesterol than most cheese and a little goes a Olive Curran DipNT long way. • Fabulous Fibre: Foods such as oats contain Marketing Director soluble fibre which can reduce LDL “bad” cholesterol by limiting the amount of cholesterol absorbed by your body. Studies have shown that consuming 10 to 25 grams soluble fibre a day can lower cholesterol by 15%. By including foods such as porridge, oatcakes, high fibre wholegrain bread, fruits (apples, prunes and pears), vegetables, pulses (kidney beans, lentils, and chickpeas), you should be able to obtain the recommended amount of soluble fibre daily. • Fruit-tastic: Have fruit as dessert to reduce sugar laden cakes etc. Combine fruit with an ounce of nuts for a perfect snack. Eat apples and pear whole and eat raspberries often as they are full of fibre which helps lower LDL cholesterol. Include berries in smoothies for an antioxidant hit. • Stay Hydrated: Water is the ideal drink to keep hydrated, but you can improve its flavour by introducing sliced lemons, limes, cucumber, mint, berries... whatever you fancy. You should aim for 6-8 cups water a day. Herbal teas also count towards your water intake. Try Green Tea, Lemon and Ginger, Rooibus, Peppermint etc. Avoid fruit infused teas as they are very sweet. Try to limit coffee to one cup a day. • Try a Nutri-bullet: Say what? The Nutribullet is my favourite kitchen appliance - that and my food processor. The nutribullet allows you to blend vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and more without losing any of the goodness. I love using the Nutribullet to get my greens... spinach, kale and even broccoli.
Zerochol launch an Online Diet and Lifestyle Support Program
Zerochol is very effective at lowering cholesterol and has been shown to reduce cholesterol by 17% in 3 months. By improving your diet and lifestyle, you can further reduce your cholesterol and improve your overall health. For this reason, Zerochol has created an online diet and lifestyle support program. Over 6 weeks, participants receive daily e-mails with information covering topics such as heart health, cholesterol, all about fats, the mediterranean diet, recipes plus lots of tips on how to incorporate heart healthy foods into your diet. Register now -
cardiovascular diseases and other health conditions, exercise helps improve overall immunity function too.
Over the past few decades, we may have come a long way as far as the development of cutting-edge technology and new-fangled inventions are concerned. On the contrary, however, our health has suffered a huge blow. Hurried lives, cholesterol-rich diets, poor habits and our improper daily routines have all contributed greatly to our weakened immune systems, making us more susceptible to illnesses. While we may support the growth of our economy by making repeated trips to hospitals, we often forget to tackle the root of the problem. To improve your overall health and immune function, you must make changes in your dietary choices and lifestyle first. Here are the top four factors that can impact your immunity:
4. Green Juice
1. Sleep Deprivation And Stress
Sleep deprivation and stress affects our immune system and increases the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and also lead to immunodeficiency. Catch a minimum of 8 hours of sleep every day and avoid taking stress by practicing calming activities, deep breathing and take exercise like meditation and by walking regularly.
2. Lack of Dietary Nutrients
Your body requires a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals to ward off infections and pathogens that can attack your natural defense system. Antioxidants such as vitamins C, A and E, especially help your body fight the formation of free radicals thereby preventing oxidative damage and improving immunity.
3. Lack of Physical Activity
Is your gym enrollment form catching a pile of dust? It’s time you finally dust it off and to make exercise a part of your daily routine. Apart from improving your metabolic function, your mood and protecting you from obesity, diabetes,
Leafy green veggies are probably the healthiest natural foods known to man. They contain a combination of essential nutrients like ascorbic acid, carotene, riboflavin, folic acids, vitamin K, iron, calcium, and phosphorus. Green Life Juices are made from cold-pressed vegetables including Kale, Cucumber, Broccoli, Cabbage, Apple, Ginger and Lemons. Their moderate antibacterial properties with various pharmacologically active compounds help treat bacterial infections and will build your Immune System and give your body the strength to fight illness. This juice contains a mix of the most nutritious green veggies that make it the perfect blend of great taste and good health. Over the coming weeks, Green Life Juices will be bring you a range of juices to improve your lifestyle and will assist in protecting you and your family from illness. Thanks to Horan’s, we will be bringing you a range of Juices including ones that will help in the fight against ailments including Fibromyalgia, Magnesium Deficiency, Psoriasis and a Mindfulness juice that will help fight stress and improve lifestyle. These juices are the result of 3 years research. Our first juice is Life Boost” . Following 3 years of research, Green Life juices have gone into manufacturing their juices in Carrickboy, Longford. Their first juice “Life Boost” came from a recipe from someone who “self-healed”.
For more information visit our stores on the following dates: • Nenagh - Morning of Feb 2nd
• Killarney Park Rd - Morning 5th
• Limerick - Afternoon of Feb 2nd
• Killarney Beech Rd - Afternoon 5th
• Newcastlewest - Morning Feb 3rd
• Cashel - Morning 8th
• Listowel - Afternoon Feb 3rd
• Mitchelstown - Afternoon 8th
• Tralee Clash - Morning 4th
• Fermoy - Morning 9th
• Tralee Manor West - Afternoon 4th
• Clonmel - Afternoon 9th 9
BANANA BREAD with Chia seeds, Flaxseeds and Hazelnuts Ingredients:
• ½ cup chia gel – i.e. see below • ½ cup maple syrup, agave syrup or honey • 2 eggs • 3 ripe bananas • 175 g self raising flour - use gluten free if needed. • 75 g flaxseed – ground or whole • ¾ tsp. Barkat gluten free baking powder • 100 g chopped hazelnuts
• Preheat oven to 180 degrees. • In food processor or with a hand blender, mix the chia gel and maple syrup together. • Add eggs, one at a time. Add bananas. • Add Gluten free flour, baking powder, hazelnuts and flaxseeds. • Pour into loaf pan greased with oil. Bake for 35-40 minutes.
In this recipe the Chia Gel replaces butter. To make chia gel, simply place 4 tablespoons of chia seeds into a cup and half fill cup with water. Let sit for 20 minutes before using.
Spatone is a 100% natural liquid iron supplement from the mountains of Snowdonia Scientifically shown to help top up iron levels during pregnancy1 Easily absorbed and gentle on your stomach2,3 Reduces fatigue and tiredness
Available in all good pharmacies and health food stores. Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. If pregnant or breast feeding always consult a healthcare professional before taking any food supplement. *References apple to Spatone Original 1 Halksworth et al. (2003). Iron absorption from Spatone (a natural mineral water) for prevention of iron deficiency in pregnancy. Clin. Lab. Haem, 25, 227-231 2 McKenna, D. et al (2003). A randomised trial investigating iron rich natural mineral water as a prophylaxis against iron deficiency in pregnancy. Clin Lab Haem, 25, 99-103 3 Worwood, M et al (1996). Iron absorption from a natural mineral water. Clin Lab Haem, 18, 23-27