Horan's Healthstores Magazine August 2018

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HORANS magazine Healthstores

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Top Tips for Keeping Healthy and Fit by Pat Divilly, Fitness Expert

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The Nutritional Approach to





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Supporting you through the

Menopause HALF PRICE

Support with

Emotional Eating by Oliver McCabe

As a diagnosed emotional eater for many years, I follow a daily controlled eating routine in which I am mindful rather than mindless with food; this includes exercise, meditation and eating three small meals and two snacks a day - breakfast being the most important meal for setting my day up. Here are some tips and advice about tackling emotional eating:

What is emotional eating? Menopausal sweats and flushes can occur during of after the menopause with no particular pattern. They do not occur immediately with the onset of other symptoms of menopause and may appear gradually. Hot flushes that accompany the menopause are usually caused by falling levels of the hormone oestrogen. This is a natural part of the menopausal process, but does not always happen smoothly and gradually enough to avoid symptoms such as flushes. Low oestrogen levels make it harder to control histamine, which can dilate blood vessels. A simple and traditional way of helping to deal with menopausal sweats is to use the well-known and much-loved herb, Sage. Menoforce Sage Tablets is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the relief of menopausal hot flushes and excessive perspiration exclusively based on long-standing use. Made with organically grown, freshly harvested sage with a one-a-day dosage. Always read the leaflet.


For further information please visit www.avogel.ie or call our helpline on 1890 930 070


Emotional eating is a tendency to respond to stress by eating, even when not hungry, often in the form of high-calorie or high-carbohydrate foods that have minimal nutritional value. The foods that emotional eaters crave are often referred to as comfort foods such as ice cream, cookies, chocolate, chips, French fries, and pizza. About 40% of people tend to eat more when stressed, while about 40% eat less and 20% experience no change in the amount of food they eat when exposed to stress.

What is the treatment for emotional eating? Overcoming emotional eating tends to involve teaching the sufferer healthier ways to view food, to develop better eating habits, to recognize their triggers for engaging in this behaviour, and to develop appropriate ways to prevent and alleviate stress. An important step in managing stress is exercise, since regular physical activity tends to dampen the production of stress chemicals, and can even lead to a decrease in depression, anxiety, and insomnia and the tendency to engage in emotional eating. Practising meditation and other relaxation techniques is also a powerful way to manage stress and therefore decrease emotional eating. One or two meditation sessions a day can have lasting beneficial effects on health, even decreasing high blood pressure and heart rate. Refraining from drug use and consuming no more than moderate amounts of alcohol are other important ways to successfully manage stress since many of these substances heighten the body's response to stress. Use of those substances often prevents the person from facing their problems directly, making them unable to develop effective ways to cope with or eliminate stress. Other lifestyle changes that can decrease stress include taking breaks at home and at work. Refrain from over-scheduling yourself. Learn to recognize and respond to your stress triggers. Take regular days off at intervals that are right for you. Structure your life to achieve a comfortable way to respond to the unexpected. For those who may need help dealing with stress, stress-management counselling in the form of individual or group therapy can be very useful and have both been proven to reduce stress symptoms and improve overall health.

The opinions expressed in Horans Newsletter are not necessarily those of the publisher, but of individual writers. Advice is for information only and should not replace medical care. Check with your GP before trying any remedies. Due to the current legislation in the Republic of Ireland some products mentioned in Horans Newsletter may not be available in all Horans Health Food Stores.






The data says it all, men in Ireland experience a disproportionate level of ill health and in some cases die too young. According to the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland, poor lifestyles are responsible for a high proportion of chronic diseases, while seeking help from health services too late leads to a high number of health problems. It is also thought that men may be more susceptible to mental health issues. But it really needn’t be this way, if the male population made some simple lifestyle changes.




• Men need to be aware of their heart health, and this means maintaining a healthy weight and keeping blood pressure and cholesterol levels under control. A healthy diet coupled with exercise, may also help lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

• Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a condition that is hugely prevalent in men.

• Eating plenty of LOW GI FOODS (whole-grains, beans and pulses) are important as opposed to refined carbohydrates and sugars. Making sure you are consuming plenty of antioxidant fruits and vegetables is key, as is having a good intake of quality protein, especially if you are exercising regularly. • Smoking and excess amounts of alcohol may increase your risk of developing heart disease, so cut these out if possible. • Get active, exercise is fantastic, not just for keeping weight under control, but for the heart, the joints and the mind.

• In fact the older a man gets the more likely he is to experience this problem, which involves enlargement of the prostrate – What this results in, is the uncomfortable and very disrupting symptoms, such as frequently feeling the need to urinate, especially during the night. • One of the most effective natural remedies, which can help ease this condition and help reduce the inflammation is SAW PALMETTO (available in capsule or liquid form).

• It is also important to take some time out for relaxation, as stress can be a major issue for men and is not only linked to mental health problems, but may have a negative effect on heart health – so keep those stress levels in check.

MALE SUPPLEMENT SUPPORT: • GOOD QUALITY MULTIVITAMIN – there are some excellent multivitamins specially formulated for mens health requirements, we are happy to offer advice in store on one that suits your needs best! • ZINC – important for male fertility, it is known that low levels affect quality of sperm. VITAMIN E and B VITAMINS, along with SELENIUM are also important for sperm health. • OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS - essential for heart and mind health, as is COENYME Q10. This is important for men of all ages, but level decline with age so supplementation is a good idea.




Breakfast…is the most important meal of the day! A good night’s sleep followed by food in the morning helps children to stay active and concentrate at school. It also means children are less likely to feel hungry during the morning. A healthy lunchbox a day keeps the yawns away…a home-made packed lunch is a great way for children to learn about healthy food. Allowing and encouraging kids to participate in food preparation can provide them with great skills later in life!

Snacks…are an important part of a healthy diet for active children. Make snacks nutritious, not just high in energy. Fill up children’s lunch boxes with fruit and veg., and Irish soft cheese or hummus, which makes a delicious, filling snack that kids love. Also try small bags of dried fruit.

Variety…is the spice of life! Mix things up a little with the kids’ food and try something new. Sandwiches don’t always have to be centre stage in the lunch box. Savoury muffins, wholemeal wraps, pittas, oatcakes, rice cakes and cracker breads are all great options. Protein…choose lean cooked free-range or local chicken, turkey or beef; cooked fish and prawns; boiled eggs; seeds and seed butters. Foods to use in moderation, either at home or in school lunch boxes include: processed or packet meats such as salami, ham or luncheon roll, processed cheese, crisps, salty nuts, sugary yogurts, sugary biscuits, muesli bars or breakfast bars, fizzy drinks, cordials, sweetened juices or soft drinks. Encourage your children to drink plain water instead!

Get moving…physical activity is an important part of good health. Try to encourage your children to do something active each day, such as hobbies, games or sport. Get out and move with them, which is fun and exercise for all the family!

Eggs ‘Eggcado’ Chopped Boiled s (Serves 1) with Ripe Avocado & Chive olegrain Wrap or Pitta.

Lunchbox Filling in a Wh ng Quick Kids Breakfast or olipids. Phospholipids alo brain fats called phosph ant ort and d min Eggs contain imp od, mo r enhance you m chia or hemps seeds with essential fats fro mental performance. ar. A good source of y free, with no added sug Vegetarian, nut and dair ial fats. dietary fibre and essent of peeled avocado; 1 tsp. ge eggs; 1 medium ripe onion); INGREDIENTS: 2 free ran ing spr (or es chiv sh ; a pinch of chopped fre olive oil; salt and pepper Hemp Seeds or true goodness Organic Shelled l ura 1/2 tsp. of true nat Chia Seeds. natural goodness Milled until hot. Put the eggs er in a medium saucepan wat l Boi se the INSTRUCTIONS: s until hard boiled. Rin er for about 8 minute s with egg in saucepan in hot wat led pee the h Mas water then peel quickly. cold er und e siev in n mash s egg avocado and seeds the in a small bowl. Add the in ve Ser oil and salt and pepper . d chives on top l chunky. Sprinkle choppe a as or until smoother but stil side the spoon on e container with a tea a small sealed Tupperwar sandwich filler.

Oliver McCabe


What to Eat to Beat the Pre-Menstrual Blues Hormones, eh? Frankly, they’re not always a girl’s best friend. They call it a monthly cycle but sometimes it feels more like a monthly rollercoaster with great natural highs and sharp dips in the run up to your period. Is there anything a girl can do to stay svelte and calm every day of the month? The best advice to do all the healthy stuff that we’re supposed to do all the time, but be extra ‘on it’ when hormonally-challenged in the second half of the cycle. Lots of women report feeling bloated. While it might seem counterintuitive, eating lots of fibrous veggies like broccoli or artichokes are the solution here. That’s because they help push things along, and have a high water content to aid digestion. Beware the much sought-after bag of chips, as its tends to be salty, and high sodium foods can make us retain water for that dreaded swollen belly look - and of course, most of us really don’t need the calories.



What about those nights when you toss and turn for hours running through every that has gone wrong in your life since back when Boyzone were chart toppers? Bananas. No really. They contain melatonin, the sleepy hormone that we naturally secrete when in darkness.

So then, what kind of magic fruit can help you glide through the month feeling in control no matter what life throws at you? Well that one hasn’t discovered yet but avocado, salmon, chia seeds, olive oil and fortified eggs can all help. That’s because they are all great natural sources of Omega 3 fatty acids, which do all kinds of wonderful things in the body, including helping with brain health. Feeling sluggish? B12 combats lethargy. Find it in meat, dairy or eggs; vegans have to supplement. This is a really important one. Ok, but what about those days when you’re just feeling ‘meh’, and basically, just want to eat and… eat? Well, we don’t have a medical diagnosis for ‘meh’, but as always, the answer is to do the right thing when it comes to diet. Complex carbs like popcorn, quinoa and brown rice, pasta and bread can help keep you on an even keel all through the day as your blood sugars stay stable – which means you’re more likely to leave the fridge alone.




Periods don’t have to mean physical or emotional suffering. For happier periods, look after yourself – every day of the month!


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Not eating a great diet? Been ill or stressed? A good quality supplement such as Cleanmarine For Women can help with some of the dietary shortfall. It contains Omega 3 fatty acids, sourced from clean, sustainable Antarctic krill, which can help look after joints, vision and brain health. It also contains Vitamin D which many of us may lack, and a host of B vitamins, including B6 to help regulate hormonal activity and B2 to help with fatigue.

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With having had such a hot summer this year, the majority of us have filled our days with trips to the beach, hiking and climbing so it is only right that we pay some attention to these power horses of the body. Our feet absorb the impact of our full body weight with every step, all the time keeping us upright and balanced in the process. Yet they not only support us physically, they are also important on an emotional level as they represent our foundation, security and inner strength and our connection to the earth. All it takes is an irritation on our small toe to disturb our well being. Giving your feet a little loving care will make all the difference.


A company I truly admire and love is Harebell Herbs. The products are all handmade in West Kerry by the wonderful Rosemarie Lieb. The ingredients are biodynamic and organically grown and are extremely healing on the skin. The plants are tended with such love and care, ensuring that their healing essences are carefully preserved during the extraction process. I can honestly say I am never without the Marigold Cream, it is a great addition to your First Aid box, treating everything from skin irritation to Nappy rash and as for an effective massage oil for aching muscles, look no further then Rosemarie’s St. John’s Wort Body oil which is calming and soothing healing oil.

TIRED FEET > Place a layer of marbles in the bottom of a large foot bowl; enough to cover three quarters of the base. Add enough water to cover feet and a half a cup of Epsom salts and 3 drops of a cooling essential oil i.e. Peppermint or Eucalyptus. Place your feet in the bowl and gently glide your feet along the marbles for a soothing massage. Soak for 10 minutes.

>> Take a Probiotic supplement i.e. Bio-Kult Candea or a probiotic from Optibac or Udos Choice alongside Citricidal (a grapefruit seed extract) to rid the body from the fungus within. Also taking a supplement of A.Vogel SMELLY FEET > Organic apple cider vinegar works Spilanthes internally and great as an antifungal agent and deodoriser. Add half applying it externally to a cup to a bowl of warm water and soak for 10 minutes the affected area is highly recommended.

ATHLETE’S FOOT > Athlete’s foot is an infection of the feet caused by a fungus. It is very common and highly contagious, however very easy to treat. It is commonly contracted at public swimming pools, showers and changing rooms. It is aggravated if your feet sweat a lot or if you wear tight, non breathable shoes or synthetic fibres next to the skin. It can also be a symptom of yeast overgrowth in the body. Avoid sugar, fruit, alcohol and yeasted breads, which may contribute to the condition.

>> Mix half a cup of organic apple cider vinegar with 5 drops of tea tree essential oil and 5 drops lavender oil and add to a bowl of warm water. Soak the feet for ten minutes. Dry thoroughly, especially between toes and apply some tea tree oil to affected areas.

Top Tips for Keeping Healthy and Fit Pat Divilly, Fitness Expert shares some of his top tips for keeping healthy and fit this season and beyond As with all of my recommendations, I like to keep it simple and steer things back towards nature. That means focusing on nutritious foods, being active, breathing a little sunshine and enjoying life! Here are four simple changes that will leave you looking and feeling great.

feel – taking you out of ‘fight or flight’ mode and into a more mindful and empowering state. Box breathing is a favourite tool of mine. Focus on a four-second inhale through your nose. Hold that breath for four seconds. Breathe out for four seconds and hold for four.

> Move with intention - Exercise is essential as we all know, but some of us find ourselves seeing it more as a chore than something enjoyable. Find a form of exercise you enjoy, that you don’t want to miss and commit to three or four sessions a week at a moderate level of intensity. Each session, train with ‘intention’, meaning you enter the session with an idea of the outcome you want to achieve. For example, it might be ‘in this session I want to get a little bit stronger with my push ups’ F OF or ‘for this session I just want to take time for me’. The difference you’ll see from setting an intention with each session and finding a form of training you love will be noticeable.

> Take your healthy fats - The majority of us are deficient in


> Slow down and breathe -

Udo’s Oil is available from your local Horans Health Store.

We’re all so busy these days that it’s easy to become overwhelmed and stressed. Use the power of breath to become more mindful throughout your day. Craving sugar, a cigarette or junk food? Take six deep breaths and notice the change in how you

Omega-3, so I’m always prompting people to look at their intake of fats. Though for a long time people feared fats, we are coming to realise their importance in heart and brain health as well as overall wellbeing. Udo’s Oil offers the perfect blend of Omega 3, 6 and 9 and includes flaxseed, sunflower seed, sesame seed and a range of other oils giving a perfect blend for use in salads, smoothies or dressings. I shoot for three tablespoons every day. Ideally, you should go with 1 tablespoon per 25kg bodyweight.

> Go outside! We spend so much time stuck inside in front of blue light screens. Irish weather doesn’t help either, but where you can, try to get outside and soak up the fresh air. It’s incredible the effect it can have on your mood and general wellbeing. Consider that when you’re in great form you are much more likely to want to be active and eat well. 5



FOR KEEPING STUDENTS FOCUSED & HAPPY The brain is a massive 60% fat, so it’s safe to say that it plays a huge role in brain development and function. Through blood tests, a correlation has been found between low levels of omega 3’s in the bloodstream and increased struggles with learning and behaviour in school. A 2012 study found Omega 3 DHA had a profound improvement on reading age, concentration and learning ability in children, and lower levels of DHA were attributed to poorer reading and impaired performance. In a Danish study, children were given 5ml Eskimo-3 Kids with omega-3,-6,-9 and vitamin D3 for 4 months.

also contains Vitamin D3, which is essential for normal growth and healthy bone development in children and also helps support immunity. On the market for more than 20 years, Eskimo-3 kids is one of the purest fish oils available today. Award Winning

Eskimo-3 Kids won Gold in the National Parenting Product Awards in 2015 for Best Omega-3 Supplement for children. The NAPPA recognition signifies that a product has been rigorously evaluated against stringent criteria by expert judges and parent testers, and that it stands out among similar products.

Significant improvements were noted as follows: Memory Mathematics Recurrent throat and upper airway infections Eczema Dry Skin Recurrent colds Ear Problems

“I am delighted with Eskimo-3 Kids Chewable DHA+. I’ve seen significant improvements in my sons concentration and his speech and he is more relaxed and less irritable in his behaviours. I’ve also noticed that their skin and hair has improved as well. There is more shine in the hair. My children love the taste and the fact that there is no fishy aftertaste.” Sabrina Kelly, Galway

OMEGA-3... Feed their Imagination


Omega-3 may reduce anxiety during exams by 20% (Kiecolt et al, 2011) Omega-3 is vital for brain function which may help memory & concentration Increased omega-3 and omega-6 GLA may help with moods

“I have used Eskimo-3 fish oils over the past few years and have found them unbelievably beneficial. Within 1-2 days I felt sharper and more focused. After a few weeks, my skin was smooth and clear, which I also attribute to the product. It is a natural, affordable and an amazing product, which I have recommended to friends.” Claire Breen, Galway

69% 65% 78% 60% 100%


Good nutrition is essential at any time of year, but especially during an exam year when your brain and body are under great stress. Omega-3 is a vital part of exam preparation. Our bodies can’t produce omega-3, so we need to get it through our diet. There are a number of reasons to take good fats:

Strengthens the immune system so that you don’t get run down

58% 70%

Eskimo-3 Kids has been specifically formulated to combine natural fish oil with natural plant oils, providing a balance of omega-3, -6 and -9 that reflects these needs. Eskimo-3 Kids


FEATURES Omega-3 and Vitamin D supplements for children Contains 250mg DHA for Brain and Eye function

Whether your child is studying for their Junior Cert, Leaving Cert or college exams, good nutrition is key to them getting ahead. FEATURES Rich in Omega-3,-6 & -9 High in DHA for Brain & Eye function

Supports Memory and Concentration

Memory & Concentration

Vitamin D3 to support Bone health and Immunity

Ideal support for Exam Students

Available in a Tutti Frutti or orange flavoured liquid or as an orange chewable Pop into your local Horans Health Store for more information

Bone health & immunity

Helps balance moods

Studying for Exams? It’s never too early to start taking Omega-3 Brain Food to Support You!







I have trouble sleeping. I get to sleep easily, but then I wake about 2am and again 2 or 3 times before I have to get up in the morning. I am exhausted in the morning and was wondering if you could suggest a natural remedy I could try?



by Deirdre


Quality sleep is so important to every bodily function. This is the time, when our body repairs and regenerates. When you are unable to sleep effectively, it impacts on every organ, which is another reason why you feel so tired. Once again, this is a condition where natural remedies and herbs can come to the rescue. A VOGEL DORMEASAN is a traditional herbal remedy used to aid sleep, simply take 30 drops in a little water half an hour before bedtime. MELISSA DREAM, containing Lemon balm, L-theanine and the B vitamins, are very effective at promoting a restful night’s sleep and allowing you to switch off. Simply take two tablets one hour before bed. Aside from the obvious other pointers, such as taking measures to reduce stress levels, drinking enough water through-out the day is key to a restful night’s sleep.







Can you suggest a herbal, vitamin and mineral to help counteract or help me deal with stress?

Managing stress is something best attacked from multiple angles. Yes exercise helps, yes diet helps, and yes supplements help – so why not combine all three? So, assuming you want to start with supplements, or end with them... here are some suggestions worth considering: VALERIAN ROOT is one of the top supplements for stress, for a number of reasons. For most people it can help calm anxiety and stress. NIACIN otherwise known as B3, plays many key roles in the human body. It serves as a sort of natural antidote to adrenaline. Adrenaline is often over produced during periods of anxiety and stress. Alternatively, a well balanced good quality B COMPLEX is a good option, as all the B Vitamin’s can help reduce the physical demands of stress.



MAGNESIUM plays a key role in supporting energy production, regulating glucose levels and regulating stress. A magnesium deficiency can magnify feelings of stress and anxiety, stress can actually lead to depleted magnesium stores. This stress relieving mineral is available in capsules, powder, liquids and sprays. It also helps to relax you, both physically and mentally. If you have a health question, please feel free to email me on horanshealth.deirdre@gmail.com


The information contained in this column is not a substitute for medical advice and you should always consult with your GP. 7

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Undoubtedly in this day and age, blood pressure is a topic that most people are very familiar with. Blood pressure is a means of measuring the pressure of the blood circulating through our blood vessels and arteries. The optimum Breda O’Connor recommended blood pressure reading is under 120/80. The first number systolic) is the rate of pressure that the blood is pumped against the artery walls during a heartbeat and the lower number (diastolic) is the rate of pressure the blood is exerting against the artery walls in between beats, in essence, the resting rate. As we age, the arteries become stiff and narrower due to being blocked by the build-up of plaque. This leads to the systolic (first number) blood pressure becoming raised and increasing the incidence of cardiac and vascular disease. There is a big difference between pulse rate and blood pressure rate. Healthy blood vessels and arteries can cope well with a fast pulse rate as they have the ability to expand and contract when required allowing blood to flow easily and freely. In a healthy heart, the pulse can double with little effect on the blood pressure. An unhealthy heart is unable to make the same adjustments due to clogging and stiffness. It is a myth that everybody will show the signs of high blood pressure i.e. sweating, headaches, nosebleeds, flushing and feeling anxious. If such symptoms occur it is usually during a hypertensive crisis and this requires immediate medical attention. For the most part high blood pressure is silently effective people, making the afflictive person totally unaware that they are living with a silent killer. It is important that you know your blood pressure numbers. Your pharmacy can check this for you as well as your doctor. Blood pressure is only one of many checks used to monitor heart health but it is an easy test most people can stay on top of without difficulty. Ensure that you not ignore high blood pressure. Go to your doctor and follow their instructions fully.

You can help yourself improve your blood pressure by maintaining a healthy weight and eating good quality healthy food. Avoiding trans fats and sugar-laden foods are some of the changes you can make without too much difficulty. Get appropriate exercise that suits your joints and heart and reduce your calorie intake if you are overweight. It is important not to carry extra weight in the middle part of your body as it is this area that all your important organs sit. If you carry weight in this location your internal organs are also surrounded in fat. This all adds extra pressure your heart is put under. I will happily do a food sensitivity test that will guide you to the foods that best suits your digestive and general health which may make it easier for you to lose those extra pounds and improve general health. You can contact me on 087 2772955 for an appointment.

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ORGANIC TURMERIC POWDER Part of the ginger or Zingiberaceae family, the curcuma or turmeric rhizome has been used for thousands of years in Asia, particularly in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine and as a curry spice. This yellow powder has a powerful action on the digestive system and acts as a general anti-inflammatory. It contains the polyphenol curcumin, which may explain the recognised antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and digestive properties of turmeric.

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Liver-friendly tips

to beat that

sluggish feeling Feeling a bit low energy, a bit ‘meh’? It could be a side-effect of modern living which makes our poor livers work very hard. What can we do to support this incredible organ? First let’s pop back to biology class and find out exactly what this work-horse of an organ is and does. The liver is the size of a football (yes really) and it does some truly incredible functions in the digestive system. It helps to clean blood and create bile, which we use for breaking down fats within food. It also stores glucose, or blood sugar, which the body needs for energy. It never stops working, yet our unhealthy choices can make life hard for the liver. When we drink too much alcohol and overeat junk foods, the liver struggles to remove waste and toxins. We have less energy and even age faster. New Nordic Active Liver and Irish Botanica Milk Thistle are available from your local Horans Health Store.

HERE’S HOW TO SHOW THE LIVER SOME LOVE: • Stick to the low-risk alcohol guidelines. That’s 17 units of alcohol for a man and 11 for a woman spread out over the course of a week. Note that a unit is small; a pint contains two units. Also note that they are only guidelines. There is no amount of alcohol that can truly be considered ‘safe’ as bodies react differently • Eat with moderation. We tend to associate cirrhosis with alcoholism but fatty liver disease can happen to those of us with high BMIs, and it too can lead to cirrhosis. It also helps to eat healthily. Heavily processed foods are harder for the digestive system to work with • Limit toxins. Do we really need all those cleaning products and aerosols? We certainly don’t need any cigarettes • Drink a moderate amount of coffee. Nobody knows how or why, but it seems to have a protective effect on livers • Stay hydrated – sip on water when you can • If you’ve overindulged a bit (or a lot) lately, consider a detox or cleanse. You don’t have to go all cabbage soup on it. Simply fasting for a day or two will give your liver a break • Too busy for the fatigue that comes with fasting? How about a gentle, healthful daily cleanse with New Nordic Active Liver tablets containing only naturally sourced ingredients such as milk thistle, turmeric and globe artichoke. Your liver will thank you for it. • To give the body some extra support during this wonderful but sometimes challenging summer period, try Irish Botanica Milk Thistle, a trusted folk remedy. It is ethically sourced, Irish owned and produced and uses a high strength organic tincture for better efficacy. Feel great on those big nights out – and the mornings after with Irish Botanica Milk Thistle.

Nutritional Approach to The

Marilyn Glenville


Getting pregnant is not as easy as we might think with up to a third of couples struggling to conceive and one in four women will experience a miscarriage. Fertility is multi-factorial so it is important to look at every aspect of your health, emotions and lifestyle. Research has shown that making changes in your diet and lifestyle can boost fertility for both you and your partner and also reduce the risk of miscarriage. I have found that if a couple embark upon a fertility boosting diet and lifestyle plan for three months, then their chances of conceiving naturally increase or it improves the success rate of IVF.

Your fertility boosting diet should cover: • Plenty of fruit and vegetables • Complex carbohydrates – wholegrains like brown rice, oats and wholemeal bread • Organic foods where possible • Oily foods such as fish, nuts, seeds and oils • Reduced intake of saturated fats from dairy products etc. • Increased intake of fibre • Avoid additives, preservatives and chemicals, such as artificial sweeteners • Avoid sugar, both on its own and hidden in food • Avoid the three main fertility busters: Caffeine, alcohol and smoking as they have all been linked to an increased risk of infertility in men and women. Three months is the recommended period of time because it takes approximately that long for the follicles on a woman’s ovaries to develop before one is mature enough to release an egg at ovulation. Women are born with their egg store so although we cannot change your ovarian reserve we can certainly help to improve the quality of your eggs. And it takes men approximately three months to produce a new batch of sperm. There is now a great deal of scientific knowledge about the use of nutritional supplements and their beneficial effects on boosting fertility. The most important nutrients for fertility are zinc, folic acid (as methylfolate), selenium, vitamin E, vitamin C, omega 3 fatty acids for you and your partner plus two amino acids, arginine and carnitine specifically for boosting male fertility. For information on how to increase your chances of conceiving naturally see my book ‘Getting Pregnant Faster’. In my clinics I use two supplements which contain the most important nutrients for fertility, NHPs Advanced Fertility Support for Women and Advanced Fertility Support for Men. 9



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h August Cashel on Thursday 16t n }} Call in to Horan's speak with Sarah Nela to 1pm and m 11a between . Sarah will focus on tips OOL SCH TO K about BAC any other ion and immunit y and your child's concentrat her. Just call in! with uss disc to h wis issues you

re for a book in Quaid will be in sto }} August 3rd. Kev . Lew y Body Dementia 1pm il unt m 11a signing from nosed with in Quaid. Kevin was diag Sur vival and Me by Kev 53yrs old. The stor y was he n whe a enti Lew y body Dem sometimes the highs, the lows, and takes a look at his life, k is real and raw boo This lf. itse life his struggle with es in the those who find themselv and its' aim is to help family. This book is NOW his and in Kev as same position s Healthstores. Available at All Horan' with Ray Nolan. d Intolerance Testing }} August 17th. Foo to school k Bac on kult with Paul }} August 17th .Bio ion. preperat have Sarah 9am until 1pm. We will }} August , 29th from ting. The test results Tes erol lest Cho e stor from Eskimo in day. will be provided on the Back to school. ive Active with John on Rev t. 31s ust Aug } }

}} Thursday August 16. 2 - 4pm. Let's talk about going back to school! Come in and discuss what positive steps you can take to support children and teen s as they head back to scho ol. Vitamin D, good gut bacteria, multivits, good fats all have a role to play. }} Thursday August 30. 12 - 2pm. The Violife rang e of dair yfree cheese-substitute prod ucts are very useful if you have to omit dair y from your diet. Come in and sample som e of these lovely products. Also grea t for lunch boxes.

}} Thursday 16th Aug ust 11-2-pm Anne from Wiley Fish oils will be in store to disc uss all the wonderful ben efits of fish oils for joint pain , memory , skincare and more. }} Thursday 23rd Aug ust Steve from Solo Nutr ition will be in store and available to give advice on any hea lth questions you have. Call in between 11-2pm





our delicious into our Store today to try }} Wednesday 1st - Call Tea Pukka Ice Viridian. Advice to school with Holly from }} Friday 10th - Back strong and keeping ems syst une imm s ren' on keeping the child them protected. your child's lunch you looking for ideas for }} Tuesday 14th - Are and enjoyable? s itiou nutr both are box ? guilt free snacks that klet boo ipe Rec E your FRE Call in today to pick up lesterol concerned about your Cho }} Friday 24th - Are you lesterol Test. Tests cost Cho your for y toda in Levels? Call k your l. Call 066718 069 0 to boo €5 and booking is essentia t. appointmen ensive testing, n will be doing a compreh }} Friday 31st - Ray Nola testing for ding inclu ps, grou food which tests for over 200 and booking is ciency. Tests cost €99, vitamin and mineral defi k your appointment. boo to 0 069 718 066 essential... please call


2pm for a book signing from Quaid will be in store }} August 3rd. Kevin sea until 4pm. MultiVit & Minerals in nton Instore 12pm-2pm }} August 10th. Qui athletes) by d (use rt Spo m Totu Run water viles!! Check out ore. Childrens health, ive Active 2pm-4pm Inst John Lalor with talk }} August 24th. Rev to in e Com ? ing energy r down after being ill , lack . Start building up you Kult instore 12pm to 2pm pe and }} August 31st. Bio Pop in to paul from sco ad. ahe ths mon the immune system for learn more.





Gluten Free


Low Fat


High in Fibre

Clearspring’s new Organic Brown Rice Cakes are exceptionally crispy and satisfying, made with puffed wholegrain rice with combination of different kinds of seeds & Grains. High in fibre and Gluten-Free, enjoy as a light meal with your favourite spread and toppings, or as a delicious wholesome snack.

For more information visit: 10




No Artificial Additives


One of the hottest topics in the world of nutrition at present is the link between gut health and general physical and mental health. Maintaining a healthy microbiome is now being seen as a major contributor to addressing major mental issues such as anxiety. Scientists have identified a unique culture in the gut which positively influences the body's response to everyday stressors. It has even been given a name ! 1741-Serenitas™


Salt pipe. This is known to help from asthma to hay fever, even ending. It also helps if you suffer shortness of breath, coughs. The SALTPIPE is a natural inhaler which brings the benefit of a salt mine to your home. Fermoy

A new product Zenflore™ is proving popular. It combines the above culture and some B vitamins. It has been shown to reduce cortisol levels and to raise our abilities to manage stress. Well worth a try. Caroline/ Mitchelstown



• Support Brain Function. • Supports healthy Joints for sporty kids • Support their immune system

We are getting great feedback on this product for different health conditions. It supports the following: Anti Stress, Inflammatory Conditions, Chronic Fatigue, Mood During your monthly Periods or Menopause.


A lot of people are suffering with cold sores at the moment due to the strong sun. My advice is to spray your cold sore regularly throughout the day with colloidal silver. The silver particles contain a positive charge that are attracted to the virus and when the silver particles attach to cold sore virus the positive charge disables the virus's oxygen metabolism and suffocates it!! And you can also use the colloidal silver to heal sunburn!! Deirdre, Manor West

Kate. Clash.


Burn some Atlantic Aromatics May Chang Summer Blend Essential Oil in a burner or diffuser to create an instantly uplifting and cheerful atmosphere in your home or work place. It is a blend of May Chang, Bergamot and Orange essential oils. It is a natural mood lifter and one of our favourites to use in the shop. It has a very refreshing scent which purifies the air and discourages flies and other insects which is very helpful during warm weather. Majella from Nenagh.

SEASONAL TIP Start to build up your immune system this month for the months ahead. We recommend a good multivitamin (Solo Multififty) Probiotic (Optibac/ BioKult). The same applies for children (Viridian's Viridikid) about 2 weeks before they go back to school! Really helps to fight off the colds and flu's.


PRICKLY HEAT - NOT SO LOVELY!! Prickly Heat is an itchy inflammation of the skin usually caused by hot, humid weather. I never thought I'd suffer from Prickly Heat in Ireland. What I found very effective was A Vogel's Stinging Nettle tincture. It is commonly used to alleviate the symptoms of Prickly Heat. I also applied Bee Health Propolis Cream topically for instant relief. Enjoy the sunshine!


PHYSICOOL RAPID COOLING MIST.... BEAT THE HEAT OF A HOT FLUSH....a very handy spray you can pop into your handbag which offers instant relief from hot flushes and night sweats, ideal for women in the early stages and throughout menopause. Free from steroids and antihistamines. A wonderful product which offers immediate relief. Available now in all Horan's Healthstores. Clonmel

Back to l o o h c S Eskimo Brain 3-6-9 (caps and liquid) is a stable fish oil preparation to support healthy brain function. Eskimo Brain 3,6,9 combines the unique stable fish oil, Eskimo-3, with ingredients such as CoQ10 and GLA to optimise the brain and provide energy support. Omega-3 oils are beneficial because they provide fluidity to cell membranes and improve communication between brain cells. They may help to boost learning power as a result.

Eskimo-3 Kids contains added

natural vitamin D3 for normal growth and development of bone in children.(Claim for normal growth and development of bone in children can be used if Vitamin D is present.) Available in pleasant Tutti Frutti and Orange flavours!

Eskimo-3 Kids Chewable DHA+ is an omega-3 food supplement suitable for children aged 3-12 years. Eskimo-3 Kids Chewable DHA+ combines brain boosting omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, with choline and biotin in one easy to swallow chewable. Omega-3 fatty acids are the most critical building blocks of the brain; they are considered essential and must be obtained through diet or supplementation. Without these important fats, it can become difficult for children to concentrate, learn new information, and balance their moods properly.

Back to school can be a testing time for children who are trying to cope with the change to their routine. Jan De Vries Child Essence is a combination of flower remedies that has been put together to help children to relax, be more stable, increase confidence and adjust to the situation they are in.

Absolute Aromas Focus Essential Blend is a great way to help increase concentration during study. A stimulating blend includes a synergy of essential oils including Basil, Rosemary & Peppermint. Place 6 drops into an Oil Burner or Diffuser to create a pleasant, balancing atmosphere or pop a few drops onto a tissue and inhale.

OptiBac ‘For babies & children’ is

completely free from sugars, artificial flavours & colourings which can be found in other children’s supplements and foods containing live cultures. OptiBac specialise entirely in friendly bacteria, and only use strains of the highest quality, with extensive research behind them.

Settling back into a school routine can be a shock to the system and a sleep pattern can be difficult to establish after long summer evenings. Sleep deprivation will result in the inability to concentrate properly. Rescue Remedy Night with white chestnut has traditionally been used to help switch off the mind from unwanted, repetitive thoughts. These flower essences combined in Rescue Night help you to enjoy a natural night’s sleep. The Rescue Night range includes Rescue liquid melts, Rescue Night Spray 10ml and Rescue Night drops 10ml all containing the original 5 Bach flower essences plus white chestnut to help with getting the recommended 8 hours.


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