09/21/14 The Week @ Horizon UU

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the_week@horizonuu a publication of horizon unitarian universalist church * Sept 21, 2014.


VOLUME 14, ISSUE V.9.21.14.

The_Week@HorizonUU Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church Carrollton, TX 75010 FOR SUBMISSIONS EMAIL: the_week @horizonuu.org



PHONE: (972) 492-4940

WEB SITE: www.horizonuu.org

PHOTOS: Horizon Staff STOCK PHOTOS: www.123rf.com

Weekly Service: Sundays 10:30 AM

Future Sundays: Sept 21, 2014 Standing on the Side of Love Rev. Helen Carroll At the 2004 General Assembly, delegates from across the country passed an Action of Immediate Witness, charging UU congregations and the UUA to do everything possible to defeat the marriage amendment. Since that time, UUs have worked with community organizations to end marriage discrimination. Our collective commitment to civil marriage comes, in part, from a shared understanding of the second principle - an affirmation of justice, equity and compassion in human relations. With a challenge to the Texas constitution before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, the fight has come to Horizon’s backyard once more.

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Horizon News Welcome, Rebecca!

The Transition Team is continuing to fill the scheduled Cottage Conversation small group meetings with our Interim Minister. When you receive the invitation by email, please respond right away so we will know what meetings to keep on the calendar and what groups to consolidate with others to keep the attendance at desired levels. These meetings provide a wonderful time to exchange questions and ideas with Rev Helen! As the newness of our worship services engenders varying levels of responses in the members of our congregation, conversations are breaking out everywhere with people sharing thoughts about their experiences. When you see MC Meador, Acie Nobles, Beth Bargar, Madira McKee, Patsy Roe or JuLane in the hallways, flag us down to share questions and feelings about what is different, what is satisfying, what is unsettling, what is inspirational. That’s what we are here for!

The administration Task Force is delighted to welcome Rebecca Stanczak as our new Office Administrator! She brings a wealth of experience from her varied and diverse background in technology, management, and landscaping. Drop by the office Monday through Friday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and say “Hi”. Jan McDowell, Carolyn Moore, David Turner, and Rev. Helen Carroll

PASTA - Harvest the FUN of our Fall Service Auction. SAVE THE DATE and PARTICIPATE! Saturday, October 11th, 6:30-9:00. Line Dancing - Horizon Line Dancing will no longer be held on the 2nd Saturday of the month. We will, however, be offering a line dancing event at our PASTA Auction. The line dancing event will be January 10, 2015. Everyone is welcome!

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mUUsings Greetings from your interim minister.

Family, furniture, pets and stuff have followed me across the country to settle in a new home in Lewisville. I am mostly unpacked, mostly moved in, mostly acquainted with local amenities and mostly ready to begin a new year. To all of you who have extended warm greetings and helpful hints, my deepest thanks. As a church community you are growing and stretching. This year, you will continue the work of nurturing one another, being a witness and instrument for social justice, and exploring your ethical and spiritual connections. Together new members and friends join old-timers on committees, in worship and religious exploration, and over casual coffee and conversation. There is much to celebrate. And still, change is in the air. How could it be otherwise? With the ending of a successful longterm ministry, you are continuing a time of transition – a time for looking deeply at your history and becoming clear about who you are. That kind of reflection will lead to shifts. There will be changes in what you do and how you do it. Likely, there will be new hands for old tasks as well as familiar voices in new roles. The connection to the wider Unitarian Universalist world will strengthen. Yet, most exciting of all is the commitment to new leadership and a new future that will come out of this transition time.

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mUUsings Loren Mean wrote, “It is one thing to hire a new pastor. It is quite another thing for a congregation to enter a commitment to a new ordained leader and the possibility of new tasks and missions.” It will take all of us, working together, to help Horizon grow into a new vision for the next ministry. Hard, exciting, fun, exhausting, exhilarating work! All this change is both invigorating and exhausting, sometimes rewarding and sometimes unsettling. Growth is like that – a combination of embracing strengths, working through challenges and moving into the next stage. May we begin this time of transition patient with one another, remembering the past, honoring the present, and envisioning the future. Faithfully, Helen 972-492-4940 interimminister@horizonuu.org Note: My regular office hours are 10 – 1, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Other times are available by appointment. My day off is Monday.

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PASTORAL CARE NEWS Marianna Seaton Director of Lay Ministry

The Heart Knoweth We have a great deal more kindness than is ever spoken. The whole human family is bathed with an element of love like a fine ether. How many persons we meet in the houses, whom we scarcely speak to, whom yet we honor and who honor us! How many we see in the street, or sit with in church, whom though silently, we warmly rejoice to be with! Read the language of these wandering eye-beams. The heart knoweth. This reading from our hymnbook is excerpted from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essays on friendship. It reminds me of Horizon’s commitment to being a welcoming church, inviting all to this sacred space where we worship together, and invite the holy to be easily seen or experienced through a kindness that may or may not be spoken. A kindness can be quiet or loud, apparent or barely visible, yet always waiting to be recognized. Sometimes it’s a glance or a smile. Other times it’s a word of encouragement on Facebook, a snail-mail card, or a big hug at church. What is most important is being present, reading “the language of wandering eye-beams” to see and respond with an open heart, and to be sensitive to one another. Our hearts knoweth; it is work to calm the fears of the mind so that we can remain in covenant with one another during times of change and uncertainty, and remember to dance and rejoice in the fine ether of love that our human family is bathed in.

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PASTORAL CARE NEWS It is in this spirit of friendship and love that we celebrate the wonders of new life and comfort one another when our journey brings us in contact with the experience of grief and suffering. Please join me in holding the Callens family in our heart, as they suffer from the tragic death of their parents, Elena and Ryan Callens. Our condolences are also extended to Ben Marmaduke, whose brother died in a work related accident, and to Bobbi Myers, whose mother died this summer. May your hearts be comforted by the good memories that you have of your loved ones. We offer our best wishes to David Martin, whose father is receiving hospice care, and to Roy Fee who is receiving hospice care. We hold in our hearts and hope for the best possible outcome for, Carol Fee, who is receiving treatment for breast cancer, and Don Aplin who is receiving treatment for leukemia. We extend healing wishes to Helen Minkes, who is recovering from knee surgery, and to Bunny Summerlin who is preparing for rotator cuff surgery at the end of the month. And please join me in welcoming one of our newest members who was born in July to parents Erica Heady and John Mestyanek. We look forward to seeing them back in church soon. We would also like to lift up the recognition of Gay and Ronn Cox, who were honorary chairs for this year’s walk sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association. Horizon friends made generous donations to help raise awareness of the effects of dementia related diseases. Check out this article in the latest issue of UU World, as it relates to Alzheimer’s disease and the potential for a religious response. http://www.uuworld.org/life/articles/297028.shtml Members of our Pastoral Care team and Candle Lighter’s volunteers look forward to sharing the success of this group with other churches and civic organizations, so that they can offer this kind of support in their communities. Our Pastoral Caregivers work with the Senior Minister, the Director of Lay Ministry and the Neighborhood Groups in a spirit of cooperation to cherish and care for the members of our congregation. If you or your loved ones are in need of a sympathetic ear, the Pastoral Caregivers are available. Please contact Marianna Seaton, Director of Lay Ministry at dlm@horizonuu.org, or Rev. Helen Carroll at interimminister@horizonuu.org.

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LIFESPAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS by Lauren Daniell dlre@horizonuu.org blog: www.horizonuu.org/dre/ Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/horizonuu/

Welcome, Chalice Children! All classes PreK-12th grade got off to a great start last Sunday as we began the new church school year. Preschool had an especially delicious start to their year by decorating and eating chalice cookies prepared for them by the elementary students. Thank you, elementary classes, for making their first class fun. Pictured below you will see our little UUs “lighting� their cookie chalices with orange icing!

Yours in Faith, Lauren

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Reminder: Changes for the new church school year for children and teens K-12 Worship •ALL children and teens K-12 will begin in the worship service at 10:30am beginning this Sunday. The order of the worship service has been rearranged so all ages can listen to the story and leave for class before 10:45am. •Children K-5 will still be invited up front to listen to the story, but students in grades 6-12 can have the option of staying in their seats with the adults or going up front to listen to the story with little brothers and sisters. •Students in grades 6-12 are invited to sing out the younger children, and then depart for their own classes at the conclusion of the song.

“BUUddies” This year our students will be involved in multi-age activities on Sunday mornings at least twice a semester. The middle school and preschool will pair up as “Big and Little BUUddies” as will the high school with elementary school students. These pairings will allow Horizon students to get to know other children outside their grade levels and strengthen the connections between the ages.

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CHILDREN’S AND YOUTH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Social Action •Just like last year, several social action projects are planned throughout the year. •In the late fall and spring, grades 6-12 will look forward to getting involved in a visit to Heifer Ranch in Arkansas. •A preliminary plan is in place for a summer service trip for students in grades 10-12. We’re going to have a great year in children’s and teen’s Religious Education at Horizon! Thank you for your continued support and sharing your children with us. Yours in Faith,


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There’s still time to register Children and Teens for Fall Classes

Paper registration forms can be found at the Horizon Welcome Center and on the seats in the sanctuary, or a form to download and fill out at home is located on the DLRE blog www.horizonuu.org/dre/ . Thank you in advance for making this the best year in RE yet!

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Calendar of Events for Children and Youth September 19th (Friday): Middle School Fun Night in the Portable, 511pm (Registration for this event has closed) September 20th: (Saturday) Heart and Hammers (14 yrs. and up)

September 21st: (Sunday) Grs. 4-6 OWL begins 12:10-1:10 Portable October 4th: (Saturday) Crop Walk, 8:30-11am in Farmer’s Branch October 5th: (Sunday @2pm): Blessing of the Animals – come back to Horizon with your pets! October 10th-12th (Fri-Sun): Youth Rally at Live Oak UU in Cedar Park near Austin October 25th (Saturday) 5-8pm: Horizon Halloween Carnival

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Adult Religious Explorations contact: are@horizonuu.org

Sunday Mornings, 9:00 – 10:10 am Horizon Library

September 21, 2014

John Myers “New Beginnings”

September 28, 2014

J.P. DeMeritt "Feast or Fast: Jewish Holidays and Festival Foods"

Using the Chalice Circle model for interactive learning, John will lead the class discussion on “New Beginnings”, some that are of our making and some that are thrust upon us.

J.P. will explore with us the relationships between festival foods and Jewish holidays, concentrating on Rosh Ha Shana and Yom Kippur.

*Childcare is available upon request by Friday before the Sunday class. Please email: childcare@horizonuu.org

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Horizon Pastoral Care and Religious Education present:

Parenting the Love and Logic™ Way A six session parenting program designed by the Love and Logic Institute. th th

Tuesdays October 7 – November 11

10:30 am -12:00pm OR 7:00 - 8:30pm (AM or PM sections to accommodate busy schedules)

Learn how to: Avoid un-winnable power-struggles and arguments Stay calm when your kids do incredibly upsetting things Set enforceable limits Avoid enabling and begin empowering Help your kids learn from mistakes rather than repeating them Raise kids who are family members rather than dictators And much more!

This course is free of charge to Horizon members. Childcare available upon request. Contact elainecommins@juno.com to enroll

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HORIZON UU CALENDAR OF EVENTS Saturday, September 20 8:00 am - 10:00 am Men's Support Group - E3 - Library 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Rental - Isha Institute - S1 - Nursery, S5 - Class, SH - Sanc. 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Volunteer at Metrocrest Social Services Food Pantry Sunday, September 21 8:30 am - 2:00 pm Taste Of Horizon - PASTA!! - TOH - Table 1 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Adult Religious Explorations - E3 - Library 9:00 am - 12:00 pm CAYRE - Child Care - S1 - Nursery 10:15 am - 12:30 pm Library Ministry - Open for Browsing - E3 - Library 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Main Worship - SH - Sanc. 11:45 pm - 12:30 pm HP Exec Committee - S6 - Sanc. 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm OWL grades 4-6 - P1 - Lg 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm After Church Lunch Bunch - Offsite 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm GALA Youth - S6 - Class 7:15 pm - 9:00 pm Wisdom Circle - E3 - Library Monday, September 22 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm SMART Recovery - FH - Fellowship Hall 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm What We Choose: Ethics for Unitarian Universalists - P1 Lg, P2 - Couch 7:15 pm - 9:00 pm Wisdom Circle - S7 - Class 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Membership Committee - E3 - Library Tuesday, September 23 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Horizon Book Club - E3 - Library

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HORIZON UU CALENDAR OF EVENTS 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Buddhist Sangha - P1 - Lg, P2 - Couch Wednesday, September 24 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Library Ministry - E3 - Library 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm Restorative Yoga - P1 - Lg 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Money and Spirt: The Wisdom Path - P2 - Couch Thursday, September 25 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Excel - Other - Playground, FH-KI-P1-Lg-RL- Lobby/ Narthex-S1-Nursery-S2-S3-S4-S5-S6-S7 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm Worship Arts Committee Meeting - MO - Minister's Office Friday, September 26 Women’s Retreat 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Candlelighters - FH - Fellowship Hall 7:30 pm - 11:00 pm FREE MOVIE NIGHT!!! - FH - Fellowship Hall - Kitchen RL -Lobby/Narthex Saturday, September 27 8:00 am - 10:00 am Men's Support Group - E3 - Library 9:00 am - 4:00 pm NTUUC Board Meeting - Fellowship Hall 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm OWL lock in #1 - Kitch - P1 - Lg - P2 - Couch

Visit: calendar.horizonuu.org for updates and events information.

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Are Pride Parades really social action? This question is certainly a valid one, and the answer is YES. The parades and festivals are a major opportunity for Unitarian Universalist congregations and for real reasons, not just to have a party. The pride events are not just big celebrations for the LGBT community and allies; many of us tired of that ages ago. Instead we march for others who have a shortage of pride, to give them a lifeline, a glimmer of hope.

The Alan Ross Texas Freedom Parade and the Festival in the Park is a regional event, attracting at least 30,000 from all over North Texas. Many people have not heard of Unitarian Universalism or only know of it vaguely. They may be unfamiliar with our welcoming congregations, of our affirming message and our inclusive faith. These parades and festivals are a chance for us to do ministry, reaching folks who have been abused because of their orientation or identity, often in the name of religion. For decades, many lesbian, gays, bisexual, transgender and queers have felt isolated, rejected by family and friends, and condemned by institutions and politicians. We finally are seeing society change, but the change is slow. Simple rights of employment, fair treatment, safety, and of course marriage are not yet commonplace. Many regularly struggle with discrimination in their daily lives. The statics are still painful. For example, substance abuse among LGBT people is double that of the general population, and suicide rates are triple. Teens often face the most challenges. The “It Gets Better” campaign and increasing number of school Gay Straight Alliances point towards more acceptance, but negative messages and rejection still abound. Approximately 40 percent of youth on the streets are LGBT; many were kicked out of their homes or fled for their safety. Fortunately, recent court decisions give us much to celebrate, and we will do so with a wedding theme for our float. It will feature happy couples waving and tossing garter belts while wedding music blasts away. Hopefully, the weddings will soon be real in Texas. A couple hundred UUs will walk in the parade this Sunday, handing out wristbands and carry signs, all as “Reflections of Love,” which mirrors the parade theme of “Reflections of Pride.”

We march to show our support. We march to show our respect for the inherent dignity and work of every individual. We march to stand on the side of love.

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Horizon is teaming up with First Unitarian Church of Dallas to fix up the exterior of a home located at 2159 Arden Road in south Dallas. The homeowner is a 77 year old gentleman. The project days are September 13th and 20th. People with all skill levels are welcome and needed! This is a great opportunity for teens to get service hours! For more information and to sign up, visit the Hearts & Hammers table after the worship service or email our team captain: Randy Lisbona (rlisbona@fastmail.fm).


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Visitors and members welcome! Directions are available at the Welcome Center. When we go to a restaurant, we meet there approximately 20 minutes after the service ends. First ones there please get a table for 10+ under the name “Horizon”. September 21st: Nico’s Cocina Mexican Grill: 3065 N Josey Ln, Carrollton, TX 75007. Delicious and plentiful Sunday buffet with many choices including Belgian waffles and omelets made to order. Fun atmosphere. Accommodating wait staff. $$ http:// www.nicoscocinamexicana.com September 28th: Italian Villa: 1012 W. Hebron Pkwy, Carrollton, TX 75010. Homemade pastas, whole wheat pasta, pizzas, salads, and subs. Good size portions and great tasting food. $$ http://www.italianvillacarrollton.com

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SPECIAL GROUPS If you are considering attending one of these groups for the first time, it is a good idea to contact them via email for more information and to get an orientation of what to expect in your first visit! CURIOUS ABOUT SCHEDULE? You can check the calendar at http://calendar.horizonuu.org/ Horizon Book Group: 4th Tuesdays 12p. (bookclub@horizonuu.org) The Horizon Book Group meets at 12 Noon on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the church Library. Every June and November the group decides on the books for the following six months. Bring a brown bag lunch and join in this fun group that is open to women and men. You’ll be able to share in an invigorating conversation on the session’s book. Current selections are found in the Library information niche in the lobby/narthex. For more info, you may contact bookclub@horizonuu.org. Buddhist Sangha: Tuesdays 7 PM 9:00 PM. (buddhists@horizonuu.org ) Buddhist Sangha ("Sangha" is equivalent to a covenant group) is a weekly gathering that studies the Dharma (the teachings of Buddhism.) This is an ongoing exploration of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path, the essential teachings of Buddhism. It is participatory and although consistency is encouraged, sessions can be attended on a drop in basis. We welcome anyone interested in a meditation practice. If you wish to come for an orientation, please arrive by 6:30. If you wish to view materials, email the group at buddhists@horizonuu.org.

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SPECIAL GROUPS The UU Christian Chalice Circle (uuchristians@horizonuu.org ) The UU Christian Chalice Circle provides a forum for enriching our spiritual lives through personal discovery of the heart, meaning, and tradition of Christianity. We gather monthly on the 1st Sunday at 9AM in the library for discussion, fellowship, and exploration. All those seeking to connect (or re-connect) to the beauty and wisdom of Christianity are welcome to attend. uuchristians@horizonuu.org. The CineMat Group (cinemat@horizonuu.org ) The CineMat group will be meeting on the 4th Saturday every month. And it’s now a Chalice Circle!. This Chalice Circle gets together to see a movie and then goes to a coffee shop or restaurant to discuss and comment on it in a friendly circle over a cup of coffee or drink. People should call Meg Reed or Marga Gordon for more info, or email cinemat@horizonuu.org.

GAMERS: 3rd FRIDAY FUN AT HORIZON! (3rdfridaygames@horizonuu.org ) Come join us for adult level games on the 3rd Friday of every month. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Bring a snack or drink to share! Free childcare will provided upon request from 7:00 to 10:00pm (with 48 hour notice and 24 hour notice of cancellation). Please send reservations and cancellations to childcare@horizonuu.org. If you wish to get an email reminder of Games Night, please contact Beth Sproat at eblakehedges@earthlink.net

Healthy Women Chalice Circle (healthywomen@horizonuu.org ) A woman’s support group to help achieve their goals of health and fitness. Sharing of ideas and experiences in nutrition, weight loss, exercise and stress management.

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SPECIAL GROUPS Men’s Saturday Support Group (mensgroup@horizonuu.org ) A men’s support group that includes a check-in and informal discussion of men’s issues regarding family, health, workplace, and relationships. Starts at 8AM The 2nd Tuesday Potluck Chalice Circle (secondtuesday@horizonuu.org ) This group meets for food, fellowship, and deepening friendships. They meet in the library 2nd Tuesday of most months at 12 noon. Occasionally we take a field trip instead of having a potluck lunch. Tuesday Wisdom Circle (tuesdaywisdom@horizonuu.org ) A chalice circle that offers a check-in and discussion of a weekly life issue topic selected by a group member. Parents – WE’LL give you Wings! (every other Mon, 9a) (mondaywings@horizonuu.org ) WINGS Chalice Circle is a fun and friendly group whose purpose is to support the person within each parent by creating friendships and nurturing our intellect and creativity. The Women’s Friendship in Growth (WFIG) Chalice Circle (wfig@horizonuu.org) 2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesdays, 7:30 - 9 pm We welcome women of all ages to join us for fun, connection, and growth. We share stories from our lives and discuss topics that help us get to know one another better. On 2nd Wednesdays we discuss “This I Believe” topics. On 4th Wednesdays we view and talk about a TED talk. On 5th Wednesdays we might do anything, but it’s always fun! We’d love to have you in our group! Young Adults Chalice Circle Contact: YoungAdults@horizonuu.org for more details.


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