05/31/2015 The week at horizon

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the_week@horizonuu a publication of horizon unitarian universalist church * May 31, 2015


VOLUME 15, ISSUE V.5.31.15.

The_Week@HorizonUU FOR SUBMISSIONS EMAIL: The_week @horizonuu.org



Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church Carrollton, TX 75010

Weekly Service: Sundays 10:30 AM

Sunday Service: May 31, 2015 Religion for the Future J. P. DeMeritt

EMAIL Administrator @horizonuu.org

PHONE: (972) 492-4940 WEB SITE: www.horizonuu.org

PHOTOS: Horizon Staff Photos: Freely distributed by Creative Commons STOCK PHOTOS: www.pixabay.com

Many people have espoused the idea that Unitarianism (now Unitarian Universalism) is (or should be) “the religion of the future”. The most famous proponent of this idea, Thomas Jefferson, is said to have stated his expectation that Unitarianism would become the universal American religion in his own lifetime. Yet, this obviously hasn’t happened: Unitarian Universalism remains one of the smallest denominations in North America, with an estimated 250,000 followers. Even Judaism has a larger following in America, with the largest denomination in Judaism, Reform Judaism, having easily ten times the number of adherents as Unitarian Universalism. So why does Unitarian Universalism have so few followers, and what must we do to fulfill our promise? This service explores some possible answers to the first question and offers suggestions about the second.

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Horizon News The Wayside Pulpit Committee is searching for another member. We work mainly as an online group, with infrequent meetings at church. The Men's Group assists us by changing out the sign each week. On average, members are responsible for the postings of two months per year. Please email me if you are interested: tinkergoggans@gmail.com

Adult Religious Exploration Sunday Morning Forum – J. P. DeMeritt will facilitate the class on “Unitarian Universalist, the Religion of the Future?” May 31st, 9:00 am to 10:10 am in the Horizon Library. After Church Lunch Bunch – The Lunch Bunch meets after church most Sundays. Check the Welcome Desk for this week’s location. Everyone is welcome!

Calling All Metrocrest Volunteers – Update Your Contact Info If you’d like to hear about volunteering opportunities working with Metrocrest Services, please contact Victoria Simmons (victorias@bvk.com) with your name and e-mail address. We’re cleaning up our old email lists, so even if you’ve been volunteering for years, please quickly confirm your contact information.

Coffee Volunteer Needed – One hour a month - can you help the congregation have coffee before service by making coffee the 1st Sunday of each month. It's not much to ask, please step forward. Contact Jane Roehl at 469-401-7725 or janeroehl@outlook.com.

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mUUsings Greetings from your interim minister.

The author who wrote “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord…” also penned “Arise, then, women of this day! Arise all women who have hearts…” The author of both was Julia Ward Howe. In 1861 she penned her own lyrics to a popular tune and “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” was created. In February, 1862, The Atlantic published the song, paying its author $5.00 and gradually the anthem caught on until it swept the North. Julia bartered the fame that came from the song into support for other causes that mattered to her. With Lucy Stone, Carole Severence and others, Julia founded the New England Women’s Club, which would become the American Woman Suffrage Association. Throughout the late 19th and early 20th century, she lectured and wrote on women's rights. fighting not only for the right to vote, but also working against the traditional "woman’s place" in stifling marriages like her own. Julia wrote about her new focus, saying: "During the first two thirds of my life I looked to the masculine idea of character as the only true one. I sought its inspiration, and referred my merits and demerits to its judicial verdict. . . . The new domain now made clear to me was that of true

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mUUsings womanhood—woman no longer in her ancillary relation to her opposite, man, but in her direct relation to the divine plan and purpose, as a free agent, fully sharing with man every human right and every human responsibility. This discovery was like the addition of a new continent to the map of the world, or of a new testament to the old ordinances." She was a student, a writer, a musician, a wife and mother, a reformer, a remarkable person, and one of our Unitarian foremothers. She lived in troubling times and in troubling relationships without succumbing to the paralysis of self-doubt. From the Battle Hymn to the Mother’s Day Proclamation, Julia’s journey is a reminder that we walk on the edge of an evolving life. Hers is a life well lived, filled with adventure and deeds, as well as sorrow and loss. It might be said of her that Julia Ward Howe lived her faith. May we, like she, remain open to the possibilities, remain ready to learn, to teach, to serve and to enjoy. Faithfully, Rev. Helen

972-492-4940 ext. 106 Note: My regular office hours are 10 – 1, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Other times are available by appointment. My day off is Monday.

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COMMUNITY CIRCLE NEWS Community Cares 2nd Sunday Potluck survey - We are taking a survey regarding the Potluck. Please let us know your thoughts!

Come Explore Horizon with Us! If you are visiting and want to learn more about Horizon, the “Exploring Horizon� classes are recommended. Here you can ask all your questions. Check the calendar for upcoming classes. WILL YOU HELP? When someone contacts you to help set up or serve the Sunday Pot Luck lunch, will you help? We are asking everyone to help JUST ONE TIME PER YEAR with these tasks that help celebrate our Horizon community.

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“Better to light one candle than curse the darkness�

Candle Lighters, an outreach ministry of Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church, is a meeting place for adults with memory issues. Open to persons of all faiths, races and ethnicities, Candle Lighters provides a time for those who participate to enjoy an activity-based program from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. each Friday. Activities include, among other things, exercise (Tai Chi), games, music and art. There is no charge to participate in this program. Members say it is a highlight of each week for them. In recent months some members have moved away or dropped out due to health concerns, leaving space for new people to join us. If you know someone diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer's Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, or another dementia who might be interested in joining Candle Lighters, please contact Peggy Gill (peggyprof@gmail.com) or John Gill (bbfrog72@gmail.com).

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The Young Adult Group Needs YOU! The Young Adult Unitarian Universalists of Horizon are looking for members of the congregation to supplement our spring content. We are organizing a series of workshops on various life skills and we hoped to get some insight from the greater church community! This is a great way for young YAs to gain important insights into the world of adult responsibilities in a multigenerational environment! We have gotten an amazing response from the community for these workshops. We are still hopeful for someone to help cover Basic Taxes, before we start the transition into our summer programming. If you have knowledge or experience on basic tax filing (professional or otherwise), please contact YoungAdultUU@Horizon.org for more information on how you might contribute!

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COMMUNITY CIRCLE NEWS AFTER CHURCH LUNCH BUNCH One way to get to know people from Horizon better is to join us after church for lunch. Everyone is welcome (even friends and family joining you after church). The restaurant will change each week. Check the welcome desk each week for the location. We meet most Sundays. Ask for the “Horizon” tables. It may take a few minutes following the service for lunch attendees to arrive but we’re coming!

Second Sunday Potluck: Everyone welcome! Horizon’s potlucks provide an opportunity to get to know others and be with our church community. We appreciate your bringing a bit more than needed for our families, allowing us to offer this hospitality to all members, visitors, and friends.

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GROWTH AND LEARNING NEWS by Lauren Daniell dlre@horizonuu.org blog: www.horizonuu.org/dre/ Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/horizonuu/

News for Children and Teens BUUddy Day this Sunday, May 31st

On Sunday our teens and younger children will come together to celebrate the end of the church school year. Preschool and middle school will come together for summer reading and playground time, and the elementary/ high school group will use their imaginations and create art together.

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Summer Kick Off June 7th!

In preparation for summer classes, all children K-8 are invited to a Light Saber demo and class at 10:45am from fencers from the Cutting Edge Fencing Center in North Richland Hills. Find out about our summer UU Jedi Academy curriculum and learn basic light saber techniques. Costumes encouraged!

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A Summer of Fun at Horizon! There will be a variety of fun and exciting classes for our children and youth this summer beginning June 7th Preschool & Kindergartners: We Are Many, We Are One We Are Many, We Are One is an antibias, multicultural education program that offers 3-6 years olds grounding in religious community and tradition. Along with the freedom to discover and express their individual uniqueness, young children will learn about the different people who make up the big world around them. Rising Grades 1-4 & 5-8: UU Jedi Academy The Jedi Code and Unitarian Universalism have much in common. The Star Wars saga offers far more than mere fantasy. As “modern mythology,� these stories of substance that have the ability to speak to a modern audience in ways that more traditional sources cannot. This Jedi Academy will offer padawans (students) an opportunity to develop practical spiritual skills.

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In addition to their Jedi Academy class, students will enjoy a light saber class June 7th, meeting with Big and Little BUUddies throughout the summer and participate in a social justice project.

Rising Grades 9-12: Dr. Who UU The high school class will examine Unitarian Universalism through episodes of the popular tv show, Dr. Who. Teens will deepen their understanding of Unitarian Universalism, examine their beliefs, and look at various social justice topics. Themes will range from the search for truth and meaning, to the impact of faith and fear, to caring for all beings. The teens will also undertake a service project and meet with their Little BUUddies from the younger grades during the summer.

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Leading a children’s class is fun, rewarding and EASY! All lessons, supplies, and snacks provided. Get in on the excitement by signing up in the Horizon lobby.

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DLRE gone May 31st Lauren will be away celebrating her daughter’s graduation May 26-June 2nd, including Sunday, May 31st. In case of emergency, she still can be reached at dlre@horizonuu.org

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Calendar of Events Children and Youth

May 31st: Last day of regular year classes – BUUddy Days & class parties

June 7th: UU Jedi Academy kick off 10:45-11:45am Portable #8 grades K-8 7th: Summer classes begin for children and youth 7-10th: Service/learning trip to Heifer Ranch

July 5th: No classes for children and youth

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Adult Growth and Learning Are you “awe-deprived?” The importance of the First Source of Unitarian Universalism

Did you see the article in last Sunday’s New York Times about the role of awe in human evolution? Awe doesn’t seem very important; why do people need to feel wonder, anyway? As it turns out, experiencing awe helps us connect with other people, but nowadays it is experienced less and less due to our work schedules and electronic media. Twentyfirst century humans may be “awe deprived,” leading to feelings of isolation and disconnect. The First Source of Unitarian Universalism speaks directly to the importance of awe; it is the direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder,

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Adult Growth and Learning affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life. When do you feel awe? Do you intentionally seek out experiences that invoke this feeling? How can you add a little awe and wonder your everyday life? Read the entire article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/24/opinion/sunday/why-do-we-experience-awe.html?_r=0

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SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY NEWS Leader: Nancy Foreman SocialResponsibility@HorizonUU.org

National Trails Day Workday

Join us on June 6th for a work day at Oak Cliff Nature Preserve brought to you be Horizon’s April Share the Plate beneficiary, Texas Land Conservancy! We will be removing some pesky invasive species, improving hike and bike trails, and cleaning up any trash that's around the preserve. At 12pm, after our work, we will have a nature walk through the preserve, led by our Master Naturalist friends from the North Texas Master Naturalists chapter Contact: SocialResponsibility@HorizonUU.org for more information

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UU Summer activities near and far are available for people of all ages and interests, for individuals & families.

In many cases financial assistance is available but goes unused!

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If you or your family are interested in attending any of these,

and would like more information about the event or scholarship,

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email SocialResponsibility@HorizonUU.org for more information.

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Would you like to learn more about how you can interact more effectively with people of different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds? An opportunity to do is this coming up! It only takes one day (June 13), a small amount of money ($25 or a scholarship), and is right here in Dallas at the North Texas Unitarian Universalist (NTUUC) Standing on the Side of Leadership conference, "Breaking Down Walls; Building Bridges". There is no requirement that you be a Horizon member or leader. "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States and Unitarian forefather. The more culturally competent we become the better! People of all ages are welcome and free childcare is provided. See http://www.ntuuc.org/Standing_Leadership_2015.shtml for details, and please let Nancy know at SocialResponsibility@HorizonUU.org if you are going so she can coordinate our efforts. Thank you!

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SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY NEWS Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church

Social Responsibility Circle Events Summer 2015 “Let’s Join Hands and Do the Work of Justice!”

Every Sunday: Horizon members are asked to bring shelf stable items to church for Metrocrest Services.

SUMMER June 7-10: Trip to Heifer Ranch Global Village (Rising 7th-10th graders) June 13: Standing on the Side of Leadership Conference, North Texas UU Congregations (NTUUC) June 24-28: General Assembly (GA) Annual Meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association—UUA, Portland, OR June 28-July 4: U Bar U Summer Camp 8-11 year olds July 5-11: U Bar U Summer Camp 12-14 year olds July 11: Metrocrest Food Pantry Work Date (Shifts 9-11 am & 11 am – 1:00 pm)

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SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY NEWS Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church

Social Responsibility Circle Events Spring – Summer 2015 “Let’s Join Hands and Do the Work of Justice!”

SUMMER July 12-18: U Bar U Summer Camp 14-18 year olds July 19-24: Southwest UU Summer Institute (SWUUSI) week-long, all ages, family friendly summer camp. July 26-Aug 1: U Bar U Summer Camp – Young Adults 18-25

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Astronomy Weekend at UBarU: August 14 – 16, 2015 The August 14th - 16th weekend offers a particularly good time for star gazers of all ages under the beautiful dark skies at UBarU. There will be a new moon to set the stage for brilliant views of Saturn, deep-sky objects and the late-night display of the Perseid Meteor Shower which is one of the best meteor showers each year. UBarU will provide and operate telescopes and binoculars for the star parties. However, attendees are welcome to bring their own scopes to use (and share) if they wish. The price of the weekend includes: all programming, sleeping accommodations for Friday and Saturday nights, full meals for dinner and breakfast starting Friday evening through breakfast Sunday morning, with a light lunch on Saturday. Fees for the event Adults (18 and over) With spouse, significant Child, 5 – 12 with parent Child, 13 – 18 with parent

$125 $225

$75 $90

For more information, go to http://ubaru.org/home/Portals/UBarU/pdfs/Astronomy%20Weekend% 202015.pdf To register, go to: http://ubaru.org/home/UBarU-Login?returnurl=%2fhome% 2fAstronomyWeekendRegistration

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Why do you see so many UUs with yellow shirts?

They show our commitment to the Standing on the Side of Love Campaign! Find out more here! Standing on the Side of Love Has a New Website Standing on the Side of Love (SSL) has a new website! We hope this redesigned site will better provide you, our SSL supporters and partners, with updated justice-making resources that can be accessed easily. Full of visual story-telling alongside our previous and new resources, we hope our website helps you expand your impact. Check out the new website: http://www.standingonthesideoflove.org/ and send your questions or feedback to love@uua.org.

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What is Metrocrest Services? An organization that serves Horizon’s neighbors in Carrollton, Farmers Branch, Addison, Coppell and the city of Dallas in Denton County. Their mission is to assist families, individuals and senior adults who are coping with crisis situations, need help stabilizing their lives, or who require support to live independently. How do we help Metrocrest each Sunday? You are invited to bring pantry items to Sunday Service for donation. Items must be new, not expired and no glass containers. Suggested items include: Canned vegetables, fruits and meat items Helper-type mixes Dried beans & rice Seasonal fresh produce Breads and pastries Baking supplies Toiletries & hygiene items Household cleaning supplies Are there other opportunities for us to help Metrocrest? Every other month, on a Saturday, Horizon members work in the food pantry at Metrocrest Services, helping customers shop for groceries, re-stocking shelves, organizing etc. There are two shifts available 911am and 11am-1pm. Upcoming Dates in 2015: May 9, July 11, September 12, & November 14. Folks from Horizon also help with projects during the holiday season and in the summer. Who do I contact at Horizon about Metrocrest? To learn more about or sign up for volunteer opportunities working with Metrocrest Services, please contact Victoria Simmons (victorias@bvk.com) with your name and e‑mail address. We’re cleaning up our old email lists, so even if you’ve been volunteering for years, please quickly confirm your contact information.

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Social Responsibility News Horizon Trip to Heifer Ranch Global Village Program Who? Rising 7th through 10th graders and adult advisors (group of about 12 youth and about 3 advisors) Where? Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas, 350 miles from Carrollton What? Three nights at the ranch, including an overnight experience in the Global Village- Mozambique, Tibet and the Mississippi Delta region of the US. Participants are divided into family units with limited resources. As they tend gardens, work in the community and cook cultural meals, they become aware of the effects of poverty and hunger. Every evening the Horizon group will gather for a worship service, reflecting on the day’s lessons. When? June 7-10, 2015 (Sunday through Wednesday) Why? Horizon participant Douglas Burns described the Global Village experience as “some of the most powerful days of my life.” Participants will leave with an awareness of their role as a global citizen and with ideas on how to create change. Cost: $225/youth, which includes lodging, meals, programming and gas. Nonrefundable deposit of $100 due on Jan. 15. Scholarships will be available. Interested? Contact Katie at katiebarnes@swbell.net Sneak peek: http://www.edutopia.org/night-global-village

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ART ON THE HORIZON Current Exhibition

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Tuning Fork

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Sunday Services

June 7, 2015 Board Retreat

June 14, 2015 We Meet on Holy Ground Rev. Helen Carroll “ We meet on holy ground, for that place is holy where lives touch, love moves, hope stirs.” – Richard S. Gilbert

June 21, 2015 The Spirit of Love Unites Us Rev. Helen Carroll “Let us renew our resolution sincerely to be real brothers and sisters regardless of any kind of barrier which estranges person from person.” – Norbert Capek

June 28, 2015 Lay Led

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HORIZON UU CALENDAR OF EVENTS Saturday, May 30 8:00 am - 10:00 am Men's Support Group - E3 - Library 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm N. TX School of Irish Music - S5 – Class Sunday, May 31

9:00 am - 10:15 am Adult Religious Explorations – J.P. DeMeritt “Unitarian Universalist, the Religion of the Future?” - E3 - Library 9:00 am - 12:00 pm CAYRE - Child Care - S1 - Nursery 10:15 am - 12:00 pm Library Ministry - Open for Browsing - E3 - Library 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Main Worship - SH - Sanc. 11:45 am - 2:00 pm After Church Lunch Bunch -- All Are Welcome! 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Flower Mound Neighborhood Group meeting - E3 - Library 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Wellspring 2014/15 - P2 – Couch 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm GALA Youth - S6 – Class Monday, June 1 9:30 am - 11:30 am Wings Parenting - E3 - Library, KI - Kitch 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Hatha Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm SMART Recovery - FH - Fellowship Hall 7:15 pm - 9:00 pm Wisdom Circle - E3 - Library 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Pastoral Caregivers Meeting - AD - Admin. Office Tuesday, June 2 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Buddhist Sangha - P1 - Lg, P2 – Couch

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HORIZON UU CALENDAR OF EVENTS Wednesday, June 3 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Library Ministry - E3 - Library 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Trailblazers Memory Support Group - FH - Fellowship Hall 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm Yoga Nidra and Restorative Practice - P1 - Lg 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Board Meeting - E3 – Library

Thursday, June 4 7:30 pm - 9:15 pm Healthy Women - P1 – Lg Friday, June 5 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Candle Lighters - FH - Fellowship Hall Saturday, June 6 8:00 am - 10:00 am Men's Support Group - E3 - Library 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm N. TX School of Irish Music - S5 - Class 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm UDV - Church Rental - E3 - Library, FH - Fellowship Hall, KI - Kitch, RL - Lobby / Narthex, S5 - Class, S6 – Class

Visit: calendar.horizonuu.org for updates and events information

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SPECIAL GROUPS If you are considering attending one of these groups for the first time, it is a good idea to contact them via email for more information and to get an orientation of what to expect in your first visit! You can check the calendar at http://calendar.horizonuu.org/ Horizon Book Group: 4th Tuesdays 12p. (bookclub@horizonuu.org) The Horizon Book Group meets at 12 Noon on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the church Library. Every June and November the group decides on the books for the following six months. Bring a brown bag lunch and join in this fun group that is open to women and men. You’ll be able to share in an invigorating conversation on the session’s book. Current selections are found in the Library information niche in the lobby/narthex. For more info, you may contact bookclub@horizonuu.org. Buddhist Sangha: Tuesdays 7 PM - 9:00 PM. (buddhists@horizonuu.org ) Buddhist Sangha ("Sangha" is equivalent to a covenant group) is a weekly gathering that studies the Dharma (the teachings of Buddhism.) This is an ongoing exploration of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path, the essential teachings of Buddhism. It is participatory and although consistency is encouraged, sessions can be attended on a drop in basis. We welcome anyone interested in a meditation practice. If you wish to come for an orientation, please arrive by 6:30. If you wish to view materials, e-mail the group at buddhists@horizonuu.org. CineMat CineMat meets on the 4th Saturday of the month. Time depends on movie selected. Open to everyone. This fun group meets to see a movie chosen by the group and then goes to a cof-

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SPECIAL GROUPS fee shop or restaurant to discuss the movie and socialize. cinemat@horizonuu.org. GAMERS: 3rd FRIDAY FUN AT HORIZON! (3rdfridaygames@horizonuu.org ) Come join us for adult level games on the 3rd Friday of every month. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Bring a snack or drink to share! Free childcare will provided upon request from 7:00 to 10:00pm (with 48 hour notice and 24 hour notice of cancellation). Please send reservations and cancellations to childcare@horizonuu.org. If you wish to get an email reminder of Games Night, please contact Beth Sproat at eblakehedges@earthlink.net Healthy Women 1st Thursdays, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm. Women age 21 and over. This group provides support and encouragement for women in helping them achieve their personal goals of improving their fitness level, eating more nutritionally, losing weight and learning to reduce daily stress. This group also participates in an annual service project, in local walk events and raises money healthywomen@horizonuu.org Men’s Support Group Saturdays, 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Men age 18 and over. The Men’s Support Group provides men a supportive, safe environment for sharing personal challenges and concerns in a confidential setting. Many men were socialized to share only things external to them. The Men’s Support Group offers a sanctuary to share more about matters of the heart. Try us out and see if we fit your needs. mensgroup@horizonuu.org Second Tuesday Potluck 2nd Tuesday (most months) 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm in the Library. Everyone is welcome! This group meets for food, fellowship, deepening friendships and occasional field trips. Topics of interest are presented to the group after eating. There is also a subgroup that views a movie and has dinner together on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. secondtuesday@horizonuu.org

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SPECIAL GROUPS Wisdom Circle Mondays 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm. Adults age 18 and over. Group meetings include a check-in and discussion of a weekly life issue topic selected by a group member. These have included appreciation, success and failure, fear, procrastination, staying optimistic in hard times, anger, healing, leaving a legacy, forgiveness, trust, and compassion.

tuesdaywisdom@horizonuu.org Wings Parenting Mondays 9:30 am - 11:30 am (2 - 3 times a month). Parents of all ages. We welcome Moms and Dads to meet in the Horizon Church library. We have topics of interest not just about parenting UU children but personal and spiritual self-growth. Past topics have included: the philosophy of life according to Doctor Who, Karma, creating our "bucket list", our family trees, and what does it mean to be a UU parent. We also do a social outreach project once a year. Our schedule follows the school year and we break for school holidays and for the summer. During the school year, child care is provided. mondaywings@horizonuu.org The Women’s Friendship in Growth (WFIG) meets on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesdays, from 7:30 - 9 pm in the Horizon Library. The purpose of this group is to strengthen friendships among women. In addition to regular check-ins about our lives, we have discussions that help us get to know one another better. On 2nd Wednesdays, topics come from a “This I Believe” book. No advance reading is required. On 4th Wednesdays we start with a TED talk we watch together. On 5th Wednesdays we do a variety of fun activities! If you’d like to be a part of these Wednesday night meetings, we’d love to have you! wfig@horizonuu.org Young Adults Contact: YoungAdults@horizonuu.org for more details.

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