1/5/14 The Week @ Horizon

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the_week@horizonuu a publication of horizon unitarian universalist church horizon unitarian universalist church • 1641 w. hebron pkwy. • carrollton, tx • 75010 6334 t: 972 492 4940 • f: 972 394 05 • email: the_week@horizonuu.org


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Contemplations * Rev. Dennis Hamilton * srminister@horizonuu.org

Our theme for this month is “preparing.” Preparing for what? Actually, preparing is less about the “what” than it is the act of being intentional in what we do, think and say. How do we want to be in this world? What will be the consequence of our having lived? Are we prepared to die? Have we made our amends, told our family and friends we love them, written a will? How about the joy? Are we prepared to enjoy our life, and I mean now, not “after the children leave home and the dog dies” as one dark humorist put it. Now. In this precious moment. And in this one flawed and beautiful world. What do you have to change to be prepared? During an early therapy attempt I got kicked out of therapy because I told the therapist I didn’t think people changed. I mean it was my first visit and she just said, “Well I can’t help you then.” And she showed me the door. I actually didn’t want to change at that time and she was very effective. The quickest therapy ever. But years later, after I had met Mary Kay we did some family therapy, and I almost got rejected by that therapist. I will never forget. She said, “I’d love to philosophize over coffee sometime, but we are here to work on your feelings. Are you ready?” The truth was, I was not ready. She gave me stuff to read, and process. And when I was ready, we did work, and we did have significant breakthroughs. Sometimes we do well to set aside our opinions and beliefs and just see what happens. But it helps when we first set our intentions, when we prepare for life. I had decided and intended to change. Horizon is preparing for change. I will retire in five months and you will go on with your church. You will continue to welcome people, make them feel at home. You will have your religious education programs with Lauren Daniell as your DLRE to guide you. You will have an excellent pastoral care program with Marianna Seaton as your Director of Lay Ministry. Mira DeShazer will bring her professional and friendly touch to administration. Horizon’s Social Justice programming will continue to bring more love and justice into the world. President Bruce McClung will lead the Board and the church through the changes. Parties will happen; auctions will occur; the church will have a fabulous music program under Stanley Moody. And you will get a new batch of sermons from your new minister. And you will be surprised at how refreshing they are. “All will be well, and all manner of things will be well,” said Julian of Norwich.

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Everything changes. It is not whether but how it will change. Your leadership has been working to make that change an adventure. Dates are set. An interim minister will be in place this summer. None of us will ever be the same, but that was true last year, wasn’t it? So in the next few months, I need to change whatever I can, meaning in particular the things I should have been changing years ago. The first thing will be a revamp of our joys and sorrows. I have visited so many churches that have made this part of their church service more formal and more sacred. So, we will begin the new year with a new ritual that continues to honor our joys and sorrows. First, there will be a bank of tea lights where people can come up and light a candle for their concern. There will be paper to fill out your name and the name of your request and a brief statement if you wish to tell about the request. These will be read from at the pulpit. Some may miss the passing of the microphones but I think you will like this new ritual even better. The next change is I resolve to get in shape and lose twenty pounds. No wait, that is a resolution and I swore off of resolutions several years ago. So let’s begin the year with just the one change. There will be plenty of others to keep you entertained for a few years.

Faithfully, Dennis

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FUTURE SUNDAYS Horizon encourages you to attend weekly worship here within your community, on Sundays at 10:30AM

January: “Preparing” is the Theme for the Month!

January 5, Preparing for the Day - Rev. Dennis Hamilton Advice is cheap and is too often taken. Wisdom is dear and too often ignored. What is a wise way to live one’s life? What is it that gets in the way of a healthy, happy life? Why is it so hard to change?

January 12, Requiem for the Pantheon 2013 In this annual service we celebrate those who have died this past year, our own families and friends and those who have made a significant difference in the world. We like to feature inventors, diplomats, humanitarians, scientists and others who should not be forgotten. Our music is from the musicians who died in 2013.

January 19, Martin Luther King Sunday - Rev. Fred Cappuccino Rev. Fred Cappuccino and his amazing wife, Bonnie return for their annual visit (and their 60th wedding anniversary) - Bonnie is the director Child Haven International. Child Haven has five homes in India, one in Nepal, one in Tibet in China and one in Bangladesh. They accept children who are disabled, parentless, or destitute. Our Share the Plate will be for Child Haven. This is a New Member Sunday. There is a reception at the Hamilton’s in the evening.

January 26, Preparing for the Ride - Rev. Dennis Hamilton As you stand looking up at the roller coaster, even before that nerve-wracking climb up the first hill, your heart starts to thump, a smile comes to your face and you get ready to enter a danger zone, one that demands trust and a healthy dose of adventure. In four months I will retire and Horizon will begin a new chapter in its odyssey. Change inevitably brings uncertainty. Uncertainty can be dreaded or embraced. What is a spiritual practice that can make this an adventure?

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Adult Religious Explorations Contact: are@horizonuu.org

Sunday mornings 9:00 – 10:10 am Horizon Library

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Exploring Horizon Thinking about becoming a member? Join us for these upcoming classes: How Do U Fit into UU? Sunday, January 12, 2014 With Marianna Seaton and Membership Committee 12:15pm – 3:30 (A light lunch will be served) In this class you will learn the specifics of how the church and its membership support each other, how to get involved in the life of the church, the governing structure of the church, and the Horizon community as a whole.

New to UU Saturday, January 18, 2014 With Rev. Dennis Hamilton 9:00am – 12:00pm In this class you will share your religious and/or spiritual journey, learn about the history and traditions of Unitarian Universalism and Horizon, and expand your circle of friends. To register for these classes contact Marianna Seaton, Director of Lay Ministry at dlm@horizonuu.org or phone 972-743-1599.

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A Note from the DLRE * By Lauren Daniell * dlre@horizonuu.org

A Different Kind of New Year’s Resolution I was intrigued by a UU friend’s recent Facebook post. Instead of making the obligatory list of resolutions for the New Year, she was going to use “touchstone words” to guide her thinking in 2014 instead. A touchstone word is an organizing concept that guides you throughout the year and reminds you how you want to live your life. I had not heard of this term and with a little research, I was able to find an excellent explanation on the website www.christinekane.com. As it turns out, the act of making resolutions for the New Year bypasses important steps to affecting real change in your life: The reason most resolutions don’t work is that they address only one level of your life. The DO level. It’s the DO-HAVE-BE model. “I will DO this thing.” (i.e., Lose weight) “So I can HAVE this other thing” (Self-Esteem) and I can BE this thing. (Confident.) The average New Year’s Resolution doesn’t address the core of the issue – the “BE” level. The best order for creating positive changes in your life is the BE-DO-HAVE model. This means you start from the BE level. When you begin changing on the BE level of your life, then the DO level and the HAVE level follow more easily. When you start only on the DO level, then all the blocks on the BE level will often become the obstacles you can’t overcome. The author goes on to explain that the word would remind her to live at the BE level. It meant that her actions were also inspired from the BE level. She would hold that word in her mind throughout the year, and let the word guide her to take action. The author provides a detailed explanation in her article of her word “Release” which helped her not only get rid of the clutter in her house, but the clutter in her mind as well. To see the entire article, go to http://christinekane.com/resolution-revolution-a-better-wayto-start-your-year/ What word would you choose as your touchstone for 2014? Mine is “Spark!”

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Fire Bowl Ceremony In Chapel last Sunday children and youth at Horizon did a New Year's Fire Bowl ceremony. To get ready for the new year the students wrote or drew pictures of things they wanted to leave behind in 2013. This could have been unwanted feelings, bad habits or upsetting events. The slips of paper naming these unwanted feelings/habits/events were then burned, symbolizing a fresh start for the new year.

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New in the Sanctuary

Activity Bags for Creative Types of All Ages

illustration by Microsoft

Busy Hands = Calm Mind and Body There is a new addition to our Sunday worship service that reflects our members’ different learning styles – “Soul Work” bags. These clear bags with the blue cover contain activities that help people of all ages learn and focus during the worship service. Sitting still with nothing to do but listen can be hard for children and adults alike. In fact, neuroscientists are learning that some activities actually help us focus in on what we are hearing or learning— especially activities with our hands. Sometimes called “fidget items,” classroom teachers know that activities like pipe cleaners, play-dough, and coloring can actually help listeners focus better. In particular, knitting, sewing, and coloring mandalas have been found to create the same brain patterns as those found during meditation--bestowing a calming, balancing effect. Adults are invited to try an activity pack, too. Get creative! It’s good for your soul, and that’s faith development!

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Upcoming Events for Children and Youth

January 5th: Regular RE classes resume, Preschool-12th grade January 5th: North Texas Youth Rally planning meeting, 2-4 pm, First Church, Dallas January 17-19th: Youth Rally and conference at Emerson UU in Houston January 24-26th: Jr. /Sr. High OWL training, The Woodlands January 25th: Playground work day (Saturday) 9am-12pm February 1st: (Saturday) RE teacher appreciation dinner, Temple Shalom (Dallas) February 21-22nd: (Fri pm-Sat am) Middle school NTUUC overnight event at Horizon

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Announcements: Children’s and Youth RE

Attention Youth: Two upcoming events of interest: 1. North Texas Rally planning meeting Sunday, January 5th, 2-4pm First Church, Dallas 2. Gulf Coast Youth Rally January 17-19, 2014 Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church in Houston Sign up information available at http://houstonrally.selfip.com/

Playground Spruce-up Day Saturday, January 25th 9am-12 noon Come help give our kids’ playground a facelift by donating an hour or two on Saturday morning in January. We’ll spread some mulch under the swings and slides to make sure our children can play safely, add sand to our fantastic sandbox, and give the deck a little TLC. Many hands make light work! Coffee and snacks provided.

District Overnight event for Grades 6-8 at Horizon February 20-21st Horizon is pleased to be the host site of CongrUUity – the annual middle school overnight event for North Texas students in grades 6-8. This is a fantastic way for our middle school students to meet others young UUs from around North Texas, have fun and deepen their faith. More details to come in mid-January.

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First Wednesdays Wednesday, January 8th 7-9 pm


For what are we getting ready? Preparing is less about the “what” than it is the act of being intentional in what we do, think and say. How do we want to be in this world? What will be the consequence of our having lived? Are we prepared to enjoy our life right now in this precious moment and in this one flawed and beautiful world? What do you have to change to be prepared? Join the Rev. Dennis Hamilton, Lyssa Jenkens and Lauren Daniell for an exploration of the Horizon monthly theme Brown bag dinner and conversation begin at 6:30Reserve childcare at childcare@horizonuu.org

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CALENDAR: What’s Going On At Horizon? SUNDAY JANUARY 5 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM UU Christian Fellowship / Study - E3 - Library 10:15 AM - 12:30 PM Library Ministry - Open for Browsing - E3 - Library 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Main Worship - SH - Sanc. 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM After Church Lunch Bunch -- All Are Welcome! - Other - Offsite 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Wellspring 2013/14 - P2 - Couch

MONDAY JANUARY 6 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Wings Chalice Circle - E3 - Library, KI - Kitch, S1 - Nursery 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM SMART Recovery - FH - Fellowship Hall 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Pastoral Caregivers Meeting - MO - Minister's Office 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM UDV – Church Rental

TUESDAY JANUARY 7 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Buddhist Sangha - P1 - Lg, P2 - Couch 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Tuesday Wisdom Circle - E3 - Library

WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM NatUUtres (DRE meeting) - FH - Fellowship Hall 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Library Ministry - E3 - Library 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM The Trailblazers - FH - Fellowship Hall 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM First Wednesdays - FH - Fellowship Hall 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Bridge Class - P1 - Lg 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Wellspring 2013/14 - Wednesday Group - P2 - Couch

THURSDAY JANUARY 9 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM Worship Arts Committee Meeting - MO - Minister's Office 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Choir Practice - FH - Fellowship Hall 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM New Beginnings Chalice Circle - E3 - Library

FRIDAY JANUARY 10 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Candlelighters - FH - Fellowship Hall 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Women's Bunco - FH - Fellowship Hall

SATURDAY JANUARY 11 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Men's Support Group - E3 - Library 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM Rental - Isha Institute - FH - Fellowship Hall 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Volunteer at Metrocrest Social Services Food Pantry - Other - Offsite 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM Line Dancing - FH - Fellowship Hall

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ARTIST ON THE HORIZON Jan Partin Images of Indochina December 12, 2013 – February 2, 2014

Jan Partin’s passion for photography emerged when her mother gave her a 35mm camera as a college graduation present. Over the years, Jan progressed from taking snapshots of family and friends to shooting award winning wildlife photographs that were shown all over the United States in Photographic Society of America exhibitions. For a time, her interest turned to wedding photography and outdoor portraiture. Currently, Jan creates fine art photography that includes nature, birds and other wildlife, old rusty automobiles, travel, and people from different cultures. Jan exhibits her work at art shows throughout the Dallas area and at her studio in the old Continental Gin Building in Deep Ellum. She is the Director of the TVAA Downtown Gallery in the Plaza of the Americas in downtown Dallas. The photographs that comprise Images of Indochina were taken last year while on a tour that included Bangkok, Thailand and a cruise through Cambodia and Vietnam on the Mekong River. Jan has always been drawn to all things Asian – the people, the cultures, the architecture, the food, the manner of dress, the art, etc. Having been a young adult at the time of the Vietnam War and having lost a cousin and a very special young man there, Jan approached Vietnam with mixed emotions. There and throughout Indochina she encountered gracious, welcoming people who, in spite of living in what we would consider poverty, embodied a level of grace, dignity, and joy we seldom see here at home. Jan fell in love with the people and their cultures. She hopes that these photographs convey in some small way the beauty, humanity, and spirit of these people, their cultures, their way of life, and their countries. It’s a great pleasure to exhibit Jan’s work. Regular art shows in our sanctuary are a way to reach out to the local community of artists who visually reflect the spirit of our church. We in return, reflect back to the community the spirit of our faith. Horizon receives twenty percent of each sold piece of art. To purchase an artwork, make payment at the church office (be sure to make notation about the piece of art you are buying) and mark the card below the piece of art “SOLD”. Horizon Art Coordinators, Linda Alred, Nikki Henderson and Marianna Seaton are happy to assist you.

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Sunday Potluck News

Sunday potlucks at Horizon have become a successful tradition. They are a way for people at Horizon to enjoy one another’s company and to provide food for afterchurch activities. Potlucks are welcoming to young and old, members and visitors, regardless of income. Thank you so much to all the incredibly generous volunteers who have helped set up and clean up all these potlucks.

week (May 18). Our Coming of Age class (9th grade) will be providing food for that.

This fall we decided to improve our potlucks with two new goals: 1) To spread the workload, so that it is only an occasional task for the people who make it happen, and 2) To empower more people at Horizon to be familiar with, use, and take a part in caring for our kitchen and fellowship hall. Horizon Players coordinated the potluck in October. The Women’s Friendship in Growth (WFIG) Chalice Circle did it in November. The Social Justice Task Force and Tree Trimming Party volunteers have done it in December. The Men’s Support Group is scheduled for January, the Monday Wings Parenting Chalice Circle is scheduled for February, and the Healthy Women’s Chalice Circle for March. The Membership Committee and the Young Adults Group have also agreed to host Sunday Potlucks. We will not have a Sunday Potluck in May because the second Sunday falls on Mother’s Day, and the Spring Congregational meeting is the next

We are in the process of scheduling June through December of 2014. With our groups helping our church in this modest way, the payoff is proving to be significant in terms of encouraging community connection, welcoming everyone, and empowering more people to take ownership. Thank you to everyone who has helped make the Sunday Potlucks possible. You have helped make Horizon a better place!

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Special Groups

If you are considering attending one of these groups for the first time, it is a good idea to contact them via email for more information and to get an orientation of what to expect in your first visit! ===================================================================================================

Horizon’s Sunday Morning Journey Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. A new series begins January 12th. In this group, women of all ages practice deep sharing and supportive listening. Sessions are based on the book, Heart to Heart by Christine Robinson & Alicia Hawkins. Topics are listening, gratitude, balance, forgiveness, God, loss and grief, money, nature, success and failure, friendship, doubt, making peace with parents, sustainable living, rest and relaxation, and endings. Come join us! For more information or to sign up, contact chalicecircles@horizonuu.org. ===================================================================================================

CURIOUS ABOUT SCHEDULE? You can check the calendar at http://calendar.horizonuu.org/

Horizon Book Group: 4th Tuesdays 12p. (bookclub@horizonuu.org ) The Horizon Book Group meets at 12 Noon on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the church Library. Every June and November the group decides on the books for the following six months. Bring a brown bag lunch and join in this fun group that is open to women and men. You’ll be able to share in an invigorating conversation on the session’s book. Current selections are found in the Library information niche in the lobby/narthex. For more info, you may contact bookclub@horizonuu.org . Buddhist Sangha: Tuesdays 7 PM - 9:00 PM. (buddhists@horizonuu.org ) Buddhist Sangha ("Sangha" is equivalent to a covenant group) is a weekly gathering that studies the Dharma (the teachings of Buddhism.) This is an ongoing exploration of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path, the essential teachings of Buddhism. It is participatory and although consistency is encouraged, sessions can be attended on a drop in basis. We welcome anyone interested in a meditation practice. If you wish to come for an orientation, please arrive by 6:30. If you wish to view materials, email Dennis Hamilton at srminister@horizonuu.org or call 972-529-8187. You may also contact buddhists@horizonuu.org . The UU Christian Chalice Circle (uuchristians@horizonuu.org ) The UU Christian Chalice Circle provides a forum for enriching our spiritual lives through personal discovery of the heart, meaning, and tradition of Christianity. We gather monthly on the 1st Sunday at 9AM in the library for discussion, fellowship, and exploration. All those seeking to connect (or reconnect) to the beauty and wisdom of Christianity are welcome to attend. Email uuchristians@horizonuu.org The CineMat Group (cinemat@horizonuu.org ) The CineMat group will be meeting on the 4th Saturday every month. And it’s now a Chalice Circle!. This Chalice Circle gets together to see a movie and then goes to a coffee shop or restaurant to discuss and comment on it in a friendly circle over a cup of coffee or drink. People

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should call Meg Reed or Marga Gordon for more info, or email cinemat@horizonuu.org. GAMERS: 3rd FRIDAY FUN AT HORIZON! (3rdfridaygames@horizonuu.org ) Come join us for adult level games on the 3rd Friday of every month. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Bring a snack or drink to share.! Healthy Women Chalice Circle (healthywomen@horizonuu.org ) A woman’s support group to help achieve their goals of health and fitness. Sharing of ideas and experiences in nutrition, weight loss, exercise and stress management. Men’s Saturday Support Group (mensgroup@horizonuu.org ) A men’s support group that includes a check-in and informal discussion of men’s issues regarding family, health, workplace, and relationships. Starts at 8AM The 2nd Tuesday Potluck Chalice Circle (secondtuesday@horizonuu.org ) This group meets for food, fellowship, and deepening friendships. They meet in the library 2 nd Tuesday of most months at 12 noon. Occasionally we take a field trip instead of having a potluck lunch. Tuesday Wisdom Circle (tuesdaywisdom@horizonuu.org ) A chalice circle that offers a check-in and discussion of a weekly life issue topic selected by a group member. Parents – Forget Red Bull, WE’LL give you Wings! (every other Mon, 9a) (mondaywings@horizonuu.org ) WINGS Chalice Circle is a fun and friendly group whose purpose is to support the person within each parent by creating friendships and nurturing our intellect and creativity. The Women’s Friendship in Growth (WFIG) Chalice Circle (wfig@horizonuu.org) Meets on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesdays of each month from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. We welcome women of all ages to join us for fun, connection, and growth. We share stories from our lives and discuss topics that help us get to know one another better. Recent programs have included How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day, a night of Board Games, and TED talks on the Power of Vulnerability, Connected but Alone, and Body Language. We’d love to have you in our group! To find out more, contact Nancy Foreman or Sarah Roye at wfig@horizonuu.org. Young Adult Chalice Circle Principled Commitment has been postponed until a later date. Contact YoungAdultCouples@horizonuu.org for more details.

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A 1970s Classic TV Night – Jan 10 Friday, Jan 10th at 5 pm at Wendy Sue’s home (contact me for directions): Come eat, drink and be drawn into this 1970s classic-a fascinating sci-fi,/fantasy TV world (title available via email)! Once drawn in, you find you cannot leave... We will pick up where we left off last time, but have no fear if you are not familiar with the series; like every good TV show, there is a recap in the beginning with the opening credits, and you'll have plenty of folks around you happy to fill in any gaps. The cost for this event will be $10 per adult as it was first offered as an auction event. No special, extra-huge TV here, just mine. The food is guaranteed to be great (of course!). This year, I plan to cook a nice ham-the smell will drive us wild! Cole slaw, soft drinks, dessert, stuff. If anyone wants to bring anything else, please feel free to do so, a la potluck style, yer choice. (Hint: I don't eat chips, so if you want 'em, bring 'em! LOL!). Please note: I have two very friendly pussycats who may or may not choose to stay and watch with us. The food, however, might be a great lure for them. ;) See you then! RSVP via email please! Wendy Sue

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Our Mission: Growing spiritually healthy people who promote love and justice in the world.

Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church 1641 W. Hebron Parkway • Carrollton, TX • 75010-6334 tel: (972) 492-4940 • fax: (972) 394-0570 http://www.horizonuu.org • facebook: Horizon UU • twitter: horizonuu • im: horizonuu

submissions by 12 Noon each Wednesday. to: the_week@horizonuu.org

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