The Week @ Horizon March 17 2013

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th he_ _wee ek@ @ho rizo onuu u a pu ublication off horizon un nitarian univversalist chu urch

horizo on unitarian universalist church • 16 641 w. hebro n pkwy. • ca arrollton, tx • 75010 633 34 t: 972 2 492 4940 • f: 972 394 4 05 • email : the_week@ @horizonuu.orrg


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M Ministter’s Blog g Reev. Denniis Hamiltton • srm minister@ @horizonu No ow that we have a weeekly newsletter I don’tt have to w wait to say w what is hap ppening. I don’t prom mise a weekkly blog, buut it is nice to have a fforum like tthis. e of the new Po ope Franciss and at first I actuallyy got exciteed. I was Firsst off, I waatched the election taugght by Jesuuits and havve a soft sp pot somewh here for theem. They aare well eduucated. Hee chose Fraancis, my faavorite sain nt, a humblee mystic an nd a gentle soul. So, ggood start. Theen I looked d up the bio o on Cardin nal Bergogglio, and maainly it lookks like morre of the sam me, only with h humility. No contrraception. No N women n in the priesthood. N No gay righ hts. No lib beration theology. Butt I am takin ng a wait an nd see attituude. I am jjust glad R Ratzinger is retired. Th here is a mething prrogressive. But I’m no ot holding my breath. chaance for som w have FIA ASCO com ming up on the 23rd oof March. G Get your offferings in! At Horizon we n Sunday evvening, Marrch 24 is ouur annual Passover P Seeder. This is fun for tthe whole ffamily—I On sayy fun, but of course it has its sacrred momen nts. It is a ppotluck andd you can ccoordinate with hiparts@ho om. If you have neverr been to o one, it is a w worthwhile Eileeeen Terrelll at Worsh reliigious experience. n April 7 we w have a New N UU com ming up fo or anyone w who is interrested in jo oining Horizzon or On justt wants to brush b up on the histo ory of our faith fa and thhe underpinnning of ouur journey ttoward spirritual and emotional e wholeness. w However,, we have cchanged thee date from m Saturday A April 6 to Sun nday aftern noon from 12:30 to 2:330. This in ncludes lunnch and we hope it willl be more con nvenient th han a Saturd day mornin ng. B Retreeat the secoond week inn June andd this year w we are Furrther in thee future we have the Board havving a new leadership developmeent program m for any ccommittee members o or aspiring leaders. It willl be on Satuurday Auguust 17. Maark your callendars. It will be an all-day event, a mini B Board Rettreat and allso a time for f the com mmittees to set goals fo for the new w church year. Thaat’s enough h for this week. w hurch, Seee you in ch Revv. Dennis

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Share the Plate P for f Su unday Marcch 17 Horizon h has a collecction for a non‐profit organizatiion once a m month durring our wo orship service. T This month h's collectio on plate is ffor the Cou urt Appointted Special Advocate ((CASA)

CAS SA off Den nton C Countty, Incc. Court App pointed Speecial Advoccates for Chhildren

Lasst year, moree than 75,00 00 CASA and guardian ad litem (GA AL) volu unteers help ped 240,000 abused an nd neglected d children fi find safee, permanen nt homes. CA ASA volunteeers are eveeryday citiz ens who o have undeergone screening and ttraining with h their locall CASSA/GAL pro ogram. CASSA and guarrdian ad liteem volunteeers advocatee work direcctly witth abused an nd neglected d children aand the peop ple in their lives: fostter parents, social work kers, attorneys, teacherrs, medical pro oviders and others. In aaddition to ttraining and d supportingg advvocate volun nteers, mostt CASA/GAL L programs benefit from m the invaaluable contributions o of non‐advo ocate voluntteers. All undesignated cash (n not in envelo ope with insstructions) w will go to Share the Platte. 1) A 2) C Checks MUST be designa ated Share‐T The‐Plate orr STP to be ccounted tow ward the don nations for tthe day. 3) U Undesignateed checks wiithout instru uctions are a assumed to bbe donation ns to the chu urch or to fulfill pled dges. 4) This is our p primary source of funds for outreacch into the w world. Thiss group provides full serrvices includ ding a 24hr Hotline, Em mergency Sheelter, Transitional Houssing, Cou unseling and d Therapy Seervices for C Children, Teeens, and indiividual Adullts and grou ups, parentin ng classes, and d legal servicces.

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Horizon Senior Women Alive Horizon Senior Women Alive is a small group of women 50 plus who meet on the 2nd and 4th Saturday's of the month. We have a variety of programs and support each other.

Our programs this year have included:

A tour of the Arboretum

An Elder Law Attorney Medicare Senior Source in Dallas Getting Along with Adult Children by a clinical social worker How Seniors Bond with Pets

Programs booked for Spring include: Scams on Seniors Dr. James Swann, gerontologist UNT Retirement planning dissertation topic at UNT


Reproductive Justice and HUUC Reproductive Justice is the new 3 year social justice study for the UUA. It is a broad topic encompassing  Reproductive health – accessibility to health care, research, services and facilities  Reproductive rights –protection of a woman’s legal rights to reproductive health care services, particularly abortion  Reproductive justice – raising children in safe and health environments, planned and healthy pregnancies, ending of unwanted pregnancies and expression of sexuality. It does not isolate or pit important social issues against each other, rather it works to promote these rights across many areas:       

reproductive choice; eradication of violence against women; comprehensive sex education; discrimination based on race and sexual orientation; economic justice; environmental justice; and immigration justice.

The Justice Task Force is creating a team to work on reproductive justice. Join us by contacting Mary Morris at

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Women’s Health in Texas by the Numbers 1

Texas National ranking for highest percentage of repeat teen births

1 in 2 Ratio of births covered by Medicaid in Texas 4

Taxpayer dollars saved in long-term costs for every $1 invested in proven family programs

10 Every 10 minutes a teen girl gets pregnant while another young girl gives


30 percent of Texas women age 19-64 who are uninsured 16,000: cost of each unintended pregnancy to Texas taxpayers for Medicaid prenatal, delivery and first year infant coverage 45,900 Number of unintended pregnancies in Texas prevented through federal Title X program, which resulted in 19,200 fewer abortions in Texas 118,524 Number of unintended Medicaid births in Texas annually 221,000 centers

Number of low-income Texans who receive contraceptive care through Title X supported health

2.7 billon Cost of Medicaid births to Texas taxpayers in SFY2009 Data from Planned Parenthood Jan. 2012. sources cited for each number

Reproductive Justice Task Force Forming After reading the articles in this issue on women's health, join the new task force to learn, educate and advocate on behalf of this issue.

First meeting: March 24, after church in the library. Contact Mary Morris ( for more information. JOIN US!

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New Volunt V teer Oppo O rtunitty M Metroccrest Family Niight! Goo od Afternoon n! Mettrocrest had such an overr-whelming request r for faamily opportuunities to voluunteer, we haave created a Family Voluunteer Night each monthh! Here are the details:

Daate: First Thursdaay of each h month Agee: Each mon nth we will fo ocus on a diffferent age gro oup so we caan plan an apppropriate acctivity. If youu have children that do not fall into that age cateegory in yourr family they may volunteeer, but may need extra assistance. Forr April and May, M we will focus f on 9-122 year olds. During D the suummer, whenn younger ch hildren can sttay up later, we w will have opp portunities fo or the younger age group. Tim me: Will be in n the eveningg and will be determined by age groupp. Younger ggroups will likkely have earrlier times andd shorter shift fts. Loccation: Unless otherwise noted, it will be held at the t Metrocrest office at 13801 Hutton n Drive, Suitee 150, Farm mers Branch h, TX 75234 Acttivity: Each month m the acctivity will vaary based on age and seas on. Item ms required d: Each particcipant will bee ask to bringg something related to thhe activity andd something for the pan ntry. It is important that evvery particip pant brings th he required ittems. Withouut those item ms we not be able to do the activity. p is requuired for everry two childrren. The pareent needs to b be engaged in the Parrent Informaation: One parent activvity and instrruct their ow wn child. Metrocrest volun nteers will ovversee the activity and insstruct childreen, but it will be tthe parents’ responsibility r y to instruct their t own chiild. Gro oup Informaation: This opportunity o iss geared towards familiess, but groups will be allow wed under sp pecial circumstances. Please P emaill nnewkham fo or more information.

Ap pril Information n Datte: April 4th h Agee: 9-12 year olds o Tim me: 7pm – 8:30pm Loccation: Metrrocrest officce at 13801 Hutton H Drivee, Suite 150,, Farmers B Branch, TX 775234 Actiivity: We will be stockingg the food sh helves and baggging additioonal food forr families

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Item ms required: This T month, each particip pant will need to bring a bbox of gallonn size Ziplocc bags and a ccleaning item m for the food pantry. Exxamples of cleeaning items include: Daw wn, laundry detergent, co omet, scrub p pads, etc. To sign up, pleease email Nicole N New wkham at nn newkham@m metrocrestso and p please incllude the folllowing inforrmation: Parrent’s Namee * Phone Number N * Em mail address * Total nu umber in fam mily that wiill be attend ding. Tha ank you for yo our support tthis holiday seeason! In Novvember and D December, M Metrocrest disstributed oveer 1,600 boxees of food and d gifts to over 1,100 famillies. This coulldn’t be possiible without tthe support o of communityy members like you!

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JOIN THE CELEBRATION OF PASSOVER WITH A SEDER! BE A PART OF THIS CENTURIES OLD TRADITION! BRING YOUR FAMILY! BRING YOUR FAVORITE POT-LUCK DISH TO SHARE! WHEN: SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 2013 From 6:00 P.M. To 8:00 P.M. WHERE: FELLOWSHIP HALL AT HORIZON CHURCH ***This year there will be two of the tables that will feature OAT MATZOH, for anyone who may be gluten-intolerant*** {A suggested contribution of $5/person or $15/family, to cover the cost of wine and ceremonial foods, is deeply appreciated.}

For questions or for more information, send an e-mail to or call Eileen Terrell at 469-222-8685.

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W What in Ta arnattion are a Ta ar Sa ands?? Co ome find outt at "T Texas + Tar SSands, the 4111" - an n in nformattion seession and prrotest-p prep w worksho op

You ur Social Jusstice Enviro onmental Taask Force iss proud to su upport locall organizatio ons protestiing and blocckading thee expansion of the Keysstone XL Pip peline by hoosting a sem minar and prrotest sign-m making worrkshop in Feellowship Hall H on Tuessday, March h 19th at 7:000. Tran nsCanada's Keystone K XL L expansion project p will carry unrefineed "bitumen"" diluted with h natural gas condensate from m the tar san nds mines in Canada C throuugh Oklahom ma and Texa s and to the Gulf of Mexxico. There aare a host of envi vironmental, public p health h, political neegligence and d indigenous rights issues at hand, andd grass-roots orgaanizations haave been strivving to stop this t project for f years now w. What's more, an nother pipelin ne carrying unrefined u diluuted tar sands is about to go through T Texas in closse proximity to L Lake Ray Hub bbard. Heard d of the Enbridge tar sands spill in M arshall, Michhigan? Our ccommunities could be next. This info-sharin ng and protesst sign-makin ng workshop at Horizon ccoincides witth a “week of action to sttop tar sandds profiteers� from Marcch 16th to March M 23rd prromoted by tthe Tar Sandds Blockade. P Protests acro oss the entiire continent are expected d, and bound d to happen in i D/FW--- tthis workshoop will show you exactly w why and how w you can gett involved. Join n the Enviro onmental Ju ustice Task Force F in Felllowship Haall on Tuesd day, March 19th, at 7:000. Forr more inform mation or to let us know you're y comin ng, visit us att the Taste off Horizon tab ble or send a message to: alyth harp@riseup

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page 12 of 22 A message from your President:

It’s time for F I A S C O ! March 23rd, Saturday, 6:30 to 9:00 Join me for a Fiesta of a good time for our annual spring service auction. Mark your calendars now for FIESTA/FIASCO and go to HorizonUU.Org to fill in the donation form.

~ You can donate ~ a party, or some computer training, or several hours of work around the house, or a week at your vacation condo in Florida, or Spanish lessons, or an afternoon of bridge or poker, or dog sitting, or handmade jewelry, or an evening at the opera, or a group tour of downtown Dallas complete with picnic, or a baseball game at the Frisco stadium, or a theme dinner for 8, or a group donation of a gift basket, or . . . whatever you think would tickle the fancy of Horizon bidders! Donate early, and often! Multiple donations are welcome! Don't miss the fun of competing with your friends to win social events, services, objets d'art, and much, much more! You get to fill in your social calendar for the spring!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And all the winnings will go to support our Horizon! Go now to our website at and send in your donations, and don’t forget to mark your calendar for

FIESTA / FIASCO ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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H How Do U Fitt Intto UU U Deear Horizon Visitor, Pleaase join Horiizon's membership comm mittee Saturd day, March 330, from 10:330am - 2:30p pm for our ““How Do U Fit IInto UU?” cllass. We willl meet in the Horizon library and luncch will be serrved. In tthis class yo ou will: • Learn th he specifics ab bout how thee church and d its memberrship supportt each other. • Explore ways to beco ome involved d in small gro oup ministryy and how to enrich your life at Horizzon and as a Uniitarian Univeersalist. • Learn ab bout Horizon n’s committeee and task fo orce structuree and how ouur members form the leaadership of our community. • Participaate in an open discussion about how Horizon H is suupported finaancially throuugh pledges, gifts and our service auctiions. • Get to know k others in i the Horizo on communiity, especiallyy those who aare also conssidering mem mbership. Ourr next “New w to UU” claass, which is i conducted d by our Sen nior Ministeer, Rev. Den nnis Hamiltton, is sch heduled for Sunday, S Aprril 7 from 122:30pm to 2:330pm. This class is desiigned for peo ople new to our o denomin nation and thhose interesteed in membeership at Horrizon. Durring the classs you will: • • •

Share yo our religious or spiritual jo ourney. Learn ab bout the histo ory and tradiitions of Unittarian Univerrsalism and H Horizon. Expand your circle of o friends at the t church.

To rreserve your spot for these classes, pllease contact membershiip@horizon . Ch hildcare is avvailable upo on request. Please P contacct our childcaare provider Becky B Smithh at childcaree@horizonu . I loo ok forward to t seeing youu at these classses. Please do d not hesitaate to call mee if you have any question ns or inquuiries. on Marianna Seato Direector of Lay Ministry

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pa age 14 of o 22 Ladies, Savve the Da ate: Sept. 27 – 29 9, 2013!

Itt's Horrizon’s 25tth Ann nual W Wome en’s R Retrea at! Women of Horrizon, it’s a special yearr! Be sure to o mark your calendars ffor Sept. 27--29 for the 255th Annual Women's Retreeat, which will w be held at the Glen Lake Retreeat Center in n Glen Rosee, TX. The rretreat is opeen to women n members and visitorss who are 21 and older. Visiit with old friiends and maake new ones at our annuual gatheringg. Relax and rread, eat and talk, wade in n the river, singg karaoke, an nd dance...or not! This is your y chance to get away ffrom it all! Glen Lake is a beautiful b retreeat center with wooded areas, a walkingg trails, and aaccess to the Paluxy Riverr. We stay in deluuxe cabins an nd also have access to a liimited number of hotel-sttyle rooms w with two twin n beds in each h. (Hotelstylee rooms costt a bit more and a are first come/first c seerved at regisstration timee.) Thee cost is abouut $115 per person p and in ncludes all meeals on Sat. aand breakfastt on Sun. Forr information n about the retreat center, go o to http://w Plan nning for thee retreat will start in May. If you are in nterested in jooining the Pllanning Com mmittee andd helping to makke this retreat a special on ne, send an email to wom mensretreat@ @horizonuu We only have openings o forr 40 women, so don't miss m out! Wh hether it's yo our first tim me or your 255th, come join n in the fun and camaraaderie! We lo ook forward d to seeing yyou there. R Registration begins Sun nday Aug gust 4 ______________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________________________________________________

Evvery Bunny B Lovess Fair Trade T Choco olate! Celeebrating Eastter and the in nnocence of childhood go o hand in haand. Joyyful children relish the susspense and fun fu of Easter Egg Hunts ffor chocolatee and other ssweet treats. This year, your Easter Egg Hunt can also a bring freedom and joy to childrren living on n small farm ms in the Dom minican Rep public. Fair Trade T Certifieed chocolatee comes from m cocoa farm ms that are iinspected an nnually to ensuure there is no n abusive child c labor. Fair F Trade farrmers also reeceive a morre equitable p price for theeir cocoa, allow wing children to go to scchool, visit th he doctor, an nd have enouugh food to eat. Equal E Exchange cho ocolate is bettter for the prroducer, betteer for the envvironment an nd better forr you!

Chocola C ate bars o on sale n now 3/$$10 Chocola C ate eggs $5/ boxx Easter E special- Free stu uffed animall bunny with h every $20 E Equal Exchange E purrchase! Availlable at Tastee of Horizon n and in the b bookstore.

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FUTURE SUNDAYS A wise man once wrote: “Small miracles occur at church every Sunday, and do not depend on the sermon.” Horizon encourages you to attend weekly worship here within your community, on Sundays at 10:30AM.

March 2013 Theme: “Silence, the Practice of Listening” __________________________________________________________________

March 17 * “Can You Hear Me Now?” – Lyssa Jenkens Can you hear that still, small voice inside, the one that is supposed to be our most authentic guide? Too often, I only hear that voice when it becomes a roiling howl, propelling my body and soul into a kind of spiritual smackdown! Obviously, there are better ways to attend to our inner guidance, intentional spiritual practices, and most of them start with silence. On March 10, we will consider some of the reasons we have lost touch with our inner voice, obstacles to reclaiming that precious resource and practices that give us ears to hear long before the howling begins.

March 24 * “Silence of the Lamb” - Rev. Hamilton

On Palm Sunday we recall Jesus standing before his accusers in silence. His only power was in passive resistence, though he knew well the price. Each day people who have no voice, who have no power are exploited, abused and killed. Out of that silence comes the voice of the prophet, speaking out for justice, for kindness and compassion in the face of cruelty. What message did Ghandi and Martin Luther King, Francis David and Katherine Weigel have for the silenced ones?


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What’ss Going g On At Horizo on? Sunday y Mar 17 St. Patrick'ss Day 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Young Adult Couples C Chaalice Circle - P P2 - Couch 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Adult Religiouus Exploratio ons - E3 - Libbrary 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CA AYRE - Chilld Care - S1 - Nursery 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Main M Worsh hip - SH - Saanc. 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Affter Church Lunch L Bunch h -- All Are W Welcome! - O Other – Offsite

Monday y Mar 18 6:00 PM - 7:00 7 PM Yogga - P1 - Lg 6:00 PM - 8:00 8 PM SMA ART Recoveery - FH - Feellowship Hal all

Tuesda ay Mar 19 9 5:45 PM - 6:30 6 PM Social Justice En nvironment Group G - FH - Fellowshipp Hall 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM So ocial Justicee: Environm mental Group p - Tar Sand ds Presentaation & Action Workshop p - FH - Felllowship Halll 7:00 PM - 9:00 9 PM Bud ddhist Sanghaa - P1 - Lg, P2 P - Couch 7:30 PM - 9:00 9 PM Tueesday Wisdom m Circle - E33 – Library

Wednes sday Mar 20 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Library Ministrry - E3 - Library 6:30 PM - 9:30 9 PM Wonderful Wed dnesdays - FH H - Fellowshiip Hall 7:30 PM - 9:30 9 PM WF FIG (Women n's Friendship p in Growth)) Chalice Circcle - E3 – Lib brary

Thursday Mar 21 2 5:45 PM - 7:00 7 PM Restorative Yogga - P1 - Lg 6:00 PM - 7:15 7 PM Worship Arts Committee Meeting - MO - Minister's Office 7:00 PM - 9:00 9 PM Welllspring 20122/2013 - P2 - Couch 7:30 PM - 9:00 9 PM Cho oir Rehearsall - FH - Fello owship Hall

Friday Mar M 22 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Can ndlelighters - FH - Fellow wship Hall, K KI – Kitch

Saturda ay Mar 23 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Men's M Supportt Group - E33 - Library 4 PM Women Alive 555+ Group - E3 E - Library 2:30 PM - 4:30 6:30 PM - 9:30 9 PM FIIASCO: Our Spring Service Au uction FH - Feellowship Haall, KI - Kitch h, RL - Lobbby, SH - Sancc.

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NEXT WEEK Sunday Mar 24 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Sunday Morning Journey Group - P2 - Couch 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Adult Religious Explorations - E3 - Library 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CAYRE - Child Care - S1 - Nursery 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM Social Justice Taste of Horizon Table for Gun Control & for Peace – Fhall 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Main Worship - SH - Sanc. 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Reproductive Justice Task Force - E3 - Library 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM After Church Lunch Bunch -- All Are Welcome! - Other - Offsite 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PASSOVER POTLUCK SEDER - KI - Kitch, RL - Lobby / Narthex, S6 - Class, SH

Monday Mar 25 - Passover Begins at Sundown 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Wings Chalice Circle - E3 - Library, KI - Kitch, S1 - Nursery 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM SMART Recovery - FH - Fellowship Hall 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Membership Committee - E3 – Library

Tuesday Mar 26 - 1st day of Passover//2nd day begins at sundown 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Horizon Book Club - E3 - Library 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Buddhist Sangha - P1 - Lg, P2 - Couch 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Tuesday Wisdom Circle - E3 – Library

Wednesday Mar 27 - 2nd day of Passover//3rd day begins at sundown 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Library Ministry - E3 - Library 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM WFIG 5th Wednesday Fun - E3 – Library Thursday Mar 28 - 3rd day of Passover//4th day begins at Sundown 5:45 PM - 7:00 PM Restorative Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM Worship Arts Committee Meeting - MO - Minister's Office 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Choir Rehearsal - FH - Fellowship Hall

Friday Mar 29 - 4th day of Passover//5th day begins at sundown - Good Friday 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Candlelighters - FH - Fellowship Hall, KI - Kitch 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM FREE MOVIE NIGHT!!! - SH - Sanc.

Saturday Mar 30 - 5th day of Passover//6th day begins at sundown 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Men's Support Group - E3 - Library 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM How Do UU Fit CLASS - E3 - Library

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Aftter Ch hurch Lunch h Loccationss March M 2013 Visitors V and meembers w welcom me! Direections available a le at thee Welcoome Cennter. W When wee go to a reestaurant, we meet m thhere appproximaately 20 minutees after af thee servicee ends. First oones theere pleasse get a tablle for 100+ unde der the name n “H Horizonn”. Marcch 17th: Nico’s Coccina Mexiican Grilll: 3065 N Josey LLn, Carrollton, TX 75007. Deliccious andd plentifuul Sundayy buffet with w manyy choicess includinng Belgiann waffless and oomelets made m to order. Fun F atmossphere. A Accommoodating w wait staff.. $$  A Shuccks Oysteer Bar: 16 630 S. Steemmons Fwy, Lew wisville, T Texas. Marcch 24th: Aw Seafoood, Cajuun/Creolee. What’ss on the menu m in addition to oysteers? Shrim mp, crab, craw wfish, scallops, souups, po booy sandw wiches andd salads. $  P Bistroo Asian: 3052 Old Dentonn Rd, Carrrollton, T TX 75007. Avoidd Marcch 31st: Pho the EEaster lunnch crow wd while enjoying e tasty Vieetnamese Cuisine. Good ccustomer service. $ 

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Sp pecial Group ps If yo ou are consid dering atten nding one of these grou ups for the ffirst time, it is a good id dea to conta act them m via email for f more infformation an nd to get an n orientation n of what to o expect in yyour first visit! Thanks! NEW BEGINNIN NGS A Challice Circle Exploring E th he Seven P Principles off Unitarian Universalissm For neewcomers an nd longer-term attendees who are makking any kindd of new starrt in their livees WHEN N: Sundays 12:15 1 – 1:45 5 pm * DATTE TO BE AN NNOUNCED WHER RE: Porrtable – cou uch room * You’re invited to bring a sack luncch. *Join us any Sundayy. Facilita ated by Marianna Seaton n, Director of Lay Ministryy. For more iinformation e e-mail dlm@horizonuu.orrg. .

CUR RIOUS ABO OUT SCHE EDULE? Yo ou can chec ck the calen ndar at Horizon Bo ook Group: 4th Tuesdays 12p. ( ) The Horizo on Book Gro oup meets at 12 Noon onn the fourth T Tuesday of each month in n the church Library. Eveery June and November tthe group deecides on the books for th he following siix months. Bring B a brow wn bag lunch and join in tthis fun group p that is open n to women and a men. You’ll be able too share in ann invigoratingg conversatio on on the session’s bo ook. Current selections arre found in thhe Library in nformation n niche in the lobby/narth hex. For morre info, you m may contact bookclub@h horizonuu.orrg . Buddhist Sangha a: Tuesdays 7 PM -9:00 PM. P (buddhists@horizo ) Buddh hist Sangha (""Sangha" is equivalent e to a covenant group) g is a w weekly gatheriing that studies the Dharm ma (the teachiings of Budd dhism.) This is an ongoingg explorationn of the Fourr Noble Trutths and the Eigght Fold Path h, the essentiial teachings of Buddhism m. It is particcipatory and although consisttency is enco ouraged, sessiions can be attended a on a drop in bassis. We welcome anyone interessted in a med ditation practiice. If you wish w to come for an orienntation, pleasee arrive by 6:30. If you wiish to view materials, m e-m mail Dennis Hamilton H at srminister@hhorizonuu.orrg or call 972-5298187. Y You may also o contact bud . The U UU Christian n Chalice Circle C (uuchristians@horizonuu.o rg ) The UU Christian Chalice C Circlle provides a forum for enriching ourr spiritual livees through peersonal discovery of the heeart, meaningg, and traditio on of Christiaanity. We gatther monthlyy on the 1st SSunday at 9AM M in the libraary for discusssion, fellowsship, and exp ploration. Alll those seeking to connecct (or re-connect) to the beauty b and wisdom w of Ch hristianity aree welcome too attend. Em mail

The T CineMa at Group (cinemat@ho orizonuu.orrg ) The T CineMat group will be meeting on n the 4th Satuurday every m month. And it’s now a Ch halice Circle!!. Th his Chalice Ciircle gets toggether to see a movie and then goes too a coffee sho op or restaurrant to discusss and comment c on it in a friend dly circle overr a cup of cooffee or drinkk. People sho ould call Megg Reed or Margaa Gordon forr more info, or o email Craft & Chat Cha alice Circle (craftandch hat@horizo )

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The Craft and Chat Chalice Circle is an opportunity to share your favorite crafting skills or learn a new one from somebody else, in a warm circle of fellowship! Contact Marga Gordon or Dale Gaskill at . The C & C Chalice Circle meets 2nd and 4th Sundays from 1:30p Earth Centered Spirituality Chalice Circle ( ) The Earth-Centered Spirituality Chalice Circle is a social/support group for people who are interested in, or already know they are following, an Earth-centered spiritual path. They meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 2:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall at Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church. We love visitors, so please, come check us out! They also co-host the monthly Free Movie Night on the last Friday of each month. For questions or more information, e-mail GAMERS: 3rd FRIDAY FUN AT HORIZON! ( ) Come join us for adult level games on the 3rd Friday of every month. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Bring a snack or drink to share.! Healthy Women Chalice Circle ( ) A woman’s support group to help achieve their goals of health and fitness. Sharing of ideas and experiences in nutrition, weight loss, exercise and stress management. Men’s Saturday Support Group ( ) A men’s support group that includes a check-in and informal discussion of men’s issues regarding family, health, workplace, and relationships. Starts at 8AM The 2nd Tuesday Potluck Chalice Circle ( ) This group meets for food, fellowship, and deepening friendships. They meet in the library 2nd Tuesday of most months at 12 noon. Occasionally we take a field trip instead of having a potluck lunch. Tuesday Wisdom Circle ( ) A chalice circle that offers a check-in and discussion of a weekly life issue topic selected by a group member. Parents – Forget Red Bull, WE’LL give you Wings! (every other Mon, 9a) ( )

WINGS Chalice Circle is a fun and friendly group whose purpose is to support the person within each parent by creating friendships and nurturing our intellect and creativity. Each meeting begins with a check-in, and while we listen to each other's stories, we eat breakfast. Then we move on to our topic or event. Popular past topics include Parenting UU Style, Book Swaps and Movie Days.. Child care is provided. For more information, email or call Sandy Morris at 214-952-2243. Women Alive 55+ ( ) The Women Alive 55+ Group meets on the second and fourth Saturday of each month in the Horizon Library. WFIG WELCOMES WOMEN! ( The WFIG (Women's Friendship in Growth) Chalice Circle is a covenant group dedicated to deepening friendships among and providing support for women of all ages. We meet on the first & third Wed. of each month at 7:30 p.m. Whether you are a new visitor to our group, a returning member, or someone who has been thinking about joining us for some time, we would love to have you. Just email us or call Nancy Foreman at 972-965-0940 or Sarah Roye at 214-228-3397.

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Adult Religious Explorations For more information contact Sundays 9 - 10 am Horizon Library

March 17

Forum. Facilitated by John Myers, using the Chalice Circle model for interactive learning about Horizon’s “Theme of the Month”. John will lead a discussion on the subject: SILENCE the practice of listening.

March 24

Notes from the Jesus Seminar, February 8 and 9. Facilitated by Kay Darwin. Jesus, orthodoxy, and heresy in the development of the early Christian church.

March 31

Growth in Churches: Facilitated by Horizon guest, Daniel Polk, Executive at NTAUU. Daniel will share the four key causes for growth in churches today as people search for a church home.

Buddhist Sanga Tuesday evenings weekly 7:00-8:30 pm Portable, Rm 8

Buddhist Sangha. Facilitated by Senior Minister, the Rev. Dennis Hamilton. This is an ongoing exploration of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path, the essential teaching of Buddhism. Rev. Hamilton’s email contact: , in case of changes.

And… Always check the weekly newsletter for short profiles on classes and latebreaking announcements. If you email you will get a quick response from one of the committee chairs – Kay Darwin, Kent Darwin, or Charles Frugé.


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page 22 of 22 2 HOR RIZON JOURNEY GROU UPS Experiencee meaningful connectionss and a sense off belonging inn a Journey Group. Journey Groups G are a type of Chalice Circle (covenantt group) based on availability to meeet at a certain time. They tyypically last fo or a limited time (33-6 months). What ddo Journey Group ups Do? Encouragge spiritual grrowth & help p us develop deeper and more meanin ngful relationsships Listen to o one another without attem mpting to solve each other’s o probleems. Considerr topics such as Listening, Gratitude, Balance, Fo orgiveness, Go od, Loss and Grief, Money, Natture, Success and Failure, Friendship, F Doubt, Makking Peace w/ / Parents, Sustainable Living, End dings, UU Prin nciples, Our Spiritual Journeys, ettc. Currentt Journey Groupps: Every Other Thurrsday evenin ng 6:00 – 7::30 p.m. d 3rd Sunday afternoons 2:00 – 4:0 00 p.m. 1st and Feel frree to sugge est an addittional meeting time! How doo I join a Journey ey Group? Fill outt an interest form f found att or on tthe Chalice Ciircles bulletin n board. Youu may email Marga Gordon & Nancy N Foremaan via W to answerr your We

quesstions and hellp you connecct with the grroup or group ps of yoour choice.


Relloadable Kroger F Fundraise er Cards • Caards are assign gned to customers by Horrizon UU Chuurch and purcchased for juust $1 each. SSupporters can reloaad their card and pay for the reloads w with cash, checck, debit, or ccredit cardds at any timee, at any Krogger store, forr any amoount up to $5500 at Custtomer Servicce or $1000 by cashiers. • Reeloads have too be a sepaarate transacttion from m use. Cardss with $0 balaance are deleeted from thee systeem after 90 ddays and cann not be reactivvated. A new w cardd will have to be assigned and purchassed from Hori rizon for $1. • Caard is accepteed in all Krogger stores andd its affiliatess throoughout the U US. It can bee sent to fam mily and friends out- of-state and still benefits Horizon, as long as the cardd is reloaded aand used. K Keep track off your card balannce: At the bbottom of yo our last receip pt, call 866822--6252 or on-lline using thee PIN on thee back of thee cardd. • Reeload and usee often! Horrizon earns a 5% rebate on yourr purchases! BONUS: N Now used onees don’t go in n the ttrash.

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Horizon n Unitaria an Univerrsalist Ch hurch 1641 W. Heb bron Parkwa ay • Carrolltton, TX • 75 5010-6334 tel: (972) 492-49 940 • fax: (9 972) 394-05 570 htttp://www.ho orizonuu.orgg • facebook:: Horizon UU U • twitter: hhorizonuu • im m: horizonuuu submissio ons by 12 Noon N each Wednesday. W to: the_wee ek@horizonu

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