5/19 The Week @ Horizon UU

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th he_ _wee ek@ @ho rizo onuu u a pu ublication off horizon un nitarian univversalist chu urch

horizo on unitarian universalist church • 16 641 w. hebro n pkwy. • ca arrollton, tx • 75010 633 34 t: 972 2 492 4940 • f: 972 394 4 05 • email : the_week@ @horizonuu.orrg


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Fro om our Interrn Minister Lysssa Jenkens * internministter@horizon nuu.org

Horizo on is… …

Thee first year off my two‐year internship p at Horizon n ends this m month. It hass been an amaazing time o of learning an nd doing. It has, also, be een my first deep experience with aa con ngregation otther than my home church so I want to share w with you threee defining quaalities I have noticed abo out Horizon. Horrizon is heealthy. Horrizon is a com mmunity thaat invests in ggood organiizational heaalth. Healthyy com mmunity is built into the systems here at every level I have eencountered d! My first experie ence of this aattribute occcurred at the e beginning of my time with the con ngregation, d during the ns about our r covenants w with each otther, being in right June 2012 Boarrd retreat. TThere, I heard discussion bout the imp portance of d direct and re espectful com mmunications. I was im mpressed. relaationship, ab I waas even more impressed d when I arrived on camp pus in Septeember and heard the sam me conversaations amo ong staff and d in other m meetings arou und the church. Right reelationship, right speech h, covenantaal relaationships. TThe commitm ment to a he ealthy organ nization is coonsistent and d it is real. Horrizon is carring. Horizon has a repputation as aa very welcooming and caaring congreegation. Youu live up to thatt reputation and then so ome. Likee organizatio onal health, caring comm munity is wo oven throughh every aspeect of the congregation aand at very sophisticated le evels. I have e never seen a better sysstem for wellcoming visittors in any o organization,, anywhere. And d, the multi‐layered systems for pasttoral care, frrom neighboorhoods to SSunday worsship and smaall groups, weaaves a safetyy net that caatches as maany people as possible inn a church off this size. Horrizon is da aring. This ccommunity iis not afraid to play outsside the linees. Whether it is makingg room in the sanctuary to o dance with h Big Bad Gina or creatin ng a unique support gro oup for peop ple with earlyy stage dem mentia, Horizzon is there.. How wever, as a sstudent of organizationaal change, I ssee the darinng spirit of H Horizon mostt clearly in the way this con ngregation em mbraces chaange. This quality has se erved Horizoon well sincee its inceptio on as a smalll start‐up justt 27 years aggo. I have no o doubt the same spirit w will carry Hoorizon from sstrength‐to‐‐strength during the min nisterial transitions aheaad. erfect. But, tthese three attributes im mbue this co ongregation with a very Likee any organizzation, Horizzon is not pe partticular kind o of delightfull resilience. I am so gratteful to be h ere for two years ratherr than just one, especially durin ng such excitting times. I will be out of ttown much o of this summ mer: General Assembly i n June, classses in July, p playcation in August. But, I cannot stay away the whole summer! I will b be on campuus occasionaally to work o on a few onggoing projjects, such aas Candle Ligghters and Sttrategic Plan nning. And, I will preach h on July 28.

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Thaank you all fo or being a te eaching church. Our movvement neeeds the lesso ons Horizon o offers. And,, thank you for allowing me e to become part of this delightful, rresilient com mmunity thiss year. I am so glad I gett to con ntinue this jo ourney with yyou next yeaar! _____________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________________________________________________

CH HOIR CONCERTT Sttanley Moody M and a the Horizon H n Choir aand Orcchestra

Sun nday May M 19th at 10:300 AM

We have prepared a wonde erful concertt this spring that featurees a string qu uartet and p piano and ou ur talented cho oir in a mode ern/ancient w work by Ola Gjielo. The text is a myystical poem by St. John of the Crosss. The two worrks are Dark Night of the e Soul and Lu uminous Nigght of the Sooul. There w will also be a dancer!! Yees, a dan ncer, bringingg another diimension to this fine and d hypnotizinng work. Aftter the conceert, our Conggregational meeeting will takke place. Ple ease don’t m miss this!

Horrizon's choir, under the d direction of SStanley Moody accompaanied by Carm men Doubra ava and strin ng quartet, willl perform thiis St. John off the Cross (1 1542 ‐ 1592)) poem, set tto music in 22010 by Norw wegian comp poser Ola Gjeiilo. Bring a ffriend, it willl be special! Thiss Sunday, M May 19th at 1 10:30am.

th he_week@ @horizonuu v05.1 19.13 page 4 of 20 the e_week@ @horizon v05.13.1 12page 4 of 20 SPECIAL N S NOTICE: TTO ALL MEMBERS,, FRIENDSS and VISSITORS:

Annual Congre egational Me eeting

May 19, 20013 Sand ders Haall 12 2:30 PM M to 2:00 PM M Lunch will be provvided by thee Coming of A Age studentts and paren nts for a do onation to th heir Boston P Pilgrimage ffund Child caree will be proovided

You will hearr: The latest reports o on our mem mbership aand pledgee campaign n from the co‐chairs of our Membershi M p Committtee and ou ur Finance and Stewaardship Committee A A recap an nd any new w informatiion about o our transittion timelin ne through h the next 4 years The latest n T news abou ut our finan ncial picturre from ou ur Board Trreasurer Exciting news aboutt welcomin ng Horizon’s new Direector of Liffespan Relligious Edu ucation Prresentation ns from ou ur Senior M Minister, Accting Direcctor of Religious Educcation, Coo ordinator of Lay Ministry, C Committee e on Ministry, and Prresident off the Board d of Trusteees!

Come take C e part in the busin ness of Horizon! Vo oting members will e elect our ne ext Board o of Trusteess and Nom minating Co ommittee m members V Voting mem mbers will b be called o on to appro ove the 20013‐2014 fiiscal budgeet proposeed by the Board d of Trusteees M May Congregationall Meeting p packet con ntaining th he agenda,, the samp ple ballot, a letter fro om your Prresident, the proposed budgett and other informattion you neeed to kno ow was e‐ mailed to you receently.

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AN Note fro om the Director D of Lifesspan Re eligious E Educatio on by LLauren Daniell * dre@horizzonuu.org

now more about the diffferent aspeccts of Horizo on and I haave enjoyed getting to kn Reliigious Educaation this we eek. Besidess attending m my first boarrd of trusteees meeting, II had d the pleasurre of meeting with our h hard‐workingg Adult Religgious Exploraation lead ders, Kay and Kent Darw win. Meetingg with the Darwins reminded me of how we, as Unitarian Unive ersalists, are life‐long leaarners. UUs aare naturallyy very curiou us about thee worrld and bringg their formiidable intelle ect to bear o on many of ssociety’s mo ost difficult social and ethiccal problemss. Our Adult Religious Exxploration p rograms on Sunday morrnings regulaarly deal witth such topiccs. If you haaven’t ever aattended ARE or haven’tt beeen in a while, I urge you tto come by at 9am Sund days to sampple the excellent Lauren Daniell Photo ccredit: NTAUUS programming K Kay and Kentt have arrangged to keep our minds aand faith gro owing. Reccent past spe eakers have included our own Lyssa Jenkens andd Aly Tharp. In June, NTU UUC’s Executive Director, Daniel Polk, will be sto opping by too discuss thee many facets of church growth. Speeakers are always needed. If you havve an idea fo or a topic or want to be aa presenter,, email are@ @horizonuu u.org. On the other en nd of the leaarning spectrrum, children’s and youtth RE will so oon be concluding their rregular chu urch year classes and are e beginning tto look aheaad to the sum mmer. Below w you will find informattion and datees for our su ummer classses and even nts for our yo ounger learnners. Yours in Faith,

Laur ren

mer RE classses for ch hildren begginning Jun ne 9th Vollunteers needed to sstaff Summ Volu unteers will be needed tthroughout the summerr to lead thee children’s ssummer RE cclasses. Each session invo olves a storyy and a fun craft project.. Please lookk for the signnup sheet in n the Taste o of Horizon Area. Classses begin in n just a few w weeks!

Item ms needed d for Children’s Summer RE or art projects this summ mer. Please bring to chu urch and place in the Thee following craft items arre needed fo collection boxes in the lobb by. Thanks sso much for yyour donatioons. ‐16 oz o or larger cleaar plastic botttles with caps ‐Cardbo oard tubes frrom paper to owel rolls or wrapping ppaper ‐Scraps of fabric

Upcoming da ates for Ch hildren’s an nd Youth R Religious EEducation June 2nd: Comiing of Age se ervice/ last d day of regulaar RE June 9th: Summ mer RE begin ns for studen nts in PreK tthrough risinng 6th gradee (rising 7‐8 ggraders mayy assist) June 11‐16th: C COA trip to B Boston June 23rd: Bridging Ceremo ony with recception to fo ollow in felloowship hall

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June 30th: Sum mmer RE for rrising 9th‐12 2th graders b begins. Studdents who atttended YRU UU in 2012‐1 13 may also atteend. Julyy 7: No RE fo or children or youth __________ ___________ ___________ ___________________________________________________ ______________

Layy Ministrry Newss by Marianna Seato on, Director o of Lay Ministrry * dlm@horrizonuu.org

or of Lo ove Labo To h have producctive work that is perforrmed volunttarily, witho out materiall reward or ccompensatio on is said to b be a labor off love. This regard for some person n, or for the work itself w without exp pectation off reward is ofteen times tha at “somethin ng else” thatt we are loo oking for in aa faith comm munity. To w work for som mething thatt we want to o lift up and d promote because our heart is exp panded for itt, is an act o of love; I thin nk it is part of w what makes us human a and eager to o live in peacce and harm mony with on ne another in a covenan nt of resp pect and com mpassion. Theere are manyy members aat Horizon w who offer the eir services aand kindnessses for the b betterment o of our com mmunity. Ob bserve the p people who o organize ourr Sunday lunnch bunch an nd pot lucks,, our religiou us edu ucation teach hers, choir m members, sm mall group le eaders (manyy who do ou utreach to th he community), grounds and fin nance stewards, social ju ustice advocates, and maany more. W We would no ot be the kin nd of welcoming and full service church that we intend to be withouut the genero ous hearts aand labors off love that are evident at H Horizon each h week. My thanks go out to all the volunteers who put theeir faith into action and actiively partake e in the nurturing of Unitarian Unive ersalism. Wiill you join m me and thank someone yyou notice offeering his or h her labor of love? In this spirit of tthe love and d compassion n that we re espectfully shhare with on ne another in our church h com mmunity, ple ease join me in expressin ng continued d well wishees to Marty W Wertheim, A Anita Thurm mond, Bruce McC Clung, Gordon Roe, Nan ncy Yank, Te era Whitten,, Rosie Stolffi, Wendy Su ue, Kirby Lorrig, Leland M Mebine, Rob bert Habib, R Roy Fee, and d Marga Gorrdon who haave been ch allenged witth illness. Eaach of them app preciates carrds, phone caalls, and you ur well wishe es. As aalways, we h hold dear tho ose strugglin ng to balance the care of their families with the care of theiir parents, those looking fo or sustainable employment, the forggotten or abbused, and th hose who arre bearing th heir burdens in silen nce. Ourr Pastoral Caaregivers wo ork with the Minister, the e Director off Lay Ministrry and the N Neighborhoo od Groups in a sp pirit of coope eration to ch herish and caare for the m members of our congreggation. If yo ou or your loved ones are in need of aa sympathetic ear, the Pastoral Care egivers are avvailable. Caall Rev. Denn nis Hamilton n at 972‐ 9‐8187, or M Marianna Sea aton, Directo or of Lay Ministry at 9722‐743‐1599 or e‐mail dh hamilton@u uuma.org 519 or d dlm@horizo onuu.org.

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AR RTIST ON O THE HOR RIZON: Toni W Wengle er Ma ay 12 – Jun ne 16, 2013

Exxpressing herrself creativeely has been n a passion hout her lifettime. As a of Toni Wengler’s through nd sewed clo othes for a teeenager, she designed an ch ildren’s bou utique. As an n adult, she has created offf loom weavvings, and haas owned an nd operated a ccompany speecializing in commerciall and ressidential Interior Design n. While livin ng in Auustralia, she published a cookbook eentitled, “B Best of Both W World.” “D During my traavels around d the world, I use my ca mera to cap pture places and events. Never did one day in 20 006 I would be using I eexpect that o theese photogrraphs to creaate a sketchbook of ideeas from wh hich paintinggs would be created. I coontinue to paaint that which gives lifee special pe that otheers will feel meeaning to me, in the hop touched by the beauty of what I see.”” Helen Keeller said, “Th he best and most beautiful things in the world caannot be seeen or even touched. his is what Thhey must be felt with thee heart.” Th Tooni hopes to achieve with her art. Heer friend and d portrait arttist, Doris Baarks, said of Ton ni’s work “Yo ou have an e eye for detail, intuitive use of line annd design in yyour compo osition, as weell as gorggeous color,, which givess great claritty to your higghly individuualistic and rrefreshing artwork. You ur art is a loveely addition in any décorr; office or h home. It is a pleasure tto exhibit To oni’s work. R Regular art sshows in ourr sanctuary aare a way to o reach out to the local mmunity of aartists who vvisually reflect the spirit of our churcch. We in reeturn, reflectt back to thee com com mmunity the spirit of ourr faith. Horrizon receive es twenty pe ercent of eacch sold piece e of art. To ppurchase an n artwork, make paymen nt at the chu urch office (b be sure to make notation n about the piece of art you are buyying) and maark the card below the piecce of art “SO OLD”. Horizo on Art Coord dinators, Lind da Alred, Nikkki Henderso on and Mariianna Seaton n are happy to aassist you.

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A Specia al Volu unteer Opportunity for Ho orizon M Membe ers My name is T.J. Treece, the e son of Alan n and Cindy TTreece, and after being aa Boy Scout for the majo ority of my life,, I finally havve the chancce to become e an Eagle Sccout. Becom ming an Eaglee Scout is a h huge honor,, and a goal thatt every Scou ut aims to acchieve. Beforre reaching EEagle, every Scout mustt make an im mpact in society by orgaanizing a spe ecial projectt, so I decide ed to supporrt our churchh, Horizon Unitarian Universalist Chu urch, by com mpleting elem ments of the e unfinished meditation garden. Afteerward, I ho ope that the garden’s freesh app pearance will spark more e interest in its final com mpletion. You u can be a grreat help to u us by comingg to the gard den on Satu rday, June 11st from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.. and help ping me and d the volunte eers as we plant the tree es and arrannge the furnishings. If yo ou would likee to volu unteer to he elp us out, please email m me so we wiill have you in our countt for lunch at tjtreece8@ @gmail.com and d don’t hesitate to ask an ny questionss you may haave. Thiss project hass been appro oved by the H Horizon Gard den Committtee and the Board of Trustees.

Ph hoto off the Week: W

Horrizon Senior Group enjoyyed their lun nch and convversation at the library tthis Tuesdayy.

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What’s W Going G On O At Ho orizon?? unday Ma ay 19 Su 9:000 AM - 10:000 AM Youngg Adult Coup ples Chalice Circle C - P2 - C Couch 9:000 AM - 10:155 AM Adult Religious R Exxplorations - E3 E - Library 9:000 AM - 12:000 PM CAYRE E - Child Caare - S1 - Nurrsery 10:115 AM - 12:330 PM Librarry Ministry - Open for Brrowsing - E33 - Library 10:330 AM - 12:000 PM Main n Worship - SH - Sanc. – CHOIR C CONCERT T 10:330 AM - 12:330 PM SIGN N-UP TABLE E FOR WAL LK BENEFIITING GEN NESIS WOM MEN'S SHEL LTER 12:115 PM - 2:000 PM Spring Congregation nal Meeting - KI - Kitch,, SH - Sanc.

onday May 20 Mo 10:330 AM - 12:330 PM Wingss Chalice Cirrcle - E3 - Lib brary, KI - K Kitch, S1 - Nuursery 6:000 PM - 7:00 PM P Yoga - P1 P - Lg 6:000 PM - 8:00 PM P SMART Recovery - FH F - Fellowsship Hall

Tu uesday May M 21 7:000 PM - 9:00 PM P Buddhist Sangha - P11 - Lg, P2 - Couch C 7:300 PM - 9:00 PM P Tuesday Wisdom Cirrcle - E3 – Liibrary

We ednesda ay May 22 2 10:000 AM - 3:000 PM Libraryy Ministry - E3 E – Library

Th hursday May M 23 5:455 PM - 7:00 PM P Restorative Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:000 PM - 7:15 PM P Worship p Arts Comm mittee Meeting - MO - Miinister's Officce

Friday May y 24 10:000 AM - 2:000 PM Candleelighters - FH H - Fellowship Hall, KI – Kitch

aturday May M 25 Sa 8:000 AM - 10:000 AM Men's Support Gro oup - E3 - Library 2:300 PM - 4:30 PM P Senior Women's W Chaalice Circle - E3 – Libraryy

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NEXT WEEK Sunday May 26 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Sunday Morning Journey Group - P2 - Couch 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Adult Religious Explorations - E3 - Library 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CAYRE - Child Care - S1 - Nursery 10:15 AM - 12:30 PM Library Ministry - Open for Browsing - E3 - Library 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Main Worship - SH - Sanc. 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM SIGN-UP TABLE FOR WALK BENEFITING GENESIS WOMEN'S SHELTER 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM After Church Lunch Bunch -- All Are Welcome! - Other - Offsite 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Artist Reception - SH - Sanc.

Monday May 27 Memorial Day 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM SMART Recovery - FH - Fellowship Hall 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Membership Committee - E3 – Library

Tuesday May 28 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Horizon Book Club - E3 - Library 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Buddhist Sangha - P1 - Lg, P2 - Couch 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Tuesday Wisdom Circle - E3 – Library

Wednesday May 29 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Library Ministry - E3 - Library 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM WFIG 5th Wednesday Fun - E3 – Library

Thursday May 30 5:45 PM - 7:00 PM Restorative Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM Worship Arts Committee Meeting - MO - Minister's Office 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Wellspring 2012/2013 - P2 – Couch

Friday May 31 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Candlelighters - FH - Fellowship Hall, KI - Kitch 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM FREE MOVIE NIGHT!!! - SH - Sanc.

Saturday June 1 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Men's Support Group - E3 - Library 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Eagle Scout Project Orientation - FH - Fellowship Hall 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Eagle Scout Project Lunch to Feed Volunteers - E3 - Library 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM COA service Prep - FH - Fellowship Hall, KI - Kitch, SH - Sanc. 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM UDV - Church Rental - E3 - Library, FH - Fellowship Hall, KI - Kitch, RL - Lobby / Narthex, S5 - Class, S6 – Class

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Sh hare th he Pla ate for Sund day Ma ay 19, 2013 3

Horizon has a collection n for non-p profit orgaanizations once a mo onth durin ng our worship servvice. This month's collection c plate is fo or Senior A Adult Serviices.

Seniorr Adult Serv vices is a non‐profit orgganization ccommitted tto caring forr seniors as they face eiither short o or long teerm changees in abilities caused by y illness or aage. Supporttive servicees such as ho ome deliverred meals, home modificatio ons and tran nsportation help seniorrs live indep pendently. C Caregivers of seniors rreceive inform mation, educcation, conssultations an nd support to enhance their abilityy to meet th he needs of aaging loved ones. O Our organizzation is sm mall in staff, b but big in vo olunteerism m. Each yearr over 400 vvolunteers aare involved d in the provision o of services. T The cities off Addison, C Carrollton, C Coppell and Farmers Brranch contrract with Seniorr Adult Serv vices to ensu ure that sen nior residents have the assistance tthey need. A Additional ssupport comess from Uniteed Way of M Metropolitan n Dallas and d contributioons from in ndividuals, b businesses, cclubs and church hes in the co ommunity.

· O Our Missiion Our m mission is to improve th he lives of seeniors and ccaregivers w when they faace the challlenges of agging. We believve that we caan have the greatest im mpact by giv ving seniors more choicces and enhancing theirr indepeendence, by y supporting g family carregivers and d by involvin ng the comm munity in th he delivery o of services.

· O Our Value es We Vaalue Choicess ‐ Because each seniorr has uniquee needs, wheen they neeed assistance, they shou uld be able tto evaluaate and choo ose from a v variety of op ptions. We Vaalue Dignity y ‐ Older peo ople can and d should usee the wisdom of a lifetiime to makee their own decisions. Their independen nce should b be encouragged and their preferencces respecteed.

We Vaalue Family ‐ Because seniors rely on family caaregivers w when they neeed help, caaregivers an nd older familyy members b both benefitt from care giving inforrmation and d education n. We Vaalue Commu unity ‐ When n governmeent, businesss, civic orgaanizations aand individu uals all work k together, we can n improve tthe lives of o our senior n neighbours. 1) All u undesignated d cash (not in n envelope w with instructiions) will go to Share thee Plate. d toward thee donations ffor that day. 2) Checks MUST bee designated Share‐The‐P Plate or STP tto be counted 3) Und designated ch hecks withou ut instruction ns are assum med to be don nations to thee church or tto fulfill pledgges. 4) Thiis is our Horiizon's primarry source of ffunds for outtreach into th he world.

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Serve Humanity ‐ Giive Blood!

The Ca arter Bloo odcare Blloodmob bile will be at Horizon Sundayy, May 19th from 99:30 to 122:30. Se ee Paul Nelso on to sign up p for a donaation time. TThank you! pnelson114@gmail..com

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Cele ebrate with H Horizo on: Order flo O owers ‐ ccontact PPam Sch human flowers@ @horizon nuu.org

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Sp pecial Group ps

If yo ou are consid dering atten nding one of these grou ups for the ffirst time, it is a good id dea to conta act them m via email for f more infformation an nd to get an n orientation n of what to o expect in yyour first visit! Thanks! NEW BEGINNIN NGS A Challice Circle Exploring E th he Seven P Principles off Unitarian Universalissm nd longer-term attendees who are makking any kindd of new starrt in their livees For neewcomers an WHEN N: Sundays 12:15 1 – 1:45 5 pm * DATTE TO BE AN NNOUNCED WHER RE: Porrtable – cou uch room * You’re invited to bring a sack luncch. *Join us any Sundayy. Facilita ated by Marianna Seaton n, Director of Lay Ministryy. For more iinformation e e-mail dlm@horizonuu.orrg. .

CUR RIOUS ABO OUT SCHE EDULE? Yo ou can chec ck the calen ndar at http://calendar..horizonuu.org/ Horizon Bo ook Group: 4th Tuesdays 12p. (bookcclub@horizzonuu.org ) The Horizo on Book Gro oup meets at 12 Noon onn the fourth T Tuesday of each month in n the church Library. Eveery June and November tthe group deecides on the books for th he following siix months. Bring B a brow wn bag lunch and join in tthis fun group p that is open n to women and a men. You’ll be able too share in ann invigoratingg conversatio on on the session’s bo ook. Current selections arre found in thhe Library in nformation n niche in the lobby/narth hex. For morre info, you m may contact bookclub@h horizonuu.orrg . Buddh hist Sangha: Tuesdays 7 PM -9:00 PM M. (buddhis sts@horizo onuu.org ) Buddh hist Sangha (""Sangha" is equivalent e to a covenant group) g is a w weekly gatheriing that studies the Dharm ma (the teachiings of Budd dhism.) This is an ongoingg explorationn of the Fourr Noble Trutths and the Eigght Fold Path h, the essentiial teachings of Buddhism m. It is particcipatory and although consisttency is enco ouraged, sessiions can be attended a on a drop in bassis. We welcome anyone interessted in a med ditation practiice. If you wish w to come for an orienntation, pleasee arrive by 6:30. If you wiish to view materials, m e-m mail Dennis Hamilton H at srminister@hhorizonuu.orrg or call 972-5298187. Y You may also o contact bud ddhists@horrizonuu.org . The U UU Christian n Chalice Circle C (uuchristians@horizonuu.o rg ) The UU Christian Chalice C Circlle provides a forum for enriching ourr spiritual livees through peersonal discovery of the heeart, meaningg, and traditio on of Christiaanity. We gatther monthlyy on the 1st SSunday at 9AM M in the libraary for discusssion, fellowsship, and exp ploration. Alll those seeking to connecct (or re-connect) to the beauty b and wisdom w of Ch hristianity aree welcome too attend. Em mail uuchristians@horizzonuu.org

The T CineMa at Group (cinemat@ho orizonuu.orrg ) The T CineMat group will be meeting on n the 4th Satuurday every m month. And it’s now a Ch halice Circle!!. Th his Chalice Ciircle gets toggether to see a movie and then goes too a coffee sho op or restaurrant to discusss and comment c on it in a friend dly circle overr a cup of cooffee or drinkk. People sho ould call Megg Reed or Margaa Gordon forr more info, or o email cineemat@horizoonuu.org. Craft & Chat Cha alice Circle (craftandch hat@horizo onuu.org )

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The Craft and Chat Chalice Circle is an opportunity to share your favorite crafting skills or learn a new one from somebody else, in a warm circle of fellowship! Contact Marga Gordon or Dale Gaskill at craftandchat@horizonuu.org . The C & C Chalice Circle meets 2nd and 4th Sundays from 1:30p

Earth Centered Spirituality Chalice Circle (earth-centereduu@horizonuu.org ) The Earth-Centered Spirituality Chalice Circle is a social/support group for people who are interested in, or already know they are following, an Earth-centered spiritual path. They meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 2:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall at Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church. We love visitors, so please, come check us out! They also co-host the monthly Free Movie Night on the last Friday of each month. For questions or more information, e-mail earth_centereduu@horizonuu.org. GAMERS: 3rd FRIDAY FUN AT HORIZON! (3rdfridaygames@horizonuu.org ) Come join us for adult level games on the 3rd Friday of every month. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Bring a snack or drink to share.! Healthy Women Chalice Circle (healthywomen@horizonuu.org ) A woman’s support group to help achieve their goals of health and fitness. Sharing of ideas and experiences in nutrition, weight loss, exercise and stress management. Men’s Saturday Support Group (mensgroup@horizonuu.org ) A men’s support group that includes a check-in and informal discussion of men’s issues regarding family, health, workplace, and relationships. Starts at 8AM The 2nd Tuesday Potluck Chalice Circle (secondtuesday@horizonuu.org ) This group meets for food, fellowship, and deepening friendships. They meet in the library 2nd Tuesday of most months at 12 noon. Occasionally we take a field trip instead of having a potluck lunch. Tuesday Wisdom Circle (tuesdaywisdom@horizonuu.org ) A chalice circle that offers a check-in and discussion of a weekly life issue topic selected by a group member. Parents – Forget Red Bull, WE’LL give you Wings! (every other Mon, 9a) (mondaywings@horizonuu.org )

WINGS Chalice Circle is a fun and friendly group whose purpose is to support the person within each parent by creating friendships and nurturing our intellect and creativity. Each meeting begins with a check-in, and while we listen to each other's stories, we eat breakfast. Then we move on to our topic or event. Popular past topics include Parenting UU Style, Book Swaps and Movie Days.. Child care is provided. For more information, email Mondaywings@horizonuu.org or call Sandy Morris at 214-952-2243. Women Alive 55+ (womenalive@horizonuu.org ) - Women Alive 55+ has very recently been renamed “Senior Women’s Chalice Circle”. The group meets on the second and fourth Saturday of each month in the Horizon Library. WFIG WELCOMES WOMEN! (wfig@horizonuu.org) The WFIG (Women's Friendship in Growth) Chalice Circle is a covenant group dedicated to deepening friendships among and providing support for women of all ages. We meet on the first & third Wed. of each month at 7:30 p.m. Whether you are a new visitor to our group, a returning member, or someone who has been thinking about joining us for some time, we would love to have you. Just email us or call Nancy Foreman at 972-965-0940 or Sarah Roye at 214-228-3397.

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Adu ult Religiouss Exploratio ons

contact are@horrizonuu.orgg * Sundayys 9 - 10 am m Horizon L Library

M May 19, 2013 2

Labor: The T Practicee of Creation n. Forum: F Facilitated b by John Myeers. Using th he Chalice Circle C moel ffor interactiive learning John will leead a discussio on of Horizon’s theme subject of tthe month.

M May 26, 2013 2

Elizabetth Gustwick k will facilitaate the classs on the theo ory presenteed in the book k "God is no ot One", byy Stephen Prrothero. Hiss reasoning of why the differences of the world d religions m matter. Theere will be an n opportun nity for disccussion on h his ideas.

B Buddhist Saanga T Tuesday evenings w weekly 7:00-9:00 pm P Portable, Rm m8

Buddhisst Sangha. Facilitated F by Senior Minister, the Revv. Dennis Hamilton n. This is an ongoing o expploration of the Four No oble Truths aand the Eight Folld Path, the essential e teacching of Budddhism. Rev. Hamilton’s eemail contact: DHamilton@ D @uuma.org , in case of chhanges.

And… Alw ways check th he weekly new wsletter for sshort profiless on classes aand latebreaking an nnouncementts. If you em mail are@horrizonuu.org you will get a quick response from one of th he committeee chairs – Kaay Darwin, K Kent Darwin n, or Charlees Frugé.

After Ch hurch Lunch h Loca ations mbers welcoome! Direections are available aat the Wellcome Center. Visitorrs and mem When we go to a restaurannt, we meett there appproximately ly 20 minuttes after thhe servicee ends. Firrst ones theere please gget a table ffor 10+ unnder the naame “Horizzon”. *************** ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* * May 19th: Congregational Meeting & Lunch h: 12:30 – 2:00 p.m m. Memb bers, friends, and visito ors welcom me. Child dcare prov vided. Co ome take p part in the e businesss of Horizzon, hear the la atest news s about our church, and help p elect ne ew officerss for the ccoming year.  an Thai Re estaurant: 297 W. Round G Grove Rd., Lewisville, TX 750 067. Good May 26th: Baa s re easonable e prices. $  food, friendly servers,

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Gen nesis Fun F Ru un * Siggn up thhis Sundday! *

Specific informa ation to Horizon:     

Run/Walk Date: June 8, 2013 mation and ssign‐up table e in the Horizzon Fellowsh hip Hall on SSundays Mayy 19, 26, and d There will be an inform June 2 Participantts can also siign‐up online We will kee ep a list folks from Horizzon who havve signed upp to facilitatee carpooling and meeting there Although this is adverttised as a “ru un”, most pe eople from H Horizon will be walking

The lin nk with gene eral info is: http://www w.genesisshelter.org/fu unrun.

____________ _________ ________ ________ _________________________________________ _ SHOP TO SUP PPORT TH HE CHUR RCH

Reloadab ble Kroger Fu undraisser Carrds • Card ds are assigned to custom mers by Horizon UU Chu urch and purrchased for jjust $1 each. Supporters can reload ttheir card an nd pay for th he reloads w with cash, cheeck, debit, or credit carrds at any tim me, at any K Kroger store,, for any am ount up to $$500 at Custom mer Service or $100 by ccashiers. on from use. Cards withh $0 balancee are • Reloads have to be a separate transactio d cannot be reactivated. A new carrd will have tto be assigneed and deleteed from the ssystem afterr 90 days and purchaased from Horizon for $1. • Card d is accepted d in all Kroge er stores and d its affiliatess throughou t the US. It can be sent to family an nd friends ou ut‐ of‐statte and still benefits Horizon, as long as the card is reloaded and used. KKeep track o of your card b balance: At the bo ottom of you ur last receip pt, call 866‐8 822‐6252 or on‐line usingg the PIN on n the back off the card. • Reload and use o often! Horizzon earns a 5 5% rebate on your purchhases! BONUS: Now useed ones don n’t go in the trash.

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