7/28/13 The Week at Horizon

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the_week@horizonuu a publication of horizon unitarian universalist church horizon unitarian universalist church • 1641 w. hebron pkwy. • carrollton, tx • 75010 6334 t: 972 492 4940 • f: 972 394 05 • email: the_week@horizonuu.org


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Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church

FUTURE SUNDAYS Horizon encourages you to attend weekly worship here within your community, on Sundays at 10:30AM

July 28, 2013 at 10:30 AM

“Why Pray� - Lyssa Jenkens Our Intern Minister Lyssa Jenkens returns from her summer travels, but only for one Sunday. Come say hello to her and catch up on her adventures. On Sunday, July 28th, Lyssa will discuss three reasons for prayer: wow, bow, now.

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President’s Corner * By Bruce McClung * president@horizonuu.org

President’s Report: July, 2013 The Board of Trustees has completed the first month of Horizon’s FY 213 – 2014 Fiscal Year. A few comments follow: A Horizon member questioned the Board’s commitment to Social Justice. Following are Horizon’s Covenantal Goals, posted and repeated on the Board Agenda for each meeting. These Covenantal Goals are part of the overall driving force of the Board of Trustees.  Promote a culture of hospitality, generosity, gratitude, creativity, and celebration  Nurture spiritual growth and learning for all members  Maintain a strong social outreach program  Strengthen and formalize support and communication systems for all church ministries  Offer a liberal religious home that advances the growth of our Horizon community and Unitarian Universalism The Board further works to achieve Horizon’s 2013 – 2014 Church Goals, as established by The Committee on Ministry (“COM”). Here is a brief summary of July, 2013 actions in support of Church Goals: Prepare Horizon for an informed, intentional ministerial transition  Elizabeth Gustwick previously prepared a Ministerial Transition timeline with action points and associated dates. Elizabeth continues to research, update, and monitor Horizon requirements supporting Dennis’ retirement, acquisition of an Interim minister, and followed by the processes of acquiring our “called minister”. Finalize our congregational-driven Strategic Plan  Dennis continues crafting the Plan Introduction, and Overview. Detail work is scheduled to re-start at 2:00 PM, Wednesday, September 4th (co-incident with Lyssa Jenkens return from summer vacation.) Use available media to more effectively communicate our efforts and opportunities, both internally & externally  New Facebook Social Media Policy and Managers Guide. Completed by Marianna Seaton and David Turner, approved by Board in 7/8/13 meeting, and included in Official Board Policies.  Horizon Website: Contract executed with previous contractor “Solid Ideas”, for the re-design and updating of our Website. Horizon Administrator Mira DeShazer will function as Horizon’s “Single Point of Contact” with Solid Ideas. Lauren Daniell has also committed her time and talent to this effort. We anticipate the re-design and update to be completed this summer.  Wayside Pulpit: Proposals received to upgrade to Electronic Signage. Meeting scheduled July 23rd to review Proposals with Provider. Formalize Leadership Development across church ministries  Sandy Steele and Dennis Hamilton have prepared and scheduled a “Leadership Development” Retreat on Saturday, August 17th. Engage entire congregation in lifespan religious education  Lauren Daniell, DLRE is “on-board” and has produced summer and fall programs for our children and youth.  Kent and Kay Darwin are co-chairing Adult Religious Education, and have instituted a series of exciting and interesting Sunday morning programs. Bruce McClung President, Horizon Board of Trustees

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Lay Ministry News * Marianna Seaton * dlm@horizonuu.org

A COVENANT OF LOVE AND COMPASSION It’s so much fun to see the look of disbelief on someone’s face when I explain that Unitarian Universalism is a covenantal religion and that its members have different theological beliefs. For some, it’s an entirely new concept. That people would come together under a church roof and focus on how we act out our faith instead of battling over beliefs is inspirational. I recently got to participate in a yoga retreat with a few colleagues I had lost touch with. It was a joyous reunion. My friend Paula wanted to know all about my church and my job. The last time we had talked she was looking for a spiritual home. She said to me “You love it, don’t you?” Yes, I admitted. Having the opportunity to work on our covenant of love and compassion, being kind when I fail, and rejoicing when we succeed feeds my soul. Even when it’s hard, I love it. Here are a few reasons why. Horizon’s pastoral caregivers, neighborhood group leaders, and members of the Calling Circle work in cooperation to offer caring support and a healing presence to members and friends of Horizon. In addition to being a healing and compassionate presence to our members and visitors, our pastoral care team offers two workshops per year that focus on the health and family issues we find present in our congregation. We have offered workshops that have been open to the community on topics such as Caring for the Caregiver, Befriending Death, Living with Memory Loss, Building Bridges – Faith Communities and Mental Disorders, Quenching Burnout, and The Art of Listening. Our pastoral care team which is comprised of intern minister Lyssa Jenkins, Mary Bittle, Carol Franzen, John Gill, Tinker Goggins, Carol Riddle and I, is currently developing a presentation on the making of Candle Lighters, Horizon’s chalice circle for people in early stages of dementia. Our intention is to help other churches and community organizations start their own programs. This workshop is scheduled for Saturday, September 28th. Horizon’s neighborhoods have one or more leaders for each group. Neighborhood Group Leaders help organize neighborhood members and offer team support when there is a family crisis or emergency. They also welcome new members into our faith community. These groups occasionally engage in social and community support activities as well.

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With your Horizon Access password you can connect with every member in your neighborhood group. If you need help with your password, contact support@horizonuu.org. The Colony/Little Elm/Far North Dallas and the Coppell/Irving Neighborhood Groups are seeking leadership. If you are looking for a simple, feel good volunteer opportunity that would help neighbors in need in one of these neighborhoods, please contact me. In the meantime, I’d like to give thanks to the compassionate leaders who are currently serving neighborhood groups: Betty Andrade, Ellen Bratton, Gay Cox, Beth Ginez, Rebecca Ginez, Marga Gordon, Kimberly Jones, Dianne Kiser, Jon Kiser, Alita Lichtenwalter, Lucy Lockwood, Lynn Schluns, Bunny Summerlin and Anita Thurmond. The Calling Circle is a group of volunteers, trained in the art of listening, who gather on the second Monday of each month to telephone members of the church. We share a dinner together and then make phone calls to members and friends of Horizon. This ministry helps us maintain our covenant of walking life’s path together, and staying aware of what is happening in the lives of the congregation and the life of the church. Please join me in giving thanks to the Calling Circle volunteers: Terri Allison, Gay Cox, Nancy Foreman, Lucy Lockwood, and Anita Thurmond. If you like to talk on the phone and listen with an open heart, the Calling Circle would love for you to join us. Let me know if you’re interested in participating. This commitment to creating and sustaining an environment of love and compassion helps to make us whole and offers us the opportunity to practice staying with what is present and responding from our heart center. I believe this is what Rev. Hamilton is referring to when he says that what we do at Horizon is grow souls. Amen to that! In this spirit of love and compassion, I invite you to hold in your hearts these members who have been experiencing personal struggles: Wendy Sue, Roxanne Cassard, Marian Pearn, Mary Blow’s mother and David Blow’s sister, Roy Fee, Bobbi Myers, Tera Whitten, Nancy Bryant, Marga Gordon, Mary Kay Hamilton, and Ginger and Dutch Uselton. And let us give a huge congregational hug to Adam Solfi and Rosie Huynh-Stolfi’s son Danny, who just came home after two tours of duty in Afghanistan. FYI – I will be on a medical leave of absence beginning Monday, July 29th. I’m receiving cervical spine surgery and will need up to a month to recover. In my absence, the work of pastoral care, neighborhood groups and calling circle will continue under great leadership. Please call the church office, Rev. Dennis Hamilton, or any of the highlighted volunteers listed in this article. I’ll be back in September, healed and eager to continue our work together.

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A Note from the DLRE * By Lauren Daniell * dlre@horizonuu.org

This Sunday in Children’s and Youth Religious Education July 28th Preschool RE: Celebrate NatUUre! Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain This Sunday the preschoolers will listen to the classic tale from Africa, Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain and will make their own rhythmic rain sounds by creating rain sticks.

Children’s RE: Social Action Sunday Students entering Kindergarten - 6th grade in the fall will take a break from their nature curriculum by taking on two social action projects. They will learn about the Water Project and then make collection boxes for the Metrocrest school supply drive. Please send the kids to church with a few coins to contribute to Share the Plate during class on Sunday. Youth RE: Faith of our Neighbors This summer youth in rising 9-12th grade are learning about and visiting neighboring churches. The youth will discuss last week’s visit to the Kadampa Mediation Center and plan their next visit. If possible, the group intends to visit a synagogue during their next outing.

Registration for Teacher Training is now open until August 4th The annual teacher training at the First Unitarian Church of Dallas is now open. Even if you are an experienced teacher, the topics covered at Teacher Training 2013 will be very helpful and will be worth your time. The theme is “Creating a Welcoming and Safe Classroom.” The first part of the day is a presentation by the Rev. Pam Wat about how to make all students feel welcome in our classrooms. Then we will divide up by grade levels and learn how to keep our students safe in mind and body. After lunch we’ll receive a blessing and then meet as a church to plan the school year as a group and then by teams. Here is the important information about Teacher Training 2013: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Date: Saturday, August 17th (free breakfast, lunch and childcare) Time: Approximately 9am-3:30 pm Who? All Horizon Teachers from preschool-12th grade Location: First Unitarian Church of Dallas

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4015 Normandy Avenue Dallas, Texas 75205-1750 (214) 528-3990 5. How? Sign yourself up at http://www.ntuuc.org/TAT-2013.shtml Even if you don’t intend to come to the training, please click on the link and RSVP “NO” so we can create a database of teachers in North Texas.

Announcements: Children’s and Youth RE Social Action Sunday for Children July 28th Children’s Religious Education at Horizon is partnering with Share the Plate and Metrocrest Social Services to involve our children in Social Justice activities this summer. On Sunday, July 28th all children from 6-12 years old are invited to participate in activities that benefit The Water Project and Metrocrest during their regular RE class times. Volunteers representing Share the Plate from Horizon will be educating our students about the importance of clean water and the children will also be decorating collection boxes for Metrocrest for the school supplies donated by Horizon members. Find Horizon on Pinterest! A page just for Horizon families has been created on the popular idea exchange site, Pinterest. Categories include children’s character development, promoting peace, books for families and spiritual practices. Please see http://pinterest.com/horizonuu/ to access the boards. Volunteers still needed to staff Summer RE classes for children Volunteers will be needed throughout the summer to lead the children’s summer RE classes. Each session involves a story and a fun craft project. Please look for the signup sheet in the lobby and volunteer for August.

Upcoming dates for Children’s and Youth Religious Education July 28th: Social Action Day for children in rising K-6th grade. Preschoolers and youth have regular classes. July 28-August 11: Bring school supplies for Metrocrest (see article in this newsletter for list of needed items) August 1st: Registration opens for children’s and Youth fall religious education

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August 4th: (note change of date) Deadline for 2013-14 teachers to register for Teacher Training in Dallas August 11th: Last day to donate school supplies for Metrocrest August 24th: Family volunteer opportunity at Metrocrest, 8:45am-1:00pm August 17th (Saturday) Teacher training in Dallas, 9:00am-3:30pm September 8th: Ingathering and Water Day for children September 14th (Saturday): Families can participate in the annual Crop Walk September 15th: Regular RE begins

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Leadership Retreat Coming Soon to Horizon Please put August 17, 9:30 to 3:30 pm on your calendar. We are planning a wonderful leadership retreat for all interested members. We hope to get 30 or so participants. The Board and Committee on Ministry will participate in this session. There is no obligation associated with the retreat, we do hope to encourage everyone to discover your leadership style. It will be packed with information on the coming year, calendar, plans, ministerial transitions, Interim Minister Plans, Strategic Plans, but we have also built in the programs that have made Horizon such a great church. It is the healthy church practices that your leadership has incorporated into their culture that keep us healthy. Come learn about your Myers Briggs style and how you fit into the leadership picture. Lunch will be provided.

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contact: are@horizonuu.org * Sundays 9 - 10 am, Horizon Library July 28, 2013

Explore and discuss parts of various Muslims cultures. Facilitated by Cynthia (Cyn) Talbot, the cultures that are often thought to be part of the religion by many Westerners and yet are actually cultural/regional practices and mores, and only tangentially tied to the religion of Islam. Again the discussion will focus mainly on the religious diversity in North Africa and the Levant area that is the area of expertise of Cyn.

Buddhist Sanga Tuesday evenings weekly 7:00-9:00 pm Portable, Rm 8

Buddhist Sangha. Facilitated by Senior Minister, the Rev. Dennis Hamilton. This is an ongoing exploration of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path, the essential teaching of Buddhism. Rev. Hamilton’s email contact: DHamilton@uuma.org , in case of changes.

And… Always check the weekly newsletter for short profiles on classes and late-breaking announcements. If you email are@horizonuu.org you will get a quick response from one of the committee chairs – Kay Darwin and Kent Darwin.

After Church Lunch Locations - July 2013 Visitors and members welcome! Directions available at the Welcome Center. When we go to a restaurant, we meet there approximately 20 minutes after the service ends. First ones there please get a table for 10+ under the name “Horizon”. July 28th: Indigo Indian Bistro: 500 East Roundgrove Rd., Lewisville, TX 75067. Same location as former Kokila Restaurant. Sunday buffet (one side is vegetarian) and lunch specials. Pleasant atmosphere, good service. Gluten free menu available. $$ 

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What’s Going On At Horizon? Sunday July 28 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Sunday Morning Journey Group - P2 - Couch 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Adult Religious Explorations - E3 - Library 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CAYRE - Child Care - S1 - Nursery 10:15 AM - 12:30 PM Library Ministry - Open for Browsing - E3 - Library 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Main Worship - SH - Sanctuary 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM After Church Lunch Bunch -- All Are Welcome! - Other - Offsite 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Potluck for 2013 GA Attendees & Others Interested in GA - FH - Fellowship Hall, KI

Monday July 29 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM SMART Recovery - FH - Fellowship Hall

Tuesday July 30 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Buddhist Sangha - P1 - Lg, P2 - Couch 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Tuesday Wisdom Circle - E3 – Library

Wednesday July 31 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Library Ministry - E3 - Library 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM WFIG 5th Wednesday Fun - E3 – Library

Thursday Aug 1 5:45 PM - 7:00 PM Restorative Yoga - P1 - Lg 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM Worship Arts Committee Meeting - MO - Minister's Office

Friday Aug 2 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Candlelighters - FH - Fellowship Hall

Saturday Aug 3 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Men's Support Group - E3 - Library 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM HORIZON PLAYERS - AUGUST SHOW REHEARSAL - P1 - Lg, S6 - Class, SH. 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM UDV Church Rental

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Horizon Women, Come Celebrate!! It’s the 25th Annual Women’s Retreat! Sept. 27 – 29, 2013 Glen Lake Retreat Center - Glen Rose, TX

Theme: “Embracing a Wholehearted Life with Courage, Compassion, Connection” Horizon’s women members and visitors 21 and older are invited to explore creativity, inspiration, fear, and courage. Be present. Enjoy yourself. Trust that your body remembers what it feels like to play. Connect and gain strength from one another, and walk forward together with compassion. Material for the retreat will be taken from the book The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown. (You are welcome, but certainly not required, to read or purchase the book.)

For questions about the retreat, email womensretreat@horizonuu.org or contact Lisa Krishnan at 214-641-2487. Glen Lakes Retreat is located outside of the small historic town of Glen Rose and about 95 miles SW of Horizon. The Women’s Retreat has used this center for the last several years. It is located on the beautiful Paluxy River, which is great for wading (when we’ve had rain)! There is also a hiking trail and a full gymnasium on the property. We will be staying in three deluxe cabins, which accommodate 18 people (nine bunk beds) very comfortably. Each cabin has a large lighted vanity area and a bathroom with three showers, sinks, and toilets. There are also a limited number of hotel-style rooms, available first-come, first-serve at a higher cost. Carpooling will be organized. Friday check-in begins at 4 p.m., and Sunday check-out is at noon. Cost is $125 per person. There is space for 43 women. REGISTRATION will begin Sun. Aug. 4 and must be received by AUGUST 31st. This is a FIRM DATE!! Unfortunately, no reservations can be accepted after this date since we MUST provide the total number to the retreat center on Sept. 1.

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Special Groups

If you are considering attending one of these groups for the first time, it is a good idea to contact them via email for more information and to get an orientation of what to expect in your first visit! NEW BEGINNINGS A Chalice Circle Exploring the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism For newcomers and longer-term attendees who are making any kind of new start in their lives WHEN: Sundays 12:15 – 1:45 pm * DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED WHERE: Portable – couch room * You’re invited to bring a sack lunch. *Join us any Sunday. Facilitated by Marianna Seaton, Director of Lay Ministry. For more information e-mail dlm@horizonuu.org. .

CURIOUS ABOUT SCHEDULE? You can check the calendar at http://calendar.horizonuu.org/ Horizon Book Group: 4th Tuesdays 12p. (bookclub@horizonuu.org ) The Horizon Book Group meets at 12 Noon on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the church Library. Every June and November the group decides on the books for the following six months. Bring a brown bag lunch and join in this fun group that is open to women and men. You’ll be able to share in an invigorating conversation on the session’s book. Current selections are found in the Library information niche in the lobby/narthex. For more info, you may contact bookclub@horizonuu.org . Buddhist Sangha: Tuesdays 7 PM -9:00 PM. (buddhists@horizonuu.org ) Buddhist Sangha ("Sangha" is equivalent to a covenant group) is a weekly gathering that studies the Dharma (the teachings of Buddhism.) This is an ongoing exploration of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path, the essential teachings of Buddhism. It is participatory and although consistency is encouraged, sessions can be attended on a drop in basis. We welcome anyone interested in a meditation practice. If you wish to come for an orientation, please arrive by 6:30. If you wish to view materials, e-mail Dennis Hamilton at srminister@horizonuu.org or call 972-5298187. You may also contact buddhists@horizonuu.org . The UU Christian Chalice Circle (uuchristians@horizonuu.org ) The UU Christian Chalice Circle provides a forum for enriching our spiritual lives through personal discovery of the heart, meaning, and tradition of Christianity. We gather monthly on the 1st Sunday at 9AM in the library for discussion, fellowship, and exploration. All those seeking to connect (or re-connect) to the beauty and wisdom of Christianity are welcome to attend. Email uuchristians@horizonuu.org

The CineMat Group (cinemat@horizonuu.org ) The CineMat group will be meeting on the 4th Saturday every month. And it’s now a Chalice Circle!. This Chalice Circle gets together to see a movie and then goes to a coffee shop or restaurant to discuss and comment on it in a friendly circle over a cup of coffee or drink. People should call Meg Reed or Marga Gordon for more info, or email cinemat@horizonuu.org. Craft & Chat Chalice Circle (craftandchat@horizonuu.org )

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The Craft and Chat Chalice Circle is an opportunity to share your favorite crafting skills or learn a new one from somebody else, in a warm circle of fellowship! Contact Marga Gordon or Dale Gaskill at craftandchat@horizonuu.org . The C & C Chalice Circle meets 2nd and 4th Sundays from 1:30p Earth Centered Spirituality Chalice Circle (earth-centereduu@horizonuu.org ) The Earth-Centered Spirituality Chalice Circle is a social/support group for people who are interested in, or already know they are following, an Earth-centered spiritual path. We love visitors, so please, come check us out! They also cohost the monthly Free Movie Night on the last Friday of each month. For questions or more information, e-mail earth_centereduu@horizonuu.org. GAMERS: 3rd FRIDAY FUN AT HORIZON! (3rdfridaygames@horizonuu.org ) Come join us for adult level games on the 3rd Friday of every month. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Bring a snack or drink to share.! Healthy Women Chalice Circle (healthywomen@horizonuu.org ) A woman’s support group to help achieve their goals of health and fitness. Sharing of ideas and experiences in nutrition, weight loss, exercise and stress management. Men’s Saturday Support Group (mensgroup@horizonuu.org ) A men’s support group that includes a check-in and informal discussion of men’s issues regarding family, health, workplace, and relationships. Starts at 8AM The 2nd Tuesday Potluck Chalice Circle (secondtuesday@horizonuu.org ) This group meets for food, fellowship, and deepening friendships. They meet in the library 2nd Tuesday of most months at 12 noon. Occasionally we take a field trip instead of having a potluck lunch. Tuesday Wisdom Circle (tuesdaywisdom@horizonuu.org ) A chalice circle that offers a check-in and discussion of a weekly life issue topic selected by a group member. Parents – Forget Red Bull, WE’LL give you Wings! (every other Mon, 9a) (mondaywings@horizonuu.org )

WINGS Chalice Circle is a fun and friendly group whose purpose is to support the person within each parent by creating friendships and nurturing our intellect and creativity. Each meeting begins with a check-in, and while we listen to each other's stories, we eat breakfast. Then we move on to our topic or event. Popular past topics include Parenting UU Style, Book Swaps and Movie Days.. Child care is provided. For more information, email Mondaywings@horizonuu.org or call Sandy Morris at 214-952-2243. Women Alive 55+ (womenalive@horizonuu.org ) - Women Alive 55+ has very recently been renamed “Senior Women’s Chalice Circle”. The group meets on the second and fourth Saturday of each month in the Horizon Library. WFIG WELCOMES WOMEN! (wfig@horizonuu.org) The WFIG (Women's Friendship in Growth) Chalice Circle is a covenant group dedicated to deepening friendships among and providing support for women of all ages. We meet on the first & third Wed. of each month at 7:30 p.m. Whether you are a new visitor to our group, a returning member, or someone who has been thinking about joining us for some time, we would love to have you. Just email us or call Nancy Foreman at 972-965-0940 or Sarah Roye at 214-228-3397.

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Saturday Evening Concert Please join the UU Musicians Network for a free concert from the UU Children's Choir and local performers. NTUUC will host a reception afterwards.

6:00 p.m. First Unitarian Church of Dallas 4015 Normandy Avenue

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Our Mission: Growing spiritually healthy people who promote love and justice in the world.

Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church 1641 W. Hebron Parkway • Carrollton, TX • 75010-6334 tel: (972) 492-4940 • fax: (972) 394-0570 http://www.horizonuu.org • facebook: Horizon UU • twitter: horizonuu submissions by 12 Noon each Wednesday. to: the_week@horizonuu.org

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