Survey results and analysis

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Analysis of Survey We have created a questionnaire about film openings to build up our knowledge of what our audience would like to see in our horror opening. Firstly they had to watch the beginning 3 minutes of Insidious from YouTube. We then published the survey from and the video to our Facebook page. From there we could gather our results. After we had collected enough responses, we created pie charts in and started to analyse them. This will now help us what we need to include for our film opening. In question one, ‘Do you like the black and white effect?’ the results showed us that the audience preferred the black and white effect so that is what we are going to do in the beginning of our film opening. It will eventually fade into colour to create the illusion of the present day. The second question asked the audience if they liked the effect of the smoke coming off the writing. We found that they mainly preferred shadows behind the writing so that is what we are going to use as it made the audience happy. The results from our survey then showed that the audience would like the setting to be an everyday domestic setting because it would show that it was more realistic. We therefore, took this on board and are going to use an everyday house to satisfy the audience.We then asked the question of what time period they would like our film to be set in. There were a couple of different answers but the majority of the audience would like it to be set in the present and not in the past because it then there is a chance of it actually happening to themselves. The music side of the video was preferred out of piano/organ, fast pace, kept the same or techno. The results came back that the audience wanted the music to be kept the same. Therefore we are going to use that type of music in our production. The next question asked ‘Do you like how in only some parts objects move?’ the audience headed towards answering yes. This means we are choosing to move some objects without seeing anyone move it, such as a door. The audience prefers the fact that most of the characters are hidden because it gives the film the sense of tension and mystery. Therefore we are going to try and in cooperate this and make sure that the protagonist and audience cannot see the antagonist. The audience didn’t really like the fact that the protagonist was a child but loved the option of it being a woman. This therefore means that we will use a woman because she could symbolise weakness compared to a man.

The results tell us that the people who answered the survey 100% liked that the opening of the film had no speech. This shows that in our horror opening we will use no speech except a scream. The last question acquired whether the font should be red, blue, black or white. The audience preferred to keep the font red. We will therefore use red font to show our credits and titles.

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