Midwest Horse Digest March 2009

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M arch 09

Gr e a t Ar t i c l e s Fr o m:


Chr i sCox Ke nMc Nabb LynnPal m Mont yBr uc e Cr ai gCame r on RyanGi nge r i c h Jul i eGoodni ght De nni sAus l am Mar yHami l t on Je nni f e rLi ndgr e n andManyMor e !

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midwest horse digest

March 09

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midwest horse digest

February 09

Benefits in the Economic Stimulus Act for Horse Industry President Barack Obama has signed the Economic Stimulus Act into law. The bill is intended to provide a jump-start to the U.S. economy. “The new law contains two important tax incentives that would allow a much bigger write-off for horses and other depreciable property purchased and placed in service during 2009,” said Jay Hickey, President of the American Horse Council. “These provisions expired at the end of 2008, but their reinstatement should provide an additional incentive for people to purchase horses for racing, showing and breeding as part of their business activities.” The first incentive continues the so-called $250,000 Section 179 expensing allowance for horses purchased and placed in service in 2009. This allowance also applies to farm equipment and most other property with a depreciable life of less than 20 years. Once total purchases of horses and other eligible depreciable property reach $800,000, the expense allowance goes down one dollar for each dollar spent on eligible property over $800,000. “The horse industry almost lost the Section 179 expense deduction in 1996. The House of Representatives passed legislation taking this deduction away from the horse industry,” said Hickey. “But we were able to convince the Senate to remove this restriction before passing the final bill and the deduction was preserved. It was worth $17,500 then. Over the years it has been increased and will be $250,000 for 2009. That is a real benefit to horse owners.” To illustrate the expensing allowance, assume a horse business purchases $750,000 of depreciable property in 2009, including $650,000 for horses. That business can write off $250,000 on its 2009 tax return and depreciate the balance. If instead, purchases were $900,000, the expense allowance would go down by $100,000. In addition, bonus depreciation has also been reinstated for 2009 in the new Stimulus Bill. This second incentive allows a horse owner to take first-year bonus depreciation equal to 50% of the cost of horses and most other depreciable property purchased and placed in service during 2009. It does not apply to property that has a depreciation life of over 20 years. As was the case last year and in 2003 and 2004 when bonus depreciation was first instituted, the property must be new, meaning that the original use of the horse or other property must begin with the purchaser for the property to be eligible. “Original use” means the first use to which the property is put, whether or not that use corresponds to the use of the property by the purchaser. “There is no limit on the amount of bonus depreciation that can be taken, as there is with the expense deduction,” noted Hickey. To illustrate bonus depreciation, assume that in 2009 a business pays $500,000 for a colt to be used for racing and $50,000 for other depreciable property, bringing total purchases to $550,000. The young colt had never been raced or used for any other purpose before the purchase. The business would be able to expense $250,000, deduct another $150,000 of bonus depreciation (50% of the $300,000 remaining balance), and take regular depreciation on the $150,000 balance. “The Stimulus Bill includes several other changes that may benefit horse owners, including allowing taxpayers a deduction for state and local sales and excises taxes paid on the purchase of new cars, light trucks, and recreational vehicles in 2009; a change in the net operating loss carryback period to five years for small businesses; and a reduction for 2009 in the required estimated tax payments for some small businesses,” said Hickey. As the national association representing all segments of the horse industry in Washington, D.C., the American Horse Council works daily to represent equine interests and opportunities. Organized in 1969, the AHC promotes and protects the industry by communicating with Congress, federal agencies, the media and the industry on behalf of all horse related interests each and every day. The AHC is member supported by individuals and organizations representing virtually every facet of the horse world from owners, breeders, veterinarians, farriers, breed registries and horsemen’s associations to horse shows, race tracks, rodeos, commercial suppliers and state horse councils.

Midwest Horse Digest

Rahn Greimann, Publisher, Owner and Editor © 2008 Greimann Industries 35418 90th Street Blue Earth, MN 56013 507-526-5943 Fax 507-526-2629

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February 09

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March 09 midwest

Horse Digest

Contents Articles

8 Back in the Saddle


by Ken McNabb with Katherine Lindsey Meehan

10 Trailer Loading Simplified


Benefits for the Horse Industry in the Economic Stimulus Act


Ask The Vet : Colic

by Cynthia McFarland with Chris Cox

14 Showmanship at Halter by Jennifer Lindgren

18 Collection: Gaining Control of Your Horses Body by Monty Bruce

20 Rodeo Legend: Jim Sharp talks about Craig Cameron by Craig Cameron

22 Trail Etiquette

12 The World of Halter: Transitioning From Showmanship to the Halter Pen By: Amy Warther 31 Laminitis is Not the End "The Rock and Roll Road to Recovery"

by Mary Hamilton

24 Meet Kickstart, the Wild Mustang by Dennis Auslam

26 Endurance rides are endurable! by Tracy Porter

28 Planning the Plan (part 2) by Ryan Gingerich

Special Sections 30 37 38 39 40 40 41 41

Equine Central - NEW! Ready to Ride Guide Traders Corner Photo Classifieds Classifieds Real Estate Upcoming Events Advertisers Index

32 Women's Conection with Horses by Julie Goodnight

34 Communicating with Your Aids... Keys to Success, Part 5� by Lynn Palm

About our cover It is time to think positive and to THINK SPRING. Warm weather is coming and it is time to plan to have fun with your horses and enjoy life. Photo by Karen Kennedy of Icon Studios Equine Photography see page 25. We hope you enjoy this issue of

Midwest Horse Digest! We are proud to be able to publish it for you, our readers, and ask that you support the advertisers that support this magazine. Thank you!

March 09

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midwest horse digest

March 09

Back In The Saddle By Ken McNabb with Katherine Lindsey Meehan

W h e n you have been away from riding for a while, it’s hard to know where to begin when you want to start again. Maybe you quit riding because of time constraints, maybe you had accident horseback. Whatever your situation, this month’s article will cover how to build your confidence and how to choose the right horse to get you back in the saddle again. When you are nervous and struggling with your confidence, I find it is always best to start working with your horse on the ground. Keep working on the ground until you want to ride again. Allow yourself all the time you need to build your confidence and your relationship with your horse. You’re ready to get on when you feel comfortable and believe you can. The first ground work exercise I want you to practice is a longeing exercise. I use this not as a way to tire my horse out until

he will behave, but as a way to get his mind on me, and to get him in the habit of responding “yes” to my requests. I like to use a rope halter and a 12’ lead rope for this exercise. Begin with the lead rope in both hands, your right hand closest to your horse. Guide him off to the right with that hand, and with your left hand swing the tail of the lead rope, asking him for forward motion. When he moves off around you, step to the side dramatically, blocking his path, to stop him. Be sure to step in a ways in front of him, giving him time to notice you and stop before he runs you over. The reason I like to stop my horse immediately after he moved off for the first time is as a reward. I’m letting him know he got the right answer. Pet him, and then send him off around you in the opposite direction. Stop and change directions frequently. Remember, the point of this exercise is not to tire your horse out, it is to get his mind on you and get him responsive to your requests. Your horse should be moving forward, but always thinking back to you. It is very important that you stop your horse using your body position (stepping in front of him) rather than by pulling him to a stop. If you step in front of him and he doesn’t stop, then you can pull on the lead rope to explain to him what you wanted. But always ask for the stop with your body first. Practice this exercise at least until your horse longes around you without pulling on the lead rope, stops off just your body cues, and changes directions nicely. Practice until you just can’t wait to get into the saddle, keeping in mind that your ultimate goal is to move beyond this exercise… so give

yourself time to get comfortable without letting yourself get stuck here forever. Once you are ready to ride, find a bomb proof, safe, quiet horse. Especially if you had a wreck the last time you rode your horse, it’s important to give yourself the opportunity to regain your balance and get comfortable in the saddle on something that isn’t going to act up or do anything unexpected. I also like to have you practice the riding exercises you will do with your horse with a broke horse first so you will have a feel of what you are looking for. Put your saddle and bridle on him. Before you get on, practice two things on the ground briefly. First, make sure he will soften his face left and right off the bridle. What this means is when you pick up on one rein, your horse should bend his neck and tuck his nose in towards the pull of the rein. When he does, release the rein. Do this a few times on each side, then get him soft and turn your attention to his hind end. You want him to step over with his inside hind foot, crossing over in front of the outside hind foot, while keeping his face soft. When he does this, all forward motion with his front feet should stop. This is called disengaging the hindquarters, and it is your emergency brake. When your horse crosses over with his hind end, it takes away the power behind a buck, rear, or runaway. Because you are going to be using these exercises in the saddle, make sure your hand position on the ground mimics where your hands will be when you are riding as closely as possible. Once you can disengage the hindquarters from both sides on the ground, you are ready to ride. Practice disengaging the hindquarters at the walk and trot on the broke horse until you know what it feels like and are confortable giving the cue. Later on, you should practice this from the lope and run as well. At faster speeds you just have to be careful and slow your horse down with circles before completely disengaging his hindquarters. When you are doing this from the saddle, in the beginning it will be helpful to look over your shoulder at the top of your horse’s tail. This pushes your seat bone on one side down, giving him a cue from your seat, as well as the rein, to step under. Remember to keep your hand position correct throughout this exercise, hands near the saddle horn at all times. When you are comfortable with this exercise on the broke horse, teach it to your horse on the ground, then from the saddle. Knowing you have a way to stop your horse if anything goes wrong is a huge confidence boost. Enjoy your horses as you work through these steps to build your confidence and get yourself back in the saddle. Until next time, may God bless the trails you ride. For more information on Ken McNabb’s programs call us at 307-645-3149 or go to www.kenmcnabb.com.

March 09

midwest horse digest

Ask The Vet

Colic Has your horse ever experienced colic? If so, you know it is not a pleasant site or experience. Pose your questions during the month of August for Dr. Nancy Loving concerning the topic of equine colic and how you can help avoid this situation for reoccurring. Question: I have a chronic colic and am looking to see if you have any additional tips. To be as brief as possible she is a 20year-old ApHC mare that has a 10 year history of colics ... usually impactions. They have never been surgical thus far. She colics anywhere from 0 times in a month to four, but does not seem to be related to her heat cycle. I had her up to our teaching hospital/university where she was scoped for stomach ulcers (NR), had an abdominal x-ray to check for sand (NR), had an abdominal ultrasound (NR), and a abdominal tap (also NR). This past spring she had episodes where she would only eat about 90 percent of her hay, not act painful, have a normal TPR, slightly diminished gut sounds and slightly lower manure production, but when we tubed her with water and mineral oil it would take 90 HOURS to pass, which shocked both my vet and I since she had no real clinical signs of pain. After a few go rounds with this she was set up on the following plan: pasture 12 to 14 hours/day (in at night), soaked hay cubes 2x daily (with 2.5 gallons of water each time), no grain, no dry hay, Succeed (she did have a positive fecal occult blood test at one point and elevated liver enzymes, which have since returned to normal) and a 250 lb dose of Gastrogard. She gets ridden lightly (WT) 5 days per week (she is coming off of a coffin bone break in her LF, pulled suspensories (both done at separate times out in pasture) and has a history of foundering (not grass/grain-related)). She also gets Adequan IM 1x/month, and Cosequin ASU and Accell LIfetime daily and 1oz/table salt BID (giving her electrolytes daily with Gastrogard caused her potassium to go too high and she was having muscle twitches. She is confirmed HYPP N/N). She gets Sandclear 1wk per month (and her manure is checked regularly for it) and is floated for parasites every 4 to 6 weeks. This past summer she has had 1 to 2 strongyle eggs come up per slide, which was resolved with a dose of ivermectin. She is by herself in her paddock. Occasionally she will get a little spunky, stocked up (all blood work including TP and albumin remain normal), which makes us think there still might be "something" GI going on... Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Answer: It sounds like you have been very thorough with having your horse evaluated for slow intestinal motility. Some horses have such problems, sometimes related to intestinal adhesions due to parasite damage and/or chronic colic, or for unidentifiable reasons. In addition to the changes you have made with your plan, I would suggest you review your parasite control program with your vet, and maybe consider daily dewormer fol-

lowing a purge of a Panacur Powerpak. Also, I’ve found some horses do well on beet pulp – it is a good fiber substitute and when soaked to a mash, provides additional water. On occasion, a horse may have colonic ulcers and need a totally different diet approach using complete feed pellets rather than forage like hay or pasture. You might consider revamping her entire feeding/turnout/exercise program. If she has a history of founder, I also wonder about her weight and how much she is fed. If she is fed off the ground outside, move her feeding area to a stall with bedding or mats, or something to keep the feed entirely off the dirt. At the same time, it may be that your new plan is working and you haven’t yet had time to fully assess the results. Sometimes, just keeping things simple is extremely helpful – provide good forage and/or dry pasture turnout, regular exercise, psyllium and good parasite control. Sometimes nothing you do (or don’t do) will make any difference. Short of considerable management changes and trying a few of the things I suggested, your options are to a) treat her symptomatically when she has the small colic events; b) repeat some of the referral hospital workups, including an abdominal u/s, at the time of a colic crisis; or c) have exploratory surgery – a fairly invasive measure to look for a problem. Question: I have a 12-year-old Trekehner that has experienced gas colic 4 to 5 times in the last year. He also had a mild bout of grass lamanitis in April. He is now muzzled whenever he is on grass, fed hay in his stall and a pound of ration balancer. Do you think I should take him to nearby vet school to be scoped for ulcers? He is very laid back, is not shown or trailered and is on a regular deworming rotation. Answer: There is really no harm to be done by having your horse scoped for ulcers, other than the trip to the clinic and the cost. The necessity of doing this procedure might best be discussed with your veterinarian. Research findings have shown that even the seemingly most laid back horses or those that

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don’t travel or compete are afflicted with gastric ulcers at a relatively high incidence considering their low stress lifestyles. The risk of gastric ulcers is often related to feeding practices as well as the demeanor and stress level of the horse. Question: In an answer to an earlier post, it was mentioned that horses picking up dirt while eating off the ground could be a cause of colic. Is there a method to test for dirt similar to how manure is tested for sand ingestion? Also, when horses are fed in stalls with horse-quality shavings or straw bedding, are there hazards if they eat the bedding material, either deliberately or while picking up hay from the floor? Answer: These are good questions. There really isn’t a way to determine “dirt” accumulation vs. sand. Dirt does not seem to precipitate out as readily into the lower areas of the digestive tract, so with ample fiber/forage, it should move through readily. If you have concerns, then you could take your horse to a referral hospital for abdominal radiographs and/or ultrasound, which might show up some accumulated foreign material. Feeding off shavings or straw does prevent sand or dirt ingestion, for sure, particularly if there are rubber mats beneath the bedding. However, over the years I have experienced a few cases where horses have ingested too many shavings or too much straw because they have been bored and gone after these materials when there hasn’t been sufficient hay to satisfy their urge to chew. Both these materials, and particularly straw ingestion, can cause a serious cecal impaction, which most times requires surgery to correct. It is smart management to monitor your horses for those that might eat bedding material deliberately and then modify the stall environment accordingly. Accidental ingestion of a small amount of shavings or straw shouldn’t pose a problem. American Association of Equine Practitioners 4075 Iron Works Parkway | Lexington, KY 40511. hone: 859-233-0147 | Fax: 859-2331968 | e-mail: aaepoffice@aaep.org

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midwest horse digest

March 09

Trailer Loading Simplified By Cynthia McFarland with Chris Cox

Hop into a dark, small box on wheels and head down the highway? From a horse’s point of view, you can see where the trailer can be intimidating. The good news is that trailer loading doesn’t have to be a terrifying, frustrating ordeal for either you or your horse. The key lies in thoroughly preparing the horse before you ever approach the trailer, and this is where many owners make mistakes. You can’t expect a horse to load quietly if he doesn’t understand basic ground control lessons. “It’s the preparation you do prior to trailer loading that will give you success. There’s no sense in trying to load a horse that hasn’t learned how to disengage his hindquarters

and direct and drive,” explains horseman and clinician Chris Cox. “Preparation is the key and the only equipment you need is your halter and lead rope.” In an area away from the trailer, take the time to reinforce these two important lessons you learned in the previous articles. When disengaging the hindquarters, remember to “go to the corner,” not the horse’s shoulder, otherwise he may back up. The horse should pivot on his front feet as he disengages his hindquarters. Practice disengaging first, then direct and drive. If you have a step-up trailer, it helps to direct and drive over a log obstacle so the horse picks his feet up. Be as assertive as necessary so the horse understands what you are asking. “Your horse must be solid on these basic lessons well before you approach the trailer,” explains Chris. “We use direct and drive for trailer loading instead of leading the horse into the trailer because this method is not only safer, but it becomes the horse’s idea to load, not something he’s forced to do.” Teach the Back Up It’s much safer for both you and your horse for him to back out of the trailer, rather than turn around and walk out. Before you introduce the trailer, you need to teach him to back up on command. Standing in front of the horse slightly to the

side (near the point of his shoulder), drive him backwards by using your body language. You should assume a slight crouch and twirl your lead rope as needed. As soon as the horse moves his feet and starts backing up, stop twirling. For safety’s sake, don’t move past the horse’s nose as he is backing. Keep his head straight while he is backing up. In the beginning, don’t put any pressure on the horse’s head with the lead rope. Simply drive him back by twirling the lead rope. Once the horse catches on and starts backing, let him catch his breath and “soak” for a few minutes. After the horse has learned how to back this way, you are ready to introduce him to the trailer. Approaching the Trailer Make sure all trailer doors and dividers are secured so they can’t swing and startle the horse. Stand to the side of the trailer, not in the doorway. Pick up your direction hand and drive him forward toward the trailer. Keep his head straight so he is facing the trailer. Stop twirling your rope as soon as the horse makes an effort. Give him time to “soak” and relax by lowering your hands when he tries. “In the beginning, make sure you build on every try and progression the horse makes by giving him relief,” says Chris. Some horses will step up into the trailer within minutes. Others require a bit more time. Don’t fight with the horse to load, just direct and drive him as you have been doing. In his mind, the lesson is direct and drive. The trailer just happens to be the obstacle instead of the log you introduced in the first lessons. In the Trailer & Out Again “The way the horse learns to back out of the trailer in the beginning is how he will always try to do it in the future, so concentrate on having him back out slowly and relaxed,” Chris notes. Once the horse gets in the trailer the first time, don’t let him turn around and walk out. Twirl your lead rope if necessary to encourage him to stay inside. Walk up into the trailer beside the horse, making sure he sees you and knows you are there. Then standing at the horse’s shoulder, give him the cue to drive backwards as you taught him earlier on the ground. Encourage him to step all the way out and not jump back into the trailer. Ideally, you want the horse to stand inside the trailer until you get in and ask him to back out. But if your horse wants to back right out after loading the first few times, don’t force him to stay in the trailer. Instead, just keep reloading him until he realizes it’s less work for him just to stay inside the trailer and wait for you to back him out. During this first trailer loading session, load your horse several times.

March 09

midwest horse digest

Driving the horse into the trailer is much safer than leading him in. You should teach your horse how to direct and drive before attempting trailer loading. Photo courtesy Chris Cox Horsemanship Co First Trailer Ride For safety reasons, don’t tie the horse in the trailer until you have latched the divider or gate behind him. Run your lead rope through the tie ring, but don’t tie it at first. Hold the end of the lead rope in your hand, and hold onto it as you close the divider. Drape the lead rope over the divider away from the horse’s legs and go out to the

side of the trailer. Tie a q u i c k release knot inthe lead rope. Tie s h o r t enough to keep the horse’s head up, but not so short that he can’t move a bit to keep his balance. Once the horse is tied and standing quietly, take him on a short drive. Ten minutes or so is plenty this first time. Then unload

the horse and put him up. “Take your time and make this first trailer experience a positive one because it will stay with him forever,” says Chris Cox. “Success with trailer loading depends on the groundwork foundation you build before you ever get near the trailer.” (These techniques are covered in detail in Chris Cox’s “Trailer Loading” two-DVD set

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available through www.chris-cox.com) Up Close with Chris Cox Born in Florida and ranch-raised in Australia, Chris returned to the United States in 1986 to make a career of working with horses. Years of working horseback on the ranch near Queensland gave Chris a healthy respect for the horse's ability and intelligence, and helped him develop his own methods of individualized training. Active in the cutting horse world as both a trainer and competitor, Chris has trained a variety of breeds for different disciplines. He travels the United States, Canada, South America and Australia appearing at expos, conducting clinics and horsemanship demonstrations. His “Come Ride the Journey’ tour takes him to cities across the U.S. each year. Chris offers week-long intensive horsemanship clinics at his Diamond Double C Ranch in Mineral Wells, Texas. In 2008, Western Horseman released Ride the Journey, by Chris Cox with Cynthia McFarland, a 225-page, full color book that details Chris’ practical methods and training techniques. Packed with step-by-step exercises and color photos, the book will help you improve your horsemanship skills, no matter what discipline or breed you ride. Visit www.chris-cox.com or call Chris Cox Horsemanship Company at 1-888-81-HORSE for information about the Ride the Journey book, upcoming course dates and appearances, equipment and training DVDs.

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midwest horse digest

March 09

The World of Halter:

Transitioning From Showmanship to the Halter Pen By: Amy Warther One night while watching the World between showing halter and showmanship will exhibitor is wearing too much Showmanship Series of Poker I heard the color commentator be explained. With the addition of “bling” the judge may view it as the exhibitor refer to the game of Texas Hold ‘Em as being Performance Halter many people have been not being serious about doing well in a halter the easiest game to learn but taking a lifetime confused about making the transition from class because they are simply dressed for a different event. to master. It got me to thinking that there is showmanship to the regular halter class. So, a word of advice when choosing What, you as the exhibitor, need to another game of “Hold ‘Em” that could very well be described the same way...the game of remember is that they are indeed two separate attire—-be neat and polished. Clean, starched holding a horse in a halter class. As you look and distinct classes. Just as in the perform- jeans not to low slung on the hips for ladies, out into the show pen you see what is happen- ance classes one changes riding position and boots cleaned and polished, hat clean and well ing on the surface....lead a horse to the rein length from Western Pleasure to shaped, shirt starched, and hands clean. judge...trot around a marker and get into a line- Horsemanship, an exhibitor changes how they These are what should be taken as“proper” or “beige.” If hair of out of up. Then the judge walks around if jeans are not and looks at the horses and As in any game, there are rules in Halter. Some place, fresh and sharp, or if makes up his mind which one he likes the best as set forth in the are written in a rulebook, others are unwritten. there is mud on the boots, the picture presented is rulebook he is using. Yep, that is exactly what the untrained eye sees. It looks show a horse differently in Showmanship and no longer beige, it stands out as sloppy and is therefore, a negative distraction for the judge. Halter. easy, anyone can do that! In Showmanship the focus is on the Not a good thing. Yes, indeed. Anyone who has any A second clue that the judge may be ability to move forward and then move a bit exhibitor. The horse in this case is merely a faster CAN show halter. In fact, I’ve seen a prop. It doesn’t matter that the horse has con- given that the exhibitor is not serious about young person use a motorized wheelchair to formational flaws. What does matter are the showing halter is the use of the “quartering show in the halter class. But, leading a horse aspects of the horse that the exhibitor has con- system.” The use of the quarter system, movaround a marker and standing in line is only trol over—-proper grooming for both horse and ing around the horse, is a distraction. Judges the basic requirement of the class. It takes a exhibitor, appropriate body condition, and prefer that the exhibitor is out of their way and view of the animal. The way the exhibitor stays lifetime to learn how to show the horse to its training. However, in Halter the focus is on out of the judge’s way is by standing out from best advantage and long before walking into the show pen months of preparation take place the animal and the handler becomes invisible the animal between the eye and the nose at an before the first step ever happens for those to the judge until the handler gets in the way. angle, feet together pointing at the nose, bak In that case, the handler becomes a distraction straight, and hand down off the chain, left arm who are successful. As in any game, there are rules in and diverts attention away from the horse bent naturally holding the excess lead neatly in Halter. Some are written in a rulebook, others being judged. So, when handling a horse in a single loop. The only time a true halter are unwritten. It are those that will be halter the exhibitor wants to be “beige” or not exhibitor will go to the right or “off” side of the addressed in this and future articles. But, standing out. The goal is a professional pres- horse is if something on that side of the horse needs to be fixed or if the judge is going up please, before you step into that pen, make entation of the animal. “Standing out” in the judge’s eye and down the lineup to profile the animals. In sure you have read and understand the application of the rules specific to your association. can happen for a variety of reasons. If the that case, the handler may go to the off side so Most follow AQHA rules and those are the exhibitor is not clean, neat, and “professional” the judge has a clear view of the entire animal. The items that have been covered appearing, they may distract the judge. But ones that will be referred to. In this first writing the differences one the other end of the spectrum, if the are very basic to the world of Halter. In the future more specific topics will be covered. In the meantime, you have homework to do. Read your rulebooks. Read your association journals and look closely at the successful exhibitors and see how their horses are presented. Look closely for grooming ideas, seek out other articles written by Halter professionals either on-line or on paper, and even watch World Show classes on live web cam. Think about what the successful showmen are doing and why. Then take what you’ve learned to the barn and practice! Even though most folks have been taught that “Practice makes perfect,” I disagree. I feel “Practice make PERMANENT.” So, instead of practicing something that is wrong, go take a lesson from a Halter professional so you are sure to get it right. It does take time and energy to do this homework. But if the process becomes tedious, just remember that you can’t ever stop learning how to play this wonderful game they call Halter.?

March 09

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THE BEST TRAINERS, WILD HORSES, OVER $10,000 IN PRIZE MONEY UP FOR GRABS AT THE 2009 MIDWEST HORSE FAIR®! Rhonda Reese, General Manager of the Midwest Horse Fair® is excited to announce the inaugural Midwest Mustang Challenge now has the wild horses and trainers matched up! 2009 Midwest Horse Fair® Midwest Mustang Challenge has invited horse trainers from all over the country to come in and train Wild Nevada Mustangs in only 100 days and compete for more than $10,000 in prize money. Trainers and their Nevada Mustangs will be competing during one of the most prestigious horse events in the country. These trainers and their Mustangs horses are part of the Midwest Mustang Makeover, one of the featured events during the 2009 Midwest Horse Fair®, a premier three-day equestrian event held in Madison, WI. Coming from nine different states around the country, these horse trainers will be gathering April 17-19 at the Alliant Energy Center to show off their training skills. Last April, the trainers competed in front of a capacity crowd in the Coliseum for the first Midwest Mustang Challenge. It quickly became one of the most popular events of the Midwest Horse Fair®, and the Makeover finals will again be featured as a highlight of the “SuperHorse” Saturday night show. The Mustangs will be judged on conditioning, ground work, and a "Horse Course" that requires maneuvers and included obstacles found in trail and recreational riding situations. Several trainers who competed last year will be returning to demonstrate their training skills with a different horse. (a partial list of the trainers is at the end) The Midwest Mustang Makeover, sponsored by the Mustang Heritage Foundation in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management, was created to highlight the recognized value of mustangs through a national training competition. The public has the unique opportunity of seeing the results of wild horses becoming trained mounts during the competition. After the competition, the public is invited to participate in a competitive bidding process to adopt one of these treasured animals. Congressional legislation protects these magnificent animals in their natural habitat, but as herds grow and natural resources deplete, the BLM must gather excess Mustangs from the range to ensure a healthy ecological balance. The mission of the Mustang Heritage Foundation and the goal of the Mustang Makeover event are to increase the adoption of Mustangs across the country. The horses featured at the Midwest Mustang Makeover will be available for adoption to qualified bidders.

Tickets for the Midwest Mustang Makeover finals and the “SuperHorse” Saturday night show on Saturday, April 18, are now available through all Ticketmaster outlets (www.ticketmaster.com) For more information on the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program and adoption requirements please visit http://www.wildhorseandburro.blm.gov or call toll-free 866-4MUSTANGS. The Midwest Horse Fair is owned by the Wisconsin State Horse Council, Inc. All proceeds from the Fair are used to represent and foster a unified equine industry in Wisconsin, promote the equine through leadership, education, service and communication, and to take a proactive role in the future growth and development of the equine industry. For more information on the Midwest Mustang Challenge, please visit our website midwesthorsefair.com or call Rhonda Reese at 920-623-5515. The Mustang Heritage Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public, charitable, nonprofit organization dedicated to facilitating successful adoptions for America’s excess mustangs and burros. Founded in 2001, its mission is to help promote the Bureau of Land Management’s National Wild Horse and Burro Program and increase the number of successful adoptions. Adoption fees will be set by competitive oral bid with initial fees being determined by the level and quality of training each horse has received. To qualify to adopt, one must be at least 18, with no record of animal abuse. In addition,

adopters must have suitable facilities and can adopt no more than four animals. Adoption applications may be obtained and approved on the spot by the BLM. Since 1973, the BLM has placed more than 217,500 horses and burros into private care through adoption. For more information on the Wild Horse and Burro Program, please visit http://www.wildhorseandburro.blm.gov/index.php or call toll-free 866-4MUSTANGS. The list of 2009 Midwest Mustang Makeover trainers includes: Tracy Auch, Plymouth, WI.; Dennis Auslam, Morton, MN.; Rebecca Bishop, Germantown, WI.; Anita Burnette and Mark Burnette, both of Williams, IN,; TJ Clibborn, Milton, WI.; Bobbie Coulter, Box Elder, S.D.; Ann Marie Cross and Michael Cross, both of Sidell, IL.; Travis Dittmer, Mineral Wells, TX; Chase Dodd, Soddy Daisy, TN.; Dustin Ellis, Freemont, MO.; Kristina Ellis, Pleasant Prairie, WI.; Lalo Govea, Kenosha, WI; Dan Grunewald, Jefferson, WI; Wess Hicks, Monticello, WI; Brian Jackson, Deerfield, WI; Robert Jansky, New London, WI, Jesus Jauregui, Bailey’s Harbor, WI; Kirk Johnson, Baraboo, WI; Cody Keller, Numa, IA; Tonya Long, Oostburg, WI; Tomas Martinez, Bristol, WI; Lenzy Mulcany, Springfield, IL.; S i o b h a n O’Connell, Spring Valley, WI; Brian Pogue, Antioch, IL.; Katie Smith, Redgranite, WI; and Debra Va n d e v e l d e , Suring, WI

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Want to Win:

Showmanship at Halter gate. However, my greatest showman- ple: straight lines ~ round circles ~ 3 second ship exhibitors of all time were hard set-up ~ quick back ~ a trot (not a jog) ~ brisk working 4-H members that didn’t have walk ~ correct pivot. Don’t be intimidated by expensive horses or fancy clothes! They pull turn. It is a simple pivot to the left where w e r e you pull the incredihorse towards b l e yourself. It is shownever more man who than 90°. spent a great Top by: Jennifer Lindgren ©2009 deal of time on Showmanship competitors at Showmanship at Halter is an ‘In- Hand’ their horse themthe World and class that tests the handler’s skills as both a and National level horseman and a showman. In addition to being selves and it know that scored on a ‘pattern’, the Judge evaluates both showed. The class there is more the grooming and conditioning of the horse to winning this and the performance and appearance of the has two differclass than just Handler. This is one of my favorite classes for ent formats; correctly three reasons; anyone can compete at a show ‘stay in the completing (even if they are unable to ride), I can see how ring’ or ‘exit the pattern. As much groundwork has been completed with the ring’. The you advance the horse and I get a one-on-one opportunity format used depends on to the tougher to evaluate exhibitors. at how Josie Miller and her partner Steal Version move levels of competition The horse itself is a ‘prop’. Spectators often class size, class Look together. They stay in-step even in the pivot. Her hat is misunderstand the Judge’s placing and level, and the tucked neatly under her hat and her outfit creates a clean where all contestants weather. In a class believe that Judges consider the horse itself line from hip to heel. Photo courtesy: JZT Quarter Horses. execute flawless patterns, you need to when scoring. To be honest, experienced of 10 or more, I use Shown under the guidance of Zoe Miller. really impress the halter horses will have an advantage because the exit-ring proceJudge and stand out they are extensively trained on their ground- dure. If the kids are work, perfectly conditioned and groomed, and young and inexperienced, I keep them in. as a superior showman. When Judges are accustomed to the long waits outside the in- Make sure your horse is comfortable with both. confronted with numerous exhibitors earning Practice standing for a great pattern scores, they turn their focus long time in the ring and to assessing the presentation style, appearwith leaving quietly. ance, and footwork of the showmanship team. Your pattern is the Even good showmanship exhibitors fail at biggest part of your earning extra points in these simple areas. score. An incorrect or Understand the Pattern, don’t just read it to incomplete pattern can memorize it. Read ahead into the pattern to result in large deduc- get an impression of the ‘flow’. Pretend you tions which may pre- are the Judge and ask yourself, “What do I vent you from placing in want to see in this maneuver? How do I want the class. No matter how to see the handler move his horse into the congreat you and your horse necting maneuvers?” Execute the pattern at a are presented, if you steady rate of speed. Don’t rush through a trot don’t meet the class and then make a really slow pivot. A set-up requirements, the Judge should take no more than three seconds to be cannot place you. impressive. Patterns intimidate Be a true horseman. In many All-Breed almost everybody. If you and 4-H shows, you can be asked questions break them down, they about horse health, anatomy, care, and are easier to tackle. The grooming. My simple questions about inoculatests are relatively sim- tions, deworming, and stall cleaning are often ple: walk, trot, set-up, missed. Take pride in knowing details about halt, back, circle at the your horse and be prepared when the Judge walk or trot, pivot (90°, asks you a question. 180°, 270°, 360°) and Impress with your team work. I like to see pull turn. It isn’t the handlers in step with their horse at the walk, maneuvers that scares trot and during the turns. This takes an exhibitors, it is the way extreme amount of practice and doesn’t hapJosie Miller, age 13, draws more attention to her dark horse with a brightly that Judges combine them pen by luck. I always stress teaching your colored outfit, accented with a dark hat and dark trim. The jacket's crystals and horse to work off your your body movements, silver halter make this duo shine across the ring. The slack in her lead line and into a set pattern. Dissect not your lead rope. Remember, your horse is her relaxed hand indicates that she has worked hard with this horse. Photo the pattern and you will see the tests are relatively sim- not really a prop, he is your Partner! courtesy: JZT Quarter Horses.

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outfit with trim or stones, but don’t overdo it. A little bling is eye-catching, but a lot of bling is “blinding”. Your aim is to draw attention to your strengths, not your weaknesses. In the summer sun, rhinestones draw lots of attention so make sure they are strategically placed. Outfits are much easier for the gentlemen. The basics are a well fitted, heavily starched shirt with tie, and starched jeans (blue are fine, black or tan are better). Raise the bar by wearing a suit jacket and tie that flatters your horse. Remember, your hat, not your outfit, is your final touch. It should fit properly, be Amanda Sandmire with Iota Be Red Dee from North Freedom, WI, displays the ideal showman- immaculately clean, and ship pose. Her many hours of grooming have put a shaped in the current style. shine on this horse that will be seen from across Your eyes should shine with the ring. Expertly groomed hooves, halter, mane, pride beneath the brim. forelock and tail add the final touches to a lovely Don’t underestimate the presentation. Photo courtesy: JZT Quarter Horses. value of a Smile. Not a Shown under the guidance of Zoe Miller. phony, grit your teeth, get me outta here smile. A genuine, I color and a style that flatters both your horse and am proud of myself and my horse, I really love yourself. If you have a getting up at 5:00 in the morning for this Smile! plain looking horse, grab Use it strategically, like when you’re perfectly attention with your show set-up for close inspection or after a difficult jacket. If your horse has maneuver. lots of color (Paint, Pinto, Appaloosa) choose a color that won’t clash or Good Luck & Ride Safe detract from his appear- Jennifer Lindgren has been an All-Breed ance. For example, pur- Judge since 1985. She is an experienced comple has become popular, petitor who has earned Regional and national but it doesn’t look good awards in Halter, Western Equitation and Both Kyle Cady and his horse Touch My Shadow look polished, prepared, Hunter. She loves all breeds of hroses and and professional as they approach the ring. Young men have a much with a lot of horses. Your keeps her private collection in Grant Park, Il. easier time dressing for halter. A well starched shirt with color will draw pants and boots should Contact: jenlind22@msn.com the Judge's eye everytime. Photo Courtesy: JZT Quarter Horses. Shown match to create a clean line under the guidance of Zoe Miller. from hip to heel. Fancy up an Copyright 2009 by Jennifer Lindgren Mane, Tail, Halter, Hooves: These are four areas that are likely to cost points. Is the bridle path clear of dust and clipped to complement the horse’s neck? Is the banding, braiding, or grooming the best it can be? The tail should also be immaculate from top to tip. Not even one flake of shavings or visible tape (if you use an extension). How about the back of the hooves? I will inspect your hair trimming and polish lines in areas where most groomers get lazy. Along with being super clean, the halter needs to fit properly and complement the horse’s features. Outfits do matter! A great outfit will not hide a poor performance but it can make a difference in your overall presentation and make you stand out as superior exhibitor. Pick a

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Susan Harris, Stacy Westfall join Craig Cameron, Liz Graves at the 2009 Minnesota Horse Expo, April 24-26 Renowned equine artist and anatomy expert Susan Harris and reining trainer and competitor Stacy Westfall in their first appearance at the Minnesota Horse Expo will he adline with Texas cowboy and RFDTV host Craig Cameron and gaited clinician Liz Graves. Scheduled for April 24-26, the Minnesota Horse Council sponsored Minnesota Horse Expo continues to combine “big-name” speakers with over 600 vendor booths and brings some 300 horses from over 50 breeds and registries to the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in St. Paul. Daily PRCA rodeos featuring John S. Payne, the famed “One Arm Bandit” specialty act, the huge 4-H managed Expo Tack and Clothing Sale, and free carriage, horse and pony rides guarantee something of interest for everyone at the 2009 Minnesota Horse Expo. Susan E. Harris is an international clinician, equestrian author and artist from Cortland, New York. She has taught, trained, shown, and judged in many equestrian disciplines, including hunters, jumpers, equitation, dressage, eventing, western pleasure and performance, and pleasure, gaited and versatility breeds. Susan has been active in teaching teachers and establishing certification standards for American riding instructors since the l970’s. In 2004 she was honored as a Master Instructor by the American Riding Instructor Association. Susan worked with Sally Swift, founder of Centered Riding®, and is qualified as a Level IV Centered Riding clinician. She travels internationally to teach clinics in Horse Gaits, Balance, and Movement, biomechanics of horse and rider, Centered Riding & Centered Jumping for instructors, trainers, judges, and riders of all levels and riding interests. Her unique demonstration, “Anatomy in Motion™/ The Visible Horse”, in which she paints the bones and muscles on a live horse, has been a popular attraction at equine expos and clinics across North America and around the world, including EquineAffaire, Equitana, expos in Australia and Europe and the George Morris Horsemastership Clinic in Wellington, FL. Susan Harris is the author and illustrator of popular horse books, including Horse Gaits, Balance, and Movement, Grooming to Win (3rd edition, 2008) and the U.S. Pony Club Manuals of Horsemanship. With Peggy Brown, she has produced two DVDs: Anatomy in Motion™ I : The Visible Horse, and Anatomy in Motion II: the Visible Rider™. Susan also designed the art and poster for the Breyer Anatomy in Motion model horse. Susan’s study of equine and human anatomy and biomechanics as an artist and her experience as an instructor, rider and trainer, have given her a unique perspective on how horses and riders work. Her teaching helps riders discover how to use their bodies better for improved balance and harmony

between horse and rider. Susan’s knowledge of horse gaits and movement and experience in various breeds and disciplines enable her to help all kinds of riders and horses improve their balance, comfort, movement and performance. Her positive teaching style and visual approach make learning clear, understandable, and enjoyable for riders of all ages and levels, from instructors, trainers, and competitors to 4-H, Pony Club and pleasure riders. When not traveling, teaching or writing, Susan enjoys dressage, jumping, and trail riding on her Clydesdale/Paint gelding, Masquerade. A Native Texan Craig Cameron, one of the original clinicians, is on the road more than 44 weeks a year covering 80,000 miles demonstrating the style of horsemanship he has perfected in the last 23 years. Called the “public defender of the horse,” Craig dedicates himself to those who educate their horses by first educating themselves. At an age where most have long since retired the thought of starting colts, Craig Cameron known as “The Cowboy’s Clinician,” starts hundreds of horses each year; plus his four-day clinics held at his ranches in Bluff Dale, TX and Lincoln, NM blend education with entertainment. Clinic topics range from basic to advanced horsemanship, colt starting, ranch and cattle work, problem-solving, reining and trail obstacles. This year he plans to incorporate horse-camping and back-country riding techniques into his lesson plans. Craig has created a program that builds confidence and trust between man and horse. Rather than fight the animal, he offers patience and understanding that leaves the horse wanting to do what is asked of him. In the early 80’s Craig was fortunate to meet a man named Ray Hunt who opened his eyes to the art of working through understanding when training horses. Building upon his experiences, Craig uses a philosophy of teaching that eliminates rough handling of horses earning him a well-deserved international following. As a rancher, working cowboy and horse trainer, Craig has just about done it all from cow-calf, stocker operations, custom hay-baling, or capturing wild cattle for fellow ranchers. After years of bull riding on the professional rodeo circuit and successfully operating his cattle business, Craig, decided that it was truly the horse that attracted him. He soon discovered his aptitude for communicating with the horse and meticulously refined and nurtured this talent. He wanted to give back something to the horse. When he was ready, he began conducting western horsemanship clinics and demonstrations to help riders increase their knowledge and understanding of their horse and to keep the cowboy tradition alive. Elizabeth Graves is a “natural gaited horse teacher”. Elizabeth prides herself on getting the best out of a horse without any gimmicks. In being a biomechanics specialist,

she evaluates structure and works through what nature gave the horse naturally. Elizabeth also has a classical background in horsemanship, so good balanced equitation is first and foremost to her, to make it easy for a horse to do the job that we ask. Elizabeth has conducted over 300 all breed gaited horses clinics throughout the USA, Canada and Europe. Graves has been an exhibitor of gaited horses since 1978 with many championships at all levels to her credit as well as non – gaited breeds since 1965. She has also worked for over 28 years as a multi-licensed breed judge. Her articles have appeared in many gaited and horse publications, as well as related web sites. In addition Graves is the force behind such videos, CD’s and DVD’s as Gathering of Gaits, Icelandic Horse Gathering, Gaited Horse Structure as it Relates to Gait and A bit About Bits. Elizabeth is a native Minnesotan where she still resides and owns Shades of Oak Ranch in Spring Valley Minnesota. Great insight and effective teaching style has made Stacy Westfall one of the most sought-after clinicians in the industry. She developed her natural horsemanship techniques while advancing her horses for reining competition. Stacy is an AQHA and NRHA Freestyle Reining Champion. Her goal in her training her reining horses was to make the reins unnecessary — literally. And she succeeded, stunning the reining world by going undefeated for two straight years in major freestyle reining competitions. Stacy’s highlight was winning twice while riding bridle-less AND bareback. Her famous 2006 Freestyle Championship ride, seen by millions on the internet, also lead to her appearance on the Ellen Degeneres show, in 2008. Stacy is the only woman to have won the Road to the Horse colt starting competition. Her training approach is proven, and it works. As a wife, businesswoman and mother of three young boys she continues to be a top training clinician and a winning competitor. In addition to the nationally know clinicians, the Minnesota Horse Expo will present many more lectures and presentation including Saddle Function and Fit with Dave Genadek, Driving 101 with Steve Woods, Equine Economics – Caring for Horses During a Recession with Krishona Martinson, Poisonous Plants with Dr. Lynn Hovda, the Unwanted Horse with Dr. Tom Lenz to name just a few. The three PRCA rodeos, over 600 vendor booths, a huge consignment tack and clothing sale managed by the Minnesota 4-H Horse Association, Breed Demonstrations, Stallion Reviews and the daily at noon in the Coliseum Parade of Breeds makes the Expo a draw for horse owners and enthusiasts alike. For Minnesota Horse Expo 2009 schedule, ticket, booth, volunteer information and more visit www.mnhorseexpo.org or call 877-462-8758.

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Collection is something we may hear a lot about, but what is it? What does it do and how do we get it? There are two main parts in collection. Most of us hear and think about physical collection of a horse (which is important to performance and in executing maneuvers, but we often overlook the other crucial part of collection, mental collection (which was pointed out to me be my good friend Craig Johnson. First, we will discuss physical

aspects of collection. Horses are unique vertebrates because they possess a thoracic lumbar vertebra that acts as a hinge which allows them to pivot the hind quarters up under them. Other large animals, such as cattle, do not possess this trait. This trait not only gives us the ability, but is also the basis of physical collection. The majority of a horse’s natural body weight is in his front 1/3 of his body (his head, neck and shoulders). With a horses natural movement this puts the majority of the weight on the front end of a horse. The objective of physical collection is to move the weight, or point of balance, from the front of the horse to towards the rear end of a horse. Thus, creating a more centered, balanced point. Why do we want physical collection? With physical collection we obtain more balance from the horse. Our horses are softer and their movements are more free, by shifting the weight off a horse’s front end and moving it to a more central point. With the horse’s rear end up underneath them and their weight shifted back to the center the horse can

stop harder, they can start faster, turn quicker, and travel smoother. If a horse is not collected or balanced their weight is carried on their front end and they are strung out with their rear end and legs out behind them. Think of an uncollected horse moving. It is similar to a semi tractor without any trailer behind. If I take my trailor off my semi tractor and drive it around it’s like an uncollected horse. All the weight is on the front end and the rear wheels are way out behind it with no weight over them. It rides terrible rough, I can’t stop fast, and I have no acceleration; because there is no traction. When I put the trailer on, this changes the balance point and puts the weight over the rear wheels, which causes it to ride smoother, stop and accelerate quicker and handle much better. How do we achieve physical collection? Collection is basically, gained by gaining control of the horses body and being able to hold the front end through it’s face (pick up his back and drive his hind quarters under him; packaging or framing him up). By timing and repetition we can teach a horse to hold this frame longer and longer on his own. It doesn’t matter what type of horse, whether it’s a pleasure, reining, gaming, English, or dressage horse; collection and balance is important to performance. The next aspect to collection is mental. We all know if we don’t have the horses mind we have nothing. We can have the most athletic horse but if we can’t gain control of his mind we can’t get control of his body. As I have mentioned in previous articles, a large part of our training is to teach our horses to focus and to develop there attention span. By accomplishing this, it makes our training sessions much more productive and intense. There are simple exercises we can do to help teach this. For example, trotting circles and teaching our horses to hold the circle without any help from us, teaching them to stay hooked and focused. Mental collection is a must in developing finished horses and showing/competing with our horses. So as we are training our horses lets remember the two parts of collection we want to achieve, and remember the only way to get either one is Timing, Consistency, and Repetition. Good luck and God bless, Monty BruceGood luck and God bless, Monty Bruce Visit our website at www.montybruce.com or if you have questions or need help feel free to email us at mbtc02@msn.com

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Oakcroft Trunk Celebrates American Saddlebred Convention With Free Trunk Raffle Oakcroft Trunks & S t a b l e President of the American Horse Accessories, Council Jay Hickey (left), and a fine cusPresident of the Kentucky Horse Park John Nicholson (right), help tom trunk Oakcroft Trunks President Naomi c o m p a n y , Despres (center) with the Oakcroft took part in a free trunk raffle. Mansfield Browne of Leatherwood Stud was the win- celebration the ner. (Photo by Gayle Strickroot of of American Kentucky Images). Saddlebred when they attended the recent American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA) annual

UW Veterinary Care to Hold Open House The University of Wisconsin’s Ve t e r i n a r y Medical Te a c h i n g Hospital will hold its first open house in over six years on Sunday April 26, 2009 to introduce the public to the many services available through UW Veterinary Care. The public can peek behind the scenes of the School of Veterinary Medicine’s UW Veterinary Care services from noon until 4:00 pm. Admission is free. The UW Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital is located at 2015 Linden Drive in Madison, Wis. Free parking is available in Parking Lot 62 on the UW campus. (For a map, visit http://www.vip.wisc.edu/map.html). Based on the theme “Big and Small, We Treat Them All,” participants will learn how animal patients are treated with the same specialty care provided in human medicine. In addition to guided tours of both the large and small animal hospitals, attendees will have access to interactive hospital experiences including CPR demonstrations, pet teeth brushing, and a live echocardiogram of a dog. Everyone can enjoy listening to a cow’s heart, meeting unusual animals and learning what it takes to get into veterinary medical school. Children are encouraged to bring their favorite stuffed animal for an x-ray of its “heart.” Surgeons will also be available to suture or bandage any stuffed animal “injuries.” Open 24/7, the hospital accepts emergencies at all times. The clinic is also open for general and specialty care on an appointment basis. The School of Veterinary Medicine’s Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital is a great resource for veterinarians throughout the Midwest to refer cases to the school’s specialists. The UW Veterinary Care Open House is a chance to view the veterinary hospital’s facilities and learn more about the variety of specialty and general care services that are offered at the hospital. All are welcome.

convention. Oakcroft not only helped the association members celebrate their passion for the breed, but also held a raffle and awarded one lucky member with a free Oakcroft trunk. “The trunk raffle was a huge hit and we were really pleased to take part in the American Saddlebred Horse Association convention,” said Naomi Despres, President of Oakcroft. Mansfield Browne, of Leatherwood Stud in Kentucky, was the lucky winner of the Oakcroft trunk. Browne was excited about his win and said, “Oakcroft is my favorite trunk maker.” Jay Hickey, President of the American Horse Council, and John Nicholson, President of the Kentucky Horse Park, were on hand for the presentation of the free trunk. “Leatherwood Stud is one of the premiere Saddlebred establishments in Kentucky, and we are thrilled that Browne won,” Despres

said. Oakcroft’s booth at the AHSA convention gave attendees the chance to see the fine craftsmanship of Oakcroft trunks as well as their enduring beauty. Located in West Michigan, Oakcroft continues a third generation family tradition of fine wood craftsmanship with a commitment to service and timeliness. Oakcroft is made up of riders who know the conditions equipment is exposed to in the barn and away at shows. They also understand that a well designed barn and beautiful, hardworking equipment are key components for the successful day-to-day operation of a stable, whether it be a small for-pleasure barn or a large training and breeding business such as Leatherwood Stud. For more information on Oakcroft Trunks, visit their website at www.oakcroft.com.

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Rodeo Legend Jim Sharp talks about Craig Cameron To Craig, the horses are his friends. He’s patient with them until they figure out what to do. Once the horse figures it out, everything is smooth after that. I use the things I learned at Craig’s clinic all the time, and afterward, I told everyone I talked to about it. Jim Sharp, Stephenville, Texas - Rodeo Legend A rodeo legend, Jim Sharp’s professional career got off to an impressive start in 1986 when he was named Pro Rodeo Cowboy Association (PRCA) Rookie of the Year. Then in 1988, he made PRCA history by becoming the first bull rider to ride all 10 bulls at the National Finals Rodeo (NFR). Jim went on to earn two PRCA world titles in bull riding. I’ve had a horse since I was a little kid, but what I did for twenty years has nothing at all to do with riding horses. Still, I thought that would be my next hobby—riding horses instead of bulls. I had never taken training from a professional who really knew what he was doing, and I wanted to learn another way to ride and train a horse. The opportunity came when I met Craig a few years ago through Ty Murray. We were working cows, and Craig showed up. Ty suggested going to one of Craig’s clinics, and I thought it might be fun to go and see what he had to offer. I took a young horse I had just bought to Craig’s clinic in Bluffdale, Texas, which is only about twenty miles from where I live. Craig teaches in a way that is easy to understand. Although I had ridden all my life, I found that I didn’t know how to ride a horse correctly. In fact, I learned more in three days than I probably had all my life about how to ride—the way you use your hands and feet to

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work with a horse. We were at the clinic for three days, and it was one of the most fun three days I ever had. Craig is a great teacher, and he makes it fun to learn and fun to ride. His clinic students don’t just stay in the arena; they also ride on the trails and work obstacle courses, which is a lot of fun—especially with Craig always making jokes. Anything to do with a horse, he’ll teach you. Along with riding, we learned how to load a horse and a lot of other things on the ground. If a horse has a problem like sitting back on his lead rope when he’s tied to the fence, he’ll show you that also; whatever you have a problem with, you take it to his school and he’ll tell and show you what you need to do. At the clinic, there were guys who hadn’t ridden very much and horses that didn’t look teachable; so on the first day, I thought, “No way these guys or these horses are going to make it!” But by the third day, they looked like different riders and different horses. Craig gives both the horse and the rider confidence. I watch his shows on RFD farm and ranch station. On some of these shows, Craig teaches how to do things like load a horse. And sometimes they show his Extreme Cowboy Race, which tests how good a horse and rider are. We did a miniature race like that, with obstacles, at Craig’s clinic.

We have many opportunities for you to promote your equine related business.

Though his students learn a lot, he makes the clinic fun—always happy and smiling. When you’re with Craig, you’re going to have fun … but he’s a real cowboy, for sure. Better backing makes for a better horse! Good Luck & Ride Smart Craig Cameron Get Graig’s book and DVD’s at www.CraigCameron.com

For more information call Mark or Peg at 507-943-3355 email: mark@horsedigests.com or peg@horsedigests.com or call Andrea Jo at 952-237-5311 or email: andrea@horsedigests.com

March 09

midwest horse digest

What to Expect When Vaccinating When vaccination time rolls around, do you know what to expect after your horse’s immunizations? Every horse owner expects their vaccinated horse to be protected from disease, but some horse owners don’t expect to see a reaction that may occur after a vaccination. “Vaccines can save time, money and may even save your horse’s life,” says April Knudson, DVM, manager, Veterinary Services, Merial. “Understanding the risk from vaccination can probably save you a few hours of worrying, but it’s important to remember that the reaction to any vaccine is likely far less devastating than if your horse actually acquired the disease you vaccinated for.”1 Additional info: • What to Expect - Fact Sheet Vaccines are designed to stimulate an immune response, notes Dr. Knudson. Each horse is unique — and a horse’s specific immune response may be different from other horses.2 In particular, Dr. Knudson says that it’s fairly common for horses to experience mild, temporary side effects a few hours after intramuscular vaccination, such as:3,4 * Local muscle soreness or swelling * Fever * Loss of appetite* Lack of energy or alertness “Even humans experience signs like this following vaccinations,” Dr. Knudson says. “What happens to the immune system after vaccinations can’t always be seen, but these types of clinical signs help demonstrate that an immune response has been stimulated – which is exactly what we want the vaccine to do.” However, Dr. Knudson recommends contacting your veterinarian immediately if any of these signs persist for more than 24 hours or if more serious side effects, such as hives, difficulty breathing, collapse or colic occur. These more serious side effects are rare.3,4 Getting your local veterinarian involved is the best way to ensure horses are being vaccinated for the area’s disease risks, and make certain the vaccines themselves are handled and administered properly. Vaccines that are handled improperly can become ineffective or may actually increase the risk of side effects.2,5 In addition, vaccination time is a great opportunity to make certain all aspects of an equine health care regimen are up-to-date with current disease threats, Dr. Knudson recommends. “Vaccinations are a vital part of any equine health program,” Dr. Knudson says. “A good rule of thumb is to check with your veterinarian at least twice a year — usually in the spring and fall — to make sure horses are receiving vaccinations in alignment with the region’s disease risks and the horse’s travel schedule. Plus, it’s a good time to make sure nutritional and dental needs are being met and deworming programs are on track. “Veterinarians are the best source for quality vaccines and vaccination information, and checking in a couple times a year helps make sure your horse is healthy year-round.”

1MacAllister C, Gilliam L. Equine vaccination programs. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Publication VTMD-9119. Available at: http://pods.dasnr.okstate.edu/docushare/dsweb/Get/D ocument-2072/VTMD-9119web.pdf. Accessed December 5, 2008. 2Merck Veterinary Manual. Ninth edition. 2005:2181. 3Adverse reactions. American Association of Equine Practitioners. Available at: http://www.aaep.org/adverse_reactions.htm. Accessed December 5, 2008. 4Povey RC and Carman PS (Martinod S). Technical basics of vaccination. In: Pastoret PP, Blancou J, Vannier P, Verschueren C, eds. Veterinary Vaccinology. New York: Elsevier; 1997;15:574-578. 5Merck/Merial Manual for Pet Health. Home edition. 2007:561.8 ©2009 Merial Limited. Duluth, GA. All rights reserved.

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March 09

alone. Horses feel safer in a group. Being left alone may intensify the problem. The same goes for crossing a road. Wait for a large enough gap in traffic that all the horses can cross together. Be Alert and Aware Pay attention to your surroundings. When the footing becomes treacherous find some solid ground or turn around and go back. Inattentive riders can be surprised by their horse’s sudden reaction to a frightening rabbit scampering in the woods. Never be simply a passenger on your ride. Be an active rider. Look ahead for hazards and things that may frighten your horse. Suspicious people can be dangerous too because you can’t predict what they might do. When you see someone who appears “Out of Place”, trust your instincts and leave quickly. You have horse power on your side. Canter away to a safe distance and call “911” to report the suspicious activity. Planning ahead, staying alert for hazards and keeping courtesy and safety in mind will make your trail riding adventures safe as well as enjoyable.

Mary Hamilton answers your training questions! Ask Mary: Spring trail riding is right around the corner. Some riders at my barn are careless about safety. What can I tell them about trail etiquette? Not everyone is educated in trail safety. But, it only takes one mishap to change your attitude. Let’s share some information about safety to ensure your ride isn’t spoiled by an accident. Suitable Horse Partner Start by selecting a suitable mount. If your horse is nervous in an enclosed arena he’s not yet ready to face the adventures of a trail ride. A seasoned trail horse that has been exposed to rustling leaves, startled deer and the occasional rabbit is invaluable. Be aware of your horse’s fitness level and don’t over do it. Choose a trail length that is appropriate to his current conditioning. Preplan Your Ride Check the weather and trail conditions ahead of time and prepare appropriately. Trails can be confusing or poorly marked. Bring a map, a compass or GPS unit so you’ll know where you are and how to get back. Pack the equipment necessary to deal with an emergency. This should include a halter, lead rope, water, hoof pick, first aid kit, flashlight, cell phone, leatherman type tool or wire cutters.

Let someone reliable know where you are going and when you will return. Consider posting a “sign out” sheet for trail riders in your barn. Important items to post are names, location of the ride, time departed, time due back and a cell phone contact number. Leave an emergency contact number with your barn manager or on the sign out sheet. This makes it clear for barn manager or a friend to know when and where to summon help for you. Safety During the Ride One of the greatest safety concepts on the trail is courtesy to others. Start your ride safely by requiring your horse to stand quietly as you mount. Wait until everyone mounts up before riding down the trail. Horse’s instinctively desire the security of the group. The last horse mounted may hurry to catch up with the herd making mounting more difficult. Don’t crowd other horses on the trail. Maintain at least a horse length of space between horses. This can prevent kicks, bites and other misbehaviors. Tie a ribbon on the tail of a horse that kicks and inform all other riders of this tendency. When you pass horses or change gaits always confer with the other riders in your group to ensure all are confident and ready for the change. Immediately halt the group if a rider has difficulty with a spooking horse or falls off. Never, ever leave a rider having difficulty

Mary is a Mounted Police instructor and a fully insured ARICP riding instructor. She devotes her creative energy to developing customized training programs to improve show ring perfomance, mount obedience and despooking trail horses utilizing training methods used in training police horses. Visit her website at www.riderselite.com or email your questions to Mary at:mary@riderselite.com

American Shetland Pony Club Holds Classic Stallion Sweepstakes Auction Online tee chair for the 2009 Classic Shetland Stallion Sweepstakes. “Last year the Classic Shetland Stallion Auction was a record breaker with 15 stallions bringing in over $6,000 in prize money. The resulting 2010 foal crop will have the largest cash prize payout in the history of the program.” The 2009 auction opens June 1 and closClassic Shetland Pony weanling Cross County Sweet Lil Sister (B&L's Rock "E" Bright Day X My Little Sox) es August 17, with a minimum opening bid of was bred by Belinda Bagby of Cross Country Farm and $200 for each stallion. Shetland mares will be is owned by Jennifer Radoi of Sweet Opal Farm. bred in 2010 and the resulting foals will be (Photo courtesy of Jodie French Photography) shown at the 2011 ASPC National Shetland Congress, where they will compete for top Morton, Illinois - The Classic Shetland Stallion prize money. Sweepstakes Auction, an annual event hosted “The auction gives mare owners the chance by the American Shetland Pony Club (ASPC), to breed to stallions not offered at public stud is the perfect way for Shetland Pony owners to and a chance at the purse,” Ponder said, promote their stallions, breed their mares and adding that the online format makes the aucbe part of an ongoing effort to showcase tion accessible to everyone. “Stallion owners Classic Shetland Pony bloodlines. The auction receive an online page for their stallion, free is held online and is open to all ASPC regis- farm promotion through the auction and a tered stallions and mares. chance to win part of the purse also.” “We're looking forward to another great year of The American Shetland Pony Club was estaboffering some of the industry’s most prized lished in 1888 and recognizes four distinct stallions at stud,” said Carin Ponder, commit- types of ponies: the Classic Shetland Pony,

the Modern Shetland Pony and two types of pony crosses, the American Show Pony and the National Show Pony. The Classic American Shetland Pony is a refined version of their Scottish ancestors. For complete details on participating in the 2009 Classic Shetland Stallion Auction, visit www.classicsweepstakes.com. Stallion nominations are due April 1. All bids will go through Carin Ponder, ponderingoaksstables@yahoo.com, (936) 443-0566. The American Shetland Pony Club, the American Show Pony Registry and The American Miniature Horse Registry are nonprofit organizations established to preserve and refine the bloodlines of these small equines and promote the enjoyment of small equines. Recognized as the oldest and most versatile registry in the United States, the American Shetland Pony Club offer a variety of programs for Shetland Pony and Miniature Horse enthusiasts of all ages. Visit their website at www.shetlandminiature.com or 81-B East Queenwood Road, Morton, IL 61550.

March 09

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midwest horse digest

March 09

Meet Kickstart, the Wild Mustang by Dennis Auslam Meet Kickstart! My special friend and partner in the Extreme Mustang Makeover. The climax for this partnership is this spring at the Midwest Horse Fair with The Midwest Mustang Makeover Trainer challenge. Kickstart is a three year old bay mustang with a little white star between her eyes and she comes straight from the high desert in Nevada. I named her Kickstart and she came by that name honestly. In fact, to name her anything else would have been unthinkable. Due to the unruly, snowy Minnesota weather, I was 2 weeks late picking her up. Another horse training friend of mine, who is also working with a Mustang, was kind enough

to pick her up in Southern Illinois and haul her to his training facility in Wisconsin, where she stayed until I was able to shovel out of the snow and cold and get her picked up. Our first meeting was a true challenge. But having worked in the past with mustangs I expected nothing less. It consisted of her coming at me with teeth bared and ears back. I didn’t surrender my ground, although I wanted to. My heart and stomach were in my throat. We ran her out of the barn and into an open round pen, where my job began. I was limited on time to work with her and I needed to get her in a trailer and haul her home within a couple of days. We worked together in the round pen for quite a long time, to no avail... as her instincts were kicking in. Hence her name "Kickstart". I finally had to resort to a hoolahand loop (back in the old cowboy ways), to get her caught. At that point I started working her back and forth, with pressure and release, until she understood what it was I was asking from her. I then asked her to move forward with pressure and release, until I could get a lead rope on her. I had to start working on her confidence in me. Her whole underside was cake with dried mud, and I knew I had to get her somewhat clean to get a saddle on her, so we started working on some desensitizing techniques. By the end of the first day, I was able to lead her back to her stall and brush her as far back as her front shoulder. By half way thru the 2nd day I was able to wave a flag around, get a blanket on her back, and brush the girth area (using great care). By the end of the second day, I was on her back trotting circles in the round pen. The 3rd morning, I was in the open arena trotting circles and going over some obstacles. The late morning of the 3rd day I was able to walk her into my three horse slant trailer, quietly and calmly. I have worked with a few mustangs in Idaho.

in the past, and my experience has been pretty much the same with these wild horses. They show their emotions and feelings honestly, there is no BS in these guys. It’s actually a breath of fresh air compared to some of todays domesticated horses. Next month we will update you on Kickstarts progress. I can say that she has won my heart totally and is very intellegent and quick to try and please. A pleasure to teach. As we collect pictures of Kickstart we will be putting them up on our website so please visit us and meet her. You will also be able to meet her at the Central MN Horse Fest in April and she and I just got back from the Mid South Horse Fest in Tunica, MS. We entered a trail challenge there and though we did not win, Kickstart did extremely well. Take Care and God Bless! Dennis Auslam We invite you to visit our website, we always have an upcoming clinic that can help you perfect your horsemanship skills. This spring we are having a Confidence and Self Defense on the Trail clinic where Mary Hamilton and I will be working together. For more info keep checking the website: www.redwoodstables.com Dennis Auslam is the owner/operator of Redwood Stables in Morton, MN. He trains both horse and rider through lessons and clinics and runs a regular schedule of clinics in Confidence Building, Horsemanship and Cattle Work and has recently added a Challenge Trail Course to his facility. He is scheduled to be a clinician a number of Horse Fairs and Expos around the country in 2009, hosts clinics at his facility and also does outside clincs. If you are interested in hosting a clinic please contact us. I you are interested in attending a clinic you can check out our clinic schedule on the website. You can set up a clinic at your facility with Dennis by contacting him at 507-430-0342 or email him at redwoodstables@redred.com. We invite you to visit the website at www.redwoodstables.com for more information.

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Dr. Joe Foerner, DVM, DACVS, named Director of the UW/Morrie Waud Equine Center and treatment facilities. The staff includes four veterinary doctors and certified technicians. It is supported by the expertise of the equine specialists in the fields of medicine, surgery, radiology ophthalmology, dentistry and anesthesiology at the University of Wisconsin - Madison School of Veterinary Medicine.

The Board of Directors of the Friends of the University of Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Teaching Program has named Dr. Joseph J. Foerner to the new post of Director of the UW / Morrie Waud Equine Center, located near Delavan, Wisconsin. In making the announcement, Dr. Dale E. Bjorling, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVS, of the Friends organization stated, �Dr. Foerner has been a valuable colleague of the University Of Wisconsin School Of Veterinary Medicine for many years. His outstanding experience in equine medicine and surgery in the Midwest and the nation provides the clinic with exceptional depth and experience, and we welcome his guidance as the clinic grows.� Dr. Foerner has been a consultant to the UW / Morrie Waud Equine Center since its inception. He was formerly a partner in the Illinois Equine Hospital & Clinic in Naperville, Illinois and a consultant to Merritt Associates Equine Hospital in Wauconda, Illinois. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois (B. S. 1963, DVM 1965) and the University of Pennsylvania, where he completed his internship in equine surgery. Dr. Foerner is an internationally recognized authority on equine arthroscopic surgery. He was one of the nation's first veterinarians to use arthroscopic surgery in equine practice and has co-authored several books on the topic. He serves as a consultant to the Brookfield and Lincoln Park Zoos, the Shedd Aquarium, and Arlington Park Racecourse in the Chicago area, and the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus in Washington, D.C. Dr. Foerner is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons and has served as President, Chairman of the Board and Regent of that Association. He holds memberships in the AVMA and AAEP, as well as the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association. He has shared his expertise at over seventy national and international conferences and seminars and has had numerous articles published in peer-reviewed journals related to equine surgery and wildlife medicine The UW / Morrie Waud Equine Center is affiliated with the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine and offers complete and technologically advanced diagnostic, surgical,

For more information, contact Bob Emery (Bob@EmeryMarketing.com) or Ashley Goodin at the UW / MWEC at 608-883-6895

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March 09

Endurance rides are endurable! by Tracy Porter schedule.

tant things like average speed, lapsed time, Call the ‘ride manager’ for specifics. etc. to bother learning that. Most novice rides even start at a reasonable And there are additional perks, your time…not 4,5 6 or 7a.m. Now you know why horse receives lots of mini-physicals; at the many distance riders suffer from some degree of sleep deprivation and although we may not beat the early bird to the worm, we most likely beat him into bed. Oh, and did I mention you’ll want to get up about 3a.m. to feed your horse? But back to your first ride…you might want to show up without a horse, The calendar says it’s time to get ride management will be only too happy you and your horse in shape for this year’s to let you get some hands on experiendurance and competitive rides. And now ence…soaking in the whole ambiance of that the temperature has moderated a bit, it camping and horse confinement …scriblearning to take p will make those conditioning rides a bit more ing for the ride vet, & r’s or just being a tolerable. But gopher. And since first you need misery loves compato get the ice ny…think of finding and/or mud another aspiring dischipped off tance rider…and your horse and when gasoline/diesel make a heroic soars over four dolattempt to get lars a gallon once brush and/or again, you’ll be glad shedding you did! And I might blade through even ask you to trot that dense Susan Keating, Shirley May and Jim & Dawn Haas at out my horse…I’ve winter coat. Endless Valley been very hard on my Now that your ligaments and have horse is someexisted without ACL’S for ‘vet in’; the ride veterinarian will check your what presentayears but last year my 71- horse’s pulse and respiration, capillary refill, ble and you’re year old left medial collat- skin tenting, gut sounds, etc. etc. - ascertain sweaty and eral ligament protested that your horse is not lame and ‘is fit to go’. wearing your and I’ve yet to see if it’s fix- There’s another ‘vet check and trot out’ at the horse’s hair able. The only bone I’ve mid-point of a 25-mile ride (additional vet a n d ever broken was that checks for 50’s and 100’s.) and a final at the dander…just femur in 2002 (not horse end of the ride. The lucky six receive ribthink of it as a harbinger of Palmyra ride - Tracy Porter & Thomas w/ Dr. Wes Elford related) and unfortunately, bons…but unlike those 40-dollar ribbons at the plate and screws made horse shows not subject to the vagaries of a doing thevet check. When Dr. Wes isn't vetting what to expect - he's riding 50's. the MRI unreadable. judge, you can be sure you and your horse at future rides. N o doubt your tack like mine is clean, oiled and W i t h ready to plop on your horse’s back (just kidding!) The tack you have will do just fine; how- competitive rides, ever, if you have a hundred thousand just lan- you’ll want to aim for guishing in your checking account…any com- a speed somewhere pany selling endurance gear will be more than between 5 and 7happy to help you lose your balance or at least miles an hour. Not decrease it significantly. However, of utmost sure what this might importance is a saddle that fits your be? If you’ve got a horse…don’t be one of those ninnies who think nice quiet road (or adding yet another pad will make everything trail) measure out a right…unless of course your horse is like the mile with your car’s odometer … check proverbial ‘princess and the pea’. There just might be an your watch and off endurance/competitive ride near your own you go. Or if this is backyard; many offer a novice ride of 12 to 15- really something miles. For a listing of ’09 rides visit the ‘Upper you’re determined to Midwest Endurance and Competitive Ride pursue, Garmin has Endless Valley - 'vet check' w/ Dr. Marny Gamm earned a Association’ website at UMECRA or DRAW for a neat wrist GPS that will give you this information in the blink of an well‘Distance Riders Association of Wisconsin’. No computer? Give me a call at The Farm in eye. It also does lots of other neat things and deserved ribbon. And that’s not all … at Milton 608/868-3039 and I’ll send you a apparently will even help you get unlost; how- endurance rides everyone who finishes ever, I’ve been too busy dealing with impor- receives a ‘completion award’.

March 09

midwest horse digest

You might also want to check with your breed ridden 25-miles!” Not to worry…neither had association for special awards or acknowl- my friend nor I, we survived and so did our edgement. My favorite mare, Ikea copped high point in Competitive in 2005 and 2006 when she was 18 and 19 and Bert belonging to Joslyn Seefeldt was high point in Limited Distance for 2006 with the Paso Fino Horse Association and also Northern Kettle Ride - Pieta, Ikea & Bert anticipating the next day's ride. ranked 3rd nationally in mileage with AERC. horses! But be forewarned –these rides may But you say “hey, I’ve never even be addictive. On February 28th, the Appaloosa Horse Association has an endurance clinic- a NEW PRODUCT - Audreys Solutions benefit for the SMILES handicapped-riding program; for more information call Dawn Haas NEVER STRUGGLE at 262/495-8105.

TO CLEAN YOUR HORSE’S FACE AGAIN WASH Washing your horse’s face can be challenging, but there are no more worries with the first and only “waterless” equine face wash on the market. Audrey’s Solution to Dirty Faces Waterless Equine Face Wash is an innovative, wipe-on formula that can get any horse’s face spotless without turning on a hose. There are no more struggles to get dirt and sweat off your horse’s face, as you simply spray Audrey’s Solution to Dirty Faces onto a fresh towel and wipe your horse’s face clean. No need to rinse before or afterwards. And Audrey’s Solution to Dirty Faces is hypoallergenic and non-irritating, so cleaning eyes, ears and noses is a breeze. Also available from Audrey’s Solutions is Audrey’s Solution to Dirty Horses Medicated Shampoo and Audrey’s Solution to Troubled Skin Medicated Skin Spray. These medicated products are antifungal and antibacterial, and they make treating dermatitis and fungus easy. Even against rain rot, you will see the difference as these products leave your horse’s coat and skin well conditioned and protected. Audrey’s Solutions grooming products do not contain “cheap fillers”, such as DEA, phosphates, bleach, soap, and harsh detergents that can be harmful to you, your horse and the environment. Audrey’s Solutions are innovative, unique and guaranteed to fulfill your grooming needs, not work against them. We are certain that your horse will love these products as much as our horses do. Suggested Retail Price of all three products: $16.95 Visit us at www.audreyssolutions.com

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And for a ‘taste of endurance’ join us at The Farm on Saturday, May 2…proceeds for the 5 and 10-mile rides like those its four predecessors will be used by the Rock County Multi-Use Trails Group to improve equestrian trails in the county. If there is sufficient interest, on Friday afternoon, May 1st we will have a ‘hands on’ clinic and ‘5-mile sample ride’. Meanwhile…think spring Tracy Porter/TJ Clibborn-Clinics, Expos, Lessons, Training 9736 N. Serns Road Milton, Wisconsin 53563 Phone: 608-868-5432 Phone: 765-729-1217 The Farm-Boarding Shirley May, 9736 N. Serns Roadm, Milton, Wisconsin 53563 Phone: 608-868-3039

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March 09

Not Getting the Results You Want? If I’ve been working with a horse for a few hours and I’m not getting the response I’m looking for, then I stop (part 2) and ask myself: What am I not explaining to the horse that he needs in order to give me the proper response? Something that Dr. McLean used to say to me, which was a home run idea in my mind, was that “the lesson needs to be clearer to the teacher than it is to the student.” It can’t be equal—in other words, the lesson can’t be as clear to the student as it is to the teacher. And that’s where 90% of the riders end up. The rider takes a bit of someone’s method here, a bit of another method there, and then mix in parts of another method. On one day they’ll work with the horse with one method, which is directly opposite of the method they used the day before. The horse winds up with mixed messages in crazy foreign languages and nothing ever makes sense to them. It would be like me studying Chinese, French and Spanish and using words from each language in a sentence. Just try to sort that out and make sense of it! You have to go back and clarify to the horse that this particular method is the one you’re going to use and these are the cues you’re going to teach consistently. And then you need to promise that these premises won’t change! Find a training method you like and stick with it. If you’re having problems, sit down and analyze exactly where you’re having challenges. Write down your thoughts— problems, successes, progress, concerns. Writing them down is a step-by-step, tedious process, and many people don’t want to do it. But it gives you a clear picture about your horse (and yourself). By writing down these things, you’ll visualize a successful image in your mind and you’ll begin to see a pattern in your training—maybe your cues aren’t clear, you don’t quite understand how to get the stops you’re after, maybe you don’t know why a certain leg needs to be the first in a departure sequence. Maybe you’re not clear about the Connection Clock, which is a tool used in my Connection DVD to help evaluate and teach horse movement,and how the horse’s shoulder moves off. Whatever it is, it always boils down to the fact that it’s always the rider’s fault, never the horse’s fault.

Analyzing your horse’s successes, challenges, and blooperswill point out how successful (or maybe not so successful!)you are as a trainer and rider

Planning the Plan

by Ryan Gingerich Goals for the Human The other thing I do on a regular basis is to write down what I’m going to do with my horse. I sit down and write out steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of my plan. The lessons I write down directly relate to the goal for the day. That way if you get interrupted (which is bound to happen), you can refer back to your written plan, which will redirect you to where you were with the horse. Trust me, this is easier than trying to rely on your memory. (Anyone who knows me will tell you that I have the worst memory on the face of the earth!) Having a lesson plan, writing it down, making it attainable, making it simple, making it specific—all of these items are very important in developing a plan for you and your horse. Recognizing the Horse’s Innate Intelligence When I first started training horses, I would get frustrated because I didn’t have a deep knowledge of horse psychology. And I certainly didn’t have an understanding of behavioral rehabilitation. I would get very frustrated very quickly, and didn’t get the results I wanted. Every time I felt frustrated with myself or with the horse, I would stop, get a drink of water or a soda, talk to someone, or just put the horse away. Then I’d regroup by sitting down that night and write in my notes: “Today this is what the horse did really bad, and this is what he did really good. These are the things I saw as improvements. These are the things I want to do tomorrow.” I’d make a list and keep a log for every horse that I trained. The log allows me to see an improvement in the horse and keep a record of his progress. When the horse improved, then I knew I didn’t have to work for hours on walking on the rail and stopping and backing; I already knew he was improving and I could go on to something

different. The Magic Numbers of Five, Six, Seven Once a horse does the lesson correctly for five, six or seven times consecutively, then I basically stop at that point and switch to another lesson. I was inspired by reading about a scientist who proved the theory that most mammals learn best with five to seven repetitions. If you drill the horse over and over and over again, always attaining the right response, eventually he’ll show you the wrong response. Then the horse will be practicing the wrong thing! So having that stopping point is very important: five to seven successful repetitions. Years and years ago I certified under a trainer who believed that you had to perform thousands of repetitions with the same response to get the horse to learn that response. It was an important benchmark in my life when I found this scientific study about animals learning best with five to seven repetitions. I talked about this study with Dr. Andrew McLean, one of my mentors. He was very enthusiastic about the study, and totally supported the concept. This information and validation made me recognize the intelligence of the horse, and I started appreciating these animals much more and started working with them in a new way. It was really enlightening to watch the horses’ responses without drilling them with thousands of repetitions. However, it does take thousands of repetitions for a learned response, but that will take years to add up to those numbers. For instance, most of the top dressage horses are 12 to 15 years old, the reason being that it takes that many years to get the horse to where everything is an automatic response. There’s such a strong connectivity between the cue and the response that it becomes ingrained in their minds. What’s Enough? Old timers frequently give the advice to “stop on a good note with your horse; he’ll be there the next day.” Well, I honestly don’t think that’s the case. I’ve seen a few horses that, if you stop on a good note, you’ll make progress the next day. But I’ve seen too many horses where you stop on a good note the first day and the next day the issue was just as bad as when you started. Having that in your mind, coupled with knowing that you’re going to have both good and bad days, and you’ll develop a feel for knowing when to say “when.”

As always, Train Safe, Ride Safe, Have Fun! For more information on Ryan Gingerich, his Connective Horsemanship program, and how you can improve the way you communicate with your horse, please visit www.ryangingerich.com or simply call 800.359.4090.

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If you have a special event, are a stable or training facility, a trainer, or would like to promote your stallion call or email us for more information on sizes and pricing for the Equine Central Special Section.

March 09


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Classifying Horses as Livestock, Definition Bill for Minnesota Horses are Livestock, Definition Bill for Minnesota David Dayon of Wind-N-Wood Farm Ltd., Saint Michael, MN, deserves the thanks and support of the Minnesota Horse Industry. He has spearheaded a bill to insure that horses are defined as livestock in Minnesota statutes chapter 17 for the Department of Agriculture. Horses are defined as livestock in every other area of Minnesota’s legislation, but not defined in Chapter 17. Why is this so important? Recently, there has been a move in several States, including Minnesota, to change the legal status of horses from that of livestock to companion animal, non-food animal, or other similar designations. To clarify this in all areas of Minnesota statutes, David, along with authors Representative Tom Emmer and Senator Amy Koch have presented to their respective Agricultural committees the following bill. It has passed both the House of Representatives and Senate committees and is headed to the respective floors for a final vote. The bill as presented states: A bill for an act relating to agriculture; clarifying that horses and other equines are livestock and raising them is an agricultural pursuit; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 17. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. [17.459] HORSES. Subdivision 1. Classification as livestock. Horses and other equines raised for the purposes of riding, driving, competition, racing, recreation, sale, or as breeding stock are livestock. Horses and their products are livestock and farm products for purposes of financial transactions and collateral. Subd. 2. Agricultural pursuit. Raising horses and other equines is agricultural production and an agricultural pursuit. Horse breeding farms, horse training farms, horse boarding farms, or farms combining those purposes, are an intensive agricultural use that may be accomplished on limited acreage. These intensive agricultural uses are necessary for horses in order to control the feeding, safety, and overall condition of the animals. Some of the reasons this so is important to the horse industry to have them remain classified as livestock and not simply companion animals or pets are: A. State and Federal support and monies. The care and regulation of horses and horse related activities come under the purview of the United States Department of Agriculture on the national level.

B. Humane Laws. All 50 States have animal anti-cruelty laws. Some of these laws are written specifically for livestock and others are written specifically for non-livestock. See MN Statute 346.38 “Equines” C. Limited Liability Laws. Many States are now passing what are commonly referred to as “limited liability laws.” One of the purposes of these State laws is to provide stable owners, equine event organizers and trail ride organizers protection from lawsuits that may arise if an individual is injured while attending or participating in such an event. Those involved in the horse industry realize the horse is a potentially dangerous animal, and are aware of the risks when dealing with them. See MN Statute 604A.12 Livestock activities; immunity from liability. D. Tax Issues. Currently, under federal tax law, commercial horse owners and breeders are treated as farmers. This has certain tax ramifications which could be changed if horses were not considered livestock. In addition, horse owners and breeders are treated differently by state excise and sales taxes because horses are considered livestock. These advantages could be lost.

horse industry needs to remain solid and unified in this matter, do your part to protect our industry and get involved with the laws that do and will govern us in the future.

There are other ramifications of changing the status of horses from livestock to companion animals. There are many that would like us and the general public to think otherwise. The

We ask that every one in the horse industry get involved with your state’s legislation to protect our rights and viability.

I was present at the committee hearings to support this effort and know what is going on. You need to be informed and contact your state representatives to let them know that you are in the industry and want your voice to be heard. Many do not know how large and important the horse industry is for Minnesota and you. Rahn Greimann Please get involved and contact your representatives today! You can find their contact information here: Minnesota House of Representatives http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/members/h ousemembers.asp Minnesota Senate Members http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/members/

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March 09

Building a Better Relationship

Women's Conection with Horses by Julie Goodnight

Question: How do you explain the connection women have with horses? Answer: Without question, there is a connection between women and horses. This bond lures both young girls and older women into a web of seduction. My humble beginnings with horses has enlightened me not only to the ways and wiles of horses, but also to a greater understanding of how it is that women are so inextricably intertwined with them, for better or for worse, and why horses are so powerfully attractive to women. Growing up on a small horse farm in central Florida, my education of horses began at an early age. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to develop and explore my passion

for horses, which was passed on to me from my father. Being one of four siblings that all had the same opportunities and exposures, I was the only one in my family that was caught in the web. To say I had an interest in horses is a gross understatement, for if I had been able to transform myself into a horse, I would have gone to live with the herd in a heartbeat. As av very introverted child, my days were spent hiding out in the pastures with the horses. I was very shy and quiet in my youth, but came to life with the horses. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of the hours and days spent in my fort in the huge tree out in the pasture. My sanctuary also provided a refuge to our horses from the hot Florida sun and we spent a lot of quality time there, hidden in the shade of the huge oak. While my parents worried that I did not have many friends, I found camaraderie with the herd. While my parents were concerned that I never seemed to talk much, the dialogue with my herd mates was never-ending. My infatuation turned to a lifetime passion. It wasn't until I was a young adult that I began to question where my connection to horses came from and how I had gained the ability to understand horses so well. How was it that I knew the things I knew about horses that no one had ever taught me? Was it genetic memory? Was I born with some sort of sixth sense or mystical ability that allowed me to communicate with horses in a way that others couldn't grasp? I remember a big brown Thoroughbred that belonged to a timid middle-aged rider. They were a bad match for each other and their relationship was troubled, to say the least. Both of them were anxious and struggling to communicate. I was drawn into this tumultuous relationship in an effort to help both of them. At

the age of 14, I was a very competent rider, but no one had ever taught me how to train a horse. I knew how to jump big fences and I could ride just about anything with four legs, but I had not been taught much about horse behavior and training. As I worked with the brown horse, I somehow I managed to connect with him and find the source of the horse's anxiety and help them both find confidence in each other. Using my intuition, I was able to provide the horse with an understanding of what was expected of him and give the owner a sense of how to relate to the horse. Gradually, I came to realize that my understanding of horses -- my "horse sense" -- had come from the horses themselves and my days spent loitering with the herd under the big oak tree. By immersing myself in their lives, I had learned their rules, and learned the communicative gestures and the various behaviors of the individuals. Armed with this invaluable but sub-conscious understanding, I began my career with horses and started on the infinite path toward greater insight. Having spent the last 25 years as a female horse trainer in a traditionally male industry, I have spent many hours thinking about how it is that women and men are different in their approach to horses. Having spent most of my life as a trainer of horses and a teacher of people, I know that there are clear differences between the genders. For the most part, women possess qualities that enhance their relationship with horses, but some of these traits can get in our way. So what is it about women and horses that can account for the unique bond between the two? In general, women are much more intuitive than men and are more in tune to emotions. Since horses are largely non-verbal communicators and highly emotional animals, I think women have a leg-up on men when it comes to being able to understand the horse and connect with and understand its emotions. Not only can women sense the emotionality in others, but also we tend to take on those emotions more easily, thus making us more empathetic. Women are nurturers by nature. We are programmed to take care of our herd. We are more inclined to function in family groups and watch out for the greater good of the group. Like the boss mare in the horse herd, we are inclined to find food and shelter, provide discipline and structure and guard against threats to the safety of those in our care. In essence, we have a tendency to be herdbound ourselves. On a deeper level, I believe women can connect with horses from a shared understanding of what it is like to be a prey animal. In spite of the fact that humans are considered to be predators and, in fact, the number one predator of horses for more than 150,000 years, women are more accustomed to being prey than being predator.

March 09 Throughout history, women have been oppressed and victimized by individual males who are physically stronger by nature. Throughout history society has oppressed women in many ways. Both women and horses understand what it means to be vulnerable and I think that as a result, the psyches of both horses and women areconnected deep within as strong, spirited animals with true vulnerabilities that lie just below the surface. As women, we know what it is like to have our rights infringed upon. We know what it is like to fear for our own safety and survival. In some cases, we understand what it is like to be captive and powerless to determine our own fate. I spent my college years working at the racetrack and gaining a whole new perspective than what I had learned on the show circuit. I loved the riding; I loved the excitement of busting out of the starting gate and running like the wind. I loved the challenge of riding young vigorous horses and staying with them through their transition from young gangly colts to mature and resolute athletes. I loved the power and the veracity that I felt riding racehorses. Yet walking through the back barns at the track, I would cower from the catcalls and the harassment emanating from the seedy track workers. As a rider, I felt strong and empowered. As a woman, I felt vulnerable and frightened. When a horse feels frightened and trapped, he sometimes forgets that he is strong and powerful and capable of defending himself, because his nature is to run not confront. Sometimes a horse will quietly accept his fate and endure endless abuse, forgetting he has the power to fight back. At the track, I could handle the powerful and exuberant horses, but one pathetic and meaningless man could make me run for cover. Just as men tend to approach life with bravado, women tend to approach life with cunning and finesse. I believe this accounts for why horses relate differently to men and women, for better or for worse. Whether it is a fact of biology or society, men tend to be stronger and more confident than women and therefore tend to approach horses more from the perspective of muscling the horse or "conquering the savage beast." While women, with a keener sense of survival and an understanding of vulnerability, and knowing that our brute force will not count for much against a thousand pound animal, tend to approach horses with greater finesse and thoughtfulness. I believe it is this very difference that accounts for the fact that often horses are said to be "afraid of men." I do not think that horses can intellectually distinguish between the genders of humans, but rather react to the body language, attitudes and intentions of men, who are more imposing and intimidating in their demeanor. It has been my observation that horses that are supposedly afraid of men will not be frightened of men that are quiet, calm and humble in their approach to horses. In other words, horses will not be frightened of men "in touch with their feminine sides." Although women seem to connect with horses through a shared sense of vulnerability, this sense of vulnerability can also man-

midwest horse digest ifest in a lack of confidence, which may interfere with a satisfactory relationship between the two. As men tend to approach horses with confidence and an air of leadership, women often approach horses with uncertainty and insecurity. Horses are very quick to perceive this difference and may take advantage of a woman more quickly than a man. The structure of the horse herd is a linear hierarchy, which means that each and every individual of the herd is either dominant over, or subordinate to, each and every other individual. In essence, if you and your horse form a herd of two, you are either dominant or subordinate; you are either the leader or the follower. I have found that women often have difficulty stepping into the leadership role in their herd of two. Women are nurturers and not aggressors; therefore it is easy for us to fall into the subordinate role. To earn respect and become the leader of the herd, a horse must control the resources of the herd (food, water, etc.) and control the space and actions of the subordinates. In our roles as nurturers and caregivers, women have difficulty stepping up to this plate. Women may be quick to let horses, and others, push them around and control their space, which only serves to convince the horse that he is, in fact, the alpha individual in the herd of two. So while women have much strength that allows us to connect to horses on a deeper level, sometimes these strengths can become our greatest weaknesses. We are not as accustomed to defending our space and asking for what we want. We are more accustomed to giving of our selves to others. It may be that the best lesson women can learn and apply to their relationship with horses is to remember that we share much with horses, and can naturally relate to them, but that our natural behaviors are potentially counter-productive to capable management of our horses. In other words, how we feel -- our emotions and intuition -- are positives; but how we react --- whether we are confident and direct, or less assertive and indirect --- can be negative. If women can learn to use their senses and feelings to understand and

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bond with their horses, and also learn to act directly and confidently, they will develop an extraordinary bond and will catch the horse in their web. I have learned many things from my lifetime spent with horses and they will continue to be my teachers throughout my life. I have learned to be honest, forthright and clear in my communications with others. I have learned to follow through with what I ask for, an assertiveness that does not come naturally to women who are used to giving rather than taking. I have learned to feel confidant and act like the leader, even when deep down inside I do not really feel that way. Sometimes, you just have to fake it. Above all else, horses have taught me to be patient. I have learned to be persistent, to hold my ground and wait and let the horse come to me. There is no greater satisfaction than to develop a relationship based on trust and confidence with a horse. Perhaps the greatest patience of all is the patience of knowing that I will continue to learn about horses for the rest of my life at the same rate that I was learning as a child under the oak tree. The tree fort has given way to my kitchen table, sipping coffee in the early morning hours and studying the herd right outside my window. And no matter how hard I try and no matter how long I work at it, there will always be another lesson to be learned from a horse. Julie Goodnight has more than a quarter-century of horse training experience. Her varied background ranges from dressage and jumping to racing, reining, colt-starting, and wilderness riding. She communicates clearly with horses and riders in any discipline and travels coast-to-coast and beyond to film her television show, Horse Master, and to appear at horse expos, conferences and clinics.publications and websites. Visit www.JulieGoodnight.com. Julie Goodnight Natural Horsemanship TrainingTM Goodnight Training Stables, Inc.TM PO Box 397, Poncha Springs, Colorado 81242 Phone: 719-530-0531 • 800-225-8827


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Once you establish a walk, continue on the large circle. As you arrive at the three o’clock position, make a smaller circle to the right within the large circle. We will use this smaller circle to prepare for a transition (a change from one gait to another or speed within a gait). As you complete the smaller circle and come back to the large circle, prepare to make a transition to an extended walk. Do this by putting more weight in your seat, following the movement with the hips while lightly squeezing with the legs and opening the fingers to let the horse increase his gait. Continue the extended walk on the large circle. When you arrive at the nine o’clock position on the large circle, prepare for a downward transition to a slower walk. Turning the horse onto the smaller circle will naturally tend to slow his speed. Ask for a downward transition by decreasing the weight in your seat and decreasing the movement of your hips following the horse’s movement and by decreasing and relaxing your leg aids. If necessary, slightly close the fingers on the reins. The horse should slow his gait in reaction to this communication. As you complete the small circle and approach the large circle again, prepare to ask your horse for an upward transition to a jog or trot. Time the communication so that your horse will be jogging or trotting as he comes back onto the large circle. The aids communications for this upward transition is the same as we used for the transition from slow to extended walk: seat-legs-hands. While placing more weight in your seat, move your hips forward to follow the horse’s movement as you lightly apply leg pressure. Remember to open the fingers to allow the horse the freedom to move forward. If you do not get a response, continue on a larger turn and repeat the aids sequence to ask for the upward transition. Keep the horse jogging or trotting on the large circle. Change directions to track left. We will use this direction to work on downward transition. Continue the jog/trot around the circle until you arrive at the three o’clock position. Once again follow the smaller circle and prepare for a downward transition to the walk. As you start to close the smaller circle, apply more weight in your seat, decrease hip movement, keep legs on contact but not squeezing, and lightly close your fingers on the reins. The horse should respond by giving you a downward transition to a walk. Continue walking on the large circle. As you approach the nine o’clock position, enter the smaller circle at the walk. As you begin to close the circle, ask for an upward transition to an extended walk by applying more weight with the seat, following with the hips, squeezing

Communicating with Your Aids … Keys to Success, Part 5” In the last article, I discussed the importance of the rider’s natural aids in communicating with the horse. I now would like to share with you a simple exercise to help you improve the use of your seat, leg, and hand aids. You will need a large area, such as an arena or large pasture, to do this exercise. Since we are concentrating on improving the rider, this exercise should be done using a horse that has basic understanding of the rider’s seat, leg, and hand aids. Circles-Within-A-Circle Exercise The pattern for this exercise uses a large circle and two smaller ones done within the large circle. If you think of the large circle as a clock face, then the smaller circles we will do within it will be done at the three and nine o’clock positions. During the exercise, keep the horse’s body positioned straight on these circles. This means that his body is slightly bent

or arced to follow the circular track. A diagram of this pattern is shown in my “Dressage Principles for the Western and English Horse and Rider, Aids Communications,” available at my website listed at the end of this article. With the horse properly tacked and warmed up, start by asking him to walk forward on a large circle to the right. Communicate your request for the horse to move forward by using the aids together in the proper sequence. The first aid used is the seat. The rider’s shoulders are positioned slightly back so that her seat puts more weight in the saddle as her hips follow the horse’s movement. The leg aids follow with a light pressure to ask the horse to move forward. Finally, the hands encourage forward movement as the fingers open slightly on the reins to allow the horse the freedom of movement. The sequence is: seat-legs-hands.

March 09

March 09 lightly with the legs, and opening the fingers. When you are on the larger circle again, continue an extended walk to the three o’clock position. Add Some Challenge As you enter the small circle at three o’clock, prepare for a downward transition to a walk. Keep your seat working lighter, leg lighter in response, and let the horse come back to his natural walk within the small circle. This time, before returning to the large circle, ask for an upward transition within the small circle. Remember the aids sequence: 1) increase weight in the seat, follow with the hips, 2) lightly squeeze with the legs, and 3) open the fingers to allow forward movement. Time your aids communication so that you are jogging or trotting by the time you are back on the large circle. Jog/trot one entire large circle to the left. Gradually make a large, wide figure “8” turn so that you are tracking to the right. On the large circle, prepare to extend the jog by applying more weight in your seat. Continue following the motion with your hips. Be prepared because the increased speed will make this gait more bouncy to follow. The legs still stay on contact with a light squeeze to support forward movement. Make at least one large circle at the extended jog/trot. When you are ready, use one of the smaller circles to ask for a downward transition to the walk. I will not repeat the sequence of aids to use since we have already covered it. Reverse directions and repeat this part of the exercise. As you do this exercise, you probably will discover that you need very little, if any, pressure on the reins. The seat and leg aids do most of the communicating. Ultimately, your goal should be that the reins become your most passive aids for all riding. I really like using this exercise for several reasons. The circle is a great pattern for training the horse and the rider. The smaller circles help the horse with downward transitions because he will naturally slow down on them. On the other hand, moving onto the larger circle encourages forward movement. The circles also give the rider some markers to help time the upward and downward transitions. Sometimes a horse does not respond to the rider’s seat and leg aids. If the horse does not respond to a light leg squeeze, first try moving the leg back slightly and reapply the aid, and then give the horse a little bump with the leg to get his attention if necessary. When you get a response to a leg aid from the horse, keep the legs on contact with the horse to maintain the request for forward movement. Always strive to use the lightest of aids! Another important aid to use to communicate with the horse is your voice. If you need more response to a request for an upward transition, add your voice by giving a cluck. A voice aid is sometimes all the extra communication that is necessary. In the next article we will add to this exercise. In the meantime learn more about Palm Partnership Training™ by going to www.lynnpalm.com or calling 800-503-2824.

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February 09

Unwanted Horse Coalition Chair to Present Latest Info at MN Horse Expo April 24-26 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in St. Paul

The 2009 Minnesota Horse Expo scheduled for April 2426 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in St. Paul welcomes Dr. Tom Lenz, chairman of the American Horse Council’s Unwanted Horse Coalition, for one presentation on the Unwanted Horse, Saturday, April 25. Dr. Lenz will discuss the history of the unwanted horses and how it started, the types of horses that become unwanted, the approximate numbers and causes for them becoming unwanted, euthanasia and carcass disposal options in

detail a n d briefly review federal legislation that has been introduced to deal with the horse slaughter issue because many unwanted horses are processed for meat. He will finally discuss current options for unwanted horses and efforts by a number of organizations to deal with the issue. The results of the national unwanted horse survey should be tabulated by then and will be presented at Expo. Active in the equine industry, Dr. Lenz is a Past President of the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP).

READY-TO-RIDE GUIDE ILLINOIS - Trail Rides 34 Ranch & Camp, Herod, IL. 618-264-2141 www.34ranch.com Bay Creek Wilderness Rides, Shawnee National Forest, Simpson, IL.; 618-695-2670 www.baycreekranch.com Bear Ranch Horse Camp, Eddyville, IL.; Shawnee National Forest, 618-672-4249, www.bearbranch.com Cedar Lake Ranch, LLC, Vienna, IL.; 618-695-2600, www.cedarlakeranchllc.com Circle B Ranch HOrse Camp, Eddyville, IL.; 618-672-4748, www.circlebranch.com Double M Campground, Junction, IL.; 618-275-4440, www.doublemcampground.com Jim Edgar Panther Creek, IL.; 217-452-7741 Little Lusk Trail Lodge, Harrisburg, IL.; 618-672-4303 One Horse Gap Trail Ride, New Hope Hill, IL.; 618-264-7433, www.onehorsegap.com Riding Vacations 34 Ranch & Camp, Herod, IL.

618-264-2141 www.34ranch.com Hayes Canyon Campground, Eddyville, IL.; 618-672-4751 www.hayescanyon.com Overnight Stabling 34 Ranch & Camp, Herod, IL. 618-264-2141, www.34ranch.com Public Lands Argle Lake State Park, Colchester, IL.; 309-776-3422 Big River State Forest, Keithsburg, IL.; 309-374-2496 Chain Lakes State Park, Spring Grove, IL.; 847-587-5512 Clinton Lake State Recreation Area, DeWitt, IL.; 217-935-8722 Fox Ridge State Park, Charleston, IL. 217-345-6416 Giant CityState Park, Makanda, IL.; 618-457-4836 Hennepin Canal Parkway State Park, Sheffield, IL.; 815-454-2328 Kankakee River State Park, Bourbonnais, IL.; 815-933-1383 Lake Le-Aqua-Ne State Park, Bourbonnais, IL.;

He currently is a member of the American Horse Council’s Horse Welfare Committee, the Research Committee of the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), and the Veterinary Advisory Board of the Professional Rodeo Cowboy’s Association. He is the chair of the AAEP’s Welfare Committee, the American Horse Council’s Unwanted Horse Coalition and a member of the AAEP’s President’s Advisory Board and Public Policy Committee. He writes a monthly horse health column for the Quarter Horse Journal. The Minnesota Horse Expo is sponsored by the Minnesota Horse Council and ranks as one of the most popular and successful Expos in the country. Over three 815-369-4282 MatthiessenState Park, Utica, IL.; 815-667-4868 Middle Fork State Fish and Wildlife Area, Collison, IL.; 217-442-4915 Moraine View State Park, Leroy, IL.; 309-724-8043 Newton Lake State Fish & Wildlife Area, Newton, IL.; 618-783-3478 Pere Marquette State Park, Grafton, IL.; 618-786-2156 Rock Cut State Park, Loves Park, IL.; 815-885-3311 Shawnee National Forest, Harrisburg, IL.; 618-253-7114 Weinbrg-King State Park, Augusta, IL.; 217-392-2345 IOWA - Trail Rides Amana Trail Ride, Amana Colonies, Amana, IA.; 319-462-2206, www.amanatrailride.com Overnight Stabling Aunt Reba’s Bed and Breakfast, Larchwood, MN.; 712-478-4042 or 888-282-5349: www.auntrebas.com Iowa Bunkhouse, Audubon, IA.; May-September: 712-773-2737 JM4 Rand, Arena, Horse Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, Crescent, IA.; 712-328-7593, www.JM4Ranch.com Lewis Bottom Farms, Shellsburg, IA.; 319-436-3323, www.lewisbottomsfarms.com MINNESOTA - Trail Rides Bush Wacker Trail Ride Club, Huntersville Fall Trail Ride, Huntersville, MN.; 218-894-0056 Outback Ranch, Inc., Houston, MN.; 507-896-5550, www.outbackranch.com Overnight Stabling Outback Ranch, Inc., Houston, MN.; 507-896-5550, www.outbackranch.com Public Lands Arrow Head State Park, Tower, MN.; 218-753-6256 Chippewa National Forest, Deer River, MN.; 218-246-2123

Call 507-943-3355 and place your ad for your facility in the Ready to Ride Guide. Special rates available!

March 09 million dollars has been turned over to the Minnesota Horse Council since the first Expo 27 years ago. This year’s Minnesota Horse Expo offers demonstrations by nationally known clinicians/trainers Stacy Westfall, Craig Cameron, Susan Harris, Liz Graves as well as presentations on Saddle Function and Fit with Dave Genadek, Driving 101 with Steve Woods, Equine Economics – Caring for Horses During a Recession with Krishona Martinson, and Poisonous Plants with Dr. Lynn Hovda to name just a few. Three PRCA rodeos, over 600 vendor booths, a huge consignment tack and clothing sale managed by the Minnesota 4-H Horse Association, Breed Demonstrations, Stallion Reviews and the daily at noon in the Coliseum Parade of Breeds makes the Expo a draw for horse owners and enthusiasts alike. For Minnesota Horse Expo 2009 schedule, ticket, booth, volunteer information and more visit www.mnhorseexpo.org or call 877-462-8758. Heartland State Trail, Nevis, MN.; 218-652-4054 Lake Louise State Park, LeRoy, MN.; 507-324-5249 Maplewood State Park, Pelican Rapids, MN.; 218-863-8383 North Shore State Trail, Two Harbors, MN.; 218-834-5238 Pillsbury State Forest, Brainerd, MN.; 218-828,2557 Taconite State Trail, Tower, MN.; 218-753-2580 ext.250 NORTH DAKOTA - Trail Rides Badlands Trail Rides, Killdeer, ND.; 701-764-8000, www.badlandstrailrides.com Tennessee Walking Horse Associaiton of North Dakota Trail Ride, Grassy Butte/Turtle River State Park, 701-947-2190 Riding Vacations Knife River Ranch Vacations, Golden Valley, ND.; 701-983-4290, www.kniferiverranch.com Little Knife Outfitters, Watford City, ND.; 701973-4331, www.littleknifeoutfitters.com Public Lands Fort Ransom State Park, Fort Ransom, ND.; 701-973-4331 SOUTH DAKOTA - Trail Rides Broken Arrow Horse Camp, Custer, SD: 605673-4471, www.brokenarrowcampground.com Hay Creek Ranch, Nemo, SD: 605-578-1142, www.haycreekranch.net Krieger Cattle Company, Burke, SD: 605-775-2113 Riding Vacations Bitter Sweet Ranch and Camp, HillCity, SD: 605-574-2324, wwwbitterseetranchcamp.com Broken Arrow Horse Camp, Custer,SD: 605-673-4471, www.brokenarrowcampground.com Hay Creek Ranch, Nemo, SD: 605-578-1142, www.haycreekranch.net Gunsel Horse Adventures, Rapic City, SD 605-343-7608, www.gusdelhorseadventures.com Salt Camp Cabins and Bed and Breakfast, Rosebud, SD: 605-747-2206, saltcamp@gwtc.net WISCONSIN - Trail Rides Bremer Creek LLD, Mondovi, WI.;

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MN Horse Expo Tack & Clothing Sale Helps Buyers and Sellers! The Minnesota Horse Expo Tack & Clothing Sale is managed by the Minnesota 4H Horse Association. The profit is used to support all areas and activities of the 4-H Horse Project like Winter Roundup (leaders’ training), Seminars and Clinics, the Memorial Equine Library (which anybody can borrow material from), the State 4-H Horse Show and more. In 2008 – for the first time - we accepted plastic (debit/credit) cards. We will continue to take them in 2009. Last year, 337 consignors consigned 14,972 items. We sold 7,801 items priced from .50 to $25; 1,181 items priced from $26 - $50; 666 items $51 to $500 and 34 items over $500. We sold 277 saddles. There were some very good items sold at a very reason608-323-3092, www.bremercreek.com Riding Vacations Bremer Creek LLD, Mondovi, WI.; 608-323-3092, www.bremercreek.com Palmquist Farm, Brantwood, WI.; 715-564-2558, www.palmquistfarm.com Spur of the Moment Ranch,LLC,Mountain, WI.;800-644-8783. www.spurofthemomentranch.org Public Lands Black River State Park, Black River Falls, WI; 715-284-4103 Brule River State Forest, Douglas County, WI.; 715-372-4866 Castle Rock Trails, Arkdale, WI.; 608-564-2233 Governor Dodge State Park ,Dodgeville, WI.; 608-935-2315 Haymeadow Flowage, Chippewa Falls, WI.; 715-726-7880 Kerrle Moraine State Forest, Campbellsport WI.; 262-626-2116; 262-594-6200 Lake Wissota State Park, Chippewa Falls;715382-4574 Token Creek County Park, Madison,WI.; 608-246-3896 Wild Rock Park, Neilsville, WI.; 715-743-5140

able price. Not only do we offer good deals for people buying items, we also give people the opportunity to sell items they have out grown or no longer need. Over 175 great and wonderful hard working volunteers worked the sale including 4-H’ers, parents, and friends and they had a lot of fun doing it! Check in times are Thursday, April 23, from noon to 10pm, Friday and Saturday 8:00am to noon on Underwood Street next to the Dairy Building. All consignments are welcome. Consignment fee is 20%. Check out time is Sunday from 5:15pm to 7pm. For additional information visit www.mnhorseexpo.org and click on Expo Tack and Clothing Sale or contact Curt at 320-252-3542.

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March 09

midwest horse digest

Classifieds EDUCATION Mare or Stallion Reproductive Management Classes. Learn Basics of AI at UW-Madison. Classes targeted for Breeders/Owners and Vets. More Info: www.ansci.wisc.edu/equine.html


new seats, billets, tree alterations on Kieffer and Prestige saddles. Appointments booked for quick turn around. Skilled repair of driving harness and sidesaddles.Custom accessories for side saddle competition. Bridles sewn in. Contact Michael at 847-776-6700 or e-mail master_saddler@saddlersrow.com Website www.saddlersrow.com 1209


Friesian Blood and Baroque Horse Magazine. The only full color magazine on Friesian's, Gypsy's, Drums, Andalusian's and the Baroque Breeds. Fantastic articles, great tips, and beautiful pictures. See a sample at http://issuu.com/bjohnson/docs/Apr_may_08 or call 218-678-2477 409

2009 Black,Bay or Black/Bay Purebred Andalusian Colt Sire/Dam National Champion. Sired by the US National Champion 3rd level Dressage Horse"Legado"and out of the multiple National Champion AA Despierta. 262-249-8870 selwoodp@idcnet.com


Four year old Bay Andalusian Mare Petite and exquisite lots of mane and tail. Chispita by Piri Piri out of Chavella (Palido X Ciara) Both parents US National Champions in Performance. destined for victory in the ring 262-249-8870 - selwoodp@idcnet.com Rare Magnolia Bar Mare ~ Rumba is a 18 years young registered AQHA Mare with Magnolia breeding. $1,800.00 651-402-8007- damarko1@mmm.com

New leather harness ,3rd generation business. Team, work, complete with hames, collars extra. Draft $802.00. Qtr. horse $757.00. Show 3 hip-Draft $882.00. Qtr. horse $812.00. Buggy breast Qtr $220.00 Pony $140.00. Catalogue - St Paul Saddlery, 953 w 7th St., St Paul, MN 55102 1209 Master Saddler offers complete saddlery repairs. Trees replaced, complete reflocks,

Mare: Started Own Daughter of Dr Nick Bar! Barrel Futurity eligible. more information $9,000.00 - Rushford, Minnesota 507-864-7252 - summitranch@hotmail.com 1/2 Andalusian Sport Horse Candidate, Posh is 1/2 Andalusian 1/4 Arabian 1/4 Saddlebred Gelding. He is registered with IALHA, & can be registered with Iberian Warmblood. Call - 586-784-4368, us@serenitystables.com

STALLIONS .Dakota Gambler Rare Black and White Pintabian At Stud: Proven 99.6% Purebred Arabian. Athletic, Correct, Beauty, Elegance, Kind disposition with awesome movement. Registration Numbers: 320-283-5933, spruchlo@gctel.com Pure Friesian "ROEK" 2nd Premie Stallion. ROEK has a great pedigree, to match his great intelligence, temperament, and CHARISMA. 218-780-7064, dr.horseslave@yahoo.com.

WANTED William Woods University a private instituion, occasionally accepts show quality, trained horses over the age of 3. contact Gary Mullen, gary.mullen@williamwoods.edu

Check The Clock Doc - 2005 AQHA Bay

TRADERS CORNER Advertise in the

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March 09

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Thumbnail Photo Classifieds

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call 507-943-3355 for more info. For Sale Huge Moving son of TWO Imports! Carthusian bred,Tall, Fantastic Temperament and an AMAZING Trot!!! Full siblings show stoppers & this colt has all the brio & pizzazz to go all the way! 972-746-1457 vintageandalusians@hotmail.com Homozygous Pinto Liver Chestnut and NSH & BS Nominated Sire Pinto World Res Champion English Pleasure and 4th in the World Halter 605-582-6188 GBArabians@aol.com

Registered Sonny Dee Bar Paint Pony $850.00 -full brother to "MKK Crescents on First", who is consistently winning in MN Pinto Potential heighth will be 54-56 inches. 507-485-3510 mknutson@rconnect.com

Black Egyptian Related 2008 Region Res. Champion Native Costume in AOTR Big, black and gorgeous.. not only in his looks but his disposition is incredible 605-582-6188 GBArabians@aol.com

Fantastic Dressage Colt With a round build, sweet temperament and a fantastic straight Dressage Movement!, this lovely 2YO colt is ready to start a new partnership! 972-746-1457 vintageandalusians@hotmail.com

Fiero LFA,PRE Black Andalusian Stallion. International Champion of Champions international bloodlines, Proven producer, Proven Junior Champion Stallion and USDF Dressage Competitor. 817-205-9268 maryclaeys@cdibb.com

Stallions and Stallion Auctions

Imported nine year old Grey Lusitano Gelding from Brazil Ugo Dos Pinhais beautiful nine year old grey (almost white) imported Lusitano Gelding 262-249-8870 selwoodp@idcnet.com

Introducing Imported Black PRE Revised Stallion for Stallion Service From Maipe Stud: Costalero XV This stallion will add depth, bone and movement to your next foal! 972-746-1457 Vintageandalsuians@hotmail.com

Black Bay Filly By Mediteraneo V. Black Bay daughter of 2007 IALHA Grand National Champion Sr. Stallion, Mediteraneo V! Fantastic Movement. Wonderful Mind. 972-7461457 vintageandalusians@hotmail.com

Multi Absolute Champion Stallions of Rancho Del Lago. Magico VIII and Saltador ORO. Over 60 Championships and Movement Awards between them. 972-7461457 vintageandalusians@hotmail.com

Beautifully Bred Leviton/Vasallo II Bred Filly! ANCCE eligible for inscription.Offered at 12,5oo with/ breeding to our newly imported PRE Black (EE aa) Carthusian stallion, Costalero XV. 972-746-1457 vintageandalusians@hotmail.com

3x National Champion PRE (ANCCE) Revised Stallion Spokane! This young stallion will add size, substance AND Movement extraordinaire to your breeding program. 972-746-1457 vintageandalusians@hotmail.com

Services and Products Professional Graphic Design and Website Design - Ad design, website design, custome logos, brochures, newsletters, postcards.. 507-943-3355 rosebudpro@bevcomm.net Training the Whole Horse DVD Series I $79.95 Clinic Highlights Training the Whole Horse Five Fundamentals Shop securely at www.Shop.WHolisticHorsemanship.com or call for your FREE catalog 1-866-821-0374

PHOTO CLASSIFIED ADS 20.00 per month Call 507-943-3355 or email peg@horsedigests.com

midwest horse digest

March 09


Page 40

ADVERTISERS INDEX Ace Taclk & Outfitters AgMax/Wade Scott ANPAC/Roger Berg Arena Fenceline-Service Equipment Arena Trailers Ark Agency Amador Clydesdales Cannon Falls Trailer Sales Central Minnesota Horse Fest Chris Cox Dennis Auslam - Redwood Stables

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EQUINE CENTRAL Amador Clydesdales Cubby Hole HKL Stables Horse-O-Rama

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Federated Coop Gateway Ranch - HiQual Horsedigests.com Horse-O-Rama KCB Equine Center K-Fence Icon Photography I90 Expo Center Julie Goodnight J&B Western Store Ken McNabb Lazy L Tack & Trailers Linda Kirsch - Real Estate Lynn Palm Midwest Cremation Midwest Horse Digest - Subscription Form Midwest Horse Fair Minnesota Horse Council

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MN Horse Expo MN School Of Horse Shoeing Northland Buildings Palma Feed Photo Classifieds Pleasant Hills

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READY TO RIDE ADVERTISERS Outlaw Trail Ride Plum Lake Dressafe Center & Resort The Natural Gait

page 36, 37

REAL ESTATE Blackhillsmeadow.com Linda Kirch

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Ritchie Waters - Carlson Wholesale Ryan Gingerich SBS Shurshod Simon Horse Sales The Natural Gait Thumbnail Ads Thurk Chevrolet - Keiferbuilt

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TRADERS CORNER Pleasant Hills More Custom Leather Minnesota Horse Council KCB Equine Center Rosebud Productions RT Duggan

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Twin Cities Featherlite United Vet Equine UBRA University of MN Walter’s Buildings Westwind Shelters

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March 09

midwest horse digest vets, seed for pasture, farrier, hoof care, reps from Purina, ADM, Hubbard, Nutrena and Big branch. Special - buy 4 get 1 free, Bedding special, Zimectrin special 3/21/2009 - WI, Prescott Roping Spring Thaw Jackpot 12pm Start - (715) 2624284 3/21-3/22 - NE, Fremont - Barrel- Purina Mills Saddle Series - (712) 545-9152 3/22/2009 - ND, Minot - Barrel, Roping, Team Roping -2009 "The Heat Is On" Winter Series Team Roping & Barrel Jackpots - (701) 833-2505 - lisao@srt.com 3/3/2009 IA, Greenfield - Barrel Double B Productions, Spring POP UP BARRELS series! Open 3D Barrel Racing Jackpots Exhibitions 7:30 pm ($3 each or 2/$5) Jackpot 8 pm $20 ef (set of pop-up barrels to overall hipoint winner) Hooded sweatshirts to winners of other 2 div for series. Cash only - no checks! (641) 743-8223 - bolling@iowatelecom.net 3/26/2009 - WI, Prescott - Roping - Roping Practice 7-9 pm - (715) 262-4284 3/27-3/29 - MN, Fergus Falls-Barrel - UBRA Red Horse Ranch Arena Spring Fling - (218) 736-3000 - Added Money: $1200 olsoncandy@msn.com 3/27-3/29 - MO, Columbia - Barrel Double B Productions - Cowgirl Tuff Barrel Bash $5000 added (deadline 2 weeks prior to event) (BBR) FMI DOUBLE B PRODUCTION - (641) 745-5845 - bolling@iowatelecom.net 3/28-3/29 - NE, Fremont - Barrel -Purina Mills Saddle Series - (712) 545-9152 3/28/2009 - WI, Balsam Lake- Barrel, Game Show UBRA “JJ Arena UBRA Barrel Race & Fun Show” FMI please visit www.JJArena.com - (715) 857-5505 julie@jjarena.com 3/28/2009 - MN, Henderson - Barrel UBRA-High Island Arena 2009 Winter Barrel Buckle Series - (507) 964-2607 highislandarena@hotmail.com 3/29-3/29 -WI, Balsam Lake Clinic “JJ Arena Barrel Racing & Gaming Clinic – Instructor: Julie Jones” 10AM-4PM Cost $65 per student. - (715) 857-5505 - Julie@JJArena.com 3/31/2009 - IA, Greenfield - Barrel Double B Productions - Spring POP UP BARRELS series! Open 3D Barrel Racing Jackpots Exhibitions 7:30 pm ($3 each or 2/$5) Jackpot 8 pm $20 ef (set of pop-up barrels to overall hipoint winner) Hooded sweatshirts to winners of other 2 div for series. Cash only - no checks! (641) 743-8223 - bolling@iowatelecom.net 4/2/2009 - WI, Balsam Lake Barrel, Game Show UBRA “JJ Arena UBRA Barrel Race & Fun Show” FMI please visit www.JJArena.com - (715) 857-5505 julie@jjarena.com 4/2/2009 - WI, Prescott - Roping Roping Practice 7-9 pm - (715) 262-4284 4/4/2009 - MN, Monticello - Barrel, Futurity UBRA - Arrowhead Arena Barrel Race. Open 4D's, Youth & Futurity classes - (763) 878-1554 4/4/2009 - IA, Greenfield - Clinic, Roping Double B Productions - BB ARENA GREENFIELD IA TEAM ROPING SHOOL (Ryan Pratt) 9 am – 6 pm (limit 5 headers & 5 heelers) - (641) 414-7478 stephensarena@hotmail.com 4/4/2009 - ND, Minot -Barrel, Roping, Team Roping - 2009 "The Heat Is On" Winter Series

UPCOMING EVENTS January 09 to October 09: ISHR is hosting an ONLINE PHOTO HORSE SHOW for any and all spotted equines. From Paints to Walkaloosa's. For more information contact: ishrppa@aol.com or call 866-201-3098. See information at: http://spottedhorses.tripod.com/online_show_1.h tml 3/6/2009 7:00:00 PM - MN, Monticello-Roping Friday Night Ropings - (612) 817-6359 3/7/2009 - Cowboy & Cowgirl Gathering - Hay and Tack Auction & Expo - 2pm - Hinckley Community Center 3/7/2009 - MN, Henderson - Barrel - UBRA High Island Arena 2009 Winter Barrel Buckle Series-(507)964-2607 highislandarena@hotmail.com 3/7-3/8, 2009 - ND, Minot - Roping, Team Roping- Wrangler Team Roping Champion-ships Expo Arena ND State Fairgrounds - (701) 8332505 - lisao@srt.com 3/7/2009- WI, Red Horse Ranch Arena Team Penning, Memorial Team Penning - (218) 731-3871 3/8/2009 - MN, Isanti - Barrel UBRA, Hi Circle Vee Open Jackpot Barrel Race - (612) 810-4010 - specks95@hotmail.com 3/8/2009 - WI, Prescott - Roping Roping Practice and Jackpot - (715) 262-4284 :3/3/2009 - IA, Greenfield - Barrel Double B Productions -Spring POP UP BARRELS series! Open 3D Barrel Racing Jackpots Exhibitions 7:30 pm ($3 each or 2/$5) Jackpot 8 pm $20 ef (set of pop-up barrels to overall hipoint winner) Hooded sweatshirts to winners of other 2 div for series. Cash only - no checks! (641) 743-8223 bolling@iowatelecom.net 3/12/2009 - WI, Prescott - Roping- Roping Practice 7-9 pm - (715) 262-4284 3/14/2009 - MN, Monticello - Barrel, Futurity UBRA - Arrowhead Arena Barrel Race. Open 4D's, Youth & Futurity classes - (763) 878-1554 3/14-3/15 - N ,Fremont - Barrel - Purina Mills Saddle Series - (712) 545-9152 3/14/2009 - ND, Minot - Barrel, Roping, Team Roping - 2009 "The Heat Is On" Winter Series Team Roping & Barrel Jackpots - (701) 833-2505 - lisao@srt.com 3/14/2009 -MN, Monticello - Barrel, Futurity UBRA - Arrowhead Arena Barrel Race. Open 4D's, Youth & Futurity classes - (763) 878-1554 3/15/2009 - WI, Prescott - Roping Roping Practice and Jackpot - (715) 262-4284 3/15/2009 - MN, Monticello - Barrel - MiN Rodeo Association, UBRA - MRA Barrels & Breakaway Fundraiser - (218) 368-0130 3/15/2009 - MN, Sebeka - Barrel, Futurity NBHA, UBRA Exhibitions at 10:30, runs at noon. Futurity sidepot, pole bending, speed dash, youth. - (218) 472-3402 - betsykuschel@hotmail.com :3/3/2009 - IA, Greenfield - Barrel -Double B Productions - Spring POP UP BARRELS series! Open 3D Barrel Racing Jackpots Exhibitions 7:30 pm ($3 each or 2/$5) Jackpot 8 pm $20 ef (set of pop-up barrels to overall hi-point winner) Hooded sweatshirts to winners of other 2 div for series. Cash only - no checks! - (641) 743-8223 - bolling@iowatelecom.net 3/19/2009 - WI, Prescott -Roping -Roping Practice 7-9 pm - (715) 262-4284 3/21/09 - 10am-3pm - Peterson's farm home and garden store in North Branch MN.Demo - fence,

Page 41

Team Roping & Barrel Jackpots - (701) 833-2505 - lisao@srt.com 4/4/2009 - MN, North Branch Clinic-Barrel Racing & Gaming Clinic $85. This clinic is full. 651)277-1095 houckhorsecompany@yahoo.com 4/5/2009 - MN, Isanti Barrel UBRA -Hi Circle Vee Open Jackpot Barrel Race - (612) 810-4010 - specks95@hotmail.com 4/5/2009 - MN, North Branch Fun Show Fun Show 11am $20 for the entire day! WEATHERBEETA sheets to High Point Champions! (651) 277-1095 houckhorsecompany@yahoo.com 4/5/2009 - MN, Sebeka - Barrel, Futurity NBHA, UBRA - Exhibitions at 10:30, runs at noon. Futurity sidepot, pole bending, speed dash, youth. - (218) 472-3402 betsykuschel@hotmail.com 4/5/2009 - IA, Greenfield Roping Double B Productions -BB ARENA GREENFIELD IA Pick and Draw team roping jackpot (641)414-7478 - stephensarena@hotmail.com 4/5/2009 - WI, Prescott Roping Roping Practice and Jackpot - (715) 262-4284 April 4-5, 2009 Horse-A-Rama "The World of Horses" Manitowoc Expo Ctr Manitowoc, WI 85 PM www.horse-a-rama.org or 920-682-9669 4/5/09 4H TACK SALE, BRF Middle School 1202 Pierce St. Black River Falls WI 715-9642107 5/23-5/24 Saddle-Up trail ride fund raiser for ST.JUDE Children's Hospital, (Memorial day weekend). Dassel & Darwin Park Meeker Co. near Litchfield, MN gil@hutchtel.net for more information. May 23, 24 & 25 -CUTTING CLINIC with JP BellJordan, MN.- Dianne Churchill 952-492-6166, www.2bitquarterhorses.com June 20 & 21-Horsemanship clinic with Ruby Kennedy - Jordan, MN. - Dianne Churchill 952492-6166, www.2bitquarterhorses.com 6/21/09 Open Pleasure Show, Jackson County Fairgrounds HWY 54 Black River Falls WI 715964-2107 WWHSA & WSHC approved show. Jackpot Open Reining class EMAIL YOUR EVENT LISTINGS TO PEG@HORSEDIGESTS.COM

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March 09

March 09

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