Horseracingbc oct

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HorseRacingBC Serving the British Columbia Horseracing community

Issue # 65

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October 2014

Farm market to benefit newly retired racehorses The New Stride Thoroughbred Adoption Society will hold its 6th annual Fall Shed Row Market on October 4th and 5th at the Thunderbird Show Park in Langley. B.C. Toba Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the BC Thoroughbred Owners & Breeders Association will be held October 13, 2014 Time: 12:30 p.m. Place: Hastings Racecourse Old Slots Floor Meeting Room The main purpose of the meeting is for the following: To receive the Annual Reports of the Society. To approve the appointment of the Auditor for the 2014 fiscal year. To transact such business that may properly come before the Annual Meeting By Order Of The Board Of Directors Note: Copies of the 2013 BC TOBA financial statements and minutes of the October 14, 2013 Annual General Meeting will be available at the meeting or upon request by contacting the BC TOBA office. The Thoroughbred Ladies Club The TLC of BC, whose charity work and scholarship program has benefited backstretch workers at Hastings Racecourse since 1973, meets the first Tuesday each month. If you would like to join them in their worthwhile efforts or help at the occasional function, please call: Linda Sentes 604-318-7949 Barb Williams at 604-542-8951.

George Cummins, who passed away July 7 at St. Paul’s Hospital just three days shy of his 93rd birthday, was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1999. Cummins was a six-time leading trainer at Hastings. His horses won more than 900 races, including a record 66 in l992.

CTHS Sales Topper

The sales topper at the recent CTHS yearling sale was an unnamed colt by Old Forester out of Miss Juicey. Bred by Jim and Anne Aldendal (pictured here) the colt was purchased by Peter Redekop for $78,000. Mr. Redekop was the leading buyer at the sale purchasing five yearlings for $139,000. The leading consignor was Tod Mountain Thoroughbreds selling six yearlings for $169,000. 2014 saw 63 yearlings sold for $918,000 compared to 2013 which saw 92 yearlings sold for $1,329,200 with a slightly higher average of $14,571 compared to $14,448 in 2013.

HorseRacingBC is owned and produced by Jim Reynolds. For advertising and editorial contact: Jim Reynolds 604-533-4546

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